
  • I have a very specific way of planning my week and after sharing a glimpse on social media, I got so many questions that I decided to record an episode taking you behind the scenes to show you exactly what I do and why.

    In the episode I share:

    00:22 My Personal Struggles with Organization

    02:04 Learning Time Management

    05:49 Setting Clear Goals and Vision

    07:53 Inside My Calendar: Planning and Color Coding

    10:23 Morning Routine and Adjustments

    12:33 Strategising and Team Coordination

    16:32 Reviewing and Reflecting on Your Day

    19:41 The Importance of Intentional Planning

    Watch the episode now and then try my planning method for next week. I bet you’ll be amazed how much more productive you can be (while feeling a lot less overwhelmed and stressed!).

    This week I have a special invitation for you for a free workshop I’m hosting!

    One of the most powerful things I’ve ever done for my business is build my email list. It’s generated millions of dollars in revenue over the years and I love teaching my system because I’ve seen so many people get amazing results with it.

    So I’m hosting a free class on Monday, 10 June, where I’m going to teach you how to create a high-converting freebie that your audience will LOVE so that you can start growing your email list!

    Click here to save your free spot and come join me >>

    Read the show notes >>

    And finally, if you enjoyed this episode, grab a screenshot of you watching it and tag me on Instagram (@iamcarriegreen) with your biggest takeaway and I’ll reshare it!

  • One of the goals I hear all the time from the entrepreneurs I work with is that they dream of getting to $10K months (and hitting that consistently).

    So in this episode I’m going to break it all down for you and give you a simple plan to get to those consistent $10K months:

    01:10 Breaking Down the Math: Sales and Revenue
    03:23 Choosing Your Offer and Price Point
    06:24 Building Visibility and Connecting with Your Audience
    08:06 Creating Content in Pockets of Time
    10:09 Developing Your Offer: Digital Products, Courses, and Memberships
    13:10 Exploring Service-Based and Physical Products
    16:01 The Importance of Building Your Email List
    17:11 Mindset Shift: Helping vs. Selling
    17:58 Conclusion: Simplifying the Path to Success

    Read the show notes: https://femaleentrepreneurassociation.com/2024/05/how-to-get-to-consistent-10k-months/

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    Klikk her for å oppdatere manuelt.

  • As women, one of the things that usually has the biggest impact on our entrepreneurial journey is having kids.

    For me, I felt like I had no creative spark or motivation left for my business after I had kids and I gave myself the hardest time about it.

    Then last year, I came across a post on Instagram by my friend Adrienne Dorison, Founder of Run Like Clockwork, and it felt like she was speaking directly to me because she had the exact same experience with struggling to get back to business after having kids.

    I’ve been meaning to invite Adrienne on the podcast for ages and we finally made it happen!

    I’m really excited to share this chat with you where we talked about:

    1:33 Navigating Motherhood and Business

    13:43 Redefining Success and Setting Boundaries

    28:15 Balancing Business and Personal Life

    29:27 The 4 D's for organising your time

    32:00 The Importance of White Space

    38:20 Leadership and Team Management

    45:02 Rediscovering Yourself Post-Motherhood

    Read the show notes>>

  • Purpose anxiety...I’m talking about that pressure to find your purpose, to have everything figured out, to know exactly what you’re meant to be doing on this earth and to achieve amazing things.

    So how do we live amazing lives, without pushing so hard that we miss all the beauty along the way?

    This is what I want to share with you in this episode:

    00:00 Intro

    00:37 An Evening with Elizabeth Gilbert: Insights on Purpose

    01:05 The Pressure of Finding Our Purpose

    02:33 My Journey from Crisis to Clarity

    04:11 Achieving Goals and the Void That Follows

    05:41 Questioning the Dream: What's Next After Success?

    08:35 Living in the Present vs. Chasing Dreams

    12:01 Gratitude: A Key to Living in the Moment

    13:23 Redefining Purpose: Experience Over Achievement

    17:46 My Final Thoughts on Purpose and Living the Dream

    DM me on @iamcarriegreen and let me know what living the dream means to you and how you feel about finding your purpose.

  • Ever since I was a young teenager, I’ve dreamed big, repeatedly visualised my dream life and deeply connected with the goals I wanted to make happen.

    That simple habit helped me to manifest incredible things throughout the years, most recently, the house of my dreams.

    So in this week’s episode I want to share the story of how I did that.

    I want this story to inspire you to dream big and get really clear on what it is that you want to bring into your life.

    I’d love to hear your big dreams and your manifesting stories! Share them with me on Instagram @iamcarriegreen and let’s inspire each other!

    Read the show notes: https://femaleentrepreneurassociation.com/2024/05/how-to-manifest-your-biggest-dreams/





  • If you’ve ever felt stuck because shiny object syndrome keeps pushing you to restart new ideas instead of making progress on one, I just sat down and recorded a podcast episode that you really need to hear.

    In it I’m sharing:

    The big mistake you might be making right now that’s keeping you stuck in this cycle (and the simple shift that will help you break free and get the momentum and results you dream of).

    What I did to grow FEA before I had anything to sell (and how it helped me get thousands of members the year I launched my membership).

    The 3 core things I would focus on if I was starting from scratch again.

    If you’re feeling stuck and frustrated not getting the results you want in your business, then we’re here to help you make huge progress and achieve success.

    Click below to hop on a consultation call with us, let’s chat through your goals and make a plan together for how we can help you get those business breakthroughs you dream of.

    Click here to book a call and chat with us

    If you would like to submit a question for me to answer on the podcast, all you need to do is share it through this form here >

  • Freebies have been one of the most powerful strategies to help me grow my audience and my business, so in this episode I wanted to share with you:

    The different types of freebies I’ve created over the years and what works best

    How to create something your audience will love and want to sign up for

    This is such a powerful strategy once you learn how to do it, but I know figuring out all the moving pieces of it can feel so confusing at first.

    So I’m hosting a FREE workshop where I’m going to show you step-by-step how to build out your freebie funnel so that you can grow your email list on autopilot!

    Click below to save your seat and come join me on 22nd April - it’s going to be amazing!

    Click here to save your free seat >

  • If you’ve ever felt trapped in a feast and famine cycle with your income, worried about when you’re going to make your next sale or how you’re going to get your next client, then you have to listen to this chat I had with the one and only Stu McLaren.

    Stu is at the top of the game when it comes to all things memberships and recurring revenue - he’s helped thousands of entrepreneurs to start successful memberships.

    He even helped me back in the day to grow my Members’ Club from 1000 to 3000 members.

    He always shares the most incredible knowledge, and this episode is full of the best tips! Tune in to learn about:

    The power of recurring revenue and how to get started with it.

    My feast and famine income struggle before I built my membership.

    The problem most business owners face when depending on one income stream.

    The secrets behind the most successful membership owners.

    Stu’s top tips for getting started with your membership.

    Why courses and memberships go hand-in-hand together.

    If you need more help starting your membership, then definitely join Stu’s free workshop here: https://mo311.isrefer.com/go/workshop/cgreen/

  • Is building a business really full of hustle, ups and downs? Or can it be easy and effortless?

    I think it’s so important for us to share the reality of building a business, so in this episode I wanted to share with you:

    The truth behind the scenes in my business (and what it really took to get to where I am).

    How I’ve dealt with the ups and downs throughout my business journey

    The priceless lesson I learned from my dad about overcoming challenges

    The specific habits I swear by to help me stay in a positive mindset

    I hope this episode makes you realise that you’re absolutely not alone - building a business is an emotional rollercoaster for everyone.





  • I’m so excited to have the incredible Suzy Ashworth on this episode of the She Means Business show, where we talked about:

    How her journey to success started with a death in her family at age 19.

    The steps she took to give herself a fresh start in life.

    How she found an accidental gap in the market and got her name on the map as a business coach.

    How mentorship helped her to create business success.

    What “Infinite Receiving” means and how to open yourself up to receiving what you want in life.

    How she went from $420,000 to $1.2m in revenue and the moment that turned her into a millionaire.

    Her number one tip for having your next big breakthrough.

    Get Suzy’s new book, Infinite Receiving here >

    Connect with Suzy on her website: www.suzyashworth.com

    Follow Suzy on Instagram: @suzy_ashworth

    Read the show notes: https://femaleentrepreneurassociation.com/2024/03/how-to-open-yourself-up-to-infinite-receiving-with-suzy-ashworth/





  • I recently received this question and I really wanted to answer it because I know so many of us feel like this:

    “What do you do when your messaging doesn’t seem to be hitting the spot? How do you know what you need to change to stand out to your target audience?”

    If you’ve been pouring your heart and soul into your content but the messaging just seems to be falling flat and everyone’s ignoring you, this episode is for you!

    In it I’m sharing:

    The biggest mindset shift I had that changed how I look at creating content and messaging that fails.

    How I recently fixed a sales page that completely flopped.

    Different reasons why your messaging might not be working.

    The specific things you need to get really clear on to create better content.

    I also have a freebie for you! Click here to get 50 powerful hooks to help you grab attention online: https://go.femaleentrepreneurassociation.com/50-powerful-hooks/

    Read the show notes: https://femaleentrepreneurassociation.com/2024/03/the-secret-to-fixing-your-messaging-when-it-falls-flat/





  • How do you juggle it all when, along with growing a business, you also need to find time to work your full time job… be a mum… keep a happy relationship… spend time with family and friends… look after your health…

    The list of what we have on our plates is endless and it makes you feel utterly dizzy and exhausted!!

    So in this episode I’m sharing:

    How I audit my time to track, be intentional and create more joy in my life.

    The one thing that’s always in my calendar at the end of every day.

    How to divide your time into 3 categories (and what to do with each one).

    The one change I made to my calendar to avoid burning out.

    How to create your CEO calendar.

    The biggest mistake entrepreneurs make with their time that keeps them stuck (and how to avoid it).

    I hope you love this episode and if you create your CEO Calendar, make sure to send me a screenshot on Instagram @iamcarriegreen so I can celebrate with you!

    Read the show notes: https://femaleentrepreneurassociation.com/2024/03/how-to-manage-your-time-like-a-ceo/

  • Somebody recently asked me a brilliant question… “What do I do when I know it’s ME… I’m the problem?”.

    I know so many of us struggle with this feeling of standing in our own way, but I also know exactly what you need to do if you want to turn things around. So I wanted to share some things that have really helped me, and I know they’ll help you too.

    In this episode I share:

    The mindset shift that changed my whole life.

    A powerful exercise to do when you’re ready to change and get out of your own way.

    How to experiment with being fearless.

    The decision you need to make.

    How to create your powerful alter-ego.

    And more!

    What are your biggest doubts, worries and fears that hold you back? Share with me on Instagram @iamcarriegreen I would love to know!

    Read the show notes: https://femaleentrepreneurassociation.com/2024/02/how-to-stop-blocking-your-own-success/





  • when I heard Krista Mashore’s story when we were both speaking at Tony Robbins and Dean Graziosi’s challenge, I knew I wanted to interview her for the podcast.

    What she’s managed to achieve in her life and business is absolutely incredible. She grew her coaching business from $0 to $51 million in just 5 years!

    But what’s even more amazing is where she’s come from and what she’s had to overcome in her life to get to where she is today.

    In this episode Krista and I talk about:

    How she found the courage to play really big her first year in business (and how she learned from the most successful people inside and outside her industry).

    How mindset and personal development has helped her to overcome huge struggles and challenges in her life.

    How investing in herself and developing her knowledge and skills helped her to create success.

    The most important things she did to make her first million in her coaching business.

    Her top advice for entrepreneurs who want to create success in their business.

    You can find Krista on Instagram @kristamashore

    Read the show notes





  • As entrepreneurs, most of us are amazing at coming up with ideas, but we struggle when it comes to choosing what to focus on and what to leave behind.

    We jump from one thing to another, never really making progress and feeling like we’re stuck going round in circles.

    It’s an awful feeling but it’s an enemy that most of us face: shiny object syndrome.

    I know it’s something that can really keep us stuck, so in this episode I wanted to share the things that have really helped me to get focused, make progress and create success.

    Read the show notes here: https://femaleentrepreneurassociation.com/2024/02/how-to-stop-letting-shiny-object-syndrome-keep-you-stuck/





  • I’m hosting the The Dream Business, Dream Life Blueprint masterclass and I’d love you to join me for it!

    If you feel stuck and frustrated because you’re not making the progress you want in your business, then you’re going to love this FREE masterclass!

    Save your FREE spot here: https://go.femaleentrepreneurassociation.com/masterclass

    Now on to the episode: What are the secrets to building a successful business in the long-term?

    I really wanted to show you behind the scenes, walk you through how I’ve done it and share the biggest lessons I’ve learned from this experience.

    I’m sharing:

    • The core moving pieces you need to figure out to run a successful business

    • How I got my business out there when I first started out and the first things I focused on

    • The behind-the-scenes numbers from my business and what I did to grow from one level to the next

    • What you need to focus on to succeed and scale

    Read the show notes here: https://femaleentrepreneurassociation.com/2024/01/my-biggest-secrets-to-building-a-successful-business/

  • In today’s episode I wanted to share with you the one decision you need to make to become a millionaire.

    For me this decision shifted everything - it’s such a game changer.

    In this episode I’m sharing:

    The story of my mentor’s childhood (that totally changed my life)

    The decision you need to make (why you might think you’ve already made it, but you might have not yet!)

    What to do after you’ve made that decision and what to look out for

    The identity shift I went through that helped me to see things differently

    And if you want more help with creating your dream life and your dream business, I’ve got a special invitation for you…

    I’m hosting the Dream Business Dream Life Activation – it’s a free experience where we’re bringing together thousands of women from all over the world and it’s designed to help activate you and calibrate you to create the success you dream of and deserve in 2024.

    We already have thousands of women signed up and it’s going to be absolutely amazing! Click here to save your free spot and join us: https://go.femaleentrepreneurassociation.com/activation/

  • During a recent live session someone asked me, “If you were starting all over again, what would you do?”

    So I wanted to share the 6 steps I would take if I was starting my business again from scratch.

    And if you want more help with creating your dream life and your dream business, I’ve got a special invitation for you…

    I’m hosting the Dream Business Dream Life Activation – it’s a free experience where we’re bringing together thousands of women from all over the world and it’s designed to help activate you and calibrate you to create the success you dream of and deserve in 2024.

    We already have thousands of women signed up and it’s going to be absolutely amazing! Click here to save your free spot and join us: https://go.femaleentrepreneurassociation.com/activation/

    Read the show notes here: https://femaleentrepreneurassociation.com/2024/01/my-6-step-plan-for-starting-my-business-from-scratch/

  • Over the past decade, I’ve worked every single day on designing my dream life.

    I’ve put everything into creating a life I love and I’ve discovered 3 essential things you need to get clear on if you want to make this happen for yourself.

    So in this episode, I’m sharing those 3 things with you - I hope they’ll help you just as much as they’ve helped me.

    And if you want more help with creating your dream life and your dream business, I’ve got a special invitation for you…

    I’m hosting the Dream Business Dream Life Activation – it’s a free experience where we’re bringing together thousands of women from all over the world and it’s designed to help activate you and calibrate you to create the success you dream of and deserve in 2024.

    We already have thousands of women signed up and it’s going to be absolutely amazing! Click here to save your free spot and join us: https://go.femaleentrepreneurassociation.com/activation/

    Read the show notes: https://femaleentrepreneurassociation.com/2024/01/3-steps-to-create-your-dream-life/

  • We all have the most amazing dreams, but so many of us get into the routine of putting off our dreams and ideas to “someday”. We delay, make excuses and push things back, and those ideas just never make it out into the world.

    We get in our own way and stop ourselves from manifesting our dreams, taking action on our ideas and creating the life we want to live.

    So in this episode I want to share with you:

    The words that I live by to keep me inspired and taking action

    The simple mindset shift that always motivates me to take action

    How to create a vision for what you want to achieve

    The funeral exercise that helped me end 3 years of procrastination

    And lots of other inspiring tips that always help me and I know will help you too. I hope you love this episode!

    Something so exciting is coming... Over 90 days, our new accelerator will condense what takes most business owners on average 2+ years to create into a 90-day sprint, by showing you step-by-step exactly what to do. And we’ll be right by your side the entire time.

    Join the waitlist here: https://www.fea.link/2024

    Read the show notes: https://femaleentrepreneurassociation.com/2024/01/how-to-show-up-for-your-dreams-more-than-ever-before/

    If you would like to submit a question for me to answer on the podcast, all you need to do is share it through this form here >