
  • " They were quick at killing. It did not take them very long, and they said nothing while they were doing it. They killed all 26. I was horrified. I knew all these people. They were my family, my friends, my neighbors. When they finished I slipped away and went to my home, where I sat trembling all over."

    It was Christmas Day, 25 December 2008. Christmas the feast of hearts. But right here and now, it was anything but Christmas-like and heart-warming. The place, northern Congo on the central African continent, might also not a place we in the West usually associate with Christmas dinner and Christmas tree. Instead of snow, the temperature was in the 20s degrees celcius, and Christmas trees was replaced by fan palms up to 6-7 meters high.

    The 72-year-old man, who had just escaped the brutal massacre described above, was now undergoing treatment at the local hospital shortly after. He was one of the few villagers who escaped what would later be named the 2008 Christmas Massacres during the Christmas days. It was a series of heinous terrorist attacks perpetrated on innocent civilians by an organization that claimed to be fighting in the name of the Christian faith. An organization which, especially during the Christmas days, was supposed to fight for benevolence, but which instead, cunningly, took advantage of the locals being gathered to celebrate the holiday. To kill as many people as possible.

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  • The young man stood at the bus stop and waited. He was wearing a full military uniform and had an M16 rifle over his shoulder. His beard was long, and on either side of his face, two dark, curly locks of hair hung and caressed his cheeks. On his head, he wore a kippah, a hemispherical traditional Jewish skull cap often worn by ultra-Orthodox Jewish men to symbolize their religious affiliation. In addition, he had an orange ribbon hanging from one pocket, which implies opposition to the withdrawal from the occupied Palestinian territories in the State of Israel[1].

    On the one hand, the young man was not an unusual sight in Israel, where barely 1 million Orthodox Jews, between 12 and 15 per cent of the population, live side by side with modern society. But the man was waiting for a bus heading towards Shefa-'Amr, a city with an overwhelming majority of Arab inhabitants. When the bus arrived after a few minutes, the driver looked at the man, a little surprised and asked him if he was sure it was the right bus. The man nodded and got on board. Not long after, he was to be blamed for one of the worst attacks perpetrated by a Jewish terrorist in recent times, which would end up costing himself and four innocent people their lives.

    Music in the episode
    O Come O Come Emmanuel (Piano And Violins Version) by Soundvisual: https://www.pond5.com/royalty-free-music/item/75480618-o-come-o-come-emmanuel-piano-and-violins-version

    Jewish Folk - Oseh Shalom Bimromav -Slow And Dramedy (Violin And Accordion) - P5 by EyeForMusic: https://www.pond5.com/royalty-free-music/item/105999167-jewish-folk-oseh-shalom-bimromav-slow-and-dramedy-violin-and

    Traditional Jewish Music: Shalom Aleichem Clarinet Trio by mybanksbenson: https://www.pond5.com/royalty-free-music/item/107349401-traditional-jewish-music-shalom-aleichem-clarinet-trio

    Dramatic Suspense: https://pixabay.com/music/suspense-dramatic-suspense-116798/ by https://pixabay.com/users/ashot-danielyan-composer-27049680/
    Anuch – Our champion - Music from #Uppbeat: https://uppbeat.io/t/anuch/our-champion

    Sources in the episode
    Jonathan Cook: Blood and Religion - The Unmasking of the Jewish and Democratic State. Pluto Press, 2006. s. 169-71.
    https://web.archive.org/web/20090219141224/http://kahane.org/meir/interview.htm https://www.haaretz.com
    Ron Ben-Yishai: How to stop Jewish jihad. ynetnews.com, 31. juli 2015. Oversat af Hans Henrik Fafner.

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  • Every year, on the 14th of July, thousands of people pour into the streets of France. France's National Day, also called Bastille Day, is celebrated here. It is considered the starting point for the French Revolution, which started on the 14th of July 1789 and has been celebrated every year since. The day is celebrated all over France, and in the warm South of France, the day can be spiced up with a swim, cocktail and magnificent sunset on the beautiful beaches along the Mediterranean coast. Nice, France's fifth largest city, was often a gateway for residents and tourists who wanted to experience this special and festive French day.

    Bastille Day on the 14th of July 2016, began no different from the usual celebrations. The day was full of parades and happy people, but it was usually the evening when the party unfolded. After a delicious meal and French red wine, those present had witnessed a fantastic fireworks display. Many were now strolling around the promenade along the water. Small children slept in their prams, couples held hands, and everyone soaked up the last party atmosphere and happy voices as darkness slowly fell.
    But the safe, happy voices were soon to be replaced by screams of terror and pain. Both the kind that signals physical pain but also the kind that signals pain from people who have lost the most precious thing in their lives. At a little over half past ten on the evening of the 14th of July 2016, a 19-ton truck drove full force into the crowd on the Promenade des Anglais in Nice, killing 86 people and injuring 450.

    Music in the episode
    O Come O Come Emmanuel (Piano And Violins Version) by Soundvisual: https://www.pond5.com/royalty-free-music/item/75480618-o-come-o-come-emmanuel-piano-and-violins-version

    Monmartre Memories - French Cafe Waltz, Accordion, Clarinet; Pensive by Groove_comittee: Monmartre Memories - French Cafe Waltz, Accordion, Clarinet; Pensive

    Tunisia Eastern (Arabian, Arabic Emotional, Mysterious) by EdiKey20: https://www.pond5.com/royalty-free-music/item/155836469-tunisia-eastern-arabian-arabic-emotional-mysterious

    Alone In Cafe In Paris by JamCentral: https://www.pond5.com/royalty-free-music/item/88684442-alone-cafe-paris

    Dramatic Suspense: https://pixabay.com/music/suspense-dramatic-suspense-116798/ by https://pixabay.com/users/ashot-danielyan-composer-27049680/
    Anuch – Our champion - Music from #Uppbeat: https://uppbeat.io/t/anuch/our-champion

    Sources used in the episode
    Hamm and Spaaij: the age of lone wolf terrorism, s. 261.

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  • Jordan and Andre Anchondo had a busy morning. The couple, who had just celebrated their first wedding anniversary, had invited friends and family to their eldest daughter Skylin's 6th birthday that day. It was Saturday, 3 August 2019. When they dropped off their daughter for cheerleading practice, they drove towards the local supermarket Walmart in El Paso in the southernmost part of Texas in the USA. The thermometer already showed over 32 degrees, even though it was only mid-morning. The couple had their youngest son, Paul, who was only 2 months old and slept safely in the car's back seat. The couple parked the car in front of the supermarket and then searched for flags, balloons and steaks for the barbecue. But what they thought would be a festive and happy day with friends and family became a nightmare. It was a nightmare that only one of the three family members present survived

    Sources used in this episode:

    Music used in this episode:
    mirada-dan-barracuda-main-version-02-22-12507 by Dan Barracuda. https://uppbeat.io/track/dan-barracuda/mirada?rt=uc-referral
    040407140-mason-dixon-wp-05-alt4-acousti by williamlpearson. https://www.pond5.com/royalty-free-music/item/40407140-mason-dixon-wp-05-alt4-acoustic-guitartensionemotivecontempl
    Light cigarette by kajisan: https://www.pond5.com/royalty-free-music/item/239046689-light-cigarette
    Guitar backing track simpler: https://pixabay.com/sv/music/solo-gitarr-guitar-backing-track-simpler-151916/
    crimson-heart-dan-barracuda-main-version-02-43-12506 by Dan Barracuda. https://uppbeat.io/track/dan-barracuda/crimson-heart
    040404517-delta-moon-wp-03-alt2ruralamer by williamlpearson. https://www.pond5.com/royalty-free-music/item/40404517-delta-moon-wp-03-alt2ruralamericanaacousticbluesysouthernroo

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  • The young Dane sat naked in the military tent while the scornful comments poured down on Ham. The year was 2001 and he was in Kandahar province in southern Afghanistan. The man was bound with chains on his hands and feet. He could do nothing about the soldiers' disgusting comments, or when they began to shave off his hair and long beard. It was humiliating, but he tried to calm himself by reciting the Qur'an. For a long time, rumours had abounded among the prisoners that they would be taken to another country, possibly to a prison camp, where they would be treated humanely. The young Dane thought that it might be the UN International Court of Justice in The Hague in the Netherlands. Shortly after, he was picked up on a plane that was to take him to the place that would become his home for the next few years. And it would turn out to be a place that was anything but humane.

    Music used in this episode:
    Dramatic Suspense: https://pixabay.com/music/suspense-dramatic-suspense-116798/ by https://pixabay.com/users/ashot-danielyan-composer-27049680/
    Anuch – Our champion - Music from #Uppbeat: https://uppbeat.io/t/anuch/our-champion

    Feel Again - Inspirational Music Track by StellaSky: https://www.pond5.com/royalty-free-music/item/200967172-feel-again-inspirational-music-track-melody-only-no-drums
    Hawaiian-moon-full-acoustic-uk by FrequentlyAskedMusic https://www.pond5.com/royalty-free-music/item/87519671-hawaiian-moon-full-acoustic-ukulele
    Sitar-background-music by catch22music https://www.pond5.com/royalty-free-music/item/89808596-sitar-background-music
    Afghan-traditional-music by AlexGolovko https://www.pond5.com/royalty-Afgan Music by MiraculousMouse free-music/item/160667600-afghan-traditional-music

    Sources used in this episode:
    Book: The Dane at Guantánamo – the personal story by Hans Davidsen Nielsen & Matias Seidelin
    https://www.britannica.com/place/Guantanamo-Bay https://avalon.law.yale.edu/20th_century/dip_cuba002.asp

    See pictures from today's story and follow me on: TerrorTalks on Facebook and TerrorTalks on Instagram

  • The elderly Arab man tried to catch his breath as he made himself as small as possible in the cramped, smelly drain he had taken refuge in. Sweat ran down his face and his khaki pants and shirt were soaked with sweat. Perhaps he knew even then that all hope was lost. Maybe he did not even think about it in the few moments he was alone on the phone. Outside the drainage pipe, there was chaos of gunfire and screeching car tires from war-torn trucks arriving on the scene. Shortly before, the man had escaped a bombardment by the convoy he was in, but this also meant that other of his enemies now knew where he was.

    Sources used in this episode:
    Hor, Michael Yew Meng (2005). Global anti-terrorism law and policy.
    Cambridge University Press. p. 20. ISBN 978-0-521-10870-6. Archived from the original on 2019-03-03. Retrieved 2016-11-12.
    Taylor, Simon (3 May 2021). "Status Quo Terrorism: State-Terrorism in South Africa during Apartheid". Terrorism and Political Violence. 35 (2): 2. doi:10.1080/09546553.2021.1916478. S2CID 235534871

    Music used in this episode
    Dramatic Suspense: https://pixabay.com/music/suspense-dramatic-suspense-116798/ by https://pixabay.com/users/ashot-danielyan-composer-27049680/
    Anuch – Our champion - Music from #Uppbeat: https://uppbeat.io/t/anuch/our-champion
    Voice of Arabia provided by SoundPhenomenon / Pond5
    Arabic Sadness: https://pixabay.com/music/world-arabic-sadness-13404/ by https://pixabay.com/users/sergequadrado-24990007/
    Old Britannia Celtic Music by bluepanda: https://www.pond5.com/royalty-free-music/item/122763576-old-britannia-celtic-music
    Cinematic Celtic Funeral Music by four_track: https://www.pond5.com/royalty-free-music/item/67538859-cinematic-celtic-funeral-music

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  • The sultan straightened his uniform. Then he put his ribbons across his uniform, attached his medals, and finally donned his red fez. Then he took one last look at himself in the mirror before heading out of the palace to the horse-drawn carriage that would take him to the Yildiz Mosque for the weekly Friday prayer. It was July 21, 1905, in Istanbul, the capital of the gigantic Ottoman Empire. But just as Sultan Abdul Hamid II, the supreme leader of the kingdom, was about to leave his quarters, he received word that one of the kingdom's foremost Islamic scholars, Mehmet Cemaleddin Efendi, wanted to speak with him. The sultan sighed. He was a man who was usually very punctual and followed strict routines. Shortly afterwards, however, it would appear that this delay would save his life.

    Sources used in this episode:
    Alessandro Barbero (23 February 2018). Charlemagne: Father of a Continent. Univ of California Press. pp. 46–. ISBN 978-0-520-29721-0.
    Dadrian, Vahakn N. The History of the Armenian Genocide: Ethnic Conflict from the Balkans to Anatolia to the Caucasus. Oxford: Berghahn Books, 1995, p. 192. ISBN 1-57181-666-6
    Quoted in Stephan Astourian, "On the Genealogy of the Armenian-Turkish Conflict, Sultan Abdülhamid, and the Armenian Massacres," Journal of the Society for Armenian Studies 21 (2012), p. 185.
    Cleveland, William L. (2000). A History of the Modern Middle East (2. udgave). Boulder, CO: Westview. s. 119. ISBN 0-8133-3489-6.
    Kieser, Hans-Lucas. "Ottoman Urfa and its Missionary Witnesses" in Armenian Tigranakert/Diarbekir and Edessa/Urfa, p. 406.

    Music used in this episode:
    Dramatic Suspense: https://pixabay.com/music/suspense-dramatic-suspense-116798/ by https://pixabay.com/users/ashot-danielyan-composer-27049680/
    Anuch – Our champion - Music from #Uppbeat: https://uppbeat.io/t/anuch/our-champion
    Ramadan Prayer (Ambient, Meditation, Relaxing, Azan, Soundscape) - P5: https://www.pond5.com/royalty-free-music/item/235870946-ramadan-prayer-ambient-meditation-relaxing-azan-soundscape
    The Duduk: https://www.pond5.com/royalty-free-music/item/145633575-duduk
    Inspiring Turkish music by JawadAliKhan: https://pixabay.com/music/world-inspiring-turkish-music-128486/

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  • On Via Fani, a downward-sloping hill in northern Rome, Italy, four small, angular Fiat cars were parked. In the cars sat men and women wearing crew uniforms belonging to the staff of the Italian airline Alitalia. It was 08:45 on the morning of March 16, 1978. The sun was shining and the weather forecast predicted a pleasant day with temperatures up to 16 degrees. A few minutes to nine, a blue and larger and more exclusive edition Fiat approached the Via Mario Fani road. In it sat one of Italy's most prominent politicians, the 62-year-old law professor Aldo Moro, who was chairman of the Christian Democrats and former prime minister of Italy. Then it suddenly went fast. One of the waiting cars drove in front of Aldo Moro's Fiat and cut off the road in front of it, while two of the other cars blocked the road behind the bodyguards' car. Both cars were trapped, and four men jumped out from bushes along the road with machine guns in their hands. 91 bullets were fired in seconds, hitting all the bodyguards. Aldo Moro was forced unharmed into the Fiat 132 which stopped next to his own and drove away. Four dead and one mortally wounded bodyguard were left behind.

    Sources used in this episode:
    Paul Ginsborg, A History of Contemporary Italy: Society and Politics 1943–1988, (London: Penguin, 1990) p.361
    R. Lumley, States of Emergency: Cultures of Revolt in Italy from 1968 to 1978, (London: Verso, 1990) p.282.

    Music used in this episode:
    Dramatic Suspense: https://pixabay.com/music/suspense-dramatic-suspense-116798/ by https://pixabay.com/users/ashot-danielyan-composer-27049680/
    Anuch – Our champion - Music from #Uppbeat: https://uppbeat.io/t/anuch/our-champion
    bella ciao Guitar: AhmadMousavipour: https://pixabay.com/music/solo-guitar-bella-ciao-guitar-ahmadmousavipour-11996/
    Sweet sorrow by Albert Behar: https://uppbeat.io/track/albert-behar/sweet-sorrow

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  • It was Saturday, June 22, 1985, at 13:30 in the afternoon in the city of Vancouver in Canada. The phone rang at the Air India ticket office.
    "Hello. It is "Manjit Singh". I would like to confirm that my bookings on Air India Flight 181/182”.
    The friendly employee at the office informed him that he was still on the waiting list and offered him a number of alternatives, which he declined.
    At 3:50 p.m., 2 ½ hours later, Manjit Singh, who had purchased tickets under the name M. Singh, checked into a busy 30-person line for Canadian Pacific Air Lines Flight 60 from Vancouver to Montreal with a stopover in Toronto. He asked employee Jeannie Adams to check in his dark brown, hard Samsonite suitcase and have it transferred to Flight 182 to India. She initially refused his request to check the luggage on another flight as his seats from Toronto to Montreal and Montreal to Bombay were unconfirmed. When he started to leave, she relented and agreed to accept the suitcase, but told him to check in again with Air India in Toronto. It was to be a decision that Jeannie Adams bitterly regretted. 15 hours later, Air India Flight 182, carrying M. Singh's brown suitcase containing a powerful bomb, crashed into the sea, killing all 307 passengers and 22 crew members. A tragedy which was to become the worst terrorist attack on an aircraft before 9/11.

    Sources used in this episode:
    https://theprint.in/past-forward/air-india-ki-flight-mat-lo-how-canadian-neglect-led-up-to-kanishka-bombing-38-yrs-ago/1638383/ http://news.rediff.com/slide-show/2010/jun/29/slide-show-1-children-shouldnt-die-in-front-of-their-parents.htm#3 https://abcnews.go.com/International/story?id=82216&page=1

    Music used in this episode
    Dramatic Suspense: https://pixabay.com/music/suspense-dramatic-suspense-116798/ by https://pixabay.com/users/ashot-danielyan-composer-27049680/
    Anuch – Our champion - Music from #Uppbeat: https://uppbeat.io/t/anuch/our-champion
    Lotus Morning No Gongs No Drums - P5 by AbbasPremjee: https://www.pond5.com/royalty-free-music/item/58734641-lotus-morning-no-gongs-no-drums
    Himalayas by SergeQuadrado: https://pixabay.com/music/world-himalayas-13503/
    India -Olistik Sound Project by Patrizio Yoga: https://pixabay.com/music/meditationspiritual-india-olistik-sound-project-patrizio-yoga-13757/
    Bollywood Sad Bgm by KamaleshSiddu: https://pixabay.com/music/main-title-bollywood-sad-bgm-14283/

    See pictures from today's story and follow me on: TerrorTalks on Facebook and TerrorTalks on Instagram

  • It was August 1 2009, in Israel's largest city, Tel Aviv. The weather was over 30C, even though it was approaching 11pm. The Aguda building Bar-Noar, which housed the Tel Aviv Gay and Lesbian Association, is a restored Bauhaus building in Meir Park in the city centre. As always, the centre was attended by gay teenagers who participated in social activities and listened to music. This evening, several young people gathered for a Youth Get Together event, a weekly support group for homosexuals. Suddenly, the event was abruptly interrupted when a masked man dressed entirely in black entered the centre. Then everything became chaos. The man carrying an automatic weapon began to open fire, shooting randomly at the youths. They desperately tried to hide under a bed and some tables, but avoiding the perpetrator's bullets was difficult because the centre was so small and had only one terrace. After causing regular carnage, he fled on foot. Two people were left dead, and fifteen injured, six in critical condition.


    Music used in this episode
    Israel By: TribeSoundRecords, https://www.pond5.com/royalty-free-music/item/77142119-israel
    O Come O Come Emmanuel By: soundsvisual, https://www.pond5.com/royalty-free-music/item/75480618-o-come-o-come-emmanuel-piano-and-violins-version
    Gunshot, Bus Interior, Slowed Pistol Fires, Metallic Bangs, Multiple Shots By: ProSoundEffects, https://www.pond5.com/sound-effects/item/116376888-gunshot-bus-interior-slowed-pistol-fires-metallic-bangs-mult
    Dramatic Suspense: https://pixabay.com/music/suspense-dramatic-suspense-116798/ by https://pixabay.com/users/ashot-danielyan-composer-27049680/

    See pictures from today's story and follow me on: TerrorTalks on Facebook and TerrorTalks on Instagram

  • US District Court Judge Raymond Dearie sat behind the raised judge’s table in the Eastern District of New York. The 74-year-old former prosecutor looked down at the case file before him and then raised his gaze, which he directed at a dark-haired, South Asian-looking man in his early 30s. So said the judge
    “Is this the same Mr Zazi I saw many years ago?”
    The judge almost rhetorically answered his own questions.
    “All indications are, it is not”
    The story of Najibullah Zazi is the story that terrorist attacks, fortunately, did not always succeed. But it is also a perhaps relatively rare story of a radicalised person who later sincerely regretted his actions and contributed to putting other terrorists behind bars. Many terrorists are willing to die for their cause, even if they fail to carry out their terrible plans. So although this is the story of an attack that was fortunately prevented in time, it also gives an insight into how a radicalisation process can take place, described and reflected on by the perpetrator himself.



    Music used in this episode:

    Dramatic Suspense: https://pixabay.com/music/suspense-dramatic-suspense-116798/ by https://pixabay.com/users/ashot-danielyan-composer-27049680/
    Anuch – Our champion - Music from #Uppbeat: https://uppbeat.io/t/anuch/our-champion
    Shehure By: lynnepublishing: https://www.pond5.com/royalty-free-music/item/48260489-shehure-ethnic-middle-eastern-exotic-adventure-myth-emotiona
    Jihad By: lynnepublishing: https://www.pond5.com/royalty-free-music/item/58959655-jihad-middle-eastern-arabic-tribal-dark-powerful-tense-war-c
    Baraat In Style | Pro Clips By: PROCLIPS: https://www.pond5.com/royalty-free-music/item/63434870-baraat-style-pro-clips

    See pictures from today's story and follow me on: TerrorTalks on Facebook and TerrorTalks on Instagram

  • Friday morning, July 19, 1946, three men stood and talked in a building in Jerusalem’s Bukharian quarter. These four were briefed first because their plan for a terrorist attack on the hotel required them to arrive first. The other members who were to take part in the attack, the exact number of which is unknown, would gather later.
    One of them jumped into a pair of baggy white trousers, wrapped a red scarf around his waist, put on a short red jacket and vest and placed a fez, a traditional Muslim head covering, on his head. Another of those present, a large teenage boy, donned the blue overalls worn by most truck drivers and messengers in Jerusalem at the time. The last men present wore long Arabic blue cloaks and white and red checkered headdresses. They pointed at each other, laughed at the clothes, joked in Arabic and did pirouettes.
    At 12:37 on the same day, a bomb that this group of men had placed at the King David Hotel in Jerusalem, located in the Mandated Area of ​​Palestine, went off, killing 91 people. Much of the hotel’s south wing, which housed the British Secretariat, which at the time controlled the area, collapsed, and it took rescuers 2,000 truckloads of rubble over three days to find the dead and survivors. But nothing in this attack was as it seemed. Like everything else in this conflict, making head and tail of the stories and conflicts was and is still challenging.

    By blood and fire by Thurston Clarke
    Bethell, Nicholas (1979). The Palestine Triangle. Andre Deutsch.
    Jerusalem – British Beneath the surface Archived April 24, 2009, at the Wayback Machine. The Jerusalem Post. Retrieved September 9, 2023.
    Jerusalem – British Beneath the surface Archived April 24, 2009, at the Wayback Machine. The Jerusalem Post. Retrieved April 26, 2009.
    Jerusalem – British Beneath the surface Archived April 24, 2009, at the Wayback Machine. The Jerusalem Post. Retrieved April 26, 2009.

    Music used in this episode:
    Dramatic Suspense: https://pixabay.com/music/suspense-dramatic-suspense-116798/ by https://pixabay.com/users/ashot-danielyan-composer-27049680/
    Anuch – Our champion - Music from #Uppbeat: https://uppbeat.io/t/anuch/our-champion
    Arabic Dance by Giulio Fazio: https://uppbeat.io/track/giulio-fazio/arabic-dance
    Hava Nagila by Music_for-Videos: https://pixabay.com/music/folk-hava-nagila-violin-128866/
    Pour Oil - Hanukkah Band (Simu Shemen) - P5 by Soundphenomenon https://www.pond5.com/royalty-free-music/item/143109141-pour-oil-hanukkah-band-simu-shemen
    Crying Violin 30 Second Edit by Soundphenomenon: https://www.pond5.com/royalty-free-music/item/108114928-crying-violin-30-second-edit
    Traditional Jewish Music: Shalom Aleichem Clarinet Trio by mbanksbenson: https://www.pond5.com/royalty-free-music/item/107349401-traditional-jewish-music-shalom-aleichem-clarinet-trio
    Jewish Folk - Oseh Shalom Bimromav -Slow And Dramedy (Violin And Accordion) - P5 by eyeformusic: https://www.pond5.com/royalty-free-music/item/105999167-jewish-folk-oseh-shalom-bimromav-slow-and-dramedy-violin-and

    See pictures from today's story and follow me on: TerrorTalks on Facebook and TerrorTalks on Instagram

  • 25-year-old Marc Lépine sat on the floor before the university secretary’s office. He was on the 2nd floor of the École Polytechnique, a three-story engineering school affiliated with the Université de Montréal in Montreal, Canada. He had arrived shortly before this Wednesday, 6 December 1989. Marc Lépine rummaged a little in a plastic bag. He looked pretty lost as he sat there, and most of all, he looked like someone who had been burned by a date. He didn’t make eye contact with anyone, and he didn’t talk to anyone. His posture was stiff, and he had a grim expression. Finally, an employee approached him and asked if she could help him. Marc Lépine did not answer, but got up, took his bag and left. The employee shrugged. Many students were tired and worn out at the end of the semester.But Marc Lépine was not a tired student. In fact, he was not a student, either at the École Polytechnique or at any other university. Marc Lépine was a man on a mission. A crazy idea had formed in his head, sending him on a terrorist mission that would end up costing the lives of 14 innocent people. That is, in Marc Lépine’s own mind, they were the root of all evil. The 14 people had one thing in common, they were women.

    globalnews.ca, Weston, Greg; Aubry, Jack (February 8, 1990). "The making of a massacre: The Marc Lepine story Part II". The Ottawa Citizen, www.philo5.com, Arie W. Kruglanski and Shira Fishman Current Directions in Psychological Science Vol. 15, No. 1 (Feb. 2006), pp. 45–48, www.theguardian.com, www.diarmani.com/Montreal_Coroners_Report.pdf, montrealgazette.com,
    www.cbc.ca, RJ Parker: Marc Lépine - the Montreal massacre, Crimes Canada, Vol. 2, Boileau, Josée (2020). Because They Were Women: The Montreal Massacre.

    Musik brugt i podcasten:
    Music from #Uppbeat : Living waters by Brock Hewitt,
    Music from #Uppbeat: The wound between us by Cory Alstad
    Music from #Uppbeat: Speak to me by Cory Alstad
    Music from #Uppbeat: As you continue by Dan Barracuda
    Dramatic Suspense: https://pixabay.com/music/suspense-dramatic-suspense-116798/ by https://pixabay.com/users/ashot-danielyan-composer-27049680/
    Anuch – Our champion - Music from #Uppbeat: https://uppbeat.io/t/anuch/our-champion

    See pictures from today's story and follow me on: TerrorTalks on Facebook and TerrorTalks on Instagram

  • An eight-year-old boy was walking home through the dark streets of Belfast in the biting evening chill. On his way home, he passed the family-owned pub McGurk's, which was a popular meeting place for many of the locals in the New Lodge area of ​​the Northern Irish capital. The moment he passed the pub, he saw a man wearing a dark overcoat and a mask get out of a car and leave a box in front of the pub. A guest was passing the pub when the little boy called out:

    "Watch out, there's a bomb".

    The man started running. A few seconds later there was a deafening explosion.

    weatherspark.com, www.thenewlodge.com, www.britannica.com, assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government, Police Ombudsman's report,
    mcgurksbar.com/collusion/, BBC, mcgurksbar.com, Ciran McAirt: The McGurks Bar Bombing

    Music used in this episode:
    Folk Round by Kevin MacLeod #Uppbeat:
    The Green Horse Inn provided by EagleCinematics / Pond5
    When Angels Cry provided by williamlpearson / Pond5
    Dramatic Suspense: https://pixabay.com/music/suspense-dramatic-suspense-116798/ by https://pixabay.com/users/ashot-danielyan-composer-27049680/
    Anuch – Our champion - Music from #Uppbeat: https://uppbeat.io/t/anuch/our-champion

    Produced and narrated by Natasja Engholm
    Creative input: Lars Hvidberg, www.whiteberg.dk
    Male voices by Voice talent Jon Lob

    See pictures from today's story and follow me on: TerrorTalks on Facebook and TerrorTalks on Instagram

  • It was five o'clock in the morning on November 20, 1979. The ageing Imam of the Grand Mosque in Mecca was preparing for the day's prayer meeting. Meanwhile, the mosque's courtyard, where the audience could follow the day's ceremony, was slowly filling up. Many had spent the night on brought blankets in several of the mosque's thousands of rooms. But just as the Imam approached the microphone, he was pushed aside, and shots rang out in the mosque.Then a tall thin man with dark half-length hair and a wildly growing beard called out:"Fellow Muslims, we announce today the coming of the Mahdi … who shall reign with justice and fairness on Earth after it has been filled with injustice and oppression."The tall, thin man was a terrorist, and his co-conspirators, hiding among the worshipers, suddenly revealed the guns they had hidden under their suits.

    weatherspark.com, BBC, data.worldbank.org, Bowen, W. H. (2014). The History of Saudi Arabia (2 ed.), Manea, E. (2008). The Arab State and Women's Rights: The Case of Saudi Arabia. The Limits of the Possible, Al-Rasheed, M. (2013). A Most Masculine State. Gender, politics and religion in Saudi Arabia, Sater, j. (2009). Human rights in Saudi Arabia. In S. Maisel, & J. Shoup III, Saudi Arabia and the Gulf Arab States Today: An Encyclopedia of Life in the Arab States, Sallam, A., & Hunter, M. (2013). Where is Saudi Arabian society heading? Contemporary Readings in Law and Social Justice,(Moaddel, 2006), Foley, S. (2010). The Arab Gulf States: Beyond Oil and Islam, www.alhakam.org, Vejen til 11. september af Lawrence Wright, www.globalsecurity.org, www.britannica.com, www.npr.org, Yaroslav Trofimov: The siege of Mecca (2007), Krämer, Gudrun (2000). "Good Counsel to the King: The Islamist Opposition in Saudi Arabia, Jordan, and Morocco". In Joseph Kostiner. Middle East Monarchies: The Challenge of Modernity, en.yabiladi.com, www.arabnews.com

    Music used in this episode:
    Egypt: provided by SoundPhenomenon / Pond5
    Desert voices by ArtSlop_Flodur: https://pixabay.com/no/music/verden-desert-voices-11468/
    Sudanese Desert provided by ExCantibusGaudium / Pond5
    Voice of Arabia provided by SoundPhenomenon / Pond5
    Arabic Sadness: https://pixabay.com/music/world-arabic-sadness-13404/ by https://pixabay.com/users/sergequadrado-24990007/
    Arabic Ethnic Oriental African Adventure: provided by eitanepsteinmusic / Pond5
    Dramatic Suspense: https://pixabay.com/music/suspense-dramatic-suspense-116798/ by https://pixabay.com/users/ashot-danielyan-composer-27049680/
    Anuch – Our champion - Music from #Uppbeat: https://uppbeat.io/t/anuch/our-champion

    Produced and narrated by Natasja Engholm
    Male voices by Jon Lob
    Creative input by Lars Hvidberg, www.whiteberg.dk

    See pictures from today's story and follow me on: TerrorTalks on Facebook and TerrorTalks on Instagram

  • It was 9.10 AM in the American city of Oklahoma City. The city was waking up, and the citizens were going about their everyday routines. Families were handing over their children in daycare and heading to work. But an ordinary morning was soon to develop into the biggest nightmare. A nearly six-foot-tall, lanky man with a narrow face and dark blond, crewcut hair drove his truck across the city. The tall man had a giant bomb with him in the truck, and seven minutes later, he parked the truck under a government building and lit the bomb's two fuses.

    BBC, CNN, law2.umkc.edu, www.researchforprogress.us, Michel, Herbeck 2002, The Second Suspect -- A special report, Michel, Lou; Dan Herbeck (2001): American Terrorist, http://www.digital-exp.com, TIME, Washington Post, https://www.police1.com, LA Times, www.aparchive.com, nbc, kfor.com, www.npr.org,
    Leland, John (April 22, 1996). "The orphans of Oklahoma City", www.trutv.com, famous-trials.com

    Music used in this episode:
    Calm Piano Music - Peaceful And Relaxing: Stock Media provided by BorisZaborski / Pond5
    Sad Guitar And Backingvocals "Days In Grief": Stock Media provided by tristandietsch475 / Pond5
    Inspiring Epic Cinematic Trailer: Stock Media provided by Holman / Pond5
    Dramatic Suspense: https://pixabay.com/music/suspense-dramatic-suspense-116798/ by https://pixabay.com/users/ashot-danielyan-composer-27049680/
    Anuch – Our champion - Music from #Uppbeat: https://uppbeat.io/t/anuch/our-champion

    Produced and narrated by Natasja Engholm
    Creative input by Lars Hvidberg, https://www.whiteberg.dk/
    Male voices by Voice talent Jon Lob

    See pictures from today's story and follow me on: TerrorTalks on Facebook and TerrorTalks on Instagram