In this episode of the Awareness to Action Enneagram podcast, Lindsey Marks shares with Mario Sikora, María José Munita and Seth “Creek” Creekmore on what she’s learning from the second module of the Awareness to Action Enneagram Foundation certification program. During this second round of this program, Lindsey realizes that it’s not just learning about the Enneagram types. It’s about developing a set of foundational skills that assist in the lifelong journey of growth and development.
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Awareness to Action
Enneagram on Demand
IG: @ataenneagrampod
Email: info@awarenesstoaction.com
Send a voice message: speakpipe.com/AwarenesstoAction
Lindsey Marks:
IG: @lindseyfaithdm
FB: Marks Music Studio
Pod: Fathoms | An Enneagram Podcast
Mario Sikora:
IG: @mariosikora
TikTok: @mariosikora
Web: mariosikora.com
Pod: Enneagram in a Movie
Substack: mariosikora.substack.com
Maria Jose Munita:
IG: @mjmunita
Web: mjmunita.com
Seth "Creek" Creekmore:
IG: @_creekmore
Pod: Fathoms | An Enneagram Podcast
Pod: Delusional Optimism
In this episode of the Awareness to Action Enneagram podcast, Mario Sikora and Seth “Creek” Creekmore are joined by Lee Fields to continue the discussion on intentions and perceptions of the Enneagram Types. The three explore how their types are perceived, some of the potential motivations behind those perspectives and why clear thinking is important.
Connect with us:
Awareness to Action
Enneagram on Demand
IG: @ataenneagrampod
Email: info@awarenesstoaction.com
Send a voice message: speakpipe.com/AwarenesstoAction
Lee Fields:
Web: enneagrammatic.com
IG: @enneagrammatic
Mario Sikora:
IG: @mariosikora
TikTok: @mariosikora
Web: mariosikora.com
Pod: Enneagram in a Movie
Substack: mariosikora.substack.com
Maria Jose Munita:
IG: @mjmunita
Web: mjmunita.com
Seth "Creek" Creekmore:
IG: @_creekmore
Pod: Fathoms | An Enneagram Podcast
Pod: Delusional Optimism
Mangler du episoder?
In this episode of the Awareness to Action Enneagram podcast, Lee Fields and Ahmad Wazir join María José Munita and Seth “Creek” Creekmore to discuss intentions versus perceptions of Enneagram Types. Drawing from their personal experiences, they share how each type can be perceived, including themselves, and what they do to help mitigate it.
Connect with us:
Awareness to Action
Enneagram on Demand
IG: @ataenneagrampod
Email: info@awarenesstoaction.com
Send a voice message: speakpipe.com/AwarenesstoAction
Lee Fields:
Web: enneagrammatic.com
IG: @enneagrammatic
Ahmad Wazir:
IG: @AhmadWazir19
Pod: Totem Confidence
Mario Sikora:
IG: @mariosikora
TikTok: @mariosikora
Web: mariosikora.com
Pod: Enneagram in a Movie
Substack: mariosikora.substack.com
Maria Jose Munita:
IG: @mjmunita
Web: mjmunita.com
Seth "Creek" Creekmore:
IG: @_creekmore
Pod: Fathoms | An Enneagram Podcast
Pod: Delusional Optimism
In this episode of the Awareness to Action Enneagram podcast, Mario Sikora, María José Munita and Seth “Creek” Creekmore talk about the embodied mind, the newest quality of the mind that informs emotional intelligence and how we interact with the world. They typically talk about six qualities of the mind, but they discuss why they added this new one that teaches us to become aware of our bodies–how we’re feeling and how we’re doing–to ground us and help us be more present.
[00:01] Intro
[03:53] The six qualities of the mind
[07:06] The idea of the embodied mind
[10:15] Approach with care
[14:42] Terminology to know
[20:36] Why we’re talking about this
[25:42] Presence vs awareness
[30:02] Enhance this ability in ourselves
[36:17] Outro
Connect with us:
Awareness to Action
Enneagram on Demand
IG: @ataenneagrampod
Email: info@awarenesstoaction.com
Send a voice message: speakpipe.com/AwarenesstoAction
The Six Qualities of the Mind (Part 1)
The Six Qualities of the Mind (Part 2)
Mario Sikora:
IG: @mariosikora
TikTok: @mariosikora
Web: mariosikora.com
Pod: Enneagram in a Movie
Substack: mariosikora.substack.com
Maria Jose Munita:
IG: @mjmunita
Web: mjmunita.com
Seth "Creek" Creekmore:
IG: @_creekmore
Pod: Fathoms | An Enneagram Podcast
Pod: Delusional Optimism
In this episode of the Awareness to Action Enneagram podcast, Mario Sikora, María José Munita and Seth “Creek” Creekmore talk about the history of the Enneagram, inspired by an online debate. As Mario has studied this model for decades, he provides the timeline of the Enneagram and how it led to how we use it today.
Connect with us:
Awareness to Action
Enneagram on Demand
IG: @ataenneagrampod
Email: info@awarenesstoaction.com
Send a voice message: speakpipe.com/AwarenesstoAction
"Owning Enlightenment: Proprietary Spirituality in the 'New Age' Marketplace" by Walter A. Effross
The origin of the Enneagram - Claudio Naranjo speaks - June 2010
Letter to the Transpersonal Community by Oscar Ichazo
Mythmaking and the Evolution of the Enneagram of Personality, Part 1 by Mario Sikora
Mario Sikora:
IG: @mariosikora
TikTok: @mariosikora
Web: mariosikora.com
Pod: Enneagram in a Movie
Substack: mariosikora.substack.com
Maria Jose Munita:
IG: @mjmunita
Web: mjmunita.com
Seth "Creek" Creekmore:
IG: @_creekmore
Pod: Fathoms | An Enneagram Podcast
Pod: Delusional Optimism
In this episode of the Awareness to Action Enneagram podcast, Mario Sikora, María José Munita and Seth “Creek” Creekmore get to know Lee Fields a little better. Lee is one of the training assistants in the online certification programs led by Mario and MJ. Lee shares her experience with the Enneagram and how the ATA approach contrasts with the other Enneagram models she’s studied. She also discusses why she accepted the offer to become a training assistant.
[00:01] Intro
[04:53] About this week’s guest
[08:18] Lee’s experience with the Enneagram
[17:41] The state of the Enneagram
[25:28] Being a training assistant
[33:13] Why the ATA approach
[34:20] Outro
Connect with us:
Awareness to Action
Enneagram on Demand
IG: @ataenneagrampod
Email: info@awarenesstoaction.com
Send a voice message: speakpipe.com/AwarenesstoAction
Lee Fields:
Web: enneagrammatic.com
IG: @enneagrammatic
Mario Sikora:
IG: @mariosikora
TikTok: @mariosikora
Web: mariosikora.com
Pod: Enneagram in a Movie
Substack: mariosikora.substack.com
Maria Jose Munita:
IG: @mjmunita
Web: mjmunita.com
Seth "Creek" Creekmore:
IG: @_creekmore
Pod: Fathoms | An Enneagram Podcast
Pod: Delusional Optimism
In this episode of the Awareness to Action Enneagram podcast, Mario Sikora, María José Munita and Seth “Creek” Creekmore reiterate the importance of clear thinking skills and how important they are when it comes to the Enneagram. They discuss how developing critical thinking skills can be applied to every aspect of life and understanding of some of the misconceptions or stereotypes for each Enneagram type.
Connect with us:
Awareness to Action
Enneagram on Demand
IG: @ataenneagrampod
Email: info@awarenesstoaction.com
Send a voice message: speakpipe.com/AwarenesstoAction
Mario Sikora:
IG: @mariosikora
TikTok: @mariosikora
Web: mariosikora.com
Pod: Enneagram in a Movie
Substack: mariosikora.substack.com
Maria Jose Munita:
IG: @mjmunita
Web: mjmunita.com
Seth "Creek" Creekmore:
IG: @_creekmore
Pod: Fathoms | An Enneagram Podcast
Pod: Delusional Optimism
In this episode of the Awareness to Action Enneagram podcast, Micky ScottBey Jones joins Mario Sikora and Seth “Creek” Creekmore as they discuss the ATA approach. Micky shares her expansive career trajectory and how it led to her work with the Enneagram today. Then the three hosts talk about their mindset when it came to adopting the ATA approach and give us a sneak peek of the upcoming online certification program, Awareness to Action Enneagram Foundation (Level 1), led by Mario and MJ and includes Mikey as one of the training assistants.
Connect with us:
Awareness to Action
Enneagram on Demand
IG: @ataenneagrampod
Email: info@awarenesstoaction.com
Send a voice message: speakpipe.com/AwarenesstoAction
Micky ScottBey Jones:
IG: @electric_lady_msj
Twitter: @iammickyjones
Web: mickyscottbeyjones.com
Pod: BRC & Friends
Mario Sikora:
IG: @mariosikora
TikTok: @mariosikora
Web: mariosikora.com
Pod: Enneagram in a Movie
Substack: mariosikora.substack.com
Maria Jose Munita:
IG: @mjmunita
Web: mjmunita.com
Seth "Creek" Creekmore:
IG: @_creekmore
Pod: Fathoms | An Enneagram Podcast
Pod: Delusional Optimism
In this episode of the Awareness to Action Enneagram podcast, Mario Sikora, María José Munita and Seth “Creek” Creekmore are joined by Dr. Joel Rothaizer, a Master-Certified executive coach and organizational consultant, and Board Certified Psychologist in Organizational & Business Consulting Psychology. Joel brings his personal insight as they discuss the vice, virtue and fixation for the Enneagram Type Three. This type is driven by the need to be seen as valuable, and therefore creates an image of themselves. However, what we typically don’t see is the anxiety behind the behavior.
“And they’re being portrayed in such an unfair way. I think the most superficial thing is not Threes, it’s the way they’re portrayed by many, many people out there.” -María José [06:32]
“Oftentimes, we ostracize the things that we don’t like about ourselves. So what is that sort of thing in the Enneagram community? Why do we have such an issue with Three energy?” -Creek [07:54]
“It’s striving to feel outstanding, but it’s striving to feel outstanding in the eyes of others. I mean, I think Enneagram Three hell would be to do something remarkably outstanding and have nobody know it.” -Joel [30:08]
“One of the things that Threes are very good at is being productive in a way that is meaningful.” -Mario [43:24]
[00:01] Intro
[01:14] About this week’s guest
[04:06] The myths about Type Three
[12:35] Vice: Deceit
[22:00] Constructing a valuable image
[28:39] Fixation: Vanity
[37:24] Path to veracity
[46:56] Veracity: truthfulness
[54:21] How to contact Joel
[55:16] Outro
Connect with us:
Awareness to Action
Enneagram on Demand
IG: @ataenneagrampod
Email: info@awarenesstoaction.com
Send a voice message: speakpipe.com/AwarenesstoAction
Dr. Joel Rothaizer:
Web: clear-impact.com
Book: Clear Impact: Building Your Leadership Capacity
Mario Sikora:
IG: @mariosikora
TikTok: @mariosikora
Web: mariosikora.com
Pod: Enneagram in a Movie
Substack: mariosikora.substack.com
Maria Jose Munita:
IG: @mjmunita
Web: mjmunita.com
Seth "Creek" Creekmore:
IG: @_creekmore
Pod: Fathoms | An Enneagram...
In this episode of the Awareness to Action Enneagram podcast, Mario Sikora, María José Munita and Seth “Creek” Creekmore continue their conversation about instinctual bias branding and how Enneagram type and strategy plays into branding.
Connect with us:
Awareness to Action
Enneagram on Demand
IG: @ataenneagrampod
Email: info@awarenesstoaction.com
Send a voice message: speakpipe.com/AwarenesstoAction
Mario Sikora:
IG: @mariosikora
TikTok: @mariosikora
Web: mariosikora.com
Pod: Enneagram in a Movie
Substack: mariosikora.substack.com
Maria Jose Munita:
IG: @mjmunita
Web: mjmunita.com
Seth "Creek" Creekmore:
IG: @_creekmore
Pod: Fathoms | An Enneagram Podcast
Pod: Delusional Optimism
In this episode of the Awareness to Action Enneagram podcast, Mario Sikora, María José Munita and Seth “Creek” Creekmore discuss the instinctual biases and branding. They explore how they use the Enneagram and the instinctual biases in their work and how it applies to branding. Using examples of different brands–from phones to coffee–they show how the instinctual biases can engage with their potential audience, revealing what they’re offering and the domain it appealing to.
“You have to understand what is the instinctual bias message of my brand. Now it does not have to be who you are. If you’re a Preserver, you don’t have to have a preserving brand, and you don’t have to take in a preserving approach to promoting that brand, but you need to know what it is.” -Mario [20:59]
“I think that the clearer we are around what is it that we’re providing, the value we’re providing, the more we will get to those who are looking for exactly that.” -María José [37:12]
“Another way you can that is knowing your brand is knowing how you’re useful to other people and leaning into that.” -Creek [42:02]
[00:01] Intro
[02:48] This week’s topic
[04:36] What they mean by branding
[07:28] Commerce and the Enneagram
[11:03] Why it’s important to build a cohesive brand
[19:07] The instinctual bias of your brand
[24:46] Contrast between three coffee brands
[34:06] Comparing cars
[36:59] Why is this important?
[40:13] Important takeaways
[43:10] Outro
Connect with us:
Awareness to Action
Enneagram on Demand
IG: @ataenneagrampod
Email: info@awarenesstoaction.com
Send a voice message: speakpipe.com/AwarenesstoAction
Mario Sikora:
IG: @mariosikora
TikTok: @mariosikora
Web: mariosikora.com
Pod: Enneagram in a Movie
Substack: mariosikora.substack.com
Maria Jose Munita:
IG: @mjmunita
Web: mjmunita.com
Seth "Creek" Creekmore:
IG: @_creekmore
Pod: Fathoms | An Enneagram Podcast
Pod: Delusional Optimism
In this episode of the Awareness to Action Enneagram podcast, Mario Sikora, María José Munita and Seth “Creek” Creekmore answer more questions from listeners about typing and mistyping. They answer specific questions about certain Enneagram types as well as share some of the questions they would ask to determine someone’s instinctual bias.
“The key to assessing people is to let them talk. To get them to talk. Because the more they talk, the more they reveal themselves.” -Mario [13:41]
“So a lot of it has to do with more what’s not said or what’s not there, not necessarily the thing that is there.” -Creek [26:25]
“We’re supposed to have a logic behind the things we do, but in my experience, a lot of the couples that I’ve seen are not rational.” -María José [28:01]
[00:00] Intro
[01:38] Unexpected situations on the podcast
[07:12] Investigative instinctual bias vs. type
[14:36] Navigating Nine vs Navigating Seven
[22:14] The blind spot for Navigating Three
[27:20] Relationships between the Enneagram types
[32:36] What’s next?
[34:25] Outro
Connect with us:
Awareness to Action
Enneagram on Demand
IG: @ataenneagrampod
Email: info@awarenesstoaction.com
Send a voice message: speakpipe.com/AwarenesstoAction
Mario Sikora:
IG: @mariosikora
TikTok: @mariosikora
Web: mariosikora.com
Pod: Enneagram in a Movie
Substack: mariosikora.substack.com
Maria Jose Munita:
IG: @mjmunita
Web: mjmunita.com
Seth "Creek" Creekmore:
IG: @_creekmore
Pod: Fathoms | An Enneagram Podcast
Pod: Delusional Optimism
It's the 100th episode of the Awareness to Action Enneagram podcast! To celebrate, Mario Sikora, María José Munita and Seth “Creek” Creekmore reflect on reaching this milestone as well as answer listener questions.
“To find the people that we connect with on some level, the people that love to critically think, love to push back, love to find what works and not just make you feel things, but actually do things, and the podcast has been a ringing bell of sorts for those types of people.” -Creek [10:35]
“The most important point is to be patient and to be provisional. Never assume you have somebody’s Enneagram type right, really ever, but especially the first time you’re interacting with them. Always be open to more information because people are complicated and they can show you something for a little while but not maintain that over the long term.” -Mario [42:41]
“The Enneagram is useful but it is not enough in and of itself… So you need to see what the problems are just with individuals, with the teams or the organization in general. What is it that they’re trying to address and how can the Enneagram be helpful in that way?” -María José [55:05]
[00:00] Intro
[00:49] Reflecting on the 100th episode
[08:38] Listeners response
[13:05] Dynamics of the Zones
[22:24] Zone of Inner Conflict
[25:33] Determining instinctual bias
[35:24] Why are people mistyped?
[43:18] Clients breakthrough and/or growth
[45:38] The importance of clear thinking
[52:45] Using the Enneagram in organizations
[59:31] Looking a year forward
[1:04:02] Outro
Connect with us:
Awareness to Action
Enneagram on Demand
IG: @ataenneagrampod
Email: info@awarenesstoaction.com
Mario Sikora:
IG: @mariosikora
TikTok: @mariosikora
Web: mariosikora.com
Pod: Enneagram in a Movie
Substack: mariosikora.substack.com
Maria Jose Munita:
IG: @mjmunita
Web: mjmunita.com
Seth "Creek" Creekmore:
IG: @_creekmore
Pod: Fathoms | An Enneagram Podcast
Pod: Delusional Optimism
In this episode of the Awareness to Action Enneagram podcast, Mario Sikora, María José Munita and Seth “Creek” Creekmore speak with Christopher MacGuire, director of the Universidad Católica Language Center, about the vice, virtue and fixation for Enneagram Type Two.
Connect with us:
Awareness to Action
Enneagram on Demand
IG: @ataenneagrampod
Email: info@awarenesstoaction.com
Mario Sikora:
IG: @mariosikora
TikTok: @mariosikora
Web: mariosikora.com
Pod: Enneagram in a Movie
Substack: mariosikora.substack.com
Maria Jose Munita:
IG: @mjmunita
Web: mjmunita.com
Seth "Creek" Creekmore:
IG: @_creekmore
Pod: Fathoms | An Enneagram Podcast
Pod: Delusional Optimism
In this episode of the Awareness to Action Enneagram podcast, Mario Sikora, María José Munita and Seth “Creek” Creekmore return to their series about the vice, virtue and fixation for each Enneagram type. This week, they explore Type Seven–Striving to Feel Excited–with special guest Sarah Wallace, Founder and CEO of Enneagram MBA, a Certified Enneagram Coach, speaker and host of the Enneagram at Work podcast. As a Type Seven, Sarah shares her perspective on how the vice of gluttony, the virtue of sobriety and the fixation of planning show up in her life.
[00:00] Intro
[00:16] This week’s guest, Sarah Wallace
[03:32] Vice: gluttony
[08:38] Experiences where gluttony shows up
[16:18] Instinctual bias
[20:13] Perpetual disappointment and frustration
[26:54] Desire to be good and get needs met
[32:21] Fixation: planning
[36:58] What’s good about planning
[43:22] Sarah’s experience with sobriety
[50:09] Advice from Sarah
[51:23] Outro
Connect with us:
Awareness to Action
Enneagram on Demand
IG: @ataenneagrampod
Sarah Wallace:
Web: enneagrammba.com
Pod: Enneagram at Work
Mario’s episodes: Part 1, Part 2
Mario Sikora:
IG: @mariosikora
TikTok: @mariosikora
Web: mariosikora.com
Pod: Enneagram in a Movie
Substack: mariosikora.substack.com
Maria Jose Munita:
IG: @mjmunita
Web: mjmunita.com
Seth "Creek" Creekmore:
IG: @_creekmore
Pod: Fathoms | An Enneagram Podcast
Pod: Delusional Optimism
In this episode of the Awareness to Action Enneagram podcast, Mario Sikora, María José Munita and Seth “Creek” Creekmore take a break from the vice and the virtues and answer questions they’ve received about instinctual biases. They explore how ATA defines navigating, preserving and transmitting and explain why we need to think about our relationship with each of these domains. They also preview their upcoming events in Austin that will take place from September 12-15.
Connect with us:
Awareness to Action
Enneagram on Demand
IG: @ataenneagrampod
Mario Sikora:
IG: @mariosikora
TikTok: @mariosikora
Web: mariosikora.com
Pod: Enneagram in a Movie
Substack: mariosikora.substack.com
Maria Jose Munita:
IG: @mjmunita
Web: mjmunita.com
Seth "Creek" Creekmore:
IG: @_creekmore
Pod: Fathoms | An Enneagram Podcast
Pod: Delusional Optimism
In this episode of the Awareness to Action Enneagram podcast, Mario Sikora, María José Munita and Seth “Creek” Creekmore talk about the vice, the virtue and the fixation for Enneagram Type Five with special guest, Ahmad Wazir. Ahmad draws from his personal experience on how the vice of avarice and the fixation of stinginess show up in his life as well as the virtue of nonattachment.
[00:01] Intro
[01:34] This week’s guest, Ahmad
[03:35] Defining our terms
[07:54] How avarice shows up in Ahmad’s life
[13:17] Striving to feel to detached
[22:11] Fixation: stinginess
[26:01] Navigating Five in a group setting
[28:16] Virtue: nonattachment, not detachment
[31:41] The sense of who I am
[36:36] Trying to gather information
[42:52] Protecting their vulnerability
[47:48] Outro
Connect with us:
Awareness to Action
Enneagram on Demand
IG: @ataenneagrampod
Ahmad Wazir:
IG: @AhmadWazir19
Pod: Totem Confidence
Mario Sikora:
IG: @mariosikora
TikTok: @mariosikora
Web: mariosikora.com
Pod: Enneagram in a Movie
Substack: mariosikora.substack.com
Maria Jose Munita:
IG: @mjmunita
Web: mjmunita.com
Seth "Creek" Creekmore:
IG: @_creekmore
Pod: Fathoms | An Enneagram Podcast
Pod: Delusional Optimism
In this episode of the Awareness to Action Enneagram podcast, Mario Sikora, María José Munita and Seth “Creek” Creekmore talk about the vice (envy), virtue (equanimity) and fixation (melancholy) for Enneagram Type Four. Creek shares his perspective on how he experiences these three emotions.
[00:01] Intro
[03:50] Vice: envy
[05:47] How Creek experiences envy
[10:49] Fixation: melancholy: The Bright Sadness
[16:46] The decision-making process
[22:48] The trope of Fours are artists
[26:59] Virtue: Equanimity
[30:41] Draws into the moment
[36:55] Melancholy & three instinctual biases
[46:46] The other side of envy is admiration
[48:55] Outro
Connect with us:
Awareness to Action
Enneagram on Demand
IG: @ataenneagrampod
Mario Sikora:
IG: @mariosikora
TikTok: @mariosikora
Web: mariosikora.com
Pod: Enneagram in a Movie
Substack: mariosikora.substack.com
Maria Jose Munita:
IG: @mjmunita
Web: mjmunita.com
Seth "Creek" Creekmore:
IG: @_creekmore
Pod: Fathoms | An Enneagram Podcast
Pod: Delusional Optimism
In this episode of the Awareness to Action Enneagram podcast, María José Munita and Seth “Creek” Creekmore conduct another typing interview with Jess Junke, a self-employed administrative consultant. Jessica works with a client in the Enneagram world, but is a rookie when it comes to knowing her Enneagram type. MJ interviews Jess about her personal and work life as a way to show how she and Mario do a typing session and put together the different puzzle pieces towards their hypothesis.
“This is supposed to be as a way to understand how Mario and MJ do typing sessions. This is also a way to–in some ways–practice your own skills of observations and putting together the different puzzle pieces, turning the knobs and trying to come up with some sort of hypothesis at the end of what Jess may be. So we make sure to hold these things very loosely as humans are complicated, and there’s lots to discover.” -Creek [04:08]
“Part of growing up for me has been realizing that sharing the hard things with people is a lot more fun actually. It makes the hard things –I don’t know about easier–but they’re not as heavy to carry and so I can go a lot farther.” -Jess [14:05]
“That’s what the Enneagram is for. It’s not just a fun game or questionnaire. It’s so that we can apply it in ways like this to manage ourselves and being able to change the narratives we have, understanding that my narrative is related to striving to feel connected in your case.” -María José [59:16]
[00:01] Intro
[00:43] This week’s guess, Jess
[03:59] Things to remember
[05:41] Interviewing Jess about relationships
[14:20] Jess’ work life
[25:34] Learning to ask for help
[40:15] Time to come up with a hypothesis
[41:48] Things MJ considered and disregarded
[46:11] Jess’ preferred strategy
[50:50] Does Jess resonate with this?
[1:00:32] Outro
Connect with us:
Awareness to Action
Enneagram on Demand
IG: @ataenneagrampod
Mario Sikora:
IG: @mariosikora
TikTok: @mariosikora
Web: mariosikora.com
Pod: Enneagram in a Movie
Substack: mariosikora.substack.com
Maria Jose Munita:
IG: @mjmunita
Web: mjmunita.com
Seth "Creek" Creekmore:
IG: @_creekmore
Pod: Fathoms | An Enneagram Podcast
Pod: Delusional Optimism
In this episode of the Awareness to Action Enneagram podcast, Mario Sikora, María José Munita and Lee Fields talk about the vice (lust), virtue (vengeance) and fixation (innocence) of Type Eight.
Connect with us:
Awareness to Action
Enneagram on Demand
IG: @ataenneagrampod
Mario Sikora:
IG: @mariosikora
TikTok: @mariosikora
Web: mariosikora.com
Pod: Enneagram in a Movie
Substack: mariosikora.substack.com
Maria Jose Munita:
IG: @mjmunita
Web: mjmunita.com
Seth "Creek" Creekmore:
IG: @_creekmore
Pod: Fathoms | An Enneagram Podcast
Pod: Delusional Optimism
Lee Fields:
Web: enneagrammatic.com
IG: @enneagrammatic
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