This week Jaclyn & Kyle catch up on streamlining UI, building landing pages in Hubspot CMS, first impressions of Tailwind, and auto-layout in Figma. Also, we reminisce as we say adieu to Kyle and his tenure on Tentative. 👋🥲
This week Jaclyn & Kyle discuss neglecting your backlog, the emotions around a design sprint, and changes to the design and development team structure at thoughtbot.
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Mangler du episoder?
Nelsy Hubb, Product Manager at Neocova, joins Jaclyn to discuss engaging with outside partners, maintaining a design system, customer feedback, trusting your subject matter experts, design debt, and many, many allusions to The Lord of the Rings.
Neocova (https://neocova.com/)
Spotlight AI (https://neocova.com/solutions/spotlight-ai/)
Tiger King meets Lisa Frank (https://www.reddit.com/r/TigerKing/comments/fsmeep/tiger_king_meets_lisa_frank/)
Nelsy on LinkedIn (https://www.linkedin.com/in/nelsy-hubb-403823188/)
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To wrap up our year, this week Kyle & Jaclyn run a retro for 2020. So put on those comfy pants and join us while they reflect on their most used tools, new amenities, and favorite hobbies of the year; as well as air some behind the scenes goodness.This episode is brought to you by HelloFresh (http://HelloFresh.com/tentative80): Enter code TENTATIVE80 to get a total of $80 off, including free shippingMiro (https://miro.com)Between the World and Me (https://amzn.to/38kdUGt)- Ta-Nehisi CoatesThe Lord of the Rings (https://amzn.to/34vF9g6)- J.R.R. TolkienThe Queen's Gambit (https://www.netflix.com/title/80234304)Become a Sponsor (https://thoughtbot.com/sponsorship) of Tentative!
Lloyd Bennett, designer at thoughtbot London, joins the show to discuss Tones & Shades, his new digital magazine, as well as designing a brand identity, prototyping early in the design process, and animating with intent.
This episode is brought to you by:
ExpressVPN (https://www.expressvpn.com/tentative): Click through to get three months for free
Remote Works Podcast (https://link.chtbl.com/remoteworks_cyoa?sid=podcast.Tentative)
Tones & Shades (https://tonesandshad.es/)
"The Three-Hour Brand Sprint" (https://library.gv.com/the-three-hour-brand-sprint-3ccabf4b768a)- Jake Knapp
"Reinvention & the Creative Journey" (https://tonesandshad.es/reinvention-and-the-creative-journey/)- an interview With Helen Cammock
Offscreen Magazine (https://www.offscreenmag.com/)
Tones & Shades on Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/tonesshades/)
Lloyd on Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/designbyljb/)
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Adekunle Oduye, UX Engineer at Mailchimp, discusses working on a design-system team, setting goals for 2021, storing documentation in Figma, and conducting user research for design systems.
This episode is brought to you by:
ExpressVPN (https://www.expressvpn.com/tentative): Click through to get three months for free
HelloFresh (http://HelloFresh.com/tentative90): Enter code TENTATIVE90 to get a total of $90 off, including free shipping
Mailchimp Style Guide (http://ux.mailchimp.com/)
Essentialism (https://amzn.to/2UDdapA)
Adekunle on Twitter (https://twitter.com/adekunleoduye)
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Ryan Rumsey, founder & CEO of Second Wave Dive, discusses building programs that solve systems problems through design thinking, and struggling with critique.
This episode is brought to you by ExpressVPN (https://www.expressvpn.com/tentative).
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Second Wave Dive (https://www.secondwavedive.com/)
Business Thinking for Designers (https://www.designbetter.co/business-thinking-for-designers)- Ryan Rumsey
Ryan's Personal Site (https://www.ryanrumsey.com/)
Ryan on Twitter (https://twitter.com/ryanrumsey)
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Senongo Akpem, author of Cross-Cultural Design, joins the show to discuss design in civic-tech, ways to include cross-cultural design thinking into short engagements, staying dedicated to long-term projects, and memories of Dreamweaver.
This episode is brought to you by ExpressVPN (https://www.expressvpn.com/tentative).
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Cross-Cultural Design (https://abookapart.com/products/cross-cultural-design)- Senongo Akpem
A Civic Technologist's Practice Guide (https://amzn.to/31rkIPV)- Cyd Harrell
curry.cafe (http://curry.cafe/)
Senongo on Twitter (https://twitter.com/senongo)
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From User Interviews, Erin May (VP Growth & Marketing) & JH Forster (VP Product) join the show to discuss hiring during Covid, onboarding remotely, using GitHub for documentation, backlog management, managing team morale while remote, and work on diversity & inclusion initiatives.
User Interviews (https://www.userinterviews.com/)
Awkward Silences (https://www.userinterviews.com/podcast)- User Interviews Podcast
Being There (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Being_There)
Remo (https://remo.co/)
The UX Research Flex Stack (https://www.userinterviews.com/lp/ux-research-flex-stack)
Rocket Emoji App (https://matthewpalmer.net/rocket/)
JH on Twitter (https://twitter.com/jhforster)
Erin on Twitter (https://twitter.com/erinhmay)
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Hannah Yang, Product Manager of Provider Experience at Oscar Health Insurance, joins us to discuss feature prioritization during COVID, designing towards a KPI goal, customer relationships at small & large companies, qualitative vs quantitative data in health-tech, and the hurdles of working in a regulated industry.
This episode is brought to you by ExpressVPN (https://www.expressvpn.com/tentative).
Click through to get three months for free.
TheShareWay (https://www.theshareway.com/)
Oscar Health (https://www.hioscar.com/)
Hannah on Twitter (https://twitter.com/hannahcyang)
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Elaina Natario and Vendela Larsson join us to discuss the research, procedure, and findings, that went into their Glides project for the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority.
"Gliding to Success" (https://designmuseumfoundation.org/gliding-to-success/)- Design Museum Magazine
MBTA Case Study (https://thoughtbot.com/case-studies/mbta)
Just Enough Research (https://abookapart.com/products/just-enough-research)- Erika Hall
What the heck is a bomb cyclone? (https://www.popsci.com/bomb-cyclone/)
Elaina on Twitter (https://twitter.com/elainanatario)
Vendela on Twitter (https://twitter.com/vendelalarsson)
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Hey Tentative listeners, this week we're bringing you an announcement of upcoming changes to the format of Tentative. We'll be exploring more focused topics, bringing in guests from around the design community, and discussing the intersection of design and business; all while bringing our true and silly selves that make Tentative what it is today.
So come join us on the ride, and tell a friend!
Also, conference call fatigue, an internet outage during a remote design sprint, and embracing async communication.
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This week, Kyle updates case studies in our CMS and Jaclyn returns from PTO. Also, tips & tricks for Alfred, working in non-traditional design tools, and a design-team book club.
Alfred (https://www.alfredapp.com/)
Prismic (https://prismic.io/)
Cross-Cultural Design (https://abookapart.com/products/cross-cultural-design)- Senongo Akpem -
This week, Jaclyn volunteers on a design sprint and prepares for PTO, while Kyle preps for a website redesign workshop. Also, collaboration vs customization in presentations, preparing a 2 day Pre-MVP workshop, approaches to editing, and balancing experimentation with expertise.
The Code Cooperative (https://codecooperative.org/)
Website Redesign Workshop (https://thoughtbot.com/events/website-redesign-workshop)
Upcase (https://thoughtbot.com/upcase/)
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This week, Kyle works on documentation and updating pages in our CMS, while Jackie hosts an internal trivia game as well as troubleshoots her terminal setup. Also, avoiding burnout, extending Covid protections, and Zoom fatigue.
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This week, Jaclyn conducted a remote design sprint and Kyle utilizes "no Slack" communication on a project. Also, cutting scope, the importance of the human element in product validation, and the varied usage of "It depends".
Remote Design Sprint Template (https://miro.com/templates/remote-design-sprint/)
The Agile Bicycle (https://m.dotdev.co/the-agile-bicycle-829a83b18e7)
Double Denim Outfits (https://www.usmagazine.com/stylish/news/britney-spears-justin-timberlakes-double-denim-outfits-15th-anniversary-w451495/)
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This week Kyle discusses his iterative approach to everything, and Jaclyn discusses take-aways from her Lightning Design Jam. Also, a design-thinking escape room, life lessons learned from previous jobs, and human corn.
Lightning Design Jam (https://info.thoughtbot.com/unstick-your-product-strategy-recording)
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We are pushing back our normally scheduled podcast in support of the protests this week and the Black community as a whole. To give space for their words, their actions, and all of the grieving caused by the killing of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, and Breonna Taylor. Too many members of the Black community have lost their lives through racial injustice. For those that are mourning and those that are fighting for equality: we see you, we love you, and we support you. Black culture matters. Black communities matter. Black lives matter.The systemic racism that plagues our nation NEEDS to come to an end. We've included a short list of resources in the show notes of ways each of us can take action. We ask everyone to research ways to get involved in a way they feel they can have the biggest impact.What follows is an episode from our sister podcast, Giant Robots Smashing into Other Giant Robots with Gareth Burrowes, focusing on removing unconscious bias from the hiring flow and the importance of diversity at every level of a company.Fighting for equality falls on each of us, regardless of race or position, to work together to fight racism and unequal treatment.Giant Robots: Seeking Strengths (Gareth Burrowes) (https://www.giantrobots.fm/312)Black Tech Twitter (https://twitter.com/search?q=%23BlackTechTwitter&src=saved_search_click)Black Tech Pipeline (https://www.blacktechpipeline.com/)Black Lives Matter (https://blacklivesmatter.com/)Resources provided by Diversify Tech (https://twitter.com/DiversifyTechCo/status/1266797966498684928)Original Notes from Giant Robots Episode 312
Gareth Burrowes, Co-Founder & Head of Product and Marketing at The Tech Connection, discusses employment screening focused on candidate strengths, removing unconscious bias from the hiring flow, and the importance of diversity at every level of a company.
The Tech ConnectionGareth on Twitter -
This week we contemplate how people see their time, posture tips to reduce physical stress while working from home, and conducting a 'consulting skills' workshop.
Here Are Some Excellent Zoom Backgrounds (https://www.themarysue.com/best-zoom-backgrounds/)
How China is using QR code apps to contain Covid-19 (https://technode.com/2020/02/25/how-china-is-using-qr-code-apps-to-contain-covid-19/)
The 20-20-20 Rule: Preventing Digital Eye Strain (https://us.discovericl.com/blog/the-20-20-20-rule-preventing-digital-eye-strain)
Lightning Design Jam (https://info.thoughtbot.com/unstick-your-product-strategy-recording)
Jeff Goldblum "Talking to Myself" (https://youtu.be/zDfBLFyTBM4)
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Kyle serves as interim Design Director for London while Jaclyn prepares for a design workshop. Also, shifting locations to improve focus, the importance of ergonomics, content audits, and an impromptu live-feedback session.
Unstick Your Product Strategy Workshop (https://info.thoughtbot.com/unstick-your-product-strategy-recording)
Google Meet Grid View Extension (https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/google-meet-grid-view/bjkegbgpfgpikgkfidhcihhiflbjgfic)
JQBX (JU·KE·BOX) (https://www.jqbx.fm/)
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