
  • In this episode Lou discussed PDA (Pathological Demand Avoidance) with Dr Theresa Kidd and Dr Miriam Kirby. What is PDA? Is it a real diagnosis? Comparing PDA to ODD. Helping families to access the right support if they suspect PDA in their child or have had a recent diagnosis. The discussion then moves to Collaborative Proactive Solutions (CPS) and how this model works for PDAers, how educators are benefiting from CPS in schools when working with PDA students as well as the upcoming visit to WA by Dr Ross Greene!

    Please sign and share this petition to bring Collaborative Proactive Solutions to Australian Schools!
    Please write to Education Minister, Sarah Mitchell and request that CPS (Collaborative Proactive Solutions) be introduced to NSW schools: [email protected]


    Please join the Square Peg Round Whole podcast Facebook private group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/536225331089755
    Please like the Facebook PUBLIC page: https://www.facebook.com/Square-Peg-Round-Whole-Public-PAGE-108284341497676

    Instagram: @squarepegroundwholepodcast
    Twitter: @PegWhole
    Website: www.squarepegroundwhole.com.au

    Support materials mentioned by Theresa and Miriam:

    1. The Kidd Clinic website: https://www.kiddclinic.com.au/

    Dr Kidd is bringing Dr Ross Greene to WA in September! Join the mailing list to hear more about this and make sure you don't miss Ross's visit and training!

    2. PDA Society in the UK website: https://www.pdasociety.org.uk/

    3. Kristy Forbes Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/inTunePathways

    4. Book: "The Family Experience of PDA" by Eliza Fricker https://www.amazon.com.au/Family-Experience-PDA-Illustrated-Pathological/dp/1787756777/ref=asc_df_1787756777/?tag=googleshopdsk-22&linkCode=df0&hvadid=463938214949&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=5248029444617133627&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9071774&hvtargid=pla-1330963301971&psc=1

    5. Book: "Pretty Darn Awesome" by Lauren O'Grady https://www.amazon.com.au/Pretty-Darn-Awesome-Understanding-Pathological/dp/B08N1N9WDQ

    6. Book: "Collaborative Approaches to Learning for Pupils with PDA: Strategies for Education Professional" by Ruth Fidler and Phil Christie https://www.amazon.com.au/Collaborative-Approaches-Learning-Pupils-Professionals/dp/1785920170

    7. The Kidd Centre webinars for teachers by Jonelle Fraser: https://www.kiddclinic.com.au/professional

  • This is the episode where Lou announces her recent diagnosis of terminal lung cancer but the focus of this episode is a discussion between Lou and parent Advocate, Symone Wheatley-Hey. Symone discusses her struggles with the WA education system and the efforts of the WA Square Peg Round Whole group to engage with Education Minister, Sue Ellery.

    Please sign and share this petition to bring Collaborative Proactive Solutions to Australian Schools!
    Please write to Education Minister, Sarah Mitchell and request that CPS (Collaborative Proactive Solutions) be introduced to NSW schools: [email protected]

    Call to Action: Here's the contact details so that you can write to Minister Sue Ellery:

    12th Floor, Dumas House, 2 Havelock Street, WEST PERTH WA 6005


    61 8 6552 5700


    61 8 6552 5701


    [email protected]


    Please join the Square Peg Round Whole podcast Facebook private group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/536225331089755
    Please like the Facebook PUBLIC page: https://www.facebook.com/Square-Peg-Round-Whole-Public-PAGE-108284341497676

    Instagram: @squarepegroundwholepodcast
    Twitter: @PegWhole
    Website: www.squarepegroundwhole.com.au

    1. Western Australian joint Disability Royal Commission submission: HAVE YOUR SAY ANONYMOUSLY https://freesuggestionbox.com/pub/awjmhmf?fbclid=IwAR0CDdCcFRc-loHJLlhYz7FtsWo6iyBRk44cWHfyDwOzbWV4NTACVE0jb08

    2. Template to write to your local MP (found on WA Facebook group):

    3. Legislative Council questions on notice: https://www.parliament.wa.gov.au/Hansard/hansard.nsf/0/79569FAF37D0AEFD482588D80029EC16/$File/G41%20S1%2020221011%20All.pdf?

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  • Please sign and share this petition to bring Collaborative Proactive Solutions to Australian Schools!
    Please write to Education Minister, Sarah Mitchell and request that CPS (Collaborative Proactive Solutions) be introduced to NSW schools: [email protected]

    In this episode, Lou talks to Yenn Purkis.
    Yenn Purkis is an author, public servant and passionate advocate for Autistic people and their families. Yenn is the author of ‘Finding a Different Kind of Normal: Misadventures with Asperger Syndrome’ – an autobiography, ‘The Wonderful World of Work: A Workbook for Asperteens’- an activity book about employment for teens on the Autism spectrum. Yenn is co-author of ‘The Guide to Good Mental Health on the Autism Spectrum’ and ‘The Parents’ Practical Guide to Resilience for Children aged 2-10 on the Autism Spectrum.’ Yenn has also contributed to other books, journals, blogs and websites. Yenn has a diagnosis of Asperger Syndrome and atypical schizophrenia.

    Yenn has been working full-time for the Australian Public Service since 2007. In between writing and paid work, Yenn frequently gives talks about living well with Autism and mental illness.

    Lou and Yenn talk about behaviourism, Yenn's life growing up, the intersection of neurodivergence with mental illness, gender diversity and other related topics that Yenn has first hand experience with, as well as Yenn's experience when they spent some time in prison in earlier life.


    Please join the Square Peg Round Whole podcast Facebook private group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/536225331089755
    Please like the Facebook PUBLIC page: https://www.facebook.com/Square-Peg-Round-Whole-Public-PAGE-108284341497676

    Instagram: @squarepegroundwholepodcast
    Twitter: @PegWhole
    Website: www.squarepegroundwhole.com.au


    1. Yenn Purkis website: http://yennpurkis.com/


  • Please sign and share this petition to bring Collaborative Proactive Solutions to Australian Schools!
    Please write to Education Minister, Sarah Mitchell and request that CPS (Collaborative Proactive Solutions) be introduced to NSW schools: [email protected]

    Call to Action: Towards the end of this episode, Sarah and Lou make a plea for listeners to contact the Minister for Education in WA. Here's the contact details so that you can write to Minister Sue Ellery:

    12th Floor, Dumas House, 2 Havelock Street, WEST PERTH WA 6005


    61 8 6552 5700


    61 8 6552 5701


    [email protected]

    In this episode Lou and Dr Sarah Bernard talk about life growing up for Sarah and her discovery of her own neurodivergence. They also discuss Sarah's blogs about Ableist School Reports and letters, Autistic play and Behaviourism. They delve into a discussion about the Aged Care and Disability Royal Commissions and Sarah's career as a Geriatrician and they finish with a focus on WA, where Sarah lives and the sort of advocacy that parents will endeavour over the next little while. A really uplifting and educational discussion with a beautiful and lovely person.


    Please join the Square Peg Round Whole podcast Facebook private group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/536225331089755
    Please like the Facebook PUBLIC page: https://www.facebook.com/Square-Peg-Round-Whole-Public-PAGE-108284341497676

    Instagram: @squarepegroundwholepodcast
    Twitter: @PegWhole
    Website: www.squarepegroundwhole.com.au

    Resources discussed during this episode:
    1. Tim Chan - Autistic Advocate, website: https://www.timhchan.com/

    2. Dr Mary Dougherty, Founder, Autistic Doctors International, website: https://autisticdoctorsinternational.com/

    3. Book: Neurotribes by Dr Steve Silberman: https://www.booktopia.com.au/neurotribes-steve-silberman/book/9781760294366.html?dsa=s1-east&gclid=Cj0KCQjwzqSWBhDPARIsAK38LY_xnqNsAMst4L0a-4TeBZtk_LmhtBMGWoYfs6GJNgLmN_3y935fPnIaAuSeEALw_wcB

    4. Book: Neuroqueer Heresies by Nick Walker: https://www.wob.com/en-au/books/nick-walker/neuroqueer-heresies/9781945955266?gclid=Cj0KCQjwzqSWBhDPARIsAK38LY_GbwlSrP9XeyZszwJ05P-FDqq4x9QbwrIjhnYL7wOVAIHSwl1g0bcaApcfEALw_wcB

    5. The Neurodivergent Doctor Blog - https://neurodivergentdr.wixsite.com/website

    6. UK Report: Positive Behavioural Support in the UK: A State of the Nation Report https://www.ingentaconnect.com/contentone/bild/ijpbs/2022/00000012/a00101s1/art00001?fbclid=IwAR0UHhrtfNHdoHViEYH3IKqEu7hNAmQErpMY7iMEJcjbSwRlWiHSo5ae7Zk

  • Please sign and share this petition to bring Collaborative Proactive Solutions to Australian Schools!
    Please write to Education Minister, Sarah Mitchell and request that CPS (Collaborative Proactive Solutions) be introduced to NSW schools: [email protected]

    This is a long episode but worth every minute of your time! Whilst this episode focuses on education and will be particularly useful to Queenlanders, there's messages, tips and knowledge shared here that is for anyone who needs to understand devaluation of people with disabilities, disability discrimination in education and really covers all the challenges we parents and teachers of Square Peg kids face as we constantly battle to break down the barriers of segregation, exclusion, behaviourism and devaluing people with disabilities.


    Please join the Square Peg Round Whole podcast Facebook private group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/536225331089755
    Please like the Facebook PUBLIC page: https://www.facebook.com/Square-Peg-Round-Whole-Public-PAGE-108284341497676

    Instagram: @squarepegroundwholepodcast
    Twitter: @PegWhole
    Website: www.squarepegroundwhole.com.au

    Resources discussed during this episode:

    1. Social Role Valorisation - learn more about the courses you can attend here: http://www.asrva.org.au/

    2, Community Resource Unit (CRU) - https://cru.org.au/

    3. Broadreach Training and Resources website - Norman Kunc and Emma Van der Klift

    4. Book: Being Realistic isn't Realistic by Norman Kunc

    5. Youtube: The Right to be Disabled by Norman Kunc

    6. Paper: The Stairs Didn't go Anywhere by Michael F. Giangreco

  • Please sign and share this petition to bring Collaborative Proactive Solutions to Australian Schools!
    Please write to Education Minister, Sarah Mitchell and request that CPS (Collaborative Proactive Solutions) be introduced to NSW schools: [email protected]

    This episode is a conversation between two loving mums. Lou talks to Jane Hancock, mum to previous guest, Shadia Hancock. It's an honest, and cathartic chat and reflection of times gone by. This episode will give young families hope, support and optimism for the future. It was an absolute pleasure to talk to such a beautiful person and loving mum.


    Please join the Square Peg Round Whole podcast Facebook private group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/536225331089755
    Please like the Facebook PUBLIC page: https://www.facebook.com/Square-Peg-Round-Whole-Public-PAGE-108284341497676

    Instagram: @squarepegroundwholepodcast
    Twitter: @PegWhole
    Website: www.squarepegroundwhole.com.au

    Resources discussed during this episode:

    1. Autism Actually website: https://www.autismactually.com.au/

    2. Positive Partnerships website: https://www.positivepartnerships.com.au/

    3. Peter Hutton's Episode "Dancing in the Grey": https://www.squarepegroundwhole.com.au/episodes/dancing-in-the-grey-with-entrepreneurial-educator-peter-hutton

    4. Shadia Hancock's Episode "Autism is Actually Awesome": https://www.squarepegroundwhole.com.au/episodes/autism-is-actually-awesome

    5. Uniquely Human podcast with Barry Prizant and Dave Finch: https://uniquelyhuman.com/

    6. Dr Emma Goodall on the Reframing Autism website: https://reframingautism.org.au/team/dr-emma-goodall/

    7. Dr Mona Delahooke, ICAN Network, Reframing Autism (all featured throughout Square Peg Round Whole website, Facebook page and with episodes from all of these experts)

  • Please sign and share this petition to bring Collaborative Proactive Solutions to Australian Schools!
    Please write to Education Minister, Sarah Mitchell and request that CPS (Collaborative Proactive Solutions) be introduced to NSW schools: [email protected]

    Lou has been working towards this interview for a long time and her determination has paid off. She secured a meeting to introduce Dr Greene to the NSW Department of Education and staff from the NSW Education MInister's office. Dr Greene will explain CPS (Collaborative Proactive Solutions) and advocated for NSW to move beyond behaviourism, and towareds neurodiversity-affirming teaching practices. If NSW implement this, it will be the first state in Australia to take this huge step, which would bring students and families improved access to leaning and a sense of safety and belonging.

    In this episode, Lou and Dr Ross Greene passionately argue in favour of the introduction of CPS in Australian schools.


    Please join the Square Peg Round Whole podcast Facebook private group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/536225331089755
    Please like the Facebook PUBLIC page: https://www.facebook.com/Square-Peg-Round-Whole-Public-PAGE-108284341497676

    Instagram: @squarepegroundwholepodcast
    Twitter: @PegWhole
    Website: www.squarepegroundwhole.com.au

    Resources discussed during this episode:

    The Lives in the Balance, not for profit organisation founded by Dr Ross Greene: https://livesinthebalance.org/

    NSW Behaviour Strategy: https://education.nsw.gov.au/student-wellbeing/attendance-behaviour-and-engagement/behaviour-strategy

    Book: Lost at School by Dr Ross Greene

  • Dr David Roy has lived through the worst trauma possible; knowledge that his son was allegedly abused whilst attending his special school aged 3 years old. This episode shares shocking details but also the inspirational advocacy that came from it. Lou and David discuss the events that led to David and his wife's drive for a Parliamentary Inquiry following the alleged abuse and neglect of their son and the ongoing agitation that David has found necessary to force change and reforms in NSW education.

    There's also discussion of the Disability Royal Commission. Please listen to the Family Advocacy podcast series, "Talking Disability Royal Commission"


    Please join the Square Peg Round Whole podcast Facebook private group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/536225331089755
    Please like the Facebook PUBLIC page: https://www.facebook.com/Square-Peg-Round-Whole-Public-PAGE-108284341497676

    Patreon membership: Patreon members receive early release of episodes and assistance with advocacy efforts. If you would like to support me to pay for this podcast production and help me realise my dream to work more in this field, please feel free to become a patreon member: https://www.patreon.com/squarepegroundwhole

    Instagram: @squarepegroundwholepodcast
    Twitter: @PegWhole
    Website: www.squarepegroundwhole.com.au

    Resources discussed during this episode:

    1. Talking Disability Royal Commission with Family Advocacy podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/au/podcast/talking-disability-royal-commission-with-family-advocacy/id1623103540

    2. "Finding your Element" by Ken Robertson: https://www.booktopia.com.au/finding-your-element-sir-ken-robinson/book/9780143125518.html?source=pla&gclid=Cj0KCQjwmuiTBhDoARIsAPiv6L8k4cyHzvzAYTvbLBomcRqOZbLcHsWinWnDg0-JfFHnIqeAAdcY9yQaAudOEALw_wcB

    3. "Teaching the Arts" by Dr David Roy, William Baker and Amy Hamilton: https://textbooks.zookal.com.au/products/teaching-the-arts-9781108552363?variant=34007253745796&gclid=Cj0KCQjwmuiTBhDoARIsAPiv6L9tgQxjn_BcQVZ-O7DnG5T6_Rq3dubTGKHVg1TIeUldtaQ8TsmKT1gaAoJtEALw_wcB

    4. NSW Ombudsman Inquiry: https://www.ombo.nsw.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0018/47241/NSW-Ombudsman-Inquiry-into-behaviour-management-in-schools.pdf

  • Lou interviews Katrina and Kat from the Bridges Learning System. On the same journey as Lou, moving away from behaviourism and towards neurodiversity affirming practices, these two clever women have created a wonderful curriculum for neurodivergent children. The "Insight Sprites" take children through an affirming process where they discover neurodiversity and through interactions with the characters, learn to accept and embrace difference. The curriculum has been developed with input and guidance from neurodivergent adults and can be accessed easily online, available to teachers, families and therapists. The discussion moves from an overview of the curriculum, unpacking behaviour and even touching on the intersection of neurodivergence and the criminal justice system. Finally Kat shares an extensive list of mentors and resources listed below and on the Square Peg Round Whole website.


    Please join the Square Peg Round Whole podcast Facebook private group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/536225331089755
    Please like the Facebook PUBLIC page: https://www.facebook.com/Square-Peg-Round-Whole-Public-PAGE-108284341497676

    Patreon membership: Patreon members receive early release of episodes and assistance with advocacy efforts. If you would like to support me to pay for this podcast production and help me realise my dream to work more in this field, please feel free to become a patreon member: https://www.patreon.com/squarepegroundwhole

    Instagram: @squarepegroundwholepodcast
    Twitter: @PegWhole
    Website: www.squarepegroundwhole.com.au

    Resources discussed during this episode:

    1. Bridges Learning System website: https://bridgeslearningsystem.com/

    2. Terra Vance and Neuroclastic website: https://neuroclastic.com/

    Parts 1 and 2 of the Weaver and Concluder series https://neuroclastic.com/weavers-and-concluders-two-communication-styles-no-one-knows-exist/

    The Identity Theory of Autism https://neuroclastic.com/the-identity-theory-of-autism-how-autistic-identity-is-experienced-differently/

    Very Grand Emotions https://neuroclastic.com/?s=very+grand+emotions

    3. Social Media accounts:

    Fidgets and Fries https://www.facebook.com/fidgetsandfries
    Free Matthew Rushin https://www.facebook.com/FreeMatthewRushin

    4. Activist and Author:

    Mia Mingus blog Leaving Evidence https://leavingevidence.wordpress.com/2015/02/06/medical-industrial-complex-visual/

    5. Sources of Aggression checklist from We are like your Child


    6. OTs for Neurodiversity

    7. Learn Play Thrive https://learnplaythrive.com/

    8. Rachel Dorsey website https://dorseyslp.com/
    Rachel Dorsey Facebook group https://www.facebook.com/dorseyslp

  • Finally the wonderful Chris Varney is on the podcast! Lou and Chris talk about the foundation of the I CAN Network, Chris's life growing up, self acceptance and development of Autistic identity and how he learned that it's more important to be proud of what you CAN do than what you CAN'T! If you haven't checked out the I CAN Network for the Autistic person in your life, you're missing out.


    Please join the Square Peg Round Whole podcast Facebook private group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/536225331089755
    Please like the Facebook PUBLIC page: https://www.facebook.com/Square-Peg-Round-Whole-Public-PAGE-108284341497676

    Patreon membership: Patreon members receive early release of episodes and assistance with advocacy efforts. If you would like to support me to pay for this podcast production and help me realise my dream to work more in this field, please feel free to become a patreon member: https://www.patreon.com/squarepegroundwhole

    Instagram: @squarepegroundwholepodcast
    Twitter: @PegWhole
    Website: www.squarepegroundwhole.com.au

    Resources discussed during this episode:

    The I CAN Network website - https://icannetwork.online/

    Eunice Kennedy Shriver - Book, "The Kennedy who Changed the World"

    Circular Spectrum by Rebecca Burgess - https://the-art-of-autism.com/understanding-the-spectrum-a-comic-strip-explanation/

  • If you think you can help the Future Schools Alliance with a financial donation, to create a new education system that will be able to teach our Square Pegs, please go to this link and donate now!


    Lou and Peter Hutton energetically discuss Australian education and everything that must change! Peter Hutton is a rebel with a cause and he passionately believes in a better education system for this country. Rather than wait for that to happen, which he calls the "slow burn", he has decided he and his team at The Future Schools Alliance will just make it happen. Peter says teachers should learn to be comfortable "dancing in the grey". Challenge the status quo and find better ways to do things. This is an episode not to be missed. If you want motivation for change, I give you Peter Hutton!


    Please join the Square Peg Round Whole podcast Facebook private group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/536225331089755
    Please like the Facebook PUBLIC page: https://www.facebook.com/Square-Peg-Round-Whole-Public-PAGE-108284341497676

    Patreon membership: Patreon members receive early release of episodes and assistance with advocacy efforts. If you would like to support me to pay for this podcast production and help me realise my dream to work more in this field, please feel free to become a patreon member: https://www.patreon.com/squarepegroundwhole

    Instagram: @squarepegroundwholepodcast
    Twitter: @PegWhole
    Website: www.squarepegroundwhole.com.au

    Resources discussed during this episode:

    The Future Schools Alliance website

    Peter Hutton's TED Talk - What if students controlled their own learning?

    Professor Yong Zhao

    Book: "Let the Children Play" by Prof Parsi Sahlberg

    Prof Parsi Sahlberg at UNSW Gonski Institute

  • Lou and Ash Kuchel will be speaking at the "My Spirited Child" Victoria ADHD Conference and what better way to discuss the excitement than to invite the founder and organiser, Rebecca Perkins on to the podcast!

    In this episode, Lou chats to Rebecca about her journey parenting and leading the way in education of the broader community about ADHD and other neurodivergences. Rebecca's accomplishments are so impressive and she is another woman on a mission to educate, smash stigma and draw on the strengths of neurodivergence in everything that she does.

    Lou and Rebecca also discuss the upcoming Victorian ADHD Conference where Lou has been asked along as a guest speaker. They discuss the emphasis of these conferences and why Rebecca feels that this Victorian conference will be the best one yet!


    Please join the Square Peg Round Whole podcast Facebook private group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/536225331089755
    Please like the Facebook PUBLIC page: https://www.facebook.com/Square-Peg-Round-Whole-Public-PAGE-108284341497676

    Patreon membership: Patreon members receive early release of episodes and assistance with advocacy efforts. If you would like to support me to pay for this podcast production and help me realise my dream to work more in this field, please feel free to become a patreon member: https://www.patreon.com/squarepegroundwhole

    Instagram: @squarepegroundwholepodcast
    Twitter: @PegWhole
    Website: www.squarepegroundwhole.com.au

    Resources discussed during this episode:

    The Victorian ADHD Conference, 2nd April, 2022

    My Spirited Child

    The National PEKE Centres

  • Lou interviews Sarah Humphreys from Inclusive Schools Australia. Sarah has an uncanny way of just making inclusive education to be so black and white and easy to implement. She would argue, that's because it is! She talks about the "50 Shades of Grey" around non-inclusion and how to avoid that. Sarah accurately and simply describes Universal Design for Learning and how universally designing anything will benefit the whole population. Sarah also explains the problem with alternative curriculums like LifeSkills in NSW and Ables in Victoria. Lots of practical advice and reassurance that us advocating for inclusion is an aspiration that we should hold on to tightly.

    You can experience Sarah's wisdom at the upcoming Illume Australian Inclusive Schooling Conference on 12th and 13th of May.
    Register here: https://www.inclusiveschoolingconference.com.au/#:~:text=ABOUT,and%20engage%20students%20with%20disabilities.


    Please join the Square Peg Round Whole podcast Facebook private group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/536225331089755
    Please like the Facebook PUBLIC page: https://www.facebook.com/Square-Peg-Round-Whole-Public-PAGE-108284341497676

    Patreon membership: Patreon members receive early release of episodes and assistance with advocacy efforts. If you would like to support me to pay for this podcast production and help me realise my dream to work more in this field, please feel free to become a patreon member: https://www.patreon.com/squarepegroundwhole

    Instagram: @squarepegroundwholepodcast
    Twitter: @PegWhole
    Website: www.squarepegroundwhole.com.au

    Resources discussed during this episode:

    Inclusive Schools Australia website

    Illume Australian Inclusive Schooling Conference on 12th and 13th of May 2022:

    Family Advocacy website with information about P and C Subcommittees:

    For parents:

    For teachers:

  • In this episode, Lou an Mel discuss Mel's early life and how her passion that led to a PhD in medieval studies soon changed to a brand new world of Autism once her children were born and four members of the family were identified as Autistic. The discussion continues as Mel shares her experiences from behaviourism to neurodiversity affirming approaches, peaceful parenting, home schooling and the birth of the organisation she founded, Reframing Autism. Mel is now studying a second PhD but this time in the field of parenting and Autism. She is a passionate, knowledgeable and articulate advocate for our community and the chat is long but extremely diverse and helpful for all listeners.


    Please join the Square Peg Round Whole podcast Facebook private group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/536225331089755
    Please like the Facebook PUBLIC page: https://www.facebook.com/Square-Peg-Round-Whole-Public-PAGE-108284341497676

    Patreon membership: Patreon members receive early release of episodes and assistance with advocacy efforts. If you would like to support me to pay for this podcast production and help me realise my dream to work more in this field, please feel free to become a patreon member: https://www.patreon.com/squarepegroundwhole

    Instagram: @squarepegroundwholepodcast
    Twitter: @PegWhole
    Website: www.squarepegroundwhole.com.au

    Resources discussed during this episode:

    Reframing Autism website:

    Reframing Austim's Certificate in Autistic Well-being:

    "The Real Experts" by Michelle Swan

    Beyond Behaviours by Mona Delahooke

    Raising Human Beings by Dr Ross Greene
    The Explosive Child by Dr Ross Greene

    "Peaceful Parenting" by LR Knost

    Damian Milton's "Double Empathy" concept as explained on the Reframing Autism website:

    Unconditional Parenting by Alfie Kohn:

    Dan Seigal and Tina Bryson book:
    "The Whole Brain Child"

    Yenn Purkis

    Dr Wenn Lawson

  • With a neurodivergent lens over the whole conversation, Paul and Lou explore the risk taking behaviour of our teens. They discuss alcohol, weed, vaping and cocaine in detail and then go on to focus on the Year 9s, sleep overs and the inevitable driving risks and drug testing that can get, especially those taking ADHD medications in hot water. Finally they finish with an often neglected topic around drug interactions, especially relevant to youth taking ADHD medications, anti-depressants and anti-psychotics. It's a very long episode but every word is an eye opener.


    Please join the Square Peg Round Whole podcast Facebook private group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/536225331089755
    Please like the Facebook PUBLIC page: https://www.facebook.com/Square-Peg-Round-Whole-Public-PAGE-108284341497676

    Patreon membership: Patreon members receive early release of episodes and assistance with advocacy efforts. If you would like to support me to pay for this podcast production and help me realise my dream to work more in this field, please feel free to become a patreon member: https://www.patreon.com/squarepegroundwhole

    Instagram: @squarepegroundwholepodcast
    Twitter: @PegWhole
    Website: www.squarepegroundwhole.com.au

    Resources discussed during this episode:

    DARTA website: https://darta.net.au/

    DARTA Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/search/top?q=drug%20and%20alcohol%20research%20and%20training%20australia%20(darta)

    Paul's blog on medication interactions:

    Youtube video on mobile drug testing NSW:

  • Today is a discussion between the two Lous!! Lou Kuchel speaks to Lou Brown about ADHD. When Lou B was a child, she was misunderstood. That led to shame and a poor self image. After discovering her son was ADHD, she realised she's also neurodivergent and that led to a re-birth of sorts. Lou realised that everything she had experienced in her earlier years, now has an explanation. The world opened up and Lou became an ADHD coach and is now a PhD candidate! More doors have opened and Lou is a consumer advisor at Deakin University, on the board at AADPA and her parenting approach is set for validation that will bring hope and improve outcomes for many neurodivergent families in the future.


    Please join the Square Peg Round Whole podcast Facebook private group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/536225331089755
    Please like the Facebook PUBLIC page: https://www.facebook.com/Square-Peg-Round-Whole-Public-PAGE-108284341497676

    Patreon membership: Patreon members receive early release of episodes and assistance with advocacy efforts. If you would like to support me to pay for this podcast production and help me realise my dream to work more in this field, please feel free to become a patreon member: https://www.patreon.com/squarepegroundwhole

    Instagram: @squarepegroundwholepodcast
    Twitter: @PegWhole
    Website: www.squarepegroundwhole.com.au

    Resources discussed during this episode:

    Lou's website:

    Lou's Teacher Guide - this can be printed and shared with primary schools when advocating for students with ADHD:

    More parent resources:

    AADPA website and Language guide (endorsed by PAAA):

  • In this final episode for the 2021 season, Lou and Will discuss Will's lived experience as a young neurodivergent person living with Dyslexia and probable ADHD. Will explains the rollercoaster ride of his younger years and the experience of being misunderstood by everyone around him, struggling with drugs and alcohol and finding his strengths. It's a discussion of self-discovery and self acceptance. Will is also super creative and clever and has founded a new organisation called The Neurodiversity Academy, aiming to work with organisations and individuals to achieve "neuroinclusion for the neurodistinct".


    Please join the Square Peg Round Whole podcast Facebook private group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/536225331089755
    Please like the Facebook PUBLIC page: https://www.facebook.com/Square-Peg-Round-Whole-Public-PAGE-108284341497676

    Patreon membership: Patreon members receive early release of episodes and assistance with advocacy efforts. If you would like to support me to pay for this podcast production and help me realise my dream to work more in this field, please feel free to become a patreon member: https://www.patreon.com/squarepegroundwhole

    Instagram: @squarepegroundwholepodcast
    Twitter: @PegWhole
    Website: www.squarepegroundwhole.com.au

    Resources discussed during this episode:
    1. The Neurodiversity Academy - https://www.neurodiversityacademy.com/

    2. Dr Nancy Doyle - Forbes Magazine:

    3. Dr Nancy Doyle - The Genius Within

    4. Universal Music - Creative Differences

    5. Dr Helen Taylor

  • This is a long episode but it is well worth it and packed with a huge amount of resources and helpful and practical advice and information. There's quite a few light bulb moments where Lou connects the dots such as a realisation that you can't apply Collaborative Proactive Solutions if you don't have a trusting relationship with the child first. Christina Keeble is a complex and authentic neurodivergent educator. She has a deep understanding from personal experience, parenting experience, teaching and psychology. Not only does she share her perspective, she offers so much practical and helpful advice that can be applied in our families immediately. Lou and Christina explore self-identity, authenticity, neurodiversity affirming practices over ABA, interoception and co-regulation and more...


    Please join the Square Peg Round Whole podcast Facebook private group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/536225331089755
    Please like the Facebook PUBLIC page: https://www.facebook.com/Square-Peg-Round-Whole-Public-PAGE-108284341497676

    Patreon membership: Patreon members receive early release of episodes and assistance with advocacy efforts. If you would like to support me to pay for this podcast production and help me realise my dream to work more in this field, please feel free to become a patreon member: https://www.patreon.com/squarepegroundwhole

    Instagram: @squarepegroundwholepodcast
    Twitter: @PegWhole
    Website: www.squarepegroundwhole.com.au

    Resources discussed during this episode:

    Christina's business website:

    South Australian Dept of Education - Interoception information:

    Autism Goals website:

    Autism Goals Facebook page:

    The 5Cs that Christina mentioned in the episode:

    The PEKE Centre website:

    The Autistic Realm Australia Facebook group:

    Reframing Autism website:

    Dr Mona Delahooke website:

    Dr Ross Greene website:

    Dr Stuart Shanker and Self-reg website:

    Dr Stephen Porges and Polyvagal theory:

  • Lou and George talk about "the human right to read, write and numerate" as George put it. They discuss the correct language used to describe learning disorders Dyslexia, Dysgraphia and Dyscalculia. The diagnosis and school experiences, teachers' approaches, George explains some key messages for parents and teachers, where to get help and access supportive resources, reasonable adjustments, assistive technology and more. George dispels myths associated with learning disorders, and there are many. It's a very informative "part one" discussion about learning disorders. More to come on this can of worms!


    Please join the Square Peg Round Whole podcast Facebook private group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/536225331089755
    Please like the Facebook PUBLIC page: https://www.facebook.com/Square-Peg-Round-Whole-Public-PAGE-108284341497676

    Patreon membership: Patreon members receive early release of episodes and assistance with advocacy efforts. If you would like to support me to pay for this podcast production and help me realise my dream to work more in this field, please feel free to become a patreon member: https://www.patreon.com/squarepegroundwhole

    Instagram: @squarepegroundwholepodcast
    Twitter: @PegWhole
    Website: www.squarepegroundwhole.com.au

    Resources discussed during this episode:

    SPELD NSW: https://www.speldnsw.org.au/
    State SPELD organisations AUSPELD: https://auspeld.org.au/state-associations/

    Dyslexia Support Australia - Dyslexia Support Australia | Facebook

    Dyslexia Victoria Support - Dyslexia Victoria Support | Facebook

    AUSPELD Understanding Learning Difficulties Guide: Parent's Guide – Understanding Learning Difficulties – A guide for Parents (uldforparents.com)

    Think Forward Educators - Think Forward Educators

    Reading Science in Schools - Reading Science in Schools | Facebook

  • This really is "A Special Understanding". It's an understanding of Treacy and everything she's been through in her life from years of mis-diagnosis and all that comes with that, of the trauma, fear and challenges of single parenting a neurodivergent child when you don't understand your own neurology. It's the revelation when the penny drops. It's fierce advocacy at school and in the world in general. It's the special understanding and special relationship between a son and his mum. A really heartfelt lived experience episode. Enjoy!


    Please join the Square Peg Round Whole podcast Facebook private group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/536225331089755
    Please like the Facebook PUBLIC page: https://www.facebook.com/Square-Peg-Round-Whole-Public-PAGE-108284341497676

    Patreon membership: Patreon members receive early release of episodes and assistance with advocacy efforts. If you would like to support me to pay for this podcast production and help me realise my dream to work more in this field, please feel free to become a patreon member: https://www.patreon.com/squarepegroundwhole

    Instagram: @squarepegroundwholepodcast
    Twitter: @PegWhole
    Website: www.squarepegroundwhole.com.au

    Resources mentioned during this podcast episode:

    SPELD NSW https://www.speldnsw.org.au/

    Mental health resources:
    Helplines https://www.healthdirect.gov.au/mental-health-helplines
    Too Peas in a Podcast https://toopeasinapodcast.com.au/

    Treacy's Instagram profile: @tdthendsocialworker