
  • Tara Trottier takes us on a ChatGPT crash course. If you're curious, confused, excited, or even apprehensive about ChatGPT then this episode is for you. We'll start with the basics and then explore specific ways you can utilize this tool to save you time and mental space.

  • If you've been taught that more clients and faster appointments is the key to your practice's success then you need this episode to remind you of the magic, sacredness, and energy that exists in your simple touch. Etienne Peirsman quickly became one of my favorite guests to date and I know you'll appreciate his perspective, too!

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  • Maybe you thought sales and marketing were the same thing? Wellness Business Coach Joanna Sapir shares the critical difference between the two and why that knowledge holds the key to attracting and retaining your practice's ideal clients!

    Joanna's FREE Resource for our listeners HERE

  • Today I'm talking with sleep consultant Ava Dark! If you're anything like me, much of your sanity hinges on the amount of sleep you're able to get. Ava and I chat about the irony around the phrase, "sleeping like a baby", how gentle/attachment parenting and sleep training CAN co-exist and how to address sleep issues with young and older kiddos by having healthy sleep boundaries.

  • Zack Shreier may not be our "typical" guest but he does have some very applicable nuggets to share with all of you health and wellness practitioners! Zack's childhood diagnosis of type 1 diabetes was the seed for his first invention that landed him on Shark Tank. I especially enjoyed comparing and contrasting the scaling power of product vs. service-based businesses.

    Zack shares about his experience working with the FDA to approve his most recent invention along with his data-driven, nutritional approach to sustaining his productivity and capacity. We cover lots of entrepreneurial topics and I'm excited for you to listen in.

    Click HERE to access Zack's special bonus for our listeners.

  • We all know that stress can have a negative impact on our health, but it can be hard to know how to reduce it. Fortunately, in this episode Dr. Zephanie Cole shares three pillars of health you can dive into to reduce stress and improve your overall health. I have so enjoyed coaching Dr. Zephanie over the past several years; her personal and professional story highlight the importance of knowing your hormone levels, gut health, and toxin load.

    If you consider yourself crunchy/healthy but are still dealing with annoying symptoms (life fatigue) you'll especially want to pay attention when Dr. Zephanie shares about her favorite test that addresses each one of her three health pillars for reducing stress.

  • In this episode I'm talking to Kara McKeage, owner of Pepper's Personal Assistants. We chat about ditching the shame around outsourcing household help and the unmissable signs that you need to hire support at home; including feeling overwhelmed, feeling resentful, and having difficulty managing tasks.

    Kara dives into the client/personal assistant matching process and the most common tasks she sees clients delegating to a personal assistant including laundry, vendor management, pet care, and meal prep. While delegating tasks in your home may feel vulnerable at times, this episode will give you the motivation and resources to do so, allowing you time to focus on more profitable and fulfilling tasks only you can do.

  • Join Dr. Danielle Angela and guest Jamie Van Cuyk as they talk about overcoming delegation fears and hiring well. As a practice owner, it can be difficult to let go of control and delegate tasks to your team. As women, this fear often comes from the false belief that you have to prove that you can "do it all", and that you will be seen as a failure if you need help. However, this is an essential part of success and growth. Delegating tasks to your team allows you to focus on the most important tasks that only you can do, which ultimately makes it possible for you to make more money and have a bigger impact.

  • In this episode of the Health and Wellness Practitioners podcast, host Dr. Danielle Angela and her two guest financial experts, Dr. David Richardson and Dr. TJ Neveau discuss financial systems that every practice owner needs to have in place to get ahead and create wealth. Many health and wellness practitioners are drowning in student loan debt, if that's you, Drs David and TJ will provide practical hope for achieving personal wealth. Plus, they outline what it looks like to work with a financial planner to achieve your unique goals.

  • In this episode, Dr. Danielle Angela sits down with leadership coach Jen Hope to talk about overcoming imposter syndrome. They identify symptoms of impostor syndrome and how self-compassion and acceptance, although difficult to practice, are keys to overcoming imposter thoughts. Plus, if you dread marketing your practice, Jen shares practical ways to build your competency and create confidence.

  • In this episode of the Health and Wellness Practitioners podcast, host Dr. Danielle Angela speaks with money coach Mikelann Valterra about how to stop stressing about money. Mikelann discusses her decision to become a money coach and how helping people develop a healthy relationship with money can improve all other areas of their lives. Money can often be a block for people, causing stress and frustration, but Mikelann emphasizes that it should be seen as a tool or resource to live the life we want. You will gain insight into how to manage your finances and find a healthy balance.

  • In this episode Dr. Danielle Angela is joined by Dr. Jodi Dinneramn. Dr. Jodi is a chiropractor, author, mom, wife, and creator of the SEWP school. Dr. Jodi shares her tips for practitioners who want to learn more about creating a joy-filled Staffless Practice. But wait, don't go firing your staff right now! If your practice requires more than you, Dr. Jodi shares how to focus on and utilize your team's true talents. Automation holds the key to so many successes in your practice but did you know you can automate with a personal style?? Dr. Jodi shares how to do that and so much more on this episode of the Health and Wellness Practitioners Podcast.

    In this episode we discuss:

    Your Staff & Their True Talents (who needs to drink the Kool-Aid?)You Don't Always Need 0 Staff, You Need the Right StaffWhat To Do Next on Your Staffless Practice JourneyTime Studies & Empathy
  • Welcome to the Health and Wellness Practitioners Podcast. I am your host, Dr. Danielle Angela. In this show, I and my guest experts will talk about everything from getting your practice started to developing your clinical skills, growing your practice your way, and of course, dealing with the real stuff like burnout and work-life balance. Whether you've been practicing for decades or just started your journey, you'll find something here for you. So take a deep breath and enjoy the show.

    Hello, hello friends. Welcome to the Health and Wellness Practitioners Podcast, episode 238. I am your host, Dr. Danielle Angela, and in this episode, we are going to be talking about how to make a marketing plan for a new practice or business.

    Now, before you run away from this podcast, I know that you don't like hearing about marketing, but I just want to encourage you that, you know, if you went through the time to study the modality that you practice, whether it's midwifery, chiropractic, acupuncture, massage therapy, whatever it is, you are a smart person. You are capable of learning new things, and marketing is just a skill. It's just a skill. Some of us have, you know, invested a lot of time and energy in developing that skill, and others haven't. But wherever you are, it's okay. You can learn the skill of marketing.

    And don't forget too that, you know, marketing is the essential, like the first component, the first function of running a business. And if you want to be able to help people, then you've got to be able to get the word out about what you do and how you serve in your practice, right? So don't be afraid. And well, actually, even if you are afraid, it's okay. You can still move forward and learn the skill of marketing anyway. And remember why you are doing this. It is ultimately at the end of the day to be able to help more people. And as a reward, you make money and you get to live a better life.

    Okay, so. When it comes to making a marketing plan for a new practice, it can get really confusing real fast because there are so many different strategies and tactics that you can take, especially in 2023 with so many different social media platforms.

    Before we dive into specifics, I want to give a shout out to one of my favorite books on this topic, which is the One Page Marketing Plan. And the One Page Marketing Plan kind of breaks down the overall strategy and then the tactics. So the strategy is like the approach and the tactics are the “what to do”. If you really wanna go deeper into this topic and you want to spend time improving your skill set and marketing, then I definitely highly recommend getting the one-page marketing plan. It is called the One Page Marketing Plan, but it is not a one page book. It's just FYI.

    Okay, so...as I was mentioning, there are so many different things you can do and so many different ways you can go with marketing your business in today's world, right? So let me give you first, two things that I really, really, really encourage new practitioners or people who are starting a new practice; you could be a very seasoned practitioner and not a seasoned business owner, right? You could be in practice for two decades and not have ever owned your own business, but maybe you want to start one now whatever the case is. if you are starting your own channel business. I highly encourage you to get a jumpstart on social media as soon as you can.

    So if you are a student and you're studying your modality, you're a chiropractic student or an acupuncture student, it doesn't really matter what you're studying. Start a social media account for your future business as soon as you know that there will be a future business. This really freaks a lot of people out, by the way, because they're like, oh my gosh, I'm just a student, I know nothing, I don't even have a business yet, can I really put it out there? And the answer to that question is yes, you can. And the only person that can really decide that you can't is you. Although, yes, you have to abide by the user terms of agreement for any social media platform that you decide to use - you can start using that social media platform within those terms of agreement anytime that you are ready to take the leap.

    And I know as a student, you might be thinking, well, I can't give people advice. I don't know enough information, et cetera. But you know that most of the things that you follow on social media are not educational per se, right? They're not teaching you the encyclopedia. Oh my gosh, I just aged myself big time by saying the encyclopedia. I used to go to the library and read the encyclopedia before dance class after school. Okay, that was a side note, but you don't have to teach people in-depth information. In fact, you can just share about your life and share about who you are and what you're studying and why you're excited about what you're studying. And that's really enough.

    But imagine that you get a one to two year jumpstart on social media before you even start the business. You'll be so much better off because the people that follow you will already know what's up. They'll already know why you're doing what you do. They'll already know what it is that you've been learning and what you're offering. And they'll be in the know when it's time for you to open your business and start booking new clients or new patients. So I highly, highly, highly, highly, highly encourage you to get started on social media as soon as you are willing to take the leap.

    Okay, the second thing that you need to start doing as soon as possible is narrowing down a target market for your future business. Now, again, this can be kind of a scary suggestion for some people because they think that I'm telling them that they need to have a niche and they don't have to have a niche to have a target market.

    In other words, that doesn't mean that you have to be an expert in something very, very specific in order for you to be clear about who the target market is for your business. So I know we've talked a lot, a lot, a lot about target marketing and ideal patients or clients on this podcast, but it bears repeating because it gets misunderstood so often.

    So hear me, okay? Listen up. This is important. This is really important as a future business owner. In the quest to become a leader, you want to have a successful business, then you need to have a defined target market for that business. This is not the same as having a niche practice. A niche practice definitely requires having a very clear target market, but the beauty of target marketing is that when you're marketing to a select group of people, you will actually attract all kinds of people through your marketing. So you've probably heard me say this before, but I'll say it again. Marketing to everyone is like marketing to no one. When you're just trying to market to everyone, nobody really listens because it's not connecting with people on a deeper emotional level.

    When you're clear about who your target market is, you can then connect with those people on a deeper level because you can express your understanding of what they struggle with and what they're really going through in their real lives and also that you can help them.

    See the difference? So yes, while you need to have a target market to have a successful business or practice, it doesn't mean that you have to have a niche practice. Your target market will be attracted to what your target market is expressing through your marketing, but so will lots of other kinds of people. And that doesn't mean that your target marketing i...

  • Welcome to the Health and Wellness Practitioners Podcast. I am your host, Dr. Danielle Angela. In this show, I and my guest experts will talk about everything from getting your practice started to developing your clinical skills, growing your practice your way, and of course, dealing with the real stuff like burnout and work-life balance. Whether you've been practicing for decades or just started your journey, you'll find something here for you. So take a deep breath and enjoy the show.

    Hey there and welcome to the Health and Wellness Practitioners Podcast, episode 237. I'm your host, Dr. Danielle Angela, and in today's episode, we are going to be talking about why Facebook ads are not bringing you your ideal patients or clients. It's just gonna be you and I chatting about this today on the podcast, similar to the last couple of episodes, but I am going to be having some new guests coming onto the podcast over the next few weeks and months, so just know that. you'll have some new people to hear from coming up soon.

    In the meantime, I want to share with you more about how to get new patients or clients into your practice because I want you to be able to help more people. And that's the whole reason why I started my online business. Okay, maybe not the whole reason. I mean, part of the reason that I started my online business was because I saw so many health and wellness practitioners, specifically at that time, female chiropractors struggling to grow their practice. But I saw growing a practice and getting new patients as the easy parts and the work-life balance, if you will, as the hard parts. And it was my own struggle with work-life balance, as you probably know from listening to this podcast, that led me to taking time off from practice and being able to really reevaluate what my definition of success was in practice.

    Well, long story short, one thing led to another. And here we are now. I help one of those practitioners who have grown busy businesses and who are feeling burned out to regain some control over their lives and take back their time and their energy. I help health and wellness practitioners get more new clients and new patients into their practices without screenings, health fairs, and ads. And I help them, wellness practitioners, start brand new practices.

    Okay, so in today's episode, we're going to talk specifically about why Facebook ads are not working for you. And when I say not working for you, I don't mean like Facebook's not approving your ad, but more so that they're not working for you. A couple of other things are happening. The ads are running and you're getting new patients or clients, but it's not working out so well or

    they're just not coming at all.

    So let's talk more about why that is happening, okay? Listen, I am not a Facebook ads expert, so I have to give you that disclaimer. I am not saying to never use Facebook ads either in this conversation, but I am just showing you the other side of the story, showing you what, you know, someone that wants to sell you Facebook ads, management is probably not telling you.

    The truth is that for most people who are running Facebook ads to get new patients or clients, one of two things are happening. They're either getting new patients or clients booked for an initial exam or a consultation, whatever that first appointment is. And they're getting quite a few bookings, maybe 20, 30 or more a month, but very, very few of those people are actually showing up for that initial appointment.

    Or, like I said before, they're just not converting. In other words, the ads are not actually getting new clients or patients booked. So, if your Facebook ads are actually getting new client or patient booked I want to propose to you this idea that...They are actually working, even if very few of the people show up. Because what happens when you run Facebook ads. and you're inviting people to schedule a consultation or a new patient appointment or whatever that first visit is with you. You're playing a numbers game.

    And the beauty of this is that, you know, the whole reason that people are attracted to Facebook ads to begin with is that you can automate your marketing, right? That's our hope at least. You can automate your marketing so then you don't have to do it. And so many health and wellness practitioners don't actually want to have to do that part of running a business, so it's very attractive to set up Facebook ads and get them running for you.

    So if your Facebook ads are bringing in or getting booked, a lot of new patients or clients for that first visit, the first appointment, but very few of them are showing up, that's just the nature of the game. It's just how the numbers work. So you might get, like I said, 20 to 30 bookings for each month and maybe only three to four of them actually show up out of that 30. That's about 10%.

    That generally means that it's working pretty reasonably. I don't want to say it's working well, but it's working somewhat as expected.

    Now, of course, yes, in the ideal scenario, you can be running ads and getting that many bookings and also improving the show up rate of people coming to those first appointments.

    But it can really take some testing and some tweaking to make that happen, which also means continuing to spend money on the ads to get that to happen. So if you've got a lot of money to invest or in other words, waste on Facebook ads, go for it. Keep testing them. Keep running the ads, keep getting the bookings and keep figuring out what needs to change to improve the show up rates.

    But if you don't have the money to spend or usually waste on Facebook ads when you're only getting maybe three to four people to actually show up to their first appointment, then stop running the ads, stop wasting your money.

    I never want to see someone put themselves in a position where they are hurting because they're holding on to things that are not working. Hurting meaning like you're not able to pay rent because you're running Facebook ads instead. That's not a healthy situation for you to be in. And ironically, I was just looking back at some of my reels for the last couple of years today. And I saw one from maybe 2021 or 2022 where I said, never need the patience more than they need you.

    And what I mean by that is never put yourself in a situation where you're so desperate for money to pay your bills that you need people to need you. It's not a healthy relationship. And those of you that study relationship dynamics, you know it's codependency. So let's not do that if we can avoid it. If you find yourself in that situation right now, my heart goes out to you. I know how hard it is. I have talked to hundreds of people over the last 15 years who have been in that situation. But you've got to figure out a way to make changes so that you don't need people more than they need the service that you provide. Never need the money more than they need you, okay?

    All right, so if the ads are running and you're getting plenty of bookings, but only maybe 10% of those people are actually showing up for the appointments, they're working as expected. But as you and I both know, it's really annoying to have all those cancellations and no shows. It's really annoying because it leaves so many gaps in your schedule. It creates a lot of context switching. In other words, like multitasking where you're like, okay, I'm going to have this new client and then you're sitting and waiting for them to show up and they don't. So you've wasted time or now you've got to switch to another task to utilize the time that you would have be...


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