
  • Welcome to The Doula's Guide To... Podcast, season 2 episode 25. A lovely little chat this week with some ideas for your initial postpartum period to help ease into parenthood feeling supported, held and nourished.

    *Please note this podcast is not medical advice, all opinions are my own

    Links mentioned in this episode:

    Meal train ideas: click here

    The lost art of postnatal wrapping by Sophie Messager: click here

    Closing the Bones practicioner: click here

    Sitz Bath recommendation: click here

    NEW! Join my mailing list here - thedungareedoula.substack.com

    Click here to find out more about my brand new prerecorded online courses: thedungareedoula.co.uk/onlinecourse

    Use code 'PODCAST' for 20% off!

    Love the podcast? support me by leaving a tip via buy me a ko-fi: ko-fi.com/thedungareedoula

    Book a Power Hour: calendly.com/thedungareedoula/power-hour?month=2024-02

    If you enjoyed the episode please give it a like, review and click follow so you never miss out!

    New episodes are out every Friday at 7am so stick around.

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  • Welcome to The Doula's Guide To... Podcast, season 2 episode 24. In this episode I'm talking about amniotomy, AKA having your waters broken artificially. Now hear me out on this one, you might think it's not relevant to you because you're not planning on being induced, but this is happening more and more frequently in spontaneous labours as well as induced labours and it could serve you really well to understand why!

    *Please note this podcast is not medical advice, all opinions are my own

    Links mentioned in this episode:

    Cochrane review "Amniotomy for shortening spontaneous labour" - click here

    Risk Factors for Umbilical Cord Prolapse at the Time of Artificial Rupture of Membranes - click here

    In Defence of the Amniotic Sac - click here

    NEW! Join my mailing list here - thedungareedoula.substack.com

    Click here to find out more about my brand new prerecorded online courses: thedungareedoula.co.uk/onlinecourse

    Use code 'PODCAST' for 20% off!

    Love the podcast? support me by leaving a tip via buy me a ko-fi: ko-fi.com/thedungareedoula

    Book a Power Hour: calendly.com/thedungareedoula/power-hour?month=2024-02

    If you enjoyed the episode please give it a like, review and click follow so you never miss out!

    New episodes are out every Friday at 7am so stick around.

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  • Welcome to The Doula's Guide To... Podcast, season 2 episode 23. In this episode I'm talking about babywearing, one of my fave topics everrrrrr. I talk about why babywearing is such a magical parenting tool, how to get started, choosing a sling, safe babywearing and so much more. I hope you love listening.

    *Please note this podcast is not medical advice, all opinions are my own

    Links mentioned in this episode:

    Find your local sling library - https://www.carryingmatters.co.uk/sling-pages/

    Study mentioned "Doula Support and Attitudes of Intrapartum Nurses: A Qualitative Study from the Patient's Perspective" - https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1595283/

    PND and carrying - https://www.carryingmatters.co.uk/perinatal-mood-disorders-and-carrying/#:~:text=Get%20a%20sling%20or%20carrier,skin%20contact%20and%20social%20interaction.

    Click here to find out more about my brand new prerecorded online courses: thedungareedoula.co.uk/onlinecourse

    Use code 'PODCAST' for 20% off!

    Love the podcast? support me by leaving a tip via buy me a ko-fi: ko-fi.com/thedungareedoula

    Book a Power Hour: calendly.com/thedungareedoula/power-hour?month=2024-02

    If you enjoyed the episode please give it a like, review and click follow so you never miss out!

    New episodes are out every Friday at 7am so stick around.

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  • Welcome to The Doula's Guide To... Podcast, season 2 episode 22. In this episode I'm talking about navigating other peoples birth stories - the good and the bad, where to find the good, how to deal with people giving you sh*t for wanting something better, what we can learn from the bad and more.

    *Please note this podcast is not medical advice, all opinions are my own

    Links mentioned in this episode:

    Tellmeagoodbirthstory - click here

    Monet Nicole Moutrie - click here

    Click here to find out more about my brand new prerecorded online courses: thedungareedoula.co.uk/onlinecourse

    Use code 'PODCAST' for 20% off!

    Love the podcast? support me by leaving a tip via buy me a ko-fi: ko-fi.com/thedungareedoula

    Book a Power Hour: calendly.com/thedungareedoula/power-hour?month=2024-02

    If you enjoyed the episode please give it a like, review and click follow so you never miss out!

    New episodes are out every Friday at 7am so stick around.

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  • Welcome to The Doula's Guide To... Podcast, season 2 episode 21. In this episode I'm talking about some of the different things I used and enjoyed during my pregnancies to relax and to prepare for birth and parenthood.

    *Please note this podcast is not medical advice, all opinions are my own

    Links mentioned in this episode:

    Well With Hels yoga - click here

    Harmonics - click here

    My fave books - click here

    Affirmation cards - click here

    Click here to find out more about my brand new prerecorded online courses: thedungareedoula.co.uk/onlinecourse

    Use code 'PODCAST' for 20% off!

    Love the podcast? support me by leaving a tip via buy me a ko-fi: ko-fi.com/thedungareedoula

    Book a Power Hour: calendly.com/thedungareedoula/power-hour?month=2024-02

    If you enjoyed the episode please give it a like, review and click follow so you never miss out!

    New episodes are out every Friday at 7am so stick around.

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  • Welcome to The Doula's Guide To... Podcast, season 2 episode 20. In this episode I'm telling you all about a brand new offering I've just launched, a chance to train to be a hypnobirthing teacher with me! I'm so excited to be running such an incredible programme, a chance to completely change up or revamp your career culminating in a nourishing holistic retreat style training weekend. Learn, share, move and step away feeling ready to change lives. Being a birthworker is truly the most gorgeous work and I'm so excited to welcome more of you into the gang.

    For more info and to sign up: click here - https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/holistic-hypnobirthing-teacher-training-retreat-tickets-908707457467?aff=oddtdtcreator

    Insta: instagram.com/thebirthworkersdoula


    Click here to find out more about my brand new prerecorded online courses: thedungareedoula.co.uk/onlinecourse

    Use code 'PODCAST' for 20% off!

    Love the podcast? support me by leaving a tip via buy me a ko-fi: ko-fi.com/thedungareedoula

    Book a Power Hour: calendly.com/thedungareedoula/power-hour?month=2024-02

    If you enjoyed the episode please give it a like, review and click follow so you never miss out!

    New episodes are out every Friday at 7am so stick around.

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  • Welcome to The Doula's Guide To... Podcast, season 2 episode 19. In this episode I'm talking about stretch and sweeps, otherwise known as a membrane sweep, a procedure done at the end of pregnancy to bring on labour. We'll discuss if they work, the benefits and risks, what the research suggests and more.

    *Please note this podcast is not medical advice, all opinions are my own

    Click here to find out more about my brand new prerecorded online courses: thedungareedoula.co.uk/onlinecourse

    Use code 'PODCAST' for 20% off!

    Love the podcast? support me by leaving a tip via buy me a ko-fi: ko-fi.com/thedungareedoula

    Book a Power Hour: calendly.com/thedungareedoula/power-hour?month=2024-02

    Resources mentioned in the episode:

    Effect of membrane sweeping on cervical length by transvaginal ultrasonography and impact of cervical shortening on cesarean delivery: click here

    Cochrane review - Membrane sweeping for induction of labour: click here

    The Historical Practice of “Membrane Sweep” to Initiate Labour: Does it Have a Role in Contemporary Obstetric Practice: click here

    Birth Hijacked – The Ritual Membrane Sweep: click here

    If you enjoyed the episode please give it a like, review and click follow so you never miss out!

    New episodes are out every Friday at 7am so stick around.

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  • Welcome to The Doula's Guide To... Podcast, season 2 episode 18. In this episode I'm finally chatting about what the hell a doula actually does, why you might want to hire one, how to find one. and why you might NOT want one!

    *Please note this podcast is not medical advice, all opinions are my own

    Resources mentioned in the episode:

    The Effect of Doulas on Maternal and Birth Outcomes: A Scoping Review: click here

    Evidence in support of doulas: click here

    Click here to find out more about my brand new prerecorded digital courses: thedungareedoula.co.uk/onlinecourse

    Use code 'PODCAST' for 20% off!

    Virtual doula offerings: thedungareedoula.co.uk/doula (scroll down the page past my in person offerings)

    Love the podcast? support me by leaving a tip via buy me a ko-fi: ko-fi.com/thedungareedoula

    Book a Power Hour: calendly.com/thedungareedoula/power-hour?month=2024-02

    If you enjoyed the episode please give it a like, review and click follow so you never miss out!

    New episodes are out every Friday at 7am so stick around.

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  • Welcome to The Doula's Guide To... Podcast, season 2 episode 17. In this episode I'm talking a topic I absolutely LOVE - skin to skin contact and the importance of prioritising this in that magical golden hour after birth and throughout the newborn period and beyond.

    *Please note this podcast is not medical advice, all opinions are my own

    Resources mentioned in the episode:

    Click here to find out more about my brand new prerecorded online courses: thedungareedoula.co.uk/onlinecourse

    Use code 'PODCAST' for 20% off!

    Love the podcast? support me by leaving a tip via buy me a ko-fi: ko-fi.com/thedungareedoula

    Book a Power Hour: calendly.com/thedungareedoula/power-hour?month=2024-02

    If you enjoyed the episode please give it a like, review and click follow so you never miss out!

    New episodes are out every Friday at 7am so stick around.

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  • Welcome to The Doula's Guide To... Podcast, season 2 episode 16. In this episode I'm talking about induction, such a monumental topic, I wanted to hone in on the questions to be asking if you're offered and induction and some things to consider.

    *Please note this podcast is not medical advice, all opinions are my own

    Resources mentioned in the episode:

    Click here to find out more about my brand new prerecorded online courses: thedungareedoula.co.uk/onlinecourse

    Use code 'PODCAST' for 20% off!

    Love the podcast? support me by leaving a tip via buy me a ko-fi: ko-fi.com/thedungareedoula

    Book a Power Hour: calendly.com/thedungareedoula/power-hour?month=2024-02

    If you enjoyed the episode please give it a like, review and click follow so you never miss out!

    New episodes are out every Friday at 7am so stick around.

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  • Welcome to The Doula's Guide To... Podcast, season 2 episode 15. In this episode I'm talking about newborn baby sleep and how to meet your babies needs through the night, attachment parenting, and how to best support yourself as a new, sleep deprived mum. Also a lot about why I don't personally agree with sleep training and cry it out.

    *Please note this podcast is not medical advice, all opinions are my own

    Resources mentioned in the episode:

    The science of healthy baby sleep - https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20220131-the-science-of-safe-and-healthy-baby-sleep

    The cry-it-out debate - https://lyndseyhookway.com/2019/06/24/the-cry-it-out-debate

    What really happens when babies are left to cry it out?- https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20220322-how-sleep-training-affects-babies

    Click here to find out more about my brand new prerecorded online courses: thedungareedoula.co.uk/onlinecourse

    Use code 'PODCAST' for 20% off!

    Love the podcast? support me by leaving a tip via buy me a ko-fi: ko-fi.com/thedungareedoula

    Book a Power Hour: click here

    If you enjoyed the episode please give it a like, review and click follow so you never miss out!

    New episodes are out every Friday at 7am so stick around.

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  • Welcome to The Doula's Guide To... Podcast, season 2 episode 14, ok strap yourself in cause this is a very personal episode talking about how I journeyed through the f*ckery of some very bad postpartum mental health. This isn't medical advice or information about things to look out, it's very much just a chat about what I went through and how I navigated it and how it feels to be out of the other side, some of it might resonate or you might just find it interesting but it definitely won't be for everyone and that's OK. Go easy if you think it may be triggering of your experiences too, sending love to everyone who has suffered with a period of bad mental health after having a baby. 💜

    Again, sorry for the low quality audio, keep your fingers crossed my laptop is fixed in time for next week's episode!

    Resources mentioned in the episode:

    Click here to find out more about my brand new prerecorded online courses: thedungareedoula.co.uk/onlinecourse

    Use code 'PODCAST' for 20% off!

    Love the podcast? support me by leaving a tip via buy me a ko-fi: ko-fi.com/thedungareedoula

    Book a Power Hour: click here

    If you enjoyed the episode please give it a like, review and click follow so you never miss out!

    New episodes are out every Friday at 7am so stick around.

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  • Welcome to The Doula's Guide To... Podcast, season 2 episode 13. In this episode I'm talking about high risk labels in pregnancy and how they might affect your pregnancy and birth, navigating the different tests and procedures recommended and my top tips for decision making when faced with big decisions.

    *Please note this podcast is not medical advice, all opinions are my own

    Resources mentioned in the episode:

    NICE 'Intrapartum care for women with existing medical conditions or obstetric complications and their babies' - https://www.nice.org.uk/guidance/ng121The time has come for a paradigm shift in obstetrics’ medico-legal litigations - https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0301211523000775Fetal monitoring research resources - https://www.sarawickham.com/topic-resources/fetal-monitoring-research-resources/

    Click here to find out more about my brand new prerecorded online courses: thedungareedoula.co.uk/onlinecourse

    Use code 'PODCAST' for 20% off!

    Love the podcast? support me by leaving a tip via buy me a ko-fi: ko-fi.com/thedungareedoula

    Book a Power Hour: click here

    If you enjoyed the episode please give it a like, review and click follow so you never miss out!

    New episodes are out every Friday at 7am so stick around.

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  • Welcome to The Doula's Guide To... Podcast, season 2 episode 21. In this episode I'm talking you through my list of baby essentials, the absolute bare minimum of what you really need and how to avoid the clutter of what people tell you to buy. I also give some top tips for sourcing everything and avoiding unnecessary gifts!

    Resources mentioned in the episode:

    Click here to find out more about my brand new prerecorded online courses: thedungareedoula.co.uk/onlinecourse

    Use code 'PODCAST' for 20% off!

    Love the podcast? support me by leaving a tip via buy me a ko-fi: ko-fi.com/thedungareedoula

    Book a Power Hour: click here

    If you enjoyed the episode please give it a like, review and click follow so you never miss out!

    New episodes are out every Friday at 7am so stick around.

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  • Welcome to The Doula's Guide To... Podcast, season 2 episode 11. In this episode I'm discussing the recently released NHS maternity statistics 2022-23 and whilst they seem pretty bleak on the surface, this is crucial information if you're planing on giving birth within the system. I discuss my top tips for navigating this and end with a pep talk!

    *Please note, there will be a part 2 podcast talking about if intervention is actually making us safer, it is an important part of the narrative but was too long of a segment for me to include here so has become it's own episode.

    Resources mentioned in the episode:

    NHS Maternity Statistics, England, 2022-23 - click here

    Evidence Submission to the 2020 Maternity Safety Enquiry Birth Trauma Association - click here

    "Two-thirds of England’s maternity units dangerously substandard, says CQC" - click here

    Women’s descriptions of childbirth trauma relating to care provider actions and interactions - click here

    Doula and virtual doula services - click here

    Click here to find out more about my brand new prerecorded online courses: thedungareedoula.co.uk/onlinecourse

    Use code 'PODCAST' for 20% off!

    Love the podcast? support me by leaving a tip via buy me a ko-fi: click here

    Book a Power Hour: click here

    If you enjoyed the episode please give it a like, review and click follow so you never miss out!

    New episodes are out every Friday at 7am so stick around.

    Connect with me:





  • Welcome to The Doula's Guide To... Podcast, season 2 episode 10. HAPPY NEW YEAR, eeee very exciting episode reflecting on 2023 and looking forward to 2024, I answer you questions about induction, freebirthing, becoming a birthworker and my interests. I also chat about how we can work together in 2024 if you're preparing to meet your babe in the new year.

    Links mentioned in the episode:

    Click here to find out more about my brand new prerecorded online courses: thedungareedoula.co.uk/onlinecourse

    Use code 'PODCAST' for 20% off!

    website: thedungareedoula.co.uk

    doula work: thedungareedoula.co.uk/doula

    hypnobirthing: www.thedungareedoula.co.uk/hypnobirthing

    birth blessings: www.thedungareedoula.co.uk/birthblessings

    book a power hour: click here

    join the book club: www.thedungareedoula.co.uk/book-online

    check out my shop: www.thedungareedoula.co.uk/shop

    Love the podcast? support me by leaving a tip via buy me a ko-fi: click here

    If you enjoyed the episode please give it a like, review and click follow so you never miss out!

    New episodes are out every Friday at 7am so stick around.

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  • Welcome to The Doula's Guide To... Podcast, season 2 episode 9. In this episode I'm chatting with Bea of Beas Birth and Boobs all about those very first few days of breastfeeding a newborn, what to expect, normal infant behaviour, signs things are going well and where we can seek help if things aren’t going so great. Bea gives her top tips for getting breastfeeding off to the best start, how not to fall in to the top up trap and there’s a couple of hefty discussions about baby poo!

    Where to find Bea:







    Click here to find out more about my brand new prerecorded online courses: thedungareedoula.co.uk/onlinecourse

    Use code 'PODCAST' for 20% off!

    Love the podcast? support me by leaving a tip via buy me a ko-fi: click here

    Book a Power Hour: click here

    If you enjoyed the episode please give it a like, review and click follow so you never miss out!

    New episodes are out every Friday at 7am so stick around.

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  • Welcome to The Doula's Guide To... Podcast, season 2 episode 7. In this episode we’re going to talk about due dates, the origins of them, if they mean anything at all, and why I think we should instead focus on a due period!

    Resources mentioned in the episode:

    Estimated Date of Delivery article - click here

    44 week birth story - click here

    Click here to find out more about my brand new prerecorded online courses: thedungareedoula.co.uk/onlinecourse

    Use code 'PODCAST' for 20% off!

    Love the podcast? support me by leaving a tip via buy me a ko-fi: click here

    Book a Power Hour: click here

    If you enjoyed the episode please give it a like, review and click follow so you never miss out!

    New episodes are out every Friday at 7am so stick around.

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  • Welcome to The Doula's Guide To... Podcast, season 2 episode 7. In this episode I'm talking about vitamin K, what it is, why it's a routine part of maternity care, vitamin k deficiency bleeding, is it safe, why people accept and why people decline.

    Resources mentioned in the episode:

    Vitamin K Deficiency Bleeding in Infancy - click here

    Patient Information Leaflet - click here

    Vitamin K information leaflet - click here

    Refusal of Intramuscular Vitamin K by Parents of Newborns: A Review - click here

    Click here to find out more about my brand new prerecorded online courses: thedungareedoula.co.uk/onlinecourse

    Use code 'PODCAST' for 20% off!

    Love the podcast? support me by leaving a tip via buy me a ko-fi: click here

    Book a Power Hour: click here

    If you enjoyed the episode please give it a like, review and click follow so you never miss out!

    New episodes are out every Friday at 7am so stick around.

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  • Welcome to The Doula's Guide To... Podcast, season 2 episode 5. In this episode I'm talking about vaginal exams, why they are offered, what are the risks and benefits, what are the alternatives and do you really need them?

    Links mentioned in the episode:

    Cochrane review: Routine vaginal examinations in labour - click here

    Reliability of ultrasound versus digital vaginal examination in detecting cervical dilatation during labor - click here

    The paradox of vaginal examination practice during normal childbirth - click here

    Routine vaginal examinations compared to other methods for assessing progress of labour to improve outcomes for women and babies at term - click here

    The purple line as a measure of labour progress: a longitudinal study - click here

    Purple line instagram post - click here

    Click here to find out more about my brand new prerecorded online courses: thedungareedoula.co.uk/onlinecourse

    Use code 'PODCAST' for 20% off!

    Love the podcast? support me by leaving a tip via buy me a ko-fi: click here

    Book a Power Hour: click here

    If you enjoyed the episode please give it a like, review and click follow so you never miss out!

    New episodes are out every Friday at 7am so stick around.

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