
  • "You have to be able to allocate time money effort into the thing that's get you the most back.” Today, Alex (@AlexHormozi) shares valuable insights past failed partnerships, emphasizing the importance of equity, contributions, and disciplined profit generation for business success. He provides practical advice for entrepreneurs on wise spending, navigating equity distribution, and making strategic decisions for sustainable business growth.

    Welcome to The Game w/Alex Hormozi, hosted by entrepreneur, founder, investor, author, public speaker, and content creator Alex Hormozi. On this podcast you’ll hear how to get more customers, make more profit per customer, how to keep them longer, and the many failures and lessons Alex has learned on his path from $100M to $1B in net worth.


    (2:05) - Partnership dynamics: equity and contribution

    (5:52) - The realities of business ownership and profit distribution

    (7:33) - Profit as a discipline: The importance of spending wisely

    Follow Alex Hormozi’s Socials:

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  • “There is no more useless emotion than feeling sorry for yourself.” Today, Alex (@AlexHormozi) delves into the crucial role of handling mistakes in business and transforming them into opportunities. He provides tactical advice on exceeding customer expectations, empowering teams to proactively address issues, and the long-term benefits of customer satisfaction, all key strategies for turning dissatisfied customers into brand champions.

    Welcome to The Game w/Alex Hormozi, hosted by entrepreneur, founder, investor, author, public speaker, and content creator Alex Hormozi. On this podcast you’ll hear how to get more customers, make more profit per customer, how to keep them longer, and the many failures and lessons Alex has learned on his path from $100M to $1B in net worth.


    (0:16) - Turning mess ups into opportunities

    (2:50) - Transforming negative experiences into positive outcomes

    (5:05) - Principles of handling mistakes effectively

    (10:09) - The angry boat strategy: How to own your mistakes

    (15:33) - Creating brand champions through exceptional service

    (22:47) - Tactical advice for businesses & empowering your team

    (24:25) - The long-term benefits of making things right

    Follow Alex Hormozi’s Socials:

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  • “The further away I get from my core, the more money I lose.” Today, Alex (@AlexHormozi) shares insights from his experiences with cryptocurrency and real estate investments, emphasizing the importance of operating within your sphere of competence. Highlighting lessons learned from financial losses, the episode underscores the value of skepticism towards enticing deals, the need for due diligence, and the benefits of leveraging personal expertise in investment strategies for wealth creation and preservation.

    Welcome to The Game w/Alex Hormozi, hosted by entrepreneur, founder, investor, author, public speaker, and content creator Alex Hormozi. On this podcast you’ll hear how to get more customers, make more profit per customer, how to keep them longer, and the many failures and lessons Alex has learned on his path from $100M to $1B in net worth.


    (0:36) - Big loss from the crypto craze

    (2:18) - Sticking to your sphere of competence

    (6:29) - The real estate misadventure

    (15:30) - Investing wisdom: Slow down and stay in your lane

    Follow Alex Hormozi’s Socials:

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  • “The more you prepare for stuff, the more frequently you do it, the better you will get it preparing.” Today, Alex (@AlexHormozi) emphasizes the significance of thorough preparation as a key differentiator in achieving business success. Highlighting real-world examples, he underscores the need for a significant increase in both the quality and quantity of preparation to excel in tasks, overcome imposter syndrome, and improve overall performance and efficiency.

    Welcome to The Game w/Alex Hormozi, hosted by entrepreneur, founder, investor, author, public speaker, and content creator Alex Hormozi. On this podcast you’ll hear how to get more customers, make more profit per customer, how to keep them longer, and the many failures and lessons Alex has learned on his path from $100M to $1B in net worth.


    (0:36) - Redefining preparation

    (3:21) - Preparation in content creation

    (5:55) - The power of preparation

    (8:53) - Scaling with creative preparation in advertising

    (12:29) - The philosophy of preparation

    (17:00) - Practical tips for effective preparation

    (25:51) - Resetting expectations and embracing preparation

    Follow Alex Hormozi’s Socials:

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  • “Thinking through conditions first rather than willpower first has been incredibly helpful for me.” Today, Alex (@AlexHormozi) shares productivity tactics and strategies for success, inspired by B.F. Skinner's behavior theory. The discussion includes managing time and attention, distinguishing between 'maker' and 'manager' roles, prioritizing deep work, and practical tips for goal setting and minimizing distractions.

    Welcome to The Game w/Alex Hormozi, hosted by entrepreneur, founder, investor, author, public speaker, and content creator Alex Hormozi. On this podcast you’ll hear how to get more customers, make more profit per customer, how to keep them longer, and the many failures and lessons Alex has learned on his path from $100M to $1B in net worth.


    (1:35) - The concept of conditions for success

    (5:57) - Applying conditions for success in various aspects of life

    (9:28) - Makers vs. managers: optimizing your schedule

    (20:52) - Practical tips for setting up success conditions

    (24:55) - Maximizing productivity and decision making

    Follow Alex Hormozi’s Socials:

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  • ”The person you spend the rest of your life with will have the largest impact on who you become.” Today, Alex (@AlexHormozi) explores the profound influence of choosing the right life partner on individual happiness, personal growth, and achievements. He emphasizes the correlation between well-being and strong relationships, the importance of shared values and growth, and the role of self-improvement in attracting a compatible partner, offering valuable insights for those seeking contentment through meaningful relationships and self-betterment.

    Welcome to The Game w/Alex Hormozi, hosted by entrepreneur, founder, investor, author, public speaker, and content creator Alex Hormozi. On this podcast you’ll hear how to get more customers, make more profit per customer, how to keep them longer, and the many failures and lessons Alex has learned on his path from $100M to $1B in net worth.


    (0:37) - The impact of your significant other on your life

    (1:42) - The high standards in finding 'the one'

    (2:59) - The three camps of single people

    (4:22) - The importance of self-improvement in attracting a partner

    (7:11) - Aligning life goals and values in a relationship

    (11:45) - The philosophy of happiness and meaningful work

    (15:18) - The role of usefulness and mastery in life satisfaction

    Follow Alex Hormozi’s Socials:

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  • (Disclaimer: This interview was recorded over a livestream. We apologize in advance for the quality of the audio.)

    "the only time that you truly have no hardship is if you're not growing.” Today, Alex (@AlexHormozi) answers questions from his audience and discusses the realities of entrepreneurship, emphasizing the importance of resilience amidst consistent challenges. He offers insights into customer acquisition strategies, the value of a strong network for growing businesses, and underscores the necessity of enduring hardships for success. He also shares valuable lessons for entrepreneurs about personal growth, overcoming obstacles, and the continuous learning process inherent in entrepreneurship.

    Welcome to The Game w/Alex Hormozi, hosted by entrepreneur, founder, investor, author, public speaker, and content creator Alex Hormozi. On this podcast you’ll hear how to get more customers, make more profit per customer, how to keep them longer, and the many failures and lessons Alex has learned on his path from $100M to $1B in net worth.


    (0:48) - Navigating loneliness and success

    (7:57) - The journey back to entrepreneurship

    (15:50) - Embracing the entrepreneurial struggle

    (18:02) - The continuous cycle of growth and pain

    Follow Alex Hormozi’s Socials:

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  • “It is always uncomfortable because the thing that you are now holding onto is the thing that you have to give up.” Today, Alex (@AlexHormozi) shares valuable insights on managing the delicate balance between control and delegation in the entrepreneurial journey, drawn from his experience of scaling acquisition.com to a billion-dollar portfolio. He focuses on the importance of understanding your business's intricacies and overcoming trust issues to embrace delegation, crucial for achieving significant business growth and personal freedom.

    Welcome to The Game w/Alex Hormozi, hosted by entrepreneur, founder, investor, author, public speaker, and content creator Alex Hormozi. On this podcast you’ll hear how to get more customers, make more profit per customer, how to keep them longer, and the many failures and lessons Alex has learned on his path from $100M to $1B in net worth.


    (0:38) - Navigating control in the entrepreneurial journey

    (1:14) - The shift from complete control to delegation

    (2:04) - Scaling your business by buying back time

    (3:11) - Understanding your identity and control in business growth

    (7:04) - The ultimate rule of thumb for entrepreneurs

    (8:54) - Overcoming personal barriers to success

    Follow Alex Hormozi’s Socials:

    LinkedIn  | Instagram | Facebook | YouTube  | Twitter | Acquisition 

    (This episode is a re-run. Original airdate was on April 19, 2021)

  • “It'll be more inspiring to other people is a much more powerful frame The more disadvantages you have when you start the more epic story you have when you win.” Today, Alex (@AlexHormozi) explores the mindset barriers to personal and professional growth, emphasizing the transformation of past traumas and unrealized potential into success stories. He shares compelling insights into overcoming adversity, advocating for proactive change, and the power of personal narratives in building a billion-dollar business.

    Welcome to The Game w/Alex Hormozi, hosted by entrepreneur, founder, investor, author, public speaker, and content creator Alex Hormozi. On this podcast you’ll hear how to get more customers, make more profit per customer, how to keep them longer, and the many failures and lessons Alex has learned on his path from $100M to $1B in net worth.


    (1:06) - Navigating opinions and finding your path

    (3:42) - From prodigal son to minimum wage

    (5:33) - Redefining identity and overcoming the past

    (9:02) - Embracing epic failures and successes

    (10:50) - Heroes vs. villains: choosing your path through pain

    (12:26) - The value of your lowest points

    Follow Alex Hormozi’s Socials:

    LinkedIn  | Instagram | Facebook | YouTube  | Twitter | Acquisition 

  • (Disclaimer: This interview was recorded over a livestream. We apologize in advance for the quality of the audio.)

    “And the thing that I keep coming back to that makes entrepreneurship difficult is that you have a known cost for an unknown payoff. “ Today, Alex (@AlexHormozi) answers questions from his audience and shares vital strategies for entrepreneurial success, emphasizing perseverance, strategic planning, and adaptability. The discussion navigates the challenges of scaling a business, adapting to technological disruptions, and overcoming adversity in personal and professional realms. Key themes include commitment, flexibility, and learning from failures, providing insightful guidance for anyone on the entrepreneurial journey.

    Welcome to The Game w/Alex Hormozi, hosted by entrepreneur, founder, investor, author, public speaker, and content creator Alex Hormozi. On this podcast you’ll hear how to get more customers, make more profit per customer, how to keep them longer, and the many failures and lessons Alex has learned on his path from $100M to $1B in net worth.


    (0:35) - Navigating entrepreneurial uncertainty

    (7:23) - Strategic decisions for aspiring entrepreneurs

    (14:36) - Overcoming analysis paralysis

    (20:59) - Navigating personal and professional hardships

    (25:30) - Leveraging social media for business growth

    Follow Alex Hormozi’s Socials:

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  • “You can bet on yourself, but there are so many more stories of guys who bet everything on themselves at the casino and walked away empty handed.” Today, Alex (@AlexHormozi) shares the key aspects of business valuation, debunking common misconceptions and highlighting seven critical metrics: contract value, lifetime revenue, business valuation, yearly revenue, profit or EBITDA, net free cash flow, and personal net worth. At the end, he ranks which of the metrics are best to use and why you should not be looking at the others to determine the value of a business.

    Welcome to The Game w/Alex Hormozi, hosted by entrepreneur, founder, investor, author, public speaker, and content creator Alex Hormozi. On this podcast you’ll hear how to get more customers, make more profit per customer, how to keep them longer, and the many failures and lessons Alex has learned on his path from $100M to $1B in net worth.


    (0:56) - 1st Metric: Contract value

    (2:35) - 2nd Metric: Lifetime revenue

    (4:58) - 3rd Metric: Business valuation

    (7:10) - 4th Metric: Yearly revenue

    (8:14) - 5th Metric: Yearly profit

    (10:11) - 6th Metric: Net free cash flow

    (11:07) - 7th Metric: Net worth

    (13:32) - Ranking each business valuation metric

    Follow Alex Hormozi’s Socials:

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    (This episode is a re-run. Original airdate was on July 1, 2021)

  • “Even if both of you compromise, you're not enjoying the thing that you're compromising on.” Today, Alex (@AlexHormozi) explores the intricacies of relationships, emphasizing self-awareness, compatibility, and mutual respect as foundations for a thriving partnership. He highlights the importance of personal growth, breaking away from societal expectations in mate selection, and the crucial role of understanding and appreciating diversity in dating and relationships.

    Welcome to The Game w/Alex Hormozi, hosted by entrepreneur, founder, investor, author, public speaker, and content creator Alex Hormozi. On this podcast you’ll hear how to get more customers, make more profit per customer, how to keep them longer, and the many failures and lessons Alex has learned on his path from $100M to $1B in net worth.


    (0:29) - Navigating the complexities of dating and relationships

    (1:37) - Understanding and appreciating diversity in relationships

    (3:33) - The importance of compatibility and shared goals in marriage

    (6:13) - Embracing pragmatism and realistic expectations in love

    (9:24) - The power of being brutally honest in relationships

    (15:57) - Avoiding common pitfalls in marriages and embracing appreciation

    (20:44) - Optimizing relationship dynamics through understanding and compromise

    (22:29) - Thoughts on prioritizing in relationships

    Follow Alex Hormozi’s Socials:

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  • “Where I want to go not many people have gone and it's going to be by its very nature difficult and fraught with hardship” Today, join Alex (@AlexHormozi) as he guests on The Learning Leader Show with Ryan Hawk to share his insights on challenging traditional success norms, sharing insights on personal growth, authenticity, and resilience. He discusses his journey in the fitness industry, his strategic approach to sustainable business growth at Acquisition.com, and the importance of choosing the right life partner for overall success.

    Welcome to The Game w/Alex Hormozi, hosted by entrepreneur, founder, investor, author, public speaker, and content creator Alex Hormozi. On this podcast you’ll hear how to get more customers, make more profit per customer, how to keep them longer, and the many failures and lessons Alex has learned on his path from $100M to $1B in net worth.

    Follow Ryan Hawk on:

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    ➤ Check out full episode on YouTube!


    (0:46) - The unconventional wisdom of never skipping dessert

    (2:06) - Embracing your true self against the grain

    (6:51) - The journey of self-discovery and breaking free

    (8:22) - The power of doing you: overcoming fear and judgment

    (11:20) - Finding your path: the courage to start anew

    (13:17) - Reconciliation and growth: mending fences with the past

    (18:12) - Choosing your life partner: the ultimate teammate

    (19:52) - The philosophy of growth and achieving big goals

    (22:47) - The essence of work: finding joy in the grind

    (26:07) - Building a legacy: the vision behind Acquisition.com

    Follow Alex Hormozi’s Socials:

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  • “Just because no one has done it doesn't mean it's not possible.” Today, Alex (@AlexHormozi) discusses strategies to overcome market limitations and personal barriers for limitless business growth. He emphasizes the need for a mindset shift, strategic thinking, and a focus on serving more customers to break industry revenue benchmarks and scale beyond perceived ceilings.

    Welcome to The Game w/Alex Hormozi, hosted by entrepreneur, founder, investor, author, public speaker, and content creator Alex Hormozi. On this podcast you’ll hear how to get more customers, make more profit per customer, how to keep them longer, and the many failures and lessons Alex has learned on his path from $100M to $1B in net worth.


    (0:58) - The three pillars of business growth: beliefs, traits, and skills

    (3:13) - Expanding your vision: the power of belief in business

    (4:26) - Traits and skills: the inner workings of success

    (7:26) - The path to unprecedented growth

    Follow Alex Hormozi’s Socials:

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    (This episode is a re-run. Original airdate was on October 19, 2021)

  • “The ultimate win at life is where you can shift things that are out of your control that you deem winning to things that are under your control which you can deem winning.” Today, Alex (@AlexHormozi) shares insights on building a billion-dollar business, emphasizing the power of consistent practice, and the value of hard work. He explores key success factors including persistence in content creation, using evidence to build credibility, and redefining personal success through effort and character development.

    Welcome to The Game w/Alex Hormozi, hosted by entrepreneur, founder, investor, author, public speaker, and content creator Alex Hormozi. On this podcast you’ll hear how to get more customers, make more profit per customer, how to keep them longer, and the many failures and lessons Alex has learned on his path from $100M to $1B in net worth.


    (1:18) - Building confidence through experience

    (2:18) - The power of persistence in content creation

    (4:39) - The turning point: from obscurity to recognition

    (5:00) - Content vs. context: the real game changer

    (6:39) - Redefining success: effort over outcome

    (10:25) - The infinite game: a new perspective on winning

    (12:35) - Building character: the ultimate win

    Follow Alex Hormozi’s Socials:

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  • “You need to have an equally strong force that will cause it to go down.” Today, join Alex (@AlexHormozi) as he guests on The Matt Gray Show to share key strategies for long-term success, emphasizing the importance of hard work, self-improvement, and leveraging current activities for greater returns. He also shares insights on integrating media business into one's life, setting a learning budget, experimenting with new ideas, and leveraging referrals for sustainable growth.

    Welcome to The Game w/Alex Hormozi, hosted by entrepreneur, founder, investor, author, public speaker, and content creator Alex Hormozi. On this podcast you’ll hear how to get more customers, make more profit per customer, how to keep them longer, and the many failures and lessons Alex has learned on his path from $100M to $1B in net worth.

    Follow The Matt Gray Show on:

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    ➤ Check out full episode on YouTube!


    (0:29) - The importance of hard work and satisfaction

    (1:26) - Optimizing for satisfaction to reduce anxiety

    (2:53) - The power of repetition and self-improvement

    (6:01) - Investing in yourself and your learning

    (7:07) - Experimentation: the key to innovation and growth

    (10:10) - Content creation: reducing friction and leveraging your life

    (14:06) - Referrals: the most overlooked yet impactful lead generation strategy

    Follow Alex Hormozi’s Socials:

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  • "If you want the things that everyone else doesn't have, you have to act in ways that everyone else doesn't act in." Today, Alex (@AlexHormozi) discusses the idea of overcoming difficult situations and becoming a champion rather than letting those situations make you weaker. He emphasizes the importance of the story that we choose to tell ourselves and its impact on our ability to overcome adversity.

    Welcome to The Game w/Alex Hormozi, hosted by entrepreneur, founder, investor, author, public speaker, and content creator Alex Hormozi. On this podcast you’ll hear how to get more customers, make more profit per customer, how to keep them longer, and the many failures and lessons Alex has learned on his path from $100M to $1B in net worth.


    (0:44) - The mindset of champions

    (2:09) - When personal issues impact work

    (3:38) - The power of perception

    (9:09) - Unconditional love and the harsh reality of conditions

    (10:30) - Crafting your story

    (12:49) - Using adversity as fuel to win

    Follow Alex Hormozi’s Socials:

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    (This episode is a re-run. Original airdate was on August 13, 2019)

  • “Most businesses fail because the entrepreneur gives up.” Today, Alex (@AlexHormozi) discusses the struggles of scaling a business and offers advice on how to deal with the pressure and overwhelm. He emphasizes the importance of having a plan B, focusing on what makes money, and having a supportive partner.

    Welcome to The Game w/Alex Hormozi, hosted by entrepreneur, founder, investor, author, public speaker, and content creator Alex Hormozi. On this podcast you’ll hear how to get more customers, make more profit per customer, how to keep them longer, and the many failures and lessons Alex has learned on his path from $100M to $1B in net worth.


    (0:36) - The high altitude of business growth

    (2:13) - Understanding your plan B

    (4:32) - The entrepreneurial journey: challenges and choices

    (8:27) - Focusing on what makes money

    (9:42) - The essence of entrepreneurship: discipline and focus

    (10:37) - Embracing the entrepreneurial struggle

    Follow Alex Hormozi’s Socials:

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    (This episode is a re-run. Original airdate was on September 18, 2019)

  • “Why would you allow it to change your behavior?” Today, join Alex (@AlexHormozi) as he guests on Sean Ferres channel to talk about strategies for customer acquisition, value enhancement, and retention, focusing on the importance of niche specialization and productizing services. He further explores the vital skills for financial success, AI utilization in digital marketing, balancing work discipline and freedom, and leadership development for business scalability.

    Welcome to The Game w/Alex Hormozi, hosted by entrepreneur, founder, investor, author, public speaker, and content creator Alex Hormozi. On this podcast you’ll hear how to get more customers, make more profit per customer, how to keep them longer, and the many failures and lessons Alex has learned on his path from $100M to $1B in net worth.

    Follow Sean Ferres on:

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    ➤ Check out the episode on YouTube!


    (0:25) - Mastering the trio: build, sell, lead

    (1:14) - Product quality over marketing

    (2:13) - Navigating the path to riches with limited resources

    (4:01) - Rebuilding from scratch: strategies for rapid recovery

    (5:37) - Maximizing lead nurturing and conversion in digital marketing

    (10:55) - Balancing freedom and discipline for success

    (12:54) - The truth about achieving an elite physique

    (17:03) - Embracing AI: the future of digital marketing and beyond

    (20:28) - Navigating business and dating

    (22:56) - Cultivating leadership to scale your business

    Follow Alex Hormozi’s Socials:

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  • “It's always never lose money.” Today, Alex (@AlexHormozi) shares effective wealth management strategies for entrepreneurs, focusing on long-term growth and capital preservation. He discusses key lessons from building a billion-dollar portfolio, emphasizing strategies like yield, equity growth, tax advantages, and risk reduction through diversified investments.

    Welcome to The Game w/Alex Hormozi, hosted by entrepreneur, founder, investor, author, public speaker, and content creator Alex Hormozi. On this podcast you’ll hear how to get more customers, make more profit per customer, how to keep them longer, and the many failures and lessons Alex has learned on his path from $100M to $1B in net worth.


    (0:49) - The fundamentals of investment

    (2:41) - Understanding investment yield and appreciation

    (3:23) - The importance of tax advantages and capital preservation

    (4:47) - Breaking down the wealth allocation strategy

    (5:33) - The three main investment buckets explained

    (9:18) - Leveraging indexes for low-risk, high-return investments

    (10:35) - The entrepreneurial approach to wealth management

    Follow Alex Hormozi’s Socials:

    LinkedIn  | Instagram | Facebook | YouTube  | Twitter | Acquisition 

    (This episode is a re-run. Original airdate was on January 11, 2022)