
  • Leaving a legacy through your side hustle....

    We talk to Terry Rudolph about his writing as a side hustle and how he used it to leave a legacy.

    Terry Rudolph is a ground breaking physicist and walks us through getting out of his comfort zone to write a book that often tops the ranks of academic physics reading on amazon.....

    Check out more about Terry here:


    Buy the book here:




  • Imagine you're grinding out your day job, start a restaurant with your partner while working said day job, and turning it into a multi million dollar food empire, score your own TV show, climb everest, launch an alcohol label and winning an award from your government as an outstanding citizen.

    In 2009 Gerardo Lopez decided to change his life. What an adventure!

    Gerardo, I apologise for not saying your name correctly - I should have got it right a decade ago...! my sincerest apologies!





  • Mangler du episoder?

    Klikk her for å oppdatere manuelt.

  • One way to find side hustle ideas is to look at where there are big changes (marketplaces, platforms, societal, financial etc).

    Our hustler in today's episode can see what short term stays are doing to the industry, and from hands-on experience a gap has been found.

    This episode follows Jon Ellis who founded one of the largest platforms in the world - selling property off the plan in a unique B2B model - but still has the focus and the energy to bust out a side hustle.


    Host Extension is in Beta mode - if you'd like to talk to Jon to discuss the possibility of using host extension then you can find him at hostextension.com/contact-us

  • Ever wondered how someone built a 6 figure income working from home with a desk and a computer?

    Have some experience and some skills? Keen to try the contracting (gig) market to make some spare change or create your empire?

    This episode we track Xandra Haynes a graphic artist making an extra 6 figure side hustle - even how show scored a gig animated for some of the biggest animation studios in the world after being rejected more than once!

    We find out the pro's and con's of selling your time and skills on online marketplaces.

  • Imagine disclosing all of your financial information on social media and youtube - all of it!?

    Our next episode focuses on a school teacher with kids, helping with her husbands business and manages to run a successful youtube channel, insta account and etsy online shop.

    All of it stemmed from her inquisitiveness to understand and gain financial literacy, and secure her families financial future.

    The one catch - we don't know her real name!

    Let's find out what's involved in this side hustle!



  • Ever felt like you had a book in you?

    This is not your classic hustle - with no pressure to monetise the imagination is set free.

    This next hustler caught the writing bug later in life you'll hear what events transpired to kick her into action along with a transformational experience that fundamentally change how she works, where she works and the messages she puts into the universe.

    Arwen Jayne over the course of the last decade has published many books - finding a community that continues to inspire her to write. She's even figured out how to make some cash on the side.

  • Adam is your classic Aussie tradie - hardworking, started with a ute and a toolbox, and he's an Englishman! Classic.

    One of the big things Adam did was recognise although he was an expert mechanic he wasn't necessarily the world's best business person - so he signed up for some training - and in the first few weeks he realised how to change his business focus on the things that mattered and he starting minting cash.

    Adam's side hustle cleaning diesel particulate filters made him lots of cash, diverted many filters from landfill and saved truck drivers a lot of money on new filters - even the dealers were using him!

    Adam took his business and coaching training with: https://www.protradeunited.com.au/

    The businesses are now sold, so we won't include any links.

  • Covid has put the brakes on a lot of industries - event management, for obvious reasons, really suffered a downturn.

    Renee, a seasoned events manager, finds herself back in her home country, jobless and ready to take control of her future.

    It was this adversity that drove Renee to make some quick decisions on her side hustle - so we'll find out how she sped up the process and bypassed many of the hustler startup problems.


    Five and Knux: https://fiveandknux.com/

  • Social media burn out? Which platforms should you use to maximise your returns? Need help understanding the algorithms? Want a free one on one?

    How does one of Australia's leading authorities in social media launch a side hustle?

    In this episode, Emily-Rose Hills opens the doors to her new side hustle - www.TheSocialMediaCoach.com.au.

    Emily walks us through what got her started, how her grieving process opened the door to building stronger relationships which led her all the way to launching her side hustle on the 9th of March 2022 - The Social Media Coach.

    Key Links


    Emily's Free One on One Offer











  • Some of life's big decisions about where you live and the lifestyle you want open up new opportunities to solve old problems in new ways.

    The secret is to always be looking for your opportunity to solve them in a way that is better than before.

    Michael walks us through his side hustle in solving a weedy problem - and provides a lot of insights for where you can find a simple side hustle.

    Michael has built something that makes workplace health and safety officers cringe, lawyers salivate, and organic farmers get excited!

    Check out the video of the flame weeder here:


    Other key links Michael or Matt mentioned:

    www.sproutx.com.au - agtech/foodtech innovation hub



    Google coolbot for the first product Michael imported/sold.

    **Special note from Matt - this was the first ever recorded interview - there are so many issues with the microphone setup, and we've taken away a heap of key learnings - thanks for bearing through it - Michael, apologies for not necessarily delivering on the quality I'd hoped for - but it was a great story worth sharing.

  • Welcome to the best bits of the episode distilled down into something a little shorter and easier to digest and put into action.

    In episode one of Side Show Hustle Matt interviews Jen Paynter where they journey through the process of launching a successful crowdfunding product.

    Jen's story is a fantastic journey from start to finish - but with the story it can be a little difficult to distill down what the key learnings were, especially if you're in a rush.

    The intention of Analysis Uncut is to highlight what Matt and his guest host thought were the best parts of the episode - and then to start riffing on ideas of where you could take the business - the hope being that we deliver some gold nuggets of advice back to our hustlers to say a million thank-you's for taking the time to share their story.

    Secondly, I hope you guys, the community behind Side Show Hustle can pick up more ideas to implement across whatever it is you are doing - hopefully you get the sense of being a fly on the wall and enjoy the banter as we discuss how we might take the business forward - in real-time and unscripted.

    You will have noticed I said Guest Host - yep, we'll be changing it up regularly - and if you or anyone you know is an out of the box thinker or a specialist in any area - just put your hand up - we want manufacturing gurus, tech gurus, marketing gurus, comms gurus - we have a massive variety of hustler's coming up. Reach out - you just need a microphone and photo!

    Guest Host

    This episode I'm joined by Katie Wilke - she is a founder at www.SquareOnePR.com.au and is a veteran PR, crisis and social media communications specialist. She's handled massive corporate media blowups (think the worst kind of stuff that happens in this world, but where you need to communicate to communities and all sorts of stakeholders) out to helping super tiny businesses find their footing on National media, back to big companies working with social influencers to get messages out. There likely isn't a scenario she hasn't seen. Katie and I also happen to work on the same board as non-executive directors (@ one of Australia's leading community banks).

    Free Offer

    Head on over to www.SquareOnePR.com.au and drop Katie a message - remember there are only 20 DIY PR packs and 5 consults and she gets to make up all the terms and conditions.

    Key Links






  • Jen Paynter is our inspirational circular economy crowdfunded yogi who can do anything.

    With sustainability and a dogged single mindlessness Jen changed crowdfunding platforms mid flight - was over subscribed at 140% of her targets and from our discussion you know she has more authenticity than an original Rembrandt.

    Let's find out her winning strategies.

    Jen's website & the Feelix strap: www.108YogaRoad.com


    My goal is to get you guys thinking side hustles - and if you've got an idea and you're not sure if crowdfunding is for you - we have an exclusive for you. After we recorded the podcast, I reached out to Irene Tsang the founder of www.LIFTWOMEN.com and asked if they'd be prepared to help women decide if they should use crowdfunding, what might be involved and if their idea suited the platform.

    Irene said yes - and she's giving listeners a one hour free consult to see if it's something that could work for you - Irene has a long history with fortune 500 companies and she gives her time freely and she is highly principled in helping you achieve the best outcome. I think it's an incredible opportunity.

    Remember - I don't make a thing out of this - check out www.SideShowHustle.com/Sponsors to get your one hour consult with Irene. Sorry blokes, nothing for you today - but I have some big news to share in an upcoming episode that will benefit all listeners.

    Key Links

    Jen's website: http://www.108yogaroad.com/

    Australian women's crowdfunding platform: https://www.liftwomen.com/

    Bisgov: www.business.gov.au/

    IP Australia: www.ipaustralia.gov.au/

    Jen uses this website builder: www.wix.com

    Jen's recommended Vic Library Start Space: www.startspacehq.com

    Episode details: Side Show Hustle Episode 1

  • Side Show Hustle - Essential Series - Websites

    This is our first short/compact podcast focused purely on how to get your website right.

    The world is full of people with ideas and tips - but there must be some first principals we can work with when it comes to side hustles and all the things we need to know to get started.

    This episode will give you the foundations to explore and enjoy success with your website - it's not the absolute comprehensive guide to websites - but it is the quickest opening of the kimono I can give you and what I do all the time to maximise website assets and google search.

    How I make $1000/hr from a website - you'll have to listen to the podcast - but it's pretty easy, I explain everything I did - there really aren't any tips or tricks - sometimes you just don't know what you don't know.

    I hope you've learn something from the episode, and if you've got any questions let us know over on the Facebook group.

    For all the links - check out this episode on our website: www.SideShowHustle.com

  • Welcome to Side Show Hustle where we'll be deconstructing world winning side hustles and the hustlers behind them.

    Our goal at the end of season 1 is to inspire you, motivate you, give you the tools to win and the boot in the pants to get you started.

    We hope that you really enjoy listening to our side hustlers - and remember to be respectful of all of our beautiful guests - they're opening the kimono on something that's almost never spoken about in our society and giving you an inside glimpse to the inner workings of successful side hustles, businesses and the people behind them.

    Season one - we've got a significant focus on women hustlers - they're under represented in the world of business, but it isn't for lack of a good idea or the motivation to succeed. Society has held male success in business as a beacon of inspiration and has shied away from women-led businesses out of fear, or maintaining the status quo.

    It's imperative we shine a light on the achievements of our great women - and I hope season one of Side Show Hustle goes a little way to inspiring our next generation of hustlers.

    We truly have an amazing cast of personalities joining the show - I don't always deliver on being the best - but you should assume I've tried to be the best that I can - I'm learning to work with the production crew, and how to manage the interviews - you'll likely see this in some episodes more than others and I hope you can forgive my incompetencies and find some inspiration in the stories being told.

    Sit down, pour a drink and buckle in - this is going to be epic.

    REMEMBER - hit the SUBSCRIBE button - the subscribe button is what tells advertisers and sponsors that you're listening - the more listeners the more value I can negotiate for you guys (yes that is right - I'm not making a cent out of this season and I'm asking advertisers and sponsors to deliver side hustlers the value to inspire you to start - maybe pay for a baby sitter so you can get some free time - I have no idea where this will go!) - the more subscribers, the more value we provide as a whole to our guests coming on which means we will continue to have amazing guests on... Celebrity Side Show Hustle isn't just a dream.

    Lastly - for any sponsorship or advertising opportunities - remember the listener comes first, do that, and we're all winning.

    [email protected]


    About Matt:
