
  • Use Neuroscience To Create Your Future Self with Dr. Alice Penn

    In this transformative episode, I dive in with Dr. Alice Penn, a distinguished executive and career coach who has navigated a fascinating journey from being a medical doctor in London to a career in corporate finance and ultimately, coaching. Alice shares her compelling story of personal and professional transformation, offering valuable insights into overcoming mental health challenges, perfectionism, and limiting beliefs. 

    In this episode, we delve into the pivotal moments that led to her career changes and her innovative coaching techniques that blend neuroscience with creativity. Our discussion also emphasizes the critical role of creativity and imagination in personal transformation and professional success. Tune in to discover how Alice harnesses the power of neuroscience and creativity to help high-achieving professionals break free from disillusionment and achieve a purpose-driven life.

    Episode Highlights

    Alice’s Professional Journey: Transition from medical doctor to corporate finance and coaching, driven by the desire to reach her true potential.

    Mental Health and Personal Struggles: Alice’s battles with perfectionism and limiting beliefs, leading to burnout and a re-evaluation of her career path.

    Neuroscience-Based Coaching: The importance of addressing root causes and how neurological patterns influence behaviors and thoughts.

    Creativity and Healing: The role of creative activities in Alice’s recovery and their importance in her coaching methods.

    Visualization Techniques: Using imagination to envision a better future and align with one’s true identity.

    Client Success Stories: Examples of how Alice’s methods have transformed the lives and careers of her clients.

    Mindset and Belief: The impact of mindset on physical and mental well-being, supported by research and personal anecdotes.

    This episode offers a deep dive into the transformative power of creativity, neuroscience, and intentional effort in overcoming personal and professional challenges. Join us as we explore the journey to fulfillment and the continuous process of personal growth.

    To learn more about Dr. Alice Penn and her work, visit her website at alicepennmd.com.


    Dr. Alice Penn, Executive coaching, Career transformation, Neuroscience coaching, Personal growth, Overcoming perfectionism, Mental health in professionals, Creativity in coaching, Limiting beliefs, Professional success tips, Visualization techniques, Mindset and belief shifts, Burnout recovery, Personal fulfillment, Career change stories, High-achiever coaching, Neuroscience and creativity, Intentional personal growth, Purpose-driven career, Personal transformation stories, Brand Builders Group, Business coaching, Creativity, Creative business, 

  • Rachel Rossitto is a coach, guide, and facilitator who has dedicated her life to supporting women in deepening awakening and empowering their Feminine Spirit using ancient wisdom, daily sacred rituals, and embodiment practices, many of which have been informed by her experience as a Birth Doula and as an Integrative Health Coach.

    Her approach is deeply transformative and rooted in a profound understanding of the sacred feminine energy. I know this first hand because I’ve been involved with Rachel and her work for several years now, dancing effortlessly between being a student of hers and her being a client of mine.

    In our conversation today, Rachel and I delve into the themes of feminine energy, creativity, and the often messy process of creation. Rachel shares her passion for serving women and helping them connect with their sacred feminine energy with the support, NOT banishment, of the sacred masculine.

    Her perspective expresses the importance of embracing the totality of who we are and the healing power of walking in our truth.

    We'll also explore creativity as a way of being and the value of staying grounded in our practice. Rachel's personal journey through the messy parts of life and the transformative power of meditation offer profound insights into the human experience.

    We get into altars, the intersection of creativity and business, and the dance between discipline and devotion. We'll also delve into her experience as a creative entrepreneur, and what it means to be a vessel for her work in this world.

    Topic Areas

    ​Embracing the Sacred Feminine: Healing and Empowerment

    ​Creativity as a Way of Being: Embracing the Messy Process​The Power of Altars and Creativity​Bridging the Gap: Discipline and Devotion in Business​The Language of Reflection and Mirroring​Journey of Being a Vessel for the Divine​

Connect With Rachel



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  • In this episode, I discuss the concept of the "Upper Limit Problem" or better known as the Fear of Success. We explore the fears that arise when you are outgrowing the life you currently have. This fear is deeply rooted in a fear of change and a lack of self-worth, one must explore this fear and build a new relationship with it in order to achieve success and fulfillment. We go into practical tips for overcoming the upper limit problem so that you can move closer to the life you actually desire.


    The upper limit problem is the fear of outgrowing the life you currently have. This fear is rooted in a fear of change and a lack of self-worth. Addressing the upper limit problem is crucial for achieving success and fulfillment. Practical tips for overcoming the upper limit problem include allowing yourself to feel good and focusing on slow, steady growth.


    00:00 Introduction

    00:42 The Upper Limit Problem

    04:23 Fear of Success is Fear of Change

    06:25 Grieving the Loss of Familiarity

    07:24 Self-Sabotage and Unworthiness

    10:29 Overcoming the Upper Limit Problem

    To explore working together, head over to: ⁠https://brookeestin.com

    To connect on Instagram, find me ⁠https://www.instagram.com/brookeestin/

  • In this episode of The Art of Lost and Found we explore the crucial yet delicate balance between generosity and profitability for creative entrepreneurs. We delve into the challenges faced by creative entrepreneurs in maintaining a sustainable business model while staying in alignment with their values.

    We start with an exploration of boundaries, then move into stories with practical insights, including a client's journey toward balancing accessibility with financial sustainability in her healing practice.

    We get into self-worth and values and how they relate to setting boundaries that honor both generosity and financial stability.

    Finally, we briefly discuss intentional financial strategies, like cash flow management and the diversification of revenue streams to ensure long-term sustainability.

    To book your own Brand Strategy Call, head over to:


    To connect on Instagram, find me https://www.instagram.com/brookeestin/

  • Today on the podcast, we welcome author, speaker, and entrepreneur, Adam Vibe Gunton. Adam is the founder of Recovered On Purpose, and he's the author of the book From Chains to Saved.

    Through his book, TED talk and online presence, his story of addiction and recovery has reached millions of people worldwide. With an entrepreneurial sales and marketing background, Adam broke sales records in two door-to-door industries and built a multimillion-dollar B2C marketing company with a team of 23 employees in three states.

    Now, as the founder and executive director of Recovered On Purpose, Adam lives by the affirmation, “I am the example of what is possible for an addict when they recover.” Adam shares how he started as a joyful young boy with straight A's and a promising athletic career before experiencing the depths of addiction, surviving an overdose that nearly took his life, and then finding his path to recovery.

    He shares a profound spiritual experience that solidified his faith and connected him with a larger vision for his life that led him to create his nonprofit, Recovered on Purpose, which now helps millions of people around the globe who struggle with addiction.

    We spoke about a variety of related themes such as identity, self-trust, building community, and fully stepping into a purpose that is much bigger than just oneself.

    You can find more about Adam's work here:

    Non-Profit: https://recoveredonpurpose.org/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/adamvibegunton/

    TED TALK: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EuvHBlyLTro&themeRefresh=1

  • Today, we welcome creative extraordinaire, Nadine Hanafi as she shares how she monetized her creativity using strategic visual design. She's an award-winning designer, creative entrepreneur, and founder of We Are Visual and Digital Brand Kit. Nadine believes that beautiful branding is not a vanity accessory. It's a growth catalyst. When you have beautiful strategic branding, showing up is not just easier, but it's more exciting. And that confident glowing energy that you get from having impeccable branding permeates through everything you do.

    Nadine is a master of personal branding. She's known for her incredible digital business strategy capacity and her visual storytelling. Her work focuses on helping online experts package their knowledge and uniqueness into irresistible brands.

    Nadine and I first met several years ago when we were both working for the personal brand strategy firm, Brand Builders Group, where she was leading creative direction.

    What I loved most about this conversation was something that Nadine said towards the end. She said that one of the things that she wished that she had known earlier was that the growth of her business and her external success in the world was dependent on how much internal growth she had done. When your external success exceeds the work that you've done internally, you can't continue to grow and evolve.

    So the fact that she would give herself advice about being more focused on internal wellbeing and personal growth and development, excavating the things that are keeping us small and amplifying the things that are magical and amazing about us, just endeared her that much more to me.

    To follow more of Nadine's journey, head over to nadinehanafi.com or Nadine.Hanafi on Instagram.

    If you're a coach, consultant or creator who is need of beautiful, fast and budget-friendly branding, then head over to Digital Brand Kit and use the code "CREATIVEAMPLIFIER" to get 10% off your purchase.

  • In today's quick solo episode, I share a story of how my biggest client taught me to work with my intuition. It's the story of how I came to work with a client who I helped take from $0 to $3 million and how I learned to distinguish my intuition from my fear, and then identify past triggers I was bringing to the current situation that were keeping me playing small.

    Working with this multi-million dollar client helped me learn about my own intuition and how it can be harnessed to make better decisions in both my personal and professional life. It helped me better understand the space "where the woo meets the work".

    We explore the importance of translating intuition into action and creating structures that support intuitive decision-making.


    Intuition is a valuable tool for making choices that are in alignment with one's true self. Deep contemplation and meditation can help connect with intuition and distinguish it from fear or past trauma. Translating intuition into action requires setting boundaries, communicating clearly, and being willing to walk away if necessary. Developing intuition involves practices such as silence, writing, and trying out different scenarios. Protecting and honoring oneself is essential in the process of connecting with intuition and making intuitive decisions. Combining intuition with practical work strategies can lead to positive outcomes and personal growth.


    00:00 Introduction: The Woo Meets the Work

    01:40 Understanding Intuition

    04:06 Listening to Intuition: A Personal Story

    09:44 Deep Contemplation and Meditation

    12:14 Translating Intuition into Action

    19:43 Developing Intuition for Better Decision-Making

    21:10 Practices for Connecting with Intuition

    23:06 Protecting and Honoring Yourself

    24:06 The Magic of Combining Woo and Work

  • Emily Lane is a futurist and founder of the Evolutionary Intelligence Academy. With a professional background in business, a near-death experience catapulted her into a 20-year quest for deeper meaning and purpose. Her journey led her to distill, explore, and apply some of the most leading-edge inner technologies of our world today. Emily works multi-dimensionally and she shares practical tools of evolutionary intelligence so that leaders and pioneers can solidify their clarity, purpose, and of course, their creative power.

    Emily consults on the birth and direction of evolutionary projects, and she shared the stage with luminaries from academia, the World Bank, the United Nations, and World Economic Forum, among many others.

    She's spoken in front of royalty, in front of governments, Silicon Valley executives, and thousands of pioneers around the world. She's been published by Mindful Leader and taught at the Omega Institute in New York. She was a founding partner of the groundbreaking Conscious Business World Summit and former host of the world's largest Mindfulness in Business Conference, Wisdom 2.0 in San Francisco.

    All of her work is infused with uplifting activation energy and of course, her Irish sense of humor. This comes through quite a bit in the podcast. Our conversation focused on the intersection of creativity, entrepreneurship, leadership and personal development.

    As woo or esoteric, as some of these ideas can feel at first, Emily is the master at making these concepts accessible, understandable, and actionable. In this conversation, she guides us through a step-by-step process to help us identify and connect with our inner guidance. This is part of what she calls connecting to evolutionary intelligence.

    We do this so that we can access that power to make practical decisions in our life and our work. Stay tuned to the end where Emily introduces her six week program for evolutionary leaders, which I very much look forward to participating in myself starting January, 2024.

    For more information about Emily, follow along here:

    https://www.evolutionaryintelligenceacademy.com ⁠https://www.instagram.com/evolutionary_intelligence⁠

    To sign up for her Evolutionary Intelligence Academy, click here:


  • Today, we welcome a creative powerhouse and true soul sister: Joanne "Jo" Garcia.

    As a first-generation all-American girl raised by Filipino immigrants in the US, Jo is one of those rare breeds of creatives who's equal parts creative thinker and master executor. She's a creative who gets shit done.

    While meeting Jo was a blessing, the circumstances of our meeting were heartbreaking. My dear friend Elaine battled breast cancer for four years before it took her life this time last year. During this time, Jo stepped into the most demanding role of her life - being the caretaker of our dying friend.

    In this episode, we speak about Jo's creative journey, the love, loss, and redemption she has experienced, and how her creativity has been an essential part of her burnout recovery that she's used to reclaim her life in the wake of extreme loss.

  • This week's mini-episode is a dive into how I'm managing to counter the dip in energy and spirits that often occur during the fall-winter seasons.

    For the next 21 days, I am committing to random acts of kindness as a way to cultivate my intentions of bringing in more love, abundance and freedom into my life. I share some of my own reflections on not meeting my own expectations and the disappointment that followed and why seeking perspective and recalibrating is essential during those lower moments.

    In setting the intention to manifest more love, abundance, and freedom, I've decided to challenge myself to align my inner world with the tangible external world.


    The fall-winter seasons can bring a dip in energy and spirits, leading to self-judgment and fear. It's important to seek perspective and not dwell in negative emotions. Setting intentions for love, abundance, and freedom can help shift energy and cultivate a positive mindset. Acts of kindness and generosity can have a ripple effect and bring joy to both the giver and the receiver. Aligning actions with internal cultivation and practicing what you preach is essential for personal growth and integrity.


    00:00 Introduction

    00:37 The Decision to Do 21 Days of Random Acts of Kindness

    03:00 Reflecting on Expectations and Disappointment

    04:26 Seeking Perspective and Recalibrating

    05:26 Setting Intentions for Love, Abundance, and Freedom

    08:47 The 21-Day Kindness Challenge

    10:14 Aligning Actions with Internal Cultivation

    13:17 Opening Doors for Love, Abundance, and Freedom

    14:37 Being Opportunistic with Acts of Kindness

    15:35 Cultivating Energy of Love, Abundance, and Freedom

    17:02 Commitment to 21 Days of Acts of Service

    18:29 Invitation to Join the Challenge

  • Today, I’m diving into website templates and how to confidently choose and customize one so you feel clear and confident moving forward.

    Be sure to stay all the way through the end where I’ll share my favorite website template partners and a 15-20% off your website. And if you listen to this before Black Friday, then you’ll be able to get up to 40% off.

    Whether you're a seasoned entrepreneur or just starting your business journey, this podcast will equip you with the knowledge and tools to create a website that reflects your unique brand and effectively serves your target audience.

    Find all your website templates (and discount links) here:


  • In today’s episode, I continue my conversation with Rudy Hexter. Rudy is a man of many talents. He’s a builder of homes that are designed to facilitate thriving as well as a teacher of Qigong and the Life Mandala Training.

    In our last episode, we talked about finding stability and community in the face of isolation and how inner exploration and spiritual practices provide the spark and fuel for daily life. Today, we explore how this is expressed in the tangible world.

    After a near-death experience from a motorcycle accident, Rudy had to radically alter his day-to-day life and set aside his self-reliance in order to accept the love and generosity his community offered. With fresh insights and a strong calling, he joined us my signature program, Aligned x Design, where he called in the support he needed, right when he needed it, to intentionally shape his path forward.

    Join us as we explore resilience and hope in the face of adversity.

    You can learn more about Rudy here:


  • As we continue the theme of showcasing Aligned x Design alumni, I'm thrilled to welcome Rudy Hexter to today’s episode.

    Rudy is a man of many talents. He’s a builder of homes that are designed to facilitate thriving as well as a teacher of Qigong and the Life Mandala Training.

    While navigating a chaotic upbringing full of instability where love felt conditional and fragile, Rudy found himself drawn to embodied practices as a way of grounding himself.

    On the podcast, he shares how building community and engaging in circle work has helped him explore many limiting beliefs about his relationships to others and to himself that were preventing him from feeling a sense of acceptance and home.

    Join us in the first of this two-part interview as we explore how community and deep inner reflection can help us learn to nurture ourselves and, in turn, teach and support others.

  • Today I’m continuing a conversation with Safiya Carroll Labelle, who was featured in our previous episode.

    Safiya is a multi-passionate artist, musician, web designer and founder of Wildlight Creative, who I had the pleasure of getting to know during the beta launch of my 12-week program, Aligned x Design.

    In this episode, we talk about how Safiya learned to create structure around her artistry during Aligned x Design to allow for greater creative expansion. From feeling lost in a swamp to being exhausted by screen time, Safiya shares about career challenges she’s faced and how she uses art as a healing balm to bring herself back into feeling and community.

    Join us in this second half of our conversation as we explore how we can create the conditions we need to thrive creatively.

    To Join Aligned x Design, head over to:


    More info about Safiya can be found here:


    IG: @softfirearts

    IG: @wildlight.creative

  • Welcome Safiya Carol Labelle to the Art of Lost and Found Podcast!

    Safiya is a multi-passionate artist, musician, web designer and founder of Wildlight Creative, who I had the pleasure of getting to know during the beta launch of my 12-week program, Aligned x Design.

    She grew up on a small island in BC, Canada, in the loving embrace of a vibrant artists’ community. She shares what it was like to grow up in such a free-spirited place and how a traumatic parental divorce and uprooting move with her mother caused her to lose her sense of belonging at the tender age of six.

    From finding community to fighting traditional constraints as an artist, our conversation was so rich and nourishing that we’re splitting it into two episodes. Join us in this first half as we dive into trusting yourself in the midst of the unknown.


    My conversation with Safiya doesn’t end here–tune in to our next episode for the second half of our conversation where we’ll talk about strategies for building the structure that allows for creative expansion in your life and business.

    To learn more about Aligned x Design, head over to: http://alignedxdesign.com/

  • Journey of Creative Healing: From Loss to Authenticity

    Today we welcome Veronica Lichter to the podcast. Veronica was one of the original students in my signature 12-week Aligned x Design Program, and had a profound transformation that resulted in her quitting her full-time teaching job and making the leap into being a full-time artist.

    Reflecting on the emotional and nostalgic aspects of the creative process, Veronica shares about importance of gratitude in letting go of things that no longer serve her, including past traumas, limiting beliefs and restrictive identities. She shared her experiences of feeling disconnected from her creativity and intuition, but through self-awareness and cultivating stillness, she was able to reconnect with her true self and activate her creativity in a whole new way.

    "There is so much power in trusting in the creative process and surrendering to the magic of life."

    We explored the concept of trauma and the importance of meeting one's own needs as part of the process of maturing and growing as adults. By acknowledging and processing our own traumas in order to break the cycle and create a different experience for our children, in particular, Veronica's 6-year-old-daughter, Mazzy.

    The main takeaway from this episode around the importance of self-awareness, resilience, and bravery in personal growth. These qualities can help us navigate challenges, connect with our true selves, and create a meaningful vision for our lives and work.

    To learn more about Aligned x Design, head over to: http://alignedxdesign.com/

    #neurodivergence #alignedxdesign #designyourlife #onlinebusiness #creativepodcast #theartoflostandfound #clientspotlight #studentspotlight

  • In today's episode, I finally share my own life story.

    It's also the origin story for my signature program, Aligned x Design.

    I didn't just achieve my lifelong dream of living in Spain or running my own 6-figure business overnight. Mine is a story of wayfinding, humbling learnings, and constant course correction.

    This is the story of my own transformation, and how I developed the frameworks for Aligned x Design.

    I'm thrilled to share where this life design strategy has led me and dive into how I'm using what I've learned to help guide like-minded creatives, coaches, and entrepreneurs in the process of building a business that supports your life rather than eclipses it.

    The main take-away is simple: Design for the life you want, not the life you think is available to you.

  • “Moving into product sales with my templates have given me so much more time. There's been a weight that's been lifted off of my shoulders. I'm not chained to like client responses and deadlines. I'm free."

    - Melissa Lunt, Brand + Website Designer, Template Designer

    Today on The Art of Lost & Found Podcast, Melissa Lunt discusses her journey as a creative entrepreneur. She shares about her childhood love for art, struggles with depression and bullying, attending an art magnet high school, and eventually realizing the importance of college for her career- and the challenges of balancing creativity and business.

    We explore how her transition from creating art for self-expression to using her creativity for business led her to study graphic design. She eventually shifted from doing custom work to creating templates, which gave her the opportunity to explore and grow as a designer and attract the her ideal clients.

    She shares how her website templates have allowed her to liberate her time while also helping others transform their creativity into a website that feels like them.


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    To learn more about Melissa's work, you can follow her below:



  • “When you become just a number, not a person, but just a number there to execute the work, It's not sustainable. But I had invested so much in this and the pivot felt like a failure. I needed a change, but I didn't know what to change to since this was all I knew.” - Phil Lashley, Motion Graphics Designer

    Phil grew up in Barbados with three brothers in a middle-income family where their primary entertainment was their own imagination. After becoming fascinated with TV and visual motion design, he developed the the dreamed of becoming a motion graphics designer. His vision, hard work and commitment led him all the way to the "dream job" working in Hollywood on some of the most successful movies of all time.

    While Phil was honored to have made it all the way, he felt that his life was slowly eroding. That his dream job had in fact, taken over his entire life. Health problems started to show and he knew that something had to change. But after so much time, energy, resources and money had been invested in his education, it felt daunting to even consider what came next.

    Pivoting to a new career felt like a failure. Carving out a new path for himself has been incredibly challenging, yet also a beautiful process of self-discovery and personal growth.

    Now Phil travels the world with his wife helping entrepreneurs use the power of motion graphics to tell more engaging stories across new media platforms.

    On the podcast, Phil walks us through his proprietary framework called, FRAME, which he used to help guide his clients towards a higher level story that helps share their message in a more resonate, creative and profitable way.

    To learn more about Phil's work, you can follow him below:



    To learn more about Brand Builder's Group, get your Free Personal Brand Strategy Call here:


  • Today we welcome Ana Juma (@anajuma), Founder of @prophsee. She is a creative entrepreneur who believes the art of journaling can be a powerful therapy for anxiety and depression.

    Through her own process of learning to dance with the darker parts of herself, Juma developed a consistent and deeply supportive journaling practice that she is sharing with the world through her publishing house, Prophsee (@prophsee).

    Juma recently published a book of her poetry called 'Back to Earth'. It is a confessional poetry book that tells the story of undertaking the journey from loss and heartache to reclaiming one's truth and sovereignty.

    Note: This episode was recorded over a year ago, but so much of what she shares is absolutely timeless. ✨

    To follow more about Ana Juma's life, find her on Instagram:
