
  • Launching can be an exciting time for any online business—there's lots to plan, build and create in the lead up to doors open. There's also a few common mistakes that I see often that can affect your sales on the other side. In today's episode, I'm sharing these mistakes and what to do instead.

    In this episode we chat about:
    - Why creating your offer before you've launched it can be a costly mistake.
    - The immense value of audience research when it comes to bridging the Magician's Gap for your ideal client.
    - Why building hype around your offer does *not* sell and what you need to do instead (no-one will ever be more excited about your offer than you are!).
    - Why evergreen offers are not the solution to consistent sales or "passive" income.
    - The underestimated value in launching repeatedly and using a 60-90 day sales process to bridge the gap between where your audience is now and where they need to be to be ready to buy.
    - The benefit of capitalising on a small audience to help improve your next launch.

    - DM me “magic” on Instagram (@stephtaylor.co) to join the Launch Magic waitlist or visit https://learn.stephtaylor.co/launch-magic-waitlist

    - Get my Daily Biz Booster emails: https://stephtaylor.co/DBB
    - 5 Simple Tweaks to Boost Your Launch Profits: https://stephtaylor.co/tweaks
    - Want me to spend a day working on your next launch? Book a VIP intensive: https://stephtaylor.co/vip
    - Get The A-Z Podcast Launch Plan: https://stephtaylor.co/plp-ig
    - Get a 30-day free trial of Kajabi: https://stephtaylor.co/kajabi

    Let's be Instagram friends: https://instagram.com/stephtay...

  • When it comes to selling your online digital products, it's the small tweaks that often make the biggest difference. This is why it's so important to hone that underlying strategy and make those adjustments, otherwise you just won't see the big results that you're always hearing about. In today's episode, I'm sharing 7 tweaks to help you make more sales of your online course, membership or group program—and they may be different to what you think.

    - The importance of understanding your audience—not just on the surface, but diving deep into what makes them tick.
    - How addressing the Magician's Gap will not only drive your content creation but will help your audience with their decision to buy during cart open.
    - Why talking in "expert language" can cause a disconnect with your audience—and what language to use instead.
    - How collecting testimonials as social proof can instantly connect with your audience (if they're written in a way that leverages their value).
    - How gauging your audience's "warmth" will help you decide how to grow your audience between launches.

    - DM me "MAGIC" on Instagram (@stephtaylor.co) to join the Launch Magic waitlist or visit stephtaylor.co/magic

    - Get my Daily Biz Booster emails: https://stephtaylor.co/DBB
    - 5 Simple Tweaks to Boost Your Launch Profits: https://stephtaylor.co/tweaks
    - Want me to spend a day working on your next launch? Book a VIP intensive: https://stephtaylor.co/vip
    - Get The A-Z Podcast Launch Plan: https://stephtaylor.co/plp-ig
    - Get a 30-day free trial of Kajabi: https://stephtaylor.co/kajabi

    Let's be Instagram friends: https://instagram.com/stephtay...

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  • While you don't need a huge audience to launch your online course, group program or membership, you do need to understand some key differences and have a clear strategy in place. In today's episode, I'm sharing the biggest mistakes I see business owners making when they're trying to launch to a small audience.

    - How identifying and avoiding common mistakes when launching to a small audience can set you up for success.
    - Why launching is a repeatable process—a strategic vehicle to sell your offers (regardless of audience size).
    - The 4 key ways to maximise your launch profits with a tiny audience.
    - Understanding when to use paid ads—and when not to.

    - Podcast Episode #674 "How can I develop the right lead magnet for a particular offer, and do I need more than one?": DM me "674" on Instagram (@stephtaylor.co) for a direct link
    - To join the Launch Magic waitlist: DM me "magic" on Instagram (stephtaylor.co) or visit stephtaylor.co/magic

    - Get my Daily Biz Booster emails: https://stephtaylor.co/DBB
    - 5 Simple Tweaks to Boost Your Launch Profits: https://stephtaylor.co/tweaks
    - Want me to spend a day working on your next launch? Book a VIP intensive: https://stephtaylor.co/vip
    - Get The A-Z Podcast Launch Plan: https://stephtaylor.co/plp-ig
    - Get a 30-day free trial of Kajabi: https://stephtaylor.co/kajabi

    Let's be Instagram friends: https://instagram.com/stephtay...

  • Growing your following or getting more subscribers isn't going to make you more sales—especially if your offers aren't already converting. More followers does not equal more profit, unless your business is already profitable and your offers are already converting well. In today's episode, I'm sharing why audience size isn't the be all and end all of business growth—and what you can focus on instead.

    - Why large followings can have hidden problems that negatively affect conversion and sales.
    - How getting your foundations in place is really important *before* you scale.
    - Why shifting your perspective regarding your content can help to nurture the audience you do have—moving them closer to buying.
    - Why you can't keep creating free content and hope that someone likes it and buys your offer.
    - The importance of a clear, intentional sales process to actually sell your offers.

    - DM me “magic” on Instagram (@stephtaylor.co) to join the Launch Magic waitlist or visit https://learn.stephtaylor.co/launch-magic-waitlist

    - Get my Daily Biz Booster emails: https://stephtaylor.co/DBB
    - 5 Simple Tweaks to Boost Your Launch Profits: https://stephtaylor.co/tweaks
    - Want me to spend a day working on your next launch? Book a VIP intensive: https://stephtaylor.co/vip
    - Get The A-Z Podcast Launch Plan: https://stephtaylor.co/plp-ig
    - Get a 30-day free trial of Kajabi: https://stephtaylor.co/kajabi

    Let's be Instagram friends: https://instagram.com/stephtay...

  • As humans, we fear failure. Like somehow it'll be the end of the world. But failure is inevitable in business. You can't predict what will work and what won't—you just have to try, and then get up and try again. In today's episode, I'm sharing 7 ways that failure works *for* you and not against you.

    - How understanding the core of fear and failure will help you to take baby steps towards the thing that you want to do.
    - Why failing actually speeds up your success in the long term by learning and growing.
    - How allowing yourself to be a beginner is important for growth and success.
    - Why focusing on what you want to achieve is essential—rather than focusing on what you want to avoid.
    - Why dealing with fear is one of the most challenging things about running and building an online business.
    - Why failing is never a waste of time!

    - DM me “CC” on Instagram (@stephtaylor.co) or visit https://stephtaylor.co/conversion-campaigns to join the waitlist for the next round of Conversion Campaigns membership enrollments.
    - DM me “magic” on Instagram (@stephtaylor.co) to join the Launch Magic waitlist or visit https://learn.stephtaylor.co/launch-magic-waitlist

    - Get my Daily Biz Booster emails: https://stephtaylor.co/DBB
    - 5 Simple Tweaks to Boost Your Launch Profits: https://stephtaylor.co/tweaks
    - Want me to spend a day working on your next launch? Book a VIP intensive: https://stephtaylor.co/vip
    - Get The A-Z Podcast Launch Plan: https://stephtaylor.co/plp-ig
    - Get a 30-day free trial of Kajabi: https://stephtaylor.co/kajabi

    Let's be Instagram friends: https://instagram.com/stephtay...

  • Hard truth: The only real way to make money in your business is to sell. Otherwise, you go broke. Money isn't a dirty word. Money is how your business gets to reach more people and make a bigger impact. In today's episode, I'm sharing how you can sell your offers without feeling too sales-y.

    - How shifting your mindset can help you to see why selling is an act of service for your audience.
    - What selling *is* and what it is *not*.
    - How using your sales content and messaging strategically can help to pre-empt and address their hesitations.
    - The importance of stories and case studies when it comes to selling.
    - What's *really* going on when you're worried your offer isn't "good enough".

    - DM me “CC” on Instagram (@stephtaylor.co) or visit https://stephtaylor.co/conversion-campaigns to join the waitlist for the next round of Conversion Campaigns membership enrollments.
    - DM me “BYBS” on Instagram (@stephtaylor.co) to find out more about “Boost Your Brand’s Superfans” or visit https://stephtaylor.co/boost-your-brands-superfans

    - Get my Daily Biz Booster emails: https://stephtaylor.co/DBB
    - 5 Simple Tweaks to Boost Your Launch Profits: https://stephtaylor.co/tweaks
    - Want me to spend a day working on your next launch? Book a VIP intensive: https://stephtaylor.co/vip
    - Get The A-Z Podcast Launch Plan: https://stephtaylor.co/plp-ig
    - Get a 30-day free trial of Kajabi: https://stephtaylor.co/kajabi

    Let's be Instagram friends: https://instagram.com/stephtay...

  • Growing your audience can be a long, hard slog. But it doesn't have to be. Audience growth can be simple—if you follow the two-part formula I'm sharing in today's episode. Having one part of the formula without the other (or having neither) just won't cut it in today's online world. In today's episode, I'm sharing 3 ways this shows up and how you can fix it.

    - How balancing both sides of the audience growth equation is important for successful audience growth.
    - Why creating great content is only as good as the strategy implemented to promote it.
    - Why focusing on intentional promotion strategies over organic social media growth is critical.
    - How creating remarkable content will set you apart and move the needle on audience buy-in.
    - Why getting out of your comfort zone and consistently delivering remarkable content can pay dividends for the growth of your business.

    - DM me “BYBS” on Instagram (@stephtaylor.co) to find out more about “Boost Your Brand’s Superfans” or visit https://stephtaylor.co/boost-your-brands-superfans

    - Get my Daily Biz Booster emails: https://stephtaylor.co/DBB
    - 5 Simple Tweaks to Boost Your Launch Profits: https://stephtaylor.co/tweaks
    - Want me to spend a day working on your next launch? Book a VIP intensive: https://stephtaylor.co/vip
    - Get The A-Z Podcast Launch Plan: https://stephtaylor.co/plp-ig
    - Get a 30-day free trial of Kajabi: https://stephtaylor.co/kajabi

    Let's be Instagram friends: https://instagram.com/stephtay...

  • Today I am coaching Hannah, who is passionate about bringing women together with in person and online events. The challenge Hannah faces today is how to get her clients to pay for something that is really valuable, when they've previously been getting it for free. In this episode, we talk about different ways she can turn her events into a paid membership that attracts the right people.

    - Why building an email list is so important in business, rather than relying solely on social media or other platforms like Meetup.
    - How creating a valuable freebie to collect email addresses can not only boost your email list, but build it with the *right* people.
    - The importance of talking to your audience to understand their needs better.
    - 3 ways to create, grow and sustain a membership business model.

    - Connect with Hannah at https://www.hannahsolmarie.com/ or on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/hannahsolmarie/
    - Get my Daily Biz Booster emails: https://stephtaylor.co/DBB
    - 5 Simple Tweaks to Boost Your Launch Profits: https://stephtaylor.co/tweaks
    - Want me to spend a day working on your next launch? Book a VIP intensive: https://stephtaylor.co/vip
    - Get The A-Z Podcast Launch Plan: https://stephtaylor.co/plp-ig
    - Get a 30-day free trial of Kajabi: https://stephtaylor.co/kajabi

    Let's be Instagram friends: https://instagram.com/stephtay...

  • It's easy to get caught up on the tech side of a launch, or the words, or the webinar—or any other parts of a launch. But one thing that's easy to miss is your mindset—and so it's important to get your head in the right space. In today's episode, I'm sharing why mindset is important in a launch and 4 habits that you can adopt before your next one.

    - The importance of mindset when it comes to launching and how adopting better habits can lead to greater profits.
    - Why launching is a repeatable process and how embracing growth will give you valuable lessons for the future.
    - Why actually *doing* the things gives you confidence, not planning and overthinking the things.
    - The pitfalls of perfection and overwhelm and what it may be costing you.
    - How acknowledging fear and doubts can help you to shift your mindset and focus.

    - DM me “magic” on Instagram (@stephtaylor.co) to join the Launch Magic waitlist or visit https://learn.stephtaylor.co/launch-magic-waitlist
    - Get my Daily Biz Booster emails: https://stephtaylor.co/DBB
    - 5 Simple Tweaks to Boost Your Launch Profits: https://stephtaylor.co/tweaks
    - Want me to spend a day working on your next launch? Book a VIP intensive: https://stephtaylor.co/vip
    - Get The A-Z Podcast Launch Plan: https://stephtaylor.co/plp-ig
    - Get a 30-day free trial of Kajabi: https://stephtaylor.co/kajabi

    Let's be Instagram friends: https://instagram.com/stephtay...

  • Today marks 6 years since I launched this podcast and it's changed so much in that time. I've changed the name, the content, the cover art and so much more. The thing is, if I'd waited for it to be perfect before I started, I'd never have started it. Instead, here we are—800 episodes later. In today's episode, I'm sharing 5 more takeaways from these last 6 years.

    - How launching is a rinse and repeat process that helps you to grow your income and impact faster, without needing to come up with something new every time.
    - Why most of the time it's the small, often boring things that have the biggest impact (because there's no one magic pill that does it all).
    - Why trying to implement too many ideas at once can mean that you never finish any of them (or if you do, they're not the most effective at converting into sales).
    - The importance of mindset in business and how it can hold you back.
    - How understanding your daily habits will give you more insight into where you're going and why.

    - Episode #800: The biggest takeaways from 800 episodes of this show (Part 1). DM me “800” on Instagram (@stephtaylor.co) for a direct link.
    - DM me “magic” on Instagram (@stephtaylor.co) to join the Launch Magic waitlist for the next intake in June or visit http://stephtaylor.co/LM
    - Episode #630: 5 small things that make a big difference in building your online business. DM me “630” on Instagram (@stephtaylor.co) for a direct link.
    - Episode #640: Ask Steph: When you have too many ideas, how do you decide which one to pursue? DM me “640” on Instagram (@stephtaylor.co) for a direct link.
    - Episode #654: 7 things I needed to unlearn to grow my business to this level. DM me “654” on Instagram (@stephtaylor.co) for a direct link.
    - Episode #686: 7 simple habits that can transform your business. DM me “686” on Instagram (@stephtaylor.co) for a direct link.

    Let's be Instagram friends: https://instagram.com/stephtay...

  • This is the 800th episode of "Imperfect Action"! I've learned so much along the way about business, as well as what works and what doesn't work in the ever-changing online world. In today's episode, I'm sharing my biggest lessons and takeaways along with the things that have moved the needle most for me and our listeners.

    - The most common reasons why people may be looking but not buying your offer (and it may not be what you think!).
    - Why creating content is still a super effective way to grow your audience and nurture them to be ready to buy from you.
    - How launching with a smaller audience can be very profitable and 5 ways you can make it even better.
    - Why not having enough time is more about what you're prioritising—and what you're not.
    - The 4 reasons why you may be struggling to make consistent sales in your business.

    - Episode #474: 7 reasons people will look but not buy. Tune in to this episode here .
    - Episode #517: 5 ways to make content creation less time-consuming. Check out the direct link here.
    - Episode #519: 5 things that matter more than audience size in your next launch. Find out more here.
    - Episode #560: How I prioritise my tasks and find time to take action on the things that matter. Listen to this episode here.
    - DM me “CC” on Instagram (@stephtaylor.co) or visit www.stephtaylor.co/conversiono-campaigns to join the waitlist for the next round of Conversion Campaigns membership enrolments.
    - Episode #564: You're limiting your sales with these 5 common mistakes. Learn how to fix them here.

    Let's be Instagram friends: https://instagram.com/stephtay...

  • Are you attracting people who tell you that your offers are too expensive? Or come to you for your free content but never buy from you? The clients you really need are those who value what you offer, are willing to actually *pay* for it and are not just looking for the cheapest option out there. In today's episode, I'm sharing 6 essentials for attracting clients who actually value your offers.

    - The importance of choosing a niche that actually has money to spend.
    - Why being really clear about your messaging is essential to communicating exactly what you do and how you help your clients.
    - How demonstrating your expertise through thought leadership will help you to stand out within your industry.
    - How selling your offer is going to be different for lower price points vs higher price points.
    - Why sharing stories and testimonials can work really well when shared with the *right* people.

    - DM me “CC” on Instagram (@stephtaylor.co) or visit stephtaylor.co/cc to jump on the waitlist for when the doors to Conversion Campaigns open up again on 7th May for 3 days only.
    - DM me "BYBS" on Instagram (@stephtaylor.co) or visit stephtaylor.co/bybs to learn more.

    - Get my Daily Biz Booster emails: https://stephtaylor.co/DBB
    - 5 Simple Tweaks to Boost Your Launch Profits: https://stephtaylor.co/tweaks
    - Want me to spend a day working on your next launch? Book a VIP intensive: https://stephtaylor.co/vip
    - Get The A-Z Podcast Launch Plan: https://stephtaylor.co/plp-ig
    - Get a 30-day free trial of Kajabi: https://stephtaylor.co/kajabi

    Let's be Instagram friends: https://instagram.com/stephtay...

  • When creating a lead magnet, I see many business owners trying to give away as much value as possible. And while value can be important, it's usually *not* what will get them over the line. What's more important is figuring out what your ideal client needs to be ready to buy your offer. In today's episode, I'm answering a listener's question about creating a freebie that's valuable *and* meets their audience where they're at.

    - Why giving away value does *not* equal sales and conversions and what you can focus on instead.
    - The questions you can ask yourself (and your audience) about what they need to be ready to buy your offer.
    - How anticipating hesitations and objections and purposefully addressing them can help to shift your audience's mindsets about the problem, solution and transformation.

    - Got a question you'd like me to answer on an upcoming episode? You can submit it at http://stephtaylor.co/asksteph
    - DM me “magic” on Instagram (@stephtaylor.co) to join the Launch Magic waitlist or visit https://learn.stephtaylor.co/launch-magic-waitlist

    - Get my Daily Biz Booster emails: https://stephtaylor.co/DBB
    - 5 Simple Tweaks to Boost Your Launch Profits: https://stephtaylor.co/tweaks
    - Want me to spend a day working on your next launch? Book a VIP intensive: https://stephtaylor.co/vip
    - Get The A-Z Podcast Launch Plan: https://stephtaylor.co/plp-ig
    - Get a 30-day free trial of Kajabi: https://stephtaylor.co/kajabi

    Let's be Instagram friends: https://instagram.com/stephtay...

  • I recently launched my new membership "Conversion Campaigns" for the first time. I always uncover things to tweak in every launch, but launching a brand new offer on a platform I'd never used before was definitely a steep learning curve! In today's episode, I'm sharing 7 of the lessons I've learned over the last few weeks (months!) of this particular launch.

    - Why keeping things simple is so important at the beginning to actually get your offer off the ground and out into the world.
    - How aiming for perfection is wasting your time and your energy (and so is waiting until you're feeling "ready").
    - Why trying to figure it all out before you start just doesn't work—you just need to...start.
    - Why reminding yourself that you can't plan for everything will help you navigate those unexpected challenges that pop up during a launch.

    - DM me “CC” on Instagram (@stephtaylor.co) or visit https://stephtaylor.co/conversion-campaigns to join the waitlist for the next round of Conversion Campaigns membership enrolments.
    - Get my Daily Biz Booster emails: https://stephtaylor.co/DBB
    - 5 Simple Tweaks to Boost Your Launch Profits: https://stephtaylor.co/tweaks
    - Want me to spend a day working on your next launch? Book a VIP intensive: https://stephtaylor.co/vip
    - Get The A-Z Podcast Launch Plan: https://stephtaylor.co/plp-ig
    - Get a 30-day free trial of Kajabi: https://stephtaylor.co/kajabi

    Let's be Instagram friends: https://instagram.com/stephtay...

  • The online world is a noisy place these days—especially social media. You can't just follow, comment and hope anymore—those days are over. In today's episode, I'm sharing 9 of the most common mistakes business owners are making if they're struggling to stand out online—and you may be surprised!

    - Why trying to talk to and resonate with everyone will mean you'll end up talking to and resonating with no-one in particular.
    - Why really understanding your clients' own language around the problems they have, will better place you as the expert—not because of what you know, but because they'll see that you understand them.
    - The importance of having a crystal clear message with obvious "points of difference" to others in your industry.
    - How using consistency to grow your audience over time means showing up—even when you don't feel like it.
    - Why social media is no longer the "be all and end all" for reaching your audience and other options you can use instead.

    - DM me "785" on Instagram (@stephtaylor.co) and I'll instantly send you the direct link for this episode "Strategies for identifying your niche (+ 5 red flags if you’re off course)"
    - DM me "783" on Instagram (@stephtaylor.co) and I'll instantly send you the direct link for this episode "7 key questions to master your messaging and attract your ideal client"

    - Get my Daily Biz Booster emails: https://stephtaylor.co/DBB
    - 5 Simple Tweaks to Boost Your Launch Profits: https://stephtaylor.co/tweaks
    - Want me to spend a day working on your next launch? Book a VIP intensive: https://stephtaylor.co/vip
    - Get The A-Z Podcast Launch Plan: https://stephtaylor.co/plp-ig
    - Get a 30-day free trial of Kajabi: https://stephtaylor.co/kajabi

    Let's be Instagram friends: https://instagram.com/stephtay...

  • Running an online business definitely has its ups and downs—and it can be hard to see what's going on when you're in the thick of it. So if you're going through a challenging moment (or week or month!) know that you're learning a lot right now, even if you don't see it until you're out the other side. In today's episode, I'm sharing 15 of the lessons I've learned in the last few years to help you through the tougher times.

    - Why diving into the "scary" zone can be so beneficial to your success and the value of learning from your failures.
    - Why selling is a non-negotiable element to every online business and understanding the difference between cash flow and profit.
    - The harsh reality that not everything is going to be a shiny, sparkly squirrel, which means getting comfortable with the boring tasks of running a business.
    - How embracing your fears and doubts *is* the path to success because expanding your comfort zone (over and over again!) breeds confidence.

    And so much more...

    - DM me “OLSM” on Instagram (@stephtaylor.co) to find out more about “Offer Less, Sell More” or visit https://stephtaylor.co/offer-less-sell-more
    - DM me “magic” on Instagram (@stephtaylor.co) to join the Launch Magic waitlist or visit https://learn.stephtaylor.co/launch-magic-waitlist

    - Get my Daily Biz Booster emails: https://stephtaylor.co/DBB
    - 5 Simple Tweaks to Boost Your Launch Profits: https://stephtaylor.co/tweaks
    - Want me to spend a day working on your next launch? Book a VIP intensive: https://stephtaylor.co/vip
    - Get The A-Z Podcast Launch Plan: https://stephtaylor.co/plp-ig
    - Get a 30-day free trial of Kajabi: https://stephtaylor.co/kajabi

    Let's be Instagram friends: https://instagram.com/stephtay...

  • We've all heard about boundaries and why we *should* implement them. But actually putting them into practice (in business and in everyday life!) is often easier said than done. In today's episode, I'm sharing 4 must-have boundaries for your online offers so that *you* can feel safe and comfortable in your business *and* your clients know what to expect.

    - How defining your boundaries in business (and daily life) teaches others how to interact with you.
    - Why understanding these 4 boundaries will help you to be proactive and consistent with your boundary-setting.
    - How creating boundaries for your clients differs between 1:1 and group programs.
    - Why clarifying your boundaries sets the foundation for for how, why and when your clients can contact you.
    - What to do when your clients disrespect your boundaries.

    - Episode #499: Monica Yates on how to create boundaries in your business to protect your energy. DM me “499” on Instagram (@stephtaylor.co) for a direct link.
    - Get my Daily Biz Booster emails: https://stephtaylor.co/DBB
    - 5 Simple Tweaks to Boost Your Launch Profits: https://stephtaylor.co/tweaks
    - Want me to spend a day working on your next launch? Book a VIP intensive: https://stephtaylor.co/vip
    - Get The A-Z Podcast Launch Plan: https://stephtaylor.co/plp-ig
    - Get a 30-day free trial of Kajabi: https://stephtaylor.co/kajabi

    Let's be Instagram friends: https://instagram.com/stephtay...

  • When creating offers, content and messaging for your ideal client, you can get stuck using the "expert" language, rather than using language that resonates with them. It's easy to *think* you know what your audience needs from you, but actually *asking* them is much more effective (and eliminates the guess work!). In today's episode, I'm sharing the 5 questions I ask my audience so that I can create great, targeted content for them.

    - How researching your audience can give you so many ideas and why it's important to entice responses from them and then evaluate their answers.
    - How uncovering their problems highlights the disconnect in your messaging while also offering valuable content material.
    - The benefit of identifying the end game for your ideal client (and the hidden inspiration this can offer).
    - How drilling down the obstacles (real and imagined) will help you to see what's holding your audience back.

    - Get my Daily Biz Booster emails: https://stephtaylor.co/DBB
    - 5 Simple Tweaks to Boost Your Launch Profits: https://stephtaylor.co/tweaks
    - Want me to spend a day working on your next launch? Book a VIP intensive: https://stephtaylor.co/vip
    - Get The A-Z Podcast Launch Plan: https://stephtaylor.co/plp-ig
    - Get a 30-day free trial of Kajabi: https://stephtaylor.co/kajabi

    Let's be Instagram friends: https://instagram.com/stephtay...

  • The biggest, most exhausting mistake I see online business owners making is this: Trying to do all the things, without any real idea of what they're trying to achieve. Remember, doing more does *not* mean you're being productive (especially if you're making things more difficult than they need to be!). In today's episode, I'm sharing 5 helpful ways you can simplify and streamline your business.

    - Why understanding where you're putting your time and energy is the first step to change.
    - How using today's tech, software, platforms and tools can make your life easier, not harder.
    - Why getting really clear on your marketing and sales processes will help you to streamline what you can to lighten your workload.
    - The importance of becoming really intentional about what you do *and* what you don't do.
    - How identifying the complications in your business that you don't love will help you to save a lot of time and energy.

    - Get my Daily Biz Booster emails: https://stephtaylor.co/DBB
    - 5 Simple Tweaks to Boost Your Launch Profits: https://stephtaylor.co/tweaks
    - Want me to spend a day working on your next launch? Book a VIP intensive: https://stephtaylor.co/vip
    - Get The A-Z Podcast Launch Plan: https://stephtaylor.co/plp-ig
    - Get a 30-day free trial of Kajabi: https://stephtaylor.co/kajabi

    Let's be Instagram friends: https://instagram.com/stephtay...

  • Content creation is a tough gig. It's challenging to always be coming up with new content *and* to share this content consistently. But it doesn't have to be so hard. In today's episode, I'm sharing my top tips for streamlining content creation so you can repurpose your content across multiple platforms.

    - How identifying your favourite "hero" content medium is the best place to start.
    - Why mapping out your skeleton monthly schedule will help to streamline your workflow.
    - The strategies I use to help flesh out my content and stay focused on the yearly goals for my business.
    - How repurposing content across multiple mediums can save you so much time.

    - DM me “magic” on Instagram (@stephtaylor.co) to join the Launch Magic waitlist or visit https://learn.stephtaylor.co/launch-magic-waitlist
    - Want to receive my bite-sized daily biz boosters? DM “DBB” on Instagram (@stephtaylor.co) or visit https://stephtaylor.co/DBB to receive them into your inbox.

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