
  • I still remember the day I decided to START OFF this project. During one of the sessions with my English teacher, I expressed my concern about not knowing the meaning of the most common idioms, slangs, and phrasal verbs. She suggested that I use them in sentences in order to memorize them and fully understand their meaning. An idea suddenly CAME TO my mind. How about, instead of writing a single sentence for every idiom, slang, and phrasal verb, I would make it more challenging and write different paragraphs using them all. At the same time, I felt like if I really wanted to PUT IN all this effort to create and COME UP with new content, wouldn’t it be more exciting and worthwhile to share my work with the public? That’s why I TOOK THE PLUNGE and decided that podcasting was my go-to plan. I was committed to uploading 70 episodes in a 5 months period. Here I am AT THE END OF THE ROAD with 70 episodes published. I am really thankful that I GOT MY FEET WET and understood what life looks like with my own podcast to run. However, most importantly, this podcast wouldn’t have come to life without the help, support, and encouragement of my English teacher. She was the one BEHIND THE SCENES working with me to make this project happen. I want to take this opportunity to thank her and show a sincere appreciation to her for STANDING BY me during every step of this journey.Let’s CALL IT A DAY and I’m looking forward to hearing from you guys. What is your next plan to become fluent in English?Farewell.--- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/wafa-damlaj/support

  • Her latest project had many LOOSE ENDS. She was half way there and had a lot to do before she FINISHED UP her book. Unfortunately, due to her horrible car accident on the i35 highway, she PASSED OUT and was severely hurt. Regrettably, Maria went into a coma. After a whole month, she CAME TO with shock. She couldn’t believe what she and her family have gone through. Following the doctor’s assessment and examination, they were able to LET HER OUT of the hospital with full guidance on how to deal with her situation and take care of herself. Her two little boys were delighted when they saw their mother came back home after she had fully recovered. However, when she entered her small office at home, she remembered her unfinished work that needed to be delivered by the end of next month. She would either SHAPE UP OR SHIP OUT. She didn’t lose faith in herself; instead, she believed that she could MAKE DO and PICK UP where she left off. Maria didn’t want to LEAVE ANY STONE UNTURNED but wanted to find the best way to write the book she had been dreaming of publishing her whole life. She realized it was CRUNCH TIME and was sure she would be able to complete it on time.--- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/wafa-damlaj/support

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  • My closest cousin EATS LIKE A PIG but is still as SKINNY AS A BEANPOLE. I’m happy for her. I really am. But what really frustrates me the most is that I look like a pig when I EAT LIKE BIRD. My situation is getting worse and I feel like things are GOING DOWNHILL for me since I keep PUTTING ON a few pounds every month. It is unfair. If you ask me about the one thing I would die to know it would be how some people get to enjoy any meal, whether healthy or not, and still be FIT AS A FIDDLE. I want to be like those people. One day I want to feel that I can have both: a great body that looks good in anything and enjoys food all day long and EAT UP everything and anything I want. If this wish comes true I guess I would be the happiest person on earth. I will spend my time ORDERING IN, and getting TAKE OUT on the weekdays and shopping for all kinds of clothes on the weekends.--- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/wafa-damlaj/support

  • They advised her to compromise and WATER DOWN the issue, but she insisted that she will be GOING AFTER her heart’s desire. No one was able to CHANGE HER MIND. She thought it was best for her to leave the states and follow her dream of becoming an artist in India. This idea was abnormal and bizarre to everyone in her circle. Her family wanted to KEEP the dangers of living abroad by herself in a strange country AT BAY. Also, she knew that she could only recognize the TIP OF THE ICEBERG when it comes to all the hardships of this journey and that it would be impossible to enumerate them. However, she was convinced and HELD HER GROUND. She believed it was her only shot since no agency in the US has opened their door and sponsored her yet. Aleena was scheduled to SET OFF for India at 10 o'clock the next morning and her oldest sister decided to DROP her OFF at the airport to CHECK-IN hoping that her plane would TAKE OFF, and land safely.--- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/wafa-damlaj/support

  • Victoria has recently been facing a hard time with her roommate Scarlett. Scarlett is disrespectful to the people she LIVES WITH. She would borrow things without asking and sometimes she would go to the extent of stealing from Victoria. She is so loud and talks so much that nobody could GET A WORD IN EDGEWISE. She leaves most of her stuff on the LEFT, RIGHT, AND CENTER of the house. She INVITES STRANGERS OVER without asking for permission or even notifying her roommates in advance. She also GETS ON VICTORIA’S CASE when it comes to paying the bills even though she has a lot to PAY OFF. Victoria has GONE ALL OUT since they lived under the same roof. Victoria can’t CAVE IN anymore since Scarlett refuses to DIG IN HER HEELS and compromise. Victoria finally decides to leave the place for good and to find another place to live by herself.--- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/wafa-damlaj/support

  • The group HAD A BONE TO PICK with James. He hasn’t been an effective team member ever since his relationship with his ex-girlfriend CAME TO AN END. James dated his ex-girlfriend for 15 years but a lot of negative things were GOING ON between them. James and his girlfriend reached a stage where they couldn’t GET TO THE BOTTOM OF things and had no idea what the main reason for their troubles, stresses, and anxiety was anymore. This led James to leave and reflect on the things he did right and wrong. The team tried to GET THEIR HEAD AROUND James’ situation. They knew that this separation was not like any separation they have LEARNED ABOUT or heard of. They were aware of his emotional pain and suffering. That’s why they made every effort to provide the comfort needed and take care of his work for a certain period of time so they could help reduce at least one source of stress he had to DEAL WITH. They gave him two weeks off to rest. They sent someone every day to CHECK-IN ON him and make sure he was okay. They started slowly and gradually increased his workload to its normal rate when he returned to work. But even after all of the team’s effort, James’ performance still was not meeting the minimum expectations. The team agreed that they had to be honest and ON THE LEVEL with James. He needed to PULL HIS OWN WEIGHT or else he might lose his job.--- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/wafa-damlaj/support

  • Because her mother turned out to be a snake doesn’t mean we should TAR Pauline WITH THE SAME BRUSH. Pauline’s mother was a WOLF IN SHEEP’S CLOTHING, outwardly kind but inwardly vicious. She had cheated on, TOOK ADVANTAGE OF, and FAKED OUT her close friends for years. She hid her real malicious intent and pretended to be harmless. But in reality, she caused five dear friends to TURN INTO enemies, three couples to SPLIT UP, and two small businesses to CLOSE DOWN. Now Pauline is GETTING INTO DEEP WATER since everyone knows about her mother and her rotten history. Pauline can’t get herself out of the loop of hate and resentment that people have toward her and her mother. LET ME SET THE RECORD STRAIGHT, yes sometimes, the children pay the price for their parent’s wrongdoings. Unfortunately, that is what Pauline has been going through since her mother’s true colors have been shown.--- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/wafa-damlaj/support

  • When we were teenagers we used TO LET THE CHIPS FALL WHERE THEY MAY. We used to be reckless and love to take risks. We used to be impulsive and full of energy. Yes, we made a lot of mistakes, FOOLED AROUND, and messed things up. Our family and society were okay with that too. They didn’t judge us. They didn’t even give us the sense of being guilty or being responsible. But now, in our adulthood, things are totally different. The whole society STANDS AGAINST us once we hit 18 years old. They believe that we are grown-ups now and that we need to quit failing and figure out everything as if things are AT THE PUSH OF A BUTTON. They PUT PRESSURE ON us as if each and every decision we make at this age will either lead us to total success or complete failure. Old people need to GET OVER this mentality that prohibits people in their 20s, and 30s to take risks and be creative. Old people forget that they had the FIRST-HAND experience with the lack of a supportive system to uplift them. Old people sometimes FOCUS ON the insignificant details that they can’t SEE THE FOREST FOR THE TREE. I hope that this message will be an EYE-OPENER for some of them.--- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/wafa-damlaj/support

  • Having SMALL TALK with youHas always been my dreamI’ve wished I could SPILL THE BEANSAnd feel like I am back to being fourteenI wish I could trust youAnd you could always be nearbyBut it is unfortunateThat it might only happen WHEN PIGS FLYI have to COUNT ON what my mom used to sayBecause it is the only wayOUT OF SIGHT, OUT OF MINDThis is how she used to BACK me UPSo I can MOVE ON and RISE UPI have to get away and try to forgetthe memories of when we first metI can’t let my hard work GO UP IN SMOKEThis situation is hard; it is definitely no jokeI have to KEEP myself AWAYRemember this mistakeTo shield myself from heartbreakI need to stay strongFor this has been going on for far too long--- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/wafa-damlaj/support

  • I have always been a RUN-OF-THE-MILL kind of person in life. I have never been excellent or bad in any subject at school. I was neither chosen to lead a sports team nor was I the last person to be picked to play for both teams. At college, I decided to pursue a business major which was considered a field for every average person. I wasn’t hired in a big tech company in Seattle nor did I work for a small office around the corner. I wasn’t the first person to get promoted nor was I the last one to be considered. At home, I am neither the oldest nor the youngest kid in my family. I was neither the troublemaker nor the peacemaker. Does my situation RING ANY BELLS? Well, yes! I am the middle kid. They say that the middle kid is the invisible one. They are viewed as less charismatic or less intelligent than their siblings. But we have KEPT A LID ON the truth for a long time. In fact, we, middle kids, conceal our potential, and rarely has anyone noticed how we GET THE HANG of things. We intentionally COME OUT into the world claiming that we were LEFT OUT just because we want people to assume that we are the victims of this world. Our goal was to let the outside PAY ATTENTION TO our unfortunate reality of being the middle kid by TUNING OUT our capabilities. Our ability to LAY LOW was absolutely OUR ICING ON THE CAKE.--- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/wafa-damlaj/support

  • Kevin DREW A BLANK when he stood in front of the judges. He couldn’t remember any of his lines that he has been intensively rehearsing for the past week. He remained frozen for two minutes straight. His eyes were wide open as if someone had hypnotized him. Before Kevin STEPPED UP to the theater, many thoughts were rushing inside of his head. His fear and worries CONTROLLED OVER his state of mind. Now, he was SCARED STIFF especially when he saw Mr. Johnson between the judges. Kevin HEARD a lot ABOUT him in the past. Mr. Johnson was one of the toughest people to please when it came to acting in theater. He was STRAIGHT TO THE POINT and didn’t SUGAR COAT his criticism or his praises. At that moment, Kevin realized that the role of his dream was out of reach. But what Kevin didn’t TAKE INTO ACCOUNT was that Mr. Johnson wasn’t just a picky person but can also CATCH ON to which people deserve to be reconsidered or which do not. Mr. Johnson CUT Kevin SOME SLACK and gave him another chance to perform on the next audition. He could tell that Kevin was worth a second shot.--- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/wafa-damlaj/support

  • CALM BEFORE THE STORM:Courtney CAUGHT WIND OF gossip being spread about her. She was PSYCHED OUT when she heard such stories that had no connection to her. Her reputation was deeply affected in her neighborhood. She used to be the most genuine, trusted, and beloved person among the women in her circle. But things changed drastically. Women that used to keep her company were no longer around. Everyone kept their distance from her. They didn't want to ruin their reputation by getting in touch with her again. They simply LET HER DOWN in the most difficult time. Courtney knew that things were getting OUT OF HER HANDS. She had never been in such a catastrophic condition. She even couldn’t COME OUT SWINGING against all these dirty stories. She didn’t know to whom she could SEEK OUT help. She knew that her truth shouldn’t FALL ON DEAF EARS since this would threaten her marriage life that she has been building for years. She was so WEIGHED DOWN that she may BE SUBJECTED TO losing her job in case her manager or co-workers received such horrible news about her. It looked like someone was seeking revenge and wanted to see her lose everything and suffer.--- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/wafa-damlaj/support

  • I still remember how my teacher LEFT A BAD TASTE IN MY MOUTH. It is not a TALL TALE but it’s a true story that left a great impact on my life. One day, we were reading a story in class and each student was given a section to read. I kept on waiting for the teacher to assign me a paragraph but that never happened. It was so obvious that she PASSED ME BY on purpose. I started to feel teary-eyed but I tried my best to control my feelings. But, for a nine-year-old girl, my heart was aching so badly. I was so hurt when I saw that she picked everyone to read a portion of the story except for me. No, it wasn’t the first time. It has happened at least 5 times before. At first, I had good intentions TOWARDS HER and thought that I may HAVE SLIPPED HER MIND. I even thought that it might have been my fault, but she kept skipping me RAIN OR SHINE. One day, she finally chose me to read. My excitement didn’t last long though. I had barely SCRATCHED THE SURFACE and was starting to TAKE OFF my reading performance when she CUT ME OFF and asked someone else to continue reading my portion. The truth was plain and clear now. It was obvious that she didn't want to waste her time waiting for me to FINISH UP since I took three times the average time needed to read my part. I was devastated. This experience scarred me and it took me several years to get over what happened.--- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/wafa-damlaj/support

  • I WOKE UP ON THE WRONG SIDE OF THE BED this morning and my wife IS STILL GOING ON AND ON ABOUT how miserable her life has been. She literally puts me OUT OF SORTS. I can no longer PUT UP with her. In fact, I don’t have enough energy to PULL MYSELF UP anymore. I am so bored and SICK OF every detail in my life. I have even BECOME AWARE OF all the symptoms and signs that say I am in a deep depression. I can't FEEL FOR my wife anymore. My pain has become the center of my attention. My depression has penetrated my soul and my mind. I am a person that KNOWS all the details about depression LIKE THE BACK OF MY HAND. My life is FOR THE BIRDS and everything seems unexciting, dull, and dark.--- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/wafa-damlaj/support

  • I still remember how I was sure that she was living her best life. I had no idea that she was BLOWING SMOKE and was actually faking most of her life. She used to upload pictures of her travel trips, romantic dinners, and luxurious cars on Instagram. The sarcastic truth was that everything she posted online was totally fake. If you looked closely, you can tell that things were not as they seemed. After a while, things became clearer. Her stories were MADE UP and started to conflict with one another. Also, even if things were partially real, she would BLOW THINGS OUT OF PROPORTION and add some spices to her stories trying her best to SHOW OFF. She was literally FULL OF IT. However, doing so wouldn’t encourage people to STAY CLOSE to her instead she would make them RUN AWAY or use her. She must understand that being DOWN TO EARTH is not something to be shameful of. In fact, people are attracted to those who are genuinely humble but still confident. Also, she must remember the idiom that says “EASY COME, EASY GO”. That being said she must not rely on those superficial relationships because sooner or later they would actually FALL APART and would eventually fail.--- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/wafa-damlaj/support

  • David SNEAKED INTO the laundry room without Maria noticing. He was BREATHING DOWN HER NECK and watching whether Maria would go back on the promise she made to herself. Maria took a vow that she would never smoke again after her mother’s death. Maria CALLED IT QUITS because her mother PASSED AWAY due to lung cancer and that BROKE her DOWN even more. But watching if Maria would LIGHT UP a cigarette wouldn’t make the situation better. David needed to know that acting this way would RUB HER THE WRONG WAY and it would make her even more mad because this would leave her feeling as if she was CHEATING ON herself. David needed to trust and support her instead of discouraging her by being overbearing and watching her every move. Maria knew that such a decision needs a lot of effort, but still she TOOK THE PLUNGE. She was doing a great job. Although she went COLD TURKEY, she hasn’t smoked a cigarette since.--- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/wafa-damlaj/support

  • After I MULLED OVER it, I finally GOT IT OUT OF MY SYSTEM and decided to get back to my favorite hobby. I have had enough stress lately due to being STUCK IN A RUT. I was neither doing well at work nor on a personal level. I found out that I was the reason behind my depression and lack of enthusiasm in life since I left the things that made me content and fulfilled. That’s why, I thought that once I set up a daily time slot to paint, I shouldn’t GO BACK ON the promise I made myself because I knew it would be my only way to LOOSEN UP and decompress. I knew that drawing and painting felt like a therapeutic session to me, I was sure it would help me LET OFF SOME STEAM. I GOT THE BALL ROLLING by DECIDING UPON which main supplies I needed to order to START OFF this project. I designated one corner of my room for my painting stuff. It was my absolute favorite place to spend my time and play with colors. I still have the wooden tripod easel that my uncle gave me as a souvenir. I believe that I have inherited this talent from him and I wish I would be able to FOLLOW IN HIS FOOTSTEPS and become a great artist like him.--- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/wafa-damlaj/support

  • Emma and Chris had a very hard time when the school's doors were shut and their 4 kids were sent back home for 3 months due to COVID. It was also obvious that this lockdown period was SUBJECT TO extension since the school DIDN’T HAVE THE FOGGIEST IDEA of when this madness will be over. Emma and Chris WENT THROUGH THE ROOF not only because their children were bored and MONKEYING AROUND but also because they were facing a lot of troubles at work. Both of their companies RAMPED DOWN the number of employees to half and they were expected to run the same business workload with just a SKELETON CREW on board. In addition, Emma’s company CLOSED DOWN two of its regional branches which led to many of the company’s staff being LAID OFF, and that made her worried about hers. It was AN absolute PIT for both of them FACING UP TO all these struggles at the same time and hoping that things will go back to normal.--- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/wafa-damlaj/support

  • Rene looks so angry today. A STORM IS BREWING on the inside of her. Maya has been IN RENE’S GOOD BOOKS ever since they were roommates. However, when Rene finds out that Maya is still secretly in touch with Matthew, she couldn’t stand her anymore. Rene had enough of Maya’s NAGGING ABOUT her relationship with Matthew because she makes the same mistake over and over again. It is obvious to Rene that Matthew is using Maya for her money to pay his bills. Whenever he GETS SACKED, he would come back to Maya the very next day with regret in his eyes. Maya always FINDS EXCUSES FOR why she GOT BACK with him again. She would justify her actions by saying that she LOSES HER HEAD when she sees him KNEELING DOWN at her feet and begging for her help since everyone ditched him and she is the only one that cares about him. Rene is going to LOSE HER MIND not because Maya offers help but because of how she still believes she is HEAD OVER HEELS in love with him. Rene is sure they both know the ending of this type of relationship and how much she would suffer by doing this to herself.--- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/wafa-damlaj/support

  • Having a company that does not KNOW ITS STUFF is a real issue in this day and age. Mexus, a well-known company, needed to WAKE UP AND SMELL THE COFFEE since they hadn't got much done to win the bidding against the local company Tyron. On Monday, the bidding was officially GRANTED TO Tyron. Tyron knew that gaining this project will HELP them OUT immensely to be an UP AND COMING construction company in town. They were waiting for such an opportunity so badly to expand their services on a larger scale. A few days before the bidding, they GOT CRACKING so they could prove that they were one of the best companies to contract with. That’s why the head of the team WENT THROUGH WITH equally DIVIDING UP the tasks between the team members so they could GET OVER WITH finalizing their proposal by Thursday. Tyron has finally begun to GAIN GROUND and bigger projects are anticipated in the near future with new companies.--- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/wafa-damlaj/support