
  • Garth Heckman

    The David Alliance

    [email protected]

    BAM - watch them every Tuesday night on our Facebook page.

    August Friday and Saturday 16th 17th End times conference at HillSpring Church sponsored by The David Alliance,

    8 reasons why you shut your mouth and quit sharing your life and struggles with your woman…

    And what you can do about it… this will be a series…

    Silence is not strength. If You choose to not deal with hurts and issues realize you are choosing the easiest thing To do -not the hardest or most brave… and definitely not the healthiest way to deal with issues.

    Yes we all have stuff to deal with and we all have stuff to bury… but should we?

    And Why Do we??

    Yesterday was #1 she may use it against you.


    2 - He may not want her to worry about him, or to think less of him.

    What happens if you tell your wife that you are tempted to talk behind someone's back at work so that you get the promotion. Or that you are struggling with porn or lust or that you haven't read or prayed for a few weeks. Your first concern is how she will then see you and how that will then affect your relationship. And don't get me wrong she will see you differently but depending on what the woman is made of, she will either encourage you convict you reject you or silence you.

    A great conversation to have with someone before they are your Wife is to find out what you can and can't share with them and how they would respond. Remember, maybe one of David's wives should've asked him because you are king and can have him do anything. should I be worried about you finding other women?

    3 - he may not share his true heart because it's about you, his wife and he knows you can't handle it. This is the number one issue in most relationships.

    Women who grew up in homes of divorce, do not handle, confrontation well at all. And it will manifest later in their own marriage.

    My wife comes from an upbringing where her mother had four different men in her life, and they were all very dysfunctional and even evil. But they all - but one, were divorced from her mom. Let's just say early on my wife, could not handle confrontation no matter how minor it would be. We had to work through this and be honest we still are.

    When you share the truth with someone because you love them and want what's best for them and they don't receive it, they can't handle it and they pull back or blame -overtime you shut down, and your love them can even dwindle.

  • Garth Heckman

    The David Alliance

    [email protected]

    BAM - watch them every Tuesday night on our Facebook page. This Week the Jezebel Spirit… and not just women have it.

    August Friday and Saturday 16th 17th End times conference at HillSpring Church sponsored by The David Alliance,

    8 reasons why you shut your mouth and quit sharing your life and struggles with your woman…

    And what you can do about it… this will be a series…

    Silence is not strength. If You choose to not deal with hurts and issues realize you are choosing the easiest thing To do -not the hardest or most brave… and definitely not the healthiest way to deal with issues.

    Yes we all have stuff to deal with and we all have stuff to bury… but should we?

    How do you deal with your hurt especially from the one you love the most.

    1 - She uses it against you later on.

    She herself may be wounded. And when people use your weaknesses as weapons against you- it can cause a man to shut down in a millisecond?

    Then he distrusts others… even other trusted men.

    Here is a different perspective from the word of God when we talk about sharing the gospel and being rejected. The Bible tells us that we will be despised and rejected for sharing Christ so we aren't shocked when it happens. We're still cool to do it because it's the right thing. And the same way we are still call to share our hurts our emotions and our feelings with our loved ones even if they won't except it or even if they use it against us. But knowing this text some of the sting out of it when it happens.

    An illustration are used to use regarding this point is when I would go to speak to a large group of teenagers before walking out on the stage will be introduced. I would unzip my zipper. It wouldn't take more than a few seconds, and Kids would start yelling your zippers down your zippers down. They will expect me to become incredibly embarrassed, but instead, I would simply reach in my pocket and pull out a note and ask one of them to read it into the microphone, and the note would say this, I know my zippers down why are you looking. Kids would laugh, but then I would explain to them that I'm not embarrassed because I knew it was down. I knew what was happening and I was prepared. If you have the Same mindset when you share your intimate hurts and feelings with your spouse, it lessens the blow if they choose to ever use it against you.

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  • Garth Heckman

    The David Alliance

    Garth Heckman

    I want you to want me

    I need you to need me

    I'd love you to love me

    I'm beggin' you to beg me

    I want you to want me

    I need you to need me

    I'd love you to love me

    I'll shine up my old brown shoes

    I'll put on a brand new shirt

    I'll get home early from work

    If you say that you love me

    BAM - watch them every Tuesday night on our Facebook page. This Week the Jezebel Spirit… and not just women have it.

    August Friday and Saturday 16th 17th End times conference at HillSpring Church sponsored by The David Alliance,

    How did they make it

    200,000 people diverse as any city… but they were the only Christians…

    You get dropped off in some city, sexual sin is promoted and practiced…. Drugs, paganism… anything goes… and your the only Xn…. How do you not only make it but thrive?

    1 Thessalonians says they experienced salvation with not just words but also in power… it allowed them to practice…

    Holiness and no compromise.

    Holiness? Sounds very antiquated in todays world… yes and lets talk ab about how to can our own rutabagas…

    the Scriptures say, “You must be holy because I am holy.” 1 Peter 1:16 NLT

    But in today's world, it sounds too simple, too naïve and too abstract. What exactly does it mean?

    The truth is when you truly study holiness, you might end up feeling like you are dressed up in a costume and calling yourself a Christian because the fact is you really aren't holy when you understand what it means in scripture.

    I believe when one looks at scripture, you understand that holiness goes beyond simply doing with the Bible says. You can obey all the commands, and still not be holy, you asked how does that work?

    Then Jesus said to his disciples, “If any of you wants to be my follower, you must turn from your selfish ways, take up your cross, and follow me. Matthew 16:24 NLT

    Being holy goes beyond rules and regulations and cuts to the heart. Are you selfish in any of the things you choose to do or say or where you go? The truth is holiness in some sense of the word is different for me than it is for you. Yes we both confess the same Jesus and we both follow the same Scriptures and commands however he might call me to stand out in different ways in how I would I choose to do it. The question you can ask in anything you do or say, or for any motive is this is this truly selfish or is this truly godly? And then ask God to give you guidance into what to do or to say in order to stand apart and be Holy.

  • Garth Heckman

    The David Alliance

    BAM - watch them every Tuesday night on our Facebook page. This Week the Jezebel Spirit… and not just women have it.

    August Friday and Saturday 16th 17th End times conference at HillSpring Church sponsored by The David Alliance,

    This Friday surgery… another shoulder replacement, reattach the super spinouts, and work on the labrum. They say 6-8 months rehab and recovery.

    My goal has always been at 60 to still bench over 400, squat and deadlift over 600… totally on track with deals and squats… but bench… oh my my… maybe not. But please pray for me!

    Acts 27: 18 The next day, as gale-force winds continued to batter the ship, the crew began throwing the cargo overboard. 19 The following day they even took some of the ship’s gear and threw it overboard. 20 The terrible storm raged for many days, blotting out the sun and the stars, until at last all hope was gone.

    21 No one had eaten for a long time. Finally, Paul called the crew together and said, “Men, you should have listened to me in the first place and not left Crete. You would have avoided all this damage and loss. 22 But take courage! None of you will lose your lives, even though the ship will go down. 23 For last night an angel of the God to whom I belong and whom I serve stood beside me, 24 and he said, ‘Don’t be afraid, Paul, for you will surely stand trial before Caesar! What’s more, God in his goodness has granted safety to everyone sailing with you.’ 25 So take courage! For I believe God. It will be just as he said. 26 But we will be shipwrecked on an island.”

    I read verse 25, 26 and always see Paul at that moment like Carl Spackler aka Bill Murray in Caddy Shack…

    And I say, "Hey, Lama, hey, how about a little something, you know, for the effort, you know." And he says, "Oh, uh, there won't be any money, but when you die, on your deathbed, you will receive total consciousness." So I got that goin' for me, which is nice.

    Total consciousness: the state of being conscious; awareness of one's own existence, sensations, thoughts, surroundings, full activity of the mind and senses, as in waking life

    What if we took slices of history out of our life from the future and looked at it with this attitude…

    2 years from now… This is written in your pre-history… yes, your wife will get cancer and it will affect your finances greatly and you will struggle to keep your job…But be of courage, God is good and he will use this in your life to bring about a great peace and a wonderful opportunity to tell others about Jesus… so I got that going for me… so thats nice.

    What is this saying… Paul wasn’t believing in God due to the circumstances around him… ship is breaking apart, waves pummeling the sailors, Black clouds, lightening… men in deep fear…

    Sometimes in life we must simply believe the best is yet to come simply because of who God is and now what we see or are experiencing at the moment.

    The only thing that can get you through the storms, the only thing that can sustain you is Gods faithfulness.

    In the middle of hard times (and lets be honest, I don’t know what the future holds) I remind myself of Gods faithfulness from the past. I will tell myself… you will be 4 months behind in your house payment, your car payment and you will have to sell some guitars, and your Harley and your wife will struggle with with her trust in God… You will wonder if you will ever will have enough money… But someone will talk into the bookstore and hand you an envelope with $10,000 in it. And a week later someone else will hand you a check for $10,000… but you will still have some hard times with your son running from God and in jail and guns and drugs… So you got that going for you… so thats nice.

    I know 2 things are certain… not death and taxes…

    But rather Hard times and Gods faithfulness.

    When all resources run out, all earthly wisdom has failed, all friends and family can’t help anymore… when people are actually start avoiding you because they feel drained by your problems…. God will be faithful.

    Gal. 6: 9 9 And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart.

    Do not grow weary… God will be faithful. God will come through… Don’t quit trusting him, Don’t quit living for him, Don’t quit loving him and Don’t doubt him…. Because in time you will have total consciousness… so you got that going for you… which is nice.

  • The David Alliance

    [email protected]

    Basket ball game: referee experience as a parent! I couldn’t call the right fouls, people yelling at me, everyone mad at me… when I do call a foul it was on my own son, when I went over to the bench to get some consoling from Kim she looked at me like… “You should be ashamed!”



    The truth is it will never be easier to serve God than right now… history is becoming peeled back and truth will dwindle. As it does the ability to freely serve God will become mountainous.


    Galatians 6:6 Those who are taught the word of God should provide for their teachers, sharing all good things with them. 7 Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap. 8 For he who sows to his flesh will of the flesh reap corruption, but he who sows to the Spirit will of the Spirit reap everlasting life. SOUNDS GOOD SO FAR RIGHT? 9 And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart. 10 Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all, especially to those who are of the household of faith.

    Gal. 6:7-10 WUEST

    God is not being outwitted and evaded. For whatever a man is in the habit sowing this also will he reap. Because the one who sows with a view to his own evil nature, from his evil nature as a course shall reap corruption. But the one who sows with a view to the Spirit , from the Spirit as a source shall reap life eternal. Let us not slacken our exertions by reason of the weariness that comes with prolonged effort in habitually doing that which is good. For in a season which in its character is appropriate we shall reap if we do not become enfeebled through exhaustion and fait. So then, in like manner, let us be having opportunity, let us be working that which is good to all, but especially to those of the household of faith.

    Do not grow weary

    Weary - the will… do not start in the spirit only to sow in the flesh.

    Not weary in the flesh as in “physically tired” - but weary in the spirit so you sow into your soul/flesh appetites.

    GK ek-kak-eh’-o = to be negatively influenced by the lack of outcome

    Doing Good - inspire and motivate someone to do what is lovely… or GODLY

    What would keep you from sowing? What would make you give up? What if I said you won’t see the reaping until after you die?

    Fatigue makes cowards of us all. Vince Lombardi

    Our trials our sin, evil, satanic, lust, the world… but the hardest is Weariness into apathy.

    You don’t have to backslide, you don’t have to run from God, you don’t have to fall into addiction or some great sin… to be ineffective you just need to be tired.

    If there is one thing that will discourage me more than anything is this… being tired with nothing to show for it.

    Impatience is a disease… WHERE IS THE FRUIT?

    As Spurgeon said…

    The duty is to “do” without knowing “what or when” it will happen.

    The context of this verse tells us that there will be times where we don’t feel

    Gods blessing,

    his favor,

    his excitement,

    his pleasure

    his fruit….

    PRE-DANGER (and then 3 dangers)

    You must know how to read your emotions

    Tell tale signs of emotional drain include:

    1. wanting to be alone,

    2. becoming sarcastic,

    3. over eating,

    4. sleeping less and sleeping worse,

    5. quick and superficial desires,

    6. burnout,

    7. hating your job,

    8. feeling like home is work,

    9. arrogance or I’m not drained attitude ( the scariest problem with this is you don’t see it…it is everybody else’s problem),

    It intensifies you’re existent personality quirks into full blown negatives and ultimately weakness.

    Being emotionally drained is a lot like having to go the bathroom really bad. You hold it, your bladder is tight, everything makes you feel uncomfortable, and you really can’t enjoy anything until you relieve the pressure. You could be in the middle of your Christmas morning, your birthday, an awards ceremony… but if you really got to go it is almost impossible to enjoy the moment.


  • Garth Heckman

    The David Alliance

    BAM - watch them every Tuesday night on our Facebook page. This Week the Jezebel Spirit… and not just women have it.

    August Friday and Saturday 16th 17th End times conference at HillSpring Church sponsored by The David Alliance,

    Girls, guns and God

    Cloak and dagger Luke 22:36

    Females, Faith and Firearms

    Broads Bayonets and Bibles…

    Clara Butt one of the most world renowned singers in the late 1800’s early 1900’s traveled to Africa and after a concert went and found John G. Lake… Many of you know Lake was one of the greatest healing evangelists of our time. She had heard tell of a young 18 year old woman that was saved under John G Lakes ministry who would pray and then the presence of God would fall on here and she would play the piano and sing songs that were more pure, more pronounced than anything that anyone had ever heard. The lyrics were given supernaturally to this woman by the Holy Spirit and the notes that came out of her mouth were said to be more “pure”. If there is a middle C (and there is) she could sing an even more perfect clear, more precise middle C. The melodies and the vocal quality were like nothing anyone had ever heard before…

    Clara asked John G Lake if he could set up a meeting with her… and he did. The outcome was purely dynamic.. the young woman began to sing and Clara found herself in tears… weeping. She said “I have heard that there is a perfect note and you my dear sing them all”. She said I have no understanding nor have I ever been in the realm you sing in and sing about. It was perfection.

    Isaiah 61:1

    The Year of the Lord’s Favor

    1 sThe Spirit of the Lord GOD is upon me,

    because the LORD has tanointed me

    to bring good news to the poor;1

    he has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted,

    to proclaim liberty to the captives,

    and uthe opening of the prison to those who are bound;2

    Luke 4:18 “The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me,Because He has anointed MeTo preach the gospel to the poor;He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted,To proclaim liberty to the captivesAnd recovery of sight to the blind,To set at liberty those who are oppressed;


    To proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord.”

    In the OT the spirit of the Lord rested on only certain people… when Christ came it rested on him and we later see it resting on the disciples… almost as if they were renting the spirit while they were out on the town. But now that Christ has been born, died and resurrected….. Now its time for us to rest know that his spirit is not resting on us, but rather in us. But again, our job, our mission our goal is to enter into that space where his spirit centers us. We live in a realm of Gods victory… that sounds cheesy I know. But we rest, we live, we experience the flow of the Holy Spirit the way christ did.

    When Clara heard this young 18 year old girl come into the center of who the Holy Spirit was the music was literally astounding - unmatched. That is our continual job- to push into and experience that centering every day… is it possible? Yes? Can I do it… yes, Have I done it? A few times, but that is where I must push in for a very very long time. Thats the goal… to live centered in the perfect note, in his perfect grace.

  • Garth Heckman

    The David Alliance

    BAM - watch them every Tuesday night on our Facebook page. This Week the Jezebel Spirit… and not just women have it.

    August Friday and Saturday 16th 17th End times conference at HillSpring Church sponsored by The David Alliance,

    How do we live Godly in a Godless society?

    Two quick thoughts.. don’t expect non Christians to live like Christians… heck a lot of Christians don’t live like Christians… and secondly you can’t argue someone into the kingdom of God…

    Moses Respected Pharaoh

    Ripped out of his family…

    Raised, worked, lived and THRIVED in a secular environment.

    3 things:

    He Honored the powers over him without compromising his faith.

    He was willing to die for his belief

    His ultimate goal was to see people free

    Daniel Respected the King

    Ripped out of his family…

    Raised, worked, lived and THRIVED in a secular environment.

    3 things:

    - He did not argue over politics - but rather practiced his faith. (You can’t pray…) ok, he goes and prays.

    - He did not live according to their norms - diet but rather asked to be tested

    - He did not argue over his schooling. He was schooled in the dark arts and dark philosophy of his day.

    - Did you know Daniel was 80 years old when he was thrown into the pit of Lions???

    Shad Shack and Benny Respected the King

    Ripped out of his family…

    Raised, worked, lived and THRIVED in a secular environment.

    3 Things:

    - Friends of a feather/Father stick together

    - They Explained to their King their stance and even honored him in how they proclaimed it.

    - They had chosen ahead of time to serve God no matter what *before the tests came. Dan. 1:8

  • Garth Heckman

    The David Alliance

    BAM - watch them every Tuesday night on our Facebook page. This Week the Jezebel Spirit… and not just women have it.

    August Friday and Saturday 16th 17th End times conference at HillSpring Church sponsored by The David Alliance,

    This past week the NFL Kansas City Chiefs kicker Harrison Butler spoke at a commencement and took some heat for his remarks boldly proclaiming a pro-family, pro-God, and pro-life worldview.

    The backlash was intense. There were furious columns and very angry tweets. It was discussed and panned by ladies on morning television. The NFL distanced itself from the speech, issuing a statement that “his views are not those of the NFL as an organization.”

    And, most righteously, people thought he should be fired. A Change.org petition to “Demand the Kansas City Chiefs to Dismiss Harrison Butker for Discriminatory Remarks” had racked up more than 140,000 signatures by 5 p.m. Thursday (though it’s hard to tell how many are just 49ers fans).


    He praised his wife and Mother for their role in Motherhood and the media trashed him… did they mention his Mother was a physicist… no. HE PRAISED HIS WIFE FOR BEING THE STAY AT HOME MOTHER WHO MAKES THEIR LIFE POSSIBLE. The The New York Post said “you would have a hard time in any locker room wether it be Muslim or Christian not agreeing with him…. And if you cut all of those NFL Christians and Muslims you surely wouldn’t have enough atheists to fill the rosters.

    BTW - His NFL Jersey skyrocketed in sales.

    In a snapshot this gives such a great picture and insight into what we are facing.

    Middle of the road, conservative Xn views:

    Cause an inflammatory response.

    In a talk I give called the Power of Response I share the insight of Eastern Philosophy… Called

    A Mind like Water….

    Water always gives the proper response…

    But the world is not water LOL.

    We are not for a lack of things as the church to buttheads with the world over.




    Global warming

    Gender and Sexual diversity


    Christian Nationalism

    Family structure


    Biblical Authority

    Governmental trust and authority

    Social Justice


    Depraved AND Warped world?

    NOT ONLY LIVE - but win them to Christ?

    Joseph respected Pharaoh

    Ripped out of his family…

    Raised, worked, lived and THRIVED in a secular environment.

    3 things:

    He had a vision from God

    He Worked as if unto the Lord

    He Trusted all things would ultimately MGLG

  • Garth Heckman

    The David Alliance

    BAM - watch them every Tuesday night on our Facebook page. This Week the Jezebel Spirit… and not just women have it.

    August Friday and Saturday 16th 17th End times conference at HillSpring Church sponsored by The David Alliance,

    100 different games on the price is right… Plinko, high or low, Spin the wheel… but they all have one thing in common… all 100 deal with this one issue. How much does it cost.

    You know God makes the game simple. He tells us the price, the cost and he tells us the reward.

    Matthew 16

    21 From then on Jesus began to tell his disciples plainly that it was necessary for him to go to Jerusalem, and that he would suffer many terrible things at the hands of the elders, the leading priests, and the teachers of religious law. He would be killed, but on the third day he would be raised from the dead.

    22 But Peter took him aside and began to reprimand him for saying such things. “Heaven forbid, Lord,” he said. “This will never happen to you!”

    23 Jesus turned to Peter and said, “Get away from me, Satan! You are a dangerous trap to me. You are seeing things merely from a human point of view, not from God’s.”

    24 Then Jesus said to his disciples, “If any of you wants to be my follower, you must give up your own way, take up your cross, and follow me. 25 If you try to hang on to your life, you will lose it. But if you give up your life for my sake, you will save it. 26 And what do you benefit if you gain the whole world but lose your own soul? Is anything worth more than your soul? 27 For the Son of Man will come with his angels in the glory of his Father and will judge all people according to their deeds. 28 And I tell you the truth, some standing here right now will not die before they see the Son of Man coming in his Kingdom.”

    The price Jesus life.

    The cost our life.

    The reward is not just heaven but also according to our deeds.

    The price Jesus life - No way you can pay that back. The ultimate price.

    The cost our life. Yes we must now pick up our cross and lay down our life…. But in comparison to what Jesus paid, we got nothing to complain about. What an example he set for us. He never asks us to do something he didn’t also do.

    In the series “the last dance” the Michael Jordan story of his last year on the Bulls. There is a scene well into the series…. Maybe episode 7 where they are talking about how tough MJ was on his teammates… MJ gets emotional and says there is a price to pay for greatness, there is a price to pay for championships… he tears up and he says “they can say whatever they want to say about me, but They can never say that I ever asked them to do something that I didn’t do.

    Jesus never asks us to do something he never did… and he did it to the ultimate degree.

    The reward is not just heaven but also according to our deeds.

    All through scripture we see salvation, rewards and job placement in heaven due to our commitment to an all in mentality lifestyle in picking up our cross.

  • Garth Heckman

    The David Alliance

    BAM - watch them every Tuesday night on our Facebook page. This Week the Jezebel Spirit… and not just women have it.

    August Friday and Saturday 16th 17th End times conference at HillSpring Church sponsored by The David Alliance,

    The world will more and more think the church is out of its mind as we near the end times.

    We see whats happening

    We know whats happening

    We understand why its happening

    We understand that Spiritual Warfare is key…

    We understand there are demonic influences

    We understand that others will deny and mock

    We understand that the battle is real, eminent and embraced by a lost world… and yet many so called christians are upset at what is happening as if God hadn’t already told us.

    The war is in our head.

    The ammunition is simply lies…

    The only and primary defense is the truth and prayer.

    NOTE: we see both must be in relationship with Gods spirit.

    The beautiful thing about warfare is that you truly don’t know who you are or know what you need to work on until you choose to go to war. A man does not know who he is until he faces temptation. A woman does not know who she is until she faces the pull of insecurity or bitterness.

    Warfare forces us to choose make a choice:

    My opinion

    The worlds opinion


    Gods truth

    I find it interesting that many Christians get mad when you point to current issues as if you are making fun or those dying or being persecuted or in wars across the world. As if to say God is a God of love and he is not in favor of this story line. God is a god of love - but love includes justice, judgement, truth, punishment, discipline and we don’t get our way in Gods love…. Now… the truth and we may even call it the ugly truth is that God has preordained much of the suffering that is taking place and will take place. When someone naively says God would never do that… all one has to do is start reading Revelations and see what is starting to unfold right now in history… and more is to come.

    (Read judgements)

    Warfare is not pretty wether physical or spiritual.

    Eph. 6 18 seemingly

    The armor drops out of sight… but not the idea behind warfare!

    Ephesians 6:18 praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, being watchful to this end with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints—

    THE NAS says with this view

    Idea is… we know and see what is coming so pray up!


    “in the spirit is being in gods empowering presence”


    I as a human with limited understanding want Love and peace and joy and good times and flowers and milkshakes and corvettes for everyone and a skinny sexy wife the rest of my life and for everyone…. Ok a little over the top, but the point is - If im practicing living in Gods empowering presence… and I know the end that is coming… I see and understand things he sees…. There is not always an immediate happy ending.

    We are closing in on the start of the final days, end times, rapture… whatever you want to call it… but its here. Its happening real time…. So what do we do?

    V.18 PRAYING

    Praying… Pray with all manner of prayer

    Pray with all kinds of prayer

    Pray with all kinds of prayer that are available

    formal, silent, vocal, secret, public, petitionary, explosion’ary - sudden emergency, congregational.

    PRAYING ALWAYS… GK at each and every occasion, at every opportunity, every time you get a chance, et every season or at any possible moment.

    Pray… and why? So that we might aline ourselves up with Gods plans, his desires, his ultimate will. If you are upset at the war going on… then aline your life and actions to god… simply put- win someone to Christ… Now thats warfare.

    And how can I speak this with such frankness… because the very next verse is Paul asking for prayers to continue to preach the gospel.

  • Garth Heckman

    The David Alliance

    BAM - watch them every Tuesday night on our Facebook page. This Week the Jezebel Spirit… and not just women have it.

    August Friday and Saturday 16th 17th End times conference at HillSpring Church sponsored by The David Alliance,

    Oh I did it… and it was embarrassing… but the truth is I wasn’t there… Oh I was there… but truth be told, I wasn’t truly there.

    Doing a wedding… for the first 5 minutes the couple seemed uncomfortable…

    I was reading my wedding script… and using the names from the couple I had married a few weeks before…

    Gunther - Gebel Williams one of the all time greatest animal trainers ever was asked what is the most important advice he could give his son who is following in his footsteps… getting ready to pursue a career in lion taming. He simply said “be there”. What did he mean… he meant be there not just physically, but mentally. When you are in the ring with literally man eating animals… you can’t get caught up with the crying kid in the 4th row, the good looking woman in the provocative red dress in the first row. You can’t let the lights, the sound the the yelling vendors to distract you.

    NOW what if we took this to our world. Where ever you are don’t let it distract you mentally and Spiritually.

    When you are at church you can be happy and satisfied that you are there… you made it. But are you there mentally? Are you there spiritually? Are you THERE! What does God want to do right then and there…

    Isaiah 43:18-19“Remember not the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.

    Eph. 5:15 Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise,

    Careful/how you live - GK distinctly and with exactness perceive to discern… but for what? To know how to live…

    That seems pretty important!

    What if you simply asked God to start to teach you what is going on… in every area, every day, every way.

    Ask yourself God help me discern with exactness what is going on in politics, Israel, College Campus’s.

    Help me perceive what is going on in my son’s life. My wife’s life, my boss’s life.

    Help me understand and perceive with distinct detail why I think and feel this way about my pastor, my father…

    Help me understand why I am afraid of this… why I have a low self esteem, or feel volatile or I lash out….

    As God starts to show you with exact detail and insight you can than begin to ask him to help you change… You can ask him how this can make you more like his son.

  • ————

    Garth Heckman

    The David Alliance

    BAM - watch them every Tuesday night on our Facebook page. This Week the Jezebel Spirit… and not just women have it.

    August Friday and Saturday 16th 17th End times conference at HillSpring Church sponsored by The David Alliance,

    *They said it couldn’t be done… but I did it.


    Helping write and create a program for them for churches… I will get to do some traveling for them, get some more great training… make some money… but I also get to preach the gospel and create a system for other churches to preach the gospel.

    1 Cor.11

    23 For I received from the Lord that which I also delivered to you: that the Lord Jesus on the same night in which He was betrayed took bread; 24 and when He had given thanks, He broke it and said, [d]“Take, eat; this is My body which is [e]broken for you; do this in remembrance of Me.” 25 In the same manner He also took the cup after supper, saying, “This cup is the new covenant in My blood. This do, as often as you drink it, in remembrance of Me.”

    26 For as often as you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the Lord’s death till He comes.

    Do this in remembrance of me…

    The disciples are confused at best at this point.

    But once Christ is crucified it starts to make a little more sense.

    When they are called to give up their life….. Hold that thought.

    What do you think of when you take communion?

    It is a blood ritual… you are signing on to give up your life for Jesus just like Jesus did.

    This is the blood of the new covenant… Jesus said, your new life is dependent on my death… I must spill my blood in order for you to be forgiven… and in doing so - if you accept this new covenant you will be also accepting the right of death to follow him.

  • Garth Heckman

    The David Alliance

    BAM - watch them every Tuesday night on our Facebook page. This Week the Jezebel Spirit… and not just women have it.

    August Friday and Saturday 16th 17th End times conference at HillSpring Church sponsored by The David Alliance,

    Ephesians 6:14 Stand therefore, having girded your waist with truth, having put on the breastplate of righteousness, 15 and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace; 16 above all, taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one. 17 And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God;

    The Sword of the Spirit…

    The sword is furnished by the Spirit of God. You can have the word of God… but it takes wielding of the Holy Spirit to make it the sword of the spirit.

    How much is this basketball worth in my hands?

    A wilson official NBA game ball is worth about $200

    How much is it worth today in Lebron James hands? 75 Million.

    How powerful is the word of God in my hands?

    How powerful is the word of God in the HS hands?


    CONFUSED? Is the belt OR the sword the word of God?

    The key word here is TAKE UP GK = Dek-om-ay

    To receive or welcome

    Receive and welcome God’s word in the hands of Holy Spirit…

    The belt is Gods word…

    The Sword is Gods word spoken by the Holy Spirit


    Hebrews 4:12 For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.

    TWO EDGED GK di-stomos

    Di - two

    Stomos - mouth



    We allow Gods written Word in which we have taken in to be used by the Holy Spirit. We welcome it, we expect it to become a Rhema word. And we see here that we welcome it to divide our thoughts, emotions, will and plans…

    Its like this… it is one thing to have your sister tell you to clean up your room. Its a good sentiment, and she means well but it has little impact on you. There is no true motivation to follow through. These are her words… but if she comes into your room and says I just got off the phone with Mom and she said she will be home in 10 minutes and she expects your room to be cleaned or you are grounded… well now there are two mouths speaking. Your sister and your mother. And you guessed it, you will clean your room.

    The more I take in Gods word, the more the Holy Spirit can use it in my life and in my battles. Dolnt walk around with a sheath that has no sword in it for the Holy Spirit to wield. TAKE UP, WELCOME AND RECEIVE THE WORD OF GOD FOR THE HOLY SPIRIT TO USE.

  • Garth Heckman

    The David Alliance

    BAM - watch them every Tuesday night on our Facebook page. This Week the Jezebel Spirit… and not just women have it.

    August Friday and Saturday 16th 17th End times conference at HillSpring Church sponsored by The David Alliance,

    Whats your greatest temptation… mine? Simple and its not sex… My wife is good to me. It is a Chocolate cream filled donut… I believe its a Bavarian creme type… the donut itself is chocolate dough, the frosting is chocolate and the filing is white cream filled… I really don’t know the actual name of this donut… but I will eat them at any time, any where and any place.

    Matthew 4 Jesus was tempted by satan…

    Satan tempted Jesus… why?

    Did he really think he would win this fight with Jesus… he would actually pull one over on Jesus… why again… why would he even try?

    We hear often that Jesus laid down his humanity and became man. He then lived a sinless life by relying on the Holy Spirit. What am I trying to say? satan’s behavior agrees with this. He sees Jesus as a man, vulnerable… just like any other human… he believes it is possible to get Jesus to sin… Look he didn’t tempt him in heaven? But when he sees that he truly laid down his God nature, gave up his deity while here on earth… satan was like “game on”.

    And satan threw everything including the kitchen sink at him.

    He was tested body, soul and spirit…

    Body - his fleshly appetite

    Soul - His ego his reputation

    Spirit - who he would worship

    Hebrews 4:15 says Jesus was tempted in every way….

    Again I just can’t get over how ballsy it seems to tempt satan… but my mind struggles to see Jesus as human… but he was. With this truth in mind… my excuses as to why I sin, struggle and fall are up in flames… Jesus was a man… Im a man…

    Jesus depended on the Holy Spirit and was sinless

    Garth depends on the Holy Spirit and is kinda, a little, well trying… ok, Im not sinless. Im not saying it’s not impossible… but I also honestly know I don’t always rely in all areas on the Holy Spirit like I should.

    My point is this - Jesus was a man just like you.

    You are a man just like Jesus.

    Jesus lived sinless by dependance on the HS

    You and I can live sinless by dependence on the HS

  • Garth Heckman

    The David Alliance

    BAM - watch them every Tuesday night on our Facebook page. This Week the Jezebel Spirit… and not just women have it.

    August Friday and Saturday 16th 17th End times conference at HillSpring Church sponsored by The David Alliance,

    I don’t like being confronted…

    I love being confronted…

    What do I mean… well most times when people confront you they are being highly emotional and they are trying to bully you… They attack you and not the topic, they try to push your buttons…

    But then there are other times when I love confrontation… let me explain.

    There is no story, there is no miracle there is no God moment without a confrontation.

    There is no miracle without a confrontation…

    The red sea - confronted with a decision…

    Do we fight? Surrender? Swim?…

    The feeding of the 5000… do we just eat the food, do we send the people away…

    Peter chained in prison.. do I quit preaching… Do I deny my faith…

    Elijah and the prophets of Baal (after jezebel killed gods prophets)… do I let the children of Israel serve Baal, Do I give in, do I throw down

    Samson blind and mocked… do I just take it

    The blind man yelling at Jesus… does Jesus reprimand him, does Jesus keep walking…

    The prostitute at Jesus feet… Does Jesus call her out, don’t touch me,

    The samaritan begging for crumbs…

    Whats your confrontation…

    Is it a marriage issue?

    Is it a child issue?

    Is it a money issue?

    Is it a health issue?

    Is it a work issue… or Boss issue?

    Is it an issue of your beliefs on abortion, the USA, the Bible, guns, LGBQTRXYZ crazy.

    You know how you hate confrontation with others… its never fun, its always a little uncomfortable… but it can be a great tool in growth.

    However today you are the one confronting you on what you believe and how you will act.

    And if you are serious about it- it should be just as uncomfortable -

    So this year I have been confronted with issues regarding my ministry… my health, my marriage…

    When I am confronted with a decision of trusting and moving forward or choosing option BCDEF….

    At that moment of confrontation I must ask myself one simple question: Do I want to be more free (DO I WANT TO EXPERIENCE MORE FREEDOM IN MY LIFE) or more enslaved.

    So I Create a case in my head of what happens if I do not respond to this confrontation correctly and in a Godly way?

    Put yourself in a spot where you realize I MUST LEAN INTO GOD AND TRUST HIM THROUGH THIS CONFRONTATION.

    One of the best exercises one of my professors did in Bible college was to have a class of men write out what happens if you are confronted with the option of having an affair… and you say yes.

    I wrote mine out in 5 minutes… handed it in, he said not good enough. You didn’t think it through… so I went back and the HS gave me a download of that confrontation…

    I PROMISE YOU… I PROMISE YOU… after that I knew I would never have an affair… I saw I tasted what enslavement would be like in that decision.

    But here is the kicker when you look at most confrontations in scripture and your own life… others are looking on at how you will handle confrontation.

    EX. 14 The Children of Israel scream at Moses… you brought us all the way out here to die… we could have stayed back in Egypt to die…

    Moses basically says… God will use this confrontation to not only free us, but to eradicate all of our enemies who are pursuing us.

  • Garth Heckman

    The David Alliance

    BAM - watch them every Tuesday night on our Facebook page. This Week the Jezebel Spirit… and not just women have it.

    August Friday and Saturday 16th 17th End times conference at HillSpring Church sponsored by The David Alliance,

    I take blood pressure medication… Yes, I have high blood pressure. But not because I have a bad heart or high cholesterol or plaque in my arteries.. actually they look great, clear as a bell… but my heart is enlarged… my atrium is to big… and thats where we are going today.

    Hey ever read scripture and get a heart check? When they were looking to find out why I had high blood pressure it was a little bit of a riddle until they took a sonogram of my heart… which was a great day because I led my Muslim Doctor to Christ… story for another day. But they did all kinds of tests checking my heart…. When I read scripture I get heart checks like that… and here is one today for us.

    Exodus 32:7 The Lord told Moses, “Quick! Go down the mountain! Your people whom you brought from the land of Egypt have corrupted themselves. 8 How quickly they have turned away from the way I commanded them to live! They have melted down gold and made a calf, and they have bowed down and sacrificed to it. They are saying, ‘These are your gods, O Israel, who brought you out of the land of Egypt.’”

    9 Then the Lord said, “I have seen how stubborn and rebellious these people are. 10 Now leave me alone so my fierce anger can blaze against them, and I will destroy them. Then I will make you, Moses, into a great nation.”

    WE can see 3 things clearly here in scripture regarding Man, God and Those greatly used by God.

    -1 Men can do stupid things…. Israel created their own God.. a golden statue… This is after their current God (YWHY- the true and real God) just led them out of Egypt, spit the read sea, drowned their enemies, gave them gold, jewelry, food and booty in their exit… but hey, you know… its just not good enough. Yes we all can do stupid things… and quite regularly for some of us.

    -2 God can get mad! We see in scripture where Jesus gets mad. He turned over tables, he cussed out the pharisees and sadducees. He threw over tables, he swung a whip around chasing people out of the temple.

    Which means… we can get God mad. Thats a thought we should reflect on… maybe a later podcast. But here in Exodus we see God wants to wipe out the nation of Israel and start over.

    Wow… Im not saying that it sounds like God is pouting… but, well… this is an extreme response in my mind… which leads us to the 3rd things we see in this scripture.

    -3 Moses is given an amazing offer. God says I will make you the father of a great nation… First just let me wipe out Israel. Next I will give you the ability to impregnate some women… I guess right? Your family tree will grow and grow and grow and you will take over from where the other generation blew it….

    How many would jump at that opportunity. But maybe one of the most impressive and most humble and maybe one of the most “God responses” in scripture… Moses says

    11 But Moses tried to pacify the Lord his God. “O Lord!” he said. “Why are you so angry with your own people whom you brought from the land of Egypt with such great power and such a strong hand? 12 Why let the Egyptians say, ‘Their God rescued them with the evil intention of slaughtering them in the mountains and wiping them from the face of the earth’? Turn away from your fierce anger. Change your mind about this terrible disaster you have threatened against your people! 13 Remember your servants Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. You bound yourself with an oath to them, saying, ‘I will make your descendants as numerous as the stars of heaven. And I will give them all of this land that I have promised to your descendants, and they will possess it forever.’”

    14 So the Lord changed his mind about the terrible disaster he had threatened to bring on his people.

    Moses could be handed an amazing future, an amazing legacy, an amazing story… I am sure it would have fed just about anyones ego… (yeah God, Im so much better than those sinners… kill’em all and lets do this) But not Moses, his heart was for the salvation of those people.

    What dream, goal hope would you trade to see more people come to Jesus…

    I am some day going to own 2 or 3 corvettes… at 58, a 63 split window and a 68 removable hard top or T top. Would I trade those dreams for more people to come to Christ? Would I trade my future dream home and cars and guns and boats and the ability to spoil my parents and my kids… would I trade all that to see more people come to Christ….

    But don’t miss the point… these “people” are a pain in the butt to Moses… they cause him nothing but trouble, they whine, they complain, they don’t follow rules or Gods word… they want a different leader than Moses… would you give up your future promise for those people?

    You know the people that drive you crazy… they talk behind your back, they gossip, they want nothing more than to see you fail, fall and fizzle out. They revel in your loss… would you give up your dreams for those people to come to Christ?

    HEART CHECK… lets put that at the top of our prayer list….

  • Garth Heckman

    The David Alliance

    BAM - watch them every Tuesday night on our Facebook page.

    August Friday and Saturday 16th 17th End times conference at HillSpring Church sponsored by The David Alliance,

    One of the scams happening is you get a bill via email that says you need to pay your bill for your anti virus provider… which is kind of funny that a scammer is scamming you pretend to help you not get scammed… But kind of do the same thing in our spiritual walk.

    Romans 9:30 What then shall we say? That the Gentiles, who did not pursue righteousness, have obtained it, a righteousness that is by faith; 31 but the people of Israel, who pursued the law as the way of righteousness, have not attained their goal. 32 Why not? Because they pursued it not by faith but as if it were by works. They stumbled over the stumbling stone.

    Think of it… God paid the bill, and the jews still send him a bill…. What do I mean exactly?

    Same salvation for both Jews and Gentiles… but we go after it different ways. The Jews tried to earn it through the law… Gentiles had to receive it by faith…

    WE still tend to receive it and then add our own law… but this verse says.. you can’t bill God. You can’t send God a bill saying… hey I did this, I did this, Im good, Im better than most, so you need to give me this….

    The Jews tried to please God by pleasing God… I know right.But thats the truth. They failed to realize that you cannot obtain right standing with God by what you do…

    Yes we hear a lot about right standing with God.. yes we need to pursue this… but not by our own efforts… but rather by acknowledging to God that we cannot do it without him.

    So what pleases God? Choosing to rely on him in order to please him.

    How do you live a sinless life?

    How do you heal people?

    How do you not lust?

    How do you not be greedy?

    How do you respond in love to those who hurt you?

    You don’t earn it.

    You can’t send him a bill showing him how well you have behaved….

    BUT YOU CAN SEND HIM A BILL MARKED PAID… of course he is the one who paid it with his own blood, but it is as good as paid if you trust that he paid it.

  • Garth Heckman

    The David Alliance

    BAM - watch them every Tuesday night on our Facebook page.

    August Friday and Saturday 16th 17th End times conference at HillSpring Church sponsored by The David Alliance,

    Renew your mind…

    Welp… you heard it here first. Its all on you. You are to blame or to bless… but again its clear…YOU renew your mind… don’t blame me.

    If you go to the gym one day for 3 hours… you will not change one bit… but you will be very tired.

    If you go 3 days… no change

    If you go 3 weeks… no change

    If you go 3 months… a little change

    If you go 3 years… you may not believe what you look like

    And in some type of twilight zone world if you could work out your whole life and compare it to you not working out your whole life… you would not recognize yourself.

    Romans 12:2

    Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.

    New Living Translation

    Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.

    Look we all have seen kids just succumb to conformity… they slowly dress, talk, act like all the other cool kids… maybe if its our kid we think its harmless… or maybe we put a stop to it… but what is most baffling to me - I hang around a lot of men who are just as easily swept up into conformity…

    They watch the same crap, they have the same lazy schedule, they drink the same stuff at the same time at the same place, they complain about the same things, they dream of the same things, they have the same wishes and fears….

    Dude, you are just like everyone else. You have conformed to the pattern of this world.

    What if I told you that you don't have to have all your wishes granted or all your dreams come true to be fulfilled and to have a life that drives you with enthusiasm.

    But its up to you.

    You renew your mind…

    The truth is we are all renewing our mind.. its just some of us are renewing it with fodder, garbage, the mundane.

    Whats the outcome of a happy life? Simple we know and do the will of God. If I am living in Gods will I know I will feel fulfilled, I know I have a purpose greater than myself… I know I am driven by the supernatural and empowered by GOd… and how does this happen… oh yea, what does the verse say? By the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and know Gods perfect will…

    If you renew your mind one day for 3 hours… you will not change one bit… but you will be very tired.

    If you renew 3 days… no change

    If you renew 3 weeks… little to no change

    If you renew 3 months… a little change

    If you go 3 years… you may not believe what you turn into

    And in some type of twilight zone world if you could renew your mind for your whole life and compare it to you not renewing your whole life… you would not recognize yourself.

  • Garth Heckman

    The David Alliance

    BAM - watch them every Tuesday night on our Facebook page.

    August Friday and Saturday 16th 17th End times conference at HillSpring Church sponsored by The David Alliance,

    When I was a kid I thought burning my hand was the worst pain you could ever have. At the time it was in fact the worst pain I had ever experienced. Time when by… I tore my achilles… that hurt, then I broke my neck and I had bolts put in my head… thats gotta be the worst pain in the world…. Nah, were just warming up.

    I have had 18 surgeries, I have had 16 hernias… 14 all at once. 16 months of chemo… and so so much more… and now rehabbing my shoulder every day… every day… every day…

    Now I have a whole new respect for the NFL Quarterback Alex Smith… 18 surgeries just on his leg. Fighting a flesh eating disease racing to his organs… an open wound… and I mean if you have seen the pictures… it is utterly graphic… open to the bone, muscles and ligaments exposed for weeks…

    But thats only one kind of pain… no one likes physical pain. But do you remember that break up, or that fight with your spouse. You remember the pain of watching your kids get hurt. The pain of losing your job, not being able to pay bills. Maybe you have pain from following Christ… you get mocked, you get fired, you get martyred… is it worth it?

    2 Corinthians 4:17,18For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory; …

    You gotta love the apostle Paul and I hope we can all live up to this verse. Here is a follower of Christ who has been

    2 Cor. 11:in labors more abundant, in stripes above measure, in prisons more frequently, in deaths often. 24 From the Jews five times I received forty stripes minus one. 25 Three times I was beaten with rods; once I was stoned; three times I was shipwrecked; a night and a day I have been in the deep; 26 in journeys often, in perils of waters, in perils of robbers, in perils of my own countrymen, in perils of the Gentiles, in perils in the city, in perils in the wilderness, in perils in the sea, in perils among false brethren; 27 in weariness and toil, in sleeplessness often, in hunger and thirst, in fastings often, in cold and nakedness— 28 besides the other things, what comes upon me daily: my deep concern for all the churches. 29 Who is weak, and I am not weak?

    And he says… eh it was just for a moment compared to the glory we will experience.

    Rom. 8:18

    I am sure what we are suffering now cannot compare with the glory that will be shown to us.

    Scarface… Tony Montana meets Frank his boss for the first time… Tony just about got cut up to pieces with a chainsaw… within the first meeting Frank says “not to mention that job you did for me… with that SOB….

    You don’t have to mention it… That was fun…

    Ok Frank….

    I got a feeling when we get up to heaven it might happen that Jesus says “welcome, and thanks for that job you did for me… well done thy good and faithful… AND YOU WILL INTERRUPT HIM LOOKING AROUND AT HEAVEN, AT JESUS AT THE FATHER… AND YOU WILL REALIZE… THAT WAS FUN… YOU DON’T HAVE TO MENTION IT… WHAT WAS FUN.

    When will we get it through our thick skulls, he is worthy… no matter what. No matter what… no matter what… whatever happens… take your best shot, hurt me, my family, my loved ones… He is worth it.

    Ok Frank?