In this episode, we start out with an RSI featuring intern Lauren Brown discussing obstructive sleep apnea and its anesthetic implications. Next, we talk to ECMO expert Mohsin Zaidi about resuscitation in the most challenging- and sometimes dramatic- circumstances.
In this episode, we start out with an RSI featuring intern Christa Saelinger. We then meet with prior Golden Apple teaching award winner Cory France, who breaks down how to manage patients with a significant cardiac history having non-cardiac surgery.
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In this episode, we start out with an RSI featuring resident AJ Pagan. Next, fasten your seatbelts (and keep your tray tables up) as we discuss critical care in a military aircraft with Lieutenant Colonel Jesse Pickard-Gabriel. Of note- his words and opinions are his own, and not those of the US Air Force or the Department of Defense.
In this episode, we start out with an RSI featuring resident John Galvin. Then, we interview interim chair of our anesthesiology department, Dr. Stuart Bertsch, to hear about his experience stepping into the role of chair of the department.
In this episode, I interview Dr. Ron Harter, president of the American Society of Anesthesiologists, in front of a live audience at the 2024 Ohio Society of Anesthesiologists meeting. We discuss his life, leadership, and philosophy.
In this episode, we start out with a special guest host, followed by our RSI featuring chief resident Christina Zhang-Miller. Marcus Lehman and I discuss Artificial Intelligence and its potential applications in anesthesiology.
In this episode, we start out with an RSI featuring Nate Moore, who is currently in the gray zone between being a resident and an attending. After that, I talk to Kori Martodam, a CRNA with a special interest in performing safe, sustainable anesthesia by doing fewer gas-based anesthetics.
In this episode, we start out with an RSI featuring resident Brian Upton. After that, we talk to Dr. Maggie Mechlin about her experience as chief patient safety officer, and her thoughts on root cause analysis as a tool to fix problems.
In this episode, we feature the wisdom of the graduating intern class. They share some of their best tips on how to survive- and thrive- during intern year.
In this episode, with the permission of the ABA, I present Dr. Suzanne Bennett (An ABA board examiner) and Dr. Steve Summers (who recently passed the oral exam). Dr. Bennett gives Dr. Summers a high-quality, authentic board exam, from the example stem posted by the ABA.
Here is the example stem we used- it starts on page 3. https://www.theaba.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/SOE_Questions.pdf
In this episode, we start out with an RSI featuring resident Morgan Moorhead. Next, we get a fascinating look inside the world of primate anesthesia with Dr. Brian Vaughan.
In this episode, we start out with an RSI featuring resident Chris DePietro discussing serotonin syndrome versus neuroleptic malignant syndrome. Next, we focus on pregnant patients with cardiac disease with Dr. Andye Girnius.
In our third episode, we start out with an RSI (Resident Selected Information) about how to interpret a TEG, with our chief resident, Nate Moore. Then, we discuss the perioperative implications of GLP Agonists with Dr. Peter Arrabal.
In our second episode, we discuss aspects of perioperative and intraoperative management of pheochromocytoma.
In this inaugural episode, I talk to Dr. Courtney Jones about anesthesia for liver transplants.