Silence is a guide to connecting with your Truth.
Silence allows you to tune into your own thoughts and let go of the relentless pursuit of algorithm-driven “popularity.”
In this episode, I share my journey of transformation, moving from a hustle-driven existence on the East Coast to living my dream life in California.
If you feel alienated or isolated in this noisy world, this episode is a reminder that silence is a powerful space for creativity and alignment, allowing you to speak with authenticity and leave a legacy.
Episode 76: Integrity is the Only Marketing Strategy https://artofhumanity.io/business/ep-76-integrity-is-the-only-marketing-strategy/
Resonance: The Quantum Way to Start Your Podcast: https://www.jessicaannmedia.com/start-podcast/
1:1 Mentorship: https://www.jessicaannmedia.com/mentoring/
Consideration is the highest form of love. It is often overlooked because of its simplicity. But it is essential for our evolution as humans.
When you embody consideration within your own relationships, it starts the alchemical transformation from lower states of being to higher levels of consciousness. And it’s *not* selfish. It forms the foundation upon which the prosperity and well-being of all members of your community can flourish.
But first...the roots of your own tree (your own family) must first be strong enough to support the growth…the branches, twigs, and flowers. So then it can transcend the boundaries of the self and extend into the communal realm.
This need for deep grounding in the material world not only nurtures our own growth but also contributes to the collective evolution towards a more harmonious society.
By practicing consideration, we can bridge the gap between spiritual ideals and tangible actions.
Find me on instagram @beingishuman
Learn about my podcast program Resonance: https://www.jessicaannmedia.com/start-podcast/
Hope you have a magical day!
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Throughout each episode, I explore the deeper truths of society and culture as I share my embodiment process.
In episode 78, I address how feminism stopped short of achieving true gender balance. I share how we can embrace femininity and bring balance to the broken system - so that we create a new way forward that values the strengths of both men and women.
Enrollment is now open for my podcast program!
This is not your average “how to start a podcast” course.
This is an invitation to meet your future self.
This is you, becoming a lightbeam for the planet
To learn more and get on the Wait List: jessicaannmedia.com/start-podcast
Today’s guest is a MUST RELEASE!! I interviewed Daniel back in January and feel that now is the perfect time to release this conversation - as Pluto enters into Aquarius.
Pluto isn’t afraid to question who’s in charge, navigating the most complex systematic networks and quietly ripping them apart from the inside out.
Queue up this conversation with Daniel Pinchbeck!
He is the author of Breaking Open the Head: A Psychedelic Journey into the Heart of Contemporary Shamanism, 2012: The Return of Quetzalcoatl, How Soon Is Now, and When Plants Dream, among other works.
In his books and Substack, he explores philosophical and critical perspectives on shamanism, and his personal transformation from a cynic to a mystic. He’s a philosopher, author, psychonaut, and activist.
In this episode, we discuss:
how his mom being part of the Beat generation influences his work how he explains the Aquarian, liminal age that we're now experiencing how we can grok this idea that this earth is reincarnating why thinking should be from the heart how integration + shadow work can circumvent the corporatization of psychedelics the importance of going beyond our traumas the importance of grief and sorrowFollow Daniel's Substack: https://danielpinchbeck.substack.com/
Subscribe to the Art of Humanity at www.artofhumanity.io/subscribe
Find me on LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter, or email: hello@jessicaannmedia.com
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/beingishuman
Instagram: https://instagram.com/beingishuman
Twitter: https://twitter.com/beingishuman
We are in a paradigm shift right now and we are moving into a unified flow state…in this episode, I share why there is a Divine order to things…and why being on the soul path means we are not on an ego timeline. And how yoga (and yoga teacher training) and the Gene Keys guided me in the early years of my business.
Learn more about my podcast program, Resonance: The divine feminine approach to launching a chart-topping podcast. Contact me to get on the waitlist: hello@jessicaannmedia.com or find me on instagram: @beingishuman
A sincere Thank You to all of my listeners…this podcast is in the Top 30% of all podcasts shared on Spotify!
In this episode I share why my commitment is to Truth over consistency - why I only speak and publish an episode when I have something to say (which breaks all of the rules of marketing).
Join me as I share the ups and downs of the early years of running my business - and how some of the early successes and synchronicities gave me the confidence to continue showing up.
Ways you can work with me:
1:1 Mentorship
Social Media Marketing
Podcast Program
Gene Keys reading
Email: hello@jessicaannmedia.com
Socials: @beingishuman
Plenty of people insist on freedom and independence.
More rare and far more effective is to claim responsibility instead.
“I’ve got this,” can go a long way.
In Episode 74, I share about shakti/kundalini energy and how this has activated me to take complete responsibility over every aspect of my life.
This episode is an ode to the Divine Feminine and Gemini.
I discuss:
why birthing a new frequency isn’t codified by productivity or deadlines how the Gemini personality is a "double" instrument to my response to life and existence the importance of communicating and expressing your truth why Truth is lived experience the Summer SolsticeLet’s go to the show!
If you find the information available on Art of Humanity valuable, please support the podcast here:
In this show I discuss:
My show's publishing schedule (and why I do it this way) How the highly filtered photos are turning us into cyborgs and what we can do about it Why it is OK to *not* be a consistent human. The importance of normalizing non-linear growth How to honor your Sacred No and the Sacred Pause Being Alone vs. Being Lonely Living with nuance The myth of Gaia Sophia - the world's soul is woman -
In this show I discuss:
What it means to be a 6/2 Role Model Hermit in Human Design The importance of waiting for the invitation How my Human Design aligns with the Gene Keys The purity of intention The literal meaning of surrender Why it's good to exist in the voidLet’s go to the show!
If you find the information available on Art of Humanity valuable, please support the podcast here:
This episode is an introduction (or re-introduction) to who I am in the world In this show I discuss:
The importance of creative courage Why it's important to honor Divine timing (and not compare yourself to other creators) My thought process to starting my own business Facts you may not know about me How I integrate Human Design into my business model The importance of deprogrammingPlease feel free to reach out to me on LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter, or email:
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/beingishuman
Instagram: https://instagram.com/beingishuman
Twitter: https://twitter.com/beingishuman
Jessica Ann Media: https://www.jessicaannmedia.com/
AoH website: http://artofhumanity.io/
If you like this podcast, please leave a 5-star review in the Apple store. Sending you so much gratitude!
Asa is the owner and creator of the music project Source Vibrations, found at Sourcevibrations.com. as well as Youtube and Spotify. He is a hypnotherapist, sound healer, composer, artist and mystic who's music and sound healing sessions have benefited people all around the world.
Source Vibrations' listeners enjoy Asa's unique approach to methods of composing brainwave entrainment technology and intentionally tuned vibro-acoustic music. Asa employs geometric, mathematical and archetypal elements to inspire his creative process and to encode healing intentions into his compositions. With his work he creates nourishing musical experiences that assist his listener in accessing states of consciousness where deep healing and change more readily occur.
Let's go to the show!
Dr. Kelly Brogan explains why we don’t have to be medicating our mental, emotional, and physical pain away - and why the best way out is through our trauma.
Kelly Brogan, M.D. is a holistic psychiatrist, author of the NY Times Bestselling book, A Mind of Your Own, Own Your Self, the children’s book, A Time For Rain, and co-editor of the landmark textbook, Integrative Therapies for Depression. She is the founder of the online healing program Vital Mind Reset, and the membership community, Vital Life Project.
She completed her psychiatric training and fellowship at NYU Medical Center after graduating from Cornell University Medical College, and has a B.S. from M.I.T. in Systems Neuroscience. She is specialized in a root-cause resolution approach to psychiatric syndromes and symptoms. She is a certified KRI Kundalini Yoga teacher and a mother of two.
Please feel free to reach out to me on LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter, or email: hello@jessicaannmedia.com
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/beingishuman
Instagram: https://instagram.com/beingishuman
Twitter: https://twitter.com/beingishuman
Medium: https://medium.com/@beingishuman
Jessica Ann Media: https://www.jessicaannmedia.com/
AoH website: http://artofhumanity.io/
If you like this podcast, it would mean so much to me if you could please leave a 5-star review in the iTunes store. Sending you so much gratitude!
Hanzi Freinacht is a political philosopher, historian & sociologist, author of The Listening Society, Nordic Ideology, and the upcoming book The 6 Hidden Patterns of World History.
As a writer, Hanzi combines in-depth knowledge of several sciences and disciplines and offers maps of our time and the human condition with his characteristically accessible, poetic and humorous writing style – challenging the reader’s perspective of herself and the world. He epitomizes much of the metamodern philosophy and can be considered a personification of this strand of thought.
In this interview we talk about:
Hanzi’s six types of politics The need to adopt a more holistic, or integral, or metamodern worldview How our subjective experiences are an important part of the metamodern perspective The difference between light depth and dark depth: And why light depth is a profoundly playful position and dark depth is profound seriousness. And why both of these are trueWe also discuss:
Why you can “out-depth” your partner and what to do about it. The cosmo-erotic relationship to the artist The importance of Integrating the part of yourself that's seeking a specific level of depth from a romantic partner Why not all people can become metamodernists -
This episode is a solocast to kick off Season 7. This season focuses on alternative health...and by alternative I mean...not in the mainstream media. In this episode, I share my perspective on how we can heal addictions, trauma and toxic patterns through radical self-love, body positivity, yoga, meditation, and embodiment work.
To get all the links and show notes from this episode go to artofhumanity.io/episodes
To download my free guided meditation, go to artofhumanity.io/meditation
Please feel free to reach out to me on LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter, or email: hello@jessicaannmedia.com
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/beingishuman
Instagram: https://instagram.com/beingishuman
Twitter: https://twitter.com/beingishuman
Medium: https://medium.com/@beingishuman
Jessica Ann Media: https://www.jessicaannmedia.com/
AoH website: http://artofhumanity.io/
If you like this podcast, it would mean so much to me if you could please leave a 5-star review in the iTunes store. Sending you so much gratitude!
A pioneer in the field of spiritual emergence, Paul Levy is a wounded healer in private practice, helping others who are also awakening to the dreamlike nature of reality.
After writing Dispelling Wetiko, Paul became associated with the idea of wetiko. After the publication of The Quantum Revelation, he is now seen as connected with quantum physics. All three aspects - dreams, wetiko and quantum physics are interconnected and complementary facets of a deeper reality into which he is continually deepening his investigation.
In this interview, we discuss:
the genius power of our creativity when we dispel wetiko how we can integrate Higher Consciousness into the medium of our message how we can dream ourselves awake how synchronicities can snap us out of the collective spell of hypnosis and helplessnessPlease do not hesitate to reach out to me on LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter, or email: hello@jessicaannmedia.com
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/beingishuman
Instagram: https://instagram.com/beingishuman
Twitter: https://twitter.com/beingishuman
Medium: https://medium.com/@beingishuman
Jessica Ann Media: https://www.jessicaannmedia.com/
AoH website: http://artofhumanity.io/
If you like this podcast, it would mean so much to me if you could please leave a 5-star review in the iTunes store. Sending you so much gratitude!
Heather is the author of The Ayurvedic Guide to Fertility and the creator of the Four Fertility Factors Training program. A board-certified Ayurvedic practitioner, she bridges the worlds of conventional and alternative medicine to help women and men heal their physical and emotional lives. Heather is on the board of directors for the National Ayurvedic Medical Association and has consulted with doctors, governments, and insurance companies.
My guest today aligns with my mission of Truth.
Sarah is a serial entrepreneur and investor in startups, having founded 8 companies since 2009. Following several successful exits, she is currently the CEO of Grow My Team (global recruitment) and co-founder of League of Extraordinary Women. She is personally fueled by a passion for changing the status quo of how we work, conscious culture, community, gender equality and living life on one's own terms.
Sarah is a speaker, blogger and author of Get Rich Slow, appearing on TV and writing for many popular publications. She has also held board positions on several not-for-profit organisations including Project Futures, Entrepreneurs Organisation, the Association of Financial Advisers and the Institute for Global Women Leaders.
Recognised as the IFA Thought Leader of the Year, Sarah was also named as one of Melbourne’s Top 100 most influential, inspiring and creative citizens by The Age, and listed in the Top 50 Female Entrepreneurs under 40 by Shoestring. She has completed the Entrepreneurial Master Program at MIT, holds a Bachelor of Business (Financial Planning) and several diplomas.
In this episode, we discuss:
• How to develop an abundance mindset
• How remote work is delivering the biggest quality of life upgrade
• the divide between fixing the institutions and fixing ourselves – and why the real work is in fixing ourselves through self-actualization.
Let's go to the show!
Philip Goff is a philosopher who argues that the traditional approaches of materialism and dualism face insuperable difficulties. Materialism is the view that consciousness can be explained in terms of physical processes in the brain whereas dualism is the view that consciousness is separate from the body and brain. On the basis of this Philip defends a form of panpsychism, the view that consciousness is a fundamental and ubiquitous feature of the physical world. It sounds a bit crazy, but he offers a compelling argument that avoids the difficulties faced by its rivals.
Pamela Pavliscak (pav-li-shock) guides organizations toward emotionally intelligent futures as founder of Change Sciences. Part ethnography, part psychology, part data science, her approach translates future vision into tangible everyday possibilities.
She specializes in emotionally intelligent design and emotion-sensing artificial intelligence. Her research has been featured on CBC's Spark, Salon, and Quartz. Her book, Emotionally Intelligent Design, focuses on how to design a future that has as much EQ as it does IQ.
Pamela is a TEDx speaker and has spoken at SxSW , TNW, Web Summit, Google Creative Labs, among many others. She teaches at the Pratt Institute School of Information in NYC and has lectured at the Stanford d.School, ASU’s Center for Science and the Imagination, University of Washington, and Parsons.
In this interview, we discuss:
How technology is giving us new emotions that we don’t know what to call them The emotional relationship we have with technology and how schadenfreude plays a part The "Uncanny Valley" aspect of technology and how I first experienced this myself during CES in 2015 with Toshiba's "Robot Hostess" Transhumanism and the implication that human consciousness can be transferred to alternative media, known as mind uploading. The SingularityLet's go to the show!
Note: This interview was recorded before the current unrest.
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