Two married ladies expose you to the best, the worst, and the kinkiest erotica...but don't tell their husbands!
Join Kodi, who's read all the books and likes to say she know's all the things and Teri, who didn't even know how many books there were, as they dive into the new show from Amazon Prime, Wheel of Time, based on the book series by Robert Jordan.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Hlaðvarp þar sem Eyvindur Karlsson og Kristján Atli tækla litlu málin. Fyrir forvitið, fróðleiksþyrst og fjörugt fólk sem vill smá heimsku með heimspekinni sinni.
Hlaðvarp um íslenskar bókmenntir fyrri alda í léttum dúr. Þorir þegar aðrir þegja...
Nature and the Nation explores politics, philosophy, psychology, sociology and economics from a naturalistic, paleoconservative perspective, using the format of a book review. I examine books published in a wide array of time periods, with a special emphasis on the early to middle 20th century, the ancient Greeks, and of course the present.
Í þáttunum ræðir Anna Margrét Ólafsdóttir við rithöfunda um allt mögulegt sem tengist því að skrifa og skálda. Sjónum verður aðallega beint að því hvernig það er að stíga fyrstu skrefin sem rithöfundur og hvernig ferlið við ritun bóka, ljóða og sagna er.
Drag-stjörnurnar Gógó Starr og Jenny Purr ræða drag, hinsegin menningu, skemmtanalíf og allt sem þeim dettur í hug í splunkunýju hlaðvarpi á 101 Live.
Ef þú fílar drag þá skaltu endilega hlusta á og leyfa þessum íslandsdrottningum að stjana við þig.
Hægt er að senda inn spurningar eða ábendingar á skvísurnar á Instagram @dragskammtur og þær koma því að í komandi þáttum. -
Two art history majors and a comedian walk into a recording studio...
No, really. Podvant Garde is an art history podcast that delves into the often untold facets of an artists' life. Join Andrea Guzzetta, Katrina Davis and Jordan Leigh Williams as they discover more about the artists they love and themselves, with a decent amount of laughs along the way. -
Föruneyti Teningsins er spunaspilahópur sem spilar spunaspil og segir geggjaðar sögur! Dokið við og hlustið :)
The Whisky Topic is a weekly podcast hosted by Mark Bylok, author of The Whisky Cabinet, and Jamie Johnson, who runs private (but approachable!) bourbon club here in Toronto Canada.
Open Stacks brings you conversations with scholars, poets, novelists and activists on subjects as eclectic as the books on our shelves, from under-the-radar debates in the academy to pressing contemporary social issues, and from bestselling works of fiction to avant-garde poetics. Recorded live at Chicago's Seminary Co-op Bookstores, Open Stacks invites listeners to sit in on the kind of candid discussions and lively debates made possible by the participation of readers in a public space, with the aim of expanding and encouraging a broader community of ideas. Turn up the volume, pull up a chair, and let's start a conversation.
Just F Already features Holly and Yoli, two avid romance book readers. Together they will wade through some of the trashiest romance books out there, discuss their faults and their merits, and most importantly, let you know the moment when the characters should have just got it on already.
Sneakerheads and real life brothers Isaiah and Yassir Lester delve deep into the shoe game. Sneaker news, sneaker reviews, sneaker history, and more.
Welcome to Qwerty, the podcast for writers on how to live the writing life. Host Marion Roach Smith interviews the best writers in all genres to discover their process. Qwerty is by, about and for writers and explores the real challenges of writing and the steps anyone can take to become a better storyteller. Listen in for writing tips, publishing advice and encouragement on how to live the writing life.
A little procrastination goes a long way
Sketsar úr smiðju Pálma Freys Haukssonar, þar sem hann skrifar alla sketsana, leikur alla karakterana og klippir sjálfur.
MFA Writers is the podcast where host Jared McCormack interviews creative writing MFA students about their program, their process, and a piece they’re working on.
Becca has read all of Jane Austen's work. Molly literally does not know who Mrs. Bennet is. Together, they venture into Austen's world of romance, biting satire, and class struggles. Like Austen? Interested in a modern take? This is the podcast for you!
Produced by Molly Burdick
Audio production by Graham Cook
Show art by Torrence Browne
Transcriptions provided by SpeechDocs
contact: [email protected]
This is Thresholds, a series of interviews with writers and artists you love about the transformative experiences (surprises, crises, existential freakouts, u-turns, breakthroughs) that have shaped their work. The life-wasn’t-the-same-after-that moments. Hosted by Jordan Kisner, author of the essay collection THIN PLACES. Thresholds is a co-production between Black Mountain Institute and Literary Hub.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
The duo behind Bourgeois & Maurice interview some of their favourite performers about what life is like behind the shimmery curtain, when the stages are all dark.