
  • Natalee Finn is a Spiritual Healer and Teacher, a Divine Channel, a Speaker, a Medium, an Intuitive Coach and Mum to Michael. She is a Libran with a Pisces rising, a Lover of Nature, a Dream Ignitor and a Spiritual Seeker. Her heart and soul lights up seeing others connecting to their own intuition and she has guided thousands of people, helping them to connect with their own spiritual pathway. She teaches a variety of soul nourishing events and courses, and her dream is for everyone to find peace in their life, to connect to the beauty of their soul, and be guided by the Divine presence of love.

    Natalee is also known for speaking at a range of different Spiritual Events, such as the Australian Mind, Body, Spirit Festival, where she gives talks and readings from the Angels, Ascended Masters, Spirit Guides and departed loved ones in the Spirit World.

    Contact Natalee through her Instagram or website to book in a session or a workshop with her.

    Natalee's Instagram: @natalee_finn

    Natalee's Website: nataleefinn.com

    In this episode we talk about

    - The Empath and the different types of Empaths

    - Awareness of your energy field

    - Self love and empowerment

    - Energetic and spiritual self care

    - Psychic protection

    - The super powers of the Empath

  • Jasmine Rose is a Yogini and Women’s Temple Keeper, devoted to the Feminine Mysteries. She is the Foundress of the Shakti Yoga School where she teaches and trains facilitators in her Womb-Centred Yoga Method specifically designed for the female body. She is a Wise Womb Medicine Practitioner and has been guiding women to awaken their embodied wisdom since 2014 on retreats, women circles and one-on-one sessions. Her devotion to the Feminine began with her own distinct awakening of Shakti, and the subsequent initiations that followed. She lives in reverence to the sacred feminine power within herself and all of creation. Her passion and gift is in creating sacred and beautiful spaces for women to feel, heal and awaken to their inner power, creativity and wisdom. Jasmine brings her wealth of experience from 15 years as a teacher and a first class honours degree in Psychology, but most of all considers herself a humble apprentice of the Goddess.

    You can contact Jasmine Rose and explore her offerings here:




    Shakti Yoga Online Course

    Shakti Yoga Teacher Training

    In this episode we talk about -

    - Awakening the Shakti feminine frequency
    - Divine feminine Remembrance
    - Shakti Yoga School
    - Women's Shakti yoga classes
    - Women's Temples
    - Creating a space for the sisterhood
    - Sacred embodiment through sisterhood connection
    - Jasmine's feminine awakening journey
    - Dark night of the soul and her Saturn Return
    - The messy part of awakening
    - The empath narcissist connection
    - The Goddess entry point and initiation
    - Unique themes on the spiritual path
    - Kundalini yoga awakening
    - Kundalini as a force of creativity
    - Grounding and preparing Kundalini energies
    - Sexual awakening and reclaiming your sexuality
    - Divine masculine energies and Divine feminine energies
    - The womb space, the birthing centre and the powers of the womb
    - Shakti yoga training
    - Womb healing
    - Acknowledging the power of your womb
    - Re-connecting to the womb
    - Self womb massage
    - The Blood Mysteries
    - Cleaning the womb space
    - The connection with the womb and the voice
    - Somatic womb connection with Shakti yoga
    - Womb connection to the mother lineage
    - Activating and awakening the womb
    - Reclaiming of the body and womb space after birth
    - Maiden, Mother and Crone
    - Breast massage
    - The different directions for Breast massage
    - Self care and nature

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  • Simone upholds a special relationship with the Elements and Mother Earth. This relationship stems from many lifetimes of exploring rituals and undertaking sacred plant medicine ceremonies, following shamanic ancient traditions and the rites of passage and honouring his plants and human teachers.

    He came into his body in the Northern Hemisphere, in a little town surrounded by mountains, rivers, forest and wildlife. Simone has been moving around since a young age looking for a place to call home, when he finally realised that this place is within him, in the heart centre, Anahata.

    Simone is a space holder, ceremonialist and Reiki Master, who draws upon different tools in his offerings in reverence of the lineage that he has be initiated in.

    The connection between Simone and Cacao medicine is profound, full of respect and reverence.

    You can reach out to Simone through his Instagram @elementalslovealoha

    or on his website elementalslovealoha.com

    In this podcast we talk about:

    - Simone's spiritual journey
    - Helping people step into their heart space and move through fear
    - Opening to Reiki and channeling Reiki for others
    - Simone's experience with past lives
    - Deepening his spiritual journey with meditation and yoga
    - Past life regression and healing trauma
    - Becoming vegetarian and then vegan
    - Clearing out energy
    - Feeling the calling of cacao
    - Cacao ceremonies and connecting to the medicine of cacao
    - Cacao medicine journey
    - Clearing his heart and connecting with Mother Nature
    - Shamanic journeying and past lives
    - Shamanic journeying with cacao
    - Releasing energy and re-connecting with the heart through shamanic journeying
    - Simone's cacao and sound healing ceremonies
    - Simone's experience with holding space for a lot of people

    Follow Mel on Instagram: @therosemother

  • Nancy Jackson is an embodiment teacher, sound and energy healer, and intuitive channel of wisdom and vision. She guides men and women to rediscover their true selves, shift conditioned patterns and fears with ease, and illuminate their sacred soul magic through embodiment, empowerment, and spiritual path enlightenment. Her mission as a steward for peace on earth is to help raise the heart light frequency of the collective consciousness to usher in the Golden Age.

    website: https://www.authenticandaligned.com/

    IG: https://www.instagram.com/authenticaligned/

    In this podcast episode we talk about:

    - The frequency of Mother Mary and her Angels
    - The Queen of Angels
    - Mary Magdalene
    - Nancy's soul mission
    - Star people coming through for the podcast
    - Helping people connect with their soul
    - Trust, surrender and safety
    - Connecting with our inner gnosis and wisdom
    - Accessing our wisdom library
    - Trusting your intuition
    - Coming back into our body to access higher wisdom
    - Finding safety in our bodies
    - Our compass is in our heart
    - Spiritual energies
    - Magdalene frequency and how she's helping us
    - Mary Magdalene as our twin soul
    - Devotion, sacredness and embodiment
    - Aligning and grounding
    - Anointing and anchoring with the earth energy
    - The underworld
    - Starting the morning with grounding and the root chakra
    - Creating a spiritual practice to help ground your mission
    - Spiritual maturity
    - Nancy's spiritual journey
    - Lemuria, Venus and Hathor
    - Allowing the inner child to speak
    - Healing the inner child aspects
    - Finding your own voice
    - Finding the strength in your voice
    - The patience and the unfolding
    - Connecting in with the higher chakras
    - Connecting in with the divine mother and star people
    - Your dedicated spiritual team
    - The elementals and the lower realms

    Follow Mel on Instagram: @therosemother

  • Chantelle Salisbury is an energy alchemist that works with various tools in unearthing the true magic that's in each of us! She uses things such as reiki energy, sound healing, crystal healing, psychic development, intuitive card readings, angel numbers, angel numerology, holistic counselling and her guides to assist clients.

    She is a nature lover, and has a double earth astrology of Taurus and Virgo rising star signs. She has a deep love of all things in the spiritual world which began when she was quite young, and she was always intrigued by magic and the unexplained which she wasn't able to explore until she was older.

    Chantelle's Contact Details:

    Instagram: @unearthedenergyhealings

    Website: unearthedenergyhealings.com.au

    In this episode we talk about:

    - Astral Travel
    - Soul Projection into other dimensions
    - Visiting friends in your dreams
    - Out of body experience whilst dreaming
    - Fears of astro travel
    - Meeting up with different entities
    - Astral travel to meet with people to have interactions like healing
    - Do you have to be asleep to access astral travel?
    - Astral travel for space exploration
    - Astral travel to visit aliens
    - Protection and boundaries for astral travel
    - Having a positive mindset for astral travel and lucid dreaming
    - Being grounded for astral travel
    - Using crystals for astral travel
    - Lucid dreaming
    - Lucid dreaming connecting to us through our guides
    - Lucid dreaming as a healing state
    - Meeting up with past loved ones through lucid dreaming
    - Yoga and meditation and lucid dreaming
    - Prophetic dreams
    - Dreams coming true
    - Predicting the future
    - Psychics and predictions

    Follow Mel on Instagram: @therosemother

  • Jerome Zoran brings you a unique real world experience, combining rare spiritual throat chakra activation practices with the 2 billion year old power of the Shungite Stone. Jerome’s spiritual development path has taken him on a deep and beautiful journey with the Goddess and with many other Divine Beings. He is an initiated Priest of Goddess Isis, and serves the Divine Feminine and Masculine in Glastonbury.

    For more than fifteen years, Jerome has created healing soundscapes and musical meditational journeys, helping people heal deep wounds and trauma and raise their spiritual frequency, enabling them to embody their higher self.

    Over the last ten years, Jerome has been achieving great results with his clients using his own unique methods of working with Shungite and Sacred Sounds. You can find Jerome on Instagram @jeromezoran

    Explore Jeromes Healing and Spiritual Offerings:

    Read Jerome's book - shungitelight.com

    Listen to Jerome's Sacred Sounds - jrokka.com

    Explore his Youtube Channel - youtube.com/c/JeromeZoranSacredSound

    Using Shungite to Boost your Electro Magnetic Field - youtu.be/WLFvy9H__tE

    This special conversation with Jerome is a two part series with part two to be released next week.

    In this Episode we talk about:

    - Jerome's spiritual awakening journey
    - His story of connecting with crystals with his dad
    - Jerome's professional music background and his success within the orchestra
    - Exploring musical instruments, bands and different styles of music
    - Jerome's experience with the cello and his expansion into sacred sound
    - His story in finding music that connected more with his soul
    - The Goddess Temple with Cathy Jones and his mum
    - Jerome's story of his accident and then having to end his career as a cellist
    - His dark night of the soul journey that led him into the spiritual world
    - Jerome says that 'knowledge' is everything
    - Jerome's rock bottom then into working with his mum and Cathy Jones
    - Glastonbury's Sacred Womb Goddess Conference and Cathy Jones asking him to create sacred sound for the Goddess
    - After his spiritual awakening Jerome began making music for the Goddess
    - Music and the heart centre
    - The Goddess reclaiming the world
    - Trauma, darkness and then into the light
    - Jerome's mum's story (Sally) of his dad's accident
    - Jeromes mum's story (Sally) into her awakening with Master Chung Fu
    - Being a Master of your own destiny
    - Jerome's Spirit Guide and Akashic Records awakening
    - Channeled sessions with Master Chung Fu
    - Goddess Mother Isis devotion and channeling the Goddess

    Follow Mel on Instagram: @therosemother

  • Jerome Zoran brings you a unique real world experience, combining rare spiritual throat chakra activation practices with the 2 billion year old power of the Shungite Stone. Jerome’s spiritual development path has taken him on a deep and beautiful journey with the Goddess and with many other Divine Beings. He is an initiated Priest of Goddess Isis, and serves the Divine Feminine and Masculine in Glastonbury.

    For more than fifteen years, Jerome has created healing soundscapes and musical meditational journeys, helping people heal deep wounds and trauma and raise their spiritual frequency, enabling them to embody their higher self.

    Over the last ten years, Jerome has been achieving great results with his clients using his own unique methods of working with Shungite and Sacred Sounds. You can find Jerome on Instagram @jeromezoran

    Explore Jeromes Healing and Spiritual Offerings:

    Read Jerome's book - shungitelight.com

    Listen to Jerome's Sacred Sounds - jrokka.com

    Explore his Youtube Channel - youtube.com/c/JeromeZoranSacredSound

    Using Shungite to Boost your Electro Magnetic Field - youtu.be/WLFvy9H__tE

    This special conversation with Jerome is a two part series with this episode being part two.

    In this Episode we talk about:

    - Trance Mediumship
    - Clairaudience
    - Opening up psychic abilities
    - Channeling the wisdom of your higher self
    - High frequency beings
    - Universal divine laws
    - Commanding (meaning 'come and') and calling in higher beings
    - Prayer for opening up the temple and space for the higher self and guides
    - Opening the chakras and developing as a channel
    - Body psychic healing and sensory feelings
    - The new earth opening up and the time of the great awakening
    - Jerome opening up his channel for sacred sound
    - Opening up the heart and bringing your gifts through
    - Shungite healing and releasing deep wounds
    - Jerome's Chung Fu's Soul Path Treasures on his Youtube
    - Making a decision to move through the past and into your rising to your greatest path
    - Developing a healing crystal practice with shungite
    - Devoting to your soul gifts
    - Spiritual growth for men
    - Shungite's magical healing qualities to clear trauma and connect with the dark light
    - Your sacred sound and Jerome's vision of creating a shungite spa and shungite temple
    - Manifesting his house in Glastonbury, England with his dear love Elsa Field
    - Devoting your mind and heart to speaking your vision and owning it
    - How to manifest with shungite and sacred sounds through the frequency of love
    - Getting clear on what you want to manifest, putting it on the crystal grids and taking grounded action
    - Manifesting a relationship with shungite and divine love
    - Loving yourself first and sustaining that love
    - Calling to the masculine god or feminine goddess within you to manifest love
    - Handing of non-love to the Goddess
    - Loving yourself through affirmation
    - You being a mirror for your life through the reflection of love
    - The brotherhood and sisterhood wound
    - Healing for men
    - Priestess Sally (Jerome's mum) and Chung Fu
    - Jerome's spiritual work with Priestess Sally (Jerome's mum)
    - Shungite empowerment coaching and the transformational powers it brings
    - Shungite Alchemy and the Warrior Deities, Jerome's book

    Follow Mel on Instagram: @therosemother

  • Françoise Molenaar is a researcher, podcast host and meditation teacher specialised in mindful and embodied fertility. As an award-winning political scientist and conflict researcher, she used to travel the world to study and advise on how communities can increase their resilience in the face of violent conflict and extremism. But as her own fertility journey progressed along the way, she felt an increasing need to embrace a softer, more feminine side of herself that would bring back balance and joy in everyday life. She now guides other women on their fertility journeys and/or through pregnancy loss as a 1-on-1 coach, a women’s group facilitator, and podcast host. You can find out more about her work at thatfertilefeeling.com or listen to her podcast at thatfertilefeeling.com/podcast Her free Valentine's Day ritual 'Tiny Whispers' can be found here thatfertilefeeling.com/whispers

    In this podcast episode we talk about -

    - Francoise's miracle twin pregnancy
    - Surrendering on the fertility journey
    - Womb healing meditations
    - The mystery of conception
    - Sacred feminine and motherhood
    - The sacred feminine as the piece missing in fertility
    - Men's sperm count
    - What's harming our fertility in the masculine paradigm
    - Re-establishing the connection with our womb and our body
    - Women's oppression
    - The medical journey of fertility
    - Women setting boundaries within the fertility journey
    - Reclaiming your power in your body
    - Safety within the fertility journey
    - Witnessing the moment of conception
    - Creating a sacred space within the fertility transfer
    - Francoise's research on women within medical procedures
    - Healing trauma and blocks within the body
    - Soul baby meditation
    - Soul babies in the new earth
    - Soul babies and higher frequencies
    - Being with the darkness and the shadows of healing
    - Difficult aspects of the fertility journey
    - How Francoise helps women on the fertility journey
    - Francoise's fertility programs
    - Bringing the light back into the body
    - Clairvoyance and healing within fertility
    - Clearing out the aura
    - Healing mother and father lineages
    - Francoise's podcast
    - Soul babies coming through
    - Mother Mary and the holy masters for healing in fertility
    - Miscarriage, loneliness and the grieving process
    - Releasing trauma from the womb
    - Releasing trauma without re-living the experience
    - Franchise tells us about her healing miracles, her babies and finding the divine feminine
    - Internal massage for fertility
    - Creating a plan for healing in pregnancy loss
    - Miracles of the sacred feminine
    - Not having supportive resources during miscarriage
    - Finding confidence after miscarriage
    - The energy of manifestation within the fertility journey
    - Feeling into the frequency of fertility and motherhood
    - Setting intentions and using visualisation in the fertility process
    - Connecting to your womb as the creative source
    - Connecting to other creative endeavours in the fertility journey
    - The energy of creation and how to feel the creative energy in your body
    - The spiritual awakening process
    - Connecting in with our higher guides
    - Womb is our portal to the universe

    Follow Mel on Instagram: @therosemother

  • Demelza Fox (Demi) is a practicing Priestess of the Goddess who has been on the path of the divine feminine for 20 years. She works as a priestess in her community online and offline - running rituals, circles, retreats, and courses in honour of the Goddess and to help women connect with their own inner priestess - and as an online coach specialising in helping women connect with their priestess purpose and living their most magical lives.

    She is the headmistress of the Morgan Le Fay Mystery School - an online college dedicated to training whip-smart priestesses grounded in Celtic and Avalonian energy - and has trained as a sacred sexual priestess under Katinka Soetens of the Magdalene Mystery School and Elayne Kalila Doughty in the 13 Moon Mystery School amongst many others.

    Before becoming a full-time priestess, Demi was an award-winning burlesque dancer, belly dancer and professional mermaid.

    You can find Demi @rockstarpriestess on Instagram or on her website: www.rockstarpriestess.com

    In this podcast episode we talk about -

    - Morgan Le Fay Mystery School
    - Priestess of Avalon
    - The Priestess Path
    - Glastonbury
    - Aphrodite and the Rose Priestess
    - King Arthur
    - Celtic Mythology
    - Story telling
    - The underworld with Morgan Le Fay
    - Boundaries, Speaking Your Truth
    - Mental Health, Anxiety, Self Worth
    - Mother Mary
    - Self Worth
    - The Avalon Path and the Lands of Avalon
    - The sister wound
    - Finding the power, magic and truth within
    - The Queens and their gifts
    - Love and Sisterhood
    - Goddess of Witchcraft
    - Healing with the Rhythms of Nature
    - Sacred oils and the scent Priestess
    - Cornwell
    - Mother Isis
    - The sister Goddess

    Follow Mel on Instagram: @therosemother

  • Jasmine is a Sensitive Sol Mentor, Zen Meditation + Vibrational Healing Teacher, Flower Whisperer, Spirit Channel and Tea Ceremonialist. She facilitates ceremonies, workshops and courses teaching energetic healing Meditation Practices and how to enhance them with the vibrational tools of spirit guide communication, flower essences, herbal energetics and plant medicine.

    Jasmine began her meditation journey in a Buddhist monastery as a student of Zen Vipassana and Dharma. She now guides sensitive sols and empaths to transmute the shadows of sensitivity and awaken the energy healer within - seeing sensitivity as a great superpower, not a weakness.

    Jasmine holds gentle, safe space in spiritual mentorship of themes such as transmuting emotional overwhelm and over-stimulation into emotional freedom, nervous system regulation, Re-Mothering the inner child, nurturing self-kindness and self-compassion, energetic protection and hygiene, shadow integration and wholeness, ancestral and karmic healing, and harnessing your unique psychic energy healer gifts.

    You can reach out to Jasmine of Solflower Seeds on Instagram @solflowerseeds or on her website solflowerseeds.com

    In this podcast episode we talk about -

    - Preparing the sacred space for the podcast with deep love and intention
    - Sharing spiritual rituals with the rose, cacao and plant medicine
    - Mary Magdalene and Yeshua frequency within sacred union
    - Kuan Yin medicine of the heart and deep compassion
    - Sacred ceremonies and the empathic healer
    - Integrating shadow through wholeness
    - Loving and honouring the shadow self
    - Tara Brach, mindfulness and buddhist tradition
    - The human spiritual teacher
    - Embracing not resisting the spiritual journey
    - The living pathway of the rose
    - The pathway of the lotus
    - Mother Mary and Kuan Yin
    - Karmic cycles and the dark night of the soul
    - Remembrance through our dharma and purpose
    - Christ all in, the crystalline frequency
    - Zen enlightenment and spiritual awakening
    - Kuan Yin and the Buddha
    - Life within the monastery
    - The divine feminine energy
    - The empath shadow journey teachings and lessons
    - Moving through energetic upgrades
    - The spiritual awakening journey for Mel
    - The holy family
    - Krishna's healing light
    - Connecting to our intuition
    - Taking action on our intuition
    - The spiritual awakening journey for Jasmine
    - The inner child, crystals and oracle cards
    - The ocean of awareness
    - Co-creation
    - Oprah - a tweetable moment
    - Plant and earth medicine consciousness
    - Kundalini yoga
    - Mary Magdalene and learning to ground
    - Clearing out the lower chakras
    - The re-mothering journey for Mel
    - Co-creation from the womb space
    - The flower essences, herbal energetics
    - The re-mothering journey for Jasmine
    - Shamanic training
    - Speaking to the plants
    - Learning how to ground the lower chakras and manifest into physical reality
    - Zen workshops, Grandmother Mugwort and shadow integration
    - Past lives and ancestral karma

    Follow Mel on Instagram: @therosemother

  • Dawn-Tara is a Priestess of the Divine Feminine, Temple Singer & Initiated Priestess of Sacred Sound, Goddess Circle Facilitator, Sacred Space Holder, Soul-Led Writer and Artist and a Mystical Mama of two beautiful little goddesses. In addition to hosting private women's circles in her home temple space, Dawn-Tara organises and leads full day spiritual workshops and walking trips into Nature as well as weekend retreats to connect with the Great Mother Goddess through song, dance and artistic expression.

    For more information on Dawn-Tara's magical offerings, you are always welcome to connect on Instagram @AtelierDawnTara and visit her website www.dawntara.com

    Her one of a kind jewellery and artful creations are available for purchase online at @SacredGoddessAdornments on Instagram.

    In this episode we talk about:

    - Dawn's Spiritual Journey
    - Representation of women in traditional religion
    - Women in motherhood
    - The great mother, the Goddess and the divine feminine
    - The mysteries of the mother and motherhood
    - The Priestess, Mother Mary and Mary Magdalene
    - Divine Intervention and miracle work
    - Sacred sound healings
    - The Priestess of Sacred Sound
    - Priestess as the bridge between two worlds
    - Igniting the flame of the divine within
    - The Mists of Avalon
    - Rising up
    - Spiritual awakening
    - Dark night of the soul
    - The throat chakra
    - Glastonbury
    - Dawn's story with her awakening and priestess training in Glastonbury
    - Mystical awakenings
    - Dawn's pilgrimage to Glastonbury
    - Temple singers
    - Past lives
    - Voice, expression, healing the throat chakra

    Follow Mel on Instagram: @therosemother

  • Dr. Elsa Field is a PhD Scientist, Priestess of Avalon and Sacred Sound and Devotional musician.

    Her joy and passion is to guide women to come home to be the Divine Channels that they naturally are. Drawing on an ancient Priestess path of the Temple Singer and Musician, Elsa's community is on a divinely guided mission to reawaken the lineage of the Priestess Sound Healer – the Priestess of Sacred Sound – for the modern day.

    A lifelong musician, Elsa's journey began as a classically trained vocalist and recording artist. She has been developing the sacred practices of the devotional singer for the past ten years within the healing lineage of Avalon.

    Weaving herstory, sound healing, ceremony and sound science, Elsa is the creatrix of transformational group and 1:1 programmes that empower you to unlock your own devotional voice and service as a Priestess of Sacred Sound.

    You can reach out to Elsa at @elsa_field on Instagram and visit her website at elsafield.co.uk

    In this podcast episode we talk about -

    - Elsa's spiritual awakening
    - Her sacred pilgrimage to Glastonbury
    - Being called into her Priestess Path through the Goddess
    - The sacred lands of Avalon
    - Mel's spiritual awakening on a trip to England
    - Aligning to the true path of the soul and listening to our voice
    - The throat chakra and awakening the voice
    - The Lady of Avalon and her violet frequency
    - The royal blue frequency of the cosmic mother
    - The holy lineage
    - The layers of healing in the throat chakra
    - Connecting with the Primordial Energy and the creation energy
    - Birthing your divine dream into reality
    - The sisterhood wound
    - The healing potential of sound
    - Hathor
    - What is Myrtle Grove Mystery School? How can it help you on your spiritual journey?
    - Sound as an ancient tool for healing
    - Sirius and Hathor
    - How the sound path can help you expand your business
    - The difference between spiritual entrepreneurs and regular entrepreneurs
    - Learning to take action on your dreams
    - Learning to listen to the full voice of your soul
    - The core piece is to take action
    - Astrology for the soul path
    - Learning the path of co-creation
    - Mary Magdalene and healing the womb
    - Channeling books through the womb
    - Creating frequencies with Jerome
    - Reaching out to Elsa with questions about the sacred sound journey

    Follow Mel on Instagram: @therosemother

  • Courtney Beck is an Intuitive, Healer and Channel who works with souls all over the world on their spiritual, mental and emotional growth. Formerly a strategist in advertising, Courtney's 2016 spiritual awakening saw her jump off the corporate ladder and into the space of spirits and the supernatural influences in our lives. Her speciality is in opening up the Self so the Soul and Spirit can shine through and her channeled books written with the help of her guides allow her to share all of the wisdom she has been taught by her spirit friends.

    You can connect with Courtney on Instagram via @courtneybeck.co, visit her website at courtneybeck.co or join her in The Ente Collective, a private group for souls of any level or age to grow through recorded healings, channeled messages and meditations.

    In this episode we talk about knowing yourself in a world that wishes to push you further away from it. The journey of continuing to know yourself within the shadow and the light over time, and the constant pursuit of uncovering the deeper, darker depths of the self in order to find the true self - the illuminated one within.

    - Moving from the corporate world into the spiritual world
    - Spiritual awakening while in a corporate job
    - A heart centred career
    - Lifestyle shifts when feeling unfulfilled
    - Courtney's main guide - Krishna
    - Learning through the shadow
    - Divine feminine and the divine masculine
    - St Germaine
    - Childhood trauma
    - Being on the path of light
    - Dark night of the soul
    - Shadow work
    - Twilight movie
    - Edward sparkles
    - Coming out of the closet
    - Branding and image
    - Past lives
    - Frequency
    - Unconscious wounds
    - Reaching the calm
    - Mother Mary
    - Honouring the truth
    - Courtney's Grandma's gifts
    - Courtney coming out in her twenties
    - Divine timing
    - Dragon lineage
    - Holy Sophia
    - The black rose
    - Channeling
    - Seeing our wounds from different angels
    - Releasing the wounds and triggers
    - Aha moments
    - Holding onto something that needs to be released

    Follow Mel on Instagram: @therosemother

  • Melissa Astara Rose is a Magdalene Isis Stargate Priestess, Channeller and Creatress of Magdalene Rose Temple. Magdalene Rose Temple is a Global Priestess Sisterhood and online temple space guiding you through sacred feminine initiations and transmissions through the Magdalene Order, Rose Priestess Path, Holy Grail Lineage, Stargate Lineages, Mystery School of Isis and Feminine Christ Consciousness.

    You can connect to Melissa and her Magdalene Rose Temple at @magdalenerosetemple
    or through her website www.magdalenerosetemple.com

    In this episode we talk about the holy journey of the Magdalene frequency and the journey of the rose.

    - Melissa's spiritual journey
    - The sacred feminine
    - Reclaiming our sacred feminine energies
    - Our higher light and higher wisdom
    - The feminine channel
    - The divine mother and the mother's womb
    - Connecting to source
    - Purifying our wounds and healing our oppression
    - Womb healing
    - The pink rose, red rose, and white rose
    - Sexual trauma and deep wounding
    - Blood mysteries and the rights of the womb
    - Sacred feminine womb
    - Boundaries, disempowerment and empowerment
    - Reclaiming your power
    - Soul Purpose and soul gifts
    - Mother Mary's frequency
    - Inviting in Mary Magdalene's frequency
    - Mary Magdalene and relationships
    - Dark nights of the soul
    - Deaths and rebirths
    - The Ascended Masters
    - The rose embodiment
    - The Rose Priestess Academy
    - Soul awakening
    - Intuition and following your intuition
    - Moses and the initiation
    - Holy Guides

    Follow Mel on Instagram: @therosemother

  • A quick solo 15 minute episode with Mel - (Yeshua is Jesus)

    - I have Laryngitis
    - Summer Time Sadness
    - Ascension Upgrade Process
    - My Ascension Symptoms
    - Energetic Clear and Release Ascension Symptoms
    - Dark Season Frequencies
    - Samhain and Witch Wounds
    - The Black Rose
    - Rose Priestess
    - Black Madonna, Mother Mary and the Lady of Sorrows
    - Priestess Ceremony and Setting up my Black Rose Alter
    - The Red Rose and Womb Healing
    - Mary Magdalene and Yeshua Template
    - Holy Grail
    - New Earth Template
    - Council of Light

    Follow Mel on Instagram: @therosemother

  • Leena Alabbas-Capiau is a gifted angel medium and intuitive, angel therapy healer, angel card reader, channeler, spiritual life coach, heart and soul expander, mind shifter, manifestation master and starseed empath. She lives in magical Dubai with her partner and she has a passion for travel and connecting with different cultures around the world.

    Leena's life completely transformed when she had a profound encounter with Archangel Michael in 2008, which led her to become an angel healer, and has made it her mission to help sensitive souls receive guidance and healing from angels, and teach as many beautiful souls as she can about angels and the magical powers they possess, which can completely transform and shift one's life in amazing ways.

    To learn more about Leena's angel therapy sessions, angel card readings, and angel courses, follow her on Instagram @angelessence444

    In this podcast episode we talk about -

    - Leena's spiritual journey
    - Challenges of the spiritual journey
    - Leena's trip to Sydney, Australia
    - The life of an angel medium
    - Leena's meeting with Arch Angel Michael in the botanical gardens in Sydney
    - The magical energies of angels in the gardens
    - The power of divine timing
    - Money and abundance with the angels
    - Surrendering to the voice of the universe through angels
    - Arch Angel Raphael
    - Angel frequencies and colours
    - My divine Arch Angel encounter with Celeste
    - The practical and accessible side of angels
    - Mother Mary and her 1000 angels
    - Trusting the angels
    - Arch Angel Jophiel
    - Arch Angel Uriel
    - Arch Angel Haniel
    - Arch Angel Gabriel as both a male and a female
    - Arch Angel Metatron
    - Arch Angel Sandalthon
    - Arch Angel forecast reading

  • Chantelle Salisbury is an energy alchemist that works with various tools in unearthing the true magic that's in each of us! She uses things such as reiki energy, sound healing, crystal healing, psychic development, intuitive card readings, angel numbers, angel numerology, holistic counselling and her guides to assist clients.

    She is a nature lover, and has a double earth astrology of Taurus and Virgo rising star signs. She has a deep love of all things in the spiritual world which began when she was quite young, and she was always intrigued by magic and the unexplained which she wasn't able to explore until she was older.

    Chantelle's Contact Details:

    Instagram: @unearthedenergyhealings

    Website: www.unearthedenergies.com.au

    In this podcast episode we talk about:

    - Chantelle's Reiki awakening
    - Reiki healing and sound healing
    - Clairsentience
    - Clairvoyance
    - Different Reiki courses
    - Stepping into mediumship
    - Healings
    - Spirit guides
    - Enlightenment into a new earth
    - The evolvement of Reiki
    - Angel numbers
    - Angel frequencies
    - Merkabah
    - Arch Angel Metatron
    - Arch Angel Michael
    - Angel numerology
    - Passed loved ones coming in as spirit guides
    - Intuition
    - Energy protection

  • Thea Strom is an Animal Communicator (Pet Psychic), Psychic Medium, Teacher and Author. She has been doing this work professionally since 2013, both locally and internationally. Thea is passionate about bringing out the intuitive in anyone, in a grounded and practical way.

    Thea is a published author of the book 'Animal Intuition: Communicating with Pets, Animal Spirits, and the Energies of the Natural World'.

    Thea's contact details:

    Buy her book on 'Animal Intuition' at Amazon Australia, or search for her book on Amazon in your country.

    Instagram: @transcendingthea

    website: www.theahealer.com

    In this podcast episode we talk about:

    - Thea's journey into psychic mediumship
    - Thea's journey to become a pet psychic
    - What Thea does as an animal communicator and pet psychic
    - How animals communicate with Thea
    - Psychic animal communication between human and animal
    - Thea's interpretation of animal communication
    - The animal's voice and animals talking to her/us
    - What animals hear and how that effects them
    - Animals talking to us and their different communications with us
    - Animal telepathy and animals using buttons to communicate with us
    - Translating the communication of animals through energy frequencies
    - Animal healings, energy healings for cats, cat angels
    - Animal communications readings
    - Animal reiki healings
    - Thea's book on 'Animal Intuition'
    - Developing more animal communication skills
    - The again and dying process
    - Animal communications and animal behaviours
    - How to talk to an animal when trying to modify behaviour
    - Cats and kittens behaviour - waking us up early
    - Effective communication with animals with vet visits
    - Psychic gifts and animal communication
    - Animals passing over and cat spirits
    - Inviting animals in to be spirit guides
    - Death of an animal
    - Animal past lives
    - Random spirits
    - Strange spirit encounters

  • Dawn-Tara is a Priestess of the Divine Feminine, Temple Singer & Initiated Priestess of Sacred Sound, Goddess Circle Facilitator, Sacred Space Holder, Soul-Led Writer & Artist and a Mystical Mama of two beautiful little goddesses. In addition to hosting private women's circles in her home temple space, Dawn-Tara organizes and leads full day spiritual workshops and walking trips into Nature as well as weekend retreats to connect with the Great Mother Goddess through song, dance and artistic expression.

    For more information on Dawn-Tara's magical offerings, you are always welcome to connect on Instagram @AtelierDawnTara and visit her website www.dawntara.com

    Her one of a kind jewellery and artful creations are available for purchase online at @SacredGoddessAdornments on Instagram.

    In this episode we talk about:

    - Dawn's Spiritual Journey
    - Representation of women in traditional religion
    - Women in motherhood
    - The great mother, the Goddess and the divine feminine
    - The mysteries of the mother and motherhood
    - The Priestess, Mother Mary and Mary Magdalene
    - Divine Intervention and miracle work
    - Sacred sound healings
    - The Priestess of Sacred Sound
    - Priestess as the bridge between two worlds
    - Igniting the flame of the divine within
    - The Mists of Avalon
    - Rising up
    - Spiritual awakening
    - Dark night of the soul
    - The throat chakra
    - Glastonbury
    - Dawn's story with her awakening and priestess training in Glastonbury
    - Mystical awakenings
    - Dawn's pilgrimage to Glastonbury
    - Temple singers
    - Past lives
    - Voice, expression, healing the throat chakra

  • Natalee Finn is a Spiritual Healer and Teacher, a Divine Channel, a Speaker, a Medium, an Intuitive Coach and Mum to Michael. She is a Libran with a Pisces rising, a Lover of Nature, a Dream Ignitor and a Spiritual Seeker. Her heart and soul lights up seeing others connecting to their own intuition and she has guided thousands of people, helping them to connect with their own spiritual pathway. She teaches a variety of soul nourishing events and courses, and her dream is for everyone to find peace in their life, to connect to the beauty of their soul, and be guided by the Divine presence of love.

    Natalee is also known for speaking at a range of different Spiritual Events, such as the Australian Mind, Body, Spirit Festival, where she gives talks and readings from the Angels, Ascended Masters, Spirit Guides and departed loved ones in the Spirit World.

    Contact Natalee through her Instagram or website to book in a session or a workshop with her.

    Natalee's Instagram: @natalee_finn

    Natalee's Website: nataleefinn.com

    In this episode we talk about:

    - My meeting with Natalee
    - Natalee as an Angel
    - Connecting with spirit
    - Having a connection with the Angels and the Ascended Masters
    - Natalee's journey into becoming a healing psychic medium
    - Arch Angel Michael
    - Opening up to the Angels and the Ascended Masters
    - Louise Hay, Wayne Dwyer, Robert Holland
    - Channeling higher beings
    - Soul growth
    - Channeling books
    - Balancing out the heavenly and earthly worlds
    - Making the mundane magical
    - Mary Magdalene, awakening and grounding
    - Unconditional love
    - What are the Ascended Masters and how can they help us?
    - The difference between Angels and Ascended Masters
    - Mother Mary and her 1,000 Angels
    - Soul guidance and soul contracts with the Ascended Masters
    - The practical ways of the Ascended Masters
    - How to call on the Ascended Masters such as Mother Mary
    - Yoga, Dance and Meditation for connection
    - Awakening the body cells and light force
    - Lifting your vibration and energy
    - Music for lifting your vibration
    - Mother Mary, Music and the Celestial Realms
    - The different names of the Ascended Masters
    - Buddha, Mother Mary, Kuan Yin, Hathor, St Francis, St Germaine, Ganesh, Mother Kali, Horus, Mother Isis, Lakshmi
    - Support during motherhood through the Ascended Masters
    - The signature energies of the Ascended Masters
    - Ascended Masters as a diamond
    - Mediumship and Psychic gifts
    - The difference between mediumship and psychic readings
    - Automatic writing, journaling, clairaudience and clairvoyance
    - Allowing the messages to flow through
    - The power, love and truth of Mother Kali
    - Ascended Masters in our spirit team
    - Connecting with Merlin and building a relationship
    - Merlin the Alchemist
    - Kali the Goddess of transformation
    - Alters and honouring the energies of Mary Magdalene
    - Initiations with Mary Magdalene
    - Mary Magdalene and the womb
    - Mother Mary and Jesus
    - Miraculous healings and divine guidance
    - Setting up an alter for an Ascended Master
    - Having sessions with a spiritual teacher to lift your spiritual gifts
    - Connecting with Natalee through Instagram to book for a session
    - Signs from the Ascended Masters
    - Ascended Masters and light work
    - Natalee's events, spiritual empowerment circles and workshops