
  • Keynote speaker, trainers, coaches, consultants, and facilitators. They each serve a different and distinct role in the organisation.

    They are external parties hired to speed up organisational development or digital transformation. 

    Andrew Chow discusses the difference among them. 


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  • Business attire has changed significantly over the years, especially in the last 20 years. Too many people have forgotten why proper business attire is important.

    Some companies prefer to allow –and even encourage – employees to dress freely or casually for comfort. This tends to work well in more creative work environments.

    However, other companies will typically encourage and/or require a more defined and professional dress code to maintain a professional image of themselves and the business where employees routinely interact on a daily basis with prospects, clients and business partners.

    Conflicts arise when employees prefer to dress comfortably or in the most recent styles rather than realize the importance for them to present themselves in a more professional or conservative manner.

    The major reason why dressing in proper business attire is important for every business professional is because it presents a visual image and sends a message that the employees are professional.

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  • COVID19 Pivot Live Session – 4 Speakers Panel – 7 Mins Each

    How COVID-19 put us back in the box

    And forced us to think in new ways about problem solving, unlearning and relearning

    Panellists: Mario Castagnetta, Janet Yung, Caleb Low and Boon Seong

    In 2020, we have all been forced to pivot for survival and success. We’ve faced many unknowns and self-doubt has been our lingering company. We’ve experienced a nearly instantaneous economic slowdown, which was triggered by the pandemic shutdown, and it’s wreaked havoc on businesses, large and small.

    The recipe for survival requires a thorough rethink and transformation of all we have done in the past, or we risk falling further behind or potentially, going out of business full-stop. But the reality of how entrepreneurs are dealing with the crisis and preparing for the recovery tells a different story. It’s a story of pivoting business models more conducive to short-term survival, along with long-term resilience, planning and growth.

    This panel discussion will throw the light on:

    How the COVID19 crisis has forced business owners to rethink everything, from management to business structure and revenue models How pivoting taught crucial key lessons in leveraging your community and capabilities, moving quickly and maximizing teamwork, partnerships, as well as collaborating effectively The transformation of how businesses run during COVID times and how leaders must leadJanet Yung – Author, Speaker, Consultant

    As a Standards of Leadership award winner with multi top sales and business awards in her corporate days in Johnson & Joshson, Janet is known for her thought leadership in bringing clarity to personal and organizational growth, leadership and engagement through her customized training and consultations.

    With 3 decades of corporate and business experience, other areas of strength include new business development and negotiations, new product launches, and business success. In the last decade, Janet pivoted her business model from a single brick and mortar revenue source to one with multiple revenue sources through e-commerce retail, digital products, royalties and the latest online platform models. Janet will share her lessons learnt, the model she utilizes to measure and improve her business/ product portfolios and the various digital revenue models in her session.

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  • Why You Need to Start Your Own Podcast

    Five compelling reasons to start your Podcast… and how you can launch in 30 days!

    Do you want to launch a podcast but don’t know where to start? Or it’s constantly on the back burner because there’s so much else going on? Or maybe you haven’t even considered it yet?

    Well step right up, because Sha Nacino, host of The Author’s Voice Podcast and founder of the World Gratitude Summit, will show you five compelling reasons why you need to start your own podcast as a powerful tool to share your message, build relationships with key people, and grow your brand. And guess what? You don’t need to be a techie to launch your own show and you can get it off the ground in 30 days! Sound interesting?

    Hang on tight and get ready to learn:

    Five reasons why podcasting is one of the most powerful, popular and most consumed content platforms in 2020 and beyond! The basic things you need to do to launch your podcast in 30 days! How to do an actual podcast interview and make it popSha Nacino, Speaker on Gratitude and Creativity, Podcaster, Author, Event Creator

    Sha Nacino is the author of 14 books, a keynote speaker on gratitude and creativity, and the host of The Author’s Voice Podcast. Sha sees life as a beautiful adventure to be enjoyed and shared. She loves writing books and creating online courses, online summits, and virtual, as well as in-person events!

    She is the founder and host of the HR Summit Global, Write a Book Summit, Global Authors Summit, and the World Gratitude Summit. In her summits and on her podcast, she has had the opportunity to interview some of the world’s best thought leaders like Jack Canfield, Dr. John Demartini, Andrew Matthews, Dr. Ivan Misner, and more. To top it off, in 2019, she was awarded the Female Entrepreneur of the Year by the United Nations Global Entrepreneur Council.

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  • How Speakers Should be Marketing Themselves Now

    And for the next 18-24 months

    Join this session, for lessons from a global speaker and international speaker agent, as they uncover how to prepare for when conferences come back, and – even more urgently – what we can do right now to make the most of the time until that happens. As professional speakers, we have an enforced layoff to take stock and think deeply about our positioning, marketing, and sales processes.

    We need to ensure we get aligned with the “new world” of events that will be totally overshadowed by the effects of COVID-19 for foreseeable future, but with all that said, we can’t afford to take our line out of the water, because that’s one guaranteed way not to be booked!

    We will gain:

    Exclusive, behind-the-scenes, industry tips from a global keynote agency for how to best navigate the COVID19 crisis An understanding of why it’s a massive mistake to think you can just do “your usual keynote” on a zoom call – and what to do instead Lessons in how to evolve your marketing so it’s ready for what buyers in the events industry will be looking for post-coronavirus Insights and explanations on who buys keynotes, why they buy them, and how you can position yourself as the premium offering in your niche A crystal-clear plan for sustainable commercial speaking success when some sort of normality returnsMarty Wilson, Resilience and Change Speaker, TEDx Veteran, Comedian

    Marty Wilson knows that accepting the constantly accelerating pace of change is the price of admission to having a successful business. So he offers clients his totally unique expertise on how to help their people be far more resilient through change, stress and disruption. He is a gifted professional speaker, a TEDx veteran, and an “Australian Comedian of the Year.”

    This unlikely combination makes his programs more than a mere speech, but a memorable event. Marty’s high content programs, generously spiked with humour, are all filled with actionable strategies that can be implemented immediately. Marty’s programs include: Change Without Fear; What I Wish I Knew about Success; and Healthy Change, Resilient Change

    Michael Arnot, Founder and Head Speaker Agent at Encore Speakers, Speaking Coach

    Michael Arnot is the founder and head speaker agent for Encore Speakers, representing speaking talent from Australia, the UK and beyond. Prioritizing relationships with the speakers he represents, Michael understands the topics, styles, personalities and experiences to select the most appropriate speakers for his clients, ensuring they are guaranteed to find the perfect speaker for their event, conference, seminar or meeting.

    With more than 15 years’ experience in the events business, Michael is also a coach for speakers, helping them to get the simple things right, so you are EASY TO BUY.


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  • Lab: The Power of Leverage for Impact and Income

    How to successfully create additional leveraged income streams through online courses and digital products

    Professional speaking is an excellent way to make an impact on many at one time, but as we have seen in 2020, the time has come where additional leverage becomes necessary, as well as an opportunity to impact more people and further scale your revenue.

    This lab will show us how we can make a greater impact around the world by transforming our expertise into online programs and digital products that produce real results for our customers.

    What will be the key take-aways?

    Demystifying what makes an online course successful with actionable examples that we can implement in our businesses How to structure our online program, price it, and get results for our students Clearing the path with steps to take us from idea to launch in 30 daysBryan McAnulty, Entrepreneur, Interaction Designer and Developer, Founder of Heights Platform

    Bryan McAnulty is a designer and entrepreneur, who has been building digital products since 2009. Today his company, Heights Platform, helps creators in over 100 countries monetize their knowledge through online courses and digital products.

    Bryan architects interactions to create the most engaging user experience, and to ensure that product vision is seamlessly flushed out by merging design and programming knowledge to efficiently manage product development cycles. His design and development knowledge is applied to help businesses optimize each step of a customer’s journey, both before purchase and during use of a product – to increase revenue and increase the lifetime value of each customer. Bryan turns ideas into realities.

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  • Innovative Speaker Business Strategies for a Changed World

    How to embrace creativity in a time of massive disruption

    Get ready for a power packed fireside chat with Josh Linkner and Peter Sheahan, who will share innovative business strategies, as we search for creative ways of extending our business offerings and revenue streams in an emerging new world of business.

    Building on their vast collective experience of creating multiple businesses, as well as advising clients and years of research, Josh and Peter will teach us:

    Alternative strategies to grow your business How to emerge stronger from crisis creatively The different combinations of tech-based and live events The factors that really drive fees and volume And, how to engage speaker bureaus and go internationalJosh Linkner, Tech Entrepreneur, Bestselling Author, Keynote Speaker and Professional Jazz Guitarist

    Josh Linkner is a creative troublemaker. He has founded five tech companies, which sold for a combined value of over $200 million, is the author of four books, including the New York Times Bestsellers, Disciplined Dreaming and The Road to Reinvention, and well, this guy just loves starting and building companies. He’s the founding partner of Detroit Venture Partner and has been involved in the launch of over 100 start-ups.

    Today, Josh serves as Chairman and co-founder of Platypus Labs, an innovation research, training, and consulting firm. He has twice been named the Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year and is the recipient of the United States Presidential Champion of Change Award.


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  • Adam Khoo has touched the lives of over 20 million people in more than 80 countries through his work, and he is going to share with us the secrets of his success! Adam will reveal how he focused on playing to his strengths, while surrounding himself with experts who are masters of their domains. This meant everyone delivered at their highest level, ensuring Adam could be laser focused on empowering others to move beyond limiting beliefs. It’s going to be an eye opener, and your take-aways will be

    How to ensure you focus on your strengths and surround yourself with talent to get your message out The importance of technology literacy but why it isn’t the be-all-and-end-all The message, why that is the most important focus area of all


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  • Some people lamented that this wasn’t fair but it looks pretty tame in comparison to today where we see the top 8% of people in the economy earning 80% of the available income.

    I’s happening like this because in every industry there are three groups of people:

    Newbies: Just starting out and gaining their skills and talent. They are usually fuelled by enthusiasm to rise up and achieve big things in their industry although they lack the knowhow and training to deliver real value at this point.

    Worker-bees: They are great at what they do but often go under-recognised and unrewarded despite having value to offer. Often their enthusiasm starts to diminish as they spend years doing more mundane tasks than they are capable of. Due to advances in technology and outsourcing, these people have become more replaceable and even though they offer value, there’s plenty in supply.
    Key People of Influence: They earn more money, have more fun and attract more opportunity. They are seen as highly credible, visible and valuable in their niche. They have a renewed sense of vitality for their industry because they are involved in high-value activities like speaking, writing, creating new products and leading teams.

    The key people of influence in every industry are earning more money, having more fun and attracting more opportunity than ever before. Social media and other technology is opening up bigger markets to these influencers. No longer are they local heroes, at a click of a button their message goes global.

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  • The Power of the Media and Influencers
    During the stress of COVID-19 isolation, it is tempting to follow the media and influencers. But how do we assure ourselves they purvey facts and truthful product information? They have the power to unite, inspire, and change people’s perceptions – but how to verify their words?  Should we be draconian or libertarian?


    • Andrew Chow, Founder, Asia Future TV, Singapore

    • Megan Janetsky, Freelance Reporter, Colombia

    • Maxim Jago, Independent Filmmaker, Futurist, and Author, United Kingdom

    • Peta Milan, Co-Founder, Transcendent Media Capital, Hong Kong

    • Arief Suditomo, News Director, Metro TV, Indonesia

    Chaired by

    • Jim Glade, Director, Publicize, Colombia


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  • Successful personal branding is the essence to turning Average Joe into Joe Extraordinaire. It is what makes you get noticed from the crowd. The way you dress, sound and behave for success—both online and offiine—will determine the perception others have of you. To take charge of your personal branding is to differentiate yourself from your competitors. How do you rise above the run-of-the-mill? What is your unique value proposition? How do you identify and articulate it? How can you best leverage it? Personal Branding 247 has all the answers. This book is written explicitly for entrepreneurs and business owners who are keen to gain recognition as experts in their respective fields, establish their reputation and credibility to advance their careers. Personal Branding 247 is about you.


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  • BFM 89.9 from Malaysia did a special program for several Singaporeans to share their views on the legacy of Mr Lee Kuan Yew. 


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  • This is a power packed series of 6 episodes for any CEOs who are a little late in the game of social media. This series enables you to catch up with the strategic big picture of what social media can do for your brand. 


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  • You've no doubt heard it a million times: Career advancement is as much about who you know as what you know—and that's exactly why being a powerful networker is so important.But mastering this crucial skill requires more than just schmoozing over cheese platters and exchanging business cards. There's actually an art to it.“Since there are so many different platforms for people to market themselves these days, you have to find ways to cut through the white noise and get noticed,” says Ivan Misner, Ph.D., author of “Networking Like a Pro.”When done skillfully, networking can not only open the door to plum job opportunities but it can also help land new clients and tap talent for future hiring. And what better way to learn the ins and outs of such skillful networking than to go straight to power networking pros for their tips on how to land on someone’s radar—and stay there.--- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/ideasandrew/message

  • Andrew Chow is known to be pragmatic, visionary, competitive, intuitive and giving While he is a successful social media and public relations strategist, entrepreneur and speaker based in Singapore, he is also the best-selling author of a highly popular series of books: Social Media 247, Public Relations 247 and Personal Branding 247 Andrew is a Certified Speaking Professional (CSP), spoken in over 20 countries within 7 years and addressed more than 100,000 people on Digital Marketing, Personal Branding, Enneagram, Public Relations, and Branding Andrew’s career of 30 years; has seen him work with an array of clients including AXA Insurance, Abbot Medical Optics, Singtel and Sony Pictures, M1, Starhub, and Sennheiser

    Topic: A Stroke of Gratitude

    ☑️How to overcome a psychological challenge?

    ☑️How to overcome a physical challenge?

    ☑️How to overcome a business crisis?


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  • Andrew Chow raises $10000 of pre order of his book - Public Relations 247 through crowdfunding. 



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  • This is a series of 6 mini-episodes of public relations tips by Andrew Chow when he was interviewed by then News 938. Everything SMEs need to know about public relations

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  • The original podcast is found in - https://sg.egn.com/podcast-egn-conversations

    The topic is about how to create online courses. 



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  • MoneyFM asked Andrew Chow how important is digital marketing for SME with little budget and how they can do more with less resources. 



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