
  • Solidarity 713, 19 June 2024. Articles:

    Socialise energy! Green conversion!
    The resources are there
    Fighting for a workers’ government
    Vote Labour everywhere
    Electrify transport and industry
    Ceasefire now! Let Gaza live!
    Far-right danger in France
    Peace, two states, solidarity!
    Brexit and “repetition compulsion”
    France: a new Popular Front is born
    New mood at Unison conference
    Demand an Orgreave inquiry
    University bosses move against Gaza camps
    When it's too hot to work
    Letter: Lack of foresight and imagination
    Debate: Sanders and rightward drift
    Vote Labour but fight for a workers’ government
    Fascist attack in Budapest
    Labour conference
    The Russian Marxists: where they began in building a party
    Parliaments, wealth, and workers’ councils
    Debate: Fight the Trumpite counter-revolution
    Industrial action on steel jobs
    The time I got sacked
    A story of early 20th century Vienna
    Labour: pay the junior doctors!
    Belated but welcome unity
    Goldsmiths on two-week strike

    More online: https://workersliberty.org/solidarity-713-19-june-2024

  • Solidarity 712, 12 June 2024. Articles:
    Win worker rights! For Labour, against Starmer!
    Cease fire, two states, equal rights!
    For unilateral nuclear disarmament
    For open borders and free movement!
    Trade unionists rally against Justine Canady sacking
    Tata uses bully tactics
    Union protests? Good, but should be better
    Ceasefire in Gaza; stop Israel-Hezbollah war!
    Standing Together against “Flag Day” march
    Galloway’s man at the CPB
    For net zero, take over the banks!
    What we mean by “left-wing” and “socialist”
    Abuse in Chechnya rises with war
    Brighton Kemptown: fight back for democracy
    Student Gaza camps hold out
    EU elections: The vaccine no longer works
    Snap election in France on 30 June
    A new far-right street danger
    Nine million displaced in Sudan
    Ukrainian national rights against the Kremlin
    D-Day and why we fight capitalism even when it is 'progressive'
    Debate: Don’t understate danger from Trump
    The far left and the general election on 4 July
    A preview of Unison conference
    Debate: Well-organised, but for what?
    WPB shown up by scandals
    Dementia care: there must be a better way
    A film about end of World War 2
    Walk-out rallies workers for ballot
    Union hierarchy blocks new Exec majority
    Goldsmiths strike starts 17 June

    More online: https://workersliberty.org/publications/solidarity/solidarity-712-12-june-2024

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  • Solidarity 711, 5 June 2024. Articles:
    Doctors will strike from 27 June
    Vote Labour but fight for a workers’ government
    Ceasefire now, aid, peace. Two states, equal rights.
    They make Tony Blair look like a pluralist
    Stop the victimisation of Justine Canady!
    End the horrors in Gaza!
    Sabreen Msarwi reinstated
    The “TikTok lawyer” and misogyny
    The ILO and Russia: choose sides
    Just one working hospital remains in Rafah
    Free the Hong Kong 47!
    A true story from a hotter world
    The far right mobilises in London
    A call from France for solidarity, against antisemitism
    Student camps face threats
    Trotsky’s call for independent Ukraine
    Debate: Omissions about the Democrats
    Bernie Sanders on Gaza, Biden, and Trump
    Workers’ Liberty on 4 November
    Why there are Congo protests in London
    How wealth warps democracy under the capitalist system
    Labour’s “New Deal”: a terrain of struggle
    Scottish FE campaign steps up
    Sharp talk then a letdown
    Kino Eye: An early film about transition
    Steel: Unite promises escalation
    UCU congress: a mixed bag
    Workers' Liberty at LO fete 2024

    More online: https://workersliberty.org/publications/solidarity/solidarity-711-5-june-2024

  • Solidarity 710, 29 May 2024. Articles:

    Vote Labour and organise!
    Why we say vote Labour everywhere
    Let Gaza live! Two states! Equal rights!
    Solidarity with workers in China!
    Defend Sabreen Msarwi!
    Ukraine is hard-pressed but defiant
    After defeating Rwanda plan, win free movement
    The pachyderm in the room
    The Zinoviev Letter after 100 years
    Keep abortion rights on the agenda!
    Georgia resists ban on “foreign influence”
    Yes to 22 June, but turn to workers
    Behind the blood scandal: profit, hierarchy, prejudice
    Open up debate in student camps!
    Student camps are still on
    Yakoob, Galloway, and the “independents”
    The working class as basis for socialism
    Trump as a rebel
    The road to Bolshevism: Ulyanov and Russian Marxists’ “second generation”
    Left gains at PCS conference
    Review, bulletins, and boycotts
    Aslef backs Standing Together
    Kino Eye: The worst “McCarthyite film” ever?
    Tata: delay is dangerous
    Reinstate Nigerian students in Teesside!
    UCU will debate Ukraine and Gaza

    More online: https://workersliberty.org/publications/solidarity/solidarity-710-29-may-2024

  • Women's Fightback 31, Spring/Summer 2024.

    The thread running through this edition of Women's Fightback is the state, and its capacity to coerce, oppress and harm. The prison system is a rough place at the best of times. But for pregnant women it is a living nightmare, and for newborns it can be deadly. Criminalisation is threatening our reproductive rights like never before. In Israel, state repression is unleashed on opponents of atrocities being committed in Gaza and teenagers refusing to serve in the military. In response to these attacks, we discuss abolitionism, and explore the debate over how the left engages with public sector workers who are, willingly or not, a part of the state machine.

    We also bring you reports of the fight against sexism in the trade union movement; a story of anti-racist organising in the 1980s; reviews of feminist films and art exhibitions; and plenty of international reports and analysis from Belarus, Sudan, Ireland, Iran and more.

    Beyond that, you will find a wealth of cultural criticism; an exhibition on feminist revolt; tales of Unwell Women and Genoa’s trans outcasts of the 1960s; dispatches from Mexico’s struggle for abortion rights and the fight for democracy in Hong Kong; feminist dissidents in Belarus, and much more. We hope you enjoy it!

    Article list:
    No Births Behind Bars
    The socialist case for abolition
    Soft cops or class fighters?
    #meTU Sexism in the unions
    Who's afraid of gender?
    Ireland's lost referenda
    A labour of love
    Taking on the racists — the legendary Sari Squad
    Poetry: Poke your woke
    A new chance for abortion liberalisation in Germany?
    Decriminalise abortion now!
    Belarusian dissidents face prison
    Refusing to serve
    Letters from prison
    In defence of Standing Together
    How do you solve a problem like Iranian women?
    The case of Sepideh Qolian
    War in Sudan one year on
    Acts of resistance
    With Women, We Exist

    Women's Fightback is a socialist feminist magazine by Workers' Liberty. We stand for trans-inclusive, sex-positive, class struggle feminism. We organise in our workplaces and trade unions, and in the student movement and Labour Party for socialist feminist politics. Get your copy now!

    More online: https://workersliberty.org/publications/womens-fightback/womens-fightback-31-spring-summer-2024

  • Solidarity 709, 15 May 2024. Articles include:

    How to change politics
    Big anti-war protest in Israel
    Stop Rwanda scheme! Open safe routes for asylum
    Chance for a new start in PCS
    Rafah on brink of massacre
    Yes, Elphicke too right-wing. What about Galloway?
    Nakba Day: it’s a bit more complicated
    15 May: no, nations do not have hereditary guilt
    15 May votes on abortion access
    The tragedy of capitalist fishing
    Ireland and Algeria: another reply to John McAnulty
    Palestinian workers organising in West Bank
    Union gears up for Amazon recognition ballot
    The Punisher, Trump, and Carl Schmitt
    Georgia: Four million people, 200,000 protesters!
    “Social movements” instead of working class?
    “Working from home” and unionism
    Steel unions plan to strike
    Kino Eye: Fate of a “friend of Stalin”
    Don’t reject the IHRA definition
    Student protest camps spread
    Khan re-elected: now push him to act!
    End the scab-bassador scheme!
    Nottingham campaign steps up
    The road to Bolshevism: Adding agitation to education

    More online: https://workersliberty.org/publications/solidarity/solidarity-709-15-may-2024

  • Solidarity 708, 8 May 2024.

    There were two mistakes in the original reading of this paper which have now been corrected. It has been corrected to say that Putin's "most vociferous supporters are the far-right in *Europe* and America", and that "human rights and pro-democracy work... *enrages* the homophobic, authoritarian Georgian Dream party."


    Why we call for peace
    Restore and extend free movement
    Stop Rafah assault! Let Gaza live!
    Solidarity and links, not boycott
    New Putin offensive looms in Ukraine
    After 2 May: shape what’s next
    Protests in Israel demand ceasefire now
    Hamas, two states, and the way to equal rights
    A “slight bit of truth” and Odesa
    Georgia at a crossroads
    Petro-dollars versus equality and rights
    US campuses defy police repression
    Protest camps spread across Britain
    Climate adaptation: lessons from Covid
    Assailing workers' rights rather than sickness
    Rochdale result: a Galloway flop
    Humza Yousaf resigns as Scottish First Minister
    A tale of three RCPs
    The Carnation Revolution remembered
    From revolution to “stabilising” coup
    The road to Bolshevism: Adding agitation to education
    CWU: dragging back what was lost
    Upbeat after our conference
    Emancipation: why the working class?
    Mick Cash: another place-holder
    Barnet Unison
    Kino Eye: The Gulag on film
    Stop the Tories’ Rwanda clampdown!
    University unions edge towards action
    Doctors to strike in Northern Ireland

    More online: https://workersliberty.org/publications/solidarity/solidarity-708-8-may-2024

  • Solidarity 707, 24 April 2024. Articles include:
    To green economic life: democracy!
    Israel-Iran: against war!
    Trump’s trial and a UAW victory
    Reverse the Brexit fiasco!
    Nottingham plans anti-cuts May Day
    Iranian left: “This is not our war”
    Ceasefire, peace, two states!
    Terror in West Bank
    Galloway and “unnecessary culture wars”
    Free speech even for the odious!
    Germany: push against 1871 abortion law
    Scottish Labour passive as SNP declines
    Third Period, First Republic, and symbols
    The climate and Memorial Day
    Stop the Rwanda scheme!
    National Union of Students conference: an undemocratic shambles
    The what, who, and why of socialism
    Wandsworth Prison campaign launched
    Against cuts! Fight for free education!
    Russia’s revolutionaries in the 1890s
    Action at Goldsmiths
    Bob Crow: differences and limits
    Amazon workers win ballot go-ahead
    Kino Eye: Adaptations of 1984
    Vote for strikes and new PCS leaders
    Court win on right to strike
    Unison NEC backs Ukraine solidarity
    Glasgow: what sort of "anti-Zionism"?

    More online: https://workersliberty.org/publications/solidarity/solidarity-707-24-april-2024

  • Solidarity 706, 17 April 2024. Articles:

    Kino Eye: The Miners’ Hymns
    The loot of the billionaires
    No to Iran-Israel war
    Ukraine in a corner: arm Ukraine!
    Galloway’s reactionary "grand alliance"
    The working class and the overpaid
    Solidarity with peace activists in Israel
    Keep pressing for ceasefire and peace
    Watching the real world
    From Madrid to Kyiv
    Inequalities in fertility care
    Red Sea and Yemen’s people under Houthi attack
    Fare Free London wins union support
    Debate: Boris Savinkov: a counter-revolutionary
    Cass final report: a major setback
    Starmer gives "total" pledge to arms industry
    Young Labour shifts to right
    The road to Bolshevism: Study, explain, agitate: how socialists organise
    The Chartist non-revolution of 1848
    Unite steelworkers vote to strike
    Unison health conference ducks pay issue
    General secretaries I have known
    Wirral CSWs win their battle
    Slouching towards the election?

    More online: https://workersliberty.org/publications/solidarity/solidarity-706-17-april-2024

  • Solidarity 705, 10 April 2024. Articles may include:

    For a “party of protest”
    Peace and equal rights
    Vote for new leaders in PCS!
    How to win elections
    Trump and the billionaires
    Back anti-war movement in Israel
    A new left party jettisoning socialism
    “Planetary boundaries” don’t say it all
    Anti-abortionists step up backlash
    Monkey Man, Modi, and Netflix
    Boris Savinkov: forgotten revolutionary
    Debate: Why the Starmer-Biden poll difference?
    Hong Kong passes new “security law”
    The road to Bolshevism: how a new start came from exile
    Talking about Israel in Germany
    Debate: Different views on Trump
    Worker demands for green conversion
    Debate: views on the Labour Party
    Succession planning in unions
    Letter: Fatal flaw in Irish polemic
    Letter: Seeing “parallels” between Algeria and Ireland
    The zigzags of technology
    Kino Eye: Comradeship across borders
    NEU fails to vote on Ukraine
    Junior doctors vote 97% for more action on pay restoration
    Goldsmiths starts action against cuts

    More online: https://workersliberty.org/publications/solidarity/solidarity-705-10-april-2024

  • Solidarity 704, 3 April 2024. Articles may include:
    Transform the labour movement!
    Ceasefire, peace, two states!
    Owen Jones: From campaigner to social media "brand"
    Protests increase in Israel
    Cuts campaign grows in Nottingham
    Putin goes for more repression and war
    Cuts at UK universities
    Domestic violence rooted in poverty and cuts
    Economy, life, and caring
    Khan report: missing the Tories’ blame
    Gaza and the left, USA and UK
    Push in schools union to back Ukraine
    Begging banned in Europe’s wealthiest capital
    The Dmitriev Affair and Putin's Russia
    Haiti in social meltdown
    Letter: Discuss climate change seriously
    Letter: Refer to earlier discussions
    Conspiracy theory on Moscow bombing serves Putin
    From ultra-patience to ultra-impatience
    Public ownership of water and utilities!
    Glasgow East Women's Aid closed
    Kino Eye: Black and white unite and fight
    RMT members: vote yes to renew mandate on jobs, pensions, agreements
    Back "Trains Modernisation" strikes
    Amazon seeks to scupper union bid

    More online: https://workersliberty.org/publications/solidarity/solidarity-704-3-april-2024

  • Solidarity 703, 20 March 2024. Articles include:

    Our demands and a workers' government
    End the war! Peace! Two states!
    “Standing Together” acts on aid for Gaza
    Sheriff of Nottingham votes against cuts
    Tory demagogues turn on dissent
    Textile workers strike in Egypt
    Young men drifting to the right
    Singer with a tin ear
    Vote Steve for NUS VPHE
    Unrest rises in Iran
    SRM: research now, but more only under socialism
    Portugal: fading memories of fascism?
    The road to Bolshevism: Plekhanov as “the father of Russian Marxism?
    What is Standing Together?
    New shifts on far right
    Transnistria, Moldova, and Putin
    Momentum convention: a mixed bag
    Food couriers pause action
    Amazon: more strikes
    Bombastic, “dogmatic instead of critical”
    Defend right to bad posters
    A strange sort of Big Bang
    Leeds pledges no “work notices”
    A 1940 film about the miners’ battles
    Stop cuts at Goldsmiths
    Tata: nationalise, don’t subsidise
    Pay: time to fight to win

    More online: https://www.workersliberty.org/publications/solidarity/solidarity-703-20-march-2024

  • Solidarity 702, 6 March 2024. Articles include:

    Fight for a workers' government
    Food couriers can win a living wage!
    Let Gaza live! Peace! Two states!
    Refusing in the name of hope
    Israelis push against the "occupation occupying Israel"
    Ceasefire, end siege, free hostages, reconstruct Gaza
    Morning Star lurches further "Red-Brown"
    New far-right group sets election plans
    "Pro-life" and the Manchester protests
    Alan Bates is wrong about Amazon
    Reinstate Lambeth councillors!
    We may be near tipping points
    Research ban will not make us safer
    Alan Woods and his "born again" RCP
    Antisemitism and Israel
    Two years later, anguish, anger, acceptance
    The fight for free unions in Belarus
    The road to Bolshevism: the triumph and defeat of Narodnaya Volya
    Repeal all the anti-protest laws!
    At the court of King Donald
    Trade unionists against Galloway
    Goldsmiths UCU ballots against cuts
    Free public transport? Why not?
    Grady scrapes back in
    The greatest French film ever?

    More online: https://workersliberty.org/publications/solidarity/solidarity-702-6-march-2024

  • Solidarity 701, 28 February 2024. Articles include:
    The cuts and the rich
    Netanyahu out! End the war!
    Plans set for Drax 8-13 August
    Couriers to strike every Friday
    It's the rich who make "no-go areas"
    Stopping the cuts in Nottingham
    Ceasefire, peace, two states
    Labour and Gaza: now back Standing Together
    Playing parliamentary games on Gaza
    Rediscovering Dorothy Arzner
    Work and menopause
    Being anti-Labour doesn't put Galloway on the left
    Trump: the plutocrat as monarch
    Polish farmers block Ukrainian grain
    Students organise against cuts
    Russia turns Ukraine's occupied areas into an armed camp
    The road to Bolshevism: The Northern Union of Workers
    Iran: steel workers fight back
    Making reality of a moderate "utopia"
    Exposés of antisemitism
    Junior doctors remain strong
    Cohorts on the railway
    Steel unions call ballots for action
    PCS: undermining a fightback
    Jewish identity in Britain today
    Bristol Palestine Alliance and antisemitism

    More online: https://workersliberty.org/publications/solidarity/solidarity-701-28-february-2024

  • Solidarity 700, 21 February 2024. Articles include:
    Gaza: End the war! Rebuild life!
    Labour: fit to oust the Tories?
    “Post-materialism”: 1796, 1840s, 1970s, and today
    Murray gets his way on Galloway
    Who is George Galloway?
    Backlash after unions’ trans-rights vote
    Solidarity with Ukraine!
    After Putin murders Navalny
    How to beat antisemitism
    AWL conference 2024
    Prices are flat, but...
    David Miller’s world
    Pakistan in turmoil after poll
    "Putin has murdered Navalny”
    2014: how Russia seized Crimea
    The Zapatistas after 30 years
    When the workers awakened in Moscow and Petersburg
    Axelrod the pioneer
    Civil service pay down 15 to 38%
    Belarus's 25 February election is rigged
    Don’t extradite Assange!
    Coming to see how to fight for a future
    Ridley Scott’s Napoleon
    Trust rules out "work notices": make others do the same
    Join junior doctors’ pickets!
    Northumbria university cuts
    Couriers out again on 23 February
    Word4Word: Mau-mauing
    Word4Word: Bog standard
    Removing Can Atalay from parliament is an attack on the working class
    Paramaz and his comrades in Beyazıt Square
    Letter: Not a response to others' slogans
    About Lula's statements on Gaza

    More online: https://workersliberty.org/publications/solidarity/solidarity-700-21-february-2024

  • Solidarity 699, 14 February 2024. Articles include:

    Make unions commit Labour to green and renewable energy!
    Why do “fiscal rules” squeeze so tight?
    Stop massacre in Rafah
    Ukraine on the back foot
    Northern Ireland: new strikes set for 27-29 February
    Full ceasefire, peace, two states
    Social provision and market rules
    “Someday this war’s gonna end”
    Union sets plan on sexual harassment
    “Free Fares London” campaign launches
    A hero? Better a democratic leader
    No run for mayor
    A half-story of the miners’ strike
    Gramsci’s laboratory: “subaltern social groups”
    The road to Bolshevism: the Narodnik labour movement
    Starmer to blame for Rochdale fiasco
    Jewish students protest at Miller
    Letter: “Massacre” too weak a term?
    David Miller’s world: “Zionist spies” operate everywhere
    “Minimum” is 100%?
    Days of Heaven
    Food couriers strike 14 February
    Amazon strikes again at BHX4
    Junior doctors strike 24-28 February

    More online: https://workersliberty.org/publications/solidarity/solidarity-699-14-february-2024

  • Women's Fightback 30, Spring 2024. Women's Fightback is a socialist feminist magazine by Workers' Liberty. We stand for trans-inclusive, sex-positive, class struggle feminism. We organise in our workplaces and trade unions, and in the student movement and Labour Party for socialist feminist politics. Articles include:

    We believe in joint struggle, an interview with Rula Daood
    A tribute to Vivian
    Women and the miners' strike 1984-5
    Gays and miners: the enemy within
    Lessons from Mexico
    Free the HK47!
    Exile and the fight for democracy
    Women in revolt!
    Dee Dickens: Medusa
    A note on brothel-keeping
    On reading Annie Ernaux
    Champion of outcasts: Lisetta Carmi
    The Roma struggle for health
    Unwell women
    Abolition revolution
    The fight for justice

    More online and buy: https://workersliberty.org/wf

  • This short pamphlet explains why trade unions should not be giving political and financial support to a newspaper which is not the "daily paper of the left" but the mouthpiece of the Communist Party of Britain (CPB). More online and buy: https://workersliberty.org/morningstar

    The Morning Star is not an effective way for unions to gain support for their disputes and campaign. And the political cost of backing the Morning Sar is immense: in effect, presenting a vision of “socialism” in which the totalitarian police state of China is held up as desirable, military coups (as in Niger) are hailed as legitimate means of achieving progressive change, and nationalist illusions of “socialism in one country” are promoted as the way forward for Britain. And it’s not even true that the paper allows genuine debate on issues where there are differences on the left.

  • Women's Fightback 29, Autumn 2023. Articles include:

    Sheffield's First Radical Pride
    25,000 March for Trans Pride
    An achievable average, being a woman of colour around the world
    The liberating power of monstrosity
    Larisa Reisner a Bolshevik, revolutionary life
    Caste, class and rape
    Only Yes Means Yes
    Jina Mahsa Amini, one year on
    In defence of pregnant people
    Lessons from the Women's Liberation Movement
    The Fight Against Section 219a
    Our policy: abortion as early as possible, as late as necessary
    Bodies Under Siege
    Abortion: our demands
    Notes from Berlin: what we can learn from the hospital movement

    More online: https://workersliberty.org/publications/womens-fightback/womens-fightback-29-autumn-2023

  • The Easter Rising and Irish history: The two souls of Irish nationalism? An attempt at a Marxist account. An inspiration across the world? Or an eclipse of working-class socialism by narrow nationalism? Both were in the Easter Rising.

    Workers' Liberty vol. 3 issue 75, Solidarity 694, is a special on this topic. More online: https://www.workersliberty.org/publications/workers-liberty-magazine/latest-issue/workers-liberty-volume-3-september-2005/easter