Inner Work: A Spiritual Growth Podcast is committed to walking with you on your journey of awakening and psychospiritual development. Host Josephine Hardman, PhD is a certified intuitive healer and Akashic Records practitioner and teacher (and formerly taught English, writing, and Shakespeare at the college level for 9 years). Inner Work features illuminating discussions and interviews on spirituality, self-development, inner healing, and manifesting the truly abundant and aligned life you dream of.
Familielivet- en podkast presentert av den kristne ressurssiden
Første sesong inneholder 17 episoder om ekteskap og samliv.
Andre sesong dreier seg om kristen barneoppdragelse.
Ulike gjester bidrar med refleksjoner og erfaringer i viktige spørsmål. Følg med! -
Lederskap med Substans er en podcast designet for å istandsette unge mennesker til å bli tydelige ledere som påvirker verdenen rundt seg. Hver episode ønsker vi å gi deg gode og forståelige tips som kan hjelpe deg å vokse som leder og disippel av Jesus.
The Bible can seem boring, but not if you ask the right questions. Why They Did That explores the motivations of biblical characters and how their choices can guide yours.
Hør om hvordan finne din retning
Evangeliehuset er en nådebasert kirke
- er en kristen nettside. Vårt ønske er at «» skal være et sted der du blir bedre kjent med Jesus Kristus som kom til jord for oss, for å kjøpe oss fri fra våre synder og gi oss del i sin fullkomne rettferdighet (2.Kor 5:21). Han som elsker oss og har gitt livet sitt for oss har også åpenbart sin vilje for oss i Bibelen.
I denne podcasten forsøker vi å gi svar på aktuelle spørsmål om kristen tro. Du kan selv stille spørsmål ved å besøke denne linken - - er en kristen nettside. Vårt ønske er at «» skal være et sted der du blir bedre kjent med Jesus Kristus som kom til jord for oss, for å kjøpe oss fri fra våre synder og gi oss del i sin fullkomne rettferdighet (2.Kor 5:21). Han som elsker oss og har gitt livet sitt for oss har også åpenbart sin vilje for oss i Bibelen.
How musicians make meaning. In-depth interviews and analyses by Grant Valdes.
En podcast laget og drevet av Foreningen KRLEpodden.
A 10-week read-along study through the book "The Gospel in the Marketplace of Ideas: Paul's Mars Hill Experience for Our Pluralistic World" by Paul Copan & Kenneth D. Litwak.
Each week on the Bart Ehrman Blog Podcast, John Mueller will read two posts from the Bart Ehrman Blog – the first will be a post from the not too distant past, and the second will be from the blog archives (one published roughly the same calendar week but from years 2012 to 2016).
The Bart Ehrman Blog was created in 2012 to raise money for charities devoted to fighting poverty, hunger, and homelessness. Each week, Dr. Ehrman publishes 5 or 6 posts (approximately 1000 words each post) providing his insights, opinions, and illuminations on important issues and topics pertaining to the Historical Jesus, the New Testament and Early Christianity. To stay current with all of Dr. Ehrman’s new posts, to read any of Dr. Ehrman’s previous posts, to comment on any of his posts, to read Dr. Ehrman’s responses to comments, and to access other features of the blog, you must become a member of the Bart Ehrman Blog. Cost of membership is minimal (less $4 for a monthly membership or less than $25 for an annual membership) and ALL PROCEEDS from membership go to charity. To join, go to
Dr. Bart D. Ehrman is a renowned scholar of the Historical Jesus, the New Testament, and Early Christianity; he is the recipient of numerous academic awards, grants, and fellowships; he is a frequent lecturer, debater, and media pundit; he has authored more than 20 books including five which made the New York Times Best Sellers List; he is the James A. Gray Distinguished Professor at the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill; and among numerous other accomplishments, he is an incredibly great guy. -
Rise on Fire is a ministry assigned to ignite a fire of Spirit & Truth around the world. God is calling us back to the walk of Yeshua with no more excuses. We are free from the traditions of men, led by the Truth and empowered by the Spirit.
For more teachings, or to contact us please visit: -
Sunday morning Bible teachings from the pastors and teachers at Calvary Spokane in Spokane, WA. For more information visit us at
Omar M. Makram, author of the bestselling book: Transcending the Maya Matrix teaches the Universal laws that awaken the Innate Guide to Co-Creation & Self-Realization. By design, there are Seven Simple Steps to unravel the Innate Guide. They are:
1. Intention
2. Awareness of Being
3. Authentic Expression
4. Allowing
5. Receiving Guidance
6. Inspired Action
7. Realization
This tool is embedded in the DNA of life. It is the key that releases any blockage, unlock manifested potential and takes the guesswork out of manifesting an abundant life. -
Megan Schrieber and Becky Carter get down to the real deal topics that tend to be a stumbling block for women as they live daily for Christ. Megan and Becky interview guests about embracing joy, laughter, freedom, and friendship while seeking to thrive in the trenches of their domestic churches. A weekly podcast that will surely make you laugh, cry, and feel a little less alone, these ladies surely don't have it all together but they are inviting you to join them on this beautiful journey.
سلسلة محاضرات قيِّمة، وفيها بيان جملة من مسائل العقيدة التي ينبغي لكل مسلم معرفتها، ومن ذلك : ذكر أقسام التوحيد، والكلام عن الفِرَق المعطلة، وبيان الشرك الأكبر والشرك الأصغر، وذكر بعض مظاهر كل منهما، وبيان منهج السلف في باب الأسماء والصفات، والرد على بعض أقوال نُفَاة الصفات، وقد كانت هذه المحاضرات ضمن دروس الدورة العلمية الثالثة بجامع شيخ الإسلام ابن تيمية بالرياض.