Co-Hosts: Steve Macchia and Matt Scott
“Courage is not found in the human strength required to vault but in the Spirit’s power that comes alive in the decision to persevere.” - Steve Macchia
We’ve all experienced heartache and sorrow in our lives. And to resolve that our pain will not be wasted requires great courage, resilience, and trust. This episode of The Discerning Leader podcast explores how we view our wounds, our disappointments, our suffering, and our pain. Listen in and receive wisdom and encouragement to remember that God can and will redeem our pain.
Join the conversation about spiritual discernment as a way of life at www.LeadershipTransformations.org and consider participation in our online and in-person program offerings. Additional LTI spiritual formation resources can be found at www.SpiritualFormationStore.com and www.ruleoflife.com and www.healthychurch.net.
Co-Hosts: Steve Macchia and Matt Scott
“Hope in the heart breeds generosity unmeasured.” - Steve Macchia
How do we hold onto hope in times of despair? This episode of The Discerning Leader podcast explores how we can hold fast to hope by believing, trusting, and resting in a God who is unfailing in His power and promises. If you're needing a renewed sense of hope amidst the challenges of daily living, this conversation will pour courage into your soul.
Join the conversation about spiritual discernment as a way of life at www.LeadershipTransformations.org and consider participation in our online and in-person program offerings. Additional LTI spiritual formation resources can be found at www.SpiritualFormationStore.com and www.ruleoflife.com and www.healthychurch.net.
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Co-Hosts: Steve Macchia and Matt Scott
“Living lovingly, freely and with trust is always the best posture.” - Steve Macchia
How do we combat the urge to assert our giftedness, competency and wisdom? This episode of The Discerning Leader podcast explores some of the pitfalls of needing to be needed and wanting to be wanted. Learning to live and lead from a place of trusting that God loves us, forgives us, knows us and accepts us is foundational to serving others from a humble heart.
Join the conversation about spiritual discernment as a way of life at www.LeadershipTransformations.org and consider participation in our online and in-person program offerings. Additional LTI spiritual formation resources can be found at www.SpiritualFormationStore.com and www.ruleoflife.com and www.healthychurch.net.
Co-hosts: Steve Macchia and Matt Scott
“We can embrace our propensity toward worry, anxiety and fear and find our restoration in the peaceful presence of Christ.” - Steve Macchia
God is a God of peace and rest. And yet, we spend many of life’s moments fearful, anxious, worried, and longing for peace. This episode of The Discerning Leader podcast invites you to consider how the messengers of fear, anxiety, and worry can reveal the deep places of our soul. Tune into this conversation and receive God’s invitation into more peace, less anxiety, and true rest for your soul.
Join the conversation about spiritual discernment as a way of life at www.LeadershipTransformations.org and consider participation in our online and in-person program offerings. Additional LTI spiritual formation resources can be found at www.SpiritualFormationStore.com and www.ruleoflife.com and www.healthychurch.net.
Co-Hosts: Steve Macchia & Matt Scott
“To avoid truth is to embrace a false reality, which can lead us into the downward spiral of deception.” - Steve Macchia
Many of us have a hard time accepting Jesus’ claim ‘The truth will set you free.’ We feel that if people knew the deepest and most broken parts of us, we would be abandoned, discarded, rejected or exploited. This episode of The Discerning Leader podcast explores how the painful and discomforting act of truth-telling indeed liberates and sets us free. And as we do so, we are reconciled to God, to one another and to ourselves.
Join the conversation about spiritual discernment as a way of life at www.LeadershipTransformations.org and consider participation in our online and in-person program offerings. Additional LTI spiritual formation resources can be found at www.SpiritualFormationStore.com and www.ruleoflife.com and www.healthychurch.net.
Co-Hosts: Steve Macchia & Matt Scott
“Deep trust in God leads us out of an angry disposition into a Christ-centered redemption.” - Steve Macchia
How do we engage the emotion of anger and its accompanying behaviors? Rather than suppress, avoid or dismiss our anger, this podcast conversation invites you to be curious about its root and source. As we approach our anger with empathy and compassion, we can feel it’s power subside as we begin to embody the gentleness and grace of God toward others.
Join the conversation about spiritual discernment as a way of life at www.LeadershipTransformations.org and consider participation in our online and in-person program offerings. Additional LTI spiritual formation resources can be found at www.SpiritualFormationStore.com and www.ruleoflife.com and www.healthychurch.net.
Co-Hosts: Steve Macchia & Matt Scott
“The one who seeks solitude without fellowship perishes in the abyss of vanity, self-infatuation, and despair.” - Steve Macchia
How easy it is to become self-absorbed, self-focused, self-promoting, self-centered and self-gratifying. Too often, we get fixated on ourselves and totally miss others. And although we are made for community and designed to be in relationship with others, we often believe that if we don’t care for ourselves, no one else will. This episode explores the relationship between solitude and fellowship, inviting you to experience the fullness of kingdom community.
Join the conversation about spiritual discernment as a way of life at www.LeadershipTransformations.org and consider participation in our online and in-person program offerings. Additional LTI spiritual formation resources can be found at www.SpiritualFormationStore.com and www.ruleoflife.com and www.healthychurch.net.
Co-Hosts: Steve Macchia & Matt Scott
“One thing that’s pretty consistently true about every rude person is that they must set the agenda and be in control.” - Steve Macchia
Rudeness is expressed through our efforts to manipulate, monitor, and manage people and circumstances surrounding us. It flows from our compulsions to set the agenda and maintain control. Is it maddening? Yes, indeed. And it can lead to great hurt and harm in our families, teams, and church relationships. This podcast conversation looks at how we can live out Paul’s charge to the Corinthians: “love is not rude.”
Join the conversation about spiritual discernment as a way of life at www.LeadershipTransformations.org and consider participation in our online and in-person program offerings. Additional LTI spiritual formation resources can be found at www.SpiritualFormationStore.com and www.ruleoflife.com and www.healthychurch.net.
Co-Hosts: Steve Macchia & Matt Scott
“We’re called to abandon our self-centered ways of living and invite God’s Spirit to replace them with generous humility.” - Steve Macchia
Looking at St. Benedict’s ‘Ladder of Humility’, Steve Macchia and Matt Scott discuss ways that we can love one another without pride. Additionally, this episode explores how abandonment, contentment, and integration lead to lasting transformation that allows us to generously love and serve others.
Join the conversation about spiritual discernment as a way of life at www.LeadershipTransformations.org and consider participation in our online and in-person program offerings. Additional LTI spiritual formation resources can be found at www.SpiritualFormationStore.com and www.ruleoflife.com and www.healthychurch.net.
Co-hosts: Steve Macchia and Matt Scott
“Our independence and self-focus are destroying community and instead are building fences that keep us apart.” - Steve Macchia
Competition exists in our churches and ministries because it exists in each of us. We’ve been taught in our culture to take care of, promote, watch out for and provide for the ‘almighty’ self. So, how do we combat the temptation to live a self-referenced and superlative life? This episode of The Discerning Leader podcast looks at the spiritual practice of attachment/detachment to help free you from a boastful and competitive spirit.
Join the conversation about spiritual discernment as a way of life at www.LeadershipTransformations.org and consider participation in our online and in-person program offerings. Additional LTI spiritual formation resources can be found at www.SpiritualFormationStore.com and www.ruleoflife.com and www.healthychurch.net.
Co-Hosts: Steve Macchia and Matt Scott
“Envy is accompanied by her friend jealousy, and when combined, they make for ugly companionship in the soul.” - Steve Macchia
In an age where we scroll through feeds of life’s curated moments, we’re all susceptible to envy and jealousy. We fear that we’re missing out, that we’re not reaching our fullest potential, that God might be withholding good things from us, and can even begin to resent others for their perceived success. How do we stand against the temptations of envy and jealousy? This episode offers practical suggestions for living a life that’s marked by gratitude and contentment.
Join the conversation about spiritual discernment as a way of life at www.LeadershipTransformations.org and consider participation in our online and in-person program offerings. Additional LTI spiritual formation resources can be found at www.SpiritualFormationStore.com and www.ruleoflife.com and www.healthychurch.net.
Co-Hosts: Steve Macchia and Matt Scott
“What would it look like for patience to reside within us and be embodied in us as we go through everyday life?”-Matt Scott
Leaders face endless circumstances and situations that test their patience. Challenging personalities, team conflict, economic downturns and relational dynamics are but a few realities that solicit impatience. This episode of The Discerning Leader podcast explores how we can embody patience and kindness amidst the stressful, difficult, and challenging circumstances we all face. In addition, Steve and Matt discusshow Sabbath combats our impatience and movesus towards becoming kind and loving followers of Jesus.
Join the conversation about spiritual discernment as a way of life at www.LeadershipTransformations.org and consider participation in our online and in-person program offerings. Additional LTI spiritual formation resources can be found at www.SpiritualFormationStore.com and www.ruleoflife.com and www.healthychurch.net.
Co-hosts: Steve Macchia and Matt Scott
“We must be honest and embrace our brokenness on the way to wholeness.” — Steve Macchia
By embracing and befriending our own brokenness, we can find true wholeness in God’s strength. Season 34 takes a chapter-by-chapter look at Stephen Macchia’s Broken and Whole: A Leader’s Path to Spiritual Transformation. In episode 01, Steve Macchia and Matt Scott offer a candid conversation about what it looks like to befriend the broken and blessed reality of our lives.
Join the conversation about spiritual discernment as a way of life at www.LeadershipTransformations.org and consider participation in our online and in-person program offerings. Additional LTI spiritual formation resources can be found at www.SpiritualFormationStore.com and www.ruleoflife.com and www.healthychurch.net.
Co-Hosts: Steve Macchia and Matt Scott
“Once we begin to notice God, we can’t help but give thanks to God for his good gifts. Gratitude begins to bubble up within.”—Steve Macchia
This final episode of the year invites you to close out 2024 with a Year-End Examen. Practiced daily, the Examen is an ancient, spiritual practice that can help us see God’s hand at work in our whole experience. In this reflective exercise, you're invited to take time to deliberately notice God through the internal thoughts and external events of the past year.
Join the conversation about spiritual discernment as a way of life at www.LeadershipTransformations.org and consider participation in our online and in-person program offerings. Additional LTI spiritual formation resources can be found at www.SpiritualFormationStore.com and www.ruleoflife.com and www.healthychurch.net.
“I’m so grateful for how He redeems. Sometimes we have to wait a long, long time for His redemptive work to come to reality. But it’s worth the wait.” —Steve Macchia
In the final episode of Season 33, Steve Macchia and Matt Scott discuss the names of Jesus and the comfort we find in knowing that God became flesh and lived among us. This conversation looks at the fulfillment of prophetic promises and the way Jesus’ life on earth showed us the fullness of God in human form.
Join the conversation about spiritual discernment as a way of life at www.LeadershipTransformations.org and consider participation in our online and in-person program offerings. Additional LTI spiritual formation resources can be found at www.SpiritualFormationStore.com and www.ruleoflife.com and www.healthychurch.net.
Co-Hosts: Steve Macchia and Matt Scott
“A glimpse of light shines in the darkness, a future reality for us to hang our hats on. And it’s called hope.” —Steve Macchia
With all the joyous anticipation of the Advent season, we’re still faced with the reality of surrounding darkness and despair. This episode of The Discerning Leader podcast features a conversation that offers practical and intentional ways to anchor our souls in the hope and light that is Emmanuel, God with us.
Join the conversation about spiritual discernment as a way of life at www.LeadershipTransformations.org and consider participation in our online and in-person program offerings. Additional LTI spiritual formation resources can be found at www.SpiritualFormationStore.com and www.ruleoflife.com and www.healthychurch.net.
Co-Hosts: Steve Macchia and Matt Scott
“We want his healing, his strength, his comfort, his mercy. We want the gifts that only he can provide for us as we find ourselves hurting and sometimes, hopeless.” —Steve Macchia
Healing for others. Healing from sickness. Healing in our communities. We long to see the healing power of God in our lives and in the lives of those whom we love. What does it look like to pray for healing? Episode 02 of Season 33 invites you to lift your eyes heavenward and look to Christ for healing in our bodies, minds, and souls.
Join the conversation about spiritual discernment as a way of life at www.LeadershipTransformations.org and consider participation in our online and in-person program offerings. Additional LTI spiritual formation resources can be found at www.SpiritualFormationStore.com and www.ruleoflife.com and www.healthychurch.net.
Co-Hosts: Steve Macchia & Matt Scott
“Everybody has a bucket of tears right next to them, and we need to acknowledge for each of us, there’s heartache, pain, suffering, and sorrow. And those don’t come to an end just because it’s Christmas.” —Steve Macchia
Season 33 begins with an invitation to notice this Advent season what often goes unattended: our heartache and hunger. Are you facing overwhelming grief? Do you have unmet longings and desires? Have you lifted up prayers that seemingly remain unanswered? In this conversation, Steve Macchia and Matt Scott invite you to consider the hopeful reality that God is with us and lovingly meets us in the deepest longings of our soul.
Join the conversation about spiritual discernment as a way of life at www.LeadershipTransformations.org and consider participation in our online and in-person program offerings. Additional LTI spiritual formation resources can be found at www.SpiritualFormationStore.com and www.ruleoflife.com and www.healthychurch.net.
Host: Steve Macchia, Guest: Rich Villodas
“The greatest gift we offer the world around us is our ongoing transformation in Jesus Christ.” - Rich Villodas
In this special edition episode of The Discerning Leader podcast, Steve Macchia sits down with author, speaker, and pastor Rich Villodas. Their conversation explores how to order our lives around a particular pace, grow a capacity for interior examination, and live a deeply formed life through spiritual practices. You don’t want to miss this conversation!
Join the conversation about spiritual discernment as a way of life at www.LeadershipTransformations.org and consider participation in our online and in-person program offerings. Additional LTI spiritual formation resources can be found at www.SpiritualFormationStore.com and www.ruleoflife.com and www.healthychurch.net.
Host: Steve Macchia, Guest: A.J. Swoboda
“The invitation to sabbath offends just about everything we value as Americans.” - AJ Swoboda
In this special edition episode of The Discerning Leader podcast, Steve Macchia has a conversation with AJ Swoboda, writer, professor and pastor. AJ shares about the subversive power of sabbath, how we can care for creation, and the formative power of our daily patterns and habits.
Join the conversation about spiritual discernment as a way of life at www.LeadershipTransformations.org and consider participation in our online and in-person program offerings. Additional LTI spiritual formation resources can be found at www.SpiritualFormationStore.com and www.ruleoflife.com and www.healthychurch.net.
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