
  • Are you tired of doing unpaid work for clients? Do you create preliminary plans, gather estimates, and offer advice, all without compensation? What if you could get paid for that upfront work? Most designers don’t realize they can (and should) charge for the early stages of a project. A Feasibility Package ensures you’re paid while helping clients understand their project’s scope and costs. Imagine no longer giving away your expertise for free and instead getting paid for the valuable work you're already doing.

    In this episode, I explain how you can implement a Feasibility Package in your design business to get paid for your time and expertise. I dive into the structure of the package, what it should include, and how to price it effectively. You’ll also learn how this package can help you manage client expectations, build trust, and give you an early opportunity to assess whether a client is the right fit for you.


    - (02:00) – What is a feasibility package and when to use it?

    - (03:17) – Pricing guidelines for feasibility packages

    - (04:14) – What’s included in the package

    - (06:06) – Importance of trades days and package fees

    - (08:39) – Repurposing past work for efficiency

    - (10:07) – Advising clients on contingency costs

    - (15:27) – How to introduce the feasibility package to clients

    - (19:38) – Using the feasibility package to qualify clients

    When you’re ready to step into a bigger vision in your design business and create exceptional results and celebrations book-a-call to explore how coaching can take you there faster, with a solid plan, proven process, and smart strategies.

  • Your website inquiry form is your first opportunity to learn about potential clients and set the tone for your relationship. Asking the right questions is essential to ensure a successful project. From project details to budget expectations, your questions can make or break the start of a collaboration. It's also important to be selective with clients, as your time and expertise are valuable.

    In this episode, I explain how to improve your inquiry form to gather key information, conduct structured Zoom consultations to build trust and qualify leads, and charge for home reviews or assessments to demonstrate your expertise. I also discuss how to recognize red flags early and choose clients who align with your values and goals. Each step in the discovery process, from initial contact to assessments, helps you secure clients who are a good fit, ensuring your business is both profitable and enjoyable to manage.


    - (01:32) The proper way to do design discovery

    - (02:08) Optimizing your website inquiry form

    - (03:43) Building trust with a structured Zoom consultation

    - (04:45) How to price your home reviews and assessments

    - (07:01) How to handle pushback from your prospects

    - (08:57) How to approach offering the letter of agreement

    - (10:13) The importance of having money conversations

    - (12:10) A walkthrough of all the questions in your website inquiry

    When you’re ready to step into a bigger vision in your design business and create exceptional results and celebrations book-a-call to explore how coaching can take you there faster, with a solid plan, proven process, and smart strategies.

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  • Talking about money with clients can be one of the most uncomfortable parts of running a design business. A lot of designers shy away from these conversations or avoid them altogether, but here’s the thing
most of the fear is based on common myths. What if, instead of fearing the “money talk,” you embraced it as an opportunity to build trust and value with your clients? Shifting your perspective could be the game-changer your business needs.

    In this episode, I break down seven myths about client money talks that hold designers back and show you how to turn them into strengths. We’re covering everything from value-based pricing versus hourly fees to setting clear expectations. We’ll also cover why selling your services is actually a form of education and service. Plus, we will dive into how to tap into clients’ emotions and create a design process that feels like a memorable, meaningful journey.


    Hourly fees are not the best way to run a design business. You might think charging for your time makes sense, but here’s the reality - if you’re a fast designer (and many are), you’re actually getting paid less for being efficient. That doesn’t seem fair, right? Here comes value-based pricing to save the day! Instead of billing for hours worked, you’re charging based on end result. Clients pay for the outcome, not the time it took to get there. It’s a win-win because they understand the value of your expertise, and you get paid for the result you deliver, not how long it took. The bottom line? You get paid what you’re worth.


    Setting expectations with clients is a make-or-break move. Miscommunication is one of the biggest reasons clients feel unhappy or confused. So, it’s up to you to set things straight from the start. Talk about money early - before the contract is signed. Share your design process, walk them through potential challenges, and most importantly, be upfront about what they’re investing in. This way, your clients won’t be blindsided by costs or project timelines. Trust me, clients will appreciate your honesty, and you will save yourself a lot of headaches down the road.


    Selling doesn’t have to feel slimy or uncomfortable. It’s not about pushing services or trying to make a quick buck. Instead, think of it as an opportunity to educate your clients on the value you bring to the table. When you’re selling your services, you’re actually helping clients get what they truly want
a beautifully designed space that improves their life. It’s about guiding them toward the best solutions for their needs. So, don’t be afraid of the word “sell.” You’re offering them something they need, and that’s service in itself.


    Clients will tell you what they need from a practical, logical frame of mind. It’s your job to listen to what they’re saying as well as what they’re not saying. When you can deliver on that emotional level, clients will not only love the design, but they’ll also be willing to invest more because you’ve given them something they didn’t even know they needed.


    Design isn’t just about the finished product. It’s also about the journey to getting there! From the moment a client hires you to the big reveal, it’s all about creating a memorable experience. Sure, there will be bumps along the way, but how you navigate these with your client is key. By making the design process feel exciting and special, you’re giving your clients memories they will cherish long after the project is done. When you focus on the experience, clients will be thrilled with not just the outcome, but the entire ride.

    Remember, that the myths you have bought into are not facts. They are merely beliefs. It’s time to release these beliefs and replace them with the truth!


    (3:16) What it looks like to be the expert/voice of reason

    (6:12) Why you need to release your own limited beliefs about money

    (13:26) The cost of the project isn’t the only thing your client cares about

    (24:00) Changing the narrative and speaking to yourself with confidence

    (29:07) Why you deserve to be paid in advance

    (38:09) Selling can be easy, fun, and empowering

    (41:44) The power of emotions when making purchases


    VIP DESIGNER TOUR at High Point

    When you’re ready to step into a bigger vision in your design business and create exceptional results and celebrations book-a-call to explore how coaching can take you there faster, with a solid plan, proven process, and smart strategies.

  • In the world of interior design, landing a feature in a major design publication can feel like hitting the jackpot. It’s a way to get your work noticed, build credibility, and open doors to new opportunities. But is paying for PR always worth the cost? Pay-to-play PR, where you invest in space to get featured is not cheap. It can range anywhere from a few hundred dollars to thousands. The big question is: does the payoff justify the price? I’m here to tell you that it can, but only if you have a solid strategy in place. Getting featured is just the beginning. The real magic happens when you know how to maximize your return on that investment.

    In this episode, I dive into the topic of pay-to-play PR and, more importantly, how to make sure you’re getting the most bang for your buck. I talk about why having a distribution plan is key to making your investment worth it, and how client engagement and feedback should play a huge role in your decision-making. It’s not just about landing the feature - you need to know how to leverage it for your business. Whether you’re on the fence about paying for PR or have already jumped in, this episode is packed with insights to help you make it work for you.


    Client engagement and feedback are absolutely essential when deciding if pay-to-play PR is the right move for you. I always recommend gathering feedback from your clients or trusted industry peers - think of them as your unofficial board of directors. Ask them if they read or care about the publication you’re considering. If the answer is no, that’s a huge red flag! It’s easy to get caught up in the excitement of being featured, but if your audience isn’t seeing or engaging with that platform, it’s not going to do much for your business. Getting honest feedback upfront ensures you’re making a smart, informed decision instead of just throwing money at something that sounds impressive.


    Once you’ve decided to move forward, it’s time to get strategic about spreading the word, and email marketing is one of the best ways to do it. But here’s the thing: it’s all about the subject line. I can’t stress enough how important it is to spend time crafting a killer subject line because if that doesn’t grab people’s attention, the rest of the email won’t even matter. I like to play around with using questions or numbers to pique curiosity. And don’t be afraid to send follow-ups to people who didn’t open your first email! Trust me, email marketing is a game-changer when done right.


    Another thing I’m a huge fan of? Personalization and presentation. It’s tempting to take the easy route with things like printed labels or mass emails, but adding a personal touch goes a long way. For example, if you’re sending a physical copy of your feature, don’t just toss it in a generic envelope and call it a day. Get creative with it. Use a colored or metallic envelope and handwrite the address. People don’t get much snail mail these days, so when something special shows up in their mailbox, it will get noticed. Presentation isn't just about looking good - it’s about making your feature memorable and worth opening.

    So, here’s the bottom line: pay-to-play PR can absolutely be worth it, but it’s all about how you approach it. With the right distribution plan, tapping into client feedback, using smart email marketing, and going the extra mile with the presentation, you can make sure your investment doesn’t go to waste. And hey, if you’ve tried pay-to-play PR before and it didn’t quite deliver, don’t beat yourself up - now you know how to make it work for you.


    (2:20) A time when I invested in PR and didn’t see any ROI

    (3:45) Getting specific marketing feedback from your “Board of Directors”

    (8:40) The only reasons to do pay-to-play

    (10:50) What your distribution plan should look like

    (11:30) Having a 90-day social media plan in place

    (14:40) Spending more time crafting a subject line versus the message

    (17:10) The power of calling people by their names

    (20:20) The right way to mail physical copies of the feature


    VIP DESIGNER TOUR at High Point

    When you’re ready to step into a bigger vision in your design business and create exceptional results and celebrations book-a-call to explore how coaching can take you there faster, with a solid plan, proven process, and smart strategies.

  • In interior design, your creativity is only as powerful as the resources you have at your fingertips. It’s not just about having a great eye for color or space. It’s about knowing where to find the perfect pieces that bring your vision to life. Without the right sources, even the most talented designers can struggle to create something truly special.

    This episode is all about sourcing. We’re talking about the importance of building a solid list of go-to vendors, why attending High Point Market is a game-changer, the value of relationships with reps and workrooms, the magic of adding “pop” pieces to your designs, and how you can keep growing through networking and exploration. These are the keys to not just surviving in the design world, but thriving and standing out from the crowd.


    Let’s start with the basics - your sourcing list. Think of it as your toolkit. Without it, you’re not going to get very far. Melissa Galt emphasizes that having a strong, well-rounded list of vendors and manufacturers is essential. This list should cover all the categories you need, from flooring to artwork, so that you’re always ready to pull out the perfect piece for any project. But here’s the thing
your list should never be static! As you grow your business, your list should grow with you. Keep adding new sources so you’re not just recycling the same options. This keeps your designs fresh, innovative, and aligned with what your clients want.


    If you’re serious about sourcing, High Point Market needs to be on your calendar. This is the ultimate destination for home furnishings, and if you haven’t been yet, you’re missing out. I am a huge advocate for making the trip at least once a year. There are over 2,000 manufacturers under one roof! But it’s not just about the quantity of options. High Point is where you find those hidden gems that can take your designs to the next level. Whether you’re new to the market or a regular, there’s always something new to discover. Plus, if you join our VIP Design Tour, you will get an insider’s look at the vendors that really make a difference. We will skip the big names and go straight to the unique, must-have resources.


    Now, let’s talk about relationships. In design, who you know can be just as important as what you know. This is especially true when it comes to your reps and workrooms. These industry insiders can be your secret weapon, offering you access to exclusive products and saving you time and money. I share how relationships I’ve built wth reps have been game-changing, especially in high-stakes projects like showhouses. Good reps know their stuff, and they can introduce you to options you didn’t even know existed. And let’s not forget about workrooms and installers - they know what works and what doesn’t, and their expertise can ensure your projects go off without a hitch.


    Every design needs that special something - that “wow” factor. I call these “pop” elements, and they’re what make a project truly memorable. Whether it’s a striking piece of art, an incredible rug, or a custom piece of furniture, these pops are what set your designs apart from the rest. The key to finding these show-stopping pieces? A diverse sourcing list that includes vendors who specialize in unique, one-of-a-kind items. These are the pieces that clients remember and that make your work stand out.


    Sourcing isn’t a one-time thing
it’s an ongoing journey. The design world is always changing, and to stay ahead, you need to keep exploring new vendors, building new relationships, and expanding your network. Whether you’re attending High Point Market, joining online design communities, or just chatting with colleagues, the more you connect, the more you grow. I encourage you to frequently ask yourself this question, “Who have I added to my list this month?” This approach keeps your designs fresh, original, and always on the cutting edge.


    (02:05) - Why you need to attend High Point at least once a year

    (05:50) - The 10 categories of sources you need in your foundational list

    (07:15) - The reason artwork is not in the accessories/accents category

    (10:30) - Why you should never underestimate the power of your reps

    (15:45) - Installers and workrooms - they have tons of knowledge and sources

    (18:35) - Seeking out advice from colleagues and Facebook groups

    (22:00) - Join our VIP tour - it’s different from the rest

    (24:45) - The difference between “shopping” and “sourcing”

    (33:05) - Why every project needs a “wow” factor

    (37:50) - Why I invest in original art

    (41:45) - Training someone on your team to do your installs


    VIP DESIGNER TOUR at High Point

    When you’re ready to step into a bigger vision in your design business and create exceptional results and celebrations book-a-call to explore how coaching can take you there faster, with a solid plan, proven process, and smart strategies.

  • Let’s face it. Uncertain economic times can make even the most confident business owners feel uneasy. As an interior designer, your business thrives on creativity and vision, but when the economy takes a turn, it is easy to feel like your options are dwindling. There is hope though! With the right strategies, you can not only survive but thrive, no matter what the financial forecast looks like. Let’s dive into how you can recession-proof your interior design business and come out stronger on the other side.

    In this episode, I’m sharing 10 crucial tips to help you navigate these uncertain economic times. We’re going to talk about smart ways to cut costs, how to get financially prepared, ways to adapt and diversify your services, and why keeping a positive mindset is more important than ever. These actionable insights will give you the tools you need to take control of your business’s future and tackle whatever challenges come your way.


    When the economy gets shaky, cutting back on unnecessary costs is the first thing you should be doing to keep your business steady. Start by taking a good, hard look at your office overhead. Can you renegotiate your lease, or better yet, go fully remote? We all learned during the pandemic that remote work can be just as effective and it can save you a ton of money. Also, it’s time to get real about those subscriptions, memberships, and equipment leases. Are you still paying for things you rarely use? Cutting these out can free up cash that could be better spent elsewhere, helping you stay financially secure during lean times.


    If there’s one thing you should always have in your back pocket, it’s financial preparedness. Building an emergency fund is non-negotiable. Aim to cover at least three to six months of operating expenses. This financial cushion is your safety net, keeping you from hitting the panic button if things slow down. But it doens’t stop there. Knowing your numbers inside and out is just as crucial. Don’t leave it all up to your accountant. Make it a point to regularly review your financials so you know exactly where you stand. This knowledge puts you in the driver’s seat, allowing you to make quick, informed decisions when the market shifts.


    When your usual projects slow down, it’s time to get creative and diversify. Maybe new construction isn’t as hot right now - no problem. Shift your focus to remodeling, which tends to hold steady even when the economy dips. And don’t stop there. Think about expanding your services. Diversifying your offerings not only keeps the revenue coming in but also helps you tap into new client bases.


    Finally, let’s talk about your mindset because it’s your most powerful tool in uncertain times. It’s easy to get sucked into the negativity on social media or the news, but staying hopeful is key. Surround yourself with people who are looking for opportunities, not dwelling on the doom and gloom. By focusing on growth and keeping a hopeful outlook, you will be more likely to spot opportunities when they arise. Trust me, they will! Many businesses not only survive but actually grow during recessions, and yours can too if you stay focused and optimistic.

    We can’t predict what’s around the corner, but with these strategies, you’ll be ready for whatever comes your way. By cutting costs, building up your financial safety net, diversifying your services, and keeping your mindset sharp, you’re setting your business up not just to survive but to thrive, no matter what the economy throws at you.


    (3:00) Accessing your overhead

    (4:15) Reviewing and reducing your expenses

    (5:30) How letting go of a team member can be beneficial for both parties

    (9:15) What to do if you don’t have an emergency fund

    (11:50) Creative growth opportunities

    (13:15) Different ways to diversify your services

    (15:10) My favorite add-on service for current clients

    (20:05) Looking for bargains and using consignment

    (23:15) The type of mindset you need to have

    (27:35) Cashflow and credit card processing


    VIP DESIGNER TOUR at High Point

    When you’re ready to step into a bigger vision in your design business and create exceptional results and celebrations book-a-call to explore how coaching can take you there faster, with a solid plan, proven process, and smart strategies.

  • Jumping into a new career can be both exciting and a bit scary, especially when you are diving into something as creative as interior design. Thankfully I have good news for you! The experience, skills, and achievements of your past job are not just baggage. They are your secret weapon in your new career.

    In this episode, I want to encourage you as you venture into your second career of becoming an interior designer. We discuss how to leverage your past career skills, the value of showcasing your unique background, and I also give you specific examples of how skills transfer from different professions.


    Your past career has given you a treasure trove of skills that can give you an advantage in interior design. Whether you were in corporate, healthcare, sales, or any other field, you’ve got the skills that are pure gold in the design world. For instance, if you were in sales, you probably have amazing relationship-buildig and negotiation skills. These are perfect for dealing with clients, getting great deals with vendors, and managing project budgets. If you were in healthcare, your attention to detail and ability to handle high-stress situations can make you a project management superstar and a client service expert.

    Don’t just brush these skills aside. They’re part of a your unique perspective and capabilities. Embrace them and use them as part of your professional toolkit as you step into the design world. This not only will boost your confidence, but it lets you offer something truly unique to your clients.


    Standing out in the world of interior design is crucial. One of the best ways to do this is by showcasing your unique background and personal journey. Your past experiences, skills, and achievements make you special. They set you apart from other designers who might have taken a more traditional route into the industry.

    Make sure your bio and social media profiles reflect this uniqueness. Instead of sounding generic and boring, weave in parts of your past that highlight your strengths and versatility. If you have a background in law, talk about your critical thinking and problem-solving skills. If you were in healthcare, highlight your compassion and high emotional intelligence. These qualities not only enrich your design practice but also connect you with clients who are looking for a designer who understands them.

    By sharing your journey authentically, you create a personal brand that’s memorable and relatable. Clients will feel a deeper connection with you, appreciating the diverse experiences you bring to the table.


    Every career gives you skills that can be incredibly useful in interior design. Here are some examples:

    1. Law and Legal Services:

    Skills like attention to detail, critical thinking, and negotiation are invaluable in interior design. They help with contract management and client negotiations and ensure every project detail is perfect.

    2. Healthcare:

    The healthcare field teaches patience, empathy, and the ability to handle high-pressure situations. These skills are essential when dealing with client demands, managing timelines, and ensuring a smooth design process.

    3. Sales:

    A background in sales gives you excellent communication, persuasion, and relationship-building skills. These are key for marketing your services, closing deals, and maintaining long-term client relationships.

    4. Parenting:

    Yes, even skills from full-time parenting are super relevant. Organizational skills, multitasking, and managing diverse needs simultaneously are all a part of being a successful interior designer.

    And the list goes on! In the episode, I share even more examples of how unique skills from various professions can be transferred to a career in interior design.

    By identifying and transferring these specific skills, you can carve out your special place in the interior design market. Each profession brings strengths that can enhance your design practice, making you a well-rounded and versatile designer.

    Venturing into interior design as a second career isn’t about starting from scratch. It’s about building on the foundation you’ve already got. By leveraging your past career skills, showcasing your unique background, and transferring specific skills to design, you can create a successful and fulfilling career in interior design.

    You do have what it takes! Embrace your unique journey and let your past propel you forward.


    (2:25) Leveraging your talent, skills, and experience in your bio

    (4:50) Specific examples of how one’s past career paths can help in design

    (9:15) What to do if you aren’t sure if you have certain qualities or not

    (13:30) Why full-time parents are greatly suited to be a designer

    (17:40) Why graphic designers are amazing interior designers

    (22:18) Skills that make HR professionals great interior designers


    VIP DESIGNER TOUR at High Point

    When you’re ready to step into a bigger vision in your design business and create exceptional results and celebrations book-a-call to explore how coaching can take you there faster, with a solid plan, proven process, and smart strategies.

  • As an interior designer, your job is much more than choosing the right color palette or picking out the perfect piece of furniture. You are a master of many trades, balancing creativity with practicality, and empathy with expertise. Each decision you make shapes not just the space, but the mood and lives of your clients. I want you to understand just how multifaceted and indispensable your role truly is. It’s crucial to recognize this value and never discount yourself or your prices, as your expertise and skills are what make you truly exceptional.

    In this episode, I dive into the 18 different hats you wear in your business. You are more than just the label “interior designer.” You are a multifaceted juggler, with specialized knowledge, offering emotional support to your clients, as well as being a great leader and manager. Remember, knowing your value means confidently charging what you are worth and understanding the immense value you bring to your clients.


    Interior designers juggle numerous roles that extend beyond traditional design tasks. From being a materials master who understands the intricacies of various building materials, finishes, and fabrics, to acting as a Project Manager who coordinates every aspect of a project, your versatility is key. You might also find yourself being a furniture designer, creating custom pieces or modifying existing ones. The role of a space planner is crucial too, ensuring that each room not only looks good but functions efficiently. Lastly, as a purchasing agent and resource pro, you source the best materials and products, ensuring quality and value for your clients. This multifaceted approach highlights the vast range of skills you bring to every project, showcasing your ability to handle multiple responsibilities seamlessly.


    Specialized knowledge sets you apart in the interior design industry. As a materials master, you possess a deep understanding of various materials and their applications. The role of a color expert allows you to utilize color psychology to influence the mood and perception of a space. Being a fabric magician means you know the best materials for upholstery, draper, and more, ensuring both aesthetics and functionality. Additionally, as a lighting designer, you understand how to use lighting to enhance a space, creating the right ambiance and highlighting key design elements. This specialized knowledge not only elevates your work but also builds trust and credibility with your clients, demonstrating your expertise and dedication to excellence.


    Your role extends beyond the physical aspects of design. You also offer significant emotional and psychological support to your clients. Acting as an unofficial psychologist, you address clients’ concerns and help them navigate the stresses of renovation or redesign projects. Your ability to read clients’ needs intuitively, akin to being a psychic, ensures that their visions are brought to life even when they struggle to articulate them. As a peacemaker, you mediate conflicts that arise during projects, often keeping couples together through the tumultuous design process. Finally, as a mood maker, you create spaces that evoke specific emotions. This emotional intelligence and empathy make your work deeply personal and impactful.


    Effective leadership and management are crucial to the success of your projects. As a project manager, you coordinate all aspects of a project, ensuring everything runs smoothly and on schedule. The role of a team leader involves guiding and inspiring your team, from contractors to installers, ensuring everyone works towards a common goal. Being a time management ninja is also essential, as it allows you to juggle multiple tasks and deadlines efficiently. Finally, as a marketing maverick, you understand the importance of promoting your services effectively, ensuring continued growth and success for your business. These skills are the backbone of your operations, enabling you to deliver outstanding results.


    (2:00) All the hats you wear, besides “interior designer”

    (5:05) Why you need to share your expertise with clients

    (8:30) The psychology behind colors

    (15:30) Why you should not share too many options with clients

    (16:45) The importance of knowing fabrics and materials

    (21:55) Purchasing - why you should outsource it

    (23:15) Everyone involved in the design process

    (25:50) Why you must own your creative genius


    VIP DESIGNER TOUR at High Point

    When you’re ready to step into a bigger vision in your design business and create exceptional results and celebrations book-a-call to explore how coaching can take you there faster, with a solid plan, proven process, and smart strategies.

  • Efficiency is the cornerstone of a thriving design business. As a business owner, your ability to streamline processes, enhance client interactions, and empower your team directly impacts your overall success. Welcome to part 2 of our series on boosting efficiency in your design business. Make sure you go back and listen to Part 1 for 10 more useful tips.

    In this episode, we dive into 15 more tips (aka: action steps) you can implement to become infinitely more efficient in your business. We cover areas like client interaction and feedback, team management and delegation, operational efficiency and tools, and continuous learning and improvements.


    Gathering client feedback is crucial. It helps you improve services and keep clients smiling. Assign someone to have short, meaningful conversations with clients regularly. This personal touch makes clients feel valued and heard, and you’ll also obtain more detailed and actionable feedback along the way.

    Celebrating wins with your clients is huge, too. Don’t just celebrate when you complete a project, but acknowledge milestones together. It builds trust, boosts morale, and keeps clients coming back.


    Investing in the growth of your team is key. When you encourage and support professional development in your team members, it creates a win-win situation. Providing opportunities for training and skill development not only enhances their capabilities, but it also increases job satisfaction.

    While many business owners aren’t always comfortable with it, you must learn how to delegate decision-making. By providing clear protocols and standard operating procedures, you empower your team to make informed decisions independently. It’s important that you verbally let them know how much you trust them to make their own decisions. You don’t want them always running to you, and you definitely want to avoid becoming a “master micromanager.”

    Don’t forget about internal feedback loops. Getting feedback from employees is as important as getting feedback from clients. Regular check-ins allow team members to share insights and collaborate effectively. This allows you all to improve processes together.


    I know how important it is for you to have a successful design business. You wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t important. To do this, you need to implement tools and processes to become more efficient in your operations. One way to speed up decision-making and enhance communication with clients is by utilizing 3D visualization and rendering tools. Clients struggle to understand blueprints and elevations, but using these tools will help them understand exactly what their space will look like.

    Building a comprehensive knowledge base is also a must. This bank of information streamlines processes and improves efficiency by providing quick access to standard operating procedures and frequently asked questions. Having clear guidelines and procedures keeps things running smoothly.


    Continuous improvements is how you stay ahead. After each project, sit down with clients for a debrief. Find out what worked and what could be better. This helps to refine and improve your processes, and it also strengthens client relationships by showing you truly value their input.

    Internally, keep track of what you learn from each project. This information will be included in the comprehensive knowledge base I mentioned earlier. All of this information can only make you and your team stronger as your business grows.

    And don’t forget to implement tools and strategies that boost efficiency across the board, to ensure you are always moving forward.


    By implementing the action steps outlined in both episodes, parts 1 and 2, you can transform your business into a well-oiled machine with streamlined operations, a motivated team, and happy clients. Remember, the goal is to build a business that can operate smoothly even when you aren’t there, giving you the freedom to enjoy the fruits of your labor.


    (2:15) Why you need to have standardized templates

    (9:55) The benefits of having your team track their time

    (16:15) Why you should never start a project without an estimated completion date

    (20:50) Why you need to check your Profit & Loss statement once a month

    (25:05) Feedback loops - what are they and why you need them

    (32:15) Having an internal and external FAQ list

    (39:55) How to properly handle mistakes with your team members

    (43:25) Why you must have a debrief session at the completion of every project


    EP 94: 10 Tips for an Efficient Design Business, Part 1

    VIP DESIGNER TOUR at High Point

    When you’re ready to step into a bigger vision in your design business and create exceptional results and celebrations book-a-call to explore how coaching can take you there faster, with a solid plan, proven process, and smart strategies.

  • In the fast-paced world of design, staying ahead of the curve is a must. One powerful way to achieve this is by implementing the use of AI, aka: “artificial intelligence.” Gone are the days when AI was seen only as a novelty, used for writing love poems. Today, it’s a powerful tool that can transform your business. From automating repetitive tasks to generating fresh ideas, AI is changing the way designers work. If you are hesitant about this change, I want to remind you that change isn’t necessarily a bad thing. In fact, AI can be so helpful and powerful, that it saves you time and money.

    In this episode, we dive into how AI can shake things up in your design business. We talk about embracing change and innovation, maximizing efficiency, and why exploration and learning are essential practices when it comes to integrating AI into your workflow.


    Embracing change is key to staying relevant. AI presents a unique opportunity for designers to innovate, by giving them back time, so they can focus on their most creative tasks. AI can help you amplify your creativity. It’s not about replacing your ideas, but supercharging them!

    Innovation doesn’t stop at generating ideas or creating designs. When you adopt new AI tools, you can streamline your entire design process. Whether it’s through AI-driven design renderings, email newsletter creation, or writing website copy, the innovation potential is beyond what you can fathom. It’s time to embrace these changes, so you aren’t left behind while the rest of the industry is moving forward.


    Time is a precious resource, and thankfully, AI can improve time management and productivity. It’s almost like an assistant you have always wished you could find. It automates repetitive tasks like project management, so you have more time to focus on other aspects of your work.

    Imagine having more time to explore new concepts or fine-tune your current projects! That’s the power of AI. It’s not about working harder, it’s about working smarter and getting more done in less time.


    Integrating AI into your design practice should be a fun, exploration. Allowing yourself to experiment and “play” with new tools can lead to improvements. You need to approach this with a mindset of curiosity and fun. This is a wonderful opportunity to enhance your skills and expand your capabilities.

    Don’t rely solely on formal training, to start using this technology. I believe the best way to approach AI, is with hands-on experience. Dive in, play around, and see what works best for you and your business. It’s all about embracing the journey of discovery and using AI to enhance your design skills.


    By embracing change and innovation, optimizing your efficiency, and staying curious through exploration and learning, you can harness the full potential of AI in your business.

    If you are ready to save time and money, then embrace the change, explore the possibilities, and let AI become a tool to help you achieve greater success.


    (2:15) Why you should use AI in your marketing tasks

    (5:20) 7 marketing tasks you can outsource to AI

    (10:50) Benefits to using Chat GPT in your marketing

    (17:30) Website copy and the specific pages you need on your site

    (24:20) The mindset you need to have when approaching AI

    (26:50) A list of different AI tools you can use as a designer

    (36:15) Why I don’t like chatbots

    (39:40) Whether you should be trained how to use AI


    081: The Four Steps to Landing Every Project

    When you’re ready to step into a bigger vision in your design business and create exceptional results and celebrations book-a-call to explore how coaching can take you there faster, with a solid plan, proven process, and smart strategies.

  • Running a design business can be both rewarding and challenging. With tight deadlines, demanding clients, and the pressure to stay creative, efficiency sometimes takes a backseat. What if there were simple, actionable tips that could transform your workflow, boost your profits, and ultimately lead to more satisfying work and happier clients?

    In this episode, you will discover 10 tips to help you run an efficient design business. These tips focus on strategic planning and goal setting, efficient communication and collaboration, and productivity and delegation. By implementing these strategies, you will be on your way to mastering efficiency and achieving success in your design business.


    In order to run an efficient design business, you need clear and realistic goals. You must establish these goals at the beginning of each year, and then break them down into quarterly, monthly, and weekly goals. This approach not only makes the tasks more manageable but it also ensures steady progress throughout the year. Tracking progress, setting milestones, and celebrating small wins can keep your team motivated and on track. Also, it is much easier to correct your course, when you regularly review your progress against your goals.

    Another critical aspect of strategic planning is setting healthy boundaries with clients. Implementing boundaries is a life changer, especially if your clients are frequently texting you, asking questions about the project. Including clear expectations and boundaries in your letter of agreement helps to manage client relationships effectively. Regular project updates, whether weekly or biweekly, ensure that everyone is on the same page. This strategic approach not only streamlines operations but also builds a more professional and respectful relationship with clients.


    Streamlining communication within your team and with your clients can significantly boost efficiency. Reducing email clutter will save you time. Utilizing team communication tools helps maintain organized communication channels. Leveraging email subject lines and having digital folders for each client makes it easier to find important information quickly. Regularly cleaning out spam and trash emails keeps your inbox manageable. My personal rule is to never have more than 50 unread emails in my inbox at a time. Assigning buddies to new hires and conducting regular check-ins ensures that new team members integrate smoothly and are up to speed. By leveraging these tools and practices, you create an environment where communication flows effortlessly.


    If you have ever heard that multitasking is effective, I am here to tell you that is false! Multitasking might seem like a good idea, but it leads to decreased productivity and it increases stress. Focusing on one task at a time, or uni-tasking, allows you to enter your zone of genius where creativity and productivity thrive. There is nothing more powerful than being able to give your total focus to one project. Speaking of focus, having a private office space can help you minimize distractions and maximize your focus.

    Delegating and outsourcing are other vital strategies you should start exploring if you aren’t doing so already. Outsourcing tasks like bookkeeping, rendering, and presentation board creation can free up your time to focus on what you do best. Additionally, automating routine tasks through AI can also enhance efficiency.

    If you are ready to master efficiency, so you can make more profit, serve happier clients, and do more fulfilling work, then make sure to listen to this episode for all 10 tips!


    (1:45) Establishing realistic goals

    (3:55) Streamlining your communication

    (10:40) Setting healthy boundaries with clients and your team

    (13:40) The importance of project management software

    (15:45) Reducing the frequency and length of meetings

    (18:15) Encouraging teamwork

    (20:55) Enhancing the work environment

    (23:50) Why you need to stop multitasking

    (27:40) Working distraction-free in a private office area

    (29:20) The types of tasks you need to outsource

    (32:40) Automating tasks using AI

    When you’re ready to step into a bigger vision in your design business and create exceptional results and celebrations book-a-call to explore how coaching can take you there faster, with a solid plan, proven process, and smart strategies.

  • As a designer, you might find yourself stuck in old patterns and beliefs that are preventing you from reaching your goals. You may think you aren’t good enough to be published. You may believe that you have to always say “yes” to every single prospect, regardless if it’s an ideal project or not. These types of patterns and beliefs don’t just affect your business, but your personal life as well.

    In this episode, you will learn about the transformative power of identity shifts and how they can help you achieve everything you want, in business and personal life. I am sharing the five steps you need to implement in order to shift your identity and see profound changes in your life.


    Understanding the power of identity is crucial for professional and personal growth. Your “I am” statements define your self-perception and guide your actions. Whether you say, “I am a runner” or “I am a workaholic,” each statement reflects your commitment to specific behaviors and actions you take.

    Changing your identity involves aligning your actions with the person you aspire to become. Overcoming limiting beliefs and adopting new habits can lead to transformative shifts. By intentionally shaping our identities and consistently taking steps toward our goals, you empower yourself to get everything you want.


    Take some time to think about the person you aspire to become. What qualities define this ideal version of yourself? Write down these qualities and values as a guidepost. For inspiration, look for someone who is real and relatable, such as friends, peers, or fellow designers. Study their journey and the actions they took to achieve their goals. By understanding their journey, you can gain insights that may help you shape your own path.

    After actively seeking out 1 to 3 individuals who inspire you, the next step is to deliberately emulate their actions and behaviors. Don’t just copy and do what they do. After all, they may not have the same exact goals that you do. This process is more about embodying their mindset and approach. As you immerse yourself in similar practices, you will start to mold yourself into the person you envision.


    As you become more committed to this change, you need to embody your new identity. It’s not just about going through the motions, it’s about internalizing these actions until they become second nature. Act as if you are already the person you aspire to be. This shift from doing to being is transformative.

    To reinforce this transformation, it’s critical that you celebrate your progress along the way. When you find yourself aligning your actions with your new identity, you need to stop and appreciate those moments. Acknowledge and reward yourself for the steps you are taking towards your growth. This positive reinforcement strengthens your commitment and motivates you to keep moving forward.


    While celebrating your progress is critical, it’s equally as important to show yourself compassion when you falter on your journey. Journeys include setbacks and you will make mistakes along the way. When these setbacks occur, reflect on how the new version of you would respond. Instead of dwelling on failure, give yourself grace and learn from the experience. The new version of you would not give up in the face of challenges. They would choose to learn and grow. By embracing this mindset, you empower yourself to navigate obstacles with resilience and determination.

    It’s time to embrace change, get out of your comfort zone, and become the person who achieves everything they set their heart on.


    (1:35) Figuring out your “I am” statements

    (5:45) Examples of limiting beliefs designers hold

    (9:50) Why taking action without shifting your identity is self-sabotage

    (12:45) The power of changing your identity with intention

    (20:05) The five steps to shifting your identity

    (34:45) Why comfort zones are not actually comfortable

    (36:30) The question you need to ask yourself at the start of the day

  • Many business owners fall into the trap of "doing" too much and forget the simple joy of just "being." If this sounds familiar, you're not alone. We “do-ers” feel like we are being lazy if we aren’t constantly performing. Let me clue you in on a lesson I had to learn the hard way. If your switch is always set to “do” instead of set to “be,” your creativity, productivity, and profits will suffer.

    In today's episode, you will discover the benefits of stepping into "being" and away from "doing."

    You will learn that doing less can lead to more productivity, profitability, and fulfillment. I will also share practical ways to incorporate more "being" into your life. It's time to shift gears and embrace a more fulfilling, balanced approach to life. For all you do-ers out there, I’m giving you permission to do less, stop the overwhelm, and step into “being.”


    Taking a step back from constant activity and learning to simply be can transform your life. When you allow yourself to be present and in the moment, you not only reduce stress but also open yourself up to greater creativity and joy. When you shift from the relentless cycle of doing to a state of being, you feel more aligned, relaxed, and fulfilled.

    By focusing on "being," you can accomplish more since you’ll be more productive and profitable while feeling a deeper sense of fulfillment. This shift can feel drastic, especially for those who thrive on staying busy, but the rewards are profound. Giving yourself permission to step back and be creates space for personal growth, leading to greater happiness and contentment.


    I have created a list of 45 practical activities designed to help you embrace the joy of being. These suggestions are adaptable, allowing you to find what resonates most with you. Whether it's binge-watching your favorite series without guilt or exploring nature to rejuvenate your spirit, these activities are meant to bring balance and joy into your life.

    Many of the items on the list of 45 have helped me feel more inspired, fueled, curious, energized, rejuvenated, and joyous. Instead of feeling constantly drained and worn out from always doing, I encourage you to engage in a few of these activities I share in the episode.

    These activities are not just about taking breaks but about creating moments of joy and relaxation that can recharge you for the tasks ahead. By integrating these practices into your routine, you’ll find a better balance between doing and being, which will bring positive results to your business and personal life.


    It might seem counterintuitive, but doing less can help you achieve more. When you stop overdoing and start being, you align yourself with a natural flow that boosts productivity. Stepping back from constant busyness leads to increased creativity and efficiency, making you more profitable in your business endeavors.

    Focusing on being allows you to tap into a deeper sense of fulfillment, encouraging quality over quantity in your efforts. You can approach tasks with greater clarity and efficiency, when you feel mentally refreshed. For example, decluttering your workspace can lead to better focus and creativity, and taking breaks to play with your pet or enjoy a hobby can provide a mental reset that boosts overall productivity.

    Embracing the joy of being rather than the constant push to do more can transform your life. By integrating these practices into your daily routine, you will be more productive, profitable, and deeply fulfilled. So take a step back, breathe, and give yourself permission to just be.


    (2:05) The benefits of stepping into “being” and away from “doing”

    (3:50) A list of 45 different activities to encourage “being”

    (14:55) Activities that bring feelings of awe, love, and inspiration

    (18:55) The benefits of decluttering, organizing, and purging

    (22:25) Creating space for things that actually fulfill you

    (31:05) Exercising your body and your mind

    (36:05) Becoming more vulnerable and opening our hearts

    (47:55) The joy that comes from living in a place of “being-ness”

    When you’re ready to step into a bigger vision in your design business and create exceptional results and celebrations book-a-call to explore how coaching can take you there faster, with a solid plan, proven process, and smart strategies.

  • I’m sure you’ve heard business and life coaches advise on the importance of creating a vision board. Essentially, a vision board is a tool for personal development and achievement. The purpose is to motivate and inspire you as you work towards accomplishing your dreams. While vision boards have been a traditional tool for goal-setting, they aren’t as effective as they could be. It’s time we upgrade this broken tool and turn it into something that will produce the results we desire.

    In today’s episode, you will learn why traditional vision boards are not helping you reach your goals. I also dive into the importance of specificity and visualization. You’ll discover what areas of your life to include on your board. I will also explain why you should approach your board from a flow state, ensuring your intentions are aligned with your authentic being.


    Even though vision boards are popular with designers, they often fall short of their intended purpose. These boards may be beautiful to look at, but achieving your dreams takes more than just hanging up a pretty board on your wall or saving the digital version to your computer desktop.

    I believe most vision boards are too vague to be truly effective. People often create their boards with generalized goals. The board ends up looking like it could belong to just about anybody. I mean, who hasn’t said “I want a new car,” or “I want to go on a trip to Europe.” To achieve your deepest desires, you must move from vague aspirations to clearly defined milestones.

    In order to fix these broken vision boards, I suggest we not only change how we approach them, but we should also change what we call them. You can call it a “goal board” or “accomplishment board,” but my favorite is “celebration board.” After all, you’ll be celebrating once you achieve your desires.


    Be particular and selective with the goals you put on your board. Your fantasies can only become realities when you know exactly what you want in life and business. For example, if you want to move into a new office to run your business, don’t just stop at “new office.” Think about where the office is located, how big the space is, how many windows it has, and what floor it’s on.

    This board isn’t just for setting business goals. I encourage you to include goals for different areas of your life. These areas include: Business, Finances, Relationships, Health, Travel, Investments, and more.


    My clients often come to me, telling me they feel stuck when creating vision boards. To help them feel less stuck, I remind them about the power of visualization. They visualize every day in their work, without even realizing it. Allow me to share an example.

    As a designer, you can walk into a new home and after just a few moments, you’re already envisioning the transformation. You clearly see the newly designed space in your mind with such specificity. Your brain is establishing a roadmap for the upcoming project.

    You see, you already have the ability to visualize transformations in your mind. This is the same level of clarity you need to bring to your board. When you visualize your future with clarity and specificity, then your board becomes a roadmap for your desires, goals, and celebrations.


    There are a multitude of factors that hold us back from setting, visualizing, and achieving our dreams. For one, we all deal with an inner imposter that tries to tell us to think small. I want you to silence that imposter and push yourself beyond your comfort zone.

    Another factor that keeps us from achieving our goals is a lack of awareness. We are unsure what our truest desires are. Our energetic alignment is out of whack because we are approaching life from a hustle mindset. By constantly grinding and “doing,” we can’t reflect on or access what we want out of life.

    Your goals will become a reality when you are in a state of flow and energetic alignment. I want you to let go of all the “doing” and practice just “being.”

    You hold the answers to what you most want. You just have to shut out the noise, pause, and tune into yourself.


    (1:45) Why traditional vision boards don’t work (4:30) How writing a “100 List” will inspire the goals you put on your board (13:05) The power of defining and declaring what you desire most (18:05) The areas of your life you need to include on the board (23:30) Why you should be celebrating along the way (28:55) My one rule for the goals you put on your board (34:50) What it looks like to come from a place of “being” (41:35) Why you need support from mentors and loved ones

    Follow and Review:

    We’d love for you to follow us if you haven’t yet. Click that purple ‘+’ in the top right corner of your Apple Podcasts app. We’d love it even more if you could drop a review or 5-star rating over on Apple Podcasts. Simply select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review” then a quick line with your favorite part of the episode. It only takes a second and it helps spread the word about the podcast.

    Supporting Resources

    For more information about The Affluent Creative, check out my website www.melissagalt.com

    Follow me on Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn @MelissaGalt and TikTok @MelissaGaltBusinessCoach

  • In the world of interior design, design firm principals are constantly juggling a million and one tasks. From design discovery to client onboarding, floor plans to renderings, networking to social media, project management to client care, you do it all. Let’s face it, you’re wearing upwards of 36 hats at any one time, and it can leave you feeling overwhelmed and under-earning. And that leaves less time and energy for the activities that bring you real profit.


    You started your business to make money, doing what you love
design. Many designers are so bogged down with low-dollar tasks, that their finances and creativity both take a hit. If you want to increase your profit and engage in the work you love doing, then you must start focusing your efforts on the right activities. I remind my clients, “Where your focus goes, your finances flow.”

    In today’s episode, you’ll learn how to distinguish between high-dollar and low-dollar tasks, so you can prioritize activities that directly contribute to your profit. While low-dollar tasks are necessary activities within your business that must be completed, they are not a priority. As a designer and business owner, you should focus on tasks that impact your bottom line and require higher levels of expertise and skill.

    The categories here can make it simpler: lead generation and marketing, SEO and visibility, sales and offers, creative work, project management, communication, and admin.


    Discover which activities you should prioritize and which you should outsource when it comes to administrative tasks, marketing and advertising, sales, creative work, and more. You only have a finite amount of time. Knowing where your time is going each day will make a big difference. Let’s find out where you’re spending your time, so we can make you more money!

    You’ll learn how to dollarize your days, so you earn more in every activity. And you can delegate low dollar tasks. Your time as principal designer, Creative Director, or CEO is best invested in $1k tasks vs. the many $100 and $10 that can be delegated to team or outsourcing online.


    When you stay focused on your Zone of Genius work at least 80% of the time, you’ll find yourself more productive, more fulfilled and more profitable. It’s vital that you relinquish the idea that you must do it all yourself. This is a myth and a costly one.

    Instead, when you assign a dollar value to each task, you’ll find that by delegating what you aren’t efficient at, what you don’t love, and what isn’t impacting the bottom line directly, that more gets done and you step out of sacrifice and off the burn out path.

    Your firm will earn more with the right team in place. Whenever you can outsource or delegate to someone who is a fraction of your hourly rate (internal use only, you know I advocate flat fees) you get time back for the actions that matter most.

    To find out how you can effectively grow your design business, BOOK-A-CALL here, it’s complementary and a way to explore the fit, as well as create your plan.

    IN THIS EPISODE, YOU WILL HEAR: (3:00) The difference between high-dollar and low-dollar tasks. (4:20) Which aspects of social media are high-dollar versus low-dollar. (7:10) What high-dollar marketing looks like. (13:33) How to change your money mindset. (15:30) What high-dollar creative work and low-dollar creative work entail. (19:40) The value in finding a good stylist. (24:00) How to dollarize your calendar. (28:05) How to completely transform your business.

    Episode 081: The Four Steps to Landing Every Project (Design Discovery Process)


    We’d love for you to follow us if you haven’t yet. Click that purple ‘+’ in the top right corner of your Apple Podcasts app. We’d love it even more if you could drop a review or 5-star rating over on Apple Podcasts. Simply select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review” then a quick line with your favorite part of the episode. It only takes a second and it helps spread the word about the podcast.


    For more information about The Affluent Creative, check out my website www.melissagalt.com

    Follow me on Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn @MelissaGalt and TikTok @MelissaGaltBusinessCoach

  • Working in design, we know how important a living space can be for our clients’ well-being. We design entire rooms looking for ways to make our clients’ lives easier, more efficient, and more beautiful. But, how often do we do the same for ourselves?

    I’m not just talking about our curated office spaces. When was the last time you purged yourself of those old files, cleaned up your drive, and really took an inventory of your projects, resources, and client files? You might be surprised at how much what you hold onto is holding you back. I know this from experience–I have gone through my fair share of slow times in my business and I had to learn the hard way how my anxious reactions were not serving me.

    Today, I’m sharing my hard-won tips to prepare for your future profits without getting sidetracked by anxiety. Learn how the energy you project can draw positive outcomes and why decluttering both your physical and digital spaces is essential for creativity and productivity. We’ll also dive into practical tips for archiving old project materials and updating sample libraries to make room for fresh opportunities.

    Discover how visual clutter can stifle your creativity and get actionable strategies to foster a workspace that not only looks good but feels inviting and energizing. Let’s tackle those fears that you’re holding onto and stop them from holding you back!

    In this episode, you will hear:

    Opportunities for decluttering to create an environment that fosters confidence and positivity

    Strategies for managing fluctuating demands using tools like whiteboards and Google Calendar to track projects

    Tips on maintaining a visually organized workspace that fuels your own creativity

    The correlation between the depth of client relationships and the height of business revenue

    Follow and Review:

    We’d love for you to follow us if you haven’t yet. Click that purple '+' in the top right corner of your Apple Podcasts app. We’d love it even more if you could drop a review or 5-star rating over on Apple Podcasts. Simply select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review” then a quick line with your favorite part of the episode. It only takes a second and it helps spread the word about the podcast.

    Supporting Resources:

    For more information about The Affluent Creative, check out my website www.melissagalt.com

    Follow me on Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn @MelissaGalt and TikTok @MelissaGaltBusinessCoach

    Episode Credits

    If you like this podcast and are thinking of creating your own, consider talking to my producer, Emerald City Productions. They helped me grow and produce the podcast you are listening to right now. Find out more at https://emeraldcitypro.com Let them know we sent you.

  • Feeling like you're constantly chasing your tail in your design practice? I know I've been there—drowning in emails, juggling multiple tasks, and never quite feeling like I'm on solid ground. However, the most important thing to remember about overwhelm is that it is just your perspective on a moment in time. It does not have to be your reality. I've found a lifeline through simple, yet effective strategies to curb the chaos and I’m here to walk you through five key steps to take back control. From setting non-negotiable communication boundaries to the benefits of an organized, color-coded calendar, you’ll say goodbye to the paralysis of overload and hello to the well-oiled machine that is your creative business.

    Imagine your day compartmentalized into neat, color-coded blocks, each dedicated to a specific task—no more bouncing between tasks like a pinball. In this episode, I share the transformative power of time blocking using accessible tools like Google Calendar. You'll learn how to prioritize effectively with just an index card and why multitasking might actually be your kryptonite. Plus, I'll let you in on the secret to maintaining a sense of accomplishment and focus, cultivating control in your professional journey and personal life. Each segment of your day can be a stepping stone to building a thriving practice without feeling like you're constantly on the brink.

    I've got some creative communication tactics up my sleeve that will endear you to your clients and keep them excited about the progress of their projects while still setting clear boundaries for your time. And for those who are ready to take their creative business to stratospheric levels, I'm rolling out the red carpet to the Go Beyond Intensive event in sunny Scottsdale. It's a chance to connect, learn, and grow with fellow designers who are all about embracing smart systems and a mindset that propels them forward. So tune in, get inspired, and let's journey together toward a design practice that nurtures your extraordinary life without the burnout.

    In this episode, you will hear:

    Strategies to eliminate overwhelm in your design practice

    The importance of regular project updates and setting communication boundaries

    Ways to use time-blocking tools like Google Calendar for productivity

    Follow and Review:

    We’d love for you to follow us if you haven’t yet. Click that purple '+' in the top right corner of your Apple Podcasts app. We’d love it even more if you could drop a review or 5-star rating over on Apple Podcasts. Simply select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review” then a quick line with your favorite part of the episode. It only takes a second and it helps spread the word about the podcast.

    Supporting Resources:

    For more information about The Affluent Creative, check out my website www.melissagalt.com

    Follow me on Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn @MelissaGalt and TikTok @MelissaGaltBusinessCoach

    Episode Credits

    If you like this podcast and are thinking of creating your own, consider talking to my producer, Emerald City Productions. They helped me grow and produce the podcast you are listening to right now. Find out more at https://emeraldcitypro.com Let them know we sent you.

  • Free: what does it make you think of? A bargain? A steal? Now consider
are those concepts really the ideas you want your clients to associate with your brand? Whether we like it or not, words are loaded with associations and, starting now, this is one word I want you to avoid in your branding. Free does not encourage engagement or investment into your services. A complimentary gift, however, is priceless.

    Let's talk about how the subtle art of offering 'complimentary' services, rather than ‘free’, not only upholds the value of your work but transforms the way clients see your business. In this episode, I'll share, from my own blunders and triumphs in the world of design, the transformative power of terminology in the services you offer. From the overlooked digital downloads that clutter our inboxes to the impactful strategy of nurturing client relationships with value-packed, complimentary offerings, you’ll learn how to avoid diminishing your worth and instead, position your work as the generous gift it is.

    Remember the last time a simple act of kindness turned a good day into a great one? That's the feeling you should be striving to recreate for clients with special, unexpected surprises that foster a sense of exclusivity and appreciation. We'll discuss how to weave this art of surprise into your design business, creating an exclusive client experience that not only fosters loyalty but also ignites word-of-mouth. Whether you're looking to refine your approach or seeking inspiration on how to enrich client interactions, join me as we redefine the standards of service and success in the creative industry.

    In this episode, you will hear:

    The difference between "complimentary" and "free"

    The psychological effects of freebies and how they can lead to clutter and diminished appreciation of your services

    Strategies for using complimentary offerings to enhance client relationships and maintain the integrity of your work's worth

    The importance of surprise and thoughtful gestures in creating a memorable and loyal client base

    Follow and Review:

    We’d love for you to follow us if you haven’t yet. Click that purple '+' in the top right corner of your Apple Podcasts app. We’d love it even more if you could drop a review or 5-star rating over on Apple Podcasts. Simply select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review” then a quick line with your favorite part of the episode. It only takes a second and it helps spread the word about the podcast.

    Supporting Resources:

    For more information about The Affluent Creative, check out my website www.melissagalt.com

    Follow me on Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn @MelissaGalt and TikTok @MelissaGaltBusinessCoach

    Episode Credits

    If you like this podcast and are thinking of creating your own, consider talking to my producer, Emerald City Productions. They helped me grow and produce the podcast you are listening to right now. Find out more at https://emeraldcitypro.com Let them know we sent you.

  • Ever felt lost in the maze of design decisions, wondering if you're making the right choices for your clients? As a designer, it is important to embrace your role as a navigator, steering your clients towards the beautiful and functional spaces they dream of. This episode is brimming with insights on how to assert your expertise from the get-go, ensuring your clients see you as not just a designer, but as a visionary leader. From the thrill of the discovery phase to confidently handling challenging proposals and redlines, I'll share the secrets to solidifying client relationships that thrive long after the last piece of furniture is placed.

    The landscape of interior design is evolving, and staying ahead means adapting with grace and innovation. Today, I delve into the art of transforming spaces with detailed renderings that bring your vision to life, and the shift towards leveraging online resources. Discover how to set the stage for success with strategies that showcase your adaptability and meticulous planning. I'll also discuss the art of setting clear expectations through disclaimers, ensuring your designs are not only protected but poised for enhancement, with the vast selection of resources at our disposal.

    In a world where choice can overwhelm, we can save our clients from the dreaded decision fatigue and keep their journey toward a perfect home enjoyable and stress-free. As your guide through these intricacies, I aim to empower you to maintain control, avoid common pitfalls, and achieve a harmonious final installation that reflects your vision as a creative expert. So, whether you're an emerging designer or a seasoned pro, join us in this conversation for insights that will help you lead your clients with confidence.

    In this episode, you will hear:

    Why you need to take the lead in the discovery process

    How standing your ground in agreement negotiations can reinforce your expertise and pave the way to successful project completion

    Ways to streamline your design process

    Smart strategies that you can use to more effectively manage the delivery and placement of your clients’ pieces

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    We’d love for you to follow us if you haven’t yet. Click that purple '+' in the top right corner of your Apple Podcasts app. We’d love it even more if you could drop a review or 5-star rating over on Apple Podcasts. Simply select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review” then a quick line with your favorite part of the episode. It only takes a second and it helps spread the word about the podcast.

    Supporting Resources:

    For more information about The Affluent Creative, check out my website www.melissagalt.com

    Follow me on Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn @MelissaGalt and TikTok @MelissaGaltBusinessCoach

    Episode Credits

    If you like this podcast and are thinking of creating your own, consider talking to my producer, Emerald City Productions. They helped me grow and produce the podcast you are listening to right now. Find out more at https://emeraldcitypro.com Let them know we sent you.

  • Did you know that there are three actionable ways to guarantee every project that you take on will grow your business? Leveraging client testimonials, referrals, and photography are the best ways to use your prior successes to propel your future ones. Today, I’m deep-diving into each so that you can be more successful with every project you take on.

    From the art of amplifying your brand's credibility using client testimonials to the value of top-notch photography, my tips will have you securing referrals that will blossom into your dream client list. You won’t have to wonder where your next project will spring from because you’ll have a steady stream of ideal clientele already dying to work with you.

    Discover how to deepen client relationships with personalized touches, ensuring your work remains etched in their memory. I’ll share methods for seeking referrals that reflect your past triumphs and set the stage for a thriving future filled with projects you adore. Prepare to elevate your presence in the industry with strategies that do more than just showcase your talent! Tune in today and let's ensure your client list is as curated and impactful as the work you put out into the world.

    In this episode, you will hear:

    How to deepen client relationships and leverage client testimonials effectively to enhance your brand’s credibility

    The significance of professional photography in showcasing projects to grow your client base

    Techniques for acquiring client referrals that align with your desired project types and clientele

    Strategies for getting your work published in both digital and print media

    Follow and Review:

    We’d love for you to follow us if you haven’t yet. Click that purple '+' in the top right corner of your Apple Podcasts app. We’d love it even more if you could drop a review or 5-star rating over on Apple Podcasts. Simply select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review” then a quick line with your favorite part of the episode. It only takes a second and it helps spread the word about the podcast.

    Supporting Resources:

    Testimonial Writing Service

    How to Get Press, Amy Flurry

    For more information about The Affluent Creative, check out my website www.melissagalt.com

    Follow me on Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn @MelissaGalt and TikTok @MelissaGaltBusinessCoach

    Episode Credits

    If you like this podcast and are thinking of creating your own, consider talking to my producer, Emerald City Productions. They helped me grow and produce the podcast you are listening to right now. Find out more at https://emeraldcitypro.com Let them know we sent you.