Truth and hope for teens in this world of lies and distress for teens
Helps for teens in a troubled world
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Truth for teenagers and hope in a world of lies. Proof of God's love
Helps for teensgers
Straight forward truth from the Bible for today's teenagers
Straight truth for teenagers and the love of God for them!
Straight truth and helps for teenagers
Straight truth for teenagers and the only hope there is for a new life
Helps and truth for teens in a very confusing world
Straight truth for teens about the issues they are facing today.
Straight truth and helps for teenagers
Straight talk for teenagers
Straight truth for teenagers!
Straight truth for teenagers about the lies the world is telling them AND THE answer for their lives
Straight truth for teenagers
Straight truth for teenagers about the world they are growing up in plus a powerful testimony
Sraightforward truth and answers for today's teenagers.
Truth for teenagers and straight talks about the hope they have in Jesus Christ
Straight-truth and helps for teenagers plus a powerful testimony
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