骨盤矯正のべ10万人の実績 業界歴10年以上の先生3名が治療します
「シカヘデケロ」とは、青森県南部地方の方言で「教えてちょうだい❤」という意味です。この番組は、毎回様々な業種・業界のゲストをお招きして、農と食をテーマに色々なお話を ゆる~く 教えていただくPODCAST(インターネットラジオ)です♪
The world's greatest living chemist, Elias Corey, is one of the great pioneers of modern science. In 1990 he won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry "for his development of the theory and methodology of organic synthesis," specifically retrosynthetic analysis. Before Corey's work, chemists synthesized compounds one by one, by trial and error. Corey established general rules that can be applied to the synthesis of any organic substance. Born to a family of Lebanese immigrants in Methuen, Massachusetts, his father died when he was 18 months old, and his mother struggled through the Depression to raise him and his brother and sisters in the home of his aunt and uncle. After earning a Ph.D. in chemistry from MIT at age 22, he taught chemistry at the University of Illinois, where he became a full Professor the age of 27. Three years later, he moved to Harvard University, where he is now an Emeritus Professor of Organic Chemistry and heads the renowned Corey Group research program. In the late '60s, his group created the first synthetic prostaglandins, the proteins that regulate the functions of the heart, brain, kidneys, stomachs and other organs. His work has enabled the creation of purer drugs with reduced side effects. In 1988, he was awarded the National Medal of Science, the nation's highest honor awarded to scientists. In this address to the Academy of Achievement, recorded during the 1991 Summit in New York City, he discusses the confluence of recent developments in chemistry, physics, biology, computer science and electronics. He also shares with the Academy's student delegates his fascination with chemistry and its application to health and human relationships.
ニュースレター『STEAM NEWS』の公式ポッドキャストです.国内外のSTEAM分野(科学・技術・工学・アート・数学)に関するニュースを解説します.
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Nature's Narrative with Emily Steffke is a podcast that explores environmental policy and outdoor recreation through the lens of literature and storytelling.
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Baalgatha Kannada is a podcast of Children’s Bedtime stories, brought to you by gaatha story. Listen to classic tales from Panchatantra, Jataka and Hitopadesha, as well as stories from contemporary authors. Every story comes teaches a moral too! These stories will not only entertain, but also educate your child. You can listen to Baalgatha Kannada podcast on Apple Podcasts, google podcasts, Spotify, JioSaavn, and many other fine podcasting apps and sites. New! Subscribe to our Telegram Channel by visiting
フードエッセイスト・平野紗季子がお届けするおいしい Podcast。毎週異なる食 (メニュー) をテーマに様々なトークを繰り広げていきます。食に対して全力で愛を注ぐ彼女にしか表現できない描写や発する言葉で、日頃私たちも食している「ごはん」の楽しみを新しい切り口で紹介していきます。この音声を聞きながら登場する料理を実際に食べると、料理がもっとおいしく、もっと魅力的になる?おしゃべりなごはん好きが繰り広げる、新しいフードトークをお楽しみください。
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店主 平野紗季子が毎週ポッドキャスト内で紹介する美味しいモノ・楽しいモノを販売中!
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畠山健二 連作時代小説「本所おけら長屋」から 大塚富夫、後藤のりこがお届けする朗読の世界。
This podcast is dedicated to every live performance of the Songbird Supreme, Mariah Carey!
Follow us on IG: @mclive.perform to stay updated. -
Featuring interviews and roundtable discussions with leading clinical investigators and practicing oncologists, this series bridges the gap between research and patient care by providing medical oncologists and gastroenterologists specializing in liver disease with access to the latest research developments and expert perspectives on up-to-date management strategies for hepatocellular carcinoma.
Oddly normal podcast - Bình thường một cách bất thường.