
  • How has it been an entire year?! What a beautiful and wild ride it's been.

    I chose this episode as my season one finale. It felt right to watch this whole journey unfold and develop in the most amazing and informational year!
    With all of the incredible people who came onto the show this year, I have grown leaps and bounds towards a healthier life. I'm so grateful for everyone that came on and I have so many amazing plans in season 2! And YES, there will absolutely be a season 2. I intuitively felt a strong nudge to create a pause for the integration of all of the amazing information shared this season. Let's face it, starting my Master's Program for clinical counseling while working full time, being a mama and wife full time, part-time photographer, part-time Reiki practitioner, and a whole bunch of other shit I do in a day, is quite an adjustment.

    So I'm headed to my adjustment and integration phase. I'm learning that to maintain my manifesting generatorness, I must make room for rest and time with my loved ones. Watching myself evolve throughout this year has been a truly humbling experience (and yes--I cried--go figure). With all that being said, I hope it inspires you to do the same. Life is not meant to be easy, it's meant to teach. Why are we here? What is your purpose? How will you leave the generations after you, and how will you honor the generations before you?

    Thanks for participating in my journey to find those answers. Stay tuned for many more in season 2 full of incredible people.

    Until next season. Much love!





  • Today, I decided to pop in for a check-in and update on life. We are almost at 1 year of The Enlightened Lens Podcast Airing. How crazy fast that went, and oh how much has shifted and changed.

    I gave a recap of all the topics in one. I go over topics of growth, spirituality, parenting, relationships, mental health, and all evolution.

    I reference the direction that this podcast is taking, and how exciting it is for all the changes headed our way.

    We are in metamorphosis.
    The goo.
    The rubble.
    Its hard.
    It's beautiful.
    It's rising from the ashes, and embracing the new chapter in front of us.

    Thanks for tagging along this crazy journey with me!


    @ericamatluck @experiencesevensenses





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  • I know it has been a bit since I have put out an episode but in todays episode I go over how my life is playing out right now.

    I talk about not only the struggles of whats happening astrologically speaking, but really when it comes to playing all the roles. I firmly believe that we are all not meant to work ourselves into the ground, contrary to what societal norms makes it seem. I am just a woman, trying to balance all of my hats, while creating a formula for growth and prosperity. Welcome to the ride, I'm so grateful to have you here for it.

    I decided to pull some cards for some mid month inspiration. I pulled:

    King of Pentacles: An abundant and self determined card that focuses on personal growth.
    Reversed Sun: Self-doubt, lack of confidence and struggle with inspiration.
    6 of Swords: Transitional card that moves passed our wounds and traumas with the help of those around us.

    It's time to honor the goo phase as spoken by Weslie with her podcast Wake Up with Weslie. This phase of grief and change, and hard work is requiring us to honor the love and rest and pleasure and FUN.

    I'm being called between masculine and feminine energies so much, that I hope my stories and lessons aid you along your path as well.

    We are all in this together.

    Until next time.

    Much love xoxo





  • In todays episode you guys get the joy of listening to Jana! Master of many things, this woman was such an inspiration to hear from. We dive into the basics of the breath. Such a simple yet DEEP part of our human lives.

    We cover topics such as:

    -Proper everyday breathing techniques
    -Breath work journeys
    -One on one reiki/breath work
    -The physical effects that take place during breath work journeys
    -Emotional healing that takes place
    -Breath work with parenting

    Sharing both our experiences was such a beautiful way to learn and connect. Jana is a so knowledgeable and goes into detail about why we turn to breath for our wellness. How powerful are we?! I stepped away from this conversation so energized and it's because we each have a profound ability to heal from within through the act of sacred breath.

    If you want to work with Jana here is her contact info:


    Thanks again to Jana for being such light in this world.





  • Today is a solo episode that is dedicated to sharing tools with you guys that have definitely SAVED MY ASS. There is really no other way to put it than that.

    Life is hectic and I wanted to share some tools that I use on a daily basis to help me stay grounded. Retrograde season, Spring Equinox season, and all the other large astrological events taking place require us all to slow down and smell the damn roses.

    Here are my "Save my Ass" tools:

    -Sacred shower. Elements included.
    -Dedicated meditation time. Go manifest.
    -Individual time with each kid, spouse/loved one, and/or friends.
    -Eat good food. Drink good water. Listen to your gut.
    -Adult happy hormone release. With your partner. With yourself. Pleasure is your right.
    -Sleep. Set bed time. Stick to it.
    -Intellectual time. Learn, share, and grow.

    Make yourself a priority, make your loved ones a priority, and honor those goals. It takes time and self awareness, but it's so worth it.

    I hope one or more of these things resonated with you all.

    Please share some of your "Save my Ass" tools! Id love to hear.





  • Today we get the honor to hear from someone I consider a good friend, Lindsay.

    Lindsay has so many modalities under her belt. She is a Reiki Master, Trained under Shaman, Breath Work Facilitator, and of course Akashic Records Reader.

    I got the honor of attending Lindsay's Fall Equinox breath work session and it was magic! Simultaneously I was told by multiple people to find someone who does Akashic records readings. Low and behold, the connection between Lindsay and I was immediate and I pulled her aside after the breath work journey and spirit just delivered an Akashic Records reader who just guided me through breath. I love when that happens!

    I have since had my reading from her which we discuss and describe as well as other topics such as:

    -Passed Life Regressions
    -Connecting to your soul.
    -Shaman work
    -Energetic Cleansing/Self Care

    And so much more!

    If you want to get in contact with Lindsay her handle on Instagram is @healing.lindsay or her website is www.healinglindsay.com

    Also if you want to go to her FREE breath work session to go sagecanvas.com

    The book I referenced is "Many Lives, Many Masters," written by Brian Weiss

    @g.e.t.l.i.v.i.n.g is Janalyn

    Thanks to her again for such amazing insight on such a juicy topic. Please share with those you think would be interested or even intrigued by this topic. And if you feel so inclined I would love a review on Apple or Spotify. Just helps spread the love!

    And thanks to you all for such beautiful support! Love you all!





  • Welcome to March Spirit Messages!

    Our theme for this month was 'The Wheel' from the Tarot. What a great theme for March because it brings luck, chaos of creation, expansion, and enlightenment!

    Week 1: Pride
    -I love myself, and I see myself in everyone.
    -Throwing away old measurements or beliefs about happiness.
    -Pride on how you work through emotions now.

    Week 2: Sophia
    -Divine plan.
    -Intelligence from within.
    -Tuning into soul self.

    Week 3: Courge

    Week 4: Soul Power
    -Always remember: You are a soul that comes with a body, not a body that comes with a soul.
    -Busy, yet abundant--stay grounded.
    -Tune into that guidance of the Universe/self.

    All cards will be posted on my socials for a closer look!

    The book I refered to was, "The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck," by Mark Manson
    @clubhouse.ecstatic.slc is the dancing studio I referenced.

    I hope these resonates. If you feel the need to share this, please do! I love the support and appreciate it dearly .

    Happy March everyone!





  • Today is a solo episode that goes over the parenting stories and discoveries that I have uncovered over the many years I have been a mom, but mostly over the past few weeks.

    Being vulnerable and sharing stories is quite honestly, the best way to learn. I have had a rough few weeks with my kids, by just being challenged by them and tested by what I have learned and looked at over the course of my growth.

    I asked the Universe for help and low and behold every podcast I usually listen to, seemed to have a parenting theme. All the words spoken were essentially guided to my ears and I wanted to share it with you all.

    Here is a list of podcasts and books I have used for these specific resources:

    -Intuitive Astrology with Molly McCord
    -Sex w/ Emily Podcast "How to Raise Good Humans w/ Dr. Aliza Pressman
    -Raising Good Humans with Dr. Aliza Pressman "How to Become a Better Listener & Strengthen your Connections with your Kids w/ Lori Gottlieb
    -Huberman Lab Podcast "Dr. Becky Kennedy: Protocols for Excellent Parenting & Improving Relationships of All Kinds
    - "Good Inside" written by Becky Kennedy
    - "Atlas of the Heart" by Brene Brown
    - "Parenting with Love and Logic" by Foster Cline
    - "The Transformative Power of Crisis: Our Journey to Psychological Healing & Spiritual Awakening" by Robert & Jane Alter

    @therealandiethueson-Human Design
    @thebeekeepersgranddaughter-Tallow Lotion

    Thanks for letting me share these stories. I hope it resonates. I appreciate you all so damn much.

    Cheers to this wild journey of parenting.





  • Hollie Hope made it to the podcast yet again! If you remember correctly she was one of my very first episodes ALMOST A YEAR AGO (how crazy) and I didn't know how to do all the fun techy stuff that goes along with being a podcaster, and the episode aired with no sound.

    Since then we have recorded episode 10, our Sacred Sex episode but of course I had to bring her back to re-do our first drum episode. So today is about her sacred sound, synergy, and sense of community that she has created in Southern Utah.

    In this episode we discuss what a drum ceremony looks like, how she got called to this work, and how she has morphed and developed it along the way. Practitioners that have graduated her courses have made it to the podcast so if you'd like to hear those they are episodes 3, 6, 7, 22, & 33.

    I share my experiences with the drums, and just really had to validate the sense of community that this woman has created. Her story telling, and the way she portrays information is clear and beautiful.

    If you would like to work with Hollie or buy her drum babies you can find her at:

    Thanks again for listening! Love you all!





  • Today Kylie asked to be on the show, and I'm so glad that she did, because we are talking about non other than female period cycles, hormones, diet and all around women's health.

    What a beautiful topic that a lot of people feel a lot of shame and discomfort around. Kylie is a Cycle Syncing Hormone Health Coach. She goes into detail about the 4 phases of our menstrual cycle and how we can associate that with our 4 seasons, in such a beautiful way.

    We go into both our journeys with our own health, and cover topics like birth control, diet, societal norms, etc.

    If you want to work with Kylie, find your instagram @wildly.roe and give her a follow.

    Thanks for listening! I love all of your support!





  • Today Shantel (@rhythmic_healing) and I got to welcome Chase (@chaseg_intuitive_healer) to the show! (And don't mind my little visitor towards the beginning of the show-Mom life and all)

    Chase has a really interesting journey from being a masculine rodeo bull rider in one minute to intuitive sound healer the next. It was really refreshing to hear from a new perspective of someone who really does blend all of his many talents and sides of the spectrum into one.

    He talks about his story before his healing journey, what his healing journey started as, and how he got here now.

    We discuss drum healing, reiki, parenting, societal expectations, and those beautiful masculine versus feminine energies.

    If you want to work with Chase or his Wife (who we will have on the show as well) you can email [email protected]

    Thank you so much for your support! Like and share and watch out for upcoming drum ceremonies that may take place either in Salt Lake area or Southern Utah.





  • Welcome back to our Spirit Messages for February!

    I felt as though January lasted six months so I'm grateful to be moving onto the next and these cards show that this is a good one ahead folks!

    Week One:
    Direction Guardian
    -Angels of Direction
    -Stuck at a crossroads, but whatever you choose you have guidance!
    -Stop with limiting expectations, and choose whats in alignment with your soul.

    Week Two:
    Angelic Assistance
    -Healing & Love here
    -Call to prayer in any form that resonates with you.
    -Invite what ever higher power you believe in to help guide you.

    Week Three:
    -We are here to get our message to balance.
    -We are balancing Feminine and Masculine Energies
    -Can be contention in this.

    Week Four:
    Just Ask
    -It's a simple thing we forget to do. Ask.
    -Ask family, friends, and loved ones.
    -Ask Spirit.

    I love these cards. If you want a visual of them, go to my socials to take a look! Happy February my loves!





  • In this episode I got the honor of meeting with Dr. Kaleb Valdez, my Chiropractor!

    I found him through listening to @certified.weird Podcast and I fell in love with practice before even becoming his patient! Hearing his story and how he looks at how chiropractic care should be performed, was enough to have my session booked with him, in a matter of 20 minutes into listening to the episode he was on their podcast.

    Here is the link to book if you feel the same way and want to get on his schedule:

    I knew I had to bring him onto our platform to dive deeper into what this man is all about!

    We discuss:
    -Benefits to adjustments
    -Spiritual and cultural perspectives and how he ties that in
    -Maternity and Newborn adjustments
    -What a visit looks like

    And SO MUCH MORE. He also wrote a book that you can find on his website

    What a great man with great functional insights to our health!

    If you want to listen to his podcast see site below:

    Thanks again @drkalebvaldez for joining the show! His business page is @formfitnesschiro and if you have questions feel free to reach out to both of us!

    Love you all!





  • Special treat this week! Not only do I have my sister Shantel from @rhythmic_healing on today but I brought on my other sister Chelsie!

    Today you get to hear from the ultimate Trio, and listen to what a day in the life of our sisterhood really looks and sounds like!

    We discuss topics about parenting through advancement of technologies, generational changes we have made since our upbringing, middle child theories, mom hacks, parenting perspectives, and our dorky banter!

    This sisterhood is a staple in what makes me who I am today. I am so forever grateful to have such a beautiful bond with women that allows space for conversations such as this one. There will be more episodes with the trio in the future so stayed tuned!

    If you enjoyed this episode please share, rate, or review the podcast. I appreciate all of your support!





  • Welcome back for the monthly Spirit Messages!

    January 2024 messages were so good! Of course I decided to switch it up this time with my card pulls but they were exactly what they needed to be.

    Theme Card: 5 of Staffs (or Wands)

    Overcoming some conflict, speaking your truth, AND STICKING WITH IT.

    Week One: Failure

    Learning from our failures as a new learning opportunity.

    Week Two: The Great Severing

    Uprooting unconscious wounds that are causing conflict, and severing yourself from the past version of yourself that no longer serves you.

    Week Three: Friendship

    A call to reconnect with loved ones, open your heart, share stories, and PLAY!

    Week Four: Mother Mary

    Unconditional love for yourself, for others and letting go of conflict with those around and CHOOSE HAPPY.

    Week Five: Receive

    Giving and receiving required flow in both directions. Accept help and love from others.

    If you want to look at all of these beautiful cards head over to my social media
    @theenlightedlens to go see them!

    I hope it all connects and I can't wait to see how this month unfolds!

    Love you all.





  • In todays episode we discuss my own health struggles over the past year specifically but really my whole life, looking back.

    After visit after visit to a plethora of different doctors, I finally found out that I have Celiac disease.

    What is Celiac disease? According to celiac.org it's defined as, "a serious autoimmune disease that occurs in genetically predisposed people where the ingestion of gluten leads to damage in the small intestine. It is estimated to affect 1 in 100 people worldwide, but only about 30% are properly diagnosed."

    I brought my sister Shantel with @rhythmic_healing on due to her vast knowledge in nutrition. We talk about what I can eat, what I can't, what to look for if you feel you or someone you love is suffering from Celiac, and honestly just health awareness in general.

    We offer tips and what I have learned so far in this new journey! Health journeys can be hard, but my hope is to educate myself in looking at food as medicine and finally start taking care of myself! I hope that it encourages you to do the same.

    If you have any questions feel free to reach out!

    Love you all!





  • In this Episode I discuss some Reiki basics.

    Now I don't get into how to do Reiki, the history of it, and all of the smaller components. What this episode is really geared towards those people who hear the word 'Reiki' and think, "What is Reiki? And what does it look like?"

    Those are the top questions I get when I talk about my Reiki practices. I'm still a student of Reiki, as I mentioned I will be getting my final Reiki Master next month but really these are the basics when someone wants to get a session done, but needs a bit more info.

    Reiki is a tool used for
    -Physical Pain
    -Emotional Blockages

    And SO MUCH MORE. It takes faith and surrender to offer up to this potent healing energy.
    I discuss how I incorporate sound, oracle/tarot, and now my psychic and mediumship development really plays a part in what a session really looks like.

    For all questions, please reach out!

    Thank you so much!

    Love you all!





  • Dr. Erica Matluck joins me today and I AM THRILLED! I am definitely still coming down from this high after such a rich and informative conversation with Erica.

    I found Erica through another podcast that I listen to (@themediumexperience) and I could NOT stop marveling over this woman. I studied her website, her programs, these diagrams she has made to back up the information given today and CANT GET ENOUGH.
    She is:
    - A Naturopathic Doctor
    -Reiki Master
    -Nurse Pracitioner
    -Yogi and BEYOND.
    Erica describes how she found this path, through incredible grief that then led her to the path she has paved along the way. She created a program called, "The Technology of Self," and along her new journey as a Mom really sheds light on how our MIND, BODY, AND SOULs are truly connected and how it'll shape generations that follow us.

    I cannot get enough of this conversation and I hope it helps every single one of you. If you would like to work with Erica or follow her page here is her info:

    Please like, and share this episode with those who you know could benefit from this incredible rich information.

    Much love!





  • I took a week off. Yes I was sick. No I didn't sound good. And yes, we all survived.

    Moving forward into this episode I wanted to switch it up. I just wrapped up my 8 week course with Danielle Searancke, The Squamish Medium (@thesquamishmedium) and I graduated as A WHOLE NEW ME. This new me, is being called to do monthly Spirit Messages. Still being new to this practice, please grant me grace but this IS a calling that I will choose to listen to and really hope this helps every single one of you that listen.

    I pull cards for the overall month and channel words and messages needed to get us through not only this month but into the new year. I FELT these messages. Please let me know if you did to.

    Much love!





  • In this episode I was supposed to be talking with the great and amazing Dr. Erica Matluck but the cold and flu season this year, is something fierce.
    If you would like to look at her information before I get our schedules to line back up her Instagram is:

    So this episode was a bit unplanned but honestly, my trust in the Universe has grown enough to know that everything happens for a reason and my urge to talk about my experience with Spirit School was pretty large.

    With that being said, in todays episode I talked about my journey in finding Danielle Searancke and the Spirit School that she created. It wasn't planned or known to me that I would be a student and mentee of hers until MINUTES before this class started. Now finding myself at almost the end of this beautiful endeavor and I have SO MUCH TO SAY. I tried to condense it into an hour but there will be more episodes on my experience, after I reach out to some sitters and ask for their permissions to share.

    Also, there will probably be an addition to this podcast that surrounds Spirit messages.

    Please feel free to share your thoughts, message me, and like and share the podcast.

    And finally, yes I did it, I pulled THE BIRTHDAY CARD! For my birthday, lets go review me. Thank you in advance! I love you all!



