
  • Part 2 - Consist of information about 18 Vidhyasthanam.


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  • Part 1 - Consist of information about 18 Vidhyasthanam.  


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  • Video: https://youtu.be/HkQr64Yhcv8

    ajñasya ardha prabuddhasya sarvam brahmeti yo vadet mahānaraka jāleṣu sa tena viniyojitaḥHe

    who preaches to the ignorant and the half-learned that everything is Brahman, verily entangles him in a mesh of horrible hells.

    - Yoga Vāsiṣṭha (39.24)

    1. Remove Confusion and Gain Clarity

    •What is Mokṣa?

    •What is the Means to it and the Process?

    •How to develop Competence?

    •Who is competent to teach?

    •What is the source of the knowledge?

    •What is the role of Bhakti and Meditation?


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  • आप में से कुछ लोगों ने वेदों के कुछ मंत्र भी सुने होंगे जैसे गायत्री  मंत्र। परंतु आपने कभी यह विचार किया है की यह मंत्र हम तक कैसे पहुँचे?  मतलब मानव जाती को यह मंत्र कैसे प्राप्त हुए? हमारे ऋषियों को यह कैसे  मिले? जिन्हें हम मंत्र दृष्टा भी कहते है। वेदों की कहानी जितनी रहस्यमय  है उतनी ही दिलचस्प भी है। वेदों को क्यूँ अपौरूश्य कहते है? वेदों का आशय  क्या है? और modern science और वेदों में क्या कोई समानता है भी? अनेक ऐसे  प्रश्न आपके मन में होंगे — तो चलिए आज इनके उत्तर जाने।

    Some of you may have also heard some mantras of Vedas like Gayatri Mantra. But have you ever considered how this mantra reached us? Meaning how did we get these mantras? How did our sages get this? Which we also call  Mantradrishtas. The story of the Vedas is as mysterious as it is interesting. Why are the Vedas called apurasya? What is Vedas? And is there any similarity between modern science and Vedas? Many such questions will be in your mind - so today, let us find answers to these questions.

    This video gives answers to a few important questions:

    1. वेद क्या है?
    2. प्रमाण
    3. वेद का आशय / subject matter क्या है?
    4. मंत्रदृष्टा
    5. ग़लत धारणायें

    You can find an article for the same with references at medium.com/thehinduhub/veda-ma…rishta-8709c0b90fa1
    Podcast available at SoundCloud: Thehinduhub – Veda-mantra-and-mantradrishta


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  • Video: youtu.be/kroLZum6wso

    पिछले प्रकरण (Importance of "Śāstras": youtu.be/QGwMPX5sOAc)  में हमने शास्त्र और आप्त पुरुष के बारे में जाना। परंतु आप में से कई  लोगों के प्रश्न होंगे कि क्या यह आप्त पुरुष ऋषि / महर्षि ही होते हैं?  क्या अब वैदिक शास्त्र कोई नहीं लिख सकता? और अंत में क्या आप शास्त्र लिख  सकते हैं? और यदि हाँ, तो क्या योग्यता होनी चाहिए? तो आइए इन प्रश्नों के  उत्तर जाने। मेरा नाम हैं लव शर्मा और आज हम जानेंगे आप्त पुरुष की योग्यता  और मनुष्य के वह चार दोष जो उपाधि रूप में हमारे सामने हैं।

    In our previous video (Importance of "Śāstras": youtu.be/QGwMPX5sOAc)  on Śāstras we have learned little about Apta Purusha. Some of you may have questions on do we still have "Rishi" / "Maharishi"? Don't we have anyone as of now who is eligible for writing Śāstras? And in the end,  Can I write scriptures / Śāstras? If yes, then what should be my qualifications or eligibility criteria? So Let's resolve these questions by understanding what qualifications of Apta Purusha and 4 human defects which are obstacles of being Apta Purusha are.

    This video gives answers to a few important questions:

    1. क्या आज भी ऋषि या महऋषि होते हैं?
    2. शास्त्र लिखने की योग्यता
    3. मनुष्यों की उपाधियाँ

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  • Both Indic and non-Indic systems of knowledge have given authenticity a primal place. However, authenticity can be described and justified differently depending on the theory and/or praxis of a system of knowledge. Indic knowledge systems, especially Yoga, stress the importance of experience and the means to the experience as an indispensable bedrock of authenticity, without neglecting scholarship.  However, scholars and practitioners look at authenticity very differently like the way tourists and residents experience a city. Often  Yoga studies suffer the defect of the lack of practice and experience.  And conversely, the practitioners’ perspectives suffer from the defect of downplaying scholarship, especially that Yoga gives primacy to experience. The author will present the problems of authenticity encountered in his Yoga research.

    Conference on Philosophy and Praxis of Yoga 15-16 February 2020 - Original Video at youtu.be/qt7jneCojhU


    1:02 Authenticity
    1:48 Pramāna
    2:51 Āgama
    3:41 Anubhava
    5:42 Hatha Yoga
    7:00 Anubandha Catustaya
    8:14 Myth between West vs Indic
    09:02 The 11 Problems
    23:05 The Archetypal Problem

    You can find the article for the same at drive.google.com/open?id=1__GTI2O…1aZEiewGtWGiFMdp
    Podcast available at SoundCloud: Thehinduhub – Problems-of-authenticity-in-yoga-research

    Amazon Link of the book: www.amazon.sg/Advaita-Vedanta-Si…tion/dp/8120841727

    Support us by donating at our website: www.thehinduhub.org


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  • Śiva Samhitā has come to be known as one of the three source texts  for the Haṭha Yoga tradition. The teachings of the first chapter of the  Śiva Samhitā is very much rooted in the Advaita Vedānta tradition popularised and organised by Śaṅkarācārya. And modern scholars like  James Mallinson do not consider it a unitary text, but a compilation of teachings.

    This video gives answers to a few essential questions:

    0:10 Siva Samhita Introduction
    2:41 Timeline of it
    3:07 Connection Between Hatha-Yoga and Advaita Vedanta
    4:40 Use of Same Nyaya-s
    5:12 Karma is not mean to Moksha
    6:49 Karma Siddhanta
    7:40 Two perspectives of Creation
    9:20 Adhyāropa Apavāda
    9:51 Maya

    You can find the article for the same with references at medium.com/vedic-pathshala/%E0…%A4%A4-7c2bc2e74087
    Podcast available at SoundCloud: Thehinduhub – Sivasamhita

    Amazon Link of the book: www.amazon.sg/Advaita-Vedanta-Si…tion/dp/8120841727 

    Support us by donating at our website: www.thehinduhub.org


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    Medium: medium.com/thehinduhub

    Instagram: instagram.com/thehinduhub


  • Varna System is one of the most famous and controversial topics in  Hinduism. Today, I will be resolving a few of the misconceptions about  it with more in-depth information on it.

    This video gives answers to a few essential questions:

    0:34 What is Varna System?
    1:23 Purpose of the Varna System
    3:00 Classifications of the Varna System

    You can find the article for the same with references at medium.com/thehinduhub/what-is…0%A4%BE-a34e37a88b1

    Support us by donating at our website: www.thehinduhub.org


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  • Nowadays, in social media or any religious conversation,  we hear a lot of the word “Śāstra” being used. What is the significance of this word? And who writes these “Śāstra”? And finally, How many  “Śāstra-s” do we have? These are common questions, and you may also have one or more of them on your mind. So let us quickly start our journey on it.

    This video gives answers to a few essential questions:

    0:39 What is ŚĀSTRA?
    1:51 Importance of ŚĀSTRA
    3:18 Who are Reliable Experts or आप्त पुरुष?

    You can find the article for the same with references at medium.com/thehinduhub/importa…81stra-9c0050749ea3
    Podcast available at SoundCloud: Thehinduhub – Importance-of-sastra

    Support us by donating at our website: www.thehinduhub.org


    Subscribe our Youtube Channel - http://bit.ly/thhyt

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    Medium: medium.com/thehinduhub
    Instagram: instagram.com/thehinduhub


  • Most people do not know how did we got the “Hindu” title and Who are Hindus? In this article, Let’s open some pages from the history of this title and deep dive in it to understand a bit more about  “Hinduism”.

    Article and Reference: https://medium.com/thehinduhub/hindu-is-not-our-name-eeb5a411cf0c