
  • A fabulous re-cast episode from season 3!

    Sooner or later, we all spend some time in the hospital, so Greg and Ed riff on their myriad experiences in Bangkok hospitals over the years. But before we get into that, we should note - due to Thailand’s strict defamation laws, some of the places we talk about will remain nameless.

    But with that out of the way, we can say that Thailand in general has pretty good medical care, and it is standard advice for travelers in neighboring countries to get over the border into Thailand if they have any medical problems. But, as Ed notes, Thailand does not have very good legal protections against medical malpractice: if a doctor makes a mistake, don’t expect significant financial compensation from the Thai justice system.

    Greg and Ed then trade anecdotes about their own experiences in the Thai medical system, each with some good and bad things to say. Ed’s life has been literally saved by competent doctors; Greg passed himself off as a Jedi in lieu of a real religion; both have been saved a ton of grief by getting a second opinion. Your mileage may vary, but both Greg and Ed agree, as a pure value proposition (i.e. what you get for the money), Thailand, though far from perfect, is a pretty good deal.

    Listen in for some great advice on how to maximize your chances of getting a good experience at a Bangkok hospital.

  • Greg and Ed discuss the massive influx of Russians (and some Ukrainians) into Thailand, particularly the island of Phuket. Numerous stories have been written in the last year about the unusually high number of long-stay tourists and expats who appear to be escaping the conflict in Europe, some even calling the trend an ‘invasion’. No doubt the sunny climes, pleasant smiles, and great food of Thailand provide a tempting alternative for those who have the means to make the journey.

    Ed begins by noting that the Tourism Authority of Thailand seems to be welcoming the growth in tourism that the wave from Russia represents. Concerns over rebuilding after COVID are largely over - Phuket in particular is largely swamped and certainly the economic benefits are welcome after the several years of privation due to the pandemic. But are there downsides? A recent article notes that the average cost of condos in Phuket has doubled in recent years and that in turn has affected the rental market. Simply put, if you are planning a trip to Phuket these days, expect a significantly more expensive venture than in years past.

    Another problem according to the news is Russians building their own self-sustaining communities. While understandable, some have turned to work that violates Thai laws restricting certain professions to Thai citizens, such as working as tour guides and real estate agents. Greg notes that fast changes such as this are very likely to draw a response from the government, which appears to be forthcoming given the amount of press the issue is receiving. At the very least, Greg points out at least one listener of the podcast who had previously been planning a trip to Phuket but who has now reconsidered.

    Don’t forget that Patrons get the ad-free version of the show as well as swag and other perks. We also sometimes post on Facebook, you can contact us on LINE and of course, head to our website (www.bangkokpodcast.com) to find out probably more info than you need to know.

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  • Greg interviews Tim Swainson and his team at creative agency Invisible Ink about their Thai-centric board game, ‘Bangkok Pains.’ The show begins with introductions from the creative team at Invisible Ink, and Tim then gets into explaining the game. The first rule of Bangkok Pains is that all players start in debt, mirroring the plight of many Bangkokians, both natives and foreigners. There are the standard board game pieces, in this case, everything from an iconic plastic chair to a bottle of fish sauce and a plate of Som Tum.

    Each player then picks a ‘career card’ to see their job and salary (Greg manages to be a professional gamer with a monthly salary of 30,000 baht, while other players score careers such as influencer, DJ, and plastic surgeon) as well as a property card, which determines where you’ll live, and which track on the board game you’ll follow on your way to work (car or BTS).

    As the group plays, they discuss where the game idea came from, how it was developed, and the endless rounds of testing that went into finding the right balance of playability, benefits, and penalties. How did they manage to distill all of Bangkok into a board game? Listen in for details - or better yet, buy the game yourself, get some drinks, and invite a few friends to play!

    Listen in for an endless supply of Thai and Bangkok nuggets of trivia and insight into how the game was developed.

    Don’t forget that Patrons get the ad-free version of the show as well as swag and other perks. We also sometimes post on Facebook, you can contact us on LINE and of course, head to our website (www.bangkokpodcast.com) to find out probably more info than you need to know.

  • Following a great suggestion from listener Kelly, Greg and Ed discuss the ‘expat bubble,’ the tendency for expats (and tourists) to primarily spend time with foreigners, rather than experience the same Bangkok that the majority of Thais are experiencing. Kelly noted that on her recent solo travels in Bangkok, she often found truly Thai markets that were very cheap with delicious food but also that she was the only Westerner there. Certain other cheap food courts, such as those in Big C, would have a more mixed customer base. What gives?

    Greg and Ed do their best to untangle the mystery. Perhaps the ‘super-Thai’ markets appeared too dirty to anyone but long-term expats, with tiny plastic chairs sitting among random detritus, food apparently kept sitting out too long, and the potential of random vermin running across your feet. Or could it be the expected lack of English and the social awkwardness of functioning among Thai who might not be used to tourists and foreigners? This certainly kept Greg from experiencing ‘real’ Thailand during his first wasted half-year in Chiang Mai. The boys note that a lot of what’s going on might just boil down to personality type. Some of us expats and tourists are just naturally more adventurous and willing to put up with some embarrassment in order to try something new. While others stick to the predictable path, if not Starbucks or McDonald’s, then a ‘Thai’ food court in a clean, international mall.

    In the end, Greg and Ed make the case for reminding yourself that perhaps 80% of Thais in Bangkok rarely interact with foreigners, and it’s their lives that actually constitute the ‘real’ Thailand. So if you want to experience something really new and different and not just safe, it’s probably worth giving some of those crowded, hot and grimy markets a go. At the very least, you’ll save money and eat well! :)

    Don’t forget that Patrons get the ad-free version of the show as well as swag and other perks. We also sometimes post on Facebook, you can contact us on LINE and of course, head to our website (www.bangkokpodcast.com) to find out probably more info than you need to know.

  • We recount the fascinating story of George DuPont, the only Thai person who fought in the American Civil War. The first record of George in the U.S. is in 1859, but almost nothing is known of how or why he ended up in the United States. We know that in 1862 he volunteered for a New Jersey regiment to fight for the North in the American Civil War. Shockingly, he fought in and survived the battles of Antietam, Chancellorville, and Gettysburg, three of the bloodiest battles of the war. He was eventually naturalized as a U.S. citizen in 1869.

    He subsequently returned to Thailand, or Siam as it was known, and worked a variety of jobs, from writer for an English language newspaper to a drillmaster to a timber dealer. He died at age 56, and you can still see his grave in the Bangkok Protestant Cemetery on Charoen Krung 72/5.

    George DuPont represents a fascinating glimpse into the lives of early Thai immigrants to America. Greg and Ed surmise that there must have been immigrants before him, equally or more interesting! One way or another, we’ll find them and tell their stories on the Bangkok Podcast. :)

    Don’t forget that Patrons get the ad-free version of the show as well as swag and other perks. And we’ll keep our Facebook, Twitter, and LINE accounts active so you can send us comments, questions, or whatever you want to share.

  • Greg questions Ed about his main job - teaching ‘American Studies’ to Thai college students. Effectively, Ed’s job and his side gig (the podcast) are opposites of each other, given that he is attempting to explain Thai society and culture to foreigners on the podcast.

    Ed begins with America 101 - basic lessons about the U.S. that every Thai person should know, especially before traveling there. First, the U.S. is physically a VERY big country, but also quite diverse. The Northeast is quite different from the Midwest, which is in turn different from the South, which differs from the West Coast, etc. Hence, Ed notes that the U.S. is actually a difficult country to generalize about, and some of his students grapple with the concept. For instance, life in an urban city can be completely different from life in the suburbs or rural area, despite both being in the U.S. Second, the U.S. has a violent crime problem, and Thais should be very careful where and when they go somewhere, especially in cities. While the country overall is ‘safe’ in the general sense, that’s not true at all times and in all places. And last, health care in the U.S. is VERY expensive, and no one should travel there without health insurance. ‘Nuff said.

    Greg then asks Ed about cultural lessons, and Ed notes that often American culture is best explained as the reverse of Thai culture. The U.S. is individualistic, while Thailand is group-oriented. The U.S. is legalistic and ‘low context’, while Thailand is ‘flexible’ about the law and ‘high context.’ And of course, Americans are more direct and engaging than Thais, who tend to be ‘shy’ and hang back, especially with strangers.

    No culture is inherently ‘better’ or ‘worse’ than any other, but that doesn’t mean they are all the same. :)

    Don’t forget that Patrons get the ad-free version of the show as well as swag and other perks. We also sometimes post on Facebook, you can contact us on LINE and of course, head to our website (www.bangkokpodcast.com) to find out probably more info than you need to know.

  • Greg and Ed discuss various aspects of Bangkok that they believe are either overrated or underrated. The guys start with things that they believe get too many props. Greg mentions the Grand Palace and the Damnoen Saduak floating market that tend to be too touristy and overcrowded, but that there are unsung superior alternatives where tourists could better spend their time. Ed counters with Thai customer service, which he credits for being genuinely warm but which he believes is often unprofessional, at least outside of five-star hotels.

    Greg then brazenly brings up Pad Thai, which has never floated his boat regardless of its reputation. For Ed, he thinks Thai temples are overrated in general, at least beyond the main ones that everyone should go to at least once.

    Greg then goes deep with a critique of the emphasis Thais place on ‘respect,’ especially for older people out of course. That’s probably a good topic for a whole show.

    For underrated, the guys cover things such as various museums, some financial management options (that a lot of foreigners don’t know about), taxis, and Thailand outside of the main tourist areas. Listen in if you want all the inside info! :)

    Don’t forget that Patrons get the ad-free version of the show as well as swag and other perks. We also sometimes post on Facebook, you can contact us on LINE and of course, head to our website (www.bangkokpodcast.com) to find out probably more info than you need to know.

  • Continuing the exploration of some of the unexpectedly progressive moves that Thailand makes from time to time, Greg interviews his friend Jacob, an American, and his husband Geng, a Thai, about their marriage in Thailand as two men and their efforts to build a family through surrogacy. The couple begins by relating how they met and began dating, and Jacob adds that even at that stage he was looking into becoming a single father through some type of surrogacy. Luckily Geng was on board, and they began researching different clinics worldwide. They settled on a clinic in Colombia that they felt was very professional and transparent.

    With a baby (the genetic son of Jacob) on the way, they decided to make their relationship legal, but at that time, same-sex marriages were still unrecognized in Thailand. Hence, they chose an online marriage in the U.S. state of Nevada. Now legal, they were then able to take their Colombian-born son back to Thailand. While there were no problems actually entering Thailand, their son was only recognized as an American tourist, with no legal connection to Geng.

    The guys then explain that they plan to repeat the process with a genetic child of Geng, so they eventually hope to have two children. The next step then will be having their marriage legalized in Thailand, and finally they hope to secure the legal status of their children.

    Whew! Talk about pushing the boundaries of a ‘conservative Buddhist’ country.

    Don’t forget that Patrons get the ad-free version of the show as well as swag and other perks. We also sometimes post on Facebook, you can contact us on LINE and of course, head to our website (www.bangkokpodcast.com) to find out probably more info than you need to know.

  • Greg interviews the fascinating Wichit Saiklao, godfather of craft beer in Thailand and founder of Chit Beer, with podcast friend Scott Coates sitting in for fun. Khun Chit relates how he first learned about homebrewing while living in the States, and after returning to Thailand and buying a small house on the river island of Ko Kret, he decided to give it a try with a kit he bought on Amazon. Just seven years later, he is a legend of Thai brewing, not just because of his own popular craft beers but also because of his brewing school which now has thousands of graduates.

    Khun Chit explains his approach to Thai law, which in general prohibits small batch brewing: by focusing on staying under the radar while campaigning to change the law and spreading his love of brewing to his ‘army’ of brewers, he hopes to push Thai culture in the right direction. He estimates that there are already tens of thousands of Thai people brewing quietly at home, a number so large that eventually the Thai government will likely have to accept as a fact of life.

    Greg, Scott and Khun Chit discuss the community of brewers that he has fostered and spread around the country, his ignoble first attempts at brewing, and what drives him forward.

    Don’t forget that Patrons get the ad-free version of the show as well as swag and other perks. And we’ll keep our Facebook, Twitter, and LINE accounts active so you can send us comments, questions, or whatever you want to share.

  • Greg and Ed engage in a bit of fantasy as Ed imagines what he would do if he were the Prime Minister (or maybe more accurately, dictator) of Thailand. Ed begins with the caveat that he can only see the world through his own eyes, so his dream policies probably will not align with the average Thai person or maybe even most foreigners.

    Ed presents a total of ten changes he would make to the country if he could, and Greg gives wise counsel for each proposal. In no particular order, Ed suggests building a modern prison system to buttress the rule of law, making significant investments in the riverfront, completing the Kra Canal Project, and eliminating dual pricing nationwide. He also emphasizes the need to modernize the laws that govern expats in Thailand, which seem to have been written in the Dark Ages. To top it off, Ed strongly prefers the old-school elephant flag to the current three-striped flag, and he’d rather the country be formally known as Siam due to the racist origins of the name ‘Thailand.’

    Greg is impressed with the depth of Ed’s plans and vows to come up with his own suggestions. Some day. :)

    Don’t forget that Patrons get the ad-free version of the show as well as swag and other perks. We also sometimes post on Facebook, you can contact us on LINE and of course, head to our website (www.bangkokpodcast.com) to find out probably more info than you need to know.

  • Greg interviews our new friend Jannik Hiller about his experience as an exchange student in Thailand. Jannik explains that while a university student, he decided he wanted to do an exchange year in a country completely different from his native Germany, so he settled on Thailand, despite never having been here before.

    Greg wonders about the quality of education in Thailand versus Germany, and Jannik explains that he was willing to sacrifice some academic quality just for the experience of traveling and living in a foreign land. Jannik then recounts his first month in the country, getting ready for school to start. After an initial shock, he fell in love with exploring Bangkok and acclimated to a dorm at Chulalongkorn University for international students. He talks about interacting with students from the U.S., Mexico, Japan, and Italy, a cosmopolitan experience that led him to pursue a Master’s Degree outside of Germany.

    Jannik then expounds on the differences in the academic experience: Thai university is more formal than in Germany, given that students have to wear uniforms and the professors are treated with more deference. Further, the courses involved more group work and presentations than his typical classes back home.

    Overall, Jannik’s experience at a Thai university was a very positive contrast to his typical European education, and with the help of the Bangkok Podcast, he has become a true Thai-phile (like the rest of us!).

    Don’t forget that Patrons get the ad-free version of the show as well as swag and other perks. We also sometimes post on Facebook, you can contact us on LINE and of course, head to our website (www.bangkokpodcast.com) to find out probably more info than you need to know.

  • Greg and Ed ring in 2025 with a difficult look back at their New Year’s Resolutions from 2024. They recognize the obvious: if you don’t keep your resolutions, you only have yourself to blame. But they try to answer the interesting question of whether Bangkok itself might make keeping certain resolutions more difficult.

    Ed begins with a confession that he mostly failed in his efforts to improve his Thai. His plan was to study a well-regarded PDF of common Thai expressions, and while he did succeed in having a Thai friend make some recordings, he didn’t spend much time actually studying them. His second resolution was to watch the top ten best Thai films of all time, and watch them in Thai with Thai subtitles. Again, although he downloaded some of the films, he blew off actually doing the hard work. Ugh.

    Greg fared somewhat better. Although he failed to watch a movie and read a book about key figures in Thai history, he did manage to spend more time at the Siam Society and develop a new hobby, the Japanese art of archery known as kyudo. Yea Greg!

    Ed’s last resolution involved an effort to establish a new ‘third place.’ In this case, some serious effort was put forth at a very Thai local gym, but Ed failed to make any meaningful connections and eventually couldn’t muster the motivation to keep going.

    Both guys conclude that expat life can make it difficult to keep these types of ‘self-improvement’ resolutions: expats tend to live in very self-contained bubbles that don’t make it easy to make significant changes to your life. Given this insight into the expat situation, in the end, it’s all on you to find a way to get it done. :)

    Don’t forget that Patrons get the ad-free version of the show as well as swag and other perks. We also sometimes post on Facebook, you can contact us on LINE and of course, head to our website (www.bangkokpodcast.com) to find out probably more info than you need to know.

  • In a year-end wrap up, Greg and Ed discuss their favorite shows of the year and some plans for the podcast in 2025. Ed begins by waxing rhapsodic over his early year interview with David Cluck, Hollywood assistant director who has been based in Bangkok for the last 10 years or so (S7, Ep. 6-7). The flow of the interview was aided by the fact that David and Ed are friends, but Ed points out that it’s rare to sit down with a friend and discuss their career in depth. As a film nerd, Ed (and Greg) enjoyed David’s experience and insider storytelling ability.

    Greg then brings up our episode on Bangkok in your 20s vs. Bangkok in your 50s (S7, Ep. 29). Greg enjoys having pearls of wisdom about living in Bangkok that only come from having lived in Thailand so long, and Ed appreciated the way the city’s pros have changed for him from the early days to his (now) fifty-ish lifestyle. Next, Ed mentioned his other favorite interview show, with Ron Weaver, ‘American-Thai Guy’ (S7, Ep. 11-12). Both Ed and Greg enjoyed Ron’s personality and insights, and the fact that his experience as an African-American guy gave him a different take on expat life in Thailand.

    Greg’s next favorite episode was the one on ‘Expat Math,’ our attempt to understand Bangkok with various theories and equations (S7, Ep. 16). There’s no denying Bangkok’s chaotic nature, but that doesn’t mean it’s completely random, and the guys enjoy trying to wrap their heads around the City of Angels and come up with some guiding principles. Ed’s last favorite episode was his take on Bangkok vs. Hong Kong (S7, Ep. 24). As someone who doesn’t travel all that much, Ed enjoyed being able to experience the iconic city and weigh it against his home.

    Greg wraps up the favorites by bringing up our show on ‘The Limits of Mai Pen Rai,’ (S7, Ep. 40). Both guys agree this might be their ‘angriest’ episode, but defend the right to put their foot down when it comes to inaction to solve problems that result in horrible tragedies, especially when they’re in the service of improving safety for everyone.

    Last, Greg and Ed discuss their plan to use the last week of every month to air an old show, rather than putting out a new show every week. The truth is the guys need a breather to help them brainstorm new material, but also think listeners would benefit from listening to many of the old gems from previous years.

    Don’t forget that Patrons get the ad-free version of the show as well as swag and other perks. We also sometimes post on Facebook, you can contact us on LINE and of course, head to our website (www.bangkokpodcast.com) to find out probably more info than you need to know.

  • Greg and Ed tackle the age-old question for expats living in Thailand: Should I buy or rent a condo or house? The boys begin by making clear there is not one simple answer to this question, and it depends a LOT on a person’s particular circumstances, such as budget, length of stay, and investment expectations. Nevertheless, there are general questions that everyone should consider when making this decision. Hat tip to a video that ThailandBound posted for providing the brainstorming.

    The guys go through seven separate topics, ranging from possible double pricing for Thais and foreigners, to the consideration that must be given to condo maintenance fees and the difficulty of finding repairmen if you are an owner. Further, Bangkok is famous for new construction, and each new building may have amenities that make your 5-year-old building feel (and look) ancient by comparison. On top of all this, there are cultural considerations, such as Thais’ notorious fear of ghosts and bad luck in general, hence their preference for buying new rather than lived-in residences.

    While there’s no single answer for all expats, everyone planning a long stay in the Kingdom should certainly consider these factors before making such an important decision.

    Don’t forget that Patrons get the ad-free version of the show as well as swag and other perks. We also sometimes post on Facebook, you can contact us on LINE and of course, head to our website (www.bangkokpodcast.com) to find out probably more info than you need to know.

  • Greg interviews writer and filmmaker James Newman, a long-time expat in Thailand who recently made a documentary film about our beloved city of Bangkok. James starts out explaining his background in London as an insurance executive, his subsequent departure to Thailand, and his career as a writer during the e-book boom of the naughts. Around 2017 he transitioned to filmmaking and made a successful short film called ‘Crazy Medicine,’ directed by friend of the podcast Richie Moore.

    But today’s show centers on James’ recent film, “Bangkok: City of Angels,” an attempt to capture the chaotic appeal of Bangkok in documentary form. James discusses his decision to cover a broad arc of Thai history, from a cholera outbreak 200 years ago to the more recent COVID pandemic, explaining that he wanted to show the ways in which history can appear to repeat itself and the ways that Thais overcome adversity.

    The two discuss the dozens of significant events in Thai history that have shaped Bangkok, from the founding of the city through to World War II and the Vietnam War. More recently, the film considers the 1997 financial crisis, the various political upheavals, up through the pandemic, during which the film was shot.

    While it may be impossible to capture the true essence of Bangkok in one film, “Bangkok: City of Angels” certainly is a serious effort in that direction.

    Don’t forget that Patrons get the ad-free version of the show as well as swag and other perks. We also sometimes post on Facebook, you can contact us on LINE and of course, head to our website (www.bangkokpodcast.com) to find out probably more info than you need to know.

  • In a first, the Bangkok Podcast turns its focus on itself as Greg and Ed explain the process by which they create two shows almost every week of the year. The boys begin discussing their approach to brainstorming topics for new shows. Given that the podcast has been around for more than 10 years and there are more than 700 back episodes in total, coming up with fresh ideas is not easy. So the guys tend to mine their personal experiences, the lives of their friends, evergreen news stories that highlight perennial issues with Thai society, and of course, suggestions from listeners. (In fact, if you have any good ideas, please send them in!)

    Does the podcast follow a script? Conversationally, no. Greg and Ed simply have a topic and bullet points and they flow from there, but there is a structure to the show that includes background music, cues, and common themes. What about the recording process? Well, as two tech geeks, the guys do take advantage of semi-professional gear. Ed speaks into a dynamic microphone connected to a digital mixer that acts as an interface to his Windows 11 PC. Greg records with a condenser microphone connected to his MacBook Air. They record separately at home while on a Facebook call, and then upload the audio to a Google Drive folder. Greg then typically does the edit, recently with an open source but professional tool known as Reaper.

    As for posting, the podcast uses a platform called Libsyn, which allows them to upload an episode to one location and then have it dispersed to multiple outlets.

    When it comes to general advice, Ed encourages newbies to go easy on the technology. Today, the barriers to entry are low, and a couple iPhones with lav mics are probably all that are necessary to get started. However, over time, mastering better technology is undoubtedly key to making your life easier.

    Don’t forget that Patrons get the ad-free version of the show as well as swag and other perks. We also sometimes post on Facebook, you can contact us on LINE and of course, head to our website (www.bangkokpodcast.com) to find out probably more info than you need to know.

  • In a first for the podcast, the boys decide to review a part of the Bangkok Podcast website - the relatively new for Season 4 ‘Resources’ section. A few weeks back we posted a page called ‘Some Thoughts on Thai Culture,’ and it elicited some responses from friends of the podcast, so we decided to dig into it.

    We don’t want to rehash what’s already there, so if you haven’t read it yet, mosey on over and check it out. In brief, the page lists 5 key characteristics of Thai culture: 1) Respect for authority; 2) Being indirect; 3) High context; 4) Fitting in; and 5) No problems. Greg and Ed discuss each, trying to find exceptions and bring some nuance to the characteristics.

    At the end, Ed brings up an ‘honorable mention’: an important characteristic that didn’t quite make the top five: Thais also are particularly concerned about appearing proper in public, but in private are no more conservative than most Westerners.

    Of course, these are just our opinions and observations - we’d love to hear thoughts, feedback, or dissenting opinions. Listen in for the details!

    As always, the podcast will continue to be 100% funded by listeners just like you who get some special swag from us. And we’ll keep our Facebook, Twitter, and LINE accounts active so you can send us comments, questions, or whatever you want to share.

  • Greg interviews our senior legal correspondent Dave Lawrence on the status of marriage equality in Thailand. Listeners may remember that the Thai parliament passed a same-sex marriage bill last year, and it has jumped through a few more hoops and is ALMOST in effect. Dave explains that on January 22, 2025, should be the magic date when marriage between two adults of either gender should be 100% legal and legit.

    The guys run through a bunch of different topics, ranging from the history of marriage in Thailand to immigration and nationality, divorce, adoption and IVF. Perhaps not surprisingly, a change such as allowing adults of the same gender to get married has ramifications in many other areas of the law, all details that need to be ironed out in the coming months and years.

    Greg and Dave conclude by noting the historic significance of this change in the law in Thailand as Asia in general is considered conservative when it comes to gender and sexuality. There is something unique about Thai culture however that allows it to be more progressive in at least some respects.

    Don’t forget that Patrons get the ad-free version of the show as well as swag and other perks. We also sometimes post on Facebook, you can contact us on LINE and of course, head to our website (www.bangkokpodcast.com) to find out probably more info than you need to know.

  • Greg and Ed revisit a favorite show theme: Thailand merit badges, achievements by expats which solidify your status as someone truly making a life in Thailand rather than just passing through as a tourist. For earlier merit badges, check out Season 5, Episodes 29 and 60.

    Ed begins by bringing up a true sign that you are no longer a noob: learning some of the Northeastern dialect, or ‘pasaa Isaan.’ Both guys confess they have yet to cross this barrier (central Thai is hard enough!). Greg then mentions a true rite of passage, surviving a Buddhist blessing ceremony on your knees. Thai people possibly have genetically superior knees and shins, because sitting on hardwood floors for extended periods of time is not for the faint of heart. Ed then returns to the world of Isaan by referring to the large number of regional cultural festivals that are off the beaten path of most tourists. The merit badge accrues though only if you manage to participate, rather than merely snapping a few pics.

    The guys continue, hitting on such key breakthroughs as establishing some ‘intestinal fortitude’ when it comes to spicy food and cracking some niches of the Thai language, such as idioms and animal noises. Listen in and let us know how many of these badges you have earned. Also don’t forget to check out Waipod Phetsuphan’s fantastic Ding Dong here!

    Don’t forget that Patrons get the ad-free version of the show as well as swag and other perks. We also sometimes post on Facebook, you can contact us on LINE and of course, head to our website (www.bangkokpodcast.com) to find out probably more info than you need to know.

  • Ed interviews our buddy Phil Allen about his adventures visiting, and eventually living in, the Isaan region of Thailand. Phil begins by explaining his arrival in Bangkok about five years ago as a roving economist working primarily in financial technology. Unfortunately, the pandemic struck and Phil found himself in a very strange situation in a brand new country. He decided to take the aggressive approach and move from AirBnB to AirBnB in different neighborhoods around Bangkok before a full lockdown ensued.

    Phil’s story continues with his interest in motorbikes. Due to Bangkok traffic, he thought it would be safer to learn to ride in a small town, so randomly he and a friend began to visit Buriram, a town northeast of Bangkok and not too far from the Cambodia border. Thus, Phil’s love affair with Isaan began, eventually leading him to Udon Thani, where he currently rents a house while traveling back to Bangkok a few days a week for work.

    So what is it about Isaan that is so attractive? Phil discusses many things he likes about the region, from delicious, cheap food to truly engaging people. Ed and Phil talk about the pros and cons of Bangkok vs Udon, and Phil makes an excellent case for putting Isaan on your travel calendar, whether you are a tourist or an expat.

    You can connect with Phil on Instagram at newphysiocracy.

    Don’t forget that Patrons get the ad-free version of the show as well as swag and other perks. We also sometimes post on Facebook, you can contact us on LINE and of course, head to our website (www.bangkokpodcast.com) to find out probably more info than you need to know.