
  • The bigger question may be: How do you respect your husband when he doesnā€™t seem to deserve it? That was a tough one for me! Knowing I SHOULD be respectful has never been that motivating to me. I donā€™t wanna! What if heā€™s messing up? Shouldnā€™t I let him know that? That is one option. But being disrespectful feels dirty and hairy. It leaves me with an emotional hangover after Iā€™ve interrupted or dismissed him or run over him like a steamroller. Blech! I donā€™t like it. I married John because I respected him so much. I can decide to remember why I felt that way. When I do, he responds to me the way he did when he wooed me, tender and romantic, sweet and chivalrous. So on todayā€™s episode of The Empowered Wife Podcast, weā€™re talking about 3 proven ways to respect your husband.

    Plus, my guest Valerie was tired of feeling like roommates. But when she started using the Intimacy Skills, her man responded with more smiles, hugs and kisses. Today they enjoy lots of togetherness. Sheā€™s going to tell us how she did it so you can do it too!

  • Itā€™s so idyllic and nostalgic to think about the past, when marriages lasted. The idea of stay-at-home mothers getting dolled up and making things from scratch is so pretty. I follow a woman on TikTok who bakes bread from scratch and lives in the French countryside with two adorable little boys, which seems so nourishing and wholesome. Fortunately, what made my marriage better was not becoming more domestic, as I seem to have very little domestic inclination. When I was doing the most domestic stuff, my marriage was struggling, so that wasnā€™t the answer. What is? On todayā€™s episode of The Empowered Wife Podcast, Iā€™m talking about whether trad wives have better marriages and a few things that will strengthen yours.

    Plus, my guest Sarah was devastated when her defiant, disrespectful teenage daughter moved out and wanted nothing to do with her. Sarah knew about the 6 Intimacy Skillsā„¢ from a Laura Doyle coach friend. When she vulnerably reached out to the coach for help, it wasnā€™t to save her marriage, which had ended already. It was to save her connection to her daughter. Today sheā€™s thankful they have the relationship she always dreamed of. Sheā€™s going to tell us how she did it so you can do it too.

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  • I still remember feeling ā€œWhat a mistake. Heā€™s such a Loser McLosey Pants. What was I thinking?! I could have done so much better. If only I hadnā€™t done that, Iā€™d be so much happier.ā€ I was suffering. Why try to save your marriage when you donā€™t even like the guy? Itā€™s very demotivating. You may have good reasons for not liking him. Maybe heā€™s abusive or neglectful or has abandoned you. Heā€™s caused you a lot of pain. Iā€™m in no position to tell you to just suck it up and start liking him again because I couldnā€™t do it either. But what I can speak to is how to avoid the embarrassment of divorce and how most of the things I didnā€™t like about my husband that were causing me to suffer were of my own doing. On todayā€™s episode of The Empowered Wife Podcast, Iā€™m talking about what to do when you don't like your husband and three surprising solutions that will actually make him a lot more appealing.

    Plus, my guest Kim and her husband were getting divorced. It was decided and she didnā€™t see that changing. But Kim then her husband called off the divorce and said she is the love of his life. They barely even argue. Sheā€™s going to tell us how she did it so you can do it too.

  • It's depressing when you long to hear your man tell you how beautiful you are and how crazy he is about you and he justā€¦doesnā€™t. Itā€™s frustrating if you just want him to fix the screen door, move the patio furniture or put the crib in the attic and he justā€¦wonā€™t. Or if you really love snuggling and want to feel physically desired but thatā€™s not happening, it hurts! So what can you do if heā€™s just not the type of guy to give you that, and never has been? Tigers donā€™t change their stripes, right? Or do they? On todayā€™s episode of The Empowered Wife Podcast, Iā€™m talking about what to do when your husband doesnā€™t speak your love languageā€”and two ways to change that.

    Plus, my guest Kristi was heartbroken after her husbandā€™s infidelity and him telling her he didnā€™t love her anymore. Her marriage felt dead! But today they have a deeper connection than ever, and he is always doing things to make her happy. Sheā€™s going to tell us how she did it so you can do it too.

  • When I got married, no one had taught me that there are five gifts of femininity that I get to enjoy as my birthright and that my relationship depends on for success. If no one ever taught you either, here they are. Iā€™ll share how you can start enjoying your superpowers of being a woman! On todayā€™s episode of The Empowered Wife Podcast, Iā€™m talking about the five gifts of femininity, your birthright as a woman.

    Plus, my guest Annie and her husband were fighting a lot, and she felt so disrespected. But from the first time she experimented with the 6 Intimacy Skillsā„¢, she got a better response. While they still have their ups and downs, now her husband apologizes to her and her marriage is so rewarding. Sheā€™s going to tell us how she did it so you can do it too.

  • Itā€™s so discouraging when your husband is diagnosed with something like ADD, OCD, narcissism, Borderline Personality Disorder, anxiety, depression, PTSD, or Dissociative Disorder. Having hitched your wagon to someone with a disorder or deficit can feel like a life sentence of misery. Itā€™s very distressing. Even if you donā€™t have a formal diagnosis, maybe youā€™ve done some reading about what you observe in him and you have strong suspicions. While itā€™s hard to find this out after youā€™re married, itā€™s also intriguing because having a diagnosis holds out the promise that he could improve with some kind of treatment, like medicine or therapy. At least thatā€™s how I felt when my husband got his diagnosis, but it all went wrong from there. So on todayā€™s episode of The Empowered Wife Podcast, Iā€™m talking about what to do instead when your husbandā€™s disorder is ruining your marriage.

    Plus, my guest Katherineā€™s husband waited until the kids were teens when he said he wanted to separate, which left her feeling abandoned and scared. But that was then. Today he seeks her out, says sheā€™s beautiful and that he is so lucky to have her as his wife. How did Katherine make such a dramatic change in her marriage? Sheā€™s going to tell us so you can do it too.

  • Especially if physical intimacy has dried up and heā€™s not interested in you, the rejection hurts and makes you feel pathetic. Youā€™re competing with a two-dimensional woman and losing. Itā€™s only logical that itā€™s the porn thatā€™s stealing the passion. And you canā€™t control that. So what are your options? On todayā€™s episode of The Empowered Wife Podcast, Iā€™m talking about what to do when your husband is addicted to porn. Iā€™ll share the #1 way to heal.

    Plus, my guest Melissa struggled with feeling emotionally abused, and there were lots of fights about money. After she implemented all of the Intimacy Skills step by step, she feels like sheā€™s had a whole-life makeover, including in her marriage, which is safe, peaceful and exciting now. Sheā€™s going to tell us how she did it so you can do it too.

  • It's such a lonely, scary feeling when your manā€™s affection dries up. Especially if there was a time when he couldnā€™t keep his hands off of you or he was always stealing kisses and putting his arm around you. I remember being so confused and worried that I wasnā€™t attractive anymore. I thought it was because I was older and out of shape, but that had nothing to do with it, I found out. Iā€™m even older now, and all that easy loving is back and better than everā€”like when we were falling in love. Now I know that I had gotten ugly, but not physically like I thought. On todayā€™s episode of The Empowered Wife Podcast, weā€™re talking about two ways to deal with a partner who is not affectionate.

    Plus, my guest Jacquelyn was so tired of her husbandā€™s porn and substance addictions, him sleeping on the couch and their sexless marriage. Then she made a decision to better herself, which was really hard at first. But today those addictions are no longer an issue, her marriage is amazing, and she feels adored and happier than sheā€™s ever been. Sheā€™s going to tell us how she did it so you can do it too!

  • If your husband speaks to you disrespectfully, it feels really hurtful and embarrassing, especially if anyone else hears it, even if itā€™s just your kids. Itā€™s not the role modeling you want them to have. If heā€™s yelling, swearing, calling you names, or telling you youā€™re crazy, stupid, or worse, you shouldnā€™t have to live with feeling demeaned like that by the guy whoā€™s supposed to love and protect you. Itā€™s stressful and bad for your self-esteem. So letā€™s get you back to feeling safe and adored when he talks to you. On todayā€™s episode of The Empowered Wife Podcast, Iā€™m talking about 3 simple fixes if your husband speaks to you disrespectfully.

    Plus, my guest Dr. K and her husband were separated on different continents. Since she was the breadwinner and they had a lot of disagreements about parenting, there wasnā€™t much left to hold on to. But then Dr. K had some insights and changed how she showed up with him. Today her marriage is peaceful and she has a tender husband who takes on responsibilities for their family like never before. Sheā€™s going to tell us how she did it so you can do it too.

  • When I got married, I thought my husband would support me, kiss away my tears, listen to my problems, desire me, snuggle with me, and do everything he could toward our common goals. And he didā€”for a while. When he became distant, I felt bamboozled and just knew that something was wrong with him. I thought I would have to end it and find someone who COULD meet my needs, which was scary and dreadful. The longer we struggled and went to marriage counseling, the more hopeless I felt. I was working hard on the relationship, but I was doing all the wrong things. Turns out, I just needed to learn a few skills that contribute to a playful, passionate relationship where all my needs and desires are met because he naturally wants to make me happy, not because Iā€™m begging him to meet my needs (yuck!). On todayā€™s episode of The Empowered Wife Podcast, weā€™re talking about how to deal with unmet needs in a relationship.

    And, my guest Raquel was still a newlywed when her husband moved out suddenly, wouldnā€™t say why and wouldnā€™t come back. Then Raquel discovered the Intimacy Skills and dove right in. Today, her marriage is better than she ever thought it could be, even better than when they were dating. Sheā€™s going to tell us how she did it so you can do it too.

  • If you're anything like me, you love hearing your man say you're beautiful and the best wife or you did a great job. If youā€™re not hearing those things, itā€™s only natural to crave some compliments. Thatā€™s just human. We all need to be seen, heard and understood, and compliments are part of that. Going without them is dreary and unsustainable, like trying to hold your breath. So on todayā€™s episode of The Empowered Wife Podcast, weā€™re talking about why compliments are important in a relationshipā€”and 3 ways to get more!

    Also, my guest Rebecca felt that her husband was angry and emotionally unfaithful. But when she experimented with the 6 Intimacy Skills, she immediately got a positive response. Today, not only is her marriage romantic and adventurous, every relationship in her life has gotten better. Sheā€™s going to tell us how she did it so you can do it too.

  • When you see your husband drinking too much, itā€™s very scary because you canā€™t help but wonder: Is this an addiction? Is he an alcoholic? If so, everybody knows that would come with a lifetime of suffering. Even if youā€™re not worried about that, just seeing him choose to get wasted instead of wanting to be with you hurts a lot. I remember how confused and hurt I was when I realized my husband would rather do a lot of things that seemed like a waste than spend time with me. I felt so unlovable and undesired, which was painful because I really wanted to feel loved and desired. So on todayā€™s episode of The Empowered Wife Podcast, weā€™re talking about the 3-step cure if your husband would rather drink too much than be with you.

    Plus, my guest Jessica was living with a scary level of hostility and violence in her marriage. But she found there was something she could do about it, and she did it. Today she feels loved, cherished, and adored, and her marriage is free from domestic violence. Sheā€™s married to the same man. Sheā€™s going to tell us what she did so you can do it too.

  • If your man isnā€™t happy, of course you want to cheer him up so youā€™re not getting dragged down yourself, which is tiring. I thought I could make my husband happy by doing things for him that wouldā€™ve made me happy. I was doing a bunch of stuff I thought would make him happy that felt like a lot of work for me but was not workingā€”at allā€”because he is so different from me. Sometimes it made him feel even worse, then weā€™d fight because he didnā€™t appreciate all I was doing. Letā€™s not both make that mistake. On todayā€™s episode of The Empowered Wife Podcast, Iā€™m talking about 4 significant ways to make your husband happy.

    Plus, with no intimacy or communication, my guest Tracyā€™s marriage felt on the brink of divorce. When she experimented with the 6 Intimacy Skillsā„¢, she was surprised to find out that her husband just wanted to make her happy. Today she is married to the man she always hoped to be. Sheā€™s going to tell us how she did it so you can do it too.

  • If your husband has a crush on another woman, it can make you feel terrible and not special. He committed to loving you and only you ā€™til death do us part, and now? Heā€™s using an excited voice with the neighbor, going out of his way to help her, texting someone a lot more than usual, staying at work later with a female colleague, or staring at another woman. And thatā€™s scary. It seems so wrong that he could feel that way, like a betrayal. Crushes can grow into something more. Even if nothing has happened, itā€™s not how you want him to feel about someone else. How can make him stop crushing on someone else and adore you instead? On todayā€™s episode of The Empowered Wife Podcast, Iā€™m talking about 5 signs your husband has a crush on another woman and 5 questions to ask.

    Plus, even though my guest Irenaā€™s marriage was good, she felt disconnected, which had always bothered her. But things got a lot better when she made this discovery. Sheā€™s going to tell us how she made her marriage connected, intimate and authentic so you can do it too.

  • Being around Eeyore all the time is draining and discouraging. How are you supposed to enjoy life when your man is constantly making gloomy comments and throwing cold water on everything? You might wonder when heā€™s going to snap out of it or look for nutritional supplements for him or sleep aids or a therapist to help him cheer the heck up so you donā€™t have to be around his apathetic self. But none of that works, in my experience. So on todayā€™s episode of The Empowered Wife Podcast, Iā€™m talking about what to do when your husband is always negative, including 3 ways to change that.

    Then, with all the blowups and cold wars, the temperature at Michelleā€™s house was getting colder and colder. When she experimented with just one cheat phrase, things got warmer fast. She kept going with the Intimacy Skills, and today her marriage is happy, playful, safe and loving.

  • It has such a chilling effect on intimacy youā€™re getting called names, especially rude ones that you wouldnā€™t even want to repeat. Itā€™s so hurtful and scary. Everyone knows you shouldnā€™t put up with that if you have any self-respect. Verbal or emotional abuse is not okay. It also makes you feel really badā€”unless you practice the Intimacy Skills and know about vulnerability. I know it sounds odd to even use the word ā€œvulnerabilityā€ in the same sentence as ā€œname-calling.ā€ How can you be vulnerable when he has just attacked you like that? That sounds crazy, right? It did to me too at first. So on todayā€™s episode of The Empowered Wife Podcast, Iā€™m sharing 3 decisive strategies for when your husband calls you names.

    And, my guest Breā€™s husband never wanted to spend time with her. Then she found out he was having an emotional affair with his ex. She wanted a divorce. But when she started to do some things differently, he changed without her even having to ask. Today they spend time together, and her marriage is fun and meaningful. Sheā€™s going to tell us how she did it so you can do it too.

  • When you want a reset, you donā€™t like the track things are onā€¦ Thereā€™s too much conflict, tension or distance. Maybe you miss how passionate your relationship once was. Instead of having fun together, it feels like painful drudgery. Instead of being exhilarated together, you feel like awkward roommates. So how do you get back to the good times you once had? Is it even possible? Or was that just him being on his best behavior and now youā€™re seeing the real him? On todayā€™s episode of The Empowered Wife Podcast, Iā€™m sharing two effective ways to start over in a relationship.

    Plus, my guest Noor felt so broken and depressed in her miserable marriage that she was making plans to leave her husband. But when she started a few new habits, their fights stopped within two weeks! Today she describes her marriage as happy, easy and funny. Sheā€™s going to tell us what she did so you can do it too.

  • When your husband resents you, the tension is so uncomfortable, especially if heā€™s just scowling or hiding in his cave and being silent, ignoring you, neglecting you. It would be nice if heā€™d just come out with it and tell you he resents you and WHY. Then youā€™d know exactly where you stand instead of wondering whatā€™s going to happen. You could make plans, defend yourself, or find a way to make him stop resenting you. You could look for the words to have him reevaluate, including that itā€™s not good for him to hold a grudge against his wife! The scowling, neglect, and silence are all pretty good signs that he resents you, right? But what if heā€™s not resentful at all? On todayā€™s episode of The Empowered Wife Podcast, weā€™re talking about what to do if you see these signsā€”and 3 common challenges that could be the real problem.

    And, the tension was high for my guest Jane too. She was not controlling at allā€”she was just trying to help her husband! But that wasnā€™t going over well. Then she made a decision to do this one thing, which led to great peace and happiness in her marriage and in herself. Sheā€™s going to tell us what she did so you can do it too.

  • Itā€™s so devastating and hurtful if your husband leaves you because heā€™s unhappy. First, he loved you enough to marry you in front of God and everybody. Then he was so unhappy he left you? Thatā€™s not what he promised to do, and it feels like such a betrayal. Not only does it knock the wind out of you, heā€™s the very person you would turn to for comfort. Instead, youā€™re left to fend for yourself, which is incredibly scary and lonely. It could even make you feel unlovable and hopeless. But you can change the story, even now. On todayā€™s episode of The Empowered Wife Podcast, weā€™re talking about what to do if your husband leaves you because he was unhappy.

    Plus, my guest Michelle and her husband were in separate bedrooms and having cold wars that lasted for months. The threat of divorce felt heavy in their house. Then Michelle did a few unconventional things and the fighting stopped. Now her husband is as passionate as when they first married. Sheā€™s going to tell us how she did it so you can do it too.