
  • Mindful Listening: How To Be Present, Intentional, and Empathetic (How

    to be More Likable and Charismatic Book 35)

    By Patrick King

    Hear it Here - https://adbl.co/3zldf8Y


    The key behind communication - it's not about what you say. It's how you

    shut up.

    Empathy and listening - they sound easy, but you know that most people

    you meet on a daily basis can't do it. So what's the deal?

    Mindful listening is the skill behind deep relationships.

    This book is about a skill that isn't complex, but also not easy. It's a

    book about relationships and what drives them - what lets you into

    people's hearts. Making someone feel seen and heard and important is the

    highway to anyone's heart. So it's time to take a look at yourself,

    diagnose your issues with connection and listening, and attack new and

    old friendships with a more empathetic perspective.

    Increase your emotional intelligence and people analyzing skills.

    Patrick King is an internationally bestselling author and social skills

    coach. His writing draws a variety of sources, from scientific research,

    academic experience, coaching, and real-life experience.

    Listening well is like reading someone's mind. Everything is said for a


    -Understand the purpose of pausing and using silences to your advantage

    -How your ego sabotages your listening and how to get around it

    -Four types of responses to let people feel seen and heard for sure

    -How to validate and normalize someone's experience and emotions

    -The art of paraphrasing and the effect it has on someone's levels of


    -Listening and thinking - you can't do two things at once, but you can

    act like it

    -The divide between listening for your own goals, and listening to


    #ClarifyingQuestions #ComprehensiveListening #CriticalListening #EmotionalPreparedness #EmpathicListening #MindfulListening #ProfessorNadineMarsnik #RussellNewton #NewtonMG #MindfulListening #TheLOSTArtOfListening: #BecomeAMASTERCommunicator

  • 00:00:00 Motivation Triggers

    00:00:28 What Is Motivation?

    00:02:52 Anything You Want.

    00:04:46 What Is Motivation?

    00:15:13 Science, History, And Biology.

    00:28:44 The Science Of Motivated Action.

    00:34:09 Three Primary Theories.

    00:34:54 Drives And Needs Theory.

    00:35:29 Arousal Theory.

    00:36:50 Instinct Theory.

    00:54:48 Theories Into Application And Practice.

    Have you ever wondered what truly motivates you? This video dives deep into the science behind motivation, exploring its history, biology, and the key theories that explain why we do what we do.

    In Chapter 1: Understanding Motivation, you'll learn:

    What motivation is and how it differs from happiness and inspiration

    How different historical figures viewed motivation

    The importance of motivation in achieving your goals

    The 3 main theories of motivation: Instinct Theory, Drives & Needs Theory (including Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs), and Personal Arousal Theory

    How to leverage these theories to boost your own motivation

    By the end of this video, you'll have a solid foundation for understanding what makes you tick and how to harness the power of motivation to crush your goals!

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  • MASSIVE CHARISMA: Small Talk, Charm, Likability, and How to Succeed With People (How to be More Likable and Charismatic Book 31) By: Patrick King

    Hear it Here - https://adbl.co/3uhUQ6T


    Develop your own personal gravity with concrete skills to stand out, be noticed, and captivate people.

    If you (1) walk into a room and feel invisible, or (2) want to ensure you make a powerful personal impact – NEWSFLASH: you need better advice than “fake it ‘til you make it” or “just be yourself.”

    Confidently approach and excel in any social setting.

    MASSIVE CHARISMA is a book that just might fundamentally change how you interact with others. Never before have you looked behind the curtain of so-called charismatic people and the subtle ways they act and think differently. You get the “how to” along with the “why” and a multitude of illustrative examples.

    We are always told that our interpersonal skills are the key to what we want in life, and it’s true. Let the actionable tips, questions, approaches, and replicable techniques in this book be your guide to growing your sense of personal magnetism and charm.

    Advice from an internationally-known, professional charisma coach.

    Patrick King is an internationally bestselling author and teaches charisma and social skills for a living. He’s also a late bloomer and former social recluse – he made the transformation, knows exactly what it takes, and can relate to you every step of the way – advice from someone who simply gets it.

    He has been featured in: GQ Magazine, Tedx, Forbes, Men’s Fitness, and the Huffington Post.

    The highly focused advice will teach you what matters in an interaction, from beginning to end, subtle to obvious, small to big.

    •How to wield your attention and focus for maximum impact.

    •How choosing and being a role model help your charisma quotient.

    •The subconscious body language signals that matter.

    •How to exude true empathy and warmth.

    Solve: small talk, interviews, networking events, and strangers.

    •How to demonstrate your value, confidence, and powerful presence.

    •How to tailor your communication and speak to individuals.

    •How to listen and validate effectively.

    •The top charisma mistakes people unknowingly commit.

    Charisma is the one skill that opens all the doors you want in life, and the benefits are endless.

    #AffectiveCommunicationTest #BreatheAnchor #BuddhistZen #Cabane #CharismaMyth #FoxCabane #FredMcFeelyRogers #Friedman #FromCabanes #GretaThunberg #HowardFriedman #OliviaFoxCabane #SimsWyeth #SocialPsychology #RussellNewton #NewtonMG #PatrickKing #PatrickKingConsulting #SocialSkillsCoaching #MASSIVECHARISMA

  • 00:00:00 Improve your people skills

    00:02:38 The Triangle Eye Contact Technique

    00:06:53 Using Proxemics

    00:09:27 Personal Space

    00:14:23 Perceptual Positions For Empathy And Awareness

    00:23:45 Three-Step Active Listening

    Improve Your People Skills: How to Build Relationships Anywhere, with Anyone, in Any Situation By: Patrick King

    Hear it Here - https://adbl.co/3nQxB0N


    Become the ultimate people person and social butterfly.

    Your qualifications and intelligence aren’t what will move you forward in life. People skills (soft skills, interpersonal skills, social skills, and likability) are. They allow you to effortlessly glide through life and roll with the punches, as well as maximize the situations you’ll find yourself in. When your relationships are harmonious and authentic, the whole world opens up.

    Understand people's psychological drives.

    Improve Your People Skills is a book of action that allows you to truly understand others and speak their language, no matter what it is. It will fundamentally change your approach to others and you’ll instantly understand where you’ve gone wrong. It goes beyond social intelligence and gives you a blueprint to the psychology of people.

    People skills open the doors for your life in a way that literally nothing else can.

    Become a captivating, comforting, and desired presence.

    Whether it’s winning at work politics, making new friends, or strengthening current relationships, people skills are your quickest and surest route to success – no matter the situation. Patrick King is an internationally bestselling author and sought-after social skills coach and trainer. He knows firsthand the value of people skills because they rescued him from lackluster grades and jumpstarted his career – the value of “just fitting in anywhere” cannot be understated.

    Build trust, create emotional depth, and cultivate intimacy.

    How to use empathy on a daily basis

    What proxemics are and how to use them

    The types of humor that you should and shouldn’t use

    Navigating tense situations and conflict

    How to argue better

    How to respond to people to make them feel heard and valued

    Learn how to fit in anywhere, and make any interpersonal situation pleasurable.

    #PatrickKing #PeopleSkills #Relationship #RussellNewton #NewtonMG #PatrickKing #PatrickKingConsulting #SocialSkillsCoaching #ImproveYourPeopleSkills #MasterSocialSkills:EyeContact #BodyLanguage&ActiveListening

  • Establishing Boundaries: How to Protect Yourself, Become Assertive, Take Back Control, and Set Yourself Free (Be Confident and Fearless Book 6) By Patrick King

    Hear it Here - https://bit.ly/establishboundariesking

    00:07:47.640 Drawing The Line

    00:13:00.440 Types Of Boundaries

    00:21:53.960 Are You In Need?

    00:28:09.515 Your Relationship With Boundaries

    00:33:02.040 The Conditional Statement

    00:38:01.480 An Important Definition

    00:58:21.120 Self Assessing


    How to Establish Boundaries: Protect Yourself, Become Assertive, Take Back Control, and Set Yourself Free (Be Confident and Fearless Book 3) Kindle Edition

    by Patrick King (Author) Format: Kindle Edition

  • Unlock the Secret to Better Relationships! People skills aren't just about what you say – they begin with how you think about others.

    00:00:00 Improve your people skills

    00:03:20 Members of the Belief Police

    00:12:35 For instance, take the story of Clever Hans

    00:17:02 Hanlon’s Razor

    In this video, we explore the power of:

    Hanlon's Razor: Why assuming good intentions strengthens connections.

    Curiosity Factor: How genuine interest unlocks fascinating conversations.

    Walking a Mile in Their Shoes: The power of empathy for understanding others.

    Discover how these simple mindset shifts can transform your interactions and build meaningful relationships.

    Ready to become a people magnet? Watch Now!

  • How to Listen, Hear, and Validate: Break Through Invisible Barriers and Transform Your Relationships (How to be More Likable and Charismatic Book 11) By Patrick King

    00:00:00 How to listen, hear, and validate

    00:10:37 Why Validation Is So Important

    00:16:53 Isn’t Validation The Same As Empathy?

    00:19:57 Validation—One Of The Clearest Ways To Express Care

    00:25:52 Validating The Right Way And In The Right Moment

    Hear it Here - https://bit.ly/listenhearvalidateking


    Cultivate deep connections wherever you go. Prevent 100% of conflict, misunderstanding, and loneliness.

    Healthy relationships involve our feelings being heard, understood, and validated. Unfortunately, this is the exception rather than the rule. Are you doing it wrong, and alienating people versus comforting them? Find out how to walk this fine line.

    Uncover the biggest obstacle to the intimate, healthy relationships that we desire and deserve.

    How to Listen, Hear, and Validate is all about our top communication struggle - our tendency to react instead of respond, and forget that our goal is to build bridges rather than walls. You’ll learn what you’ve been doing wrong, and why your efforts at getting closer to people - in deep or light manners - have failed. You’ll learn actionable techniques and frameworks to have the most productive conversations of your life - ones that will walk away with people praising how empathetic you are. Most importantly, you will gain profound insights on how to reprogram yourself into a natural communicator.

    No more unresolved issues, struggles to get close, or failures from ineffective communication.

    Patrick King is an internationally bestselling author and social skills coach. His writing draws of a variety of sources, from scientific research, academic experience, coaching, and real life experience. His struggles in his early relationships has inspired him to unravel practical ways to cultivate meaningful, reciprocative interactions.

    Establish vulnerable, fulfilling and satisfying relationships.

    •The big mistakes when we ‘listen’ to others•How to structure a style for effective validation and empathy•Scripts to validate others, to know exactly what to say•Simple tactics to make others feel loved and seen•How to use empathetic communication and active listening techniques

    Did you know? Most communication problems come from a lack of validation.

    Are we truly paying attention to the messages others are conveying, or are we just waiting for our turn to speak? Are we listening to reply, or listening to hear? After applying the proven techniques from this book, you’ll be able to increase love, respect and satisfaction to your relationship. You’ll become the person everyone wants in their life.

    Connect deeper and better. Raise the standard for your relationships.

    #A #Aggressive #All #Are #ASo #AWell #AYeah #B #BNo #BOh #Brisini #ExpressCare #Narcissist #TianSolomon #Validate #Validating #Validation #RussellNewton #NewtonMG #PatrickKing #PatrickKingConsulting #SocialSkillsCoaching #HowtoListen #Hear #andValidate #ValidationAsACommunicationSkill

  • Do you wish you were the life of the party, someone who effortlessly commands attention and connects with others?

    00:00:00 Massive Charisma

    00:02:40 A Practical Definition

    00:05:47 Being More Influential

    00:16:39 Being More Affable

    00:28:14 Emotional Expressiveness

    00:33:50 Emotional Control

    00:36:10 Social Expressiveness

    00:38:34 Social Sensitivity

    00:41:51 Social Control

    Charisma might seem like a magical gift, but it's actually a set of learnable skills! This video dives deep into the psychology of charisma, breaking it down into practical steps you can take to become more charming and influential. Learn how to project confidence, have captivating conversations, and leave a lasting impression. Discover the 3 key elements of charisma according to Dr. Ronald Riggio, and practical tips for improving your expressiveness, emotional intelligence, and social awareness. Plus, uncover the surprising benefits of acting and improv for boosting your social skills! Watch now and unlock your inner charm!

  • 00:00:00 Better Small Talk

    00:02:15 A Life of Stories

    00:09:34 The 1 -1 -1 Method

    00:16:04 The Story Spine

    00:25:32 Inside Stories

    Struggling with awkward small talk? Discover how to turn those fleeting interactions into meaningful connections with actionable tips from Patrick King's "Better Small Talk." This video dives into the book's key points, including:

    The power of storytelling to build rapport and create lasting memories.The 1-1-1 method to effortlessly transition from small talk to deeper conversations.The Story Spine framework for crafting captivating narratives that engage others.And much more!

    Learn how to navigate social situations with confidence, leave a lasting impression, and build stronger relationships through the art of better small talk.

  • Feeling awkward in conversations? Don't worry, charm isn't about you - it's about making others feel heard!

    00:00:00 Hello listeners

    00:01:28 Talk WITH people and not TO them

    00:17:18 Sustain Conversations with Conversational Threading and Useful Acronyms

    This video dives into Chapter 2 of "Tools of the Charming" and unveils powerful techniques to keep conversations flowing and engaging.

    Discover the "Rule of Three" that prevents you from rambling, and learn the magic of "Conversational Threading" to effortlessly navigate discussions. ✨

    You'll learn:

    The secret to charm: It's not about you! (Spoiler: It's all about making them feel good!)

    The "Rule of Three": Stop information overload and keep conversations interesting.

    Conversational Threading: Never run out of things to say!

    Why content is secondary to emotional connection.

    Become a master conversationalist today!

    P.S. Being open-minded, spontaneous, and genuine are key to everyday conversational success!

  • Easily listen to Social Skills Coaching in your podcast app of choice at https://bit.ly/social-skills-home

    Hear it Here - https://adbl.co/3N9lsjI

    • “Cooperative overlapping” is different from interrupting. It’s about talking along with the speaker, not to undermine or cut them off, but to validate what they’re saying, give encouragement, and show that they’re paying close attention. It can vary across cultures; neither way is right, but try to acknowledge and accommodate differences.

    00:00:00 Hello listeners

    00:04:29 Try to be alert of the different kinds of interrupting/overlapping

    00:08:49 Mastering Turn-Taking

    00:13:08 When They’re the Conversational Narcissist

    00:21:27 Summary

    • Turn-taking rules can be complex and culture-bound, but a big part of learning to be charming, likeable, and a good communicator is to constantly be appraising the situation and adapting and adjusting yourself accordingly.

    • When dealing with a conversational narcissist, don’t try to rescue the conversation by being more attentive, understanding, and charming yourself, or you’ll be taken advantage of. Instead use the gray rock technique and be aloof and unresponsive until they lose interest, and minimize contact as much as possible. Tighten up boundaries.

  • Easily listen to Social Skills Coaching in your podcast app of choice at https://bit.ly/social-skills-home

    Hear it Here - https://adbl.co/3N9lsjI

    • People generally talk about things for a specific reason. If you can hear between the lines and find out what that reason is, you can have deeper conversations with others that are enjoyable for both of you.

    • Doing this isn’t especially hard; all you need to do is pay attention to what is being said. People organically bring up topics they are interested in, and their body language will very obviously indicate excitement or happiness while talking about that subject. With practice, you’ll be able to spot these telltale signs better and use them to have more fun and engaging conversations.

    • When someone is telling you something, try to determine what emotion is being conveyed. People are generally looking for some specific emotional reaction from you when they say something. It could be anger, a smile, amazement, curiosity, or something else. If you can figure out what emotion they’re trying to convey and what they’re expecting in return, you’ll make the other person feel understood and appreciated.

    Remember that conversations aren’t all about you. It’s an activity that involves mutual sharing and listening. Reacting to the other person’s emotions appropriately shows that you’re paying attention and actually care about what they’re saying. This is why you should react to everything. don’t ignore or let comments or nonverbal gestures just pass with no response.

  • Easily listen to Social Skills Coaching in your podcast app of choice at https://bit.ly/social-skills-home

    00:00:00 Hello listeners. Welcome to Social Skills Coaching.

    00:01:00.070 Match and Mirror Internal Communication Cues

    00:05:23.610 Match on Content

    00:10:46.720 Expressing Without Speaking

    00:16:22.630 Posture and Body Orientation

    00:20:28.560 Eye Contact

    00:24:38.790 Paralinguistics

    00:26:09.440 The Four Ps of Voice

    Hear it Here - https://adbl.co/3N9lsjI

    Feeling lost in conversation? This video is your one-stop guide to mastering the fundamentals of communication! We'll break down Chapter 1 of [Book Title] by [Author Name], diving deep into:

    Identifying Your Communication Style: Discover your strengths and weaknesses as a communicator.

    Psychological Barriers: Learn how to overcome common hurdles that block effective communication.

    The Rapport Game: Unlock the secrets of building trust and connection with anyone.

    Expressing Without Speaking: The power of nonverbal communication - understand body language and paralinguistics.

    Summary Guide: Recap the key takeaways from Chapter 1 for easy reference.

    Bonus: We'll provide actionable tips to help you immediately improve your communication skills!

    Ready to become a communication master? Watch now!

  • Better Small Talk: Talk to Anyone, Avoid Awkwardness, Generate Deep Conversations, and Make Real Friends By Patrick King

    Hear it Here - https://adbl.co/2Q5CWQM

    00:00:00 Initial Impressions

    00:10:41 Make the First Move

    00:16:50 Find Similarity

    00:27:35 Manufacture Connection


    Networking events suck, but they can suck less. What to say and when to say to be likable, connect, and make a memorable impression.

    Actionable and applicable verbal maneuvers for just about every phase of conversation. From hello to goodbye, with strangers or old friends, you'll learn how to simply go deeper.

    NO MORE: interview mode, awkward silence, or struggling to hold people’s attention.

    Better Small Talk is a unique read. Imagine the following situation: you've just put on your name tag, and you're approached by a stranger. What do you say? Nice weather today. No, we can do better than this. Learn better small talk to avoid awkwardness, put people at ease, and build real rapport.

    Learn to open people up without them even realizing it.

    Patrick King is an internationally bestselling author and social skills coach. His writing draws of a variety of sources, from scientific research, academic experience, coaching, and real life experience. He suffered for years as a shy introvert and managed to boil human interaction down to a science - first for himself, and now for you.

    You'll learn exact dialogues, responses, phrases, and questions to use.

    •How to tell captivating stories and what to actually focus on. •Four ways to warm yourself up and prepare for even the most unpredictable conversations. •Instantly setting a tone of friendship and openness with strangers. •Common and subtle conversational habits you need to stop right now

    Become someone who is magnetic and who can make new friends in any situation.

    Simple conversation is the gatekeeper to friendships, your dream career, romance, and overall happiness. The ability to connect with anyone is an underrated superpower. People will be more drawn to you without even knowing why, and never again people will people be bored talking to you. You’ll never run out of things to say when you master these conversation tactic

    #EllenNaylor #RussellNewton #NewtonMG #BetterSmallTalk #InitialImpressions #PatrickKing #SocialSkillsCoaching #

  • Easily listen to Social Skills Coaching in your podcast app of choice at https://bit.ly/social-skills-home

    00:02:55 Are You a Conversational Narcissist?

    00:11:01 The Power of the Support Response


    Hear it Here - https://adbl.co/3N9lsjI

    • The biggest threat to connecting well with others is conversational narcissism—i.e., the tendency of centering ourselves, talking too much, steering the topic, interrupting, invalidating others, bragging, manipulating, or acting superior to others. Everyone has the potential to be narcissistic in conversation at times.

    • A shift response is an attempt to bring the focus and attention of a conversation back to yourself. A support response maintains that focus and attention on the other person. A great way to reduce conversational narcissism is to use fewer shift responses and more support responses. When used well, support responses lead to better, more fulfilling conversations for everyone.

    • Dr. Karl Albrecht says that all conversations can be broken down into three fundamental components: declaratives, questions, and conditionals. His rule of three is to never make three declarative statements in a row without a question or conditional statement.

    • Declarations can be presented as statements of fact whether they are or aren’t, and can shut down conversations or act as shift responses. Conditionals are modified, weaker forms of declarations that acknowledge their own subjectivity.

    #Keywords #Make #RussellNewton #NewtonMG #PatrickKing #PatrickKingConsulting #SocialSkillsCoaching #MakeFriendsEasily #WhenEgoGetsInTheWayPatrickKing

  • Easily listen to Social Skills Coaching in your podcast app of choice at https://bit.ly/social-skills-home

    Hear it Here - https://adbl.co/3N9lsjI

    • This chapter is about how to steer conversations to different topics without making things seem restrictive. One critical aspect of talking to people is ability to transition between topics seamlessly. Many people struggle with this because they often want to discuss specific things and end up making the conversation rigid.

    • The key rule to be remembered here is the “yes, and” rule. Whenever someone states a proposition, your response should be to agree to it, and contribute a line that will keep the conversation going. Simply agreeing isn’t enough, since it brings the conversation to a dead end. Disagreeing is even worse, because it might make you come across as combative and unsympathetic.

    • Don’t be afraid to enter into conversational topics that you don’t know much about. You might just end up learning something new, and you’ll see that your fears about coming across as dumb are unfounded. If you keep conversations open-ended, people will naturally want to talk to you because they will feel like they can share anything with you.

    • A more negative version of the “yes, and” rule is the “yes, but” rule. It’s similar, but the latter immediately makes the other person think of you as argumentative. This is because, unlike the “yes, and” rule, it doesn’t help the conversation flow.

    #improveyourconversationskills #communicationskills #socialskillstips #charismatips #likabilitytips #"Yes #AND..."technique #conversationflow #activelistening #overcomingconversationanxiety #improv #communication #socialskills #charisma #likability #conversation #activelistening #socialanxiety #self-improvement #personaldevelopment #RussellNewton #NewtonMG #ImproveYourConversations #AlwaysSay“Yes #AND…” #PatrickKing

  • The Confidence Formula: May Cause: Lower Self-Doubt, Higher Self-Esteem,

    and Comfort In Your Own Skin (Be Confident and Fearless Book 8) By:

    Patrick King

    Hear it Here - https://bit.ly/ConfidenceFormulaKing


    00:16:21 Low Confidence Characteristics

    00:22:05 Am I Unconfident—or Do I Have Anxiety?

    00:24:09 The Spotlight Effect

    00:30:53 Feelings Versus Automatic Thoughts

    00:41:15 Your Confidence Resume

    Stop making decisions based on fear of failure, rejection, anxiety, and


    Life is full of possibilities, but can you take advantage of them? Gain

    the confidence to be all that you can be.

    Not just “fake it ‘til you make it” or “just smile more.”

    The Confidence Formula is filled with real, actionable advice for your

    life TODAY. It’s not generic, borderline useless advice you can read in

    any blog post online. This book will take you on a deep dive into the

    depth of confidence, self-perception, and the psychology of confidence –

    understand yourself so you can break through your mental barriers.

    Everything from psychology, biology, and even cognitive behavioral

    therapy is referenced in giving you the tools to feel more invincible on

    a daily basis.

    Finally feel comfortable in your own skin and become your own source of


    Patrick King is an internationally bestselling author and sought-after

    social skills coach and trainer. He was also one of the plumpest

    children you’ve ever seen, and understands the pains and processes of

    confidence like few others. This book was written by someone who knows

    exactly what you’re facing and how you’re hurting.

    Become bolder, more fearless, and good enough. Stop thinking about the

    “what ifs” in your life.

    Confidence will turn your life into a series of endless opportunities.

    Your goals, your social circle, your relationships, your career, and

    your life – confidence is the key. Confidence creates the life you want

    and lets you smash through goals, while making sure you never feel

    invisible, waste your potential, or feel paralyzed from anxiety.

    Quiet the voice in your head and live how you want to. Stop feeling so


    #Amygdala #Confidence #ConfidenceFormula #ConfidenceResume #FeelingsVersusAutomaticThoughts #Gilovich #SpotlightEffect #ThomasGilovich #RussellNewton #NewtonMG #PatrickKing #PatrickKingConsulting #SocialSkillsCoaching #TheConfidenceFormula #TheRippleEffectOfConfidence

  • Easily listen to Social Skills Coaching in your podcast app of choice at https://bit.ly/social-skills-home

    00:03:17.360 Constantly Interrupting

    00:05:38.100 Using Qualifiers

    00:06:53.900 Equating Your Experiences

    00:08:02.139 Floundering

    00:09:13.940 Waiting Instead of Listening

    00:13:42.170 The Rapport Game

    00:15:09.470 Mirroring and Matching

    00:18:48.220 Way 1: Match and Mirror External Communication Cues

    00:21:06.070 Way 2: Match and Mirror Voice and Language

    Hear it Here - https://adbl.co/3N9lsjI

    #ConversationSkills #RussellNewton #NewtonMG #PatrickKing #PatrickKingConsulting #SocialSkillsCoaching #ConversationSkillsTraining #OtherBadCommunicationHabitsToAvoid

  • Better Small Talk: Talk to Anyone, Avoid Awkwardness, Generate Deep Conversations, and Make Real Friends By Patrick King

    00:14:25.120 A Childlike Exercise

    00:22:30.760 Your Conversation RĂŠsumĂŠ

    00:29:56.769 Conversational Stages

    00:39:29.950 Initial Impressions

    00:49:59.349 Make the First Move

    00:56:07.650 Find Similarity

    01:06:53.740 Manufacture Connection

    Hear it Here - https://adbl.co/2Q5CWQM


    Networking events suck, but they can suck less. What to say and when to say to be likable, connect, and make a memorable impression.

    Actionable and applicable verbal maneuvers for just about every phase of conversation. From hello to goodbye, with strangers or old friends, you'll learn how to simply go deeper.

    NO MORE: interview mode, awkward silence, or struggling to hold people’s attention.

    Better Small Talk is a unique read. Imagine the following situation: you've just put on your name tag, and you're approached by a stranger. What do you say? Nice weather today. No, we can do better than this. Learn better small talk to avoid awkwardness, put people at ease, and build real rapport.

    Learn to open people up without them even realizing it.

    Patrick King is an internationally bestselling author and social skills coach. His writing draws of a variety of sources, from scientific research, academic experience, coaching, and real life experience. He suffered for years as a shy introvert and managed to boil human interaction down to a science - first for himself, and now for you.

    You'll learn exact dialogues, responses, phrases, and questions to use.

    •How to tell captivating stories and what to actually focus on. •Four ways to warm yourself up and prepare for even the most unpredictable conversations. •Instantly setting a tone of friendship and openness with strangers. •Common and subtle conversational habits you need to stop right now

    Become someone who is magnetic and who can make new friends in any situation.

    Simple conversation is the gatekeeper to friendships, your dream career, romance, and overall happiness. The ability to connect with anyone is an underrated superpower. People will be more drawn to you without even knowing why, and never again people will people be bored talking to you. You’ll never run out of things to say when you master these conversation tactic

  • Easily listen to Social Skills Coaching in your podcast app of choice at https://bit.ly/social-skills-home

    00:10:46 Four Easy Self-Disclosure Rules.

    00:14:38 Mini Self-Disclosures.

    00:17:30 How to Respond to Someone Else’s Disclosure.

    Hear it Here - https://adbl.co/3N9lsjI

    • Vulnerability is essential for human connection, and appropriate self-disclosure creates trust, authenticity, and intimacy. Self-disclosure is intentionally sharing personal information that other people wouldn’t know unless we chose to tell them. The most effective kind of self-disclosure is the one that only slightly pushes the current state of affairs toward more intimacy.

    • Friendship-making is an upward spiral of mutual and incremental disclosures over time. Keep things symmetrical, gradual, positive, and small at first.

    #BanterLand #Chunking #Derlega #Disclosure #Selfdisclosure #RussellNewton #NewtonMG #PatrickKing #PatrickKingConsulting #SocialSkillsCoaching #MakeFriendsEasily #TurningOnTheCharm:PrinciplesOfSelf-Disclosure