
  • 🎉 Celebrating 200 Episodes with Your Questions & Testimonials!

    In this milestone episode of The Energy Shift Podcast, we’re celebrating our 200th episode with a special Q&A session!

    Join me, Ilana Kosakiewicz, as I answer questions from YOU, my incredible community and share some heartfelt testimonials from our listeners.

    Highlights include:

    Kinesiology easily explained Techniques to ease anxiety Helping children (and adults) sleep better Learn the tools I use in my clinic Learn some of the courses I have completed My journey & learnings so far from the podcast Listen to our community voices Learn about new retreats and online classes resuming in July 2024.

    Thank you for being part of this journey. Your support and engagement mean the world to me. Here’s to the next 200 episodes!

    Let's stay connected. Head to Instagram: @ilanak.kinesiology

    Ask Ilana: new addition to the podcast! Submit your question using this form and i’ll pick one a month to answer on the show.

    Show Links: ilanak.com.au/podcasts/200

  • We are almost half way through 2024…wow!

    In this episode, we delve into the energy themes for July 2024, focusing on the importance of living in the present moment.

    As we transition into the second half of 2024, Ilana explores in this podcast reasons why we need to live more in the now (for today) and how to easily make it a part of your day to day lifestyle.

    With the New Moon in Cancer and the Full Moon in Capricorn, we also explore how to harness these lunar energies to enhance more mindfulness, reduce stress, and make space to connect more with self, family and friends.

    Highlights from this episode includes:

    July’s core theme: Living in the now Learn 10 reasons why take space to live more in the present moment Learn one quick practical tool for learning to live more in the present Understand the energy of the New and Full Moon for July Learn the Energy support tools for July Ilana shares details about events and retreats happening in July and beyond

    Let's stay connected. Head to Instagram: @ilanak.kinesiology

    Show Links: ilanak.com.au/podcasts/199

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  • I am a huge believer that all human imbalances in life are a result of mental, emotional and spiritual dis-harmony.

    This week on the podcast I am bringing you a conversation with Bali healer, Jimmy Doyle. I’ve had the privilege to work with Jimmy multiple times now and I resonate so much with the simplicity of his work and his philosophies of healing and life.

    We share a common understanding that all symptoms (physical and mental) are related to a belief or emotion we hold about ourselves.

    In this podcast, we dive into many joyous themes and ideas about healing, connection, how to protect yourself and more.

    * Warning: Please note this episode discusses some topics that may be triggering for some people.

    In this episode we discuss:

    A simple tool to use daily to protect your energy and stay connected to self The unique way Jimmy works and why he calls himself a “facilitator” rather than a “healer” His philosophy of “knowing yourself to be yourself” Common challenges he finds woman often have with hormones and cycles Why healing isn’t about changing ourselves, but loving and protecting ourselves Learn one affirmation to do daily to connect you back to self and your power

    Books shared in this episode:

    The Body Is The Barometer Of The Soul, Annette Noontil You Can Heal Your Life, Louise Hay Heal Your Body, Louise Hay

    Let's stay connected. Head to Instagram: @ilanak.kinesiology

    Ask Ilana: new addition to the podcast! Submit your question using this form and i’ll pick one a month to answer on the show.

    Show Links: ilanak.com.au/podcasts/198

  • Do you pay attention to how different colours make you feel?

    This week's podcast episode explores the history, principles, and practical applications of colour therapy, highlighting its transformative impact on mental, emotional, and physical wellbeing.

    Ilana delves into the therapeutic potential of colours in healing and balancing the body, sharing personal experiences and examples of how colours can evoke various emotions and release negative energies.

    Episode highlights:

    Introduction to colour therapy Learn about colour historical insights Metaphysical meanings of colours Listen to some of Ilana’s own personal stories Learn about scientific research that supports the efficacy of colour therapy Hear about real-life examples from Ilana’s clinic using colour therapy Participate in a guided colour visualisation exercise to experience firsthand how colour therapy can heal and balance your energy.

    Let's stay connected. Head to Instagram: @ilanak.kinesiology

    Ask Ilana: new addition to the podcast! Submit your question using this form and i’ll pick one a month to answer on the show.

    Show Links: ilanak.com.au/podcasts/197

  • Do you enjoy winter?

    Many clients and students when I ask this question say no or not really, because they don’t like the cold, lack of sunlight or having to stay inside more (this also used to be me).

    But mother earth created seasons for a reason, and in this episode we explore the energy of winter and its significance as a time for rest, recharging and replenishment.

    Inspired by the wisdom of the water element, in this podcast we delve into how the cooler, darker days of winter invite us to slow down, conserve energy, and connect deeply with our inner selves.

    Join us as we discuss the practices and insights that can help us harness the restorative power of this season.

    Episode Highlights:

    Embrace and learn how to practice the importance of winter rest. Understand why winter is the most yin season of the year for deep nourishment and energy conservation. Learn the importance of nourishing the Water Element in winter. Understand the energetic, metaphysical and emotional aspects of winter. Reflect on the past season and set intentions during the winter solstice. Learn how to balance your water element with specific foods, essential oils, and lifestyle practices.

    Tune in to this episode to learn how to make the most of the cooler winter's months and create space for adjustments to our lifestyle during this season.

    Show Links: ilanak.com.au/podcasts/196/

  • Do you ever find it challenging to be completely honest and truthful with yourself?

    Are you often a peacemaker or avoid, push aside or suppress feeling certain emotions when they arise?

    As we transition into a new season, Ilana explores in this podcast why June's core theme is one of being deeply honest and truthful with oneself and others.

    Podcast Highlights:

    Reflecting on May: New support systems, 40th birthday, holiday lessons. June's core theme: Honesty and truthfulness with oneself and others. Recognising signs of self-deception. Learn practical steps and tools for being more truth and honest Understand the energy of the new and full moon, winter solstice and pluto retrograde Learn the Energy support tools for June Ilana shares details about her June intentions online retreat

    Let's stay connected. Head to Instagram: @ilanak.kinesiology

    Show Links: ilanak.com.au/podcasts/195

  • Life is unreliable and no matter how planned and organised we are, challenges, obstacles and the unknown will happen.

    In this episode, Ilana shares a powerful technique to reconnect to your vital energy and core when life throws you a curveball. This simple tool is perfect for re-centring and grounding yourself during challenging times.

    Ilana discusses her recent struggles with childcare support and sleep deprivation, and how she has been using this technique to navigate through these difficulties. She guides listeners through a step-by-step exercise to connect back to their source of inner power and regain a sense of control, and positivity.

    In this podcast we explore:

    Personal Update: Ilana shares her recent challenges with inconsistent childcare support, and navigating sleep deprivation due to her daughter’s teething. 40th Birthday Reflections: Ilana reflects on her recent 40th birthday trip and the adjustments needed when traveling with a toddler. Vital Energy Technique: Introduction to a grounding and recentering tool that helps connect to your core and vital energy. Empathic Experiences: Ilana shares an empathic experience involving a friend’s cat and the importance of regrounding after such events. Guided Exercise: Learn the step-by-step standing exercise to connect to your vital energy. It includes grounding, breathing, and visualising techniques. Empowerment: Emphasis on taking back control of your thoughts, feelings, and reactions to life’s challenges. Client Updates: Ilana provides updates on her client session availability and expresses gratitude for her patience during this time.

    Let's stay connected. Head to Instagram: @ilanak.kinesiology

    Show Links: ilanak.com.au/podcasts/194

  • Do you understand what your Thyroid does and its key role in your health?

    In this podcast episode, we dive deep into the world of thyroid health with a focus on holistic healing approaches.

    Join us as we explore the thyroid's function in the body, common causes of imbalances, and why it's often misdiagnosed in western medicine. Our guest, Bronte May is an experienced thyroid naturopath, sharing her personal journey and insights, shedding light on why mindset and whole-self healing are crucial in the healing process.

    Discover simple tools and strategies to assist anyone affected by thyroid dysfunction, along with the spiritual and metaphorical aspects of the thyroid gland. Tune in to gain valuable knowledge and empower yourself on your own health and thyroid healing journey.

    Here are some episode highlights:

    Bronte shares her health and career journey to date. Learn the thyroid’s function in the body and how it works. Understand why the thyroid gland is so important for your health and why it is often misdiagnosed in western medicine. Learn why thyroid dysfunction often affects women more than men. We discuss how certain types of diets, personalities, lifestyle choices can affect the thyroid. Understand some of the spiritual and metaphorical aspects of the thyroid gland. Learn simple tools and strategies to assist anyone affected by thyroid dysfunction / imbalance. Find out where you can follow Bronte May and her work.

    Let's stay connected. Head to Instagram: @ilanak.kinesiology

    Ask Ilana: new addition to the podcast! Submit your question using this form and i’ll pick one a month to answer on the show.

    Show Links: ilanak.com.au/podcasts/193

  • This week's podcast is a little different, Ilana is interviewed about her journey with chronic fatigue, autoimmune issues, and Lyme’s disease. This year also marks a decade since stepping away from the corporate world.

    It's a personal and inspirational episode as Ilana celebrates a remarkable journey of resilience and transformation as she approaches her 40th Birthday.

    Ilana reflects on her life from childhood passions, the challenges of adulthood and the lessons learned along the way, this episode is a testament to the power of perseverance, self-discovery and doing “THE” work.

    Episode Highlights:

    Brief discussion about younger Ilana and childhood. Teenage Years: These years were marked by developing interests and navigating health issues. Twenties: Young adulthood was a mix of career growth, study and relationships. Thirties - Chronic Fatigue and Transition: Chronic fatigue and autoimmune issues began to impact daily life, leading to a significant decision to leave corporate life. Life Lessons: Key lessons include listening to the body, energy management, setting boundaries, releasing people-pleasing tendencies, self-love, trust in the universe, and understanding life's cyclical nature. Messages: Advice to younger self and words of wisdom for her daughter. urning 40 and the Next Decade discussions Accomplishments: Highlighting personal achievements and growth.

    Tune in for a heartfelt and inspiring episode that explores the resilience and wisdom gained from life's challenges.

    Let's stay connected. Head to Instagram: @ilanak.kinesiology

    Ask Ilana: new addition to the podcast! Submit your question using this form and i’ll pick one a month to answer on the show.

    Show Links: ilanak.com.au/podcasts/192

  • Feeling like your life foundations have some cracks or holes right now?

    In this episode of The Energy Shift podcast, Ilana delves into the key transformative power of internal support, stability, security and self care during the month of May.


    Understand the Energy forecast theme’s for May 2024 Ilana's personal experiences with mental exhaustion during Mercury Retrograde and the Scorpio Full Moon. The episode delves into the significance of the Base Chakra (Root Chakra) in relation to safety, security, and survival. Practical advice and tools for grounding and stability through self-care and spiritual practices. Learn about some rituals and theme’s for the new and full moon She reflects on her upcoming 40th birthday and the past 10 years since overcoming chronic fatigue.

    Tune in for a deep dive into self-reflection, gratitude, and resilience, and discover how to recalibrate your foundations and grounding for a deeper connection to inner wisdom and divine power.

    Let's stay connected. Head to Instagram: @ilanak.kinesiology

    Ask Ilana: new addition to the podcast! Submit your question using this form and i’ll pick one a month to answer on the show.

    Show Links: ilanak.com.au/podcasts/191

  • Do you know where your Thymus gland is located?

    This podcast episode explores the healing potential of the thymus gland. Learn about its location and function in the body, its role in the immune and nervous systems, and the ancient technique of thymus tapping.

    You will learn how this simple yet powerful practice can reset lifeforce energy, reduce stress, strengthen the immune system and more. Ilana shares insights into incorporating thymus tapping into your daily routine and its benefits for physical, mental and emotional well-being.

    In this episode you will learn:

    What is the thymus gland and its location on the body. Discussion on the role of the thymus gland in the immune and nervous systems. Explanation of thymus tapping as an ancient technique for resetting lifeforce energy. Benefits of thymus tapping, including stress reduction and immune system support Description of how to perform thymus tapping and its suitability for everyday use. Application of thymus tapping for mental and emotional regulation. Invitation to upcoming events. And more.

    Let's stay connected. Head to Instagram: @ilanak.kinesiology

    Ask Ilana: new addition to the podcast! Submit your question using this form and i’ll pick one a month to answer on the show.

    Show Links: ilanak.com.au/podcasts/190

  • Do you often feel overwhelmed by emotions? Do your thoughts spiral, leaving you feeling stuck or trapped by the present or your past? "Pen to Paper" dives into the transformative world of therapeutic writing—a powerful form of journaling that helps you process emotions, overcome mental blocks and more. Join us as we explore how this simple tool can lead to profound healing and clarity in your life.

    In this podcast we discuss:

    Exploring Release Writing: learn the concept and benefits of release writing, emphasizing its power to help shed emotional burdens. Learn how therapeutic journaling can manage overwhelming emotions and persistent negative thoughts, fostering a deeper self-understanding. Discover how release writing goes beyond traditional diary or journalling. Get insight into the approach developed by Dr. James Pennebaker and Ilana’s protocol for both personal use and clinical settings. Ilana shares compelling stories from her own life, illustrating how release writing played a pivotal role in her recovery from chronic fatigue and personal challenges. Gain practical guidance for initiating your release writing journey, with strategies for addressing both past issues and current emotional hurdles.

    Tune in to harness the power of putting pen to paper. Whether you're battling internal barriers or seeking emotional release, this episode offers the tools you need for mental and psychological resilience.

    Let's stay connected. Head to Instagram: @ilanak.kinesiology

    Ask Ilana: new addition to the podcast! Submit your question using this form and i’ll pick one a month to answer on the show.

    Show Links: ilanak.com.au/podcasts/189

  • Do you struggle to find time for regular movement because you think it requires a 30 to 60-minute commitment? What if you could incorporate more movement into your everyday schedule?

    In this episode, we are joined by Angela Baklis, an osteopath and movement expert, to discuss the importance of integrating movement into our daily lives.

    We delve into the concept of a movement lifestyle, the benefits of walking and spending time outdoors, and the significance of listening to our bodies. Angela shares her journey from being an osteopath to embracing a holistic approach to movement and explores how movement can be adapted to different stages of life, such as injuries, pregnancy, and motherhood.

    Key Points Discussed:

    The importance of incorporating movement into our daily routines and how it benefits both physical and mental health. Angela's transition from traditional osteopathy to a more holistic movement approach. The concept of a movement lifestyle and how it differs from just exercising a few times a week. Tips for new mothers and busy individuals to integrate movement into their lives, even with limited time. The role of movement in managing chronic pain and preventing future health issues. How movement can be a tool for connecting with our bodies and intuition. Discussion around movement for pregnancy, preparing for birth, or injuries. Learn about Angela's self-care rituals.

    Let's stay connected. Head to Instagram: @ilanak.kinesiology

    Ask Ilana: new addition to the podcast! Submit your question using this form and i’ll pick one a month to answer on the show.

    Show Links: ilanak.com.au/podcasts/188

  • April 2024 is looking like it will be intense. This month we all need to ride the waves of change as April unfolds with its unique blend of challenges and opportunities. Are you ready to learn how to navigate April 2024 with more awareness and curiosity?

    This podcast will guide you through the changing seasons, astrological updates, and intuitive insights to help you navigate the shifts and opportunities that April 2024 brings.

    In this episode, we'll cover:

    Seasonal Shifts: Reflecting on the transition into Autumn and the impact of the March Equinox. Monthly Energy Theme: Unveiling April's theme and how to align with its energy for personal and professional growth. Mercury Retrograde Insights: Strategies for managing the Mercury retrograde period from April 1st to 24th. Lunar Updates: Insights into the New Moon in Aries and the Full Moon in Scorpio, and how to harness their energies. Intuitive Energy Supports: Personal guidance from Ilana to support your well-being throughout the month. Affirmations: Powerful affirmations to keep you focused and uplifted.
    Upcoming Events: Information on events and retreats happening soon.

    Let's stay connected. Head to Instagram: @ilanak.kinesiology

    Ask Ilana: new addition to the podcast! Submit your question using this form and i’ll pick one a month to answer on the show.

    Show Links: ilanak.com.au/podcasts/187

  • Have you ever found yourself feeling overwhelmed by anger, frustration, irritability, or negativity? Do these emotions surface often, especially when facing the pressures of daily life, such as parenthood, work, or running a business?

    In this episode, Ilana shares a powerful tool to navigate through these emotions in under two minutes. By following her guidance on using this technique, listeners can release anger and frustration, gain clarity, and move forward with renewed optimism quickly. This simple yet effective tool can be used anywhere and is a valuable resource for emotional well-being.

    In this episode you will learn:

    An introduction to a tool to navigate through anger, frustration, irritability, or negativity in under two minutes Personal anecdotes about dealing with these emotions, especially in the context of parenthood and running a business Introduction of acupressure point liver 14, located below the nipple, to help release these emotions Explanation of the metaphysical aspects of this point, empowering hope and aspiration Instruction on how to use this technique, including rubbing the point and using Discussion on the benefits of this technique for emotional well-being and clarity Invitation to join upcoming events and retreats for further energy work and self-care opportunities

    Let's stay connected. Head to Instagram: @ilanak.kinesiology

    Ask Ilana: new addition to the podcast! Submit your question using this form and i’ll pick one a month to answer on the show.

    Show Links: ilanak.com.au/podcasts/186

  • Did you know that what you eat will affect your health? So why do you self-sabotage what goes in your mouth? Do you then blame yourself for not being strong enough or for having enough willpower to commit to the latest diet or eating healthy consistently?

    In this episode we explore why we know eating healthily is fundamental to disease prevention, but why so many humans struggle to stick to it with scientist, nutritionist, podcaster and Emotional Eating and Self Sabotage coach Matty Lansdow.

    Let's stay connected. Head to Instagram: @ilanak.kinesiology

    Ask Ilana: new addition to the podcast! Submit your question using this form and i’ll pick one a month to answer on the show.

    Show Links: ilanak.com.au/podcasts/185

  • Ready to learn more about Kinesiology? Perhap even study it?

    In this episode I interviewed Denise Robinsion, one of my mentors and she shared valuable information about Kinesiology, energy and her Kinesiology school.

    In this podcast we explored:

    Denise’s journey to finding Kinesiology Learn Denise’s definition of energy We discuss our own 1 sentence tag lines for explaining Kinesiology Learn 3 questions Denise get asked the most about Kinesiology Denise share’s what is a remedy and why they assist in clearing energy Understand Denise’s favourite energy clearing tools right now Learn importance of yin and yang boundaries in business and as a woman Denise shares information about studying Kinesiology with her Learn where to find more about Denise and her Kinesiology school

    Get ready to shift your energy and perspective of Kinesiology with 'The Energy Shift' podcast!"

    Let's stay connected. Head to Instagram: @ilanak.kinesiology

    Ask Ilana: new addition to the podcast! Submit your question using this form and i’ll pick one a month to answer on the show.

    Show Links: ilanak.com.au/podcasts/

  • Ready to live a life where you are being proactive with your life, rather than reactive? People often think Kinesiology is just for unblocking and healing stress, trauma and imbalances from the past, but what about applying it to create a high vibe future version of you?

    In this podcast episode we will explore why regular Kinesiology and energy work is a proactive way to constantly feel energised, aligned and connected to your power.

    Let's stay connected. Head to Instagram: @ilanak.kinesiology

    Ask Ilana: new addition to the podcast! Submit your question using this form and i’ll pick one a month to answer on the show.

    Show Links: ilanak.com.au/podcasts/

  • As we transition from season to season, March brings a shift in energy as we move from the introspective, reflective energies of Pisces season into the bold, assertive energies of Aries season.

    In this episode we discuss:

    Recap of February March 2024 energy forecast March new and full moon updates Ilana’s intuitive March energy supports Affirmations for the month Update about what’s been happening in my world Learn about new events in March and beyond And more!

    Let's stay connected. Head to Instagram: @ilanak.kinesiology

    Ask Ilana: new addition to the podcast! Submit your question using this form and i’ll pick one a month to answer on the show.

    Show Links: ilanak.com.au/podcasts/

  • Body wisdom is often referred to as our 6th sense, but why then do some many of us override this guidance?

    How often do you often ignore your own body's intuition?

    In this podcast we will discuss:

    What is body wisdom Reasons why we so often override this innate ability Share few examples about my own body wisdom journey Take you through a body wisdom connection tool

    Let's stay connected. Head to Instagram: @ilanak.kinesiology

    Ask Ilana: new addition to the podcast! Submit your question using this form and i’ll pick one a month to answer on the show.

    Show Links: ilanak.com.au/podcasts/