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SDN126: How To Make Everything In Life And Business Easier
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Got VALUE from this episode? Let's take your success to the next level! Stop Doing Nothing offers a coaching plan that is designed and delivered based on your unique needs/goals. If you want to innovate and grow faster, start acting today. Learn more about business mastery, generating wealth, personal development, and many more. You get to pick your transformation! Remember, action is the great thing that separates the average from the great.
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Don't lie - you really wanted advice from a big sweaty gym guy as you started 2024. Listen here or watch the video version at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7HBx9ekIY6g
What silver linings came out of the COVID-19 pandemic for you? In the past two years, we've dealt with so many negative things, yet as we choose to see the positive aspects, we realize that there's good to be found in a bad situation.
Tune in to learn more 🎬 watch the full episode of Stop Doing Nothing — Five Good Things To Come Out of the Pandemic with Patrick Allmond.
What You Will Discover:
#1: We became more independent and learned some new skills.
Many people drive to and from work every day, almost living on the highway. The global crisis has given us a liberation of sorts — that there's a way we can make money that is not dependent on our physical location. Learning a new skill or starting a side business doing the things that we love also taught us how it's not really required to spend the 9 to 5 in a cubicle or a conference room.
#2: We became better at technology. People like my mom and the others who consider themselves "technophobes" suddenly had to take advantage of their devices. Companies like Apple, Samsung, Dell and Microsoft have been making technology better and better for us over the years to make our lives easier, and they drop in cool features, which we use sometimes. But all of a sudden, we had to use those features more. So my mom had to learn how to buy our groceries and make video calls. We were forced to learn to do things that were just optional before.
#3 Companies, governmental organizations and service providers got better at delivering solutions. Those that dabble in the world of online ordering and product delivery had to get good, really fast, and everything you needed was delivered to your doorstep every single day. What used to be just a convenient option became necessities.
#4 People became a little bit nicer and more understanding towards each other. We're all going through some stressful things, and as people were able to take a deep breath, everyone has had a sense that if it's just hard for me, it's as difficult for everyone else.
#5 Technology-savvy people become rock stars. At the beginning of 2020, I dumped a good chunk of money to make a decent home studio. (I know you may have done so, too!) I noticed that many asked about the skills I have. I would be on Zoom calls with other entrepreneurs, professional speakers and other people working from home, and I would get asked a lot of times:
How do I have good looking Zoom calls?
How do I share documents?
How do I collaborate on spreadsheets and word documents remotely? How do I share my screen so I can do remote training?
How can I stand up and wear a microphone to teach the group of 50 people from my home office?
Suddenly there was a lot of demand for people like me who were really good at technology. Since 2020 it has become our time to shine. Suddenly, we became educators of technology and showed people how they could do things online.
Got VALUE from this episode? Let's take your success to the next level! Stop Doing Nothing offers a coaching plan that is designed and delivered based on your unique needs/goals. If you want to innovate and grow faster, start acting today. Learn more about business mastery, generating wealth, personal development, and many more. You get to pick your transformation! Remember, action is the great thing that separates the average from the great.
Training: https://stopdoingnothing.com
Instagram: https://instagram.com/patrickallmond
Twitter: https://twitter.com/patrickallmond
Wear it: https://store.stopdoingnothing.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/StopDoingNothingDotCom
iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/stopdoingnothing-high-achiever-radio-show/id702153269
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/patrickallmond/
Join our Empire Builders: How to Build a Thought Leader Lifestyle Facebook Group at https://www.facebook.com/groups/empireb/
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/2BhnQzcLYYf3jNTtVB7i10
YouTube: https://youtube.com/patrickallmond
Stitcher: https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/stopdoingnothing-high-achiever-show
Amazon: https://music.amazon.com/podcasts/d36d38a7-b1b7-4738-bdf7-b05bcbfd1964/StopDoingNothing-Life-High-Achiever-Show
As the end of the pandemic becomes more uncertain, that doesn’t mean normal life has to stop. A mindset shift and a little bit of self-care can go a long way to lessen its negative impact on your life.
Tune in to learn more 🎬 watch the full episode of Stop Doing Nothing — How to Survive the Pandemic Blues with Patrick Allmond.
What You Will Discover:
✔️ Are you constantly worrying about the pandemic? Remember: major life events don’t have a definitive endpoint. Taking responsibility by practicing social spacing and getting vaccinated is the first step to positively accepting the new normal.
✔️ Pay attention to what is happening. We often overthink and assume everything will turn into a disaster, but once we observe and allow it to happen to us, we realize it isn’t that big of a deal. Don’t forget that we’re living in the most convenient time in our world’s history.
✔️ Safely return to a level of normalcy in your life as soon as possible. Whether it’s getting a coffee or going for a run, there is a way to continue doing the things you love while protecting yourself. Wear a mask and ease back into your social and outdoor habits.
✔️ Now is the best time to start a side hustle. Or a career change. Working from home has afforded us more free time and flexibility. If you’re bored or want something different, become an entrepreneur.
✔️ If working remotely is working best for you, talk to your boss. Find a position wherein you can make money using your brain. Think of how you can contribute to your company with your ideas and thoughts.
✔️Get through by spending more time with family. In these difficult times, you either stay afraid or come out with stronger, better relationships. Getting sick seems inevitable, but your loved ones need you now more than ever.
Got VALUE from this episode? Let's take your success to the next level! Stop Doing Nothing offers a coaching plan that is designed and delivered based on your unique needs/goals. If you want to innovate and grow faster, start acting today. Learn more about business mastery, generating wealth, personal development, and many more. You get to pick your transformation! Remember, action is the great thing that separates the average from the great.
Training: https://stopdoingnothing.com
Instagram: https://instagram.com/patrickallmond
Twitter: https://twitter.com/patrickallmond
Wear it: https://store.stopdoingnothing.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/StopDoingNothingDotCom
iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/stopdoingnothing-high-achiever-radio-show/id702153269
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/patrickallmond/
Join our Empire Builders: How to Build a Thought Leader Lifestyle Facebook Group at https://www.facebook.com/groups/empireb/
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/2BhnQzcLYYf3jNTtVB7i10
YouTube: https://youtube.com/patrickallmond
Stitcher: https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/stopdoingnothing-high-achiever-sho
Amazon: https://music.amazon.com/podcasts/d36d38a7-b1b7-4738-bdf7-b05bcbfd1964/StopDoingNothing-Life-High-Achiever-Show
If you're sitting at the airport and you got cool socks on, people can't help but notice. Not everybody can be unique, funky and have the courage to stand out from everybody else. This is the same truth that applies to your personal branding. How do you stand out?
Tune in to learn more 🎬 watch the full episode of Stop Doing Nothing — How To Differentiate Yourself Online With Phil Gerbyshak and Beth Ziesenis.
What You Will Discover:
✔️ The start of real conversations is the very beginning of the funnel. What makes the best conversation starters are things that you love to use or wear and show your brand.
These have become talking points that establish relationships with people who may need our products or services now or in the future.
✔️ If you're someone selling YOU, be the person they buy at all times. Whether online or offline, you are the billboard of the brand you seek to establish. How do you get comfortable living up to it?
✔️ Author, speaker and self-professed nerd Beth Ziesenis shares the importance of looking at things you like and who you truly are when considering your personal brand elements. Her color and brand name all came accidentally and organically tied up neatly with her tech guru, speaker and trainer professions.
✔️ Social Selling Expert Phil Gerbyshak has 20 pairs of different colors of glasses. His successful branding gets people asking: 'What color is Phil going to wear on the next live stream?" Letting people pick his specs when he goes out to speak makes people notice, if not remember, him even more. _________________________________________________________________
Beth Ziesenis is an author and speaker who is your own personal Nerdy Best Friend. She keeps up with all the new online applications and downloads that can help you look like you’re working with a team of marketing, computer and productivity experts, even if you suffer from a shrinking staff and a disappearing budget.
Now that the world has changed, Beth Z is ALL IN on virtual events. Since her first Motorola RAZR flip phone, Beth has been fascinated with technology and computer shortcuts that make people’s lives easier.
Know more about Beth at https://www.yournerdybestfriend.com/
Phil Gerbyshak is a speaker, sales expert, corporate sales trainer and small business coach. Phil trains his clients on the power of connection, leveraging the reach of social media, combined with the deeply personal work of nurturing 1:1 relationships, growing profitable long-term clients, transforming businesses and boosting revenue.
Know more about Phil at https://philgerbyshak.com/
Got VALUE from this episode? Let's take your success to the next level! Stop Doing Nothing offers a coaching plan that is designed and delivered based on your unique needs/goals. If you want to innovate and grow faster, start acting today. Learn more about business mastery, generating wealth, personal development, and many more. You get to pick your transformation! Remember, action is the great thing that separates the average from the great.
Training: https://stopdoingnothing.com
Instagram: https://instagram.com/patrickallmond
Twitter: https://twitter.com/patrickallmond
Wear it: https://store.stopdoingnothing.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/StopDoingNothingDotCom
iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/stopdoingnothing-high-achiever-radio-show/id702153269
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/patrickallmond/
Join our Empire Builders: How to Build a Thought Leader Lifestyle Facebook Group at https://www.facebook.com/groups/empireb/
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/2BhnQzcLYYf3jNTtVB7i10
YouTube: https://youtube.com/patrickallmond
Stitcher: https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/stopdoingnothing-high-achiever-show
Amazon: https://music.amazon.com/podcasts/d36d38a7-b1b7-4738-bdf7-b05bcbfd1964/StopDoingNothing-Life-High-Achiever-Show
If you're looking to amp up your omnipresence in the world wide web this new year, it pays to know which tools work, which helps save you a lot of keystrokes and makes repurposing content easier.
Tune in to learn more 🎬 watch the full episode of Stop Doing Nothing — Content Promotion, Syndication and Distribution with Phil Gerbyshak.
What You Will Discover:
✔️ Do you make your content work hard for you? The open secret of achieving that is content atomization. Leverage your webinars and other long-form content and break them down strategically into smaller ones such as posts, articles, infographics, and podcasts.
✔️ Treat your content like how real-world TV shows work. Think of it this way: you record, and the camera stops. After airing or getting broadcast, nobody will ever see it again if you do nothing. See what shows as Saturday Night Live does. They'll slice it, and they'll dice it, and they'll put it on their Instagram and Facebook accounts and their YouTube channel. They'll probably put it on their NBC website and blog.
It would be best to treat your content distribution seriously to get the right people to see and reach out to you.
✔️ Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, TikTok, you name it. How do you ensure that your content goes in these and everywhere else? Social Selling Expert Phil Gerbyshak reminds the importance of repurposing, repackaging and reformulating content that fits best on these platforms.
✔️ Create a balance of evergreen content and some that are avocado that means fresh. Consumers prefer reading or consuming stuff that is current but also consider that even old posts will find their way into your audience as long as they stay relevant.
✔️ Setting aside some money is becoming a necessity to share content in front of not just eyeballs — but the right eyeballs.
Who's your target? Who are the best people who need your products and services? Because frankly, you wouldn't want virality, but real conversations and cash flow.
✔️ We've seen red flags of what happens when social media goes down. While Facebook still has the most users on the internet, getting billions of eyeballs every single day — be reminded that it's always an excellent plan to diversify your ad spend and social sharing.
✔️ Fantastic tools for repurposing content. Phil has recommended Agorapulse as his social media management tool for six years. Otter.ai to do transcripts (the transcription engine behind Zoom, as well.) Kapwing video reformatting and editing, Grammarly online writing assistant and Text Expander to speed up typing.
Phil Gerbyshak is a speaker, sales expert, corporate sales trainer and small business coach. Phil trains his clients on the power of connection, leveraging the reach of social media, combined with the deeply personal work of nurturing 1:1 relationships, growing profitable long-term clients, transforming businesses and boosting revenue.
Know more about Phil at https://philgerbyshak.com/
Got VALUE from this episode? Let's take your success to the next level! Stop Doing Nothing offers a coaching plan that is designed and delivered based on your unique needs/goals. If you want to innovate and grow faster, start acting today. Learn more about business mastery, generating wealth, personal development, and many more. You get to pick your transformation! Remember, action is the great thing that separates the average from the great.
Training: https://stopdoingnothing.com
Instagram: https://instagram.com/patrickallmond
Twitter: https://twitter.com/patrickallmond
Wear it: https://store.stopdoingnothing.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/StopDoingNothingDotCom
iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/stopdoingnothing-high-achiever-radio-show/id702153269
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/patrickallmond/
Join our Empire Builders: How to Build a Thought Leader Lifestyle Facebook Group at https://www.facebook.com/groups/empireb/
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/2BhnQzcLYYf3jNTtVB7i10
YouTube: https://youtube.com/patrickallmond
Stitcher: https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/stopdoingnothing-high-achiever-show
Amazon: https://music.amazon.com/podcasts/d36d38a7-b1b7-4738-bdf7-b05bcbfd1964/StopDoingNothing-Life-High-Achiever-Show
I've made horrific mistakes in my first years in business, and they're just as interesting. As I look back, I can't help but ask: how could I have been so stupid?
In this episode, I will run through the major things I learned and should have done differently in the first ten days in business. Sales and tech expert Phil Gerbyshak joins me to share the tactical things to work on in addition to marketing strategies.
🎬 Watch the full episode of Stop Doing Nothing — What You Should And Should Not Be Doing In The First 10 Days Of Business with Phil Gerbyshak.
What You Will Discover:
✔️ Money matters first. If you haven't quit your job yet, get a credit card. Get as high of a limit as you can, but you must control it and use it solely for your business. The separation of business and personal spending is so crucial. Phil encourages you to do that first and then open a bank account and set up an LLC in your state. In many cases, you can't have a bank account unless you have an LLC. So those are the first two things to prioritize.
✔️ Set up a professional-looking invoice. Phil emphasizes that it'll be worth its weight in gold & you'll look way more "referable". Get an invoicing tool that will allow you to take money online, accommodate how people want to pay. This also establishes you being legit biz.
✔️ Build up an email list. I cannot emphasize enough how important an email list is. It doesn't matter if someone you know has got a list of 30,000 and you only have one. Just start as your business builds up people interested in what you have to say. When someone gives you their email address, it lets you know they want to be a little closer to you than they are on social media.
✔️ No fancy branding or website. All it takes is one page to convince people whether to buy from you or not. So when you are just starting your business, you don't need to problematize if you don't have a website.
✔️ Find those things you're good at in your business and learn to get rid of the other stuff where you aren't. For example, if you get rid of the accounting work, you've got more time to write a blog post, make a video or fly to a meeting. If you can get rid of your social media posting tasks, you've got more time to do prospecting, phone calls or conferences, which are sales-generating things that would boost your business. Leverage your strengths and identify what you can outsource.
Phil Gerbyshak is a speaker, sales expert, corporate sales trainer and small business coach. Phil trains his clients on the power of connection, leveraging the reach of social media, combined with the deeply personal work of nurturing 1:1 relationships, growing profitable long-term clients, transforming businesses and boosting revenue.
Know more about Phil at https://philgerbyshak.com/
Got VALUE from this episode? Let's take your success to the next level! Stop Doing Nothing offers a coaching plan that is designed and delivered based on your unique needs/goals. If you want to innovate and grow faster, start acting today. Learn more about business mastery, generating wealth, personal development, and many more. You get to pick your transformation! Remember, action is the great thing that separates the average from the great.
Training: https://stopdoingnothing.com
Instagram: https://instagram.com/patrickallmond
Twitter: https://twitter.com/patrickallmond
Wear it: https://store.stopdoingnothing.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/StopDoingNothingDotCom
iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/stopdoingnothing-high-achiever-radio-show/id702153269
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/patrickallmond/
Join our Empire Builders: How to Build a Thought Leader Lifestyle Facebook Group at https://www.facebook.com/groups/empireb/
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/2BhnQzcLYYf3jNTtVB7i10
YouTube: https://youtube.com/patrickallmond
Stitcher: https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/stopdoingnothing-high-achiever-show
Amazon: https://music.amazon.com/podcasts/d36d38a7-b1b7-4738-bdf7-b05bcbfd1964/StopDoingNothing-Life-High-Achiever-Show
✋🔴 Let me ask you: are you SURE your business can outlast any outage or any kind of disaster?
If you feel that you are not, allow us to teach you how to handle some of your marketing or your I.T. resources go down and prevent losing what you've built online should the unexpected happen. @philgerbjoins me in this episode as one of the best people to talk about business management and disaster recovery.
🎬 Watch the full episode of Stop Doing Nothing — How to Disaster-Proof Your Business with Phil Gerbyshak. It's one you don't want to miss!
What You Will Discover:
✔️ The riskiest thing you can do is entrust all your eggs in one social media basket. It's always good to have multiple social channels with at least three to become "omnipresent".
✔️ Get everything in the Cloud. In the olden days (before the Cloud), I remember how tedious it was preparing should disasters strike. As the head of disaster recovery for the big data center of a big black and yellow car rental company, we physically had to back up our mainframe stuff to tapes weekly. We shipped it off to a vault in Texas because we assume Oklahoma City gets hit by a tornado and wipes out the data center. We wouldn't sleep for 24 hours to ensure a full recovery and get the business back up and running. The wealth of experience and learnings is what I now carry over into my businesses. You can never be wrong if you always prepare and have a backup.
✔️ Self-professed tech geek and sales expert Phil Gerbyshak shares, "You want to own as much of your content as you can. It's one of the reasons why email marketing is never going to die."
✔️ If your domain, email and website are all at the same company – and when that company is down, you have access to nothing. Avoid these points of failure and use our ideal setup to ensure you would still have access to everything. Ideally, it's best to have your domain someplace separate from where your web host is.
Phil Gerbyshak is a speaker, sales expert, corporate sales trainer and small business coach. Phil trains his clients on the power of connection, leveraging the reach of social media, combined with the deeply personal work of nurturing 1:1 relationships, growing profitable long-term clients, transforming businesses and boosting revenue.
Know more about Phil at https://philgerbyshak.com/
Got VALUE from this episode? Let's take your success to the next level! Stop Doing Nothing offers a coaching plan that is designed and delivered based on your unique needs/goals. If you want to innovate and grow faster, start acting today. Learn more about business mastery, generating wealth, personal development, and many more. You get to pick your transformation! Remember, action is the great thing that separates the average from the great.
Training: https://stopdoingnothing.com
Instagram: https://instagram.com/patrickallmond
Twitter: https://twitter.com/patrickallmond
Wear it: https://store.stopdoingnothing.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/StopDoingNothingDotCom
iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/stopdoingnothing-high-achiever-radio-show/id702153269
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/patrickallmond/
Join our Empire Builders: How to Build a Thought Leader Lifestyle Facebook Group at https://www.facebook.com/groups/empireb/
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/2BhnQzcLYYf3jNTtVB7i10
YouTube: https://youtube.com/patrickallmond
Stitcher: https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/stopdoingnothing-high-achiever-show
Amazon: https://music.amazon.com/podcasts/d36d38a7-b1b7-4738-bdf7-b05bcbfd1964/StopDoingNothing-Life-High-Achiever-Show
Are you tired of being just an observer of life? This video is for you if you want to change and transition your mind and body, live more fully, get in better shape and sustain good habits in the long term.
What You Will Discover:
✔️ Why you may be spending time on OPP. You get ten emails upon waking up in the morning, is your reflex to answer and resolve those issues? Then you are living your life based on other people's priorities. It would be best first to do what is essential to you, like meditating, taking your vitamins, stretching, hydrating, and everything else necessary to start your day or the week powerfully.
✔️ As you start building habits, treat yourself like a seven-day machine, not a five-day machine. If you choose to get up early, eat a certain way, or start any new thing to make your life better, do it for the rest of the week. These are lifestyle habits, not something that you're going to do and then take a break.
✔️ Don't rest on your purpose. Remember, you are on this planet for bigger things, and so you are going to have to stretch yourself (even on Saturdays and Sundays!) because while everyone else is sleeping, you're going to be awake working on the important stuff.
✔️ If your body is not in a peak state — nothing else matters. You can't work on your work, business, or finances if you're chowing down a half-gallon of ice cream every night with sugar dragging down your energy levels. So put your health on top priority.
Got VALUE from this episode? Let's take your success to the next level! Stop Doing Nothing offers a coaching plan that is designed and delivered based on your unique needs/goals. If you want to innovate and grow faster, start acting today. Learn more about business mastery, generating wealth, personal development, and many more. You get to pick your transformation! Remember, action is the great thing that separates the average from the great.
Training: https://stopdoingnothing.com
Instagram: https://instagram.com/patrickallmond
Twitter: https://twitter.com/patrickallmond
Wear it: https://store.stopdoingnothing.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/StopDoingNothingDotCom
iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/stopdoingnothing-high-achiever-radio-show/id702153269
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/patrickallmond/
Join our Empire Builders: How to Build a Thought Leader Lifestyle Facebook Group at https://www.facebook.com/groups/empireb/
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/2BhnQzcLYYf3jNTtVB7i10
YouTube: https://youtube.com/patrickallmond
Stitcher: https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/stopdoingnothing-high-achiever-show
Amazon: https://music.amazon.com/podcasts/d36d38a7-b1b7-4738-bdf7-b05bcbfd1964/StopDoingNothing-Life-High-Achiever-Show -
Are you stuck 😔 bored 😑 and have nothing to do? These are some of the worst things in life that can possibly hit you and turn into a perpetual downhill spiral that will suck you up.
In this episode, glean ideas and tips to recognize when you're in this situation and how to get out of a rut, master your mind and become the person you want to be.
What You Will Discover:
✔️ Why boredom can be a result of a lack of purpose or aim in life. Almost often, purpose is not taught in school. This is something you discover on your own as you live a couple of decades on this planet.
✔️ Pick one problem and dedicate your life and your time to solving it. Then, obsess on finding solutions that will make somebody's life better. Doing so will keep you motivated and push you forward to work on a mission bigger than you are.
✔️ Get out of your regular environment to spur some creativity. So if every single day you are staying in the same place, decide to go somewhere. You don't need a big budget to fly across the country, but you can drive twenty minutes across your city and find a coffee shop there. Just change your environment up, and your mental environment also changes.
✔️ Start planning on your giant, hairy dreams. Life can only progress or regress. A leader with ambitions will never allow life to run on autopilot. So don't sit in the boat of life and let the ocean push you around.
✔️ Decide what you want your legacy to look like. Then, think of the years down the line after you die; what do you want people to remember you for? What do you want people to say at the podium when you pass away? Ponder on this, and you will be directed in your every step and action.
✔️ Aspire to teach. What we learn and improve upon, we have an obligation to pass that on to future generations. So dig deeper, and you'll realize pretty fast that you have a lot of knowledge in your brain. Teach the younger generation to use your voice for good.
✔️ Better your best. Getting outside of your comfort zone physically, mentally, psychologically, and emotionally pushes you to adapt and get better. You wouldn't have time to be bored and stuck. Instead, aspire for bigger and better things in life.
Got VALUE from this episode? Let's take your success to the next level! Stop Doing Nothing offers a coaching plan that is designed and delivered based on your unique needs/goals. If you want to innovate and grow faster, start acting today. Learn more about business mastery, generating wealth, personal development, and many more. You get to pick your transformation! Remember, action is the great thing that separates the average from the great.
Training: https://stopdoingnothing.com
Instagram: https://instagram.com/patrickallmond
Twitter: https://twitter.com/patrickallmond
Wear it: https://store.stopdoingnothing.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/StopDoingNothingDotCom
iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/stopdoingnothing-high-achiever-radio-show/id702153269
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/patrickallmond/
Join our Empire Builders: How to Build a Thought Leader Lifestyle
Facebook Group at https://www.facebook.com/groups/empireb/
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/2BhnQzcLYYf3jNTtVB7i10
YouTube: https://youtube.com/patrickallmond
Stitcher: https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/stopdoingnothing-high-achiever-show
Amazon: https://music.amazon.com/podcasts/d36d38a7-b1b7-4738-bdf7-b05bcbfd1964/StopDoingNothing-Life-High-Achiever-Show -
The Importance of Staying Committed to Difficult Goals.
How many motivational podcasts and videos have you listened to or watched, and yet you still sit your butt down doing every other thing you need to do in life except HITTING your goals?
Even a super guru on top of the hill wouldn't be able to tell you that staying committed to challenging goals is 100% easy peasy! Because it's not.
In this episode, I will not bombard you with "wise" information. Instead, I will share valuable lessons from my own mistakes that are practical and actionable steps to get you unstuck and finally get you to MOVE and attack your big scary dreams!
What You Will Discover:
✔️ Be reminded that playing small will do you no good. Most people are scared to go for their ginormous dreams! Big challenging goals will test you and make you stretch yourself and are so worthwhile because you will come out a different person on the other end.
✔️ Why "Later" is a success killer! Most people let life go on autopilot and wait for later or next time that eventually never happens. We get too busy cooking, eating, exercising, socializing, raising kids, sleeping or doing our job or taking out the trash, or mowing the lawn that we don't plan time in our day to plan our life. So if you don't pull up your calendar and say when later is, you're in for a major tragedy.
✔️ Pick five significant goals. Make sure those five things are challenging, quantifiable, and the things you can do. Once you focus on those, it will determine everything else that comes after that. What skills will you need? Who are the people you should be with? Determine these to layout your environment, and change your life.
✔️ Use TV time as a reward when you hit goals. Sleep, rest, mental refreshing, and even bingeing on your favorite shows are essential for you. However, ensure that you plan and limit that time and use it as a reward for other things you've accomplished.
✔️ Honor a dream building and planning day. Set a day in your calendar to stop and do nothing! Let this personal appointment with yourself allow you to pull away from work and distractions and plan. BUILD time into your life to THINK about your life.
✔️ How to shut down distractions and protect your focus. Bing, bing, bing... email, text messages, and notifications come in, and you always feel like you have to answer it! Don't be governed by these, and learn how to focus.
✔️ Follow one course until successful. Narrowing down the things you want to do and constantly removing everything in your way to focus on one particular goal will work wonders in your life.
✔️ Be obsessed with time and learn not to waste it. Take advantage of the tools built into your technology that help you focus and maximize utilities that allow you to be mindful of your every action.
Got VALUE from this episode? Let's take your success to the next level! Stop Doing Nothing offers a coaching plan that is designed and delivered based on your unique needs/goals. If you want to innovate and grow faster, start acting today. Learn more about business mastery, generating wealth, personal development, and many more. You get to pick your transformation! Remember, action is the great thing that separates the average from the great.
Training: https://stopdoingnothing.com
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Join our Empire Builders: How to Build a Thought Leader Lifestyle Facebook Group at https://www.facebook.com/groups/empireb/
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Amazon: https://music.amazon.com/podcasts/d36d38a7-b1b7-4738-bdf7-b05bcbfd1964/StopDoingNothing-Life-High-Achiever-Show -
Waiting for a thousand dollars to drop into your lap while lying in bed? Without a doubt, everyone would want that fantasy to turn into reality, but obviously, it's not going to happen if you don't work it out. HOW? — that's the question. You don't come into this world knowing what there is to know about achieving your goals. Many people don't have any idea what they want in life. So, how can you "manifest" or bring good fortune and opportunities into your life? The nearest parking spot, the closing contract, the ideal spouse, etc.
Successful individuals have developed a method for noticing and using conditions and resources to accomplish their goals faster, and that is to be a SWAGGER — not the typical one, though.
Save the date, mark it on your calendars and never miss this life-changing episode of Stop Doing Nothing. We’ll touch base on How To Become Everything You Want, and we have no other than SWAGGER coach, author, and speaker, Leslie Ehm.
Key takeaways in this episode:
✔️ Swagger is manifesting who you are and holding on to it in the face of all the psychological crap, regardless of the situation or environment. As you build your swagger, people recognize that you are unshakable, unmovable in your sense of self.
✔️ Recognize that there's no one prescribed way of manifesting a swagger. There's no one way of showing up like anybody's swagger—what matters is it's real.
✔️ The key is not about glossy perfection in any way, shape, or form. It's being a perfectly imperfect, flawed human badass.
✔️ Understand that self-belief is way different than confidence. It's the difference between success and failure. The self-belief that doesn't rely on confidence is like jumping off the cliff, you take these risks and learn all this new stuff, but you're not going to die.
✔️ Live by the paradigm that we don't pick up other people's baggage at the airport, why do we pick it up in life? Stop looking for all of your validation to come from other people.
✔️ Remember that you only have one face. You don't show up as a different person in different situations or environments. Once you accept that that's self-acceptance, then you're not so busy trying to cover it up.
About Leslie Ehm:
Leslie Ehm is a Swagger Coach, training guru, speaker, and author who's helped thousands of professionals discover and unleash their unique brand of swagger - and finds success just by being who they really are.
Leslie's been called "better than therapy," "a rock star," "ass-kicking," "a force of nature" and even "a witch" —and she's there for ALL of it.
Connect with Leslie Ehm:
Website: LeslieEhm.com
Email: Leslie@LeslieEhm.com
How To Get In Touch With Phil Gerbyshak:
Website: https://philgerbyshak.com/about/
Email: phil@philgerbyshak.com
Have you got VALUE from this episode? Let's take your success to the next level! Stop Doing Nothing offers a coaching plan designed and delivered based on your unique needs/goals. If you want to innovate and grow faster, start acting today. Learn more about business mastery, generating wealth, personal development, and many more. You get to pick your transformation! Remember, action is the great thing that separates the average from the great.
Training: https://stopdoingnothing.com
Instagram: https://instagram.com/patrickallmond
Twitter: https://twitter.com/patrickallmond
Wear it: https://store.stopdoingnothing.com
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iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/stopdoingnothing-high-achiever-radio-show/id702153269
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/patrickallmond/
Join our Empire Builders: How to Build a Thought Leader Lifestyle Facebook Group at https://www.facebook.com/groups/empireb/
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/2BhnQzcLYYf3jNTtVB7i10
YouTube: https://youtube.com/patrickallmond
Stitcher: https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/stopdoingnothing-high-achiever-show
Amazon: https://music.amazon.com/podcasts/d36d38a7-b1b7-4738-bdf7-b05bcbfd1964/StopDoingNothing-Life-High-Achiever-Show -
Business Habits and Goals with Phil and Patrick
A significant piece of living life to the fullest is to set goals and achieve them. Anything is possible if you have your sight fixed. Whether it's losing weight or launching a business, all you need is the right attitude, goal-getter mindset, and support.
If you're struggling to reach your goals and realize your dreams, change your mindset and invest in educating yourself. Start by subscribing to Stop Doing Nothing and access resources to help you grow your business and live life on your terms.
Stop Doing Nothing is the scaffold that allows businesses and organizations to break through scaling limits. We tap on and invite leaders and champions in the industry to collaborate and share some insights on how they've succeeded.
In this Stop Doing Nothing episode of Catching Up with Phil and Patrick, you'll draw inspiration, techniques, strategies, and tips on how to achieve your goals.
Key takeaways covered in the episode:
Phil and Patrick will share some pro tips on how to achieve your goals fast. As a sneak peek, here's one pro tip for you: Break up your goals; think about them as a daily habit instead of a big goal. Realize the importance of outsourcing and subcontracting. Remember that you don't have to be good at everything. It's okay to raise your hand and say, "I need help." Be reminded that you should think about your costs and investments as a business owner and the difference between them. Come to understand that in the world of technology, it doesn't take long to become good at something. Thus, in paid advertising, one of the things to look at is to see how much information you can use to target somebody.How To Get In Touch With Phil:
Website: https://philgerbyshak.com/about/
Email: phil@philgerbyshak.com
Got VALUE from this episode? Let's take your success to the next level! Stop Doing Nothing offers a coaching plan that is designed and delivered based on your unique needs/goals. If you want to innovate and grow faster, start acting today. Learn more about business mastery, generating wealth, personal development, and many more. You get to pick your transformation! Remember, action is the great thing that separates the average from the great.
Training: https://stopdoingnothing.com
Instagram: https://instagram.com/patrickallmond
Twitter: https://twitter.com/patrickallmond
Wear it: https://store.stopdoingnothing.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/StopDoingNothingDotCom
iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/stopdoingnothing-high-achiever-radio-show/id702153269
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/patrickallmond/
Join our Empire Builders: How to Build a Thought Leader Lifestyle Facebook Group at https://www.facebook.com/groups/empireb/
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/2BhnQzcLYYf3jNTtVB7i10
YouTube: https://youtube.com/patrickallmond
Stitcher: https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/stopdoingnothing-high-achiever-show
Amazon: https://music.amazon.com/podcasts/d36d38a7-b1b7-4738-bdf7-b05bcbfd1964/StopDoingNothing-Life-High-Achiever-Show
Recap of 2020 with Phil Gerbyshak
On the Stop Doing Nothing podcast, you will discover how to get results in business and life using the simplest methods possible. This is a podcast aimed for high-achievers who possess a rare burning desire to see above the fog of life, create a better world for themselves and those around them. Great coaching is the secret of all successful people. This is what they don't teach you in business school.
In this episode, we have Phil Gerbyshak, a technology geek who is always trying the latest and greatest tools so you don’t have to. Phil is a former vice president of information technology at a full-service financial services company, where he and his team were responsible for supporting over 100 applications used by advisors, investment bankers, research analysts and support staff.
Phil also worked as a director of social strategy for a compliance software vendor focused on the financial services vertical where he coached, consulted and trained customers and prospects on integrating social media and social selling into their daily sales practices. Currently, Phil presents programs, trains, and coaches sales organizations and small business owners on sales and marketing strategies, optimizing their use of technology and social media.
Here are the key areas we covered in this episode:
2020 year in review and how you can be more intentional with your business plans and strategy in 2021. Get to know Phil Gerbyshak. Whether your goal is getting more leads, setting more qualified appointments, earning referrals, or closing more business, Phil will show you how to use LinkedIn, video, content marketing, and even the telephone to accomplish your goals. How you can make yourself binge-worthy and create something that people are talking about. Don't just be an authority that's frequent, but be an interesting authority with a different point of view. This is what more people need in 2021!How To Get In Touch With Phil:
Website: https://philgerbyshak.com/about/
Email: phil@philgerbyshak.com
Got VALUE from this episode? Let's take your success to the next level! Stop Doing Nothing offers a coaching plan that is designed and delivered based on your unique needs/goals. If you want to innovate and grow faster, start acting today. Learn more about business mastery, generating wealth, personal development, and many more. You get to pick your transformation! Remember, action is the great thing that separates the average from the great.
Training: https://stopdoingnothing.com
Instagram: https://instagram.com/patrickallmond
Twitter: https://twitter.com/patrickallmond
Wear it: https://store.stopdoingnothing.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/StopDoingNothingDotCom
iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/stopdoingnothing-high-achiever-radio-show/id702153269
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/patrickallmond/
Join our Empire Builders: How to Build a Thought Leader Lifestyle Facebook Group at https://www.facebook.com/groups/empireb/
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/2BhnQzcLYYf3jNTtVB7i10
YouTube: https://youtube.com/patrickallmond
Stitcher: https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/stopdoingnothing-high-achiever-show
Amazon: https://music.amazon.com/podcasts/d36d38a7-b1b7-4738-bdf7-b05bcbfd1964/StopDoingNothing-Life-High-Achiever-Show
How to Get Rich Part 2
On the Stop Doing Nothing podcast, you will discover how to get results in business and life. This is a podcast aimed for high-achievers who possess a rare burning desire to see above the fog of life, create a better world for themselves and those around them. Great coaching is the secret of all successful people. This is what they don't teach you in business school. In this episode, we’re going to jump into the second part of how you can get rich and achieve a freedom-based lifestyle.
Here are the key areas we covered in this episode:
How to generate multiple income streams VS. relying on a monthly paycheck. Learn the value of having five to ten-thousand-dollar products that people can buy (an annual product or service that stretches over several years). Discover how to develop your own product that's worth selling!Got VALUE from this episode? Let's take your success to the next level! Stop Doing Nothing offers a coaching plan that is designed and delivered based on your unique needs/goals. If you want to innovate and grow faster, start acting today. Learn more about business mastery, generating wealth, personal development, and many more. You get to pick your transformation! Remember, action is the great thing that separates the average from the great.
Training: https://stopdoingnothing.com
Instagram: https://instagram.com/patrickallmond
Twitter: https://twitter.com/patrickallmond
Wear it: https://store.stopdoingnothing.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/StopDoingNothingDotCom
iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/stopdoingnothing-high-achiever-radio-show/id702153269
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/patrickallmond/
Join our Empire Builders: How to Build a Thought Leader Lifestyle Facebook Group at https://www.facebook.com/groups/empireb/
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/2BhnQzcLYYf3jNTtVB7i10
YouTube: https://youtube.com/patrickallmond
Stitcher: https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/stopdoingnothing-high-achiever-show
Amazon: https://music.amazon.com/podcasts/d36d38a7-b1b7-4738-bdf7-b05bcbfd1964/StopDoingNothing-Life-High-Achiever-Show
Energized Client Culture with Cara Bell
On the Stop Doing Nothing Show, you will discover how to get results in business and life. This is a podcast aimed at high-achievers who possess a rare burning desire to see above the fog of life, create a better world for themselves and those around them. In this episode, you’ll discover the secrets to an energized client culture with Cara Bell, Founder, and CEO of The Incredibly Attractive Marketing Co.
Many business owners are in a state of frustration right now. Moreover, the new normal is a learning process for everybody to get good at business, marketing, and at staying in the game. What can give you an edge over other entrepreneurs out there during this challenging time? Your level of tenacity will determine the outcome you can produce. So, make sure you grab a pen and paper because you don’t want to miss the crucial points this powerful episode has to offer!
Key areas we covered in this episode:
How most businesses have pivoted when it comes to marketing ever since the lockdown started. The disadvantage of focusing too much on the sales and closing the deal rather than the value proposition. The genuine marketing advice you need during this time, whether you’re an aspiring or a successful entrepreneur who wants to grow your business. Know the importance of feedback. You're asking for feedback on your performance and their expectations. How to instill a belief that people need your services according to the value you bring to the table. The truth behind marketing professionals using pain, shame, and judgment as part of their tactics.The businesses that can pivot pretty fast are the ones that are going to survive in the new normal. Feel free to share it so more people can understand how an energized client culture works!
Interested in working with Cara Bell? She loves helping group businesses who make their clients feel like they belong, that they are getting what they were sold, and have a clear plan of action in place. Attract more qualified clients on social with EASE — without forcing sales — by doing what comes most natural to you: teaching. Use your Natural Teaching Energy to transform the way your prospects think and make them eager to invest with you. Reach out to her on Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/cara-bell-36b95a2b/
Got VALUE from this episode? Let's take your success to the next level! Stop Doing Nothing offers a coaching plan that is designed and delivered based on your unique needs/goals. If you want to innovate and grow faster, start acting today. Learn more about business mastery, generating wealth, personal development, and many more. You get to pick your transformation! Remember, action is the great thing that separates the average from the great.
Training: https://stopdoingnothing.com
Instagram: https://instagram.com/patrickallmond
Twitter: https://twitter.com/patrickallmond
Wear it: https://store.stopdoingnothing.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/StopDoingNothingDotCom
iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/stopdoingnothing-high-achiever-radio-show/id702153269
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/patrickallmond/
Join our Empire Builders: How to Build a Thought Leader Lifestyle Facebook Group at https://www.facebook.com/groups/empireb/
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/2BhnQzcLYYf3jNTtVB7i10
YouTube: https://youtube.com/patrickallmond
Stitcher: https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/stopdoingnothing-high-achiever-show
Amazon: https://music.amazon.com/podcasts/d36d38a7-b1b7-4738-bdf7-b05bcbfd1964/StopDoingNothing-Life-High-Achiever-Show
How to Get Rich Part 1
On the Stop Doing Nothing podcast, you will discover how to get business and life results using the most straightforward methods possible. This podcast aimed at high-achievers who possess a rare burning desire to see above the fog of life and create a better world for themselves and those around them. Great coaching is the secret of all successful people. They don't teach you this in business school. In this episode, learn how you can get rich.
Key areas we covered in this episode:
The truth that acquiring wealth doesn’t have to take over fifty years. You can make it happen sooner with the right strategies in mind. How you can make money with affiliate marketing and track your results when someone clicks your affiliate link. Learn the essence of diversifying your profits through marketing, whether it's spending a couple of hours every day on the phone prospecting with someone or running Facebook ads to lead generation pages to get people in the door. Get empowered to bring an overwhelming amount of value to every conversation with your clients. Don't just try to make a quick buck. Double or triple your programs. Often, people make the decision or make a judgment of how serious your program is based on your pricing. Blow your clients away through your top-level programs!Got VALUE from this episode? Let's take your success to the next level! Stop Doing Nothing offers a coaching plan that is designed and delivered based on your unique needs/goals. If you want to innovate and grow faster, start acting today. Learn more about business mastery, generating wealth, personal development, and many more. You get to pick your transformation! Remember, action is the great thing that separates the average from the great.
Training: https://stopdoingnothing.com
Instagram: https://instagram.com/patrickallmond
Twitter: https://twitter.com/patrickallmond
Wear it: https://store.stopdoingnothing.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/StopDoingNothingDotCom
iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/stopdoingnothing-high-achiever-radio-show/id702153269
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/patrickallmond/
Join our Empire Builders: How to Build a Thought Leader Lifestyle Facebook Group at https://www.facebook.com/groups/empireb/
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/2BhnQzcLYYf3jNTtVB7i10
YouTube: https://youtube.com/patrickallmond
Stitcher: https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/stopdoingnothing-high-achiever-show
Amazon: https://music.amazon.com/podcasts/d36d38a7-b1b7-4738-bdf7-b05bcbfd1964/StopDoingNothing-Life-High-Achiever-Show
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