
  • The most difficult challenge for any business owner is resource allocation. Resources can take MANY forms (your time, other peoples' time, cash) but no matter HOW MANY resources you have, we all get the same 24 hours each day.

    People often ask me how I get so much done with my 24 hours, so I thought I'd share a few tricks that I've learned over the years...

  • Tell me are you ashamed to admit that you make mistakes?

    I've made a lot of mistakes. Some personal. Some in my business, and I find they often collide. 

    Regardless of how we think about it, they are not exclusive. They cannot be separated, but they can be in harmony.

    In this episode we explore the process of asking for help, the gap between what I know I should do and what I actually do and Accountability

  • Mangler du episoder?

    Klikk her for å oppdatere manuelt.

  • Morning, I hope you're having a great day? 

    We've not properly spoken yet I know, but this podcast I've purposely created to help people in your position.

    I totally appreciate you may not be interested and thats totally fine, feel free to ignore. 

    But if you're struggling just now with 2024 and want to create a 'new me' and feel like it's a waste of time i.e. not getting any results from the time you're spending then this video will open your eyes to what the majority are doing wrong.


  • How is your new year panning out? Have you taken it as a fresh start, a reset, an opportunity to wipe the slate clean. Or have you already given up on any new goals?

    The new year is important because of its ability to shift our collective outlook a few notches closer to hope. While one’s present circumstance may have no material change from one minute to another, one’s ability to reinterpret that circumstance can happen at a moment’s notice. By seeing the future as something that could alleviate the present, one finds meaning in setting goals with hope,.

    Perhaps the most mindful way to view the new year is not to hope for a better future, or to take inventory of the goals you want to hit. Rather, it may be better spent reflecting on why you hope for the things you hope for, or why you want to actualize those goals you desperately desire. Because then you’ll have a better understanding of the identity you currently embody, and will realize which parts are worth embracing, and which parts are worth leaving by the wayside.

  • Happy New Year Setting Goals for 2024. Where you are just now and where you want to be, financially, improve your health, get fitter.

    Whatever you want to achieve in 2024 just remember-

    Stop telling yourself you're not qualified, good enough or worthy.

    Growth happens when you start doing things you're not qualified to do.

    Small incremental steps.

  • Tune in to hear Charles Tichenor IV share his unique entrepreneurial journey, from overcoming setbacks to driving billions in sales through Facebook advertising, and how he's dedicated to making the world a better place, all while embracing his superpower of seeing the world differently.

    Charles Tichenor IV, a seasoned entrepreneur and digital marketing expert, shares his journey of overcoming setbacks and finding success in business. With a diverse background, including a career in radio and expertise in Facebook advertising, he now teaches others through training and mentorship. Through his unique perspective and ability to see the world differently, Charles is dedicated to making a positive impact, both in business and in everyday life.

    Below are the key takeaways from this episode:

    Understanding the mechanics of making money in business is crucial, as well as identifying tasks that can be delegated to others.Defining personal success and setting clear objectives in terms of customer numbers, profit, and financial sustainability are essential for business owners.Overcoming setbacks and constantly learning and adapting in a young industry are vital for entrepreneurial success.Finding joy and meaning in everyday life and ensuring that one's actions have a positive impact on the world is a valuable mindset to adopt.Embracing a unique perspective and seeing the world differently can be a superpower in business, despite the challenges it may bring.

    Facebook Ads Success: "I've probably made a hundred million dollars more in mistakes than most people ever spend." — Charles Tichenor IV

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  • In this captivating episode of The Cashflow Lifestyle Show, Susan Crichton welcomes the dynamic Sue Rice, a marketing strategist and professional copywriter, as they uncover the secrets behind Sue's metaphoric storytelling technique in her groundbreaking book, "Tiny Thunder." Get ready to unleash your power of persuasion and revolutionize your communication skills with Sue's transformative insights and practical tips. Don't miss this mind-blowing episode that will leave you inspired to craft captivating stories that resonate with your audience and elevate your business success.

    Nicknamed the ‘female David Ogilvy’, Sue Rice is a long-time marketing strategist, professional copywriter, and international communications expert who currently runs an agency that specializes in story-based email marketing. A veteran student of marketing both on and offline, Rice is well-known for her legendary writing expertise, public speaking skills, and out-of-the-box thinking. She has recently published Tiny Thunder, Irresistible Messaging for an Overwhelmed World—a profound but entertaining book about how to use the art of metaphoric storytelling to persuasively share your message. Experts describe the technique as “the most original marketing idea to emerge for decades”. A native Californian and Stanford University graduate, Sue worked at Ogilvy & Mather in New York City and then was the Communications Director for BBDO Europe in Paris before starting her own agency. Her prestigious roster of clients includes of ASSA ABLOY, BBDO Advertising, Ericsson, FIAT, General Foods, Gillette, L’Oréal, LEGO, Nike, SNCF Railways, TBWA Advertising, the United Nations, the University of California and Young & Rubicam Advertising as well as countless entrepreneurs and startups.

    Below are the key takeaways from this episode:

    Sue Rice created the term "Tiny Thunder" as a way to communicate small morsels of information through metaphoric storytelling.Being entrepreneurial is the path to embrace all aspects of life and be in control of one's own destiny.Sue Rice's book, "Tiny Thunder," offers a framework for using metaphoric storytelling to effectively communicate messages.It is important to be gentle and compassionate with oneself when presenting oneself to the world.Starting a business can be challenging and may not always align with one's true passions.

    The Importance of Perseverance: "To be an entrepreneur, to do your own business, your middle name needs to be perseverance. And you really can't let what people say, what people, external events happen, deter you from putting 1ft in front of the other and your failures." — Sue Rice

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  • Join us in this episode of The Cashflow Lifestyle Show as we dive into the world of small business finance and lifestyle business success with our special guest, Bob Keiller. Discover his journey from art to entrepreneurship, his strategies for regenerating city centers, and his insights on defining and embodying core values in business. You won't want to miss this inspiring and thought-provoking conversation with Bob Keiller.

    Bob Keiller is a British businessman who understands the importance of keeping core values concise and meaningful. He believes that if core values cannot be summarised in a page, then there are probably too many words. For Bob, honesty, integrity, and teamwork are not just words, but obligations that define how an organisation should operate. He believes in being specific and roundabout when explaining the meaning of core values, emphasising their importance to everyone in the organisation.

    Below are the key takeaways from this episode:

    Exposing children to various industries and careers can influence their future choices.Core values play a crucial role in defining and communicating the identity of a business.Having a clear understanding of core values helps in making decisions and dealing with people issues.Defining and communicating core values becomes essential as businesses grow and new team members join.Consistently applying strong principles can have a significant impact on people's behaviour and perception of the organisation.

    Living and Breathing Values: "The difficult point is not defining the values, it's actually living and breathing the values." — Bob Keiller

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  • In this episode of The Cashflow Lifestyle Show, Susan Crichton sits down with problem-solving expert Gavin Bell as he shares his journey from building courses to creating a successful advertising agency. Discover the valuable lessons learned along the way and how Gavin's team navigates the ever-changing landscape of small business finance and financial freedom. Tune in for insights on scalability, client management, and the exciting role of AI in the future of the industry.

    Gavin Bell is the director of multi-award winning PPC agency, Yatter. Yatter helps brands increase revenue and profit through the likes of Facebook and Google ads. They currently manage over £10m in client advertising spend per year.

    Below are the key takeaways from this episode:

    Taking the time to figure out if a solution is the right one before jumping into it is essential for small business success.Having a solid plan for the future is crucial in order to make the right decisions for growth and scalability.Property may not be a good investment for entrepreneurs due to various restrictions and limitations in the rental market.Balancing time between working on and in the business is crucial for effective management and growth.Embracing AI can be beneficial in tasks where human creative abilities are outperformed, but human expertise and strategic thinking are still valuable.

    Delegating: "If you think your work is a ten out of ten, you have to be okay with employees being an eight out of ten or seven out of ten. You can't ever expect somebody to be up to your standard and you have to be okay with that." — Gavin Bell

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  • In this episode, Susan Crichton explores the power of desires and how they can lead us to our authentic lives. Discover how untangling external influences and embracing your own genuine desires can create joy, mystery, and potential for financial freedom and success. Get ready to unlock your desires and live the life you truly want on The Cashflow Lifestyle Show.

    Below are the key takeaways from this episode:

    Desires can be accompanied by fear and discomfort, but they can also lead to great joy, mystery, and potential.External influences and societal expectations can make it challenging to differentiate between our own desires and the desires imposed on us by others.Identifying and listening to our genuine desires can bring a sense of lightness, excitement, and fulfilment.It's important to honour our own desires while considering the needs of others, finding a balance between self-fulfilment and fulfilling our responsibilities.Courageously following our desires, even in the face of fear, can lead us towards our authentic lives and unlock our true potential.

    The Power of Desires: "Aligning our lives with desires increases the likelihood of getting what we want. Your desires knows exactly how to place you at the intersection between success and fulfilment." — Susan Crichton

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  • In this episode of The Cashflow Lifestyle Show, host Susan Crichton uncovers the hidden force that stops us from reaching our goals and shares practical strategies to overcome resistance. Discover how prioritising your time, focusing on what truly matters, and starting your day with purpose can lead to greater success in business and personal life. Tune in to unlock the secrets of achieving financial freedom and living a fulfilling lifestyle.

    Below are the key takeaways from this episode:

    Resistance is a common obstacle that prevents us from reaching our goals in various areas of life, including health, finances, and relationships.Lack of time is often perceived as a barrier, but it is actually a matter of priority and focus. Setting priorities and maintaining focus will help overcome this hurdle.Starting the day with activities that bring joy and promote mental clarity can significantly enhance productivity and mindset.It is essential to give ourselves permission to take the time needed to work on important projects and initiatives, despite the potential distractions or urgent demands.By recognising resistance and consciously making time for our goals, we can overcome the internal voices and achieve greater levels of progress.

    The Importance of Prioritising: "But the truth is It's never a problem of time. Is it? If you think about it, it's never a problem of time. It's a problem of priority and focus." — Susan Crichton

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  • In this episode, Susan Crichton shares an enlightening light bulb moment she had during a recent podcast interview with John Lamerton. Discover the two magic ingredients that will transform your goals into reality and uncover the power of desire in achieving success. Tune in to gain invaluable insights on building a thriving business and living the cash flow lifestyle you've always dreamed of.

    Below are the key takeaways from this episode:

    Goals are essential for success in business and life. Without clear goals, it's difficult to know where you're heading or if you're on the right track.Goals are not the same as New Year's resolutions. They are about setting a destination and knowing if you're on course towards it.Desire plays a crucial role in achieving goals. The stronger the desire, the more likely you are to overcome obstacles and persevere towards your goal.Without desire, even with practice and perseverance, it's challenging to accomplish something. Lack of desire leads to lack of motivation and follow-through.When setting goals, it's crucial to evaluate your level of desire and willingness to make sacrifices. Only pursue goals that align with your true desires.

    The Importance of Desire: "Most people fail to achieve their goals because they don't desire them enough to do the nasty stuff that needs to get the job done." — Susan Crichton

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  • In this episode of The Cashflow Lifestyle Show, Susan Crichton sits down with John Lamerton as he shares the secrets to optimizing your small business, achieving financial freedom, and creating a truly ambitious lifestyle. Find out how John went from almost selling his business for £2,000,000 to successfully systemising it and living life on his own terms. Don't miss this inspiring conversation that will leave you rethinking your approach to entrepreneurship and success!

    John Lamerton is a self-confessed "lazy" entrepreneur and investor. Since exiting the day-to-day running of his business in 2016, John has focused on helping ambitious, lifestyle business owners improve their business - through his mantra of "simply leave your business 1% better each week

    Below are the key takeaways from this episode:

    Systemising your business is crucial for long-term success and reducing reliance on the business owner.Focusing on improving your business rather than just growing it can lead to better results and personal fulfillment.Small business owners have control and can decide to scale back or close down parts of their business if needed.Finding joy and fulfillment in your business is essential for long-term success.Balancing ambition with a desired lifestyle, including prioritizing family and health, is important for overall well-being.

    "I figured out, Google can take away all my rankings, but they can't take away my mailing list. They can't take away my relationships with my clients. They can't actually take away the people who I can help." — John Lamerton

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  • In this episode of the Cashflow Lifestyle Show, Susan Crichton delves into the importance of cash flow for small businesses and why it's crucial to keep a watchful eye on your profits. From tackling debt to managing payments, she shares valuable insights on how to ensure financial stability and long-term success. Listen now to uncover the secrets behind a thriving cash flow lifestyle.

    Below are the key takeaways from this episode:

    Cash flow is crucial for the success of your business. Many businesses fail not because they are unprofitable, but because they lack sufficient cash to meet their obligations.It's important to know where your profit is going. Reinvesting in the business, paying off debt, or purchasing assets are all legitimate uses of profit that can contribute to long-term success.Making a profit should be seen as a badge of honour. It shows that your business is operating efficiently and effectively, with proper pricing, overhead costs, and talented staff.Cash flow issues may arise from delays in debt collection or paying creditors too quickly. It's essential to carefully manage all financial transactions and make informed decisions about when to pay and when to wait.Regularly monitor and assess your bank account to ensure you have a clear understanding of your funds. Avoid making impulsive personal purchases with business money and focus on investing in the growth and stability of your business.

    "Cash flow is really important in your business and it's probably more important than your profit." — Susan Crichton

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  • In this eye-opening episode of The Entrepreneur Journey, host Susan Crichton guides listeners through the transformative process of evaluating their business, uncovering powerful insights, and identifying untapped opportunities for growth and success. Get ready to embark on a journey of self-discovery and financial freedom as we delve into the secrets of objective evaluation and strategic adaptation. Stay tuned, as we reveal the keys to unlocking the true potential of your small business.

    Below are the key takeaways from this episode:

    Identifying key productive and unsuccessful times in life is crucial for evaluating one's position in the market and adapting to a changing business landscape.Reviewing financial statements and assessing profitability is essential to understand the bottom line and make improvements where necessary.Gathering feedback from customers and addressing complaints helps evaluate customer satisfaction and make necessary adjustments to increase profitability.Employee engagement and performance should be assessed to identify training and development needs and create a motivated workforce.Operational efficiency requires reviewing business processes and workflows, establishing clear responsibilities, and promoting open communication.

    Continually monitoring our business performance is necessary for increased competitiveness, growth, and success.

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  • In this episode of "The Entrepreneur Journey," Susan Crichton dives into the world of well-being and work-life integration with Celynn Morin, who shares her insights on how both men and women can achieve small business success and financial freedom through a holistic approach to their health and mindset. Get ready to uncover practical strategies for boosting productivity, reducing stress, and finding joy both in and out of the workplace. Join us on this transformative journey towards a balanced and fulfilling entrepreneurial life.

    Celynn Morin is a qualified dietitian, author of two books and a workplace wellbeing consultant. She has a practical and playful approach to helping business leaders and their teams enrich the quality of their lives.  Celynn does that by helping them connect their mind, heart, body and spirit in a way that supports their wellbeing. The founder of the WellculatorTM framework and The Wellbeing Clubhouse, she describes herself as an effervescent foodie who's mission is to convince business leaders they don't have to give up their health whilst building their wealth. Celynn has an active interest in the field of epigenetics and gut health. She is an accredited HeartMath coach and Embodiment facilitator. Celynn has received a professional speaking fellowship and has a unique style that includes a joie de vivre rooted in curiosity and celebration. She was born in South Africa but her heritage stems from the Champagne region in France. She now lives in the United Kingdom. Celynn loves anything to do with champagne and partner dancing.

    Below are the key takeaways from this episode:

    Well-being is important for both men and women, but men may need more convincing. Using science, examples, and case studies can help men understand the impact of well-being on their lives.Going outside in the morning and practicing mindfulness can have a significant positive impact on well-being, reducing stress levels and improving mental state.Breaking up sedentary periods and incorporating movement into the workday can improve well-being. Simple actions like stretching, standing, and walking meetings can make a difference.As an entrepreneur, building your own practice allows for flexibility and the opportunity to truly integrate work and life. Approach work with mindfulness and enjoyment, setting boundaries and prioritising well-being.Investing in employee well-being can have a positive return on investment. Leaders should lead by example and create opportunities for staff to access well-being resources, making employees feel cared for and acknowledged.

    "I believe it is the responsibility of any workplace leader to think about how they can make it easier for their workforce to access this kind of information.” - Celynn Morin

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  • In this episode, Susan Crichton delves into the art of effective goal setting, exploring the delicate balance between ambition and attainability. Discover the secrets to maintaining focus, motivating your team, and achieving small business financial freedom and success. Tune in for invaluable insights and practical advice on setting clear goals that lead you down the path to greatness.

    Below are the key takeaways from this episode:

    Setting clear, specific, and attainable goals is essential for small business success.Regularly reviewing and adjusting goals as the business grows and evolves is important.Communicating goals and the rationale behind them to your team fosters understanding and alignment.Celebrating milestones and successes, big and small, reinforces motivation and teamwork.Adopting a mindset of ongoing goal-setting and learning is crucial for continued success in business.

    Setting clear goals is essential in business. They provide direction, purpose, and act as a roadmap for decision-making and resource allocation.

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  • Join Susan Crichton on "The Entrepreneur Journey" as she uncovers the secrets to small business financial freedom and success in this must-listen episode that dives deep into the power of budgeting and its role in building a thriving entrepreneurial empire. Discover how effective budgeting can pave the way to financial stability, smart decision-making, and the ultimate path to small business success. Don't miss out on this enlightening discussion that will empower you on your own entrepreneurial journey. Plus, stay tuned for a special offer - a complimentary copy of the exclusive booklet "14 ways to stop being poor for business owners" awaits!

    Below are the key takeaways from this episode:

    Budgeting is essential for small business financial stability and growth.A budget provides a clear financial standing and aids in planning for the future.Managing fluctuating income requires creating a conservative budget based on the lowest expected earnings.Building an emergency fund and setting aside cash reserves are important for handling tough times without compromising the business.Regularly reviewing and adjusting the budget is crucial for long-term financial health and entrepreneurial success.

    Budgeting is the key to unlocking the door to small business financial success and long-term sustainability.

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  • In this episode of The Entrepreneur Journey, join host Susan Crichton as she shares her personal battle with labyrinthitis and draws unexpected connections between creativity and business success. Discover powerful insights and strategies to overcome challenges and achieve financial freedom on your own entrepreneurial path.

    Below are the key takeaways from this episode:

    Business owners should prioritise paying themselves first, instead of paying others first.Labyrinthitis is a challenging condition that affects balance and causes dizziness.Recognising the signs of labyrinthitis onset and managing it with medication can help minimise its impact.Taking time off to relax and indulge in creativity, like watching a favourite TV show, can help alleviate stress.Susan Crichton, is a money coach for entrepreneurs and emphasises the importance of taking action and being accountable for financial goals.

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  • Discover the secrets to small business success and financial freedom as expert Fin Wycherley unlocks the power of TikTok, shares groundbreaking marketing strategies, and reveals the art of storytelling on social media in this episode of The Entrepreneur Journey.

    Fin Wycherley is a social media expert, entrepreneur, and founder of SuperSize Media. With a background in journalism, marketing, direct marketing, and speech writing, Fin has worked with a wide range of clients, helping them craft influential messages. Recognising the power of social media, Fin now specialises in helping small businesses and start-ups effectively navigate the world of digital marketing, using platforms like TikTok, Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube to drive engagement and growth. With a focus on storytelling, authenticity, and creating powerful content, Fin is passionate about empowering entrepreneurs to achieve small business financial freedom and success.

    Below are the key takeaways from this episode:

    DIY digital marketing is a valuable skill for small businesses, taking about a year to learn and set up.Being on every social media platform can help small businesses reach their target audience effectively.Other social media platforms are incorporating features to replicate TikTok's success, such as Reels and Shorts.Engaging storytelling content is crucial for businesses to connect with their audience and build a community.Utilising targeted advertising on social media platforms can guarantee reaching the desired target audience and maximise the impact of content.

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