
  • This week I have two stories for you for Chai Elul, the 18th of Elul which is the birthdays of both the Baal Shem Tov in 1698 and the Alter Rebbe in 1745. The first story is about a father with eighteen sons. He sends they off and asks them to come back five years later to share what Torah ideas they learned and the second about the Alter Rebbe putting out a fire and the miracle story that followed.

    If you're enjoying these Chasidic stories, please take a quick moment to buy me a coffee. https://ko-fi.com/barakhullman Thank you! I deeply appreciate your support!

    Also available at https://soundcloud.com/barak-hullman/the-baal-shem-tovs-mirror.

    To become a part of this project or sponsor an episode please go to https://hasidicstory.com/be-a-supporter.

    Hear all of the stories at https://hasidicstory.com.

    Go here to hear my other podcast https://jewishpeopleideas.com or https://soundcloud.com/jewishpeopleideas.

    Find my books, Figure It Out When You Get There: A Memoir of Stories About Living Life First and Watching How Everything Falls Into Place and A Shtikel Sholom: A Student, His Mentor and Their Unconventional Conversations on Amazon by going to https://bit.ly/barakhullman.

    My classes in Breslov Chassidus, Likutey Moharan, can be found here https://www.youtube.com/@barakhullman/videos

  • This week I have three stories for you, the first is about a simple farmer that comes to the Alter Rebbe before Rosh Hashana and has no idea what a Rebbe is or does, the second about the power of praying at the time of lighting the candles for Shabbos and the third a story about Reb Meir Refaels and how he became a chassid of the Alter Rebbe.

    If you're enjoying these Chasidic stories, please take a quick moment to buy me a coffee. https://ko-fi.com/barakhullman Thank you! I deeply appreciate your support!

    Also available at https://soundcloud.com/barak-hullman/praying-is-doing-something.

    To become a part of this project or sponsor an episode please go to https://hasidicstory.com/be-a-supporter.

    Hear all of the stories at https://hasidicstory.com.

    Go here to hear my other podcast https://jewishpeopleideas.com or https://soundcloud.com/jewishpeopleideas.

    Find my books, Figure It Out When You Get There: A Memoir of Stories About Living Life First and Watching How Everything Falls Into Place and A Shtikel Sholom: A Student, His Mentor and Their Unconventional Conversations on Amazon by going to https://bit.ly/barakhullman.

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  • This week I have two stories for you, the first about a Torah scholar and his wife running out of food and money and what happens after the husband finds a silver coin and the second about a Jew that gets involved in Native American culture in the 1970s and eventually finds his way to Rabbi Shlomo Freifeld.

    If you're enjoying these Chasidic stories, please take a quick moment to buy me a coffee. https://ko-fi.com/barakhullman Thank you! I deeply appreciate your support!

    Also available at https://soundcloud.com/barak-hullman/you-are-a-jew-go-back-to-your-people.

    To become a part of this project or sponsor an episode please go to https://hasidicstory.com/be-a-supporter.

    Hear all of the stories at https://hasidicstory.com.

    Go here to hear my other podcast https://jewishpeopleideas.com or https://soundcloud.com/jewishpeopleideas.

    Find my books, Figure It Out When You Get There: A Memoir of Stories About Living Life First and Watching How Everything Falls Into Place and A Shtikel Sholom: A Student, His Mentor and Their Unconventional Conversations on Amazon by going to https://bit.ly/barakhullman.

  • This week I have one long story for you about a wealthy miser that goes on a very long spiritual journey.

    If you're enjoying these Chasidic stories, please take a quick moment to buy me a coffee. https://ko-fi.com/barakhullman Thank you! I deeply appreciate your support!

    Also available at https://soundcloud.com/barak-hullman/the-man-in-white-and-smelly-fish.

    To become a part of this project or sponsor an episode please go to https://hasidicstory.com/be-a-supporter.

    Hear all of the stories at https://hasidicstory.com.

    Go here to hear my other podcast https://jewishpeopleideas.com or https://soundcloud.com/jewishpeopleideas.

    Find my books, Figure It Out When You Get There: A Memoir of Stories About Living Life First and Watching How Everything Falls Into Place and A Shtikel Sholom: A Student, His Mentor and Their Unconventional Conversations on Amazon by going to https://bit.ly/barakhullman.

  • This week I have two stories for you. The first is about a wealthy Jew who doesn't believe in tzadikim or Rebbes, but his wife goes to Reb Meirl of Premishlan for a blessing for children and the second a story about Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz and he power of prayer

    If you're enjoying these Chasidic stories, please take a quick moment to buy me a coffee. https://ko-fi.com/barakhullman Thank you! I deeply appreciate your support!

    Also available at https://soundcloud.com/barak-hullman/god-will-hear-and-god-will-answer.

    To become a part of this project or sponsor an episode please go to https://hasidicstory.com/be-a-supporter.

    Hear all of the stories at https://hasidicstory.com.

    Go here to hear my other podcast https://jewishpeopleideas.com or https://soundcloud.com/jewishpeopleideas.

    Find my books, Figure It Out When You Get There: A Memoir of Stories About Living Life First and Watching How Everything Falls Into Place and A Shtikel Sholom: A Student, His Mentor and Their Unconventional Conversations on Amazon by going to https://bit.ly/barakhullman.

  • This week I have two stories for you. The first is about a wealthy Jew who disagrees with his rebbe and goes to find another that will see things like him and the second about a great rabbi in Jerusalem disagreeing with Rabbi Shmuel of Zichlin.

    If you're enjoying these Chasidic stories, please take a quick moment to buy me a coffee. https://ko-fi.com/barakhullman Thank you! I deeply appreciate your support!

    Also available at https://soundcloud.com/barak-hullman/the-land-was-very-very-good.

    To become a part of this project or sponsor an episode please go to https://hasidicstory.com/be-a-supporter.

    Hear all of the stories at https://hasidicstory.com.

    Go here to hear my other podcast https://jewishpeopleideas.com or https://soundcloud.com/jewishpeopleideas.

    Find my books, Figure It Out When You Get There: A Memoir of Stories About Living Life First and Watching How Everything Falls Into Place and A Shtikel Sholom: A Student, His Mentor and Their Unconventional Conversations on Amazon by going to https://bit.ly/barakhullman.

  • This week I have three stories for you the first about a young Yisrael Abergel who comes to a hidden Tzadik in Yafo that tells him he can speak with souls that have been reincarnated into animals, the second about a miser who won't help the Jews in the Land of Israel and the third about a girl near Melbourne who wants to convert to Judaism.

    If you're enjoying these Chasidic stories, please take a quick moment to buy me a coffee. https://ko-fi.com/barakhullman Thank you! I deeply appreciate your support!

    Also available at https://soundcloud.com/barak-hullman/only-a-yiddishe-meidel.

    To become a part of this project or sponsor an episode please go to https://hasidicstory.com/be-a-supporter.

    Hear all of the stories at https://hasidicstory.com.

    Go here to hear my other podcast https://jewishpeopleideas.com or https://soundcloud.com/jewishpeopleideas.

    Find my books, Figure It Out When You Get There: A Memoir of Stories About Living Life First and Watching How Everything Falls Into Place and A Shtikel Sholom: A Student, His Mentor and Their Unconventional Conversations on Amazon by going to https://bit.ly/barakhullman.

  • This week I have two stories for you the first about a wealthy Jew that comes to the Baal Shem Tov to ask for a blessing for a child, but it comes with a condition that the child not touch the ground until he's 4 years old and the second about the great rabbi and scholar, Rabbi Shmuel Shtrashun, the Rashash who made a grave mistake and the effects of that mistake.

    If you're enjoying these Chasidic stories, please take a quick moment to buy me a coffee. https://ko-fi.com/barakhullman Thank you! I deeply appreciate your support!

    Also available at https://soundcloud.com/barak-hullman/the-hidden-revealed-ways-of-heaven.

    To become a part of this project or sponsor an episode please go to https://hasidicstory.com/be-a-supporter.

    Hear all of the stories at https://hasidicstory.com.

    Go here to hear my other podcast https://jewishpeopleideas.com or https://soundcloud.com/jewishpeopleideas.

    Here's the link to my conversation with Dara Horn, https://soundcloud.com/jewishpeopleideas/dara-horn or on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ht0pjDBIL_U

    Find my books, Figure It Out When You Get There: A Memoir of Stories About Living Life First and Watching How Everything Falls Into Place and A Shtikel Sholom: A Student, His Mentor and Their Unconventional Conversations on Amazon by going to https://bit.ly/barakhullman.

  • This week I have two stories for you the first about a chassid who made a business deal that went really wrong and came to his rebbe, Reb Dovid Tzvi of Neushtadt for advice and the second about a chassid of the Sadigora Rebbe who ended up going to the Lubavitcher Rebbe for advice on a business deal.

    If you're enjoying these Chasidic stories, please take a quick moment to buy me a coffee. https://ko-fi.com/barakhullman Thank you! I deeply appreciate your support!

    Also available at https://soundcloud.com/barak-hullman/ask-a-rav-in-cleveland.

    To become a part of this project or sponsor an episode please go to https://hasidicstory.com/be-a-supporter.

    Hear all of the stories at https://hasidicstory.com.

    Go here to hear my other podcast https://jewishpeopleideas.com or https://soundcloud.com/jewishpeopleideas.

    Here's the link to my conversation with Dara Horn, https://soundcloud.com/jewishpeopleideas/dara-horn

    Find my books, Figure It Out When You Get There: A Memoir of Stories About Living Life First and Watching How Everything Falls Into Place and A Shtikel Sholom: A Student, His Mentor and Their Unconventional Conversations on Amazon by going to https://bit.ly/barakhullman.

  • This week I have two stories for you for Yud Beis and Yud Gimmel Tamuz, the festival of liberation of the Rebbe Rayatz, the first is about a chassid of the Rebbe Rayatz who is arrested by the NKVD secret police and goes to the Rebbe for advice and the second is about the hesitations of Rebbetzin Tzviyah Eliyahu about her husband becoming the chief Rabbi of Israel.

    If you're enjoying these Chasidic stories, please take a quick moment to buy me a coffee. https://ko-fi.com/barakhullman Thank you! I deeply appreciate your support!

    Also available at https://soundcloud.com/barak-hullman/from-where-does-this-jew-come-from.

    To become a part of this project or sponsor an episode please go to https://hasidicstory.com/be-a-supporter.

    Hear all of the stories at https://hasidicstory.com.

    Go here to hear my other podcast https://jewishpeopleideas.com or https://soundcloud.com/jewishpeopleideas.

    Find my books, Figure It Out When You Get There: A Memoir of Stories About Living Life First and Watching How Everything Falls Into Place and A Shtikel Sholom: A Student, His Mentor and Their Unconventional Conversations on Amazon by going to https://bit.ly/barakhullman.

  • This week I have two stories for you for Gimmel Tamuz, the yahrzeit of the last Lubavitcher Rebbe, the first is about the miraculous birth of someone who never met the Lubavitcher Rebbe and the second about a promising yeshiva bocher who tried to lie to the Rebbe.

    If you're enjoying these Chasidic stories, please take a quick moment to buy me a coffee. https://ko-fi.com/barakhullman Thank you! I deeply appreciate your support!

    Also available at https://soundcloud.com/barak-hullman/a-blessing-in-paris.

    To become a part of this project or sponsor an episode please go to https://hasidicstory.com/be-a-supporter.

    Hear all of the stories at https://hasidicstory.com.

    Go here to hear my other podcast https://jewishpeopleideas.com or https://soundcloud.com/jewishpeopleideas.

    Find my books, Figure It Out When You Get There: A Memoir of Stories About Living Life First and Watching How Everything Falls Into Place and A Shtikel Sholom: A Student, His Mentor and Their Unconventional Conversations on Amazon by going to https://bit.ly/barakhullman.

  • This week I have three stories for you, the first is about a simple chassid of the Shpoler Zayde who has his life saving stolen by a Russian solider and goes to the Tzadik for help, the second about an undercover unit in the IDF deciding to wear tzitziot and the third about Reb Mordechai Dov of Hornisteipl who needed to have surgery to remove a sore from his back.

    If you're enjoying these Chasidic stories, please take a quick moment to buy me a coffee. https://ko-fi.com/barakhullman Thank you! I deeply appreciate your support!

    Also available at https://soundcloud.com/barak-hullman/an-unexpected-turn-of-events.

    To become a part of this project or sponsor an episode please go to https://hasidicstory.com/be-a-supporter.

    Hear all of the stories at https://hasidicstory.com.

    Go here to hear my other podcast https://jewishpeopleideas.com or https://soundcloud.com/jewishpeopleideas.

    Find my books, Figure It Out When You Get There: A Memoir of Stories About Living Life First and Watching How Everything Falls Into Place and A Shtikel Sholom: A Student, His Mentor and Their Unconventional Conversations on Amazon by going to https://bit.ly/barakhullman.

  • This week I have two stories for you, the first is about a wealthy Jew who comes to the Chasam Sofer for a loan and the second about the Rebbe Maharash before he was rebbe and a very insistent woman who wanted a blessing for children.

    If you're enjoying these Chasidic stories, please take a quick moment to buy me a coffee. https://ko-fi.com/barakhullman Thank you! I deeply appreciate your support!

    Also available at https://soundcloud.com/barak-hullman/eat-a-bagel.

    To become a part of this project or sponsor an episode please go to https://hasidicstory.com/be-a-supporter.

    Hear all of the stories at https://hasidicstory.com.

    Go here to hear my other podcast https://jewishpeopleideas.com or https://soundcloud.com/jewishpeopleideas.

    Find my books, Figure It Out When You Get There: A Memoir of Stories About Living Life First and Watching How Everything Falls Into Place and A Shtikel Sholom: A Student, His Mentor and Their Unconventional Conversations on Amazon by going to https://bit.ly/barakhullman.

  • This week I have two stories for you, the first is about a wedding dowry and the controversy that it creates and the second about a very insistent milkman who finds a bag of coins in the street.

    If you're enjoying these chasidic stories, please take a quick moment to buy me a coffee. https://ko-fi.com/barakhullman Thank you! I deeply appreciate your support!

    Also available at https://soundcloud.com/barak-hullman/one-mitzvah-or-thousands-of-mitzvot.

    To become a part of this project or sponsor an episode please go to https://hasidicstory.com/be-a-supporter.

    Hear all of the stories at https://hasidicstory.com.

    Go here to hear my other podcast https://jewishpeopleideas.com or https://soundcloud.com/jewishpeopleideas.

    Find my books, Figure It Out When You Get There: A Memoir of Stories About Living Life First and Watching How Everything Falls Into Place and A Shtikel Sholom: A Student, His Mentor and Their Unconventional Conversations on Amazon by going to https://bit.ly/barakhullman.

  • This week I have two stories for you, the first is about how the Maggid of Mezritch came to find out if the Baal Shem Tov is truly holy or just does miracles and the second about a special chevruta of two Torah scholars and one of them having doubts about Hashem's existance.

    If you're enjoying these chasidic stories, please take a quick moment to buy me a coffee. https://ko-fi.com/barakhullman Thank you! I deeply appreciate your support!

    Also available at https://soundcloud.com/barak-hullman/is-the-baal-shem-tov-truly-holy.

    To become a part of this project or sponsor an episode please go to https://hasidicstory.com/be-a-supporter.

    Hear all of the stories at https://hasidicstory.com.

    Go here to hear my other podcast https://jewishpeopleideas.com or https://soundcloud.com/jewishpeopleideas.

    Find my books, Figure It Out When You Get There: A Memoir of Stories About Living Life First and Watching How Everything Falls Into Place and A Shtikel Sholom: A Student, His Mentor and Their Unconventional Conversations on Amazon by going to https://bit.ly/barakhullman.

  • This week I have two stories for you, the first is about a Misnaged (an opposer to the Chassidim) who came to Reb Elimelech of Lizhensk to determine whether he was really a tzadik or a big fake and the second a story I heard on shabbos when a Haredi rabbi was asked by an injured former solider why Haredim like him don't have to serve in the IDF.

    If you're enjoying these chasidic stories, please take a quick moment to buy me a coffee. https://ko-fi.com/barakhullman Thank you! I deeply appreciate your support!

    Also available at https://soundcloud.com/barak-hullman/a-stuffed-lion-a-suit-and-a-rabbi.

    To become a part of this project or sponsor an episode please go to https://hasidicstory.com/be-a-supporter.

    Hear all of the stories at https://hasidicstory.com.

    Go here to hear my other podcast https://jewishpeopleideas.com or https://soundcloud.com/jewishpeopleideas.

    Find my books, Figure It Out When You Get There: A Memoir of Stories About Living Life First and Watching How Everything Falls Into Place and A Shtikel Sholom: A Student, His Mentor and Their Unconventional Conversations on Amazon by going to https://bit.ly/barakhullman.

  • This week I have two stories for you, the first is about a wealthy Torah scholar who insists that the Baal Shem Tov teach him the secret of understanding the birds' speech and the second about an unlikely Chassidic minyan in the middle of nowhere in Italy.

    If you're enjoying these chasidic stories, please take a quick moment to buy me a coffee. https://ko-fi.com/barakhullman Thank you! I deeply appreciate your support!

    Also available at https://soundcloud.com/barak-hullman/thank-you-hashem-for-burning-down-my-house.

    To become a part of this project or sponsor an episode please go to https://hasidicstory.com/be-a-supporter.

    Hear all of the stories at https://hasidicstory.com.

    Go here to hear my other podcast https://jewishpeopleideas.com or https://soundcloud.com/jewishpeopleideas.

    Find my books, Figure It Out When You Get There: A Memoir of Stories About Living Life First and Watching How Everything Falls Into Place and A Shtikel Sholom: A Student, His Mentor and Their Unconventional Conversations on Amazon by going to https://bit.ly/barakhullman.

  • This week I have two stories for you, the first is about a German Jewish businessman who comes to Reb Yishochor DovBer of Radoshitz (known also as the Saba Kadisha) for a blessing to heal his son who has been deaf since birth and the second about Rabbi Yaakova Landa, a close Chassid of the Rebbe Rashab who asks the rebbe for an unual request.

    If you're enjoying these chasidic stories, please take a quick moment to buy me a coffee. https://ko-fi.com/barakhullman Thank you! I deeply appreciate your support!

    Also available at https://soundcloud.com/barak-hullman/asking-for-the-right-blessings.

    To become a part of this project or sponsor an episode please go to https://hasidicstory.com/be-a-supporter.

    Hear all of the stories at https://hasidicstory.com.

    Go here to hear my other podcast https://jewishpeopleideas.com or https://soundcloud.com/jewishpeopleideas.

    Find my books, Figure It Out When You Get There: A Memoir of Stories About Living Life First and Watching How Everything Falls Into Place and A Shtikel Sholom: A Student, His Mentor and Their Unconventional Conversations on Amazon by going to https://bit.ly/barakhullman.

  • This week I have two stories for you, the first is about a Jewish businessman falsely accused of stealing who comes to the Shpoler Zayde for a blessing not to have to go to jail and the second about the love Rabbi Shlomo Wolbe had for his wayward son.

    If you're enjoying these chasidic stories, please take a quick moment to buy me a coffee. https://ko-fi.com/barakhullman Thank you! I deeply appreciate your support!

    Also available at https://soundcloud.com/barak-hullman/the-horse-thief-and-the-wayward-son.

    To become a part of this project or sponsor an episode please go to https://hasidicstory.com/be-a-supporter.

    Hear all of the stories at https://hasidicstory.com.

    Go here to hear my other podcast https://jewishpeopleideas.com or https://soundcloud.com/jewishpeopleideas.

    Find my books, Figure It Out When You Get There: A Memoir of Stories About Living Life First and Watching How Everything Falls Into Place and A Shtikel Sholom: A Student, His Mentor and Their Unconventional Conversations on Amazon by going to https://bit.ly/barakhullman.

  • This week I have two stories for you, the first is about Rabbi Asher Zeev Werner of Tiberias who can't figure out how to pay for his yeshiva's expenses until he has a dream and the second a gift given by Rabbi Meir Shapiro to a young boy that does wonders.

    If you're enjoying these chasidic stories, please take a quick moment to buy me a coffee. https://ko-fi.com/barakhullman Thank you! I deeply appreciate your support!

    Also available at https://soundcloud.com/barak-hullman/you-call-that-coffee.

    To become a part of this project or sponsor an episode please go to https://hasidicstory.com/be-a-supporter.

    Hear all of the stories at https://hasidicstory.com.

    Go here to hear my other podcast https://jewishpeopleideas.com or https://soundcloud.com/jewishpeopleideas.

    Find my books, Figure It Out When You Get There: A Memoir of Stories About Living Life First and Watching How Everything Falls Into Place and A Shtikel Sholom: A Student, His Mentor and Their Unconventional Conversations on Amazon by going to https://bit.ly/barakhullman.