
  • In this episode, you’ll discover how Internal Family Systems (IFS) can help you transform self-doubt into unshakable confidence. We explore how to identify and heal the parts of you that carry the wounds of insecurity, offering practical steps to build a solid foundation of confidence and self-trust in your business-building endeavors. 

    Whether you're struggling with imposter syndrome, feeling afraid to “put yourself out there” in a bigger way, or are ready to take your leadership to the next level, this perspective will empower you to move forward, with greater courage and clarity. 

    And, as a special gift, I want to offer you free access to one of my most popular programs, “Getting Out of Your Own Way” (an IFS Daily Parts Meditation Kit to help you cultivate inner wholeness, harmony, and Self-Leadership at the start of each day).

    All you have to do is:

    1) Leave a review of this podcast. 

    2) Email a screenshot of your review to [email protected]

    It’s as simple as that!


    Private Mentoring with Sara Free Guide: 7 Signs Your Unresolved Wounds Are Holding You Back in Your BusinessNew Year’s Retreat for Women Leaders & EntrepreneursOrder Sara’s new book: Handbook for the HeartbrokenSubscribe to Sara’s Sunday JournalConnect with Sara on Instagram
  • I’m easing back into things after a rejuvenating month-long sabbatical in August. Join me as I share six highlights from my time off where I found deep rest, reflected on big life changes, and made some important personal discoveries. 

    Whether you're considering taking extended time off, navigating the journey of perimenopause, or simply craving more rest and balance, this episode will inspire you to slow down and create more space in your life and work. 


    Join Amy Porterfield’s “Course Confident Bootcamp” (only $47)Free Guide: 7 Signs Your Unresolved Wounds Are Holding You Back in Your Business Women’s Reset Retreat in Colorado: September 13-15Order Sara’s new book: Handbook for the HeartbrokenSubscribe to Sara’s Sunday JournalConnect with Sara on Instagram

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  • As I’ve taken this past month off and am slowly returning to the public realm later this week, I wanted to share a recent conversation with a fellow leader in the field of mindful and spiritual leadership. Rob Dube is a speaker, author, mindfulness expert, and co-founder of one of Forbes’ top 25 small companies.

    Together, Rob and I explore the emerging archetype of the “spiritual entrepreneur” as well as:

    Ways I’ve used different embodiment practices to support me to “get out of my mind” throughout my lifeWho my key mentors are and what I’ve learned from them My morning routine and how it resets me for the day ahead The books I turn to learn about prosperity and abundanceHow I incorporate Internal Family Systems into my work How I’ve transformed (and redefined) being an “overachiever” How building a business can be a spiritual practice How I teach women entrepreneurs to manage money

    Entrepreneurship is a spiritual practice that regularly requires us to tune into that "still small voice” inside. Listen in to explore ways to break free of the barriers that keep you disconnected from this, so you can build a business that serves the world and reflects your innate potential.

    And, as a special gift, I want to offer you free access to one of my most popular programs, “Getting Out of Your Own Way” (an IFS Daily Parts Meditation Kit to help you cultivate inner wholeness, harmony, and Self-Leadership at the start of each day).

    All you have to do is:

    1) Leave a review of this podcast. 2) Email a screenshot of your review to [email protected]

    It’s as simple as that!


    Order Sara’s new book: Handbook for the HeartbrokenRob Dube’s website Subscribe to Sara’s Sunday JournalConnect with Sara on Instagram

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  • While I’m taking time off this month, I wanted to share a very intimate conversation I had this past spring about grief and heartbreak with Sarah Tacy, a mind/body trainer and nervous system expert, on her podcast “Threshold Moments.”

    Our dialogue felt less like an interview and more like a supportive, truth-telling session with a close friend. We went to such deep places and I was so moved by our time together, that I wanted to share this with my audience, too.

    Together, Sarah and I explore:

    How I learned to trust myself and connect with my deep truth after a significant betrayalAn exploration of a new archetype for women in mid-adulthood, beyond those of “Mother” and “Queen”The power of processing grief through community instead of on our ownTender sharings of ways that we both healed after complicated abortions  How moving through dark times can lead to profound personal growth Why it’s important to accept the anger that comes with heartbreak What’s waiting for us on the other side of heartbreak, loss, and grief

    May this be of benefit to you and whatever thresholds of grief and heartbreak– past and present, little and large– you’re facing. 

    And, as a special gift, I want to offer you free access to one of my most popular programs, “Getting Out of Your Own Way” (an IFS Daily Parts Meditation Kit to help you cultivate inner wholeness, harmony, and Self-Leadership at the start of each day).

    All you have to do is:

    1) Leave a review of this podcast. 2) Email a screenshot of your review to [email protected]

    It’s as simple as that!


    Order Sara’s new book: Handbook for the HeartbrokenSarah Tacy’s website Subscribe to Sara’s Sunday JournalConnect with Sara on Instagram

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  • Today we’re sitting down with psychic and intuitive coach Julie Cobb to uncover how tapping into your inner wisdom can lead to greater fulfillment in life– and business.

    Join us as Julie shares her insights on why many women lose touch with their intuition, the importance of reconnecting with this innate ability, and how it can enhance decision-making, creativity, and life at large.

    She offers practical, simple practices to help you strengthen your intuition, from mindfulness exercises to daily rituals that nurture your inner voice. Tune in and learn how to harness the power of intuition to drive your business and life forward, in deeply aligned, Self-led ways. 

    And, as a special gift, I want to offer you free access to one of my most popular programs, “Getting Out of Your Own Way” (an IFS Daily Parts Meditation Kit to help you cultivate inner wholeness, harmony, and Self-Leadership at the start of each day).

    All you have to do is: 

    1) Leave a review of this podcast. 2) Email a screenshot of your review to [email protected]

    It’s as simple as that! 

    If you'd love to watch the video versions of these episodes, be sure to subscribe to the podcast's YouTube channel here.

    Additional Resources:

    Order Sara’s new book: Handbook for the HeartbrokenSubscribe to Sara’s Sunday JournalConnect with Sara on Instagram

    Mentioned in this episode:

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  • In this episode, I take you behind the scenes of my business to share the technology that powers our day-to-day operations. From program delivery to project management, and everything in between, I'll cover the must-have tech that keeps us running smoothly and efficiently, as well as “nice to haves” that we’ve embraced to uplevel things like our customer experience. This is for you if you're a one-woman-show who’s looking to keep things super simple, or if you’re in a season of growth and expansion. Wherever you are, you’ll leave with more clarity about what kind of digital backbone is needed in your business now.

    Recommended Technology:

    Kajabi (Free 30-Day Trial) ConvertKit (Email Service Provider)Showit (Website)ThriveCart (Checkout Pages)Captivate (Podcast Host)LastPass (Password Storage) 

    (These are affiliate links for software I personally use every day in my business) 

    Additional Resources:

    1-1 Mentoring with SaraOrder Sara’s new book: Handbook for the HeartbrokenSubscribe to Sara’s Sunday JournalConnect with Sara on Instagram

    Mentioned in this episode:

    7 Signs

  • Confession: I used to HATE marketing. Yet, after my mid-life initiation, I knew I needed to address my aversion when I set out to rebuild my business from greater wholeness and alignment. I also know that I’m not alone in this. So many of my colleagues and clients share similar sentiments. And guess what? In recent years I’ve learned to love marketing. Yes, you read that correctly! 

    In today’s episode, I’m sharing with you the important reframe that made this transformation possible, as well as practical tips for infusing your own marketing with more creativity, effectiveness, and enjoyment. 


    Join the Kripalu RetreatOrder Sara’s new book: Handbook for the HeartbrokenSubscribe to Sara’s Sunday JournalConnect with Sara on Instagram

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  • How do you know when to invest in your business, versus when to focus on making more money before you do that?

    Another way to say this is: Which comes first, the chicken or the egg?

    This is a question I get asked a lot– and it’s one I used to ask myself a lot, too.

    Because we have limited resources (time, energy, and money), we need to get clear upfront about what exactly we need to invest in and how to know whether it’s even the right time to do that. In today’s episode, I look forward to exploring all of this with you.


    Apply to Sorceress CEO: 12-Month Mentorship & Mastermind CircleOrder Sara’s new book: Handbook for the HeartbrokenSubscribe to Sara’s Sunday JournalConnect with Sara on Instagram

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  • Have you ever reached a point where you felt like your business didn’t fully reflect who you are….now? This was where Carrie Haynes, LPC, found herself last summer. After sharing her work successfully for twenty years, both in private practice and leading (and consulting about how to lead) groups, she felt her soul calling her in a new direction.

    Summoning the courage to answer this call, she stepped into my mastermind last summer to support her in transforming her work so it fully reflected her inner truth. Today she’s sharing what this inner and outer creative process was like (including the inevitable murky and uncomfortable parts) and what she sees is possible now. 

    Carrie’s story reminds us that as we grow and evolve, so do our businesses. This is for you if you’re feeling called to make a pivot. It’s also for you if you need the inspiration to fully leap into trusting your inner voice so you can partner with it to bring its full expression into the world. 


    Apply to Sorceress CEO: 12-Month Mentorship & Mastermind Circle Visit Carrie’s website here.Order Sara’s new book: Handbook for the HeartbrokenSubscribe to Sara’s Sunday JournalConnect with Sara on Instagram

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  • Drop into a mentoring session in our yearlong mentorship circle, Sorceress CEO, to hear Sara speak about the importance of cultivating inner safety and becoming the leader to our inner selves as we grow, receive critical feedback, and take risks in our businesses. 


    Apply to Sorceress CEOSubscribe to Sara’s Sunday JournalConnect with Sara on InstagramOrder Sara’s new book: Handbook for the HeartbrokenEnjoy your 30-day free trial with Kajabi

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  • If you’re a spiritually oriented woman, work in a healing profession, and struggle with self-doubt, imposter syndrome, and/or underearning, today’s conversation is for you.

    We’re not just looking to our childhoods to resolve the roots of these wounds of not-enoughness. Instead, we’re looking back through the centuries to the collective and ancestral wounds we’re carrying from when the role of powerful women healers shifted drastically and violently on our planet. 

    This experience still lives inside our cells and impacts us in powerful ways we may not be aware of…until now. 


    Apply to Sorceress CEO Order Sara’s new book: Handbook for the HeartbrokenSubscribe to Sara’s Sunday JournalConnect with Sara on Instagram

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  • Drop into a mentoring session in our yearlong mentorship circle, Sorceress CEO, to hear Sara speak about the importance of taking time each season to plan the next 90 days and reconnect with our larger vision. 


    Apply to Sorceress CEOSubscribe to Sara’s Sunday JournalConnect with Sara on InstagramOrder Sara’s new book: Handbook for the HeartbrokenEnjoy your 30-day free trial with Kajabi

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  • We’ve all heard the saying that hindsight is 20/20. And, when it comes to growing our businesses, that’s true more than ever! Today I’m sharing four things I fastidiously do in my business now– that I wish I’d done back when I started twenty-five years ago. Each of these will help you to grow in more strategic, aligned, and sustainable ways. 

    This is for you if you feel like you’ve plateaued and are ready to go to the next level, if you feel like you’re moving in a million directions without making any real progress, if something’s not working but you’re not entirely sure what, or if all’s well and you simply want a deeper level of refinement. 

    Wherever you are, I welcome you to use my mistakes and expensive life lessons to support you in actualizing your vision and experiencing more fulfillment, on our terms.


    Free Workshop: Step into Your Sorceress CEO Order Sara’s new book: Handbook for the HeartbrokenSubscribe to Sara’s Sunday JournalConnect with Sara on Instagram

    Mentioned in this episode:

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  • Drop into a mentoring session in our yearlong mentorship circle, Sorceress CEO, to hear Sara speak about the ongoing process of tending to inner and outer obstacles– including self-doubt– as you take risks and actualize your dream.


    Join the free workshop: Step Into Your Sorceress CEOSubscribe to Sara’s Sunday JournalConnect with Sara on InstagramOrder Sara’s new book: Handbook for the HeartbrokenEnjoy your 30-day free trial with Kajabi

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  • As the patriarchy is falling and more and more women are rising into power, there’s a new archetype emerging. She’s here to guide women entrepreneurs during these times: The Sorceress CEO.

    And, just as the powerful archetype of the crone was co-opted and demonized by the patriarchy, so too was the Sorceress. It’s time for us to reclaim and restore Her to her innate splendor, within each of us.

    I invite you to listen in to remember this archetype within you and to learn how she’s guiding you to more fully live in your divine assignment right now.


    Free Workshop: Step into Your Sorceress CEO Order Sara’s new book: Handbook for the HeartbrokenSubscribe to Sara’s Sunday JournalConnect with Sara on Instagram

    Mentioned in this episode:

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  • Drop into a mentoring session in our yearlong mentorship circle, Sorceress CEO, to hear Sara speak about the power of inner work, mastering your mindset, cultivating wealth consciousness, and aligning with your intentions.


    Join the free workshop: Step Into Your Sorceress CEOSubscribe to Sara’s Sunday JournalConnect with Sara on InstagramOrder Sara’s new book: Handbook for the HeartbrokenEnjoy your 30-day free trial with Kajabi

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  • We’re continuing our “When the Going Gets Tough” series today with Gina DeVee, author of The Audacity to be Queen, accomplished, speaker, transformational coach, and podcast host.

    Just a few months ago, Gina lost her father unexpectedly. We speak about how she created space for herself– in her business and life– to heal and process this shock.

    We also talk about the power of prayer, what it really means when “the faucet turns off in your business” (Hint: It doesn’t mean that anything’s wrong with you!), how to cultivate wealth consciousness, and ways to navigate the different seasons in one’s business. 

    This conversation with Gina is the last of six I hosted here this spring. Together, we dove into stories of several prominent women who weathered various life challenges– and found ways to keep showing up for themselves, their loved ones, and their careers.

    I offer these to bring support and inspiration to all traversing similar dark valleys in their own lives or work AND to celebrate the arrival of my new book, Handbook for the Heartbroken this month.

    If you’d love to watch the video versions of these episodes, be sure to subscribe to the podcast’s YouTube channel here.


    Order Sara’s new book: Handbook for the HeartbrokenGina DeVeeJoin a Retreat with SaraSubscribe to Sara’s Sunday JournalConnect with Sara on Instagram

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  • We’re continuing our “When the Going Gets Tough” series today with Kate Northrup, a bestselling author, entrepreneur, and mother who supports ambitious people to light up the world without burning themselves out. 

    Kate and I speak about a very challenging season in both her family and business life when, upon the birth of her second daughter, her husband became sick with a mysterious illness. During the months and years that followed, Kate struggled to balance running their seven-figure business, caring for her husband, and raising their two daughters. 

    She shares with us the real-life, hard decisions she needed to make behind the scenes to keep everything afloat, the practices and lifestyle choices that most supported her, and how that season of her life evolved her and her work to where they are today. 

    This conversation with Kate is the fifth of six I’m hosting here this spring. Together, we’re diving into stories of several prominent women who weathered various life challenges– and found ways to keep showing up for themselves, their loved ones, and their careers.

    I offer these to bring support and inspiration to all traversing similar dark valleys in their own lives or work AND to celebrate the arrival of my new book, Handbook for the Heartbroken this month.

    If you'd love to watch the video versions of these episodes, be sure to subscribe to the podcast's YouTube channel here.


    Order Sara’s new book: Handbook for the HeartbrokenKate NorthrupJoin a Retreat with SaraSubscribe to Sara’s Sunday JournalConnect with Sara on Instagram

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  • We’re continuing our “When the Going Gets Tough” series today with Elena Brower, a mother, mentor, poet, artist, volunteer, bestselling author, and host of the Practice You Podcast. You may also recognize Elena from the yoga app, Glo, as she’s taught yoga and meditation since 1999.  In addition, which you’ll hear more about today, Elena received the Buddhist Precepts from Roshi Joan Halifax in 2023 and is now a candidate for Chaplaincy.

    Today, Elena and I speak about her sobriety journey, how she navigated major career shifts, the sudden death of her mother, her recent transition into menopause, and how she begins each day. 

    This conversation with Elena is the fourth of six I’m hosting here this spring. Together, we’re diving into stories of several prominent women who weathered various life challenges– and found ways to keep showing up for themselves, their loved ones, and their careers.

    I offer these to bring support and inspiration to all traversing similar dark valleys in their own lives or work AND to celebrate the arrival of my new book, Handbook for the Heartbroken this month.

    If you'd love to watch the video versions of these episodes, be sure to subscribe to the podcast's YouTube channel here.


    Order Sara’s new book: Handbook for the HeartbrokenElena Brower Subscribe to Sara’s Sunday JournalConnect with Sara on Instagram

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  • I always love hearing candid, behind the scenes conversations, and that’s what we’re sharing here today. Yes, we’re flipping the script, in anticipation of my new book’s publication this week!

    To help with this, I invited my friend, relationship and executive coach, and fellow podcast host, Krista Van Derveer, to join us. We delve into a deep conversation around all things “Handbook for the Heartbroken.”

    From spotting red flags in relationships to suicidal ideation and shock after loss, we explore the path of healing after the unthinkable– along with my process of writing about it. I also share some of the preparation I’ve done recently to support me in bringing my most vulnerable piece of work to the world this week.

    If you'd love to watch the video versions of these episodes, be sure to subscribe to the podcast's YouTube channel here.


    Pre-order Sara’s new book: Handbook for the HeartbrokenKrista Van DerVeer & The Art of We Podcast Krista’s heartbreak storySubscribe to Sara’s Sunday JournalConnect with Sara on Instagram

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