In this Episode of talking with Apples, we talk to Arthur Thompson a developer advocate on the @Firebase team about some of Firebase's newer products and how they can help you achieve great app quality but also improve your app development when using firebase.
https://firebase.google.com/docs/test-labTwitter: @pjapplezArthur's Twitter: @kroikie
In this episode of talking with Apples we speak to Nick Rout about Design systems. What it is? Is it useful to create and how will it benefit your workflow as a developer and a designer.
Nick's Twitter/X : @ricknout
PJ Twitter: @pjapplez
A comprehensive guide to design systems | Inside Design Blog
Atomic Design | Brad Frost
Design systems in Compose | Jetpack Compose | Android Developers
Compose Multiplatform for iOS Is in Alpha | The Kotlin Blog (see ‘Theming Compose Multiplatform for iOS’ section)
GitHub - alexzhirkevich/compose-look-and-feel: Compose Multiplatform UI components for iOS (Cupertino Widgets) and more. Work in progress...
Creating DoorDash’s native mobile design system - Camden Asay, Matthew Burg, Will Hou, Ayanna Kosoko
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In this episode of talking with apples, we speak to John O'Reilly about cross platform development and Kotlin Multiplatform. We take a deep dive into what these are, how well they are doing amongst developers and what business think about them. We also spoke about SwiftUI and Jetpack Compose and how these native UI toolkits is changing the way we do mobile development. We also spoke briefly around tooling for KMM. We also touched on GraphQL a bit and Ktor and how they are effecting the mobile space.
PJ Twitter: https://twitter.com/pjapplez
John's Twitter: https://twitter.com/joreilly
John's Blog: https://johnoreilly.dev/
John's Github: https://github.com/joreilly
Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile: https://kotlinlang.org/lp/mobile/ -
In this episode of talking with Apples we talk to Pamela Hill about all things Kotlin. We took a deep dive into what is Kotlin as a programming language, some of its popular features such as coroutines, a little bit of Kotlin Multiplatform and much more. We also discussed great learning material and resources to help listens that are looking to learn this very popular language.
Twitter Pamela: https://twitter.com/pamelaahill
Kotlin: https://kotlinlang.org/
Android Kotlin : https://developer.android.com/courses/android-basics-kotlin/course
Coroutines for Android: https://developer.android.com/kotlin/coroutines
KMM : https://kotlinlang.org/docs/kmm-overview.html
In this episode of talking with Apples I spoke to Jossi Wolf who has been working with Jetpack Compose in Production since the Alpha version. We spoke about hes experiences with this new UI framework, whats great about it, what struggles he faced and state of Jetpack Compose now that is 1.0. We also spoke about the compatibility of all the existing libraries that we all use on a daily and how Compose fits into existing apps.
In this episode of Talking with Apples, I spoke to Keegan Rush about Apple App Distribution. We spoke about what app distribution is, what the process is of distributing your app to the Apple AppStore, what provisioning profiles and certificates are and most importantly how to automate this whole process either using your own scripts or using Fastlane. Happy Listening
In this episode of Talking with Apples I speak to Majid who is an Indie iOS Engineer and builds most of he's apps with SwiftUI these days. We spoke about what SwiftUI is and how it differs from UIKit. The took a deep dive into what is like to develop apps in a declarative and reactive way with SwiftUI and Combine. We also spoke about how easy SwiftUI has made developing apps with architectures such as MVVM and made it easier to test UI. Lastly we covered how there are still components that SwiftUI does not have and the what the future holds for iOS development with SwiftUI.
Majid Twitter: https://twitter.com/mecid
Majid's Blog : https://swiftwithmajid.com/
SwiftUI Weekly: http://weekly.swiftwithmajid.com/
Apples getting started with SwiftUI: https://developer.apple.com/tutorials/swiftui/
PJ Twitter: https://twitter.com/pjapplez
In this episode, I chatted to Robert Clegg an Engineering Lead about the state of Mobile development. We discuss what the state of Native development is with new frameworks and tools like Jetpack Compose and SwiftUI that are changing the way developers think about app development. We also discussed Cross platform frameworks like Flutter, React Native and PWA's and if they are approaches business's should be taking. We also spoke a little about Kotlin Multiplatform and where it falls into the equation and if it might be the platform that takes over mobile.
PJ Twitter: https://twitter.com/pjapplez
Robert Twitter: https://twitter.com/RJ_Clegg -
In this episode of talking with Apples, we spoke to Florina Muntenescu about Architecture components and other Jetpack libraries that Google develops. We took a deep dive into each different component and what its purpose is. We covered ViewModel, Room, Paging, LiveData, DataStore, Hilt and Work Manager. We also spoke around what Alpha, Beta and Stable means to the Android team and much more.
Twitter PJ: https://twitter.com/pjapplez
Twitter Florina: https://twitter.com/FMuntenescu
Issue Tracker: https://issuetracker.google.com/issues
Architecture Components Docs: https://developer.android.com/topic/libraries/architecture
Codelabs : https://codelabs.developers.google.com/?cat=android
In this episode of Talking with Apples we chat to Kilo Loco( Kyle) about AWS Amplify. We deep dive into the tool suite and what it can offer mobile developers. This included API's Databases, Storage and more.
PJ Twitter: https://twitter.com/pjapplez
Twitter for Kilo: https://twitter.com/Kilo_Loco
Amplify Site: https://aws.amazon.com/amplify/
Amplify Sandbox : https://sandbox.amplifyapp.com/getting-started
AmplifyDocs: https://docs.amplify.aws/
Kilos Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/KiloLoco
In this episode of Talking with Apples, I spoke to Google Assistant GDE Eliza Camber about the developing for the Google Assistant and the new Assistant SDK. We discussed Dialogflow, and the migration to the new Actions Builder. We also covered how the Assistant integrates with your Android apps with custom Intents and lots of resources on how developers can get started.
PJ: https://twitter.com/pjapplez Eliza Camber: https://twitter.com/ElizaCamber Google Assistant: https://developers.google.com/assistant Assistant Codelabs: https://codelabs.developers.google.com/?cat=assistant Youtube Playlist Conversational Actions: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLOU2XLYxmsIJ5qQKAYt45zZNMU9h1Grpm -
In this episode of Talking with Apples, we take a deep dive into DevOps, in particular Mobile DevOps. We talk about the DevOps like cycle, the culture you need to have within your organization in order for DevOps to be beneficial, tools you can use to get started and different CI/CD providers you can use to help your increase in quality and automation.
Twitter Nicola: https://twitter.com/cortinico Mobile DevOps Talk: https://speakerdeck.com/cortinico/tales-of-a-mobile-devops Detekt: https://github.com/detekt/detekt Github Actions : https://github.com/features/actions Bitrise: https://www.bitrise.io/ DevOps for your app Article: https://proandroiddev.com/building-a-devops-pipeline-for-your-app-introduction-3e3597d30875 Twitter PJ: https://twitter.com/pjapplez -
In this episode of Talking with Apples, we talk to Mark Alison, an experienced Freelance Engineer about being a mobile freelance engineer, if its feasible, how community contributions help with finding work, some pro's and cons about freelancing and how freelancing can make you a little more money than being a permanent employee.
Freelancing blog post: https://blog.stylingandroid.com/freelancing/
Twitter Mark Alison: https://twitter.com/MarkIAllison
Styling Android: https://blog.stylingandroid.com/
Twitter PJ: https://twitter.com/pjapplez
In this episode of talking with Apples, I chatted to Julien Salvi who us an Android Engineer in Paris France about AR. We took a deep dive into ARCore and all its features especially the new ones like depth API and light estimation and we spoke about alternative platforms such as Unity and Vuforia. We also touched on 3D objects and how you can integrate these objects into your Android app.
PJ: https://twitter.com/pjapplezJulien: https://twitter.com/JulienSalvi
ARCore: https://developers.google.com/ar
AR Unity: https://unity.com/unity/features/ar
Vuforia: https://developer.vuforia.com/
Googles AR model Library - Poly: https://poly.google.com/
In this episode of Talking with Apples I speak to Sean who is a Developer Advocate on the Android team about Jetpack Compose being in Alpha. We dive into what it is, how it came about, the different components and even architectures that work well with Compose. In the end Sean answers an important question about if Compose is production ready.
PJ: https://twitter.com/pjapplez
Sean: https://twitter.com/objcode
Compose : https://developer.android.com/jetpack/compose
Compose pathway: https://developer.android.com/courses/pathways/compose
Compose codelabs: https://codelabs.developers.google.com/?cat=Android
Compose Samples: https://github.com/android/compose-samples
In this episode of Talking with Apples, we talk to Peter Friese who is a Developer Advocate on the Firebase Team. We chatted about what Firebase is, its many products it offers for to mobile developers and a little about Firebase and Modern iOS development with SwiftUI and Combine. We then ended with chatting about open source a little and contributions external developers have made to Firebase.
PJ : https://twitter.com/pjapplezPeter Friese: https://twitter.com/peterfriese
Firebase: https://firebase.google.com/
Firebase iOS SDK: https://github.com/firebase/firebase-ios-sdk/
Firestore for Swift: https://github.com/firebase/firebase-ios-sdk/tree/master/Firestore/Swift
In this episode of talking with Apples, I chat to Hoi Lam who is a developer advocate for machine learning at Google about machine learning on Mobile. We spoke about the MLKit and Firebase offering and also go through Tensorflow and what it has to offer. We finally finished off with talking about UX for Machine learning.
PJ: https://twitter.com/pjapplez
Hoi Lam Twitter: https://twitter.com/hoitab
ML Model Binding: https://tfhub.dev/android-studio/collections/ml-model-binding/1MLKit compatiable tflite models: https://tfhub.dev/ml-kit/collections/image-classification/1
Firebase Machine Learning: https://firebase.google.com/products/ml
MLKit : https://developers.google.com/ml-kit
Tensorflow Hub: https://tfhub.dev/s?deployment-format=lite
AI + People Guidebook : https://pair.withgoogle.com/guidebook/
In this episode of Talking with Apples, we export the Fastlane tool with Josh Holtz who is the lead maintainer for this open source project. We spoke about what Fastlane is, the different tools it provides for iOS and Android developers to automate many tasks and how he maintains this projects as an open source contributor.
Fastlane Docs: https://fastlane.tools/
Twitter : https://twitter.com/pjapplez
Josh Holtz Twitter : https://twitter.com/joshdholtz -
In this episode, I spoke to Nick Rout who is a Developer Advocate on the Material Design team. We spoke about he's journey to becoming a developer advocate, a lot about material design on Android, especially how it fits into the new jetpack compose world and a little bit about open source.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/pjapplez
Nick's Twitter: https://twitter.com/ricknout
Material Design Documentation: https://material.io/design
Material Design Github : https://github.com/material-components