
  • You're robbing yourself of the fullness of joy, hope, contentment and love, in THIS moment, when you allow your energy and emotions to get tangled up in the "what ifs".

    And I get it.

    On our fertility journey, we've felt the defeat and disappointment so many times, that I've found myself predicting it.

    It'll be two weeks before my menstrual cycle is due, and I'll already be allowing myself to feel disappointed.

    Rather than just surrendering to it when it comes, I'm rehearsing it, and it can completely take over, pulling me away from the joy right in front of me.

    We all do it. Its a protection mechanism. We rehearse it, as a way to prepare our hearts.

    But its robbing us of feeling those beautiful moments right in front of us. Its distracting.

    Its stopping you from being in a high vibrational state that could attract all kinds of things our way. Opportunities. Resources.

    How many of you do this?

    How many of you are distracted by emotions tangled up in a "what if it doesnt happen?" scenarios? Emotions that arent related to your PRESENT MOMENT.

    How many of you close yourself off to those high vibe emotions just in case something takes it away, and the discomfort and pain is too much?

    Well, inside this episode we are going to talk about how this is impacting your present reality, and the way you think, believe and perceive the world around you.

    I hope this supports you, and gives you the guidance you need to let this protection mechanism go, so you can be fully immersed in those beautiful moments.



  • When I became a mother, I tried SO hard to recreate my beautiful 2 hour morning ritual.

    I held on so tightly to this ritual. It was such a big part of who I was. Plus it created the most epic container for me to move through the day in.

    But the more I tried to recreate it, the more resistance there was.

    The way I experienced time before becoming a mama, was very different to hw I was experiencing it in this chapter.

    I didn't have the same pockte of time for a big ritual or spiritual practice.

    I didnt have the same amount of time for breathwork, movement, journaling, oracle card pulling, and emotional release work.

    And so, instead of accepting the time I had and the chapter I was in, I had a toddler tantrum, and decided I wasnt going to have a ritual AT ALL...which was not a good idea.

    In this episode I walk you through my journey, of finally finding a ritual and spiritual practice that works with the time, emotional bandwidth and mental capacity I have now.

    It has changed my life, and I dont say that lightly. My experience as a friend, business owner, and most importantly, a mother, has drastically changed since I brought these practice back.

    So dive into this episode, and take notes!!



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  • Listen, I was having $20k+ months in my business. Surreal, but temporary.

    I was in a 6 month 1:1 coaching container with a top tier business mentor, and when I was IN the container with her, I was doing great.

    But when it ended, I started to wobble, and things began to return back to how they used to be, in terms of my money and finances.

    I have been inside a plethora of money mindset containers, working on my limiting beliefs around money, having aha moments galore, experiencing shifts with money.

    But, you guessed it, as soon as those programs were over, I felt that recognizable pull back to my old patterns around money.

    “GAHHHH WHYYYYYY?!” - the internal scream of someone who just wanted something to CLICK.

    Well, first let me say, this NO reflection on the mentors Ive worked with. They are insanely good at what they do.

    In this episode, I tell you EXACTLY what I learned, and how I turned everything around...

    Dive in, enjoy, and please let me know what landed for you!




  • Money comes with responsibility, whether its $10 or $100,000. The responsibility is the same.

    Youre responsible for taking care of it, nurturing it, using it, and creating with it.

    This is a fact that remains the same, always.

    But what happens if you have a fear of responsibility?

    What happens when you believe the repsonsibility is something you can't handle, or don't want to handle?

    Well, money doesnt come. Or at least not the aligned amounts you truly desire.

    You might receive SOME money, but you'll be stuck at that amount, unable to hold or have more.

    This is a really common fear I see in many women, when it comes to having, holding and circulating money.

    They fear the responsibility it comes with.

    And the reason for this, is pretty mindblowning.

    Let me dive deep with you inside todays podcast.

    And when youve listened, come and join me inside RECONNECTING WITH MONEY. Lets completely recode your body's response to money.




  • Honestly, this feels like a calling out. Loving, yet harsh.

    And sometimes we need that, in order to access the breakthrough that changes everything.

    We need to be called out, even if its uncomfortable.

    You are likely disrespecting and abusing your money, and thats a big reason why it ain't showing up for you.

    Spending it without thinking about your values, or the vision you have for your life.

    Spending it from a rebellious energy because as a kid, you didnt have much.

    Spending for pleasure, without recognising if it brings value or longevity.

    This is a biggy, and something that was discussed and unpacked in the last round of, Reconnecting With Money.

    So, pull up a seat, pour a bevvy, and lets dive in, because we gotta do something about this, so you can have, hold and circulate money, and build a life you choose.




  • Channeling The Soul of My Spirit Baby Have you read the book, Spirit Babies, by Walter Makichen? You should, he 100% explains all this much better than me haha! BUT, in this episode, I am sharing my own personal experiences of connecting to the soul of my spirit baby. I have this deep knowing they are around me, whether they incarnate on this earth or not, is another story. It's been such a beautiful experience, and I wanted to share it with you, even though it feels sooooo vulnerable AND I am feeling so much fear (of judgement) around it. I also dive into sharing about a group channeling experience I had with Madds, from @endora.inc. If you want to learn more, you should 100% go and follow her! Enjoy this episode and let me know what you thought! PS: It's a little chaotic, as I struggle to find the words to explain it all. So bear with!! ENROL IN "RECONNECTING WITH MONEY" - ENROLMENT OPENS AUG 26TH BOOK A BREATHWORK SESSION(S)

  • MONEY HAS NEEDS. ARE YOU ABLE TO FULFIL THOSE NEEDS? A healthy relationship, is a result of both parties having their needs met, right? This is common knowledge, I fear. (Is that how the tik tok audio goes?!) So, when we are looking at transforming your relationship to money, we have to figure out your needs, and money's needs. Sounds bizarre, I know. But once you sit with this, it will make total sense. You'll be eyes wide open, oh-my-goshing. Here’s the thing, you know your own needs. You know how you desire money to show up for you and provide for you. But you don’t know what money's needs are, do you? Let’s start with understanding that money is masculine energy. Masculine energy is provider energy...money provides. From here, we want to understand the needs of the masculine in a relationship dynamic...and this is where the magic starts to reveal itself. Dive into this episode, and soak it all in, because this is the beginning of a very delightful relationship with money! WAITLIST FOR "RECONNECTING WITH MONEY" BOOK A BREATHWORK SESSION INSTAGRAM

  • I meditated for the first time in YEARS.

    Once I found breathwork, I stepped away from meditation. Breathwork feels like a meditation hybrid, and I adore it.

    But very weirdly the other night, I felt a very strong urge to meditate.

    So I followed the uge, and asked my question before diving in.

    The most beautiful memory of my time at school popped up. I hadn't thought about this memory in such a long time, and it contains so many beautiful feelings.

    As I watched it play out, and allowed my body to re-feel the emotions and energy, I had such a huge breakthrough about this season of life I am in - Beauty & Chaos.

    The Mess.

    I have had some wobbles about being in the unknown for a number of reasons, and my question I was seeking the answer for was around guidance during this time.

    This memory provided me with the most heart opening, expansive, relieving answer.

    I felt my whole being let out an exhale as I allowed the message to move through me.

    I am sharing this beautiful message with you inside this episode. I would love to hear if it supports you too.


  • Recently I have been learning more and more about my spiritual side. A side I have always had, that ebbs and flows when it comes to it’s expression.

    But I have been following some big nudges, signs and synchronicities lately, and really stepping into this side of me, allowing it to have a more permanent place here.

    It's a part of who I am, who I have always been.

    I am woo woo.

    I believe theres so much more than what the eye can see.

    I connect with my highest self and spirit guides regularly now.

    I believe we are souls incarnated on this earth for a specific purpose...we chose to be here.

    I believe in spirit babies and I am currently practicing connecting to my own.

    Theres lots more, and I know this is barely even scratching the surface.

    It brings me so much joy to embrace this part of me.

    And thats really important me.

    So listen to this episode as I open up a convo about spirituality (however you define it), and how it connects to living a life of authenticity and wealth. Enjoy!



  • Back in January, I was feeling so unbothered and bored in life.

    I just felt meh.

    The life force energy wasnt there.

    I wasn't zinging, you know?!

    And I wanted to ZING.

    I desired the life force energy back so I didnt have to work SO HARD to get into my desired states of being.

    So I sat down and began to journal, for the first time in aggggges.

    I had a little convo with my highest self, that led to me creating an impactful strategy to shift out of the funk.


    And on it was 6 things.

    6 things that would get me back into feeling alive, and able to access my desired states of being with ease.

    6 things that would support me in building a life that was my version of wealth.

    Inside this episode I share them with you.

    So dive in and enjoy!



  • Your limiting beliefs are not the issue. I know, I know, you've been told otherwise for so long.

    I am not saying you stop working on rewiring your beliefs around money...no keep doing it, if you feel the motivation and devotion to do so.

    BUT, you must know that doing limiting belief work on its own is not enough to shift your relationship to money, so you can attract, hold and circulate more.

    A limiting belief, is a story your mind created, when the body felt an uncomfortable emotion, to help make sense of the feelings.

    In this case, your body had a past experience that involved money (directly or indirectly), so in order to help you deal, your mind created a story like "money creates conflict".

    Now, if you want to dissolve that belief, working on the belief itself isnt going to do a huge amount.

    You have to get to the source. To the emotion(s) that fuelled the belief in the first place.

    Return back to the memory of that past experience and truly FEEL and RELEASE those emotions. Let them out.

    As a result, you create the space to call forward desired emotions that you want to associate with money.

    THEN, a new belief can form, thats fuelled by these new desired emotions.

    So, its not the limiting belief thats stopping you attracting aligned amounts of money, its the emotions that fuel the limiting belief, that block you from money!

    Release the emotions, attract the money.

    So dive into the episode, listen to the process, then get yourself inside MONEY, the breathwork experience!





  • Gosh, I wish people knew this, so they would actually let out their feelings (in a healthy way).

    Saying your fears, worries and anxieties out loud, is NOT going to fuck up the manifestation process...contrary to what you may have been taught.

    In fact...NOT saying these things out loud is far more likely to get in the way of you receiving, attracting and magnetising things you desire...things like money.

    I don't wanna say too much more here, and instead let you listen to the podcast episode, so you can get a clear understanding around why you SHOULD say your fears, worries and anxieties (especially about money) out loud!

    So, grab a warm bevvie or a nourishing smoothie, and dive in!




  • I LOVE this exercise.

    I learned the technique of personifying something back in my early coaching days, and it has served me every single time since!

    This exercise allows you to truly see the underlying emotions, that are in the way of you having a healthy emotional relationship to "something", in this case money.

    The way you respond to seeing money as a person, can tell you a lot about the unexpressed emotions that are stuck in your body, acting as a barrier between you and money.

    You NEED this information, if you're going to open your body up to finally feeling safe, trusting and secure to have have, hold and cirulate money.

    You gotta know what youre working with, and this exercise provides you with just that!!

    So, find somewhere comfy and quiet and dive in. I recommend doing this exercise twice, to really get into it and dig in.

    Then, come and share what came up for you over in my DMs on the gram! I am dying to know!

    And when youve got all that info, and you're curious what happens next....join me inside MONEY, a breathwork experience that heals your emotional relationship to money, so you can attract aligned amounts that help you build your version of wealth!





  • You're angry with money and you didn't even know it.

    You think you're all fine and cool with money, but deep down in your body, you're pissed.

    There have been experiences in the past where money has made you mad...

    ...like, when you had to drain your bank account for a bill.

    ...or, when the business investent didnt give you an ROI.

    ...and, when you watched your mother struggle from pay check to pay check.

    All this anger you had at the time, wasnt process.

    So now its stuck in the body, getting in your way of having and attracting money.

    You've got your vision dialled, and you know how your body FEELS about your vision...

    ...but youre still stuck spinning your wheels when it comes to bringing in aligned amounts of money, that can support you in building that vision.

    Well, this episode is going to help you see why accessing, releasing and expressing your stored anger in connection to money, is actually going to help you attract more money!




  • You've heard me talk about how your body is in charge. It makes ALL the decisions, whether youre aware of that or not. Your mind and beliefs just mimic whats going on within the body. So if, you're wanting to shift your relationship to money, you focus on the body NOT the mind. This means feeling your feelings. It means nourishing and moving your body. It means dropping into practices that support you in accessing, releasing and expressing stuck emotions. ESPECIALLY stuck emotions you have in connection to experiences you've had with money. Why? Because these stuck emotions are in your way of having a healthy emotional relationship to money. And in this episode, I dive deep into this, and share with you why all the money mindset stuff just hasnt worked for you. Dive in, and enjoy! BOOK A BREATHWORK SESSION(S) THE MENTORSHIP (THE ALL IN EVERYTHING CONTAINER) MESSAGE ME ON INSTA

  • These conversations arent had often enough, and as a result many women feel alone on their journey.

    So, my hope is that sharing my story, dissolves those feelings of isolation, even just a little.

    Please bear in mind, that we are at the beginning of this journey, and while it can be really hard and defeating, I still hold hope and optimism for us.

    In this episode I share our story, the emotional landscape we are having to move through, my struggles with my relationship to my womb, my frustration and anger that my body is the one being prodded and poked, commnication between Gary and I, and my tools I use to stay present and able to see the beauty in my current reality.

    If you have any questions, or you wish to start a conversation about your own journey, please reach out...seriously. Talking about it with other women has helped me massively, and we all need to be seen as we journey through this.


  • What would it feel like to forget about money for one whole day? - seriously.

    The freedom.
    The relief.
    The liberation.
    The expansion.
    The spaciousness.
    The JOY.

    This is what happens when you take your eyes off money, and all the different ways to call it in.

    Its like when you lose your keys, and no matter how hard you focus on finding them, you cant. But once you move away from looking, and go experience your life, you find your keys.

    Not looking for money, creates the space for money to find you.

    Learning to feel the internal experiences connected to the life you want to live, acts as a beacon, guiding money on its journey of finding you.

    Take your eyes off money, focus on the feelings associated with the life you want to live, follow those feelings and money will find you.

    Now go.
    Stop looking.
    Liberate yourself.

    Lets open this conversation, and really see how your body feels about this?





  • Theres this narrative in the world of online entreprenuership that encourages "retiring your partner" to be a part of your business goals.

    And this is something I subscribed to. I integrating this into my own vision.

    I focussed so hard on this vision, even though my own body was naturally resisting it. I didn't listen, and kept going.

    Until one day I truly questioned it. I dug into my resistance to this vision, and experienced a perception shifting breakthrough.

    I did NOT want to retire my husband.

    When this landed for me, I felt huge waves of relief, liberation and freedom.

    The pressure dissolved and I relaxed into a vision that felt aligned with me and my goals. A vision that was connected to who I was at my core.

    Then I took this realization to my husband...

    Inside this episode I share all with you about how this all came about and why the idea of retiring my partner didnt fit me.

    Dive in, and share your thoughts with me

  • I used to find this really hard…

    Feeling wealthy, without having anything in my present reality that represented wealth.

    Things like brand name clothing, designer jewelry, a fancy looking home, a bank account with multiple 0’s, a booked out business…you know, all those things we are conditioned to believe mean “wealthy”.

    But now, fast forward two years into my journey of redefining wealth, and Ive kinda mastered the FEELING WEALTHY FIRST piece.

    And its got ZERO to do with anything in my external reality.

    I can't wait for you to listen to this episode, and activate the part of you that doesnt need anything outside of you to feel wealthy.

    It will change your life. Quite literally!

    If you're ready for this work, if you're ready for me to show you how much your life can change if you learn to feel wealthy FIRST, join me inside ATTUNEMENT. Next cohort begins May 27th!





  • How do you know when the wealth embodiment work is working? How do you know when its paying off?

    Most people search for the big moment, the big realization, to validate all the work theyve put into redefining wealth.

    Things like large sums of money, a booked out business, marriage etc

    But, I am here to bring your attention to the micro moments, that compound to create a new reality.

    Moments that you've not paid attention to that were actually the biggest contributing factors to bringing your life into alignment with wealth.

    I am so excited about this episode, because it provides you with the invitation to slow down and see just how many micro moments of change has actually happened.

    You will walk away from this episode feeling so much pride in yourself, and hopefully with a determination to slow down and notice a lot more!

    Enjoy and if you're ready to dive into this work, come and join me inside ATTUNEMENT!