
  • Often times when my clients start working with me, the Universe picks up on it and the waves of change ripple out and come back in unexpected ways. In the three weeks since Sandy's first visit, her boyfriend of 4 years broke up with her, she had to find a new place to live, and she discovered her grandkids (that she's not allowed to see) found their way from Guatemala to Florida. As we go through Sandy's life, the patterns of abandonment, betrayal, and lack of control emerge. Now that Sandy's being forced to change her life, The Hilarious Hypnotist coaches her into thinking about what she needs to do to live her best life. KEY POINTS: - Sandy reports what's happened since their last session; her boyfriend of 4 years broke up with her, she has to find a new place to live, and she discovered her grandchildren left Guatemala and are now living a few hours away from her in Florida. -Sandy reveals the complicated relationship with her son; after she gave him a lot of money, she had to cut him off. He no longer allows his kids to see their grandmother. -Sandy admits she gets upset when she loses control, and her body is paying the price as she experiences various ailments. -Sandy celebrates 25 years of being sober and is approaching the 20th anniversary of her quitting smoking. -Sandy mentions isolating herself from others when Traci points out that perhaps she wasn't "depressed" but she needed time to cocoon. -Traci guides Sandy through her Rate A Date system, so she can begin manifesting what she wants in her next relationship. QUOTABLES: "It's awful because people take the rejection personally, but the truth is that everybody's the star in their own movie." "You want someone who is sober, a nonsmoker, kind of thoughtful. Someone who can communicate. A foodie that lives within a 30 minute drive that appreciates the nudist lifestyle." "I also want someone who is sexually adventurous, financially stable, family-oriented and loves music." PRODUCTS / RESOURCES: To learn more about Wings Hypnosis and book a session with her, visit wingshypnosis.com OR follow Traci on: IG | @wingshypnosis - instagram.com/wingshypnosis/ YT | youtube.com/channel/UCXL-XQBxmgLL_NdYa_qN0zA IG | @tracikanaan - instagram.com/tracikanaan/ Get your own copy of "Hey" And Other Scintillating Mating Calls from the Online Dating World - audible.com/author/Traci-Kanaan/B0786F5GF4

  • The exciting conclusion of Sandy's session. In the second half, Traci continues to piece together Sandy's life, eventually becoming the caregiver to the step father that abused her. Traci continues to break the bad trances by having Sandy re-imagine her stepfather with various props and silliness so Sandy can't possibly see her stepfather in the same way ever again. Sandy brings up other memories, and one by one, Traci helps her get rid of them using a variety of techniques. Traci winds down the session with some self-soothing techniques, which she shows her clients so they can care for themselves in between sessions. KEY POINTS: - Traci points out that people only remember maybe like 10% of the details accurately. They make up the other 90%. So if you can only accurately remember 10% of what happened and you're making up the other 90%, make it good! -Sandy continues to connect the dots between her life and her medical conditions. Recognizing the patterns is the key to taking your power back. -Traci continues to break Sandy's bad trances with song parodies from Barbra Streisand and musicals. -Sandy agrees to come back for a follow-up. QUOTABLES (2 quotes): "Good. I like how you put the karma police in there. Didn't even teach that to you yet. Awesome. "You were the only kid with divorced parents. You saw your dad every other weekend and you missed some things because you were with your dad. What did you miss? "I don't know. I think that's probably why I am the way I am. And there's really nothing I can do about it. But you know, the fact that I connected these dots in all these years that's one thing I didn't connect the dots. "We all learn at our own pace. Yes, we all learn at our own pace. I recognize my power now." PRODUCTS / RESOURCES: To learn more about Wings Hypnosis and book a session with her, visit wingshypnosis.com OR follow Traci on: IG | @wingshypnosis - instagram.com/wingshypnosis/ YT | youtube.com/channel/UCXL-XQBxmgLL_NdYa_qN0zA IG | @tracikanaan - instagram.com/tracikanaan/ Get your own copy of "Hey" And Other Scintillating Mating Calls from the Online Dating World - audible.com/author/Traci-Kanaan/B0786F5GF4

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  • Sandy heard how The Hilarious Hypnotist was able to help Amy (EP 17, 18 & 45) and wanted to try healing with humor for herself! Sandy, like many of Traci's clients, is suffering from a multitude of issues: trouble sleeping, depressed feelings, fibromyalgia, and anxious feelings. Traci reads "fibromyalgia" in Evette Rose's book, Metaphysical Anatomy, and Sandy begins connecting many events in her life have now manifested in her body. Sandy reveals several incidents she experienced growing up and details a list of things that she enjoys and make her laugh, one of which is singing. Traci, in another life, was known as "The Princess of Parodies," and begins making up song parodies to break the the bad trances that have kept Sandy stuck for so long. KEY POINTS: - Sandy reveals her list of ailments, including depressed feelings, anxious feelings, fibromyalgia, and trouble sleeping. - Traci reads the fibromyalgia passage from Evette Rose's book Metaphysical Anatomy, and Sandy begins connecting the dots between her life experiences and the ailments she's experiencing. - Sandy reveals the issues she had with her stepfather, and other relationships over the years, that have affected her in some way. -Traci begins using song parodies to help Sandy break the bad trance left behind by her (deceased) stepfather. -Sandy begins to experience the lightning-fast healing power of humor after years of therapy. QUOTABLES (2 quotes): "I love singing stuff that nobody expects me to sing." "I've always loved to sing. My mom used to play musicals like West Side Story South Pacific, Oklahoma, and I loved singing along with all of them. "I finally got him (my stepfather) to go away by just making a lot of noises like I was going to wake up and he got scared and left. I finally figured this out." PRODUCTS / RESOURCES: To learn more about Wings Hypnosis and book a session with her, visit wingshypnosis.com OR follow Traci on: IG | @wingshypnosis - instagram.com/wingshypnosis/ YT | youtube.com/channel/UCXL-XQBxmgLL_NdYa_qN0zA IG | @tracikanaan - instagram.com/tracikanaan/ Get your own copy of "Hey" And Other Scintillating Mating Calls from the Online Dating World - audible.com/author/Traci-Kanaan/B0786F5GF4

  • The exciting conclusion to Skylar's session is that she changes her mother's statements from anger to laughter. Using a variety of sounds on a mini iPad, Traci uses numerous sound effects to scramble Skylar's memories about the statements her mother made to make her laugh. Traci ends the session showing Skylar some self-soothing techniques and tapping. KEY POINTS: - Skylar admits the one phrase that sets her off is "You're fucking crazy." -Skylar remembers many of the things her mother said to her which were not kind. -Skylar admits she has a rough time driving, so Traci helps her build her confidence in that area. -Skylar gets past her mother telling her she's a burden, and that she's the reason for her mother's stretchmarks -Traci tests all of Skylar's triggers, and they come out clear! -Traci uses "glitter" as a visual to help clean out any residual negative mojo from Skylar. QUOTABLES: "That glitter, just like takes it out. Allow that glitter feeling to go up and down from head to toe, cleaning everything from your mom that doesn't serve you. " How's that feeling? Good good. Okay, let's see here um oh yes. You're gonna have to go in a group home now." "I'm getting a tattoo for that. Me and my brother. I'm gonna pay for his first tattoo when he's 18. And I'm gonna get "my brother's problem" tattooed on me, and he's gonna get my sister's keeper tattooed on him. That's gonna be great." PRODUCTS / RESOURCES: To learn more about Wings Hypnosis and book a session with her, visit wingshypnosis.com OR follow Traci on: IG | @wingshypnosis - instagram.com/wingshypnosis/ YT | youtube.com/channel/UCXL-XQBxmgLL_NdYa_qN0zA IG | @tracikanaan - instagram.com/tracikanaan/ Get your own copy of "Hey" And Other Scintillating Mating Calls from the Online Dating World - audible.com/author/Traci-Kanaan/B0786F5GF4

  • Skylar is back for a follow-up visit three months after her first visit (Episodes 41 & 42). After being turned away by several therapists prior to her session with Traci The Hilarious Hypnotist, Skylar is thrilled with her results from her first session. She's calmer, able to eat hamburgers without guilt, and doesn't get sick when she sees black beans. She even sent Traci a few referrals. Traci asks what's left, and Skylar reveals that she still has some "Mama Drama," things her mother said and did that still trigger her. Traci compiled a list and began knocking them out one by one, using a combination of royalty-free sounds, tapping, and humor. You can see Skylar's transformation. When she's triggered, she squeezes a rubber chicken and Traci blasts the sound byte with a ridiculous sound saved on her mini iPad. After a while, Skylar starts laughing, breaking the "magic spell" of her mother's words.


    - Skylar reports back that she's actually craving hamburgers and is able to look at black beans without getting sick.

    -Skylar says that since her first session, she occasionally feels down, but she's able to work through it within a day or two.

    -Skylar begins talking about "generational trauma," and lists a whole bunch of triggers, which are mostly things her mother said to her.

    -She briefly touches on being trafficked and being brainwashed.

    -Skylar talks about being collared by her partner.


    "It's like I was in a constant competition with my mom! She was always comparing herself to me and not in a good way."

    "You're fucking crazy. Yeah, there we go. You're fucking crazy."

    "I'm sitting here like doing a podcast, therapy, with a rubber chicken."


    To learn more about Wings Hypnosis and book a session with her, visit wingshypnosis.com OR follow Traci on:

    IG | @wingshypnosis - instagram.com/wingshypnosis/

    YT | youtube.com/channel/UCXL-XQBxmgLL_NdYa_qN0zA

    IG | @tracikanaan - instagram.com/tracikanaan/

    Get your own copy of "Hey" And Other Scintillating Mating Calls from the Online Dating World - audible.com/author/Traci-Kanaan/B0786F5GF4

  • You might remember Amy (episode 17 & 18), who wanted to experience a "DP." A few weeks after her October 2022 session, Amy told Traci that she had been stockpiling her meds and had planned to overdose when her dog Sweet Pea passed. She got so much out of her session with Traci, that Amy ended up throwing out her medications. She used Traci's techniques to "dial down" her fibromyalgia pains and began enjoying life. Now, it's April of 2024, and Amy's dog "Sweet Pea" is winding down. Amy has been struggling with weed and liquor and finally got herself into a 12-step program 2 months before this session. She's very concerned that when Sweet Pea does pass, she'll be tempted to start drinking and doing weed again, and she wants to make sure she stays clean. KEY POINTS: - Amy brings Traci up to speed on what's been happening since their last session. -Amy tells Traci she still uses a technique Traci taught her to "dial down" her fibromyalgia pain. -Amy tells Traci that she had been stock-piling her meds for when her dog "Sweet Pea" passes, and that thanks to Traci's help, she threw out her meds. -Amy is proud of the fact that her 12-step program is allowing her to lead a meeting before being sober 90 days. -Amy admits "Sweet Pea" was her third choice when she went to get a puppy 16 years ago. -Traci uses Amy's words and upbringing to help her tap down the urges she may have to drink once Sweet Pea passes. QUOTABLES (2 quotes): "I don't want to feel this sadness. Let me cover it up with weed and liquor." "Let's keep the memory of Sweet Pea and not confuse it with weed and liquor." "I spent money on a cuddle clone, but I'm not a cuddler." PRODUCTS / RESOURCES: To learn more about Wings Hypnosis and book a session with her, visit wingshypnosis.com OR follow Traci on: IG | @wingshypnosis - instagram.com/wingshypnosis/ YT | youtube.com/channel/UCXL-XQBxmgLL_NdYa_qN0zA IG | @tracikanaan - instagram.com/tracikanaan/ Get your own copy of "Hey" And Other Scintillating Mating Calls from the Online Dating World - audible.com/author/Traci-Kanaan/B0786F5GF4

  • TRIGGER ALERT! Child molestation is discussed in depth in this episode. The molestation happened 50+ years ago. The person accused of being molested is deceased. DESCRIPTION: The conclusion of Ninalynn's session with The Hilarious Hypnotist. Ninalynn makes several stunning realizations not only about her past but regarding her family members as well. She realizes that her uncle was not only grooming her but other family members as well in order to protect his dirty secrets. Ninalynn realizes that she's likely played out the scenarios in her head more than they've actually happened. The family member who controlled her has passed, so it's okay for her to let it go. She admitted that this family member snuck past her in a weak moment and continued his pattern. She still felt guilty about that, but found some peace that the situation could have been much worse. Ninalynn questions why does God hates her so much, but later acknowledges that out of all the bad days she's had, she's gotten through 100% of them. Don't miss the exciting ending to this session! KEY POINTS: - Ninalynn has additional insights into not only her story but into the stories of other family members. -She sees the pattern of child molestation, and thanks in part to her husband, she has mostly been able to stop the pattern from repeating. -Ninalynn realizes she needs to continue working on herself mentally and physically, and also with her diet. QUOTABLES (2 quotes): "I was 16 and he would buy me speed, pot, cigarettes, or alcohol to keep me quiet." "I revert to the child when I'm being strongly talked to, and now I can break that training." "The younger me feels empowered to know what he's going to do and knows that it's not me. It's him. And he does it because he hates himself." PRODUCTS / RESOURCES: To learn more about Wings Hypnosis and book a session with her, visit wingshypnosis.com OR follow Traci on: IG | @wingshypnosis - instagram.com/wingshypnosis/ YT | youtube.com/channel/UCXL-XQBxmgLL_NdYa_qN0zA IG | @tracikanaan - instagram.com/tracikanaan/ Get your own copy of "Hey" And Other Scintillating Mating Calls from the Online Dating World - audible.com/author/Traci-Kanaan/B0786F5GF4

  • TRIGGER ALERT! Child molestation is discussed in depth in this episode. The molestation happened 50+ years ago. The person accused of being molested is deceased.

    DESCRIPTION: The Hilarious Hypnotist's friend, Ninalynn, has experienced a series of horrible events. In September of 2022, she unexpectedly lost her son-in-law due to a massive heart attack. He left behind a daughter (Ninalynn's granddaughter). A few months later, Ninalynn had to testify that custody of her granddaughter should be given to her son-in-law's parents instead of her daughter, because her daughter married a child molester. She was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis this past November. A month later, she was told she had kidney cancer, only to find out she was mis-diagnosed and had extreme calcification on her kidneys instead. As Traci digs into Ninalynn's past, she discovers that Ninalynn is experiencing heightened stress thanks to a molester in her past. In this episode, Ninalynn reveals many details about her molester while Traci quickly works to dissolve the pain, guilt, and shame surrounding her circumstances.

    - Ninalynn talks about being molested by a family member, from the age of five to sixteen.
    -She admits being angry with her mother, because she suspected she knew what was going on.
    -Ninalynn is angry with herself, because she never told anyone what was happening. She didn't tell anyone because her uncle threatened he would hurt her mother and sister, and turn them against her if she told.
    -Ninalynn realizes she was being psychologically manipulated and trained.

    "I should have been strong enough to be able to say something to anybody, and know that other people in the family saw something, but I wasn't too sure.
    "At that time, I started hating myself because I was accepting his molesting. I was going to him and saying "Hey, I want to go out drinking tonight. Buy me some alcohol and I'll trade. I was 16."
    "What have I done to deserve this? Why is God punishing me?"

    To learn more about Wings Hypnosis and book a session with her, visit wingshypnosis.com OR follow Traci on:
    IG | @wingshypnosis - instagram.com/wingshypnosis/
    YT | youtube.com/channel/UCXL-XQBxmgLL_NdYa_qN0zA
    IG | @tracikanaan - instagram.com/tracikanaan/

    Get your own copy of "Hey" And Other Scintillating Mating Calls from the Online Dating World - audible.com/author/Traci-Kanaan/B0786F5GF4

  • When Traci moved to Paradise Lakes Resort, she heard about a retired hypnotist living in her neighborhood. It took a few years, but their paths finally crossed. Dr. Gullo reached out and started giving Traci some articles he had written about hypnosis. Traci gave him a few recordings of her HAHA sessions. They realized within a few weeks that although their practices were different, they had a very similar approach to working with clients in hypnosis and hypnotherapy. Dr. Gullo began sharing his scripts with Traci, and in December made her a Board Certified Medical Hypnotist with Advanced Medical Hypnosis. Please enjoy this interview with Traci's mentor, neighbor, and friend, Dr John M Gullo.

    -Dr. Gullo and Traci discuss how they met.
    -Dr. Gullo shares how he went from a Doctorate in Psychology into the field of hypnosis.
    -Dr. Gullo talks about REBT, and Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy.
    -Traci expresses her gratitude to be a Board Certified Medical medical hypnotist, and that she's honored to carry on his work.

    "I listened to one of your recordings and began analyzing it while I was listening to it. I noticed you used a lot of deepeners, and then I woke up 40 minutes later thinking "What the fuck just happened?"
    "And he sent me some information, some articles that Dr. Albert Ellis, who is the inventor of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy back in 1955, was the first paper that he wrote on that."
    "Because people who smoke and have weight issues, they got stress issues as well, which is really the basis for the smoking and the weight to come about in your life to begin with."

    To learn more about Wings Hypnosis and book a session with her, visit wingshypnosis.com OR follow Traci on:
    IG | @wingshypnosis - instagram.com/wingshypnosis/
    YT | youtube.com/channel/UCXL-XQBxmgLL_NdYa_qN0zA
    IG | @tracikanaan - instagram.com/tracikanaan/

    Get your copy of "Hey" And Other Scintillating Mating Calls from the Online Dating World - audible.com/author/Traci-Kanaan/B0786F5GF4

  • The amazing resolution of Skylar's session. Traci starts with working on her feelings towards black beans, and ties in a way to resolve some of her issues with her friend Joe's death. Traci then moves on towards resolved some of her issues around her mother's views on being skinny and eating healthy. Skylar's tendency to get triggered by newbies attempting to guilt her into working with her is somehow magically reduced, as well as her feelings towards "non-descript, weaselly white boys." Skylar also goes back to her 18-year-old self, to offer her younger self advice, guidance, and encouragement for what she needs to know to get through the next several turbulent years of her life and find some peace in knowing how these past experiences made her stronger. KEY POINTS: - Skylar sees the connection between Captain Joe Save A Ho and herself as the new Captain Save A Ho. -Skylar is able to see herself going to a Mexican restaurant, and being able to be around friends who order black beans. -Skylar, previously dismissed by 4 or 5 therapists, is able to make peace on numerous issues, or at least finding those past issues much more manageable. -Traci wants to work with Skylar more especially on the human trafficking she experienced, but decides she's worked on enough issues and to save some for the next session. QUOTABLES: "What if I'm valued just as I was, it's time for me to start valuing myself" "I don't need to bite as hard like it always feels like you know a dog with a bone that can't let go of that bone to get locked on a camp. That's how it's always felt versus now it's just kind of a Yeah, that's annoying." "When people say they're sorry, it's a way to distance themselves. So they don't have to feel empathy" PRODUCTS / RESOURCES: To learn more about Wings Hypnosis and book a session with her, visit wingshypnosis.com OR follow Traci on: IG | @wingshypnosis - instagram.com/wingshypnosis/ YT | youtube.com/channel/UCXL-XQBxmgLL_NdYa_qN0zA IG | @tracikanaan - instagram.com/tracikanaan/ Get your own copy of "Hey" And Other Scintillating Mating Calls from the Online Dating World - audible.com/author/Traci-Kanaan/B0786F5GF4

  • At a Thanksgiving potluck in the Paradise Lakes community, Traci meets "Skylar, who is the girlfriend of their tenant. Skylar appears to be having a tough time with the holiday season, so Traci offers her a session as a guest on The Hilarious Hypnotist podcast. Skylar accepts, and begins sharing her varied background as an influencer, model, and content creator on Only Fans. Skylar initially wanted to tackle issues with her "almond mom," instilling in her a belief system around unhealthy foods and that no one would ever love her if she was fat. As Traci dug deeper, she found other issues more pressing, including her being a former coke addict, a victim of human trafficking, and a violent reaction towards anything black beans that she emotionally tied to the death of her friend and mentor. Be prepared for a wild ride into the life of Skylar!

    - Skylar details her issues with food, having to watch what she eats, being paranoid about eating unhealthy foods, and her mother's words echoing back with every meal.
    Skylar talks about her relationship with her mentor and friend Joe, who gave her a place to stay and tried teaching her a skill so she could support herself.
    With Joe's death, Skylar found herself without a best friend, a job, a place to live, and a career all in one day. She was also accused of homicide, and had to prove she was not at fault. She admitted she still feels guilty about his death.
    She talks about her content creation, and how she's picky about who she works with. Skylar gets triggered by collaboration inquiries with newbies, who don't come with references and play "victim" or "poor me" to guilt her into trying to work with them.
    Skylar touches on a few details about her rapes, and that she would love to go back in time and bitchslap her 18-year-old self for posting on sex jobs.

    QUOTABLES (2 quotes):
    "A dick is a dime a dozen. Guys in porn are low value, high supply, and little demand."
    "I'm a Mama Bear with new talent. I'm "Captain Save A Ho."
    "Human traffickers use the same tactics as cult leaders to program their victims.

    To learn more about Wings Hypnosis and book a session with her, visit wingshypnosis.com OR follow Traci on:
    IG | @wingshypnosis - instagram.com/wingshypnosis/
    YT | youtube.com/channel/UCXL-XQBxmgLL_NdYa_qN0zA
    IG | @tracikanaan - instagram.com/tracikanaan/

    Get your own copy of "Hey" And Other Scintillating Mating Calls from the Online Dating World - audible.com/author/Traci-Kanaan/B0786F5GF4

  • The Hilarious Hypnotist (Traci) HATES unfinished business! When Jeff ran out of time, Traci had to finish up his session! After going through several times in Jeff's life where he experienced panic attacks, we finally get the panic attacks he experienced when he was flying. When a client reaches out to Traci, the problem they're calling about is usually never "the problem." The "problem" is the outward expression of something else going on inside, and Traci knew Jeff had made an emotional link to flying. Now...how to correct it? Jeff was slightly unwilling to imagine the scenarios Traci was using to test his progress, but somehow they made it through. While we ended this episode knowing Jeff may have to do an additional work, some progress was made! KEY POINTS: - Jeff and Traci go back and forth with where he's at with flying. - Traci keeps testing her work by asking Jeff to imagine he's getting ready to board a plane. - Jeff, being a very literal person, is a little reluctant to "imagine" the scenarios Traci is asking. -The unconscious mind doesn't know the difference between an actual or imagined situation, so it's safe to test the work without actually having to be at the airport or in an airplane. -Jeff feels some relief, and although both Traci and Jeff acknowledge that more work may need to be done in the future. QUOTABLES: "Every time I've experienced a major change in my life, my brain usually went haywire." "My head just went to a really odd space." "My brain went to, like, something under the bed in my childhood bedroom, like you know, kind of like the boogie monster under the bed in my childhood bedroom." "I've met with other therapists or doing other like meditation, it's like positive imagery and psycho pictures of walking with your dog on the beach. And then all of a sudden, I see like, a tidal wave. And, you know, that's like the, the catastrophe that I'm talking about." PRODUCTS / RESOURCES: To learn more about Wings Hypnosis and book a session with her, visit wingshypnosis.com OR follow Traci on: IG | @wingshypnosis - instagram.com/wingshypnosis/ YT | youtube.com/channel/UCXL-XQBxmgLL_NdYa_qN0zA IG | @tracikanaan - instagram.com/tracikanaan/ Get your own copy of "Hey" And Other Scintillating Mating Calls from the Online Dating World - audible.com/author/Traci-Kanaan/B0786F5GF4

  • In this episode, we continue working with Jeff and begin going through each of the things that caused panic attacks; driving, exercise, and then flying (the big one!). Traci explains to Jeff that the panic attacks are actually trying to protect him (and possibly distract) him from the real issue, which is the loss of control of his life. It's his body's way of saying that he's not safe and that something needs to change, only when it finally speaks it's when Jeff is doing something like driving, exercising, or flying...and then Jeff naturally equates the panic attacks to those activities instead of the real issues. Traci and Jeff work through driving and exercise, leaving only 9 minutes for flying...which means Jeff gets to come back in a future episode. KEY POINTS: Jeff and Traci work through the panic attacks and exercise, with Jeff watching himself in a movie starring Gabriel Iglesias aka "Fluffy." Jeff worries about being politically incorrect during his session, so Traci has to switch tactics. Jeff begins to see the connections, and is able to let go. When working on exercise, Jeff is able to work his issue down enough that he can contain "the flames" in a box that says "In case of emergency, break glass." Traci and Jeff begin working through his fear of flying, before running out of time. Jeff got a lot out of the session. QUOTABLES: "My lack of control over my situation, that was the problem."
    "If that panic attack didn't happen, your life would be completely different."
    "Definitely some thoughts dancing around in there but I think for the most part, it's much better now than it was the first time around."
    "It's not only keeping you safe, but it's keeping you from enjoying life."
    "Physical aspects of my body chemistry are finally getting into alignment."
    "I envision myself with a hammer and a glass case with a little piece of wire." PRODUCTS / RESOURCES: To learn more about Wings Hypnosis and book a session with her, visit wingshypnosis.com OR follow Traci on: IG | @wingshypnosis - instagram.com/wingshypnosis/ YT | youtube.com/channel/UCXL-XQBxmgLL_NdYa_qN0zA IG | @tracikanaan - instagram.com/tracikanaan/ Get your own copy of "Hey" And Other Scintillating Mating Calls from the Online Dating World - audible.com/author/Traci-Kanaan/B0786F5GF4

  • While at Hypnothoughts, the world's largest hypnosis conference where The Hilarious Hypnotist was presenting, another hypnotist came by and said "I'm going to refer someone to you...because you have some things in common." Sure enough, we did, and after chatting for a few minutes I knew I wanted Jeff on the podcast because he is afraid of flying, to the extent that it causes panic attacks. Jeff begins sharing his 22-year history of panic attacks, and The Hilarious Hypnotist begins to see a pattern unfolding. Over the years, the panic attacks seem to evolve and then resolve, only to attach themselves to something else. It started off with driving, then exercise, and now airplanes. Traci begins to examine what was going on behind the scenes in Jeff's personal life and begins to unravel a pattern between the panic attacks and control issues. KEY POINTS: Jeff shares his story about his first panic attack, and how he ended up in the hospital. Jeff relates his story about his panic attacks related to exercise. Jeff tells a horrendous story about his fear of flying, and how his last flight ended in disaster with his girlfriend getting sick on take-off. Traci digs into what was happening around the same time these panic attacks rooted in his behavior and begins to notice a pattern of losing control in his personal life. QUOTABLES: "People are predictable in some way, shape, or form." "Panic attacks are a way for someone to keep themselves safe; they feel threatened in some way." " I do not like to be not in control. And I don't like to feel like you are controlling me." "You are there for those you love no matter what." "I want my ribs back!" PRODUCTS / RESOURCES: To learn more about Wings Hypnosis and book a session with her, visit wingshypnosis.com OR follow Traci on: IG | @wingshypnosis - instagram.com/wingshypnosis/ YT | youtube.com/channel/UCXL-XQBxmgLL_NdYa_qN0zA IG | @tracikanaan - instagram.com/tracikanaan/ Get your own copy of "Hey" And Other Scintillating Mating Calls from the Online Dating World - audible.com/author/Traci-Kanaan/B0786F5GF4

  • TRIGGER WARNING!!! This episode discusses BDSM, beatings, self-harm, and possibly other issues that may trigger listeners/viewers who are sensitive to these topics. In this episode, Katie discusses a little more in-depth about her connection with BDSM and that she and her Dom are into "impact play." Impact Play, for those not into BDSM, can range from light spankings to being beaten with an object. Traci has extensive experience with impact play and explains that sometimes people get their pain and pleasure wires crossed. For most people, pain is pain, and pleasure is pleasure. Sometimes people find relief or release in pain and actively look for this "pleasure" in unhealthy ways, such as self-harm. Katie admitted to cutting herself, and Traci points out that the ways self-harm is tied to self-worth and pleasure. Traci then helps Katie break apart the ties to all of these, so she can still seek "pain/pleasure" and it's separate from self-harm and self-worth. KEY POINTS: Katie illustrates her childhood connection to pain = pleasure. Katie identifies other triggers and memories she has regarding her childhood. Traci explains how some people are wired a little differently, that pain = pleasure instead of pleasure = pleasure. Traci and Katie discuss self-harm, self-worth, and the pain/pleasure connection. Traci gives Katie several techniques to help manage her "Switch Flips". QUOTABLES: "My belief is that you can embrace your wiring issue and find healthy ways to express it through BDSM."
    "When you were born, you were neutral."
    "Sucking up my whole life and getting my brain to be quiet seems like the better choice." PRODUCTS / RESOURCES: To learn more about Wings Hypnosis and book a session with her, visit wingshypnosis.com OR follow Traci on: IG | @wingshypnosis - instagram.com/wingshypnosis/ YT | youtube.com/channel/UCXL-XQBxmgLL_NdYa_qN0zA IG | @tracikanaan - instagram.com/tracikanaan/ Get your own copy of "Hey" And Other Scintillating Mating Calls from the Online Dating World - audible.com/author/Traci-Kanaan/B0786F5GF4

  • Traci, The Hilarious Hypnotist, was flying home from and had a layover in Denver when she started up a chat with another couple, Katie & Scott. The couple had an interest in BDSM and polyamory and was looking for a hypnotist to help Katie get past some trauma. Traci gave them her business card, and a few months later they called for a consultation. After hearing Katie's story, Traci asked if she would be okay with sharing her healing journey on the podcast. Katie agreed, and then realized they'd be coming through Tampa to attend FetishCon in St. Petersburg, FL. They reconnected at Hilarious Hypnotist HQ and Katie shared the struggles she was having in her new "power exchange" relationship. Katie is a 24/7 submissive to her gentle Dom. She consciously knows she's SAFE in her current relationship, but occasionally she gets triggered by past trauma and without notice, "switches" to a Dominant role that violates their agreed-upon protocol, creating issues in the relationship. Katie is looking to figure out what her triggers are so she doesn't "switch" mid-scene and crash the relationship dynamic.

    Katie and Scott discuss their current situation, being in a 24/7 dominant/submissive relationship AND being polyamorous
    They talk about what happens when Katie "switch flips" the scene.
    Katie discusses being raise by alcoholic parents and their party lifestyle
    When her parents sobered up, things didn't get better.
    Katie didn't feel "safe" growing up and was often sent to her room for showing big emotions, feelings, crying, or sadness.

    "It's time to let my unconscious brain meet my conscious brain and know that I'm safe."
    "Most of what comes up for me with that is through doing bodywork and it's like, fragmented."
    "Typically BDSM people are highly kinesthetic."
    "It's a great story for Netflix to create a story for Netflix. I own it."

    To learn more about Wings Hypnosis and book a session with her, visit wingshypnosis.com OR follow Traci on:
    IG | @wingshypnosis - instagram.com/wingshypnosis/
    YT | youtube.com/channel/UCXL-XQBxmgLL_NdYa_qN0zA
    IG | @tracikanaan - instagram.com/tracikanaan/

    Get your own copy of "Hey" And Other Scintillating Mating Calls from the Online Dating World - audible.com/author/Traci-Kanaan/B0786F5GF4

  • In this episode, The Hilarious Hypnotist begins helping Matt work through his issues one by one. The tendency of ADHD is to avoid dealing with the issues at hand, and Traci calls Matt on it and begins working on each of the transactions. Traci begins throwing F bombs into the session, and Matt starts laughing explaining his aversion to use F bombs in most situations. He still finds them funny, so Traci begins changing her "fucks" into "ducks," "bucks," while "mucking" things up. The laughter works and the transaction love Matt felt dissolves. Traci learns one of the hardest things he had to do with his therapist, is take birthday money that was given to him and spend it on himself instead of his family. He bought himself a BB gun, and Traci takes those feelings and builds them up into a Purple Rider BB gun...and then transforms that energy into something he can take into the bedroom. She then helps him discover that people pleasing is not a one way street. Sometimes he needs to "take" so others can receive the pleasure of being able to give. KEY POINTS: - Matt continues to work through the words that kept him from being his best authentic self and doing things his way. -Matt takes in the importance that it's okay to receive; he doesn't always have to be the one giving. -Matt ties his good feeling to the Purple Rider BB Gun. -Matt is challenged in a good way, and thinks about living is life in his way. QUOTABLES: “What happens is that when you're constantly the giver, you are denying someone else the same joy that you experience by giving, because they can't give back to you.” "I always wanted to theme My bedroom into something fun. Married. Oh no, no, no. It's supposed to look elegant, romantic. Whatever. My bedroom is now that I'm divorced. You're like this is all Nintendo. I have an incentive lamp. I have a Nintendo posters, everything. I even have a little bit thing but pillowcases. One of them says game over. Basically my my bedroom is always ready for player number two." "Muck this shit." PRODUCTS / RESOURCES: To learn more about Wings Hypnosis and book a session with her, visit wingshypnosis.com OR follow Traci on: IG | @wingshypnosis - instagram.com/wingshypnosis/ YT | youtube.com/channel/UCXL-XQBxmgLL_NdYa_qN0zA IG | @tracikanaan - instagram.com/tracikanaan/ Get your own copy of "Hey" And Other Scintillating Mating Calls from the Online Dating World - audible.com/author/Traci-Kanaan/B0786F5GF4

  • In this episode, we welcome Matt from Springfield, MO, who is dating another hypnotist. Matt is recently divorced with 3 teenage boys, one of which he's a foster parent for. Diagnosed with ADHD two and a half years ago, Matt has found a way to turn his ADHD into a super power. He keeps himself busy as a self-employed graphic designer, entertainer, ventriloquist, and puppeteer. He's a Southern Gospel / bluegrass music lover which may seem conservative to some, yet he's also polyamorous (many loves). As Matt explains his life to Traci, she begins to uncover that he was subjected to years of "transactional love" between his parents and ex-wife, a subtle form of manipulation used to get him to behave in a certain way. Everything he did came with "what will other people think about you?" This constant pressure of worrying about what others think can create adults who are severe people pleasers. It's easier to just do what others want them to do rather than risk losing the love and acceptance they crave. Matt has become a supreme people pleaser, and now this road is affecting him intimately. In Part 1, The Hilarious Hypnotist begins to weave through years of therapy and help Matt explore his fears of rejection. KEY POINTS: - Matt begins sharing where he's at now in his life, dating a hypnotherapist who referred him to Traci. - Matt talks about the positive aspects of his ADHD, and how he's embraced it as a super power. -Matt is recently divorced, a father of 3 teenagers, and a self-employed graphic designer with many other talents. He loves dad jokes, puns, and one-liners. - Matt discusses his transitional love with his parents and hints at a similar relationship with his ex-wife. - Matt begins to cut the strings to his transaction love, keeping the best of his parents and getting rid of the ties that keep him bound to pleasing others. QUOTABLES: “I know that because of my fear rejection, it also is a great motivator to be the better me. And I don't want to be that person that controls other people to be that jerk, right.” “I'm going to let go of the guilt. I'm gonna let it go. I'm gonna let go of that transaction. That transaction is closed." "When you keep giving me generalities, that's your ADHD saying, "Fuck this shit, I don't want to deal with it." But we're going to deal with it, okay? Because this is how you fix your shit." PRODUCTS / RESOURCES: To learn more about Wings Hypnosis and book a session with her, visit wingshypnosis.com OR follow Traci on: IG | @wingshypnosis - instagram.com/wingshypnosis/ YT | youtube.com/channel/UCXL-XQBxmgLL_NdYa_qN0zA IG | @tracikanaan - instagram.com/tracikanaan/ Get your own copy of "Hey" And Other Scintillating Mating Calls from the Online Dating World - audible.com/author/Traci-Kanaan/B0786F5GF4

  • In this episode, we start to identify Rachael's triggers and begin using her past experiences to change those triggers from disempowering to empowering. Traci uses characters from a TV show she enjoyed at the time to change how Rachael looks at her past relationships. Traci shows the patterns and parallels in her life, and points out how she's much stronger than she thinks. At one point, Traci hands Rachael a rubber chicken to squeeze when she gets triggered, and the laughter finally comes. Rachael starts to hear the words of her ex differently and begins to emerge from the funk of her past...as well as her migraines. KEY POINTS: - Traci begins breaking down each of Rachael's triggers from her ex. - Rachael squeezes the rubber chicken whenever she's triggered, and starts laughing. - Rachael learns she's stronger than she thinks, realizing that even her own body tried to kill her (with asthma) and failed. - Rachael realizes her experiences with her ex make her very effective at her job. - Rachael learns that she needs to clean her energy field after working with other accident victims. -Rachel begins to realize the connections she made to music, names, and cars to her abuse are emotional connections she made to protect herself. QUOTABLES: “Okay, if that headache was a person who would it be?” “Alright, now what I want you to do in your mind is cut those strings that need to be cut. Okay. Go ahead. Pick the best bad ass pliers, scissors, flame thrower, dumb chucks, spinning little star, whatever, whenever cut, make it fly. ” "Now you got loose ends hanging from you got those loose ends, I want you to reattach them to yourself. Knowing that when the right person comes along, you can attach and attach them to the person that's worthy of your love." PRODUCTS / RESOURCES: To learn more about Wings Hypnosis and book a session with her, visit wingshypnosis.com OR follow Traci on: IG | @wingshypnosis - instagram.com/wingshypnosis/ YT | youtube.com/channel/UCXL-XQBxmgLL_NdYa_qN0zA IG | @tracikanaan - instagram.com/tracikanaan/ Get your own copy of "Hey" And Other Scintillating Mating Calls from the Online Dating World - audible.com/author/Traci-Kanaan/B0786F5GF4

  • In this episode, we welcome Traci's neighbor, Rachael Zen, who has been experiencing horrendous migraines, for 20+ years. Traci kept reading Facebook posts where Rachael was feeling horrible, and never really getting any relief from the migraines. Traci's worked with other clients on migraines, and she asked if Rachel would be willing to share her healing journey as a guest on the show. 15 minutes into the session, Rachael begins talking about her ex-husband, when Traci notices a shift in her expression and "connects the dots" between her migraines and her past relationships. KEY POINTS: - Rachael is polyamorous and was involved in a triad and shares her complex relationship - Rachael experienced abuse in her past relationship and had several triggers which still haunt her -Rachael is a customer service rep for an auto insurance company and helps coordinate claims immediately after accidents -Rachael had a crush on Daphne from the TV Show Frasier, and Traci uses that to help Rachael see her past relationship differently. - Traci holds the space so Rachael can process her trauma without having to retell the story - Traci sh*ts a brick, wondering how she's going to get Rachael to laugh after crying QUOTABLES: “Sometimes people don't like the memory change, okay. But I, I use it a lot. Because what you hold on to is what you become. So if you hold on to a shit relationship, you can't get a relationship that's happy for you because you're stuck in a shit relationship. But if your past relationship was happy and positive, then now you've set your internal radio for something positive." "If you need to make it more intense, more vulgar. You feel free. Okay?" "In all the ways that my body or that motherfucker tried to kill me, it's safe to let it go." PRODUCTS / RESOURCES: To learn more about Wings Hypnosis and book a session with her, visit wingshypnosis.com OR follow Traci on: IG | @wingshypnosis - instagram.com/wingshypnosis/ YT | youtube.com/channel/UCXL-XQBxmgLL_NdYa_qN0zA IG | @tracikanaan - instagram.com/tracikanaan/ Get your own copy of "Hey" And Other Scintillating Mating Calls from the Online Dating World - audible.com/author/Traci-Kanaan/B0786F5GF4