
  • Have you listened to the FULL EPISODE yet?

    "If you don't give your kids an identity of what it means to be in your family, they will find that identity somewhere else in the world."

    -Scott Donnell

    In this eye-opening episode, successful entrepreneur and dedicated family man Scott Donnell reveals some of his powerful 4-step strategy for creating a strong family identity and building a lasting legacy. With refreshing honesty and practical wisdom, Scott shares invaluable insights on the importance of giving your children roots and wings, instilling a sense of purpose and belonging, and fostering healthy relationships within the family.

    Through engaging stories and real-life examples, Scott demonstrates how simple yet profound practices, such as establishing a family motto, celebrating daily victories, and understanding each other's love languages, can transform the dynamics of your household and set your children up for success in life. He also tackles the challenges of co-parenting and offers actionable advice for avoiding common pitfalls, like bribery and coercion, that can damage relationships and cause lasting trauma. Tune in now and discover the keys to building a thriving, purpose-driven family that will stand the test of time!

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    "There are ways to have it all, but you can't be the best endurance athlete in the world and a really successful entrepreneur. So you've got to choose how much of the endurance athlete you want to be."

    -Mark Sisson

    In this game-changing episode, Mark Sisson, the visionary force behind the Primal Blueprint and a true icon in the world of health and fitness, shares his hard-won wisdom on achieving the ultimate work-life balance. With refreshing candor and a wealth of experience, Mark tackles the age-old question: Can you really have it all? He reveals the key to unlocking your full potential lies in strategic trade-offs and a laser-focused commitment to what matters most.

    Through a series of captivating anecdotes and practical tips, Mark demonstrates how busy entrepreneurs can optimize their health and fitness without sacrificing their professional ambitions. From integrating walking workstations and micro-workouts into your daily routine to mastering the art of recovery and avoiding the pitfalls of overtraining, Mark provides a roadmap for success that will leave you inspired and empowered. Whether you're a seasoned athlete, a driven entrepreneur, or anyone seeking to live life to the fullest, this episode is a must-listen. Tune in now and discover how to cultivate the mindset, habits, and strategies that will help you thrive in every aspect of your life!

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  • Have you listened to the FULL EPISODE yet?

    "I genuinely think that people are in the business of thinking what's in it for me, and I only think what's in it for me is my legacy."

    In this thought-provoking episode, entrepreneurial titan Gary Vaynerchuk shares his unconventional wisdom on achieving long-term success by prioritizing meaningful relationships and seizing opportunities for transformative experiences. With his signature no-nonsense style, Gary challenges listeners to audit their inner circles, cutting out negative influences and investing in connections that bring true value to their lives. He emphasizes the power of serendipitous moments, like chance encounters during travel or the bonding experiences of college, in forging lifelong friendships and partnerships.

    Through personal anecdotes and incisive analysis, Gary reveals his own approach to decision-making, balancing the pursuit of immediate results with the cultivation of a lasting legacy. He urges entrepreneurs to look beyond the "what's in it for me" mentality and focus on building a reputation for generosity, authenticity, and impact. Whether you're a seasoned business leader or just starting out on your journey, this episode will inspire you to reassess your priorities, nurture your most important relationships, and embrace the transformative power of shared experiences. Tune in now and discover how to unlock your full potential by maximizing your macro results!

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    "Empathy and safety are what I call connection and protection. When we see what someone else is really feeling, we can adjust, we can help, we can love them better."

    -Annie Särnblad

    In this fascinating episode, world-renowned facial communication expert Annie Särnblad shares her groundbreaking insights on the power of reading and understanding facial expressions. With a perfect blend of science, storytelling, and practical advice, Annie reveals how mastering this essential skill can transform our personal and professional lives, enabling us to build deeper connections, ensure our safety, and achieve unprecedented success in any endeavor.

    Through captivating anecdotes and real-life examples, Annie takes us on a journey into the hidden world of nonverbal communication, demonstrating how our faces constantly betray our true thoughts and feelings, even when our words say otherwise. She offers invaluable tips and techniques for decoding the subtle cues that can make all the difference in high-stakes situations, from closing a business deal to navigating complex relationships. Tune in now and discover the secrets to unlocking the full potential of facial communication in your life!

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  • Have you listened to the FULL EPISODE yet?

    "The energy you put into your personal transformation, the sort of the willingness to engage with your own emotional history. That's what I really think is genuine self-love."

    -Yung Pueblo

    In this soul-stirring episode, acclaimed author and spiritual teacher Yung Pueblo takes us on a profound journey into the heart of self-love and its transformative impact on our lives. With wisdom, compassion, and vulnerability, he shares invaluable insights from his book, "The Way Forward," illuminating the path to healing our deepest wounds, cultivating genuine inner peace, and fostering more harmonious relationships with others.

    Through a powerful blend of personal anecdotes and timeless teachings, Yung Pueblo reveals how the practice of authentic self-love can liberate us from the chains of reactivity, anger, and the compulsive need to harm others. He invites listeners to confront their painful memories and emotions head-on, emphasizing that only by facing and working through these challenges can we truly break free from the cycles of suffering that haunt us. This episode will inspire you to embrace the transformative power of self-love and embark on a path of deep healing, unshakable inner peace, and boundless compassion for all beings.

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    "I want all of my friends to do great and do better than me in any way they can because, like, I'm living my dream. [...] I think it's the healthy people want the best for the others around them."

    -Michael Rubin

    In this eye-opening episode, Michael Rubin, the visionary entrepreneur and philanthropist behind Fanatics and the Reform Alliance, shares his unconventional perspective on what it truly takes to achieve both massive success and genuine happiness. With disarming honesty and a touch of humor, Michael debunks the myth that money alone can solve life's problems, emphasizing instead the importance of cultivating a mindset of abundance, generosity, and unwavering dedication to one's craft.

    Through a series of captivating stories and hard-won insights, Michael reveals the surprising habits and attitudes that set apart the most fulfilled and impactful billionaires from those who struggle with the weight of their own success. He underscores the transformative power of rooting for others' success, embracing the daily grind with passion, and staying grounded in the face of fame and fortune. Tune in now and discover the secret to unlocking true success and happiness, straight from one of the most influential and respected minds in the game.

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    "Leaders anticipate; losers react. If you can anticipate what's coming, you can really take advantage. If you wait until it hits you, you're in trouble."

    -Tony Robbins

    In this powerful episode, world-renowned life and business strategist Tony Robbins shares his profound insights on navigating the ups and downs of life and the economy. With his signature blend of wisdom, passion, and practical advice, Tony breaks down the three essential seasons of life—spring, summer, and winter—and reveals how understanding these cycles can help you make the most of any situation, no matter how challenging.

    Through captivating stories and historical examples, Tony illustrates how the greatest leaders and most successful businesses have learned to anticipate and adapt to changing circumstances, turning adversity into opportunity. He offers invaluable strategies for developing the three key skills that can transform your life: pattern recognition, pattern utilization, and pattern creation. Tune in now and discover how to harness the power of the seasons to create an extraordinary life, no matter what challenges come your way!

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    "If you don't value yourself and you just value a feeling, well, you may as well do a bunch of drugs someday."

    In this eye-opening episode, world-renowned dating expert Matthew Hussey uncovers the hidden psychological forces that lead us to pursue relationships that leave us unfulfilled and heartbroken. With his signature blend of wit, wisdom, and no-nonsense advice, Matthew dives deep into the root causes of our self-sabotaging behaviors in love, offering profound insights that will forever change the way you approach dating and relationships.

    Through captivating stories and real-life examples, Matthew reveals how our subconscious beliefs about our own worth can lead us to chase the illusion of value in others, often at the expense of our own well-being. He shares practical strategies for breaking free from destructive patterns, cultivating genuine self-love, and attracting the kind of partner who truly values and appreciates us for who we are. If you're ready to finally break the cycle of unfulfilling relationships and discover the path to lasting love and happiness, this is one episode you won't want to miss.

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  • Have you listened to the FULL EPISODE yet?

    "I'm much more concerned with what am I able to do? And I would happily compromise length of life in favor of quality of life."

    -Dr. Peter Attia

    In this thought-provoking episode, world-renowned longevity expert Dr. Peter Attia shares his groundbreaking insights on optimizing health span, the period of life spent in good health, free from chronic disease and the disabilities of aging. With a perfect blend of scientific rigor and personal anecdotes, Dr. Attia challenges conventional wisdom about what it means to age gracefully and offers a roadmap for maintaining peak cognitive, physical, and emotional performance well into your 80s and beyond.

    Through his pioneering work with patients and cutting-edge research, Dr. Attia has discovered that while some aspects of aging are inevitable, the decline in quality of life is not. He shares practical, evidence-based strategies for enhancing resilience, preventing disease, and cultivating emotional wellbeing, emphasizing that the true measure of a life well-lived is not just the number of years, but the vitality and meaning packed into each moment. Whether you're in your 30s, 40s, or 50s, this episode will inspire you to redefine what's possible for your health and happiness, and provide you with the tools to start crafting your own blueprint for a vibrant, fulfilling future. Tune in now and embark on a transformative journey towards your best self yet!

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  • Have you listened to the FULL EPISODE yet?

    "I got better at my career when it went to the two and three hole. It wasn't the one hole."

    -Matthew McConaughey

    In this soul-stirring episode, Academy Award-winning actor Matthew McConaughey opens up about the transformative impact of his 16-year relationship with his wife, Camila Alves, and how becoming a father reshaped his priorities and propelled him to new heights in his career. With disarming honesty and his signature charm, Matthew shares intimate stories of love, sacrifice, and the courage it takes to choose commitment over the allure of the bachelor lifestyle in Hollywood.

    Through his captivating storytelling, Matthew illuminates the profound lessons he's learned about the power of having a stable foundation at home, and how it has fueled his creativity, resilience, and success in the spotlight. He offers heartfelt advice for anyone seeking to build a life of purpose, passion, and deep connection, reminding us that true fulfillment lies not in fleeting fame or endless nights of temptation, but in the unwavering love and support of those closest to us. If you're ready to be inspired, moved, and empowered to create the life and relationships you've always dreamed of, tune in now and let Matthew's wisdom guide you on your own journey to greatness.

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    "We're still left with that habit, that pull. My overachiever is right there, ready for that reaction in each and every moment."

    In this transformative episode, renowned psychologist and self-healing expert Nicole LePera takes us on a deep dive into the subconscious patterns and archetypes that silently shape our relationships and keep us trapped in cycles of unfulfillment. With her trademark blend of cutting-edge science and soul-stirring wisdom, Nicole illuminates the root causes of our relational struggles, tracing them back to the coping mechanisms we developed in childhood to deal with overwhelming pain and unmet needs.

    Through riveting stories and practical exercises, Nicole guides us on a journey of self-discovery, helping us identify the masks we wear and the roles we play in our relationships, from the overachiever and the caretaker to the hero worshiper and the life of the party. She shares powerful tools for cultivating self-awareness, breaking free from limiting patterns, and learning to express our authentic selves in our relationships. If you're ready to finally break the chains of your past, heal your wounds, and create the deeply fulfilling connections you've always longed for, this episode is a must-listen. Tune in now and embark on a life-changing journey of self-discovery and transformation!

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    In a heart-wrenching story of perseverance and the power of words, Navy SEAL Chadd Wright shares a gripping tale from his time in SEAL training. When his best friend uttered the fateful words, "I don't think I'm good enough to make it through this training anymore," Wright watched helplessly as his comrade's confidence crumbled, leading to his devastating decision to quit. Through his own grueling experiences, Wright has come to understand the paramount importance of the words we speak to ourselves, likening the tongue to a ship's rudder steering the direction of our lives. "The things that we say...it is paramount..." he emphasizes, urging listeners to harness the transformative potential of their words.

    Dive into this emotionally charged episode as Chadd Wright, a man forged by the unforgiving crucible of Navy SEAL training, reveals the life-altering lessons he's learned about the power of words and the indomitable human spirit. From his personal mantra, "I won't die in the chair," born from a heart-wrenching endurance race he dedicated to his fallen SEAL brothers, to his commitment to avoiding negative language, Wright shares the tools to cultivate unshakable resilience and master the art of positive self-talk. Discover how to overcome any obstacle on your path to greatness in this must-listen episode.

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    Imagine being a renowned doctor at the top of your field, yet battling crippling depression and failing health. This was Dr. Will Bulsiewicz's harsh reality - he found himself lying under a blanket in a dark room, paralyzed by emptiness despite his prestigious career as a gastroenterologist. His turning point came on a first date, where his future wife's vibrant, plant-based choices sparked a radical dietary overhaul. Swapping greasy indulgences for nourishing smoothies melted away excess weight and revived his zest for life. "Once I started changing my diet, the weight melted off my body." he recounts.

    From tackling gut issues to boosting self-worth, Dr. Bulsiewicz's plant-powered journey illuminates the profound mind-body connection. Inspired by his personal metamorphosis, he revolutionized his practice, unleashing nutrition's healing potential for countless patients. "I have to bring this into the clinic...people deserve to hear this story," he affirms. Discover how this unorthodox doctor's transformation will challenge your perception of well-being and empower you to reclaim vitality through the power of plants in this must-listen episode.

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    Gabby Bernstein shared profound insights on masculinity, femininity, and the dance between these energies in relationships. Bernstein emphasized the importance of women embracing their feminine essence to allow men to step into their masculine role of protecting, providing, and serving. She revealed how this shift deepened her connection with her husband and reignited their love in a beautiful way.

    Bernstein's wisdom on cultivating a spiritual practice through prayer, meditation, and conscious alignment with a higher power offers a path to inner peace and guidance. This inspiring conversation will leave you reflecting on your own spiritual journey and the transformative power of surrender. Don't miss Gabby's empowering perspectives on embodying the divine feminine while still accessing your fierce, masculine energy.

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  • Are you ready to transform your business from local to global? Head to lewishowes.com/game and take the first step towards global success. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn from Tony Robbins and Dean Graziosi!

    Have you listened to the FULL EPISODE yet?

    Brace yourself for a shocking revelation as Dean Graziosi, the renowned entrepreneur, unveils the traumatic childhood that fueled his relentless drive for success. In a raw and deeply personal account, Graziosi recounts the nightmarish realities of growing up with an abusive and mentally unstable father - from vomiting blood at 13 out of sheer terror to witnessing violent outbursts. Yet amidst the darkness, he discovered an invaluable lesson: embracing adversity as a catalyst for growth.

    "Thank God it happened to me," Graziosi declares, his gratitude profound for experiences that could have broken him. "I learned all of that from that crazy guy. All of it." He shares the transformative mindset that propelled him from victim to victor, harnessing his harrowing past to cultivate empathy, compassion and the ability to profoundly connect with audiences. Don't miss this powerful episode challenging your perception of success and inspiring you to reframe struggles as stepping stones to greatness.

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    In this powerful episode, Wayne Brady opens up about his journey as a father and the lessons he's learned along the way. He shares his regrets about not being present for some of his daughter's milestones due to his career pursuits, and how those moments have left an indelible mark on him. Wayne discusses the impact of his parenting on his daughter's desire for stability and how he's come to understand the importance of allowing her to find her own voice. Through therapy and self-reflection, Wayne has learned to break free from the restrictive parenting style he experienced growing up and embrace a more open and supportive approach with his daughter. He expresses his deep love and admiration for the strong, intelligent woman she has become, and how her ability to speak her mind and stand up for herself has taught him valuable lessons about being a better father and a better man.

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    In a candid and thought-provoking interview, Kevin O'Leary, the renowned investor and "Shark Tank" star, shared his refreshingly pragmatic approach to overcoming self-doubt and living authentically. O'Leary candidly discussed his dyslexia struggles as a child and how he learned to confront challenges head-on, eschewing lies and embracing brutal honesty as his personal ethos. His insights on not worrying about others' perceptions and focusing solely on close family and friends offer a liberating perspective on self-confidence.

    O'Leary's unwavering commitment to truth and his mantra of never betting more than you can afford to lose reveal a level-headed mindset that has undoubtedly contributed to his success. This interview is a must-listen for anyone seeking to cultivate unshakeable self-assurance and live without the chains of anxiety or people-pleasing tendencies weighing them down.

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    Mel Robbins, the renowned motivational speaker and author, shares her harrowing journey through financial ruin and personal turmoil. Robbins' raw vulnerability exposes the depths of her struggle, from the shame of collection calls to the heartbreak of pulling her child out of soccer due to lack of funds. Her narrative is a powerful reminder that even in our darkest moments, the path to transformation begins with a simple yet profound act: getting out of bed. Robbins' story is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the power of taking small, courageous steps towards change.

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  • Erwin McManus discusses how our limitations are self-imposed mental structures that we can change to unlock our potential. He explains that taking ownership of these structures is empowering, as we can redirect them, rather than blame external factors. McManus highlights that talent alone does not lead to greatness without the accompanying internal disciplines and hard work. Overall, he conveys that transforming our mental frameworks allows us to accelerate success and live more optimistically.


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  • Have you listened to the FULL EPISODE yet?

    Brace yourself for Gary Vaynerchuk's brutally honest confessions about the harsh realities of parenting and entrepreneurship. The social media mogul lays bare his deepest fears - losing loved ones and the inevitable heartbreak that comes with success. Yet even as he grapples with these gut-wrenching truths, Vaynerchuk's resilience shines through. "I'm ready for the trials and tribulations of fatherhood. I'm ready for the trials and tribulations of a human being," he declares, his words a rallying cry to embrace life's challenges head-on.

    Vaynerchuk shatters the illusion of a picture-perfect life, peeling back the layers of his relentless work ethic to reveal the driving force - a profound love for family fueling his audacious ambitions. With raw vulnerability, he offers a powerful perspective on the sacrifices of success: "I anticipate heartbreak. I anticipate my parents passing away because it will happen." Don't miss this thought-provoking episode that will shake you to your core and compel you to reevaluate your approach to greatness.

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