
  • Scorekeeping is good for games but bad for relationships. In this episode, you will hear how to follow Jesus’ example and show others grace.

    So Good Moments:

    How Jesus used a different kind of math.How the upside-down way of the kingdom changes lives.Why keeping track is better than keeping score. How the Apostle Peter encountered Jesus’ grace. What you can do to bring out the best in others. A better way to compete
and more!

    Discussion Questions:

    How did Jesus use “a different kind of math?”What is the difference between keeping track and keeping score?How would you feel if you were Peter and encountered God’s grace in such a tangible way? Who has shown you grace in your life? Just for fun—what’s your favorite board game?


    Do What Jesus Did Message

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    Pastor Ryan’s Latest Message

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    © 2022 Be Essential Songs (BMI) / Jord A Lil Music (BMI) / Doejones20 (BMI) (admin at EssentialMusicPublishing.com). All rights reserved. Used by permission.

  • Jesus was interruptible—are you? In this episode, you will hear why high-road leaders embrace interruptions and put people above agenda.

    So Good Moments:

    How Jesus made space for divine interruptions in Scripture. Why ministry is often opportunities dressed up as interruptions. Practical ways to create margin for God to move in your day.Why parents should lean into their children’s “interruptions.” The difference between a “Here I am” leader and a “There you are” leader.What’s really happening when God wants us to stop what we are doing
and more!

    Discussion Questions:

    Do you consider yourself interruptible like Jesus? In what way could you improve? When have you experienced a ministry opportunity that was dressed up as an interruption? What stood out to you about being a “There you are” kind of leader? What is one practical way you could schedule more margin in your day or week?What is one thing about you that only a close friend would know?


    Do What Jesus Did Message

    Jesus The High Road Leader Resources & Groups

    Pastor Ryan’s Latest Message

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    © 2022 Be Essential Songs (BMI) / Jord A Lil Music (BMI) / Doejones20 (BMI) (admin at EssentialMusicPublishing.com). All rights reserved. Used by permission.

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  • Are you following Jesus’ example and taking the high road? In this episode, Dr. John Maxwell shares principles from his new book.

    So Good Moments:

    How to value all people–especially those who are different from you. The difference between the high, middle, and low road. Why the fruit of gratitude is a generous spirit. The difference between keeping score and keeping track. Why we have an eagle and a hippo inside of all of us. Why John changed WWJD to DWJD
and more!

    Discussion Questions:

    What stood out to you about this episode? What are some of the characteristics of someone who takes the high road versus someone who takes the middle or low road? How did Jesus lead the way as a high-road leader? What are some ways you can “keep track” instead of keeping score? What is the byproduct when we build walls?


    Do What Jesus Did Message

    Jesus The High Road Leader Book Clubs

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    © 2022 Be Essential Songs (BMI) / Jord A Lil Music (BMI) / Doejones20 (BMI) (admin at EssentialMusicPublishing.com). All rights reserved. Used by permission.

  • Are you ignoring the warning signs of loneliness? In this episode, you will hear how you can lean into life-giving friendships.

    So Good Moments:

    The warning sign of loneliness and why you can’t ignore it.Staggering statistics on loneliness in our country.How we can shift our priorities to value connection and community.Why it’s important to dig through the dirt in our relationships.The barriers to community that we’ve gotten used to. How we can do relationships the Jesus way
and more!

    Discussion Questions:

    Did you identify with any of the signs of loneliness? Which one rang a bell?What are some of your personal barriers that make it difficult to lean into deeper friendships?How have you seen the diamonds in your relationships after you’ve dug through the dirt?Who does community and relationships really well, and what can you learn from them? What step will you take this week to value community and connection over convenience and comfort?


    Pastor Julie’s Message on Loneliness

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    © 2022 Be Essential Songs (BMI) / Jord A Lil Music (BMI) / Doejones20 (BMI) (admin at EssentialMusicPublishing.com). All rights reserved. Used by permission.

  • How do you examine the fruit of your relationships? In this episode, Pastor Julie answers questions from the next generation.

    So Good Moments:

    How to examine the fruit and foundation of your friendships.What it looks like to grow with God while dating and married. How to pre-decide what you want your dating season to look like. How to initiate (and receive) difficult conversations. Why your circle of friends should be close, but not closed. How to combat loneliness
and more!

    Discussion Questions:

    What stood out to you about examining the fruit and root of your friendships? What is one thing you learned about difficult conversations?Pastor Julie mentioned the importance of pre-deciding certain things as you enter into dating. What are some things you think are important to pre-decide?Do you struggle asking for help or are you comfortable being vulnerable? Have you ever had a date gone wrong? What did you learn from it?


    Single, Dating, Engaged, Married Book

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    © 2022 Be Essential Songs (BMI) / Jord A Lil Music (BMI) / Doejones20 (BMI) (admin at EssentialMusicPublishing.com). All rights reserved. Used by permission.

  • How do you adjust when your routine changes? In this episode, some of our campus pastors share how to make the most of every season.

    So Good Moments:

    How Pastor Julie plans out the next day before she goes to bed.What to do when you don’t reach your goals.Why it’s important to create moments and memories with your people.How to maximize seasons that require a lot of time in the car.Why it’s more important to work on your direction instead of perfection.The benefits of reading fiction books
and more!

    Discussion Questions:

    What was your biggest takeaway from this episode? What do you do to make the most of your time in the car? What is one of your non-negotiables for your physical health, spiritual life, or mental health?What goals are you aiming for this year? Are they small and attainable or unrealistic?What book are you reading right now?


    Luke Study by Lisa Harper

    Mark of The Lion Books by Francine Rivers

    Switch on Your Brain by Caroline Leaf

    Understanding Spiritual Gifts by Sam Storm

    Garden City by John Mark Comer

    Atomic Habits by James Clear

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    © 2022 Be Essential Songs (BMI) / Jord A Lil Music (BMI) / Doejones20 (BMI) (admin at EssentialMusicPublishing.com). All rights reserved. Used by permission.

  • Are your insecurities keeping you stuck? In this episode, Donna Pisani shares how to embrace the tension of confidence and humility.

    So Good Moments:

    The truth about the passage of Scripture that says women should be quiet and submissive. How Donna overcame the lie that she wasn’t smart. How to master the art of listening and ask good questions. Why grit is more important than talent. The importance of discovering your own kind of smart.Encouragement if you are going through a hard time
and more!

    Discussion Questions:

    What is something new you learned about the passage in 1 Timothy? Donna talked about how everyone has an insecurity (hers was that she wasn’t smart). What is one insecurity you’ve had to overcome with God’s truth? What are some ways we can master the art of listening? Why is grit more important than talent? Donna talked about finding your own kind of smart and being confident in that. What is your own kind of smart? (Consider what comes naturally to you, what you enjoy, what you feel God’s grace for, where you have a creative touch, or what other people have said about you.)


    Donna’s Book: Entrusted to Lead

    You’re Not Listening Book

    Grit Book

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    © 2022 Be Essential Songs (BMI) / Jord A Lil Music (BMI) / Doejones20 (BMI) (admin at EssentialMusicPublishing.com). All rights reserved. Used by permission.

  • Are you entitled or entrusted? In this episode, Donna Pisani shares how you can step into your calling with confidence and humility.

    So Good Moments:

    How Jesus empowered women in Scripture.How Donna learned to lead with confidence and humility.Why it’s important to know your ‘why.’The women in the Bible who pioneered our legacy.Why it’s vital to understand context in the Bible
and more!

    Discussion Questions:

    What was one thing Donna said that resonated with you? What did you learn about being entrusted versus being entitled?Which woman from Scripture inspires you the most and why?What is one way Jesus empowered women? Just for fun, what is one thing you look forward to most about summer?


    Donna’s Book: Entrusted to Lead

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    © 2022 Be Essential Songs (BMI) / Jord A Lil Music (BMI) / Doejones20 (BMI) (admin at EssentialMusicPublishing.com). All rights reserved. Used by permission.

  • Ever been hurt in Church? In this throwback episode, we’re diving into the messiness and beauty of biblical community.

    So Good Moments:

    The difference between Church hurt and spiritual abuse.The importance of creating a space for people to feel safe, seen, and heard. Why we shouldn’t diminish, discount, or deny hurt.The 3 stages of biblical community.3 practices for dealing with Church hurt. How to forgive what you can’t (and shouldn’t) forget
and more!

    Discussion Questions:

    What did you learn about the difference between Church hurt and Spiritual abuse?Pastor Julie shared the three stages of community. Why do you think it’s important to embrace the tension stage? How have you had to honor the stages of forgiveness in your life?What is one “do” and one “don’t” that stood out to you?In what way can you be a reconstructor for others and for the Church?

    Message: It's Okay to Doubt Jesus
    Practical Resources for Processing Doubt

    The Peacemaker by Ken Sande

    Church Hurt by Jerome Gay Jr.

    Love Like You’ve Never Been Hurt by Jentezen Franklin

    How to See Beauty in the Church After You’ve Been Hurt

    How to Find a Christian Counselor

    TikTok Theology Series

    Good and Beautiful and Kind by Rich Villodas

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    © 2022 Be Essential Songs (BMI) / Jord A Lil Music (BMI) / Doejones20 (BMI) (admin at EssentialMusicPublishing.com). All rights reserved. Used by permission.

  • How well do you handle pressure? In this episode, Holly Wagner shares how to stay prayerful, grateful, and watchful when the pressure’s on.

    So Good Moments:

    How to stay prayerful during seasons of pressure.Practical ways to cultivate gratitude even when you don’t feel like it.Holly’s pressure-filled season and how God brought her through.What Holly learned from testing for her black belt.How to do a u-turn when you start to feel bitter.Why it’s important to stay alert
and more!

    Discussion Questions:

    In what way could you relate to Holly’s season of pressure? How do you stay prayerful during pressure-filled seasons? What helps you practice gratitude in your life? Why is it important to stay alert when we are in a season of high pressure?What’s on your summer reading list?


    Holly’s Books

    Holly’s Fun Summer Read: The Echo of Old Books

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    © 2022 Be Essential Songs (BMI) / Jord A Lil Music (BMI) / Doejones20 (BMI) (admin at EssentialMusicPublishing.com). All rights reserved. Used by permission.

  • Where can you find Jesus in the Old Testament, Passover, or the Seder? In this episode, you'll hear about the beautiful thread from Genesis to Revelation and how ancient practices can be pathways to God.

    So Good Moments:

    Peter’s profound encounter with Jesus during the Seder meal. Why it’s so meaningful that Jesus washed the disciples’ feet during Passover. How the 4 cups symbolize Jesus in the Seder Passover. Why Matzah bread represents Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross. How elements of Seder shed light on communion.How Jesus revealed Himself as the Messiah during the Last Supper
and more!

    Discussion Questions:

    What did you learn from today’s episode? When Jesus washed the disciples' feet, it was an act of humility and servanthood. How does that inspire you to live your life today?The Seder features 4 promises, which are about being delivered from slavery and redeeming God’s people. How does that remind you of His promises in your life?Jesus revealed Himself as Messiah during the Seder, which initiated the first communion. How does this add to your understanding of communion?Sheri uses the empty chair at Seder as an opportunity to pray for those who don't yet know God. Do you have a person in your life who still needs to find Jesus? How can you remind yourself to pray for them on a regular basis?


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    © 2022 Be Essential Songs (BMI) / Jord A Lil Music (BMI) / Doejones20 (BMI) (admin at EssentialMusicPublishing.com). All rights reserved. Used by permission.

  • Is it possible to encounter God through ancient rituals? In this episode, you will hear how Sheri Bautz went from dismissing Christians to becoming one—and you will hear how Sheri discovers Jesus in her Jewish traditions.

    So Good Moments:

    Why Sheri Bautz is a “true-blue Jew.” How she went from dismissing Christians to becoming a Christian Jew. How Sheri’s Christian husband Frank won over her Jewish parents. Sheri’s advice for sharing the Gospel with people of the Jewish faith. Why Christians should celebrate Passover and its ancient traditions. Why Moses was not a good Jew
and more!

    Discussion Questions:

    What stood out the most to you about this episode? What’s something you learned about Jewish traditions? Sheri mentioned how God redeemed a lonely season for her. How has God been there for you in a lonely season?What did you take away from Sheri’s advice for sharing Jesus with Jews? How does this episode change the way you look at the Passover?


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    © 2022 Be Essential Songs (BMI) / Jord A Lil Music (BMI) / Doejones20 (BMI) (admin at EssentialMusicPublishing.com). All rights reserved. Used by permission.

  • How do you hear God’s voice in your everyday life? In this episode, you will hear how ordinary places can become sacred spaces.

    So Good Moments:

    3 main ways that God speaks to us. Why the wilderness is so significant in the Bible. How “turning aside” can turn ordinary moments into extraordinary ones. How to have a burning bush moment. Pastor Julie’s encounters with God
and more!

    Discussion Questions:

    What was your favorite part of this episode? How have you experienced God speaking?What has been your wilderness season, and how did God use it? What’s one way you can turn aside to get closer to God? What are some ordinary places that became sacred spaces in your life?


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    © 2022 Be Essential Songs (BMI) / Jord A Lil Music (BMI) / Doejones20 (BMI) (admin at EssentialMusicPublishing.com). All rights reserved. Used by permission.

  • How do you make your kids feel known, seen, and loved? In this episode, Pastors Todd and Julie and Pastors James and Lisa are back for part 2 of the conversation about parenting. You will hear how to keep the door open in your relationships and create a safe place for your children.

    So Good Moments:

    How to be guardians of truth to our kids. How to get ahead of the dangers of technology and be smart pioneers of parenting in the digital age. The importance of limiting technology for as long as you can. 5 steps to talk to your kids about hard things.How to make kids feel known, seen, and loved.How Jesus created a safe place for sinners
and more!

    Discussion Questions:

    What stood out to you about this episode? How can you go on the offense in the battle you’re in? If you’re a parent, what are some good resources you’ve used for your kids? If you’re not a parent, what has helped you stay spiritually on guard? How do you create intentional space for the kids in your life?What makes something a safe place for you?


    Doing Life with Your Adult Child

    Using Social Media to Honor God

    Declarations to Speak Over Your Child

    Ways to Level Up Your Relationship With Your Child

    How My Parents Got There First

    AXIS Parenting Resource

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    © 2022 Be Essential Songs (BMI) / Jord A Lil Music (BMI) / Doejones20 (BMI) (admin at EssentialMusicPublishing.com). All rights reserved. Used by permission.

  • How do you turn failures into wins as a parent? In this episode, you will learn how walking in humility will benefit all your relationships.

    So Good Moments:

    How to model humility, grace, and confidence to your children. Why your child is not your report card.How to be extremely humble and extremely confident at once. Ways to build your confidence and become equipped as parents. How you can help your children have their own revelation of Jesus. How to make leading family devotions less intimidating
and more!

    Discussion Questions:

    What was your favorite part of this episode? If you’re not a parent, how can you step in for the next generation? What can you do when you make mistakes with your kids? How can you practice humility with your kids? What’s one funny parenting fail you recall from your parents or yourself?


    Declarations to Speak Over Your Child

    Ways to Level Up Your Relationship With Your Child

    How My Parents Got There First
    Axis Parent's Guide

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    © 2022 Be Essential Songs (BMI) / Jord A Lil Music (BMI) / Doejones20 (BMI) (admin at EssentialMusicPublishing.com). All rights reserved. Used by permission.

  • Is there a missing ingredient in your relationships? In this episode, Pastors Todd and Julie share how to take your relationships from natural to supernatural.

    So Good Moments:

    The importance of encountering Jesus through relationships. God is a relational God, and we were created in His image. The world will know God through how we love our neighbor. Pastor Todd’s battle strategies for going on the offense in relationships.How to create an atmosphere where God is at home in your home.The most broken marriage vow.The one thing that kept Jesus from performing miracles
and more!

    Discussion Questions:

    What stood out to you about this episode? What is one way you can make God at home in your home?When was the last time you felt honored, and why?What is one tangible way to honor someone in your life? Pastors Todd and Julie shared their engagement story. If you are engaged or married, what’s your proposal story? If you are single, what would be your dream proposal?


    How to Honor When It's Hard

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    © 2022 Be Essential Songs (BMI) / Jord A Lil Music (BMI) / Doejones20 (BMI) (admin at EssentialMusicPublishing.com). All rights reserved. Used by permission.

  • How do you grow your prayer life when it doesn’t come naturally? In this episode, you will hear how to create a prayer routine that works.

    So Good Moments:

    How Pastor Ryan McDermott improved his prayer life when it didn’t come naturally. Why God won’t say no to certain prayers. The importance of silence and solitude.How Pastor Ryan protects his prayer routine. Why a revival is a supernatural partnership. Why revival requires repentance and what it really means to fear the Lord.Why it’s vital to speak a better word over the next generation
and more!

    Discussion Questions:

    What was your favorite part of this episode? What prayer practices have helped you encounter God? Does prayer come naturally to you or have you had to work at it?What are some good things you see in the next generation? Are you an introvert or an extrovert? What’s your favorite way to recharge?


    Unbound Book

    College Nights

    More About Pastor Ryan

    How to Share Your Testimony

    Good News About Gen Z

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    © 2022 Be Essential Songs (BMI) / Jord A Lil Music (BMI) / Doejones20 (BMI) (admin at EssentialMusicPublishing.com). All rights reserved. Used by permission.

  • How do you become an encourager in a world full of competition and comparison? In this episode, you will hear how to live the “Barnabas Way.”

    So Good Moments:

    How an epic encounter in the New Testament birthed the early Church.How the Holy Spirit went from being limited to one place to being everywhere. What it means to be a daughter of encouragement and live the “Barnabas Way.”How our encounter can open the door for others to have their own encounter. How to see an opportunity when others see a problem. How to be generous with everything we have
and more!

    Discussion Questions:

    Who in your life is a great D.O.E. (Daughter of Encouragement)? How has someone else opened a door for you, or how have you opened a door for someone else? What does being a daughter of encouragement mean to you? How is the “Barnabas Way” counter-culture to what we see today?Has there ever been a time when others saw a problem, but you saw potential?


    Zayas Studios

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    © 2022 Be Essential Songs (BMI) / Jord A Lil Music (BMI) / Doejones20 (BMI) (admin at EssentialMusicPublishing.com). All rights reserved. Used by permission.

  • How can you turn everyday moments into holy moments? In this episode, Caylie Bryant and Steven Robertson share about the power of worship.

    So Good Moments:

    How Caylie obeyed God even though she didn’t feel qualified.Why worship is such a critical part of being a disciple. How ordinary moments turn into holy moments for Steven.How worship can become a weapon of our spiritual warfare. Advice for how to worship when we don’t feel like it
 and more!

    Discussion Questions:

    What stood out to you from today’s podcast? What is one special moment you’ve had in worship? What needs to change in your perspective or actions for your ordinary moments to become holy moments?What is one thing that you thank God for every day?What’s your favorite worship song?


    MVMNT Music

    More Christ Fellowship Music

    The Daily App

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    © 2022 Be Essential Songs (BMI) / Jord A Lil Music (BMI) / Doejones20 (BMI) (admin at EssentialMusicPublishing.com). All rights reserved. Used by permission.

  • What if God has something better for you? In this episode, Pastors Lisa Duvall and Karissa Robinson discuss trusting God in times of waiting.

    So Good Moments:

    How Pastor Lisa Duvall encountered God in a special way that marked her life. The truth about praying for a sign from God. The direct correlation between your community and the encounters you have. How you can grow through the difficulty of an unanswered prayer. The questions to ask when pain, hardship, or trials come your way.Highlights from Pastor Julie’s miracles message
and more!

    Discussion Questions:

    What stood out to you from this episode? How can you stretch yourself like Lisa did in your time with God?How has your community had an impact on your God encounters? What season of waiting or unanswered prayer caused you to press into God and grow?What is one thing you’ve you asked God for—but were grateful when God said no?


    The Daily App

    Mission Trips

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    © 2022 Be Essential Songs (BMI) / Jord A Lil Music (BMI) / Doejones20 (BMI) (admin at EssentialMusicPublishing.com). All rights reserved. Used by permission.