
  • Are you curious about how you can impact the schools, and more importantly, the children in your area with the love of Jesus?

    In this episode, Suzanne speaks with Donna Martin, Co-founder of the Joy Company, a non-profit organization whose aim is to awaken purpose in youth.

    Join in as they share valuable insights on how to bring light and hope into public schools and empower young people to discover their purpose and calling in life.

    . . . . . .

    Suzanne Phillips is a speaker, parenting and leadership coach, and podcast host with THINQ Media. With a deep passion for discipleship and intentional legacy, Suzanne has founded two hybrid schools and Beacon Parent, a national ministry with a mission to educate, equip, and empower parents to live out God's design for family by shedding light on current culture and education through a biblical worldview.

    . . . . .


    Acts 1:8 - “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.”


    Charting Your Family’s Future! Suzanne will help you parent with purpose, disciple with direction, and leave an intentional legacy by identifying your family identity statement, vision, mission, and core values.

    Check out more from Donna:

    Donna’s Instagram:@withlove_donnamartin

    The Joy Company’s Instagram: @the_joycompany

    Website: www.joyco.info











    Suzanne Phillip’s Page

    Beacon Parent’s Page

  • Are you thinking about educating your children at home, within your community or your church, but you're not sure where to start? Or maybe you're looking for guidance from someone who has already gone through the homeschooling journey.

    In this episode, Suzanne talks to Lesley Russell, the founder of EQUIP 210, an educational model and movement for parents and pastors who are interested in starting schools for their families and communities.

    Listen as they discuss alternative schooling and how you can tailor it to meet your child's specific needs.

    . . . . . .

    Suzanne Phillips is a speaker, parenting and leadership coach, and podcast host with THINQ Media. With a deep passion for discipleship and intentional legacy, Suzanne has founded two hybrid schools and Beacon Parent, a national ministry with a mission to educate, equip, and empower parents to live out God's design for family by shedding light on current culture and education through a biblical worldview.

    . . . . .


    Ephesians 2:10- "For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do."


    Charting Your Family’s Future! Suzanne will help you parent with purpose, disciple with direction, and leave an intentional legacy by identifying your family identity statement, vision, mission, and core values.

    Check out more from Lesley:


    Website: equip210.com











    Suzanne Phillip’s Page

    Beacon Parent’s Page

  • Mangler du episoder?

    Klikk her for å oppdatere manuelt.

  • Are you concerned about political narratives infiltrating your children's education? If you are, you'll be interested in this episode and the resources available to you.

    In this episode, Suzanne talks to Alex Nester, an Investigative Fellow with Parents Defending Education, who advocates for a healthy, non-political education for all children.

    Tune in as they discuss indoctrination in schools across the country and how you can find resources to fight against these agendas based on your state.

    . . . . . .

    Suzanne Phillips is a speaker, parenting and leadership coach, and podcast host with THINQ Media. With a deep passion for discipleship and intentional legacy, Suzanne has founded two hybrid schools and Beacon Parent, a national ministry with a mission to educate, equip, and empower parents to live out God's design for family by shedding light on current culture and education through a biblical worldview.

    . . . . .


    Proverbs 11:14 - “Where there is no guidance the people fall, but in abundance of counselors there is victory.”


    Charting Your Family’s Future! Suzanne will help you parent with purpose, disciple with direction, and leave an intentional legacy by identifying your family identity statement, vision, mission, and core values.

    Check out Parents Defending Education’s resources for further equipping:

    YouTube: Parents Defending Education

    Twitter: Defending Ed

    Facebook: Defending Ed

    Instagram: @DefendingEd

    Make active decisions for your children and school by checking out their website https://defendinged.org/











    Suzanne Phillip’s Page

    Beacon Parent’s Page

  • Are you finding it hard to keep up with all the changes happening in your child's school and wondering how you can make a difference? It can be challenging to understand all the policy adjustments in your school district and where they originate from.

    In this episode, Suzanne interviews Sonja Shaw, President of the Chino Valley Unified School District Board, who advocates for parents to decide what's in their children's best interest instead of state bureaucrats.

    Tune in to hear Sonja's inspiring story of how she went from being a homeroom mom to fighting for accountability from elected officials and ensuring they serve the parents and children they represent well. You'll learn how you can take similar action in your child's school.

    . . . . . .

    Suzanne Phillips is a speaker, parenting and leadership coach, and podcast host with THINQ Media. With a deep passion for discipleship and intentional legacy, Suzanne has founded two hybrid schools and Beacon Parent, a national ministry with a mission to educate, equip, and empower parents to live out God's design for family by shedding light on current culture and education through a biblical worldview.

    . . . . .


    Psalm 18:29 - “With your help I can advance a troop; with my God I can scale a wall.“


    Charting Your Family’s Future! Suzanne will help you parent with purpose, disciple with direction, and leave an intentional legacy by identifying your family identity statement, vision, mission, and core values.

    More from Sonja:

    Instagram: @sonjashaw2026

    Support Sonja

    . . . . .



    suzannephillips.net beaconparent.com Thinqmedia.com Instagram @SuzannePhillips_ @Beacon_Parent @Thinq_Media


    Suzanne Phillip’s Page Beacon Parent’s Page
  • Many parents are concerned about the questionable agendas in schools across the United States. But where do these agendas stem from? These deep-rooted issues are being promoted and advocated for by teacher's unions, rather than by well-meaning educators.

    In this episode, Suzanne interviews Rebecca Friedrichs, a twenty-eight-year public school teacher who is part of a movement to restore the voices and authority of parents and teachers in America's schools.

    Listen in as they discuss the challenges posed by teacher's unions and the effect they can have on your child's education, the classroom environment, and the nation as a whole.

    . . . . . .

    Suzanne Phillips is a speaker, parenting and leadership coach, and podcast host with THINQ Media. With a deep passion for discipleship and intentional legacy, Suzanne has founded two hybrid schools and Beacon Parent, a national ministry with a mission to educate, equip, and empower parents to live out God's design for family by shedding light on current culture and education through a biblical worldview.

    . . . . .


    Romans 12:2- “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is - his good, pleasing and perfect will.”


    Charting Your Family’s Future! Suzanne will help you parent with purpose, disciple with direction, and leave an intentional legacy by identifying your family identity statement, vision, mission, and core values.

    Check out Rebecca’s resources for further equipping:

    Instagram: @ForKidsAndCountry

    Facebook: For Kids and Country

    Website: forkidsandcountry.org

    YouTube: Rebecca Friedrichs For Kids

    Truth Social: @4KidsAndCountry

    Rebecca’s Book: Standing Up to Goliath

    Movie: Whose Children Are They

    . . . .











    Suzanne Phillip’s Page

    Beacon Parent’s Page

  • Teenagers are hungry for guidance and truth when it comes to relationships and sex. Whether Christian or not, teenagers are facing the same pressure to prioritize pleasure over purpose.

    In this episode, Suzanne talks to Jackie Brewton, a motivational speaker who empowers teenagers to make better decisions and equips parents to have difficult conversations about love, sex, and relationships.

    Tune in as they discuss creating safe environments where teens feel comfortable having open and honest conversations built on trust.

    . . . . .

    Suzanne Phillips is a speaker, parenting and leadership coach, and podcast host with THINQ Media. With a deep passion for discipleship and intentional legacy, Suzanne has founded two hybrid schools and Beacon Parent, a national ministry with a mission to educate, equip, and empower parents to live out God's design for family by shedding light on current culture and education through a biblical worldview.

    . . . . .


    Deuteronomy 30:19 - “This day I call the heavens and the earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. NOW choose life, so that you and your children may live.”


    Charting Your Family’s Future! Suzanne will help you parent with purpose, disciple with direction, and leave an intentional legacy by identifying your family identity statement, vision, mission, and core values.

    Check out Jackie’s resources for further equipping:

    Instagram: @jackiebspeaks

    Facebook: Jackie Brewton

    Website: jackiebrewton.com

    . . . .











    Suzanne Phillip’s Page

    Beacon Parent’s Page

  • Have you ever considered who is providing healthcare to your child at school? You would never let a doctor treat your child without your consent, but what about a seemingly harmless School-Based Health Center?

    In this episode, Suzanne interviews Valerie Borek, a Policy Analyst at Stand for Health Freedom, an organization committed to informing and mobilizing a grassroots movement to protect families' health.

    Join them as they delve into the risks posed by School-Based Health Centers that could affect your child's privacy and health, and how these centers can significantly impact the decisions you make as a parent.

    . . . . .

    Suzanne Phillips is a speaker, parenting and leadership coach, and podcast host with THINQ Media. With a deep passion for discipleship and intentional legacy, Suzanne has founded two hybrid schools and Beacon Parent, a national ministry with a mission to educate, equip, and empower parents to live out God's design for family by shedding light on current culture and education through a biblical worldview.

    . . . . .

    Proverbs 16:5 - “There is a way that appears to be right, but in the end it leads to death.”


    Research your school and area schools. Is there a school-based health center? Are there plans for one?

    Keep up with what Stand for Health Freedom is doing:

    Stand for Health Freedom on Facebook

    Stand for Health Freedom on Instagram

    Stand for Health Freedom on Twitter

    Stand for Health Freedom on Telegram

    Stand for Health Freedom on Unite

    Stand for Health Freedom on Rumble

    Stand for Health Freedom’s Website

    Pursue wisdom for your family and leave an intentional legacy. Check out Suzanne’s new course, Charting Your Family’s Future!

    . . . . .











    Suzanne Phillip’s Page

    Beacon Parent’s Page

  • Believe it or not, there is a way for the Bible to be taught to public school students during school hours.

    In this episode, Suzanne interviews Joel Penton, Founder and CEO of LifeWise Academy, a program that offers Bible class as part of the public school day to more than 300 schools and 25,000 students across the U.S. each week.

    Listen in as they discuss how this legally works within the First Amendment’s guidelines of separation of church and state and how you could adopt this biblically based program for the children in your community.

    . . . . .

    Suzanne Phillips is a speaker, parenting and leadership coach, and podcast host with THINQ Media. With a deep passion for discipleship and intentional legacy, Suzanne has founded two hybrid schools and Beacon Parent, a national ministry with a mission to educate, equip and empower parents to live out God's design for family by shedding light on current culture and education through a biblical worldview.

    . . . . .

    John 8:32 - “And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”


    Check out Joel’s organization, LifeWise Academy, and the following resources:

    LifeWise on Facebook

    LifeWise on Instagram

    Book: During School Hours - WHY and HOW LifeWise Academy is Reinstalling Religious Education into the Public School Day

    Pursue wisdom for your family and leave an intentional legacy. Check out Suzanne’s new course, Charting Your Family’s Future!

    . . . .













  • There are things parents should know, and then there are things parents need to know.

    In this must-listen episode, Suzanne talks with attorney Vernadette Broyles about children and parental rights amidst the growing transgender movement. Vernadette is President and General Counsel of Child & Parental Rights Campaign, Inc., a not-for-profit public interest law firm that engages in litigation and advocacy across the country to protect children’s health and defend parental rights against the impacts of gender identity ideology.

    Listen in as Vernadette outlines the history of transgenderism and how it’s made its way into our public school systems. She shares specific examples of cases her team is currently addressing in courtrooms across the country, giving parents a better understanding of the depth of the transgender crisis and how they can best protect their children.

    . . . . .

    Suzanne Phillips is a speaker, parenting and leadership coach, and podcast host with THINQ Media. With a deep passion for discipleship and intentional legacy, Suzanne has founded two hybrid schools and Beacon Parent, a national ministry with a mission to educate, equip and empower parents to live out God's design for family by shedding light on current culture and education through a biblical worldview.

    . . . . .


    Psalm 139:13 - For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb.


    Check out Vernadette’s organization, Child & Parental Rights Campaign, and all the resources they have available to equip parents, church and community leaders.

    Know your state laws and contact your state representatives.

    Pursue wisdom for your family and leave an intentional legacy. Check out Suzanne’s new course, Charting Your Family’s Future!

    . . . .













  • “The core issue people are dealing with is not gender, it’s identity,” says Dr. David Cooper, lead pastor of Mount Paran Church in Atlanta, GA.

    In this episode, Suzanne and Dr. Cooper address three distinct aspects of gender–physiology, psychology and spirituality–in order to better understand genetic code, gender affirmation, gender dysphoria and emotionalism.

    Listen in as they bring clarity and scriptural truth to the confusion swirling around gender in today’s culture. You’ll leave equipped with ways to help families and churches best respond.

    . . . . .

    Suzanne Phillips is a speaker, parenting and leadership coach, and podcast host with THINQ Media. With a deep passion for discipleship and intentional legacy, Suzanne has founded two hybrid schools and Beacon Parent, a national ministry with a mission to educate, equip and empower parents to live out God's design for family by shedding light on current culture and education through a biblical worldview.

    . . . . .


    Genesis 5:1-2 - When God created mankind, he made them in the likeness of God. He created them male and female and blessed them. And he named them “Mankind” when they were created.

    Check out Summit Ministries and use the listener discount code “INFORMED24” for $200 off at summit.org.


    Share this episode with pastors and parents.

    Check out Dr. David Cooper’s website: pastordavidcooper.com

    Pursue wisdom for your family and leave an intentional legacy. Check out Suzanne’s new course, Charting Your Family’s Future!

    . . . .













  • It's no secret that the curriculum and content our children are exposed to in classrooms today vary greatly from what many of us adults experienced in school. But what exactly is the difference and why should we be aware?

    A huge part of the answer lies within the subjects of American history and civics.

    Listen in as Suzanne interviews author, attorney, and education advocate Jane Robbins and gets to the bottom of how American history and civics curriculum is changing, who is influencing the changes, and what the cultural and educational ramifications of those changes are.

    . . . . .

    Suzanne Phillips is a speaker, parenting and leadership coach, and podcast host with THINQ Media. With a deep passion for discipleship and intentional legacy, Suzanne has founded two hybrid schools and Beacon Parent, a national ministry with a mission to educate, equip and empower parents to live out God's design for family by shedding light on current culture and education through a biblical worldview.

    . . . . .


    Ephesians 5:14-15 - This is why it is said: “Wake up, sleeper, rise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you.” Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise.


    Order Jane’s book, Deconstructing the Administrative State.

    What happens in other states can easily and quickly become a model at a federal level to impact your state/county. Make active and informed decisions for your children by knowing and understanding what they are learning.

    Pursue wisdom for your family and leave an intentional legacy. Check out Suzanne’s new course, Charting Your Family’s Future!

    Check out Summit Ministries and use the listener discount code “INFORMED24” for $200 off at summit.org.

    . . . .













  • “We need to turn our frustration into fascination,” said author and CEO of Growing Leaders, Dr. Tim Elmore, as he described how parents can best close the generational gaps with their children.

    Listen in as Suzanne and Tim discuss the differences parents and kids are experiencing across generations–including attitudes toward authority–and how best to make generational connection for the sake of generational impact.

    . . . . .

    Suzanne Phillips is a speaker, parenting and leadership coach, and podcast host with THINQ Media. With a deep passion for discipleship and intentional legacy, Suzanne has founded two hybrid schools and Beacon Parent, a national ministry with a mission to educate, equip and empower parents to live out God's design for family by shedding light on current culture and education through a biblical worldview.

    . . . . .


    Ephesians 6:4 - Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger, but bring them up in the discipline and instructions of the Lord. Exodus 20:12 - Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long in the land that the Lord your God is giving you.


    Check out Dr. Tim Elmore's organization, resources, and social media accounts: www.timelmore.com Preorder Tim's newest book, I Can't Wait. LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter Pursue wisdom for your family and leave an intentional legacy. Check out Suzanne's new course, Charting Your Family's Future! Check out Summit Ministries and use the listener discount code “INFORMED24” for $200 off at summit.org.

    . . . . .



    suzannephillips.net beaconparent.com THINQMedia.com


    https://instagram.com/suzannephillips_ https://instagram.com/beacon_parent https://instagram.com/thinq_media


    https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100092832586106 https://www.facebook.com/BeaconParent.ShedLight
  • “If you don’t ever teach your kids, ‘Here are the false worldviews and what they say,’ then they will be, in fact, more compelled by the false worldviews when they hear them,” said Dr. Jeff Myers, president of Summit Ministries.

    Listen in as Suzanne and Dr. Myers discuss the critical nuance of worldview and how important it is to teach our kids biblical truth in these concerning times. Plus, get the inside story of Dr. Myers new book, “The Truth Changes Everything” and learn about all the next gen programs offered through Summit Ministries–including a listener discount!

    . . . . .

    Suzanne Phillips is a speaker, parenting and leadership coach, and podcast host with THINQ Media. With a deep passion for discipleship and intentional legacy, Suzanne has founded two hybrid schools and Beacon Parent, a national ministry with a mission to educate, equip and empower parents to live out God's design for family by shedding light on current culture and education through a biblical worldview.

    . . . . .

    Psalm 119:160 - “All your words are true; all your righteous laws are eternal.”


    Check out Dr. Jeff Myers’ organization and resources:

    Summit Ministries

    Book: Truth Changes Everything



    LISTENER DISCOUNT FOR SUMMIT MINISTRIES - Use the code “INFORMED24” for $200 off at summit.org.

    Looking for ways to pursue wisdom for your family and leave an intentional legacy?? Check out Suzanne’s new course, Charting Your Family’s Future!

    . . . .













  • Proverbs tells us there are four types of people: The wise, simpleton, fool and mocker. When it comes to parenting, which one are you?

    In this episode, Suzanne calls us to ask ourselves the hard questions as parents: What does it look like to steward our responsibility? Are we pursuing wisdom? Are our children growing like Jesus did, in wisdom and stature and in favor with God and man?

    But she doesn’t just leave us hanging with questions! Tune in and hear the solutions Suzanne offers to help us develop the wisdom and biblical worldview we need to parent well.

    . . . . .

    Suzanne Phillips is a speaker, parenting and leadership coach, and podcast host with THINQ Media. With a deep passion for discipleship and intentional legacy, Suzanne has founded two hybrid schools and Beacon Parent, a national ministry with a mission to educate, equip and empower parents to live out God's design for family by shedding light on current culture and education through a biblical worldview.

    . . . . .


    Proverbs 13:20 - “Whoever walks with the wise becomes wise, but the companion of fools will suffer harm.”


    Looking for ways to pursue wisdom for your family and leave an intentional legacy? Check out Suzanne’s new course, Charting Your Family’s Future!

    . . . .


    suzannephillips.net beaconparent.com thinqmedia.com


    https://instagram.com/suzannephillips https://instagram.com/beacon_parent https://instagram.com/thinq_media


    https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100092832586106 https://www.facebook.com/BeaconParent.ShedLight
  • Suzanne and Gabe call out some threats to be aware of, such as school-based health centers and gender ideology policies, and how parents can think well, make informed decisions, and exercise wisdom in seeking alternatives for their families.

    Gabe Lyons joins Suzanne Phillips to kick off Season 2 and highlight the new lineup of episodes ahead. They discuss frontline issues parents are facing in the current culture and how parents can rightfully guard and protect the true essence of childhood through a Christian worldview.

    Listen in as Suzanne and Gabe encourage parents to:

    see themselves as leaders

    get educated on the policies that impact their kids

    take action as they are called.

    New episode every Wednesday.

    . . . . .

    Suzanne Phillips is a speaker, parenting and leadership coach, and podcast host with THINQ Media. With a deep passion for discipleship and intentional legacy, Suzanne has founded two hybrid schools and Beacon Parent, a national ministry with a mission to educate, equip and empower parents to live out God's design for family by shedding light on current culture and education through a biblical worldview. . . . . .


    Pray, seek and know what your role is as a parent.

    Lean into this season and get educated.

    Engage in parent training and coaching opportunities with Suzanne.

    . . . .












  • “The church has done a disservice, if you will, in teaching us to understand that we should be obsolete from government. We have been taught to, in a great sense, turn a blind eye and a deaf ear to things that are happening, and I believe that’s why a lot of stuff is happening,” said Latasha Fields, a passionate advocate for parental rights, education, and community empowerment and a homeschooling mom of three.

    Latasha has founded the Christian Home Educators Support System, made a run for Illinois Lt. Governor, and many other endeavors in between. In this final episode of Season 1, Suzanne and Latasha talk solutions to traditional public education.

    Listen in as they discuss overcoming the fear of homeschooling and the opportunities that come from a discipleship-focused homeschool framework. You’re sure to be inspired by Latasha’s story and passion for restoring the family and the next generation of learners

    . . . .


    Proverbs 16:9 - “The heart of man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps.”

    . . . .


    Pray, seek and know what your education options are for your family.

    Trust your discernment and take action: Do it afraid!

    Follow Latasha Fields at the following:







    Book a free Right Fit Education consultation with Suzanne to explore educational options for your family or community.

    Check out more of Suzanne’s resources, coaching, consulting, and speaking opportunities on the following platforms:









  • Did you know studies are now showing children are first exposed to porn as early as 8 years old?

    Titania Jordan, the CMO and Chief Parent Officer of Bark.us, joins Suzanne on this week’s episode to address the dark side of the fast-paced digital world our children are growing up in. They talk dangerous content, dangerous people, and dangerous apps–even the alarming rise of sextortion.

    Tune in to learn what to watch for and the internet safety solutions you can use to best protect your children across social media, text messaging, and email.

    . . . .


    James 1:27 - Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world.

    . . . .

    Follow Titania Jordan on Instagram, and check out her book Parenting in a Tech World: A Handbook for Raising Kids in the Digital Age.

    Get Bark in your homes and in your local schools.

    Gather other parents and hold schools accountable for safety of the content they are sharing with students and/or allowing students to be exposed to.

    Book a free Right Fit Education consultation with Suzanne to explore educational options for your family or community.

    Check out more of Suzanne’s resources, coaching, consulting, and speaking opportunities on the following platforms:










  • “Parents have so many rights that they can use to protect their children. They just need to know where to go find it and how to bring it forward to their school,” said author, attorney, and parent advocate, Kelly Hines Brolly.

    In this episode, Suzanne talks with Kelly about Kelly’s new book Laws, Rules, and Rights: A Guide to Protecting Children in Public Schools. Kelly lays out misconceptions of parental rights in public education across all 50 states and empowers parents with ways to assert their constitutional rights and protect their children from controversial instructional content.

    Tune in and get equipped to take action and propose solutions in your local school!

    . . . .

    Suzanne Phillips is a speaker, parenting and leadership coach, and podcast host with THINQ Media. With a deep passion for discipleship and intentional legacy, Suzanne has founded two hybrid schools and Beacon Parent, a national ministry with a mission to educate, equip and empower parents to live out God's design for family by shedding light on current culture and education through a biblical worldview.

    . . . .


    Check out Kelly Hines Brolly’s website, book, and other resources: Double Umbrella Publications Laws, Rules and Rights: A Guide to Protecting Children in Public Schools LinkedIn Book a free Right Fit Education consultation with Suzanne to explore education options for your family and community. Check out more of Suzanne's resources, coaching, and speaking opportunities on the following platforms: WEBSITE
    https://suzannephillips.net https://beaconparent.com INSTAGRAM instagram.com/suzannephillips instagram.com/beacon_parent FACEBOOK facebook.com/profile.php?id=100092832586106 facebook.com/BeaconParent.ShedLight
  • “We’re talking about who’s behind the scenes in the realm of education…When you ask a parent ‘Who is teaching your child? Who is leading your child?’ we used to think Mrs. Jones in room 203, but that’s no longer the case…In order to understand who’s truly teaching your child, you have to understand who all the players are….”

    In this episode, Suzanne interviews Melissa Jackson and Apryl Dukes-McDaniel, co-founders of Freedom in Education. They dig into the Whole Child education model—what it is, what it’s not…and who’s behind the redesign.

    Parents, grandparents, teachers, administrators–don’t miss this! Tune in to hear the implications and dangers of the Whole Child framework and the more positive alternatives to this approach.

    . . . .

    Suzanne Phillips is a speaker, parenting and leadership coach, and podcast host with THINQ Media. With a deep passion for discipleship and intentional legacy, Suzanne has founded two hybrid schools and Beacon Parent, a national ministry with a mission to educate, equip and empower parents to live out God's design for family by shedding light on current culture and education through a biblical worldview.

    . . . .


    Proverbs 6:20-23
    My son, observe the commandment of your father
    And do not forsake the teaching of your mother;
    Bind them continually on your heart;
    Tie them around your neck.
    When you walk about, they will guide you;
    When you sleep, they will watch over you;
    And when you awake, they will talk to you.


    Gather other parents and promote solutions-based curriculum (SEL alternatives– virtues not values–and logic electives) as options to school administration. Get versed in your child’s curriculum. Read the books and/or access the online portal. Visit freedomined.org for resources and consider becoming a school ambassador. Book a free Right Fit Education consultation with Suzanne to explore educational options for your family or community. Check out more of Suzanne’s resources, coaching, consulting, and speaking opportunities on the following platforms:










  • It’s no secret screens are invading our children’s environments–including their classrooms! Yet, you might be surprised to know only a sliver of the 6-9 hours a day they spend on their screens is actually spent on school work.

    Veteran teachers and co-authors of Screen Schooled, Matt Miles and Joe Clement, join Suzanne to discuss the negative impact screens are having on students’ focus, critical thinking, problem-solving, and relationships.

    “When you give that phone or tablet to a child, you’ve given them a burden. They might not see it that way…but what you’ve done is erected a barrier between other humans, academic content, and their brains,” said Joe.

    Tune in to get informed on the real impact of technology in our schools and learn how you can make a difference in your child’s brain development and learning.

    . . . .

    Suzanne Phillips is a speaker, parenting and leadership coach, and podcast host with THINQ Media. With a deep passion for discipleship and intentional legacy, Suzanne has founded two hybrid schools and Beacon Parent, a national ministry with a mission to educate, equip and empower parents to live out God's design for family by shedding light on current culture and education through a biblical worldview.

    . . . .


    Proverbs 16:5 - “There is a way that appears to be right, but in the end it leads to death.”


    Check out Joe and Matt’s website and book:


    Screen Schooled: Two Veteran Teachers Expose How Technology Overuse Is Making Our Kids Dumber

    Make active decisions for your children and school. Gather a small group of like-minded parents and make your concerns/requests known to school administration—and be persistent. Book a free Right Fit Education consultation with Suzanne to explore educational options for your family or community. Check out more of Suzanne’s resources, coaching, consulting, and speaking opportunities on the following platforms:








