
  • Thinking of selling your home? In this episode, we're focusing on the importance of sprucing up your home for better curb appeal, which is crucial in today’s competitive sales market! Carla offers several useful ideas to catch a few more eyeballs when you put your property up for sale, starting with the least expensive and moving up to bigger budget options. Everything from a fresh coat of paint to simple upgrades like new countertops or fixtures to bigger upgrades like a new deck or landscaping can have a big impact. Oh, and don’t forget to declutter! Perhaps the simplest reno of all—taking things out of a space—has the surprising result of making it feel new again and hardly costs anything to do. Of course, you may be thinking, 'These ideas all sound great, but how do I finance them?’ Don’t worry, Carla’s got you! She lays out 5 options for financing your renovations (big or small), which can include home equity loans, home equity lines of credit, or even refinancing your mortgage. As always, for any financing decision, it’s best to consult professional advice, and thankfully, this is where Tandia can help! 

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  • This week’s episode is PACKED with useful info, so grab that pen and paper! Does it sometimes feel like you need a dictionary to keep track of all the mortgage terms out there? Not to worry, because Carla’s got your back. She explains the most common terms you’ll hear when you’re shopping for a mortgage and breaks down how they are used and what to look out for. Carla also adds in some additional steps for first-time home buyers to help you feel more prepared, including helpful tips like saving for a larger down payment to mitigate or lessen your mortgage insurance amount and staying on top of your credit score (and taking steps to improve it if needed) so you can access the best available mortgage rates. As usual, Carla wants to empower you to make more informed decisions about your finances and reminds us that, just like any life goal, a little bit of planning can make all the difference! 

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  • We’re turning up the heat in here with the spiciest topic yet: interest rates! Ok, maybe not THAT spicy, but still spicy enough that they sometimes keep us up at night. Luckily, Carla is here to guide us through this journey to make sure our taste buds and bank accounts don’t get burned. Think of a mortgage interest rate as the cost of borrowing money to buy a house. Our banking BFF guides us through the two types of interest rates available on mortgages and discusses the various pros and cons of each. Carla also answers some commonly asked questions about them and breaks down some key tips for navigating the market and how to make sure you’re getting the very best rate for yourself (tip: credit unions can help!). Whether it’s your first mortgage or your tenth, Carla is here to keep you informed and empowered in your home buying journey! Let's do this!

    Please make sure to rate, review, and follow us for more financial tips, tricks, and tactics. Tandia Financial Credit Union is here to help. Got Feedback? Want to learn more? Head to tandia.com for an experience as unique as you are.

  • Ok, so you’ve got a mortgage? Let’s manage it! This week, Carla takes us through the ins and outs of mortgage options like renewal, refinancing, and switching, along with the pros and cons of each. Just like dating, finding that perfect mortgage match will take a little bit of work, but it’s so worth it when you find the right fit! When looking into these options, it’s important that you ask yourself what your financial goals are, and don’t be shy about reaching out to a professional like a mortgage broker for some sage advice tailored to your specific situation. Carla also dives into the specifics of second mortgages and secured loans—two types of financing that can be really useful to access the equity in your home if you need it, with caveats that there are still pros and cons to each. Ultimately, managing your mortgage is about taking informed steps toward financial health and flexibility. Remember, your approach to money doesn’t have to be set in stone; it can grow and change just like you!

    Please make sure to rate, review, and follow us for more financial tips, tricks, and tactics. Tandia Financial Credit Union is here to help. Got Feedback? Want to learn more? Head to tandia.com for an experience as unique as you are. 

  • Why do mortgages have to be so complicated!? Understanding your mortgage can feel like learning a new language with a lot of dollar signs, but Carla is here to help make things more digestible. In this episode, she tackles the ins and outs of mortgages, explaining the three main types: fixed rate, variable rate, and interest-only. She breaks down how these options align with different financial situations and long-term goals and dives into amortization, showing how payments shift from covering interest to reducing the principal over time. Carla also covers the impact of mortgage terms on financial flexibility, key features like pre-payment options and portability, and the difference between open and closed mortgages. With her guidance, choosing the right mortgage might just feel a little less daunting. 

    Please make sure to rate, review, and follow us for more financial tips, tricks, and tactics. Tandia Financial Credit Union is here to help. Got Feedback? Want to learn more? Head to tandia.com for an experience as unique as you are. 

  • Let’s face it, we’re in our avocado toast era, and Carla is here to guide you through it! In this episode, she tackles the high interest rates that make home buying and mortgage renewals stressful. Forget the jokes about millennials and brunch; this is about understanding how our daily choices impact our financial wellbeing. High interest rates affect not just mortgages but also the everyday costs of goods and services. Carla breaks it down: Recognize your thought patterns, understand your emotional triggers, and take conscious action. Cut unnecessary spending, negotiate with lenders, and stay proactive. With mindfulness and determination, you can navigate high interest rates and build a brighter financial future. 
    Please make sure to rate, review, and follow us for more financial tips, tricks, and tactics. Tandia Financial Credit Union is here to help. Got Feedback? Want to learn more? Head to tandia.com for an experience as unique as you are. 

  • Season 3, here we go! This season, we're tackling the dream (and challenge) of home ownership. With the real estate market's wild ride, owning a home can feel like a far-off fantasy, especially for millennials facing skyrocketing interest rates. But fear not! Carla (your banking BFF) will unpack these challenges and share savvy strategies to navigate the market's twists and turns. From smart budgeting and mortgage shopping to staying cool under pressure, we’ve got you covered. Whether you're eyeing your first home or thinking about refinancing, Carla's here to help you make savvy decisions and turn that home ownership dream into reality. With Tandia by your side, let's thrive in this crazy market together! 
    Please make sure to rate, review, and follow us for more financial tips, tricks, and tactics. Tandia Financial Credit Union is here to help. Got Feedback? Want to learn more? Head to tandia.com for an experience as unique as you are. 

  •  Welcome to the official Season 2 finale of Tandia Talks Money! As we dive into the new year, join Carla in breaking down the simplicity of mastering personal finance. We all know getting good at money can feel like a daunting task, so she’s sharing some non-intimidating tricks of the trade. From gaining clarity on your income to focusing on fundamentals like consistent saving, prudent investing, automating your finances with ease, and so much more, Plus, Carla’s diving into 10 transformative actions sets the tone for a fulfilling year. Some hot tips: embrace simplicity, cultivate meaningful habits, and remember that your money mindset can evolve. Let's make 2024 a year of positive transformation with straightforward steps and a focus on overall financial well-being. Cheers to a stress-free and empowered financial year ahead! 
    Please make sure to rate, review, and follow us for more financial tips, tricks, and tactics. Tandia Financial Credit Union is here to help. Got Feedback? Want to learn more? Head to tandia.com for an experience as unique as you are. 

  • Carla's back on the mic this week to explore the powerful concept of "mind over money". This mindset shift is all about going beyond the numbers, delving into how your thoughts and attitudes shape your financial journey. Think of it like being the captain steering your financial ship—empowering and in control. This approach not only helps you navigate financial challenges more gracefully but also acts as a shield against future stressors. Carla breaks down practical steps for embracing "mind over money," including creating a vision board for financial goals, breaking them into manageable steps, using a straightforward money bucket system for smart allocation, and practicing tangible transactions. At the end of the day, the art and science of "mind over money" serve as your toolkit for sculpting a financial future in line with your dreams! Hopefully, this episode gives you the mental confidence to stay strong for the sake of your financial future and say, "I won't back down," just like our guy, Tom Petty. 
    Please make sure to rate, review, and follow us for more financial tips, tricks, and tactics. Tandia Financial Credit Union is here to help. Got Feedback? Want to learn more? Head to tandia.com for an experience as unique as you are. 

  • Health is wealth, baby! This season, we've focused on the importance of investing in yourself and the powerful impact that can have on your financial future. Keeping this in mind, on today's episode, Carla is joined by her dear friend and chiropractor, Dr. Chelsea Spano, to uncover the link between chiropractic care and financial well-being. She addresses common roadblocks to seeking care, budgeting for health investments, and the proactive approach needed for long-term benefits. Dr. Chelsea also emphasizes early investments in health, dispels misconceptions about chiropractic care, and offers practical strategies for integrating physical well-being into busy lives. Plus, she discusses how to best utilize your benefits package if available, budgeting for health, and making small investments now for a healthier and more fulfilling life in the long term. After all, health is an investment, not an expense! 

    Please make sure to rate, review, and follow us for more financial tips, tricks, and tactics. Tandia Financial Credit Union is here to help. Got Feedback? Want to learn more? Head to tandia.com for an experience as unique as you are. 

  • Forget stressing over a $7 latte—today, Carla’s diving into the intricacies of debt acquisition and cutting through the noise of financial success to reveal the genuine culprits behind our money struggles. Why, you might ask? Because life is for living, and financial well-being means finding balance amid bills, budgets, and the occasional splurge. From exposing interest rates as silent architects of our financial destinies to cautioning against the fast-food allure of easy credit, Carla’s giving it to you straight. She shares savvy financial fitness tips, emphasizing self-awareness and behavioral adjustments. It's not just about stressing over spending decisions; it's about understanding the significant factors shaping our money stories. As we navigate this financial world with Carla's insights, let's drop the guilt, focus on feeling empowered, and handle our money with smarts and strength. Cheers to finding the right balance and savoring both financial wisdom and the occasional overpriced holiday Starbucks drink, ok? 

    Please make sure to rate, review, and follow us for more financial tips, tricks, and tactics. Tandia Financial Credit Union is here to help. Got Feedback? Want to learn more? Head to tandia.com for an experience as unique as you are. 

  • 'Tis indeed the season of joy and giving, and as we step into the last week of November, Carla’s hopping on the mic to help us as we usher in the holiday spirit, the financially savvy way! In this episode, she’s unwrapping 10 practical strategies to help us navigate the holiday season while ensuring a financially prosperous year ahead. From setting financial intentions to practicing mindful gift budgeting, enjoying frugal festivities, and connecting with your financial self, these steps will help guide you through the holidays with financial security and cheer! Embrace the magic of intentional spending and wise financial choices to not only celebrate the season but also gift yourself a secure financial future. Here's to a year filled with positive money choices and the gift of lasting financial happiness! Because, let’s face it, who doesn’t want that under their tree?  

    Please make sure to rate, review, and follow us for more financial tips, tricks, and tactics. Tandia Financial Credit Union is here to help. Got Feedback? Want to learn more? Head to tandia.com for an experience as unique as you are. 

  • Carla is back and stronger than ever, and this week we’re exploring the theme of "The Subtle Art of Financial Well-Being." Taking inspiration from Mark Manson's insightful wisdom in "The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck," Carla guides us in applying these concepts to our personal finance journey. With a blend of resilience and enlightenment, we're diving into mindful decision-making to sculpt a more balanced and empowered financial life. Rather than equating constant financial success with happiness, Carla urges us to view financial challenges as opportunities for growth and to embrace these struggles as financial learning opportunities. With a personalized financial plan aligning with our unique circumstances and goals, she emphasizes the value of learning from inevitable financial hardships and setbacks, turning them into stepping stones for success. In a world where choices shape financial situations, Carla advocates for taking ownership of budgeting, investing, and spending. Lastly, she encourages us to foster a mindset of continuous improvement and set financial boundaries by saying ‘no’ when needed. 
    Please make sure to rate, review, and follow us for more financial tips, tricks, and tactics. Tandia Financial Credit Union is here to help. Got Feedback? Want to learn more? Head to tandia.com for an experience as unique as you are. 

  • This week, Carla’s hopping back on the mic and guiding us through the rollercoaster ride that is our relationship with money. While money can be a beautiful thing, it can also be the source of our stress and anxiety struggles, so she’s helping us strike the delicate balance between chasing wealth and finding personal contentment. Together, we’ll explore six common reasons for financial roadblocks, and Carla’s providing practical tips to navigate around them. From boosting financial literacy to crafting debt-repayment plans, creating manageable budgets, and establishing emergency funds, each step not only enhances financial well-being but also encourages self-investment. By prioritizing both well-being and wealth, we will be well on our way to an attainable path to a fulfilling existence! So, strap in, take notes, and get ready to live your best life. 
    Please make sure to rate, review, and follow us for more financial tips, tricks, and tactics. Tandia Financial Credit Union is here to help. Got Feedback? Want to learn more? Head to tandia.com for an experience as unique as you are. 

  • In the words of the great Hootie and the Blowfish "Time, why are you punishing me?”. In today’s world, we all know the struggle of trying to balance our daily tasks, work, family, and the digital distractions that have become an integral part of modern life, especially since the COVID era, where time has become even more valuable. This week, Carla is diving into all things time management and the direct impact it can have on us. She offers five practical steps to help you become a time management pro, not only making your daily life smoother but also boosting your financial status simultaneously. At the end of the day, it’s not just about squeezing more hours out of your day; it's about squeezing more value into your life and your bank account. Time is indeed money, and managing it better can significantly impact your financial success and overall happiness! Let’s go!   
    Please make sure to rate, review, and follow us for more financial tips, tricks, and tactics. Tandia Financial Credit Union is here to help. Got Feedback? Want to learn more? Head to tandia.com for an experience as unique as you are. 

  • It’s no secret that money plays a significant role in our lives, one that impacts our priorities, choices, mental health, and overall wellbeing. This week, Carla’s hopping back on the mic to bestow some of her infamous wisdom to explore the significance of mindfulness practices when it comes to money management and the ways they can empower us to make better financial decisions. She addresses emotional spending, the fear of scarcity, and the impact our upbringing can have on our financial behaviour. Along the way, Carla offers practical techniques, including mindful budgeting, emotional regulation, patience, and mindful investing, while also emphasizing the importance of defining values and expressing gratitude. Because, after all, by integrating mindfulness into everyday life, you can take control of your financial future, shift your money mindset towards empowerment, and live a more fulfilling life. As the great Bob Marley wisely once said, "Don't worry about a thing! Every little thing is gonna be alright." So, tune in and take that first step toward mindful money management today!   

    Please make sure to rate, review, and follow us for more financial tips, tricks, and tactics. Tandia Financial Credit Union is here to help. Got Feedback? Want to learn more? Head to tandia.com for an experience as unique as you are. 

  • Welcome back to Season 2! This season, we’re diving even deeper into the world of financial stability and bringing you the best tips, tricks, and advice for managing your finances. This week, we're taking inspiration from Ms.Shania Twain's anthem, "Any Man of Mine," to empower your financial journey and set clear expectations. We're here to remind you that your financial mindset is all about empowerment, setting standards, and making your money work for you. Your money mindset paves the way for your financial destiny, and, just as Shania says, your expectations can make all the difference. Throughout this season, we’ll focus on the empowering shift from scarcity to abundance, turning financial challenges into opportunities, and cultivating a robust money mindset that empowers you to take risks and seize financial growth opportunities. Get ready to set clear expectations for your finances and let this season empower you to achieve your financial goals! 
    Please make sure to rate, review, and follow us for more financial tips, tricks, and tactics. Tandia Financial Credit Union is here to help. Got Feedback? Want to learn more? Head to tandia.com for an experience as unique as you are. 

  • This week on Tandia Talks Money, we are bidding farewell to season 1! But don't worry, we'll be back for Season 2 this Fall to bring you more financial tips and tricks to help you on your financial journey. Adulting is hard and can be as challenging as trying to fold a fitted sheet—it's like a puzzle that never quite fits! But fear not; Carla is here to help you shift your mindset and break free from those financial shackles! This week, Carla reflects on Season 1 and shares some additional tips to help you achieve financial success. As we go on... we'll remember... all the times we had together... and just like that catchy song goes, we'll still be friends forever on this money-making journey! See you next season! 
    Please make sure to rate, review, and follow us for more financial tips, tricks, and tactics. Tandia Financial Credit Union is here to help. Got Feedback? Want to learn more? Head to tandia.com for an experience as unique as you are.