
  • The Exodus Way E5 — By the time we get to the scroll of Joshua, the Israelites are preparing to enter the land of promise. But we quickly discover a reverse Exodus happening in the narrative. The Canaanite kings—who are depicted as new pharaohs—assemble with armies to meet Israel on the other side of the Jordan River. And in the midst of the story, a Canaanite woman in Jericho actually shows more faith than anyone! Then in the following scroll of Judges, the identity of the pharaohs shifts again—this time to the Israelites, who enslave themselves due to their own corruption and injustice. In this episode, Jon and Tim discuss how Joshua and Judges hyperlink back to the Exodus Way narrative theme, while also pointing to a coming Messianic leader who can lead us out of exile, through the wilderness, and into a true land of inheritance.


    Recap of the Theme So Far (0:00-6:50)The Surprising Story of Rahab (6:50-20:15)Canaanite Kings as the New Pharaohs in Joshua (20:15-41:09)Israelites as the New Pharaohs in Judges (41:09-49:40)


    View this episode’s official transcript.


    Berit Olam: Joshua by L. Daniel HawkJoshua in 3-D: A Commentary on Biblical Conquest and Manifest Destiny by L. Daniel HawkEvery Promise Fulfilled: Contesting Plots in Joshua by L. Daniel HawkYou can view annotations for this episode—plus our entire library of videos, podcasts, articles, and classes—in the BibleProject app, available for Android and iOS.Check out Tim’s extensive collection of recommended books here.


    “Mario Kart” by SwuM“Self Luv” by SwuM“Reflect” by SwuM & BennoBibleProject theme song by TENTS


    Production of today’s episode is by Lindsey Ponder, producer, and Cooper Peltz, managing producer. Tyler Bailey is our supervising engineer. Frank Garza and Aaron Olsen edited today’s episode. Aaron Olsen and Tyler Bailey provided the sound design and mix. JB Witty does our show notes, and Hannah Woo provides the annotations for our app. Our host and creative director is Jon Collins, and our lead scholar is Tim Mackie.

    Powered and distributed by Simplecast.

  • The Exodus Way E4 — We’re tracing the narrative theme of Exodus in the Bible, and we’re finally ready to trace it in 
 Exodus! There are three main beats in this narrative theme: the road out of slavery, the road through the wilderness, and the road into inheritance. These three beats play out in Moses' life before Israel’s Exodus from Egypt even begins. There are also key moments of justice and deliverance in the Exodus story—the Passover and Israel’s crossing through the sea—which become the foundations for the Christian practices of communion and baptism. In this episode, Jon and Tim discuss these three crucial beats in the Exodus scroll and how they are poetically drawn together in the “Song of the Sea,” found in Exodus 15.


    Recap and Setup for the Exodus Scroll (00:00-8:20)Three Beats of the Road Out in Exodus (08:20-30:47)The Song of the Sea (30:47-44:36)


    View this episode’s official transcript.


    You can view annotations for this episode—plus our entire library of videos, podcasts, articles, and classes—in the BibleProject app, available for Android and iOS.Check out Tim’s extensive collection of recommended books here.


    “Samething” by SwuM“Davita” by Kyle McEvoy & Stan ForebeeBibleProject theme song by TENTS


    Production of today’s episode is by Lindsey Ponder, producer, and Cooper Peltz, managing producer. Tyler Bailey is our supervising engineer. Frank Garza, Aaron Olsen, and Tyler Bailey edited today’s episode. Tyler Bailey provided the sound design and mix. JB Witty does our show notes, and Hannah Woo provides the annotations for our app. Our host and creative director is Jon Collins, and our lead scholar is Tim Mackie.

    Powered and distributed by Simplecast.

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  • The Exodus Way E3 — Before we get to the Exodus story, we must first ask a question: How and why did Israel end up enslaved in Egypt in the first place? Throughout the book of Genesis, the biblical authors seem to imply that Abraham’s descendants land in Egypt because of their patriarch’s failures to trust God and do right by others. In this episode, Jon and Tim highlight the Exodus beats in Abraham’s story, showing how they not only anticipate Israel’s exile in Egypt but also the larger Exodus story found throughout the whole Hebrew Bible.


    Recap and Setting Up Abraham (0:00-8:28)Abraham Out of Ur and Into Egypt (8:28-28:06)Slavery in Egypt Predicted (28:06-36:36)Oppression of Hagar the Egyptian Slave (36:36-58:21)


    View this episode’s official transcript.


    And You Shall Tell Your Son: The Concept of the Exodus in the Bible by Yair Zakovitch You can view annotations for this episode—plus our entire library of videos, podcasts, articles, and classes—in the BibleProject app, available for Android and iOS.Check out Tim’s extensive collection of recommended books here.


    “By Chance” by SwuM“Skates” by SwuM“Homecoming” by Kyle McEvoy & Stan ForebeeBibleProject theme song by TENTS


    Production of today’s episode is by Lindsey Ponder, producer, and Cooper Peltz, managing producer. Tyler Bailey is our supervising engineer. Frank Garza and Aaron Olsen edited today’s episode. Aaron Olsen and Tyler Bailey provided the sound design and mix. JB Witty does our show notes, and Hannah Woo provides the annotations for our app. Our host and creative director is Jon Collins, and our lead scholar is Tim Mackie.

    Powered and distributed by Simplecast.

  • The Exodus Way E2 — The main beats of the Exodus Way are the road out of slavery, the road through the wilderness, and the road into inheritance. These moments become a narrative theme that plays out over and over in the story of the Bible. We even see them show up in Genesis before the events of the Exodus even happen! In this episode, Jon and Tim explore the significance of Exodus imagery in two early stories from Genesis, the creation and flood narratives.


    Recapping Exodus as a Narrative Theme (0:00-6:30)Exodus in Creation: Genesis 1:1-13 (6:30-20:26)Exodus in the Flood: Genesis 7-8 (20:26-32:11)Connections to Baptism in 1 Peter 3:18-22 (32:11-45:17)


    View this episode’s official transcript.


    The Tabernacle Pre-Figured: Cosmic Mountain Ideology in Genesis and Exodus by L.M. Morales (Link is to PDF, since book is not available for sale)“The Use of Water Imagery in Descriptions of Sheol” by Dominic Rudman (From the journal Zeitschrift fĂŒr die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft; not available for purchase online)You can view annotations for this episode—plus our entire library of videos, podcasts, articles, and classes—in the BibleProject app, available for Android and iOS.Check out Tim’s extensive collection of recommended books here.


    “Onteora Lake” by Kyle McEvoy & Stan Forebee“Tumble’s Lullaby” by Kyle McEvoy & Stan Forebee“Bloom” by Kyle McEvoyBibleProject theme song by TENTS


    Production of today’s episode is by Lindsey Ponder, producer, and Cooper Peltz, managing producer. Tyler Bailey is our supervising engineer. Frank Garza and Aaron Olsen edited today’s episode. Aaron Olsen and Tyler Bailey provided the sound design and mix. JB Witty does our show notes, and Hannah Woo provides the annotations for our app. Our host and creative director is Jon Collins, and our lead scholar is Tim Mackie.

    Powered and distributed by Simplecast.

  • The Exodus Way E1 — Most followers of Jesus are familiar with three foundational biblical stories: the story of Jesus in the gospels, the creation story in Genesis, and the Exodus story. These narratives are referred to throughout the whole Bible, but the Exodus story is the most referenced story. Why is this narrative in Exodus so important? In this episode, Jon and Tim start a new series on the narrative theme of Exodus, what we’re calling the “Exodus Way,” showing how this story shapes the Bible’s whole view of reality.


    What Is the Exodus, and Why Is It Important? (2:25-17:09)The Most Referenced Story in the Bible 17:09-29:27The Template of the Exodus (29:27-45:49)


    View this episode’s official transcript.


    Echoes of Exodus: Tracing a Biblical Motif by Bryan D. EstelleYou can view annotations for this episode—plus our entire library of videos, podcasts, articles, and classes—in the BibleProject app, available for Android and iOS.Check out Tim’s extensive collection of recommended books here.


    “Lax Incense” by Mama Aiuto & DaphnĂ©â€œTreecko Is a Cool Starter” by Sleepy Fish & CoaBibleProject theme song by TENTS


    Production of today’s episode is by Lindsey Ponder, producer, and Cooper Peltz, managing producer. Tyler Bailey is our supervising engineer. Frank Garza and Aaron Olsen edited today’s episode. Aaron Olsen and Tyler Bailey provided the sound design and mix. JB Witty does our show notes, and Hannah Woo provides the annotations for our app. Our host and creative director is Jon Collins, and our lead scholar is Tim Mackie.

    Powered and distributed by Simplecast.

  • The Mountain Q+R (E14) — Could the Tower of Babel be considered a man-made mountain? How does Yahweh asking Abraham to sacrifice Isaac on the mountain fit with his gracious character? And after Elijah’s failure on Mount Sinai, why is he still regarded as a great prophet? In this episode, Tim and Jon respond to your questions from our series on the theme of the mountain. Thank you to our audience for your thoughtful contributions to this episode!

    View all of our resources for The Mountain →


    Intro (0:00-3:52)How can we live out the biblical idea of sacred spaces in the modern world? (3:52-12:38)Could the Tower of Babel be considered a man-made mountain? (12:38-19:22)What do stones and bricks represent in the biblical story? (19:22-28:04)How does Yahweh asking Abraham to sacrifice Isaac fit with his gracious character? (28:04-39:45)After Elijah’s failure on Mount Sinai, why is he still regarded as a great prophet? (39:45-48:30)Can Elijah’s Mount Sinai experience help us understand contemplative prayer practices? (48:30-57:16)Conclusion (57:16-1:00:05)

    Official Episode Transcript

    View this episode’s official transcript.

    Referenced Resources

    The New Isaac: Tradition and Intertextuality in the Gospel of Matthew by Leroy HuizengaCheck out Tim’s extensive collection of recommended books here.You can view annotations for this episode—plus our entire library of videos, podcasts, articles, and classes—in the BibleProject app, available for Android and iOS.

    Show Music

    BibleProject theme song by TENTS

    Show Credits

    Production of today’s episode is by Lindsey Ponder, producer, and Cooper Peltz, managing producer. Tyler Bailey is our supervising engineer, and he edited and mixed today’s episode. JB Witty does our show notes, and Hannah Woo provides the annotations for our app. Our host and creative director is Jon Collins, and our lead scholar is Tim Mackie.

    Powered and distributed by Simplecast.

  • The Mountain Hyperlink Episode (E13) — If you’ve been following along in our series on the mountain, you may have had moments where you thought, “I feel like I’ve heard this before.” And that’s because you have—we’ve been on this mountain before! There are so many themes in the Bible, from mountains to tabernacles, to tests and cities. And while we try to isolate and study themes on their own, the Bible intentionally weaves them together. So whenever you encounter one theme in the Bible, it’s always connected to and building on other themes in a beautiful tapestry. Today, we’re trying something new called a hyperlink episode, where we’ll play clips from previous series that interact and overlap with the theme of the mountain.

    View all of our resources for The Mountain →


    Apocalypse on the Mountain (0:00-11:28)A Mountain Refuge City (11:28-22:41)Priestly Failures on the Mountain (22:41-49:45)


    View this episode’s official transcript.


    Clip 1 is from “A Walking, Talking Apocalypse,” episode 5 in our 2020 series, Apocalyptic Literature.Clip 2 is from “Jerusalem: A Tale of Two Cities,” episode 9 in our 2023 series The City.Clip 3 is from “Doomed to Fail?” episode 3 in our 2021 series, The Royal Priest.Check out Tim’s library here.You can experience our entire library of resources in the BibleProject app, available for Android and iOS.


    “Rest Until Dark” by Sleepy Fish“Canary Forest” by Middle School, Aso, & AviinoBibleProject theme song by TENTS


    Production of today’s episode is by Lindsey Ponder, producer, and Cooper Peltz, managing producer. Tyler Bailey is our supervising engineer, and he edited today’s episode and provided the sound design and mix. JB Witty does our show notes, and Hannah Woo provides the annotations for our app. Our host for today is Michelle Jones. Our creative director is Jon Collins, and our lead scholar is Tim Mackie.

    Powered and distributed by Simplecast.

  • The Mountain E12 — If Jesus’ role as the promised mountaintop intercessor was unclear from the mountain stories in the Gospels, the author of the letter to the Hebrews wants to make it explicit. Drawing together imagery of Moses on Mount Sinai, the levitical priesthood, and the Old Testament sacrificial system, Hebrews declares that Jesus is the eternal high priest who can ascend to the holy mountain for the people through the blood of his own sacrifice. In this episode, Jon and Tim wrap up our series on The Mountain by exploring Jesus' ascension to the heavenly cosmic mountain, thereby opening the door for humanity.

    View all of our resources for The Mountain →


    Chapter 1: Recap of the Mountain Theme (0:00-11:31)Chapter 2: The Divine Son, Perfect Sacrifice, and Cosmic High Priest (11:31-40:14)Chapter 3: Draw Near to the Heavenly Mount Zion (40:14-58:28)Chapter 4: Diving Deeper into the Mountain Theme (58:28-1:02:37)

    Official Episode Transcript

    View this episode’s official transcript.

    Referenced Resources

    Rethinking the Atonement: New Perspectives on Jesus's Death, Resurrection, and Ascension by David M. MoffittCheck out Tim’s library here.You can experience our entire library of resources in the BibleProject app, available for Android and iOS.

    Show Music

    “Lozari” by L’indĂ©cis“The String That Ties Us” by Beautiful EulogyBibleProject theme song by TENTS

    Show Credits

    Production of today's episode is by Lindsey Ponder, producer, and Cooper Peltz, managing producer. Tyler Bailey is our supervising engineer. Frank Garza and Aaron Olsen edited today’s episode, and Aaron Olsen also provided the sound design and mix. JB Witty does our show notes, and Hannah Woo provides the annotations for our app. Our host and creative director is Jon Collins, and our lead scholar is Tim Mackie.

    Powered and distributed by Simplecast.

  • The Mountain E11 — We’ve learned that mountains in the Hebrew Bible often become a space where Heaven and Earth overlap and human beings must choose between self-preservation or surrender and trust in God. The story builds our hope and expectation for a faithful intercessor on the mountain who can mediate God’s blessings to the people below. As we turn to the New Testament, gospel writer Matthew is ready to spotlight who that faithful mountaintop intercessor is. In this episode, Jon and Tim walk through seven stories in the Gospel of Matthew where Jesus prays, teaches, does miracles, and more—all on mountains.

    View more resources on our website →


    Chapter 1: Theme Recap and Overview of Matthew’s Seven Mountains (0:00-17:42)Chapter 2: The Mountains of Testing and Teaching (17:42-29:44)Chapter 3: Two Mountains of Prayer and Feeding, Plus One of Transfiguration (29:44-42:15)Chapter 4: Mountains of Apocalypse and Commissioning (42:15-55:16)

    Official Episode Transcript

    View this episode’s official transcript.

    Referenced Resources

    Jesus on the Mountain: A Study in Matthean Theology by Terence DonaldsonCheck out Tim’s library here.You can experience our entire library of resources in the BibleProject app, available for Android and iOS.

    Show Music

    “Dreams Come True” by Drips Zacheer“Moonlite” by Nokiaa & Deauxnuts“Go Slow” by little blueBibleProject theme song by TENTS

    Show Credits

    Production of today's episode is by Lindsey Ponder, producer, and Cooper Peltz, managing producer. Tyler Bailey is our supervising engineer. Aaron Olsen edited today’s episode and also provided the sound design and mix. JB Witty does our show notes, and Hannah Woo provides the annotations for our app. Our host and creative director is Jon Collins, and our lead scholar is Tim Mackie.

    Powered and distributed by Simplecast.

  • The Mountain E10 — The prophet Isaiah depicts Mount Zion as a cosmic mountain where Heaven and Earth overlap and God’s blessings flow down to all of creation. But Isaiah also lived in the real Jerusalem that had Mount Zion at its center, which was filled with corruption, injustice, and idolatry. So in his prophecies, he balances hope in this future new Eden with warnings of judgment on Jerusalem’s proud and corrupt elites. In this episode, Jon and Tim discuss the many iterations of the mountain theme in Isaiah 2-4, including how Jesus and his disciples embody the imagery of Isaiah’s anointed servant and the remnant community.

    View more resources on our website →


    Chapter 1: The Ideal and Corrupt Mount Zion, Leading to Judgment (0:00-22:55)Chapter 2: A Day of Yahweh Against the Rich, Powerful, and Proud (22:55-32:32)Chapter 3: A Holy Remnant on a Renewed Mount Zion (32:32-53:40)

    Official Episode Transcript

    View this episode’s official transcript.

    Referenced Resources

    Check out Tim’s library here.You can experience our entire library of resources in the BibleProject app, available for Android and iOS.

    Show Music

    “Bimmer M6” by Kreatev“Sunlight (feat. Jintonic)” by Kendall MilesBibleProject theme song by TENTS

    Show Credits

    Production of today's episode is by Lindsey Ponder, producer, and Cooper Peltz, managing producer. Tyler Bailey is our supervising engineer. Aaron Olsen edited today’s episode and also provided the sound design and mix. JB Witty does our show notes, and Hannah Woo provides the annotations for our app. Our host and creative director is Jon Collins, and our lead scholar is Tim Mackie.

    Powered and distributed by Simplecast.

  • In our final episode of 2024, Tim, Jon, and BibleProject CEO, Steve Atkinson, reflect on ten years of the project, all the resources we got to make and share this year, and the patrons who made it possible. The guys then give a sneak peek of what’s coming up next for BibleProject in 2025.


    Ten Year Anniversary and Our Patron Community (0:00-9:25)Strategic Relationships (9:25-19:49)2024 Engagement With Our Resources (19:49-30:51)Looking Back at a Year in the Sermon on the Mount (30:51-35:41)2025 Podcast Themes (35:41-37:43)Reading the Bible in Community (37:43-41:54)In Space With Astronaut Tracy Caldwell-Dyson (41:54-44:29)Gratitude (44:29-47:39)

    Official Episode Transcript

    View this episode’s official transcript.

    Referenced Resources

    Watch our 2024 end of year video, where Jon and Tim explore “purple dot moments”—experiences of God’s Kingdom here on Earth. Plus, catch a glimpse of what’s coming in 2025. Check out Tim’s library here.You can experience our entire library of resources in the BibleProject app, available for Android and iOS.

    Show Music

    BibleProject theme song by TENTS

    Show Credits

    Production of today’s episode is by Lindsey Ponder, producer, and Cooper Peltz, managing producer. Tyler Bailey is our supervising engineer. Aaron Olsen edited today’s episode and also provided the sound design and mix. JB Witty does our show notes, and Hannah Woo provides the annotations for our app. Our host and creative director is Jon Collins, and our lead scholar is Tim Mackie. Special thanks to our guest, Steve Atkinson.

    Powered and distributed by Simplecast.

  • The Mountain E9 — The mountain theme shows up again and again in biblical narrative, but it’s also prominent in the Psalms. Particularly in Psalms 15-24, the biblical authors reflect on the traits of the one who can ascend and dwell on God’s holy mountain. At first, this question focuses on King David and his royal successors as they endure suffering, despair, and ultimately vindication, which leads to blessing for Israel and the nations. But eventually, it’s not just the Davidic king but a whole community of the faithful ascending the mountain! In this episode, Jon and Tim survey the mountain theme through the Psalms scroll and reflect on what it takes to be with God there.

    View more resources on our website →


    Chapter 1: Recap of Where We’ve Been (0:00-10:21)Chapter 2: Psalm 2: God’s Anointed One on a Mountain (10:21-19:34)Chapter 3: Psalms 15-24: The King and His Crew Ascend the Mountain (19:34-51:05)Chapter 4: A Hyperlink in Revelation 2 to Psalm 2 (51:05-1:02:39)

    Official Episode Transcript

    View this episode’s official transcript.

    Referenced Resources

    The Arrival of the King: The Shape and Story of Psalms 15-24 by Carissa QuinnCheck out Tim’s library here.You can experience our entire library of resources in the BibleProject app, available for Android and iOS.

    Show Music

    “Sum Sum” by Ben Bada Boom“Sunkissed Cycles” by lloom“Astér” by KissamilĂ©BibleProject theme song by TENTS

    Show Credits

    Production of today's episode is by Lindsey Ponder, producer, and Cooper Peltz, managing producer. Tyler Bailey is our supervising engineer. Aaron Olsen edited today’s episode and also provided the sound design and mix. JB Witty does our show notes, and Hannah Woo provides the annotations for our app. Our host and creative director is Jon Collins, and our lead scholar is Tim Mackie.

    Powered and distributed by Simplecast.

  • The Mountain E8 — On two different mountains, we witness mountain tests with two very different Elijahs. On Mount Carmel, he partners with God in challenging the false prophets of Baal, leading to the people’s repentance and renewal of trust in God. But then only a chapter later, Elijah is on Mount Sinai accusing the people and loathing his prophetic calling. Why the sudden shift? In this episode, Jon and Tim discuss the contrasting mountain test stories of 1 Kings 18-19, reflecting on the human tendency toward fear, condemnation, and false narratives—even after great success.

    View more resources on our website →


    Chapter 1: Recap of the Series So Far (0:00-9:53)Chapter 2: Elijah Tests the People on Mount Carmel (9:53-32:36)Chapter 3: Elijah Fails the Test on Mount Sinai (32:36-53:06)

    Official Episode Transcript

    View this episode’s official transcript.

    Referenced Resources

    Check out Tim’s library here.You can experience our entire library of resources in the BibleProject app, available for Android and iOS.

    Show Music

    “Surrender (Instrumental)” by Beautiful Eulogy“Movement” (artist unknown)BibleProject theme song by TENTS

    Show Credits

    Production of today's episode is by Lindsey Ponder, producer, and Cooper Peltz, managing producer. Tyler Bailey is our supervising engineer. Frank Garza and Aaron Olsen edited today’s episode, and Aaron Olsen also provided the sound design and mix. JB Witty does our show notes, and Hannah Woo provides the annotations for our app. Our host and creative director is Jon Collins, and our lead scholar is Tim Mackie.

    Powered and distributed by Simplecast.

  • The Mountain E7 — After King David's failures, we hope that his son Solomon will fare better on the cosmic mountain of Mount Zion. And initially, he does! In a cosmic mountain moment when God offers to give him anything he wants, he humbly asks only for wisdom to discern good from bad. In response, God gives him wisdom plus material blessing, leading to an era of unparalleled abundance and peace in the cosmic mountain city of Jerusalem. During this time, the king builds a splendorous temple on Mount Zion. But with no limits on his power or resources, Solomon soon compromises. Slave labor, hundreds of wives, foreign gods—what happened here? In this episode, Jon and Tim discuss Solomon’s highs and lows, exploring how too much good can corrupt even the wisest of leaders.

    View more resources on our website →


    Chapter 1: Wisdom and Great Abundance (0:00-20:56)Chapter 2: Prosperity and Compromise (20:56-39:42)Chapter 3: Further Compromise and Downfall (39:42-53:49)

    Official Episode Transcript

    View this episode’s official transcript.

    Referenced Resources

    Check out Tim’s library here.You can experience our entire library of resources in the BibleProject app, available for Android and iOS.

    Show Music

    “The Turnaround” by UpsiDown“Astér” by KissamilĂ©BibleProject theme song by TENTS

    Show Credits

    Production of today's episode is by Lindsey Ponder, producer, and Cooper Peltz, managing producer. Tyler Bailey is our supervising engineer. Frank Garza and Aaron Olsen edited today’s episode. Aaron Olsen also provided the sound design and mix. JB Witty does our show notes, and Hannah Woo provides the annotations for our app. Our host and creative director is Jon Collins, and our lead scholar is Tim Mackie.

    Powered and distributed by Simplecast.

  • The Mountain E6 — In 2 Samuel, David is crowned king of a unified Israel, and after choosing Jerusalem as his capital city, he brings the ark of the covenant to Mount Zion. It seems like things are going great—a priestly king has unified the tribes and all of Israel’s enemies are subdued! But it doesn’t last. After committing adultery and murder, David also foolishly calls for a census of his army (which according to the Law, no Israelite leader was supposed to do). And things just get worse. In this episode, Jon and Tim discuss the failures of David and how his story highlights the need for a faithful intercessor who will surrender his life on the mountain for the good of the people.

    View more resources on our website →


    Chapter 1: David Establishes His Capital on Mount Zion (0:00-18:31)Chapter 2: David Fails by Calling for a Census 18:31-35:13)Chapter 3: Intercession on the Future Temple Mount (35:13-51:20)

    Official Episode Transcript

    View this episode's official transcript here.

    Referenced Resources

    1 and 2 Chronicles, Volume 1: 1 Chronicles 1-2 and Chronicles 9: Israel's Place Among Nations by William JohnstoneCheck out Tim’s library here.You can experience our entire library of resources in the BibleProject app, available for Android and iOS.

    Show Music

    “Change of Pace” by UpsiDown“Piano Room” by Matthew Halbert-HowenBibleProject theme song by TENTS

    Show Credits

    Production of today's episode is by Lindsey Ponder, producer, and Cooper Peltz, managing producer. Tyler Bailey is our supervising engineer. Frank Garza and Aaron Olsen edited today’s episode and also provided the sound design and mix. JB Witty does our show notes, and Hannah Woo provides the annotations for our app. Our host and creative director is Jon Collins, and our lead scholar is Tim Mackie.

    Powered and distributed by Simplecast.

  • The Mountain E5 — Moses has a complicated identity. He's an Israelite, but he was raised in the house of Pharaoh. He was born in Egypt, but he flees to live in the wilderness with the Midianites. And there in the wilderness, he meets God on two separate occasions on Mount Sinai. The first time, God commissions Moses to deliver the Israelites from slavery. And the second time, while Moses is up on the mountain with God, the recently freed people down below are already breaking the covenant by worshiping a gold calf. Will Moses stand in the gap for the people in this moment of crisis? In this episode, Jon and Tim discuss Moses as a successful mountaintop intercessor, showing what can happen when a human trusts God on the cosmic mountain.

    View more resources on our website →


    Chapter 1: Recap of the Mountain Theme So Far (0:00-13:37)Chapter 2: Moses’ Identity and Commissioning on Mount Sinai (13:37-35:34)Chapter 3: Moses Rescues Israel and Intercedes for them on Mount Sinai (35:34-1:02:08)

    Official Episode Transcript

    View this episode’s official transcript.

    Referenced Resources

    Check out Tim’s library here.You can experience our entire library of resources in the BibleProject app, available for Android and iOS.

    Show Music

    “Sum Sum” by Ben Bada Boom“Garden Trees” by T.Check & Kofi AnonymousBibleProject theme song by TENTS

    Show Credits

    Production of today's episode is by Lindsey Ponder, producer, and Cooper Peltz, managing producer. Tyler Bailey is our supervising engineer. Aaron Olsen edited today’s episode and also provided the sound design and mix. JB Witty does our show notes, and Hannah Woo provides the annotations for our app. Our host and creative director is Jon Collins, and our lead scholar is Tim Mackie.

    Powered and distributed by Simplecast.

  • The Mountain E4 — After the exile from the first cosmic mountain of Eden, humanity spirals into depravity and violence. God chooses to expedite their inevitable destruction through a catastrophic flood, but he preserves the family of Noah. Coming out of the ark on Mount Ararat, Noah offers the life of a precious animal—an act that deeply pleases God. And then Abraham, one of Noah’s descendants, offers an even more precious sacrifice on Mount Moriah. In this episode, Jon and Tim discuss Noah as the Bible’s first mountaintop intercessor and how his story sets a pattern that then plays out in the story of Abraham and Isaac on Mount Moriah.

    View more resources on our website →


    Chapter 1: Recap and Noah’s Precious Sacrifice on Mount Ararat (0:00-19:44)Chapter 2: Abraham’s Call and Later Folly (19:44-31:36)Chapter 3: Abraham Surrenders on the Mountain (31:36-55:21)

    Official Episode Transcript

    View this episode’s official transcript.

    Referenced Resources

    Check out Tim’s library here.You can experience our entire library of resources in the BibleProject app, available for Android and iOS.

    Show Music

    “Castles” by SwuM & Chris Mazuera“Dreamscape Lagoon” by EnzallaBibleProject theme song by TENTS

    Show Credits

    Production of today's episode is by Lindsey Ponder, producer, and Cooper Peltz, managing producer. Tyler Bailey is our supervising engineer. Aaron Olsen edited today’s episode and also provided the sound design and mix. JB Witty does our show notes, and Hannah Woo provides the annotations for our app. Our host and creative director is Jon Collins, and our lead scholar is Tim Mackie.

    Powered and distributed by Simplecast.

  • Sermon on the Mount Q+R 5 (E39) – Should we judge abusive behavior in others? Do we need faith in Jesus and the Holy Spirit to be righteous? And how can we discern who is a true or false prophet? In this episode, Tim and Jon respond to your questions from episodes 30-38 in the Sermon on the Mount series, where we explored Matthew 7:1-27. Plus, we share more of the Lord’s Prayer song submissions. Thank you to our audience for your thoughtful contributions to this episode!

    View more resources on our website →


    Chapter 1: “Are the opening and closing of the sermon at odds with each other?” (00:00-12:50)Chapter 2: “What about judging abusive behavior?” (15:52-27:04)Chapter 3: “How can we be peacemakers but avoid throwing pearls before swine?” (29:43-33:55)Chapter 4: “Is there a pattern in the Bible of angels guarding significant doorways?” (33:55-40:37)Chapter 5: “How can we discern who is a true or false prophet?” (43:40-59:46)Chapter 6: “How do you think Jesus connects the Spirit’s power with living righteously?” (1:01:41-1:11:44)

    Referenced Resources

    Check out Tim’s library here.You can experience our entire library of resources in the BibleProject app, available for Android and iOS.

    Show Music

    “The Lord’s Prayer 3” by Poor Bishop Hooper“Thine Is the Kingdom” by Aryn Michelle“Creator of the Cosmos” by Andrew Eoff“The Lord’s Prayer” by Wes Crawford“Our Father (Lord’s Prayer)” by Middlebrook Music, Andrew BinghamOriginal Sermon on the Mount music by Richie KohenBibleProject theme song by TENTS

    Show Credits

    Jon Collins is the creative producer for today’s show, and Tim Mackie is the lead scholar. Production of today’s episode is by Lindsey Ponder, producer; Cooper Peltz, managing producer; Colin Wilson, producer. Aaron Olsen edited today's episode and also provided our sound design and mix. Tyler Bailey was supervising engineer. JB Witty does our show notes, and Hannah Woo provides the annotations for our app.

    Powered and distributed by Simplecast.

  • The Mountain E3 — The biblical authors portray Eden as a cosmic mountain—an overlapping Heaven and Earth space in God’s presence. Humans are placed on the Eden mountain and given a choice: Will they trust God’s voice and wisdom, or will they seize the knowledge of good and bad on their own terms? In this episode, Jon and Tim discuss the drama that plays out on the first cosmic mountain and how it becomes the pattern for every future mountaintop story in the Bible.

    View more resources on our website →


    Chapter 1: Recap of What We’ve Learned So Far (0:00-12:33)Chapter 2: The Cosmic Eden Mountain (12:33-33:27)Chapter 3: The First Humans Fail the Mountain Test (33:27-58:50)

    Referenced Resources

    The Tabernacle Pre-Figured: Cosmic Mountain Ideology in Genesis and Exodus by L.M. Morales (Link to PDF, since book is not available for sale)The Symbolism of the Biblical World: Ancient Near Eastern Iconography and the Book of Psalms by Othmar KeelCheck out Tim’s library here.You can experience our entire library of resources in the BibleProject app, available for Android and iOS.

    Show Music

    “Dreamscape Lagoon” by Enzalla“Rain or Shine” by Birocratic & Middle SchoolBibleProject theme song by TENTS

    Show Credits

    Production of today's episode is by Lindsey Ponder, producer, and Cooper Peltz, managing producer. Tyler Bailey is our supervising engineer. Aaron Olsen edited today’s episode and also provided the sound design and mix. JB Witty does our show notes, and Hannah Woo provides the annotations for our app. Our host and creative director is Jon Collins, and our lead scholar is Tim Mackie.

    Powered and distributed by Simplecast.

  • The Mountain E2 — Ancient Israel’s neighbors believed that the world originated as a mountain rising up out of the chaos waters. The gods ruled from this great cosmic mountain, fighting battles with nature and issuing decrees that kept the world in order. So how did this surrounding culture impact the cosmology of the Bible? In this episode, Jon and Tim discuss what the cosmic mountain meant in the Ancient Near Eastern context and how the biblical authors adapted and subverted this symbol in surprising ways.

    View more resources on our website →


    Chapter 1: Recap and Intro to Cosmic Mountains in the Ancient Near East (0:00-6:52)Chapter 2: Egyptian and Mesopotamian Cosmic Mountains (6:52-17:54)Chapter 3: Canaanite and Phoenician Cosmic Mountains (17:54-28:17)Chapter 4: Psalm 48: The True Cosmic Mountain (28:17-38:40)

    Referenced Resources

    The Cosmic Mountain in Canaan and the Old Testament by Richard J. Clifford“The Common Temple Ideology of the Ancient Near East” by John M. LundquistCheck out Tim’s library here.You can experience our entire library of resources in the BibleProject app, available for Android and iOS.

    Show Music

    “Are We There Yet?” by The Bridge, Efechto & D. Steele“Lozari” by L’indĂ©cis“Lily (Floriana)” by Timothy BrindleBibleProject theme song by TENTS

    Show Credits

    Production of today's episode is by Lindsey Ponder, producer, and Cooper Peltz, managing producer. Tyler Bailey is our supervising engineer. Aaron Olsen edited today’s episode and also provided the sound design and mix. JB Witty does our show notes, and Hannah Woo provides the annotations for our app. Our host and creative director is Jon Collins, and our lead scholar is Tim Mackie.

    Powered and distributed by Simplecast.