
  • Bradley Hamner, Founder and CEO of BlueprintOS, shares his journey from being a workaholic entrepreneur to becoming the architect of his business. He emphasizes the importance of creating systems and processes to upgrade the operating system of a business.

    Bradley discusses the common belief that entrepreneurs must do everything themselves and highlights the need to train and delegate to a team. He also emphasizes the mindset, skillset, and toolset required to transition from being the rainmaker to the architect of a business.

    Becoming the architect of your business involves five milestones: having a business generating over a million dollars in revenue, achieving a ratio of 40 or above between year-over-year growth and profitability, taking 12 weeks off in a year, having an executive assistant to buy back your time, and installing an operating system that exists independently of you.

    Working on your business, not just in it, is crucial for growth. Standardizing processes and documents in the business is important for creating a culture of design and intentionality. Implementing ideas is key to creating real change.

    Key Takeaways Upgrade the operating system of your business by creating systems and processes. Train and delegate to a team to avoid being the bottleneck in your business. Adopt the mindset of an architect and design the systems that will run your business. Acquire the necessary skills and tools to effectively manage and scale your business. Working on your business, not just in it, is essential for growth and success. Standardizing processes and documents in the business creates a culture of design and intentionality. Implementing ideas and taking action is crucial for creating real change in your business. About Bradley Hamner

    Bradley started his first business in 2009 with no customers, no leads, and very little cash but he did have a desire to win and succeed. After working around the clock for 5 years, Bradley had a health scare in his 30s. Knowing something had to change, he focused on building his leadership first, and then he began “architecting” his business to work for him.

    This led him to designing the ultimate operating system for business owners - BlueprintOS. This framework has empowered business owners to move successfully from rainmaker to architect in their business.

    Now, Bradley is a Business Growth Coach, certified Value Builder, and host of the Above The Business Podcast. Each week, he shows other entrepreneurs & business owners how to install the systems, processes, and routines their business needs to grow and scale.

    The ultimate outcome? Business owners have a successful business that creates the freedom and flexibility they desired from the start.

    In This Episode [00:00] Welcome to the show! [06:48] Meet Bradley Hamner [07:58] BluePrintOS [11:11] The Architect of Your Business [27:36] The Five Milestones [32:48] On, In, And Above [49:52] Connect with Bradley [51:03] Outro Quotes

    "The business got bigger to the point to where then the business got bigger than me and started to sling me around." - Bradley Hamner

    “What I was really doing is I was transitioning myself from being the rainmaker to where like it was all dependent upon me to really I started to become the architect of the business.” - Bradley

    “It’s really about working on your business and not just in your business.” - Ryan Koral

    “There are times that we need to get above the business. And I would even share with someone that listening to a podcast, going to a conference as an example, going to a strategic coach, those are times I wasn't working on that business. I was working above my business.” - Bradley

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  • In this episode of the Grow Your Video Business Show, we're tackling three game-changing strategies for video professionals looking to level up their business. We dive into the power of offering strategic workshops to clients, explore effective ways to find work and promote yourself, and unpack the nitty-gritty of retainers, contracts, and partnerships. Whether you're a seasoned pro or just starting out, this episode is packed with actionable advice to help you build stronger client relationships, create consistent income streams, and position yourself as a sought-after video partner.

    Key Takeaways Offering Workshops The power of strategic planning sessions with clients How to package and price your workshops Using workshops to land bigger projects Finding Work and Self-Promotion Tips for showcasing your best work Strategies for reaching ideal clients Balancing different types of projects Retainers, Contracts, and Partnerships The importance of written agreements Structuring retainer deals for consistent income Navigating business partnerships In This Episode [00:00] Welcome to the show! [05:11] Offering a paid workshop [21:32] Finding work and promoting brand [39:11] Retainer contracts [01:03:01] Outro Quotes

    "The magic word is start. Go ugly early. Like don't just get out of your head. Just do the thing." - Ryan Koral

    "People are more invested when they're paying money, right? So there's this feeling that they're already showing up to the table with like pen in hand and like ready for you to lead them versus somebody that's in interviewing you to figure out if they want to hire you." - Ryan Koral


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  • Robert Teegarden, owner of Create Your Own Path Productions, shares his journey into running a video business and the importance of creativity in society. He discusses the role of creatives in shedding light on different perspectives and telling stories.

    Robert emphasizes the need for creatives to respond to the needs of the world and act on their ideas. He also highlights the value of consistent practice and getting the reps in to improve one's craft. Robert’s work today focuses on small business video marketing and production in the health and wellness and music niches.

    The conversation explores the importance of consistent and high-quality visual communication in building brand value and perception. It emphasizes the need for creatives to understand the business side of their work and translate their creativity into tangible ROI for clients. The concept of repurposing content and creating a suite of services is discussed as a way to maximize value for clients.

    The conversation also highlights the power of behind-the-scenes content in humanizing brands and building authentic connections with consumers. The key takeaway is to focus on the purpose and joy of being a creative and to remember the impact and value of the work being done.

    Key Takeaways Creatives have a unique role in society to shed light on different perspectives and tell stories. Responding to the needs of the world and acting on creative ideas is essential. Consistent practice and getting the reps in are crucial for improvement. Small business video marketing and production can be focused on specific niches like health and wellness and music. Consistent and high-quality visual communication is crucial for building brand value and perception. Creatives need to understand the business side of their work and translate their creativity into tangible ROI for clients. Repurposing content and creating a suite of services can maximize value for clients. Behind-the-scenes content is powerful in humanizing brands and building authentic connections with consumers. Focus on the purpose and joy of being a creative and remember the impact and value of the work being done. About Robert Teegarden

    Robert is a life-long creative. He started as a musician and has traveled the world performing as a vocalist and bassist. He has a Masters and undergraduate in Music Business and worked in the industry for 15 years.

    In his early 30s, he left his corporate job and started making short films and the rest is history. He has been the creative alongside Ron "Boss" Everline, Kevin Hart's personal trainer and business partner, and worked with several multinational brands like Chase, Yamaha, Easton Sports Cellucor and more.

    In This Episode [00:00] Welcome to the show! [04:19] Meet Robert Teegarden [07:51] A Creative's Role In Society [11:51] Robert's Journey Into Production [23:40] Maximize Value For Your Client [39:41] Connect With Robert [40:27] Outro Quotes

    “We occupy a very specific role in society and we have this need and ability to be able to kind of make sense of the world around us. And having that understanding that your work matters and the stories that you're telling matter and your ability to do that is a skill set that not very many people have.” - Robert Teegarden

    “We have a role and a purpose, and it’s to be able to shed light on these things, the nuance of what life, society, and culture is. And I don’t think that that’s a job set for just every person to have. It’s a very specific way that you have to view those things. It’s a gift, really. It’s a privilege to be able to do it.” - Robert

    "You talk about there being a need in the world and, as creatives, some of us see that need and then respond to that need.” - Ryan Koral

    “I think a huge Cardinal sin is like you have these beautiful spaces that you create as a small business and then you just don't have the communication, the outbound communication to back that up." - Robert

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  • In this episode, Ryan and Rory Clark discuss the importance of customer intimacy in sales and marketing. They emphasize the need to genuinely connect with customers, ask the right questions, and listen actively. Rory shares his expertise in customer development and highlights the three key phases: customer attraction, customer creation, and customer satisfaction. He also explains the power of video in creating a high-touch customer experience. The conversation provides valuable insights for entrepreneurs and creatives looking to improve their sales strategies.

    Key Takeaways Customer intimacy is a powerful strategy that beats AI and technology-driven approaches. To connect with customers, genuinely listen to them and ask the right questions. The three key phases of customer development are customer attraction, customer creation, and customer satisfaction. Video is a highly effective tool for creating a high-touch customer experience. Focus on customer intimacy and provide a personalized and exceptional customer experience. About Rory J. Clark

    Rory J. Clark is the creator and innovator of FOCUS SELLINGÂź, a breakthrough performance system which has helped countless executives around the world to exceed performance expectations. He inspires excellence in leadership, teamwork, and performance through the renovation of individual mindsets.

    For more than four decades, executives in over two hundred organizations, on six continents, and in over thirty countries, have learned from Rory. In addition, they have taught Rory how to turn FOCUS SELLINGÂź into a competitive weapon.

    Rory’s experience includes leadership positions in marketing, sales, recruiting, and training in organizations such as CBS and ABC Radio, Wilson Learning Corporation, and the Dale Carnegie Institute. He is an expert in selling, in instruction, and in curriculum design.

    In This Episode [00:00] Welcome to the show! [03:50] Meet Rory Clark [05:28] Building a StoryBrand [09:28] A Sale From Start to Finish [11:09] Adjusting to Social Styles [11:29] Connecting Intentionally [11:57] Uncovering [35:54] Phases of Customer Development [40:39] Connect with Rory [41:40] Outro Quotes

    “In 1984, which is 40 years ago – probably when I got my AOL address – there was a book called Megatrends. And the author of the book said
 the more high tech we get, the more high touch will be required. Well, now that's on steroids, right?” – Rory Clark

    “If you're great at customer intimacy, that beats AI hands down because people are sick of interacting with it. They're sick of not getting to talk to a person.” - Rory

    “Be creative in your craft, but find a system that works for you when it comes to selling and marketing and all those things.” - Ryan Koral

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  • In this special 400th episode of the Grow Your Video Business show, host Ryan Koral reflects on the journey since launching the podcast in early 2016. Originally started with co-founder Matt Davis, Ryan shares memorable moments, the evolution of the show, and the importance of community and support in overcoming struggles. He expresses gratitude to listeners, team members, and supporters who have made the show possible. Tune in for a heartfelt look back at eight years of podcasting, personal growth, and the powerful impact of community.

    Key Takeaways The journey up to, and what it means to celebrate the 400th episode. Expressions of gratitude to loyal listeners. Reflection on the show’s origins and growth. Community highlights and a transformative 2016. Thankful to key contributors and the global audience. In This Episode [00:00] Welcome to the show! [00:48] Celebrating 400 Episodes [01:25] How It All Started [03:12] The First Episode Ever [10:58] Community [22:21] Thank yous [31:39] Outro Quotes

    “My heart is just so thankful for you for being with me.”

    “We both (me and Matt Davis) were speaking at events for filmmakers and we both loved education and we both like a microphone, so we just thought it would be really fun. And we did it. And that's where Studio Sherpas was launched.”

    “As I reflect on all 400 episodes, all of the ups and downs and, you know, so many highs and so many lows, the thing that still rings true today as what I think is the most important is community.”

    “It’s amazing the opportunities I’ve gotten just by having a show. The people that have said yes to be on this show
 these people wouldn’t have a conversation with me if I didn't have a podcast.”


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  • In this episode, Kenrick Mills shares his journey from odd jobs to building a successful video production business. He emphasizes the importance of finding a niche and focusing on a specific type of client. Kenrick's favorite type of project is interior design videos, as they allow him to be creative and showcase beautiful spaces. He also discusses the benefits of working with retainer clients and building long-term relationships. In this conversation,

    Ryan and Kenrick discuss the importance of finding a niche and the power of YouTube for businesses. They emphasize the need to practice what you preach and the value of showing up on social media platforms. Kenrick shares his plans to start a YouTube channel to reach business owners who need creative services. Ryan encourages him to focus on his unique perspective and personality to stand out in the market. They both highlight the abundance of opportunities and the importance of consistency in content creation.

    Key Takeaways Finding a niche and focusing on a specific type of client can make your job easier and more enjoyable. Building long-term relationships with retainer clients can provide consistent work and a steady income. Interior design videos offer the opportunity to be creative and showcase beautiful spaces. Creating a landing page and marketing content that speaks directly to your target audience can help attract more clients. Crossover opportunities often arise when working within a specific niche, allowing you to expand your client base. Finding a niche within a specific industry opens up more opportunities within that niche. Being consistent and showing up on social media platforms, especially YouTube, can help businesses grow and attract clients. Every individual and business has a unique perspective and personality that sets them apart from competitors. Practicing what you preach and investing in your own brand and content can build trust and credibility with potential clients. Creating content that provides value and speaks to your ideal clients can make it easier for them to connect with you and book your services. About Kenrick Mills

    Kenrick Mills has been running a boutique content agency in Jupiter, Florida since 2014. He helps small to medium sized businesses grow their brand, sell their projects more efficiently, and help them tell their story.

    In This Episode [00:00] Welcome to the show! [05:54] Meet Kenrick Mills [07:31] Earth Walker Media [18:41] Benefits Of Niching Down [27:15] Niching Through YouTube [48:15] Connect with Kenrick [49:11] Outro Quotes

    "I just have this type of person that I'm trying to work with more than a specific type of client." - Kenrick Mills

    “That makes your job so much harder when you don't have a specific persona, a specific niche, or a specific problem that you solve with a particular kind of video. And my challenge to people is like, well, just pick something and you don't have to do that work forever. It's just going to be for a period of time. Like you need to create some momentum and some traction.” - Ryan Koral

    “I think it's Blair Enns says something about a creative sees 10 doors and wants to open every single one. But niching down is going into that door, that one door, and just finding that there are actually 10 more doors behind that one door.” - Kenrick

    “If you feel like, ‘I'm just afraid of having a niche because I don't want to get stuck doing the same old thing,’ that's not how you're wired. You're not going to do the same old thing. You're going to think of new things. And it's going to challenge you. And you're going to rise to the challenge because you are a creative.” - Ryan

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  • In this episode, Ryan and Justin Roethlingshoefer discuss the importance of prioritizing health as a business owner or leader. They emphasize that our health is our greatest asset and that we need to take care of ourselves in order to show up as the best version of ourselves in all aspects of life. They highlight the need for personalized health plans and the importance of tracking key metrics such as heart rate variability, sleep quality, VO2 max, and cellular deficiencies. They also discuss the concept of 'Who Not How' and the value of building a team of experts to support our health journey.

    Key Takeaways Our health is our greatest asset as business owners and leaders. Personalized health plans are essential for optimal well-being. Tracking key metrics such as heart rate variability, sleep quality, VO2 max, and cellular deficiencies can provide valuable insights. Building a team of experts to support our health journey is crucial. The concept of 'Who Not How' applies to health as well, where we need to focus on finding the right people to help us rather than trying to do everything ourselves. About Justin Roethlingshoefer

    Justin Roethlingshoefer is the co-founder of OWN IT Coaching, a multiple seven-figure coaching company. As a former performance coach in the NCAA and NHL, through OWN IT he has made the same ecosystem that is usually only available to the best athletes in the world now available to you.

    Utilizing best in class testing, technology, and coaching, he and his team have been able to transform the health and lives of hundreds of thousands of leaders throughout the country while empowering them on their journey and making the complex topic of health simple, actionable, and personal. He is a speaker and the host of The OWN IT Show podcast. Justin is the author of three other bestselling books including The Athletic Performance Blueprint and OWN IT.

    In This Episode [00:00] Welcome to the show! [04:21] Meet Justin Roethlingshoefer [11:39] The Importance of Health [15:58] Framework for Understanding Health [26:06] Heart Rate Variability [27:49] Understanding Sleep Quality [29:32] Measuring VO2 Max [31:09] Cellular Deficiencies [41:36] Connect with Justin [43:42] Outro Quotes

    “It's looking you back in the mirror every single morning. You've been given God-given abilities, God-given creative frameworks in your brain. You've been given a calling and a gift and there's certain things that only you can do and I think oftentimes we take that for granted.” - Justin Roethlingshoefer

    “They found success in chaos because they've been the one to create the solution. And so that's what they trust today. And because of that, that's what they continue to lean into. And they fail to come back to creating predictable and sustainable solutions for themselves when it comes to health and making sure that they are well.” - Justin

    “We fail to recognize and realize that there's a cost to leadership. There's a cost to doing business. There's a cost to owning a company. And there's a cost to going on this mission. And the remedy is not a gym membership. The remedy is not a massage once a month. The remedy is not going on a vacation with your family once a year. The remedy has to be built as intentionally and as consistently as you've built your business.” - Justin

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  • In this episode of the podcast, Ryan and Tim Arnold discuss the importance of embracing healthy tensions in leadership. They explore the tensions between confidence and humility, expectations and grace, and profit and purpose. Tim shares a story from his experience leading a homeless shelter, highlighting the need to navigate these tensions in a healthy way. They emphasize the value of leaning into differences and engaging in healthy conflict to foster growth and understanding. Tim provides resources for further exploration of these concepts.

    Key Takeaways Leaders need to embrace healthy tensions, such as the balance between confidence and humility, expectations and grace, and profit and purpose. Leaning into tensions allows for growth, understanding, and better decision-making. Navigating tensions requires recognizing that there can be multiple right answers and finding the best approach for the situation. Engaging in healthy conflict and embracing differences can lead to exceptional results and foster resilience in leadership. Naming and managing chronic tensions in organizations can lead to positive change and growth. About Tim Arnold

    Having launched and sold a successful for-profit business, pioneered a social enterprise, and led a homeless shelter, Tim Arnold understands how hard it is to lead in challenging situations. That’s why he’s dedicated to helping leaders at every level – from first-time managers to Nobel Peace Prize winners and Fortune 500 CEOs – navigate the path to resilience and success.

    In This Episode [00:00] Welcome to the show! [05:03] Meet Tim Arnold [11:05] Tensions To Manage [12:06] Confidence & Humility [15:57] Expectations & Grace [35:09] Connect with Tim [36:15] Outro Quotes

    “One of those tensions I talk about is the tension between confidence and humility. And it's not about the compromise or meeting in the middle. It's how do I do both fully?” - TIm Arnold

    “Let's not look at this as right and wrong. Let's just pick the best option for us right now. And when we can do that, and I gotta say, this is I think true for the solopreneur that's just trying to kind of stand out from the pack or people leading teams. If you can encourage kind of the culture of your teams and your relationships to lean into tension, to not need to surround yourself with people who see everything the way you see, it's a competitive edge right now.” - Tim

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  • In this episode, Ryan welcomes Dr. Saundra Dalton-Smith, the founding physician and CEO of Restoracists, to discuss the crucial topic of rest and well-being. Dr. Saundra, a board-certified internal medicine physician, speaker, and award-winning author, shares insights from her bestselling book "Sacred Rest." They delve into the seven types of rest necessary for optimizing productivity, increasing overall happiness, and overcoming burnout. Dr. Saundra explains how incorporating small, intentional restorative activities can make a significant difference in one's life. Listeners will learn practical strategies to incorporate rest into their daily routines and understand the importance of balancing work and personal life for long-term success.

    Key Takeaways Rest is essential for productivity, creativity, and overall well-being. There are seven types of rest: physical, mental, spiritual, emotional, social, sensory, and creative. Small, intentional restorative practices can make a significant difference in combating burnout. Incorporating rest into daily routines is more effective than waiting for big breaks or vacations. About Dr. Saundra Dalton-Smith

    Dr. Saundra Dalton-Smith is a Board-Certified internal medicine physician, speaker, and award-winning author. She is an international well-being thought-leader featured in numerous media outlets including Prevention, MSNBC, Women’s Day, FOX, Fast Company, Psychology Today, INC, CNN Health, and TED.com. She is the author of numerous books including her bestseller Sacred Rest: Recover Your Life, Renew Your Energy, Restore Your Sanity, including insight on the seven types of rest needed to optimize your productivity, increase your overall happiness, overcome burnout, and live your best life.

    In This Episode [00:00] Welcome to the show! [03:58] Meet Dr. Saundra Dalton Smith [07:51] Dr. Saundra's Burnout Story [10:41] Rest Deficit [13:05] The 7 Types of Rest [20:20] Ways to Achieve Mental Rest [27:52] Physical Rest [32:20] Creative Rest [34:23] Connect with Dr. Saundra [35:13] Outro Quotes

    "I had a fantastic work ethic. I had zero rest ethic."

    "Rest isn't just about stopping. Sometimes it's a restorative process to pour back into the place of depletion."

    "It's horrible to have passion for something, but not have the energy to do it."

    "You don't actually have to physically be in it; you just have to be reminded of it."

    "Rest is how productive people stay productive, and how innovative people stay highly creative."

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  • In this episode, Ryan interviews Mariana Henninger, the brilliant mind behind Brandmagnetic. Mariana shares her unique journey from being a decorated documentary filmmaker to becoming an entrepreneur focused on creating impactful brand videos. She emphasizes the importance of storytelling and emotional connection in differentiating oneself in the crowded online market.

    Mariana discusses her approach to business, including the development of her course and membership program that helps entrepreneurs create their own brand videos. She also touches on her strategies for pitching to high-profile clients and the value of leading with personal connection and authenticity. This episode is packed with valuable insights for anyone looking to enhance their brand presence and build a loyal community.

    Key Takeaways The importance of storytelling and emotional connection in brand videos. Strategies for pitching to high-profile clients by leading with value and authenticity. The role of community and continued support in business growth. Embracing your unique personality as a differentiator in the market. About Marianna Henninger

    Marianna is a documentary filmmaker & Founder of Brandmagnetic. She is an Emmy award-winning documentary filmmaker specializing in Brand Videos.

    In This Episode [00:00] Welcome to the show! [06:11] Meet Mariana Henninger [11:17] Why Brand Videos? [20:03] The Membership Model [28:20] People Who Pay Pay Attention [43:06] Secret Sauce Of Your Business [47:32] Connect with Mariana [49:44] Outro Quotes

    "What makes you different is you. You are the secret sauce of your business." - Mariana Henninger

    "When you pay, you pay attention. The idea of valuing your expertise is crucial." - Mariana Henninger

    "Lead with good work and results, but then show them who you are." - Mariana Henninger

    "The best clients are those who go through the workshop process, building a connection with you." - Ryan Koral

    "Building a business takes time. It’s important to understand that it takes time to build the big stuff." - Mariana Henninger

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  • In this episode, Ryan welcomes Annemie Tonken, a seasoned photographer and educator specializing in business systems and strategies for creative entrepreneurs. Annemie shares her journey from wedding photography to creating a sustainable and predictable income model through her innovative Simple Sales System.

    The discussion delves into the challenges faced by photographers in maintaining a steady income, the inspiration behind Annemie’s subscription-based model, and the importance of business systems in achieving long-term success. Annemie offers valuable insights on building trust with clients, the benefits of niching down, and how to create compelling offers that attract and retain customers.

    Key Takeaways Creating a membership model can provide predictable income for a photography business. Focusing on a specific service and building trust with clients can lead to a more stable and profitable business. Exclusivity and scarcity can attract clients and increase perceived value. Having a go-to product or service simplifies operations and improves efficiency. Being selective with clients and setting boundaries can lead to a more enjoyable and sustainable business. About Annemie Tonken

    Annemie has been a professional photographer since 2010 and is now a respected educator focused on business systems and strategies that help creative entrepreneurs run profitable, sustainable businesses they love.

    She's the host of This Can't Be That Hard, a top-rated weekly business podcast for photographers, the creator of the Simple Sales System, which is used by thousands of photographers worldwide to create in-person sales-level income and service in an automated, and an experienced speaker known for her fluff-free content and memorable metaphors.

    In This Episode [00:00] Welcome to the show! [10:25] Meet Annemie Tonken [12:11] Monthly Recurring Revenue [12:59] Annemie's Business Beginning [18:38] Photography Membership [24:04] Confidence To Charge Fairly [25:00] Client Exclusivity [31:05] Knowing Your Main Deliverable [37:35] Connect with Annemie [38:12] Outro Quotes

    "One of the biggest challenges in my business over 20 years is having any sense of predictable income."

    "I could create essentially a subscription so that my clients could get this done."

    "There's a new confidence that you haven't really experienced before."

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  • In this episode of the podcast, Ryan delves into the importance of building a strong professional network. He emphasizes how networking can make you feel part of something bigger in both your business and personal life. He shares his journey of leveraging his superpower of networking, recounting how he built connections with local filmmakers and other industry professionals which led to meaningful collaborations and referrals.

    Ryan provides actionable advice on how to start networking, from engaging on social media to hosting in-person meetups. He also discusses the emotional and practical benefits of having a supportive network. Alongside his narrative, Ryan offers insights into creating impactful relationships and the value of mutual support among peers. This episode serves as a comprehensive guide for video business owners and freelancers looking to expand their professional network and foster a sense of community.

    Key Takeaways Building Meaningful Relationships: Networking should be focused on creating meaningful and lasting relationships rather than just collecting contacts. Professional and Personal Growth: A strong network can significantly contribute to both your professional and personal development. Community and Belonging: Being part of a network gives you a sense of belonging and can positively affect your mental well-being. Uncovering Opportunities: Networking opens doors to new opportunities and collaborations that you might not have discovered otherwise. Super Powers: Everyone has unique strengths, and networking allows you to discover and share these superpowers with others. In This Episode [00:00] Welcome to the show! [06:50] Networking [12:53] When You Feel Alone [17:59] Get In A Group [21:21] Be The One Who Gathers [32:14] Starting Online [35:58] Outro Quotes

    "We are talking about the importance of building your network and how to feel a part of something bigger in your business and in your life."

    "In life, we all have superpowers.”


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  • In this episode of the podcast, Ryan sits down with Michael Janda, a renowned mentor for creative entrepreneurs, to explore the journey of building and scaling a successful creative agency. Michael shares his experiences from starting as a basement freelancer to growing his agency, which eventually attracted high-profile clients like Disney and Google. He discusses the importance of niching, the value of creating ongoing residual income, and the strategies that helped him sell his business and transition into his current role as a consultant and educator.

    Throughout the conversation, Michael provides practical advice on sales, client relationships, and staying competitive in a rapidly evolving industry. He emphasizes the need for creative professionals to move beyond their comfort zones, actively seek out networking opportunities, and continuously add value to their clients' businesses. By highlighting the significance of strategic thinking and long-term planning, Michael offers a blueprint for creative entrepreneurs aiming to achieve sustainable success.

    Listeners will also enjoy Michael’s humorous anecdotes and candid insights into the challenges and triumphs of running a creative agency. Whether you're a freelancer looking to grow your business or an established agency owner seeking new strategies, this episode is packed with actionable takeaways that will inspire and motivate you on your entrepreneurial journey.

    Key Takeaways The Importance of Niching and Residual Income, Sales Strategies for Creative Entrepreneurs: Michael Janda emphasizes the value of niching down your services and focusing on creating ongoing residual income. He highlights how businesses that offer continuous services, such as digital marketing and SEO, tend to have more predictable and scalable revenue streams compared to one-off project-based work. Sales Strategies for Creative Entrepreneurs: One of the main points Michael discusses is the need for creative professionals to improve their sales skills. He advises listeners to actively seek out networking opportunities, ask clients for referrals, and stay top of mind by maintaining regular contact with potential clients. This approach helps in building a robust client base and ensuring consistent business growth. Leveraging Competitive Analysis: Michael shares a practical tactic for winning clients by conducting competitive analysis. Instead of pointing out flaws in a potential client's current setup, show them how their competitors are leveraging superior solutions. This method taps into the competitive nature of business owners and positions you as the ideal partner to help them stay ahead. Adapting to Technological Advancements: The discussion also touches on the impact of technological advancements, such as AI, on the creative industry. Michael stresses the importance of staying adaptable and embracing new tools that can enhance efficiency and creativity. By focusing on high-value services like strategy and campaign ideation, creative professionals can differentiate themselves and continue to provide significant value to their clients. About Michael Janda

    Michael Janda is an award-winning creative director, designer, and agency veteran. In 2002, he founded the creative agency Riser, which provided design and development services for clients that included Disney, Google, Warner Bros., Fox, NBC, ABC, National Geographic and many other high-profile brands. Michael sold his agency in 2015 and now spends his time speaking, developing books, courses, and social media content to help creatives level-up. He is the author of “Burn Your Portfolio” and “The Psychology of Graphic Design Pricing.”

    In This Episode [00:00] Welcome to the show! [03:54] Meet Michael Janda [09:07] Journey Through The Agency World [11:05] Built To Sell - John Warrillow [15:32] Niching Down [36:37] Creating Success In Your Business [45:22] Connect with Michael [46:17] Outro Quotes

    "The value of the video after you're done shooting it is nothing. The value is in getting that video in front of potential customers for the person that you made it for." - Michael Janda

    "Creative people are the worst salespeople of all time. You're afraid that if you actually pitch your wares to a client, they're going to think that you're a used car salesman." - Michael Janda

    "If I don't tell them about me, then they're going to choose to work with somebody else. And that other person is going to give them a bad project. I know I can do it for them much better than the other person." - Michael Janda

    "One of the ways that I love to do that is not telling them that they have something bad, just showing them that their competitors have something better." - Michael Janda

    "It's not about saying, 'Hey, your brand video sucks.' It's more about saying, 'Hey, I did a little competitive analysis of your three biggest competitors and I saw that these two have an awesome brand video. I can make one better than these.'" - Michael Janda

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  • In this episode of the podcast, Ryan sits down with Austin Falter, the dynamic founder and CEO of Falter Media. Austin shares his inspiring journey from starting as a freelance videographer in college to establishing a niche video business that serves entrepreneurial doctors. They discuss the importance of niching down, the challenges and benefits of focusing on a specific market, and the impact of social media and organic content on business growth. Austin also gives a glimpse into his personal life and interests, adding a fun and relatable touch to the conversation. Whether you're a seasoned video professional or just starting out, this episode is packed with valuable insights and practical advice.

    Key Takeaways Niching down can significantly enhance your expertise and the quality of service you provide. Organic content is crucial for long-term growth, especially in niche markets. Balancing personal interests with professional goals can create a more relatable and engaging brand. Understanding your audience deeply can lead to more effective and tailored content strategies. About Austin Falter

    Austin is a GenZ business owner, a TEDx Speaker, a content creator and video agency owner. He helps Doctors and Health coaches grow using shortform video and video podcasts... His own social media has been the greatest marketing channel for his agency next to word of mouth!

    In This Episode [00:00] Welcome to the show! [03:20] Meet Austin Falter [06:40] Developing A Niche [13:40] Marketing In A Video Business [27:14] Tactics For New Clients [32:36] How Having a Niche Helps [39:08] Connect with Austin [40:03] Outro Quotes

    "I realized how unproductive having a general audience is... I need to really figure out who I want to serve."

    "If you're frustrated in your video business, it's probably because you aren't an expert."

    "When you present your offer to a specific group, it becomes easier to create packages that really serve them."

    "Organic content is a long-term game, but it's worth it when you start seeing consistent engagement and leads."

    "The more I've leaned into my niche, the more confidence I'm gaining in the choice to go niche."

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  • In this episode, Ryan discusses the often-overlooked importance of taking breaks as a video business owner. He shares personal anecdotes about his own struggles with work-life balance and offers practical advice on how stepping away from work can lead to greater productivity and fulfillment. From handling emails more efficiently to the benefits of taking Fridays off, Ryan emphasizes that rest is not just beneficial but essential for long-term success. He also touches on how surrounding yourself with supportive people can make a significant difference in managing your business and personal life effectively.

    Key Takeaways Taking regular breaks can significantly improve your overall productivity and mental well-being. Prioritize important relationships and personal time to avoid burnout and regret. Effective time management, like taking Fridays off, can lead to a healthier work-life balance. Surrounding yourself with supportive individuals can enhance both your personal and professional growth. In This Episode [00:00] Welcome to the show! [02:21] The Best Version of You [03:56] Free AI Resource [05:34] Resting [12:02] Parkinson's Law [13:50] Don’t Let Work Consume You [17:02] Worst Comes To Worst [21:41] Find Your Tribe [22:27] Mastermind [25:57] Outro Quotes

    "Taking a break isn’t a luxury; it’s a necessity for sustainable success."

    "What’s the worst that’s going to happen if you step away? Your business will still be there."

    "Effective time management, like taking Fridays off, can lead to a healthier work-life balance."

    "Surround yourself with people who have your best interest in mind and want the best for you."

    "You need to take a break, and the worst thing that’s going to happen probably isn’t as bad as you think."


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  • In this episode of the Grow Your Video Business Show, host Ryan discusses the potential of AI in the creative industry with AI expert Kim Garst. The conversation covers how AI can enhance content creation for service providers, overcome common business challenges, and be utilized as a creative partner. They explore applications like content repurposing, faceless content, and chatbots for improved business efficiency and client satisfaction. The episode also features practical tips on maintaining human connections in a tech-driven world and leveraging AI to work smarter, not harder.

    Key Takeaways The Dual Nature of Technology: Both Kim and Ryan kick off the discussion by addressing the dual nature of technology, particularly AI. Just like social media, AI has its benefits and drawbacks. Both agree that as we embrace AI, it's crucial to focus on leveraging its benefits while being mindful of its limitations. AI as a Creative Partner: Kim emphasizes the potential of AI as a "creative partner" for service providers. The fascinating aspect here is the ability of AI to understand and replicate a client's voice, making the content creation process much more efficient. For anyone in the business of content creation, the ability to generate a client's voice in a text or video format can save hours of manual work and ensure consistency. AI in Short-form Content: Ryan sheds light on how AI can be particularly valuable in short-form content production. By sending clients 5-7 scripts weekly, Kim's team ensures that clients spend just a few minutes each week creating high-quality, intentional content. This strategic approach has proven successful, particularly when dealing with busy clients who often lack the time and resources to produce regular content. The Reality of Faceless Content: Interestingly, the conversation segues into the emerging trend of faceless content. According to Kim, faceless content—content where the creator doesn't appear on camera—is outperforming personal content in some algorithms. Despite this trend, both agree that appearing on camera still holds value, especially for those who are the face of their business. For those who are uncomfortable appearing on camera, Kim suggests alternatives like tutorial. About Kim Garst

    Kim Garst is a renowned marketing strategist and speaker pioneering the use of artificial intelligence in digital marketing. With an eye on innovation, Kim fearlessly embraces change, constantly exploring new opportunities. Her relatable, actionable advice guides entrepreneurs to harness AI, simplifying complex technology to drive growth. Named a Top 10 Influencer by Forbes, Kim leads the way in combining human creativity and AI. Join her thriving community to unlock your potential with her visionary guidance.

    In This Episode [00:00] Welcome to the show! [02:44] Meet Kim Garst [03:32] Leveraging AI In Business [08:32] Converting Content To Profit [10:30] Faceless Content [19:46] A Creative Partner [22:31] Monthly Workshops [24:39] Intentional Content [26:03] Using A Framework [29:25] Providing Freebies & Communities [30:20] Funneling [34:30] Connect With Kim [36:02] Outro Quotes

    “AI can be an incredible creative partner for you and me.” - Ryan Koral

    “I don't think AI is going to replace you. I think it's going to
 you're going to be replaced by someone using it.” - Kim Garst

    “It's easy to just be like, Oh my gosh, like I can't believe what it can do.” - Ryan Koral

    “It is my creative partner and it allows me to
 you're still in charge, large and in charge, you know, what you put in is what you get out.” - Kim Garst

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  • In this captivating podcast episode, we delve into the art of storytelling in video production with none other than Michael Hauge, a renowned Hollywood script consultant and story expert. Michael shares invaluable insights and practical tips on how to infuse emotion, connection, and narrative depth into video content to captivate audiences and drive engagement.

    From understanding the hero's inner journey to overcoming common challenges in incorporating storytelling into videos, this episode is a masterclass in crafting compelling narratives that resonate with viewers. Whether you're a seasoned filmmaker or just starting in the world of video production, this episode offers inspiration and actionable advice to elevate your storytelling skills and create impactful videos that leave a lasting impression.

    Key Takeaways Emotional Engagement: Michael emphasizes the importance of crafting stories that evoke emotion and resonate with viewers on a deep level. By tapping into universal fears, desires, and struggles, storytellers can create a powerful connection with their audience. The Hero's Inner Journey: Understanding the internal conflicts and obstacles faced by the protagonist (or the central figure) in a story is crucial. Exploring the hero's inner journey adds depth and relatability to the narrative, making it more compelling and engaging. Simplicity and Focus: Despite the temptation to cram lots of information into a video, it's essential to prioritize simplicity and focus on the core message or goal. By honing in on key themes and emotions, storytellers can create more impactful and memorable content. Effective Storytelling in Business: Incorporating storytelling into business videos can help humanize brands, build trust, and inspire action. Whether it's sharing origin stories, highlighting client successes, or addressing common challenges, storytelling can be a potent tool for connecting with audiences and driving business outcomes. About Michael Hauge

    Michael Hauge is a story expert, author and lecturer who helps writers, speakers, entrepreneurs and filmmakers increase their impact and grow their businesses by telling better stories.

    He is the bestselling author of Storytelling Made Easy, Selling Your Story in 60 Seconds, and the 20th Anniversary Edition of his classic book Writing Screenplays That Sell.

    Michael has presented seminars, lectures and keynotes in person and online to more than 600,000 participants worldwide.

    As a Hollywood script consultant, he has worked on projects starring Will Smith, Morgan Freeman, Julia Roberts, Tom Cruise and Reese Witherspoon.

    He has also helped countless marketers, consultants and business leaders make millions of dollars through the power of their stories.

    In This Episode [00:00] Welcome to the show! [05:24] Meet Michael Hauge [07:00] Michael’s start in storytelling [15:52] Level up your storytelling [18:57] Essential components of a story [56:04] Connect with Michael [58:30] Outro Quotes

    "Stories sort of drill down into your subconscious. If you're telling a story, just think of going to a movie. If you hear a really riveting story, it's like being in a movie, and you forget you're in a movie theater because you're totally inside the story being told." - Michael Hauge

    "When you get to the level of revealing and exploring the fear that the hero of the story is up against, those are the stories that create the deepest connection." - Michael Hauge

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  • In this insightful conversation between Ryan and Ita, they delve deep into the world of video production and marketing, sharing valuable insights and strategies. They discuss the evolution of their approach to video projects, emphasizing the importance of clarity in offers and audience segmentation. They highlight the significance of crafting distinct landing pages tailored to specific audiences, allowing for clear communication of services and value propositions.

    The conversation also touches on the essence of storytelling in video marketing and the unique perspective that videographers bring to the table. Throughout the discussion, Ryan and Ita underscore the importance of leveraging their expertise to create compelling narratives and effectively connect with audiences.

    Key Takeaways Clarity in Offers and Audience Segmentation: It's crucial to have a clear understanding of the services you offer and the audience you serve. By segmenting your audience and tailoring specific offers to meet their needs, you can effectively communicate your value proposition and stand out in a crowded market. Crafting Distinct Landing Pages: Creating separate landing pages for different services or audience segments allows for more targeted messaging and a better user experience. By directing potential clients to relevant landing pages, you increase the likelihood of conversion and make it easier for them to understand what you offer. The Power of Storytelling: Storytelling lies at the heart of effective video marketing. As videographers, you have a unique opportunity to leverage your storytelling skills to create compelling narratives that resonate with your audience. By focusing on the story behind your brand and services, you can differentiate yourself and forge deeper connections with potential clients. Leveraging Expertise for Competitive Advantage: Videographers possess a wealth of knowledge and expertise in video production and storytelling that can set them apart from other marketers. By embracing their craft and leveraging their unique perspective, videographers can position themselves as trusted partners who offer valuable insights and solutions to their clients' needs. About Ita Uda-Ema

    Ita Udo-Ema is a seasoned entrepreneur and a storyteller. With over 15 years of experience in the digital media industry as a Video Strategist, Media Consultant, YouTube Expert, Editor, and Artist, Ita is committed to crafting impactful stories that achieve their specific business and organizational goals.

    In This Episode [00:00] Welcome to the show! [04:02] Meet Ita Udo-Ema [07:54] What makes you unique? [08:49] The YouTube First Strategy [14:12] Getting clear on what you offer [17:26] Marketing techniques [20:56] Your advantage as a video creator [26:14] You vs AI [31:58] Client experience [34:23] The right mindset [37:15] Know your audience [40:51] Connect with Ita [42:21] Outro Quotes

    "By having separate pages... it loses its uniqueness... by having separate pages like if you do weddings, like golly, get that off your commercial filmmaking website." - Ryan Koral

    "The way your homepage, your website, that's about you. So when you start talking about these different landing pages geared towards specific audiences, like that's what you're going to push out into the world." - Ita Udo-Ema

    "I think what we do is unique. We're uniquely positioned to know more about video and story than any other marketers out there. And I think we should all be leveraging that, taking advantage." - Ita Udo-Ema

    "I guess I want to leave... the idea that what we do, we have a unique opportunity and we have a unique perspective as compared to the marketers out there." - Ita Udo-Ema

    "I love your perspective... you are a smart dude... thank you for doing this." - Ryan Koral

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  • In this insightful episode, we dive into the world of filmmaking with Jenny Marvin, a talented female filmmaker navigating the industry with passion and creativity. From discussing the importance of storytelling and client relationships to overcoming challenges and leveraging networking opportunities, Jenny shares her valuable experiences and perspectives. Through her journey, we explore the unique insights she brings to her work and the impact of her approach on her clients and collaborators. Get ready for an engaging conversation filled with practical advice, inspiring anecdotes, and a glimpse into the dynamic world of video production.

    Key Takeaways The Power of Networking and Collaboration: Jenny emphasizes the importance of building a strong network within the filmmaking community. Through networking events, workshops, and even casual meetups, she has been able to forge valuable connections with other videographers and photographers. These connections have not only led to referrals but also provided her with opportunities to collaborate on projects and expand her business. Tailoring the Client Experience: Jenny discusses the significance of providing a personalized and professional experience for her clients right from the initial contact. By sending detailed questionnaires and customized proposals, she ensures that she understands her clients' needs and can deliver tailored solutions. This attention to detail not only builds trust but also sets her apart from competitors. Challenges and Opportunities as a Female Filmmaker: As a female filmmaker in a male-dominated industry, Jenny acknowledges both the challenges and advantages she faces. While there may be physical challenges associated with handling heavy equipment and long hours, she also highlights the unique perspective and storytelling approach that women bring to the table. Jenny encourages aspiring female filmmakers to embrace their creativity and seek opportunities to learn and grow within the industry. About Jenny Marvin

    Leading JM Visual Art in Colorado, Jenny specializes in shooting branding films, lifestyle and headshots for corporate companies. As a military daughter, she has moved across the world and back and has a motto to “do things scared.” The best experiences of Jenny’s life have come from taking chances, connecting with people, and creating a family with the people she works with. Whether that be in videography, music, sports, or just her daily life Jenny believes in the power of positivity and giving back to those willing and interested to learn.

    In This Episode [00:00] Welcome to the show! [03:01] Meet Jenny Marvin [04:41] Empowering and guiding your clients [07:59] Becoming the go-to provider [12:38] Finding the right people for your team [14:46] Thinking beyond your limitations [15:32] The importance of community [23:01] Organized client communication [26:54] Crafting a personal customer experience [29:24] Generating new leads [31:42] Being a female in the film industry [35:43] Connect with Jenny [36:58] Outro Quotes

    "Local community is like gold. I mean, it's like the coolest best. Cause you can grab lunch, grab coffee. Being in person is like so great and such a gift."

    "Invest in yourself, invest in like knowing people, networking."

    "Have fun, have fun with it. But like be the one that, you know, also on the personality front, you know, makes the experience good for your client."

    "I love what I do, but man, like a 10 hour, 12 hour day on a trade show floor with a steadicam is like, even if it's just a gimbal, a Ronin, but like I shoot with a mirrorless and a big crazy lens... after a while, like it's a lot."

    "I think there is a... I think being a female in this industry is so valuable... and I do have the guys on my team who are incredible and, Brilliant. And I also have some women on my team who are just like, yes, let's do this."

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  • In this episode of the Grow Your Video Business podcast, host Ryan Koral takes listeners on a solo journey through the challenges and triumphs of running a successful video production company. Reflecting on his own experiences, Ryan delves into the importance of delegation in navigating growth and overcoming obstacles. He shares insights on managing a team, adapting to changes in the industry, and finding freedom through effective delegation of tasks like email management. With a blend of personal anecdotes and practical advice, this episode serves as a valuable resource for video business owners looking to streamline operations, scale their companies, and focus on what truly matters.

    Key Takeaways Embrace Delegation: Ryan emphasizes the importance of delegation in scaling a video production business. By entrusting tasks to capable assistants, business owners can focus on high-value activities and foster growth without becoming overwhelmed. Adaptability is Key: Through Ryan's reflections on his own business journey, listeners learn the importance of adaptability in the face of challenges and unexpected changes. Being willing to rethink strategies and pivot when necessary is essential for long-term success in the ever-evolving video production industry. Prioritize Joy and Efficiency: Ryan encourages listeners to prioritize activities that bring joy and align with their strengths, while also recognizing the value of efficiency in business operations. Delegating tasks that drain energy and time allows for a more fulfilling and productive work experience. Start Small and Experiment: Whether it's hiring an assistant or exploring new workflows, Ryan advocates for starting small and viewing the process of delegation as an experiment. By testing different approaches and learning from successes and failures, business owners can gradually refine their strategies for delegation and optimize their operations. In This Episode [00:00] Welcome to the show! [00:57] Freeing up your time [05:03] Executive assistants [07:46] Book recommendations [10:41] Hiring an assistant [15:20] Outro Quotes

    "Managing people is not the thing that brings me life in this work."

    "I've rethought my business in major ways when each of these employees had moved on."

    "You can get some freedom. You can get your time back. You can find more joy in the work that you're doing if you don't do all of the things."

    "It is a gift... to have people alongside of me helping me in this area of my business."

    "Start by making some videos so that when you do feel ready... you've got a place where [assistants] can go."


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    Books Mentioned

    Your World-Class Assistant, by Michael Hyatt

    Buy Back Your Time, by Dan Martell