
  • Welcome back to another episode of the Finding Peace podcast after a brief hiatus. In this emphatic episode, we delve into the concept of whether everything that happens to us is for our good. Sometimes life presents us with seemingly awful circumstances, often uttered at funerals and making it difficult for people to find comfort. However, this catchphrase can have profound meanings when carefully pondered.

    This episode shares a story about a Chinese wealthy man who experienced several turbulent events. The tale highlights the profound truth that what might initially seem bad, could turn out to be a blessing in disguise. If we can lean into the discomfort of these situations, perhaps we can see these events unravel into something good.

    However, it's not always easy to accept these situations with grace. This episode brings to light the struggles we might face when faced with adversity, and the importance of not succumbing to our doubts and fears. Recognizing that personal growth often comes from our lowest moments can act as a soothing balm in our difficult times.

    What if every rejection, setback, or failure was truly meant for our own good? Could we develop a more open-minded perspective when faced with disappointment? This thought-provoking discussion aims to challenge listeners to see these possibilities through a different lens.

    The host also highlights an insightful analogy about what to do with the 'poop' of life. We can isolate it, ignore it until it's unbearable, or we could use it to enrich our lives, the same way farmers use manure to fertilize their crops. It attempts to illustrate how personal growth can blossom from our darkest moments.

    Finding Peace podcast invites everyone to share their thoughts about the lessons they learn from the messiness of life, reassuring everyone that they are indeed loved and worth it. It's a journey, and we all share our unique path in it.

  • This emotional episode follows Mary Douglass's compelling journey of healing, self-discovery, and finding peace amidst life's trials. Raw and unfiltered, the narrative begins with a devastating heartbreak, which compels her on a transformative journey of self-realization and healing. Through confronting past traumas and deep-set insecurities, she embarks on an inspiring journey of self-growth, ultimately reclaiming her self-worth and independence.

    Set in a spiritual retreat in Prescott, Arizona, she defies her initial skepticism and uncertainties to give herself a chance at healing. The episode paints a vivid picture of her journey, encompassing moments of vulnerability, laughter, tears, and friendships formed as heartache steadily gave way to self-love.

    Interspersed with personal experiences and reflections, the story unfolds her battles with challenges such as parental divorce, personal heartbreaks, and the death of a loved one. Each struggle brings her closer to inner peace and self-love, presenting an unfiltered view of resilience, strength, and the enduring human spirit.

    Bearing witness to her journey, we understand her transformation from a woman weighed down by self-loathing and shame to embracing her wounds as stepping stones to self-love and healing. By the end of her journey, she emerges beyond shame, no longer a casualty of failed relationships but a strong, independent woman unafraid of love or companionship.

    This episode is a testament to the power of accepting oneself, underlining the belief that everyone, despite their insecurities, deserves peace and attracts a nourished, compassionate, and healing life.

    Learn more about the Finding Peace Retreat at www.findingpeaceretreat.com

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  • In this powerful life testimony, Troy shares his struggle with addiction — an ordeal that not only threatened to destroy his marriage, relationships, and spirituality but also his consciousness of self. Battling shame and deep feelings of unworthiness, he paints a picture of the struggle that comes when one is fighting an addiction.

    Unexpectedly, he found that sobriety didn’t automatically translate to happiness. Instead, it opened floodgates to suppressed emotional wounds — rejection, neglect, abandonment, loss — which he had numbed over the years with his addiction. Confronted with all this unresolved pain, he grappled with enormous bitterness, resentment, and anger, pushing him close to a suicidal abyss.

    Troy discovered attachment wounds in his pursuit for help, which sparked a transformation. The newfound clarity helped him realize that these wounds were the root cause of his emotional honesty. He started cultivating healthier responses when dealing with rejection and abandonment, improving his relationships and actions towards his loved ones. On this journey, he developed the Finding Peace process and workbook — a methodology to heal the pain inside and refrain from causing misery and heartache to others.

    In this transformative journey, attending a retreat was integral. Its unconventional and interactive approach to learning deeply impacted him, finally leading him to open a private practice and convert his experiences into a full-time practice. He extends an invitation to the ‘Finding Peace Retreat’ for those weighed down by rage, resentment, worry, or depression. He encourages those struggling with attachment wounds to experience a novel and creative approach to learning and finding peace amidst their challenges.

    As he concludes, he shares insight on the importance of rewiring our internal narratives from negative to positive. The speaker urges us to fight the 'I'm not enough' mindset, and instead, he relentlessly emphasizes the immense capability and endurance we have as individuals.

    Learn more about the Finding Peace Retreat at www.findingpeaceretreat.com

  • Get ready for Season 5 of the captivating Finding Peace podcast hosted by Troy Love. After a successful and enlightening Season 4, where individual participants were guided through the enlightening Finding Peace worksheet, the plan for the upcoming season has been set. Witnessing the personal growth and self-discovery of participants as they connect with their inner truth and light was an incredibly inspiring experience, reinforcing Love's belief that all individuals possess innate love and light.

    If you've been moved by the podcast's core message and would like to be a part of the upcoming season, we're more than excited to extend the invitation your way. As a guest on the Finding Peace podcast for Season 5, you will have the opportunity to walk through the valuable processes of the Finding Peace worksheet. By visiting findingpeaceconsulting.com/podcast, you can send in your application - simply scroll to the middle of the page and click the "Yes, I'm in" button.

    Participate in this enlightening journey and contribute to the heartfelt stories that unveil the hidden love and light in us all. We look forward to reviewing your application and potentially welcoming you to Season 5 of Finding Peace podcast. Remember, you are always worthy of love and belonging.

  • In this podcast episode, Troy Love walks Daniel through the Finding Peace Worksheet where Daniel delves into personal experiences and emotional wounds. Daniel discusses his struggles with feeling disconnected from his family of origin, particularly his father, following his parents' divorce. He shares his feelings of neglect and abandonment, which have contributed to a core belief that he's not enough. These beliefs have affected his relationships, causing insecurity and the fear of being a burden to others. Daniel also reflects on how these wounds have impacted his marriage and family life.

    Troy helps Daniel identify the inner critical voice, the "Judge" that constantly berates him, and the "Martyr" that drives him to please others to avoid abandonment fears. They engage in exercises to confront and disarm these inner voices, ultimately empowering Daniel to reclaim his self-worth and heal his emotional wounds.

    The episode highlights the profound impact of childhood experiences on adult relationships and personal beliefs and the process of addressing and transforming these internal struggles.


  • The issue that Sher would like to find more peace and joy about revolves around her daughter's constant requests for financial assistance. Whenever she receives a text or call from her daughter, it triggers anxiety, fear, dread, and sadness because it usually means her daughter needs money. This situation has created a lack of peace for Sher for a long time because it reminds her of her childhood experiences of poverty, neglect, and abuse.

    Sher's daughter's addiction and her requests for money bring up deep-seated wounds from her past, including feelings of abandonment, neglect, and not being good enough. She sees parallels between her daughter's behavior and her own experiences growing up, leading to betrayal, loss, and abuse. Sher also shared that her daughter had gone missing for several years while battling addiction, which added to her emotional turmoil.

    Seeing her daughter's name on her phone triggers these painful emotions, and the core belief that gets activated for Sher is that she is not good enough. This belief stems from her childhood experiences of feeling unloved and unwanted, as she was adopted at a young age without anyone fighting to keep her.

    The emotions that Sher experiences in response to her daughter's messages are primarily sadness and fear. She used to provide her daughter with financial support to ease her discomfort, but she realized she was doing it to soothe her emotions rather than address the underlying issues. Now, she's trying to establish boundaries and have conversations before providing financial assistance, but it remains challenging.

    Sher's struggle with her daughter's situation also leads to shadows of shame, including feelings of rebellion, self-criticism, and powerlessness. The presence of grandchildren in the equation makes the situation even more complex and emotionally challenging for her.

  • In this conversation between Erika (not her real name) and Troy Love, Erika discusses her struggle to relax and rejuvenate. She acknowledges the pressure to work constantly and the fear that taking time for herself will lead to more work piling up. Erika is also aware of her inner shadows, like the judge and the martyr, who constantly criticize and pressure her.

    Troy encourages Erika to start with small increments of time for self-care, even just five minutes, and to fiercely protect that time as non-negotiable. The conversation ends with Erka acknowledging her need for this time and her commitment to incorporating it into her routine despite the discomfort it may initially bring.

    Overall, the discussion highlights the challenges many individuals face in balancing work and self-care and the importance of permitting oneself to prioritize personal well-being.

  • In this emotionally charged episode, the host welcomes John, a man who has been grappling with a deep-rooted fear of losing everything, including his family, due to past choices he's made. John bravely takes listeners on his personal journey of confronting his shadows of shame and connecting with his wounds of rejection and abandonment from his childhood.

    Through therapy and introspection, John begins to understand that his fear is tied to his past, and he's been projecting those old feelings onto his current life. As he faces his shadows, he starts to unravel the root of his fears and makes a profound connection with his new truth.

    John learns to embrace self-compassion and forgiveness, recognizing that he is worthy of love and happiness despite his imperfections. This newfound understanding shifts how he views his relationships, particularly with his family, as he becomes more open and honest with them.

    **Key Points:**

    - John grapples with a deep-rooted fear of losing everything due to past choices.- He confronts his shadows of shame and connects with past wounds of rejection and abandonment.- Understanding the root of his fears helps him let go of unnecessary distress.- John embraces self-compassion, forgiveness, and his new truth.- His relationships, particularly with his family, strengthen as he becomes more open and honest.

    Additional Music provided by Artist.io with artists:

    ElevenTales - Slow Tides

    Michael Vignola - Calling for You

    Katrina Stone - Digging Tunnels

    Aija Alsina - Sunrise

  • Ally has a kind, approachable demeanor. Using a client-centered approach, Ally fosters a safe environment to help clients decrease stress, release belief systems and trapped emotions that no longer serve them, and embrace their new truths.

    Ally utilizes a holistic approach to wellness. She has over 14 years of experience as a social worker, educator, published author, energy healer, retreat facilitator, and certified life coach. For more detailed information about Ally's services, please visit her website, chronicwellness.info.

  • In this inspiring episode, we sit down with Kyle, a remarkable individual who has embarked on a journey of self-discovery and healing after enduring years of bullying in high school. Kyle opens up about his experiences, discussing the emotional toll it took on him and the destructive coping mechanisms he developed as a result.

    Kyle shares candidly about the ways he tried to numb the pain, revealing the detrimental impact it had not only on himself but also on the people he loves. Recognizing the need for change, he sought out healthier strategies to find greater peace, joy, and self-acceptance in his life.

    One tool that proved instrumental in Kyle's healing process was the "Finding Peace" worksheet, a valuable resource he discovered along the way. He discusses how he utilized this worksheet to confront the deep-rooted issues stemming from his bullying experiences. Kyle explains how the worksheet helped him explore and process his emotions, offering a path toward healing and personal growth.

    Throughout the interview, Kyle shares the pivotal moments and insights that led him on his transformative journey. He emphasizes the importance of self-reflection, vulnerability, and seeking support from loved ones and professionals.

    Listeners will gain valuable insights from Kyle's story, as he imparts wisdom and practical advice for anyone facing similar challenges. His journey serves as a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the power of self-acceptance.

    Tune in to this empowering episode to hear Kyle's powerful story of overcoming bullying, finding inner peace, and embracing a life filled with joy and self-acceptance.

    If you haven’t taken the Free Finding Peace Challenge, go to https://findingpeaceconsulting.com/five-day-challenge/

    A special shout out to Artist.io and the amazing musicians who contributed to the soundtrack for this episode:

    The Dream of LifeSémø, Yoed NirNarcissusMaya Belsitzman & Matan EphratKing's RequiemAlon PeretzMountain of Doomby Amit WeinerBy the Riverby Mattia Vlad MorleoStargazingby LivingroomsDriving Homeby Noam Zaguri
  • Jenny Kempton is currently finishing her Master’s degree in Social Work at ASU and has her bachelor's in Child Development. She has facilitated several Finding Peace book groups and social groups and has worked with clients in her internships with this model. In all these capacities Jenny finds joy in being with others on their healing journeys. Her interests in the field are trauma work and expressive arts therapy. Jenny and her husband have four kids and enjoy going on adventures and watching movies together.

    Join her as she faces her Shadows of Shame in this episode of the Finding Peace Podcast.

    Thank you also to Artlist for all of the background music we used in this episode. You can learn more about them here.

    If you haven't signed up for the Finding Peace Five-Day Challenge...it's free. You can do so here: https://findingpeaceconsulting.com/five-day-challenge/

  • In this Season of the Finding Peace Podcast, we are changing things up. During each episode, we will interview a courageous person who has signed up to be what has lovingly been called the Healing Seat. Together, this person and I will walk through the Finding Peace Worksheet. You can get your own copy of the Finding Peace Retreat when you sign up for the FREE Finding Peace Five-Day Challenge.

    In this episode, we listen to Jules share her story of rejection, betrayal, and abandonment and help her to begin changing the narrative around her Shadows of Shame®.

  • Jonny Porter is the owner of These Guys, a marketing firm based in Arizona. In addition to running the firm, Jonny is also the host of a popular morning talk show on KBLU AM 560, where they cover politics, local issues and current events. Before starting These Guys, Jonny gained valuable marketing experience as an independent rapper navigating the music industry. Despite not having a formal degree in Marketing, Jonny learned the skills and knowledge necessary to succeed in this industry as a rapper. Jonny has been working in marketing for 15 years and is proud of the work his done to grow the business. In Jonny’s spare time, he enjoys reading and spending time on his mom’s little farm hidden in the woods of Payson, Arizona.

  • Gary van Warmerdam is the creator of PathwayToHappiness.com, an interactive website with lessons for changing beliefs that drive negative thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. In 1994, due to his own unhappiness with work and emotional drama in his relationships, Gary became motivated to learn about how his beliefs affected his emotions and decision-making. He studied extensively with Dr. Miguel Ruiz, author of The Four Agreements (a favorite of Oprah Winfrey) and other best-selling books. Gary realized that with a proper approach, he could gain greater control over his mind and emotions. With practice, he developed the power and the freedom to choose the peace and happiness he was seeking.

    Educated and experienced as an engineer, Gary brings a common sense approach to changing beliefs, emotions, mindfulness, and living in greater happiness. Since 2001 Gary has been lecturing, leading retreats, and coaching individual clients so they can live happier lives. His methods are not limited to a particular philosophy or approach, but are based on careful observation and getting practical results.

    You can explore more of Gary's work at his website www.PathwayToHappiness.com which has extensive free material and online courses for changing beliefs, emotions, and creating better relationships.

  • Sirena Andrea (pronounced Sir-Rain-A) is a Master Storyteller specializing in helping women become the authors of their own stories through the ancient and powerful process of healing through storytelling so they can find their true voice and live more empowered lives. She is the Director and Creatrix of the YoniVerse Monologues a powerful Storytelling & Trauma Release Program that has reached thousands throughout the Bay Area with sold-out performances every year featuring true life stories told by the courageous women who have lived them.

    Here is how you can find Sirena:



  • Join me for Episode 10 of the Finding Peace Podcast with Nikki Eisenhauer.

    Nikki is a Professional Psychotherapist, International Life Coach, Yoga Teacher, and Host of the podcast, Emotional Badass: Where Moxie Meets Mindful. In 2017, she launched the podcast to spread healing, empowerment, and hope to Highly Sensitive People (HSPs), Empaths, survivors, and seekers worldwide. Drawing from her experiences as a survivor of childhood abuse and the years she spent as a psychotherapist and life coach, she's mindfully designed the show to be the emotional education many of us crave.

    She truly believes in the power of healing. When we heal our wounds, let go of what doesn’t serve us, and embrace transformational self-care, we can live a life of purpose, peace, and connection. As we each step up to do this healing work—through the butterfly effect, —we change the world.

  • Today's guest on the Finding Peace Podcast is Joel Green.. Joel is CEO of Pro Level Training, the National Director of Nike Sports Camps, a former professional basketball player, and a renowned motivational speaker. After retiring from his career in professional basketball, Joel Green founded Pro Level Training (PLT), which has become a 7-figure company. In addition to running PLT, Green is also the National Director for Nike Sports Camps as well as an accomplished speaker. He was honored to speak to thousands and deliver his own TED Talk.

    Joel Green’s unique differentiator in business and as an individual is his ability to see life objectively from multiple vantage points. Unfortunate circumstances as a youth helped to groom and refine Joel into adulthood. Growing up in an abandoned home and seeing both sides of life has really helped him to connect with people over time.

    A thought leader in the motivational category, Joel Green has a B.A. in Psychology from Rider University, which has helped to fuel his ambition to inspire others. He has developed a reputation for personal excellence and motivational talks that contribute tangible advice for attaining desired goals. Many of the messages he has delivered are conveyed in his first book, Filtering: The Way to Extract Strength from the Struggle, due to release this fall.

    In addition, Green is a professional sports and fitness model and actor, and he has been featured in commercials, ads, and on television. Most recently he was the face of Cheez-It crackers Celebrity Crunch Classic campaign, in which he was solely featured on millions of snack boxes.

    Green is known for setting very ambitious goals for himself, most recently his own challenge of reading 30 books in 30 weeks. He has unflinchingly put in 18-20-hour workdays with great joy to make his dreams a physical manifestation. He attributes his work ethic to his unwavering faith and his passionate desire for excellence – both of which have allowed him to overcome many difficulties and life challenges. Learn more about Joel Green at http://www.joelbgreen.com/. Follow him on Instagram and LinkedIn.

  • Rose Ann was a successful C-Suite Executive and ministry leader in the church. She was a working mom of four and a social drinker. Over the years, life’s stresses and a difficult marriage created an environment where her alcohol usage increased significantly. Her health and emotional well-being suffered greatly. After the collapse of her marriage, her drinking further escalated, and she felt like a fraud to God and the Church.

    She made several attempts to control it only to lose control later again. AA was not the right fit for her. She had already submitted to God and didn’t want to call herself an alcoholic.

    When the COVID-19 pandemic hit, she enrolled in a coaching program to put alcohol aside for three months. Her experience was extremely transformational, and she recognized God’s instruction embedded in the entire process. She identified what alcohol had stolen from her life and understood God had a better plan for her. Rose Ann felt called to document what she learned with a daily devotional so others can experience God’s promises through scriptural instruction with hope and a better plan for the future.

    You can get a copy of Rose Ann’s book, The Plans He Has For Me: A 12-Week Daily Devotional for Freedom from Alcohol, by clicking here.

    When you purchase the book, you also get free access to a private Facebook group with other like-minded individuals taking the same challenge and supporting each other.

    You can also download the Kickstart Method for Alcohol Freedom for free at www.theplanshehasforme.com.

    Check out Rose Ann's Before picture:

  • Our guest this week on the Finding Peace Podcast is a fellow Social Worker, Stephanie James.

    Stephanie James is a psychotherapist, presenter, transformational coach, author, filmmaker, radio show, and podcast host. She has experienced what it means to live fully lit up and fully alive. Stephanie has gathered wisdom from some of the most amazing minds and serving hearts on the planet and has synthesized their wisdom with her own knowledge and experience to help amazing individuals, just like you, expand their vision of themselves and ignite their purpose.

    Her personal purpose is to bring as much love and healing to the world as possible. She knows that as we live as the greatest versions of ourselves, we illuminate the way for others to do the same. The unique light that is you was meant to shine bright in this world. Shine on!



