
  • Welcome back to The Insider, your weekly podcast about Research and Innovation in Europe.

    Jana Kolar is the current Chair of ESFRI – the European Strategy Forum for Research Infrastructures. ESFRI has just celebrated 20 years and has had a crucial role in promoting a strategic approach across Europe towards selection and funding of research infrastructures. The importance of the contribution of ESFRI for strategic thinking, not just in research infrastructures, but in Research and Innovation more broadly along these last 20 years is often overlooked. But what is the future holding and how is ESFRI addressing it?

    Jana is also one of the most engaging and interesting persons to talk to. It is always a huge pleasure to have these conversations and debates with her and you will surely want to hear this one.

    We explore the unique path towards the establishment of CERIC, the RI that Jana is the Executive Director of, but also the vision for Jana’s 2-year first mandate in ESFRI as Chair. We went deep into the challenges of rethinking how to properly develop a landscape and gap analysis across knowledge domains, the importance of impact, sustainability and funding synergies, among others.

  • In today’s podcast I bring you my conversation with Charlotte Andersdotter. Charlotte is currently the Head of Office of the Confederation of Swedish Enterprises in Brussels and allowed us to dive into her 20 years of experience as an expat in the Brussels R&I arena. I can assure you there would be much more I would love to discuss about this issue with Charlotte, as she not only has an extremely interesting and rich professional experience that takes us back to her role as founder of ERRIN, the European Regions Research and Innovation Network, to her experience at the European Commission DG RTD, but she is also a good person, respectful of individuality, of difference and of the diversity across Europe, and those that know me, know that is what I value above all.

    We also explore: how well are the Swedish interests represented in Brussels? What is the role of a Brussels-based representation and its challenges vis-à-vis its home institutions? is there a difference between the research and the innovation part, namely the representation of industry or is there complementarity? What role play the Nordic research and innovation councils such as Nordforsk or Norden?

    Let’s hear it!

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  • Welcome back to The Insider! This is a special episode, commemorative of the 20 years of our INESC institutes in Coimbra. It is a very relaxed and informal conversation where I explore with Carlos Henggeler what defines INESC Coimbra, its inherent interdisciplinarity and what distinguishes it, its relation with University of Coimbra and other higher educations institutions in the Central region of Portugal (namely the Polytechnic Institutes of Leiria and Coimbra), it light structure and “living organism” management as a strategic decision and a reflection on what makes a researcher go the extra mile, dedicate the extra hours.

    We wrap it up with a vision for the future, including the importance of contract research and international cooperation in EU projects. This was a frank, open and fluid conversation and we sincerely hope you enjoy it.

  • Welcome back to The Insider! In this week’s episode, we are going to address head on the critical questions being asked about Technology Infrastructures.

    How distinct and specific are TIs in relation to other research and innovation support infrastructures? What specific challenges do they face over their lifecycle and how can their capacity be further leveraged? What is their role in a regional, national or transnational R&I ecosystem? Are TIs mostly local or is there a pan-european relevance and action rationale? What kind of governance and funding model should we develop to take the most out of their potential to help us build bridges between science and the market?

    The Joint Research Centre, in partnership with EARTO – European Association of Research and Technology Organisations, recently published a report where most of these questions are further explored.

    And that is why my guest today is Sophie Viscido, one of the authors of the report and certainly someone who is always very interesting and good fun to talk to. Stick around to the end of this longer than usual episode and you will get a critical overview of the past, present and future of the discussion on TIs.

    We’re also giving you a brief rundown of this week’s top headlines from our Morning Brief newsletter, focusing on the entrance of Tunisia into Horizon Europe under association status, the Swiss government’s replacing the grant and equity funding 24 Swiss start-ups were set to receive from EU funds. Also, the Data Governance Act and the Trans-European energy infrastructure at a glance, and fantastic news for the INESC universe.

    Here are some of the events coming up that you should keep an eye out for:

    · Don't miss the i3S Workshop on Cancer Research, Biological and Molecular Basis taking place between 26 and 29 September this year. Find out more information here.

    · Don't miss this webinar, taking place April 21st, providing detailed information on personnel costs on Horizon Europe projects for Legal and Financial NCPs. Register here.

    · Vision Understanding and Machine Intelligence – VISUM 2022 – is the tenth edition of a summer school focused on Computer Vision and Machine Learning. This edition is organised by INESC TEC, and will be an on-site event in Porto, Portugal. Find more information here.

    · Science Europe is organising its first conference on Open Science, on 18 and 19 October 2022. Click here to find out more.

    · Don't miss the EU Green Week 2022 taking place from 30 May to 5 June 2022. Discover more about the event here.

  • Welcome back to The Insider!

    "United in diversity", the motto of the European Union, first came into use in 2000 but never made so much sense in the research and innovation domain as it does now that the EU not only made explicit its objectives for gender equality in research but is actively pursuing institutional change in research performing organisations, higher education institutions and research funding organisations.

    Today we will be exploring not the numbers and the principles, as we assume you are agree there is work ahead of us towards equality and that this is an important aspect to address. We will be exploring gender issues from the perspective of someone supporting the management of a research institution and that recently had to develop the so-called Gender Equality Plan, which is now compulsory for all research performing organisation and higher education institutions to participate in Horizon Europe projects.

    In order to do that, I have here with me Catarina Valente who is part of the interface and co-creation unit, at INESC INOV, she is a researcher with a background in gender issues in research and technology development and is now researching climate resilience and community building.

    More to the point, for the purpose of our conversation, Catarina coordinated the development of the Gender Equality Plan of INESC INOV.

    We’re also giving you a brief rundown of this week’s top headlines from our Morning Brief newsletter, highlighting the energy crisis in Europe and the two dividing perspectives. One reinforcing the need to step away from non-renewable sources of energy such as oil, that was mostly provided by Russia and enforce the European Green Deal and another which is pushing European oil and coal producing countries to step up their production so that there are no shortages in the coming winter.

    Here are some of the events coming up that you should keep an eye out for:

    · The KTD Consultation Workshop on Silicon Photonics: The KTD Consultation Workshop on Silicon Photonics is happening March 30. Register here;

    · Don't miss the event on Energy Efficiency - A science advice perspective, on March 28th, hosted by MEP Miapetra Kumpula-Natri, Co-chair of the European Parliament Intergroup on ‘Climate Change, Biodiversity and Sustainable Development’. Register here;

    · The European Commission’s Scientific Advice Mechanism warmly invites everyone working at the science-policy interface to explore the key challenges of delivery science advice under pressure between 27 and 28 April. Register here;

    · DG CNECT is organising an information session on Tuesday 29 March between 14.30-16.30 to present the main elements of the European Chips Act, as well as the preliminary timeline for its adoption. Register here;

    · Don't miss the World Entrepreneurs Investment Forum 2022, it will play a vital role in exposing the power of Entrepreneurs and Innovators in creating partnerships to secure a prosperous future and sustainable solutions for the globe challenges. Register here;

    · On Tuesday, March 29th, another edition of the iStartLab MeetUps at Técnico Lisbon will happen, this time dedicated to the iStartLab Internet-of-Things (IoT) System and on how it can be used to create solutions for real-life problems. Click here to register.

  • Welcome back to The Insider.

    This week our approach will leave the traditional R&I policies and ask a question that has been growing in importance before us all but not much real attention has been dedicated to it so far: what kind of innovation do we want for the future? No, it is not simple question and we could address it from many different perspectives, of course. Inspired by the 8th Cohesion Forum, which took place earlier this week and counted with the participation of the nobel prize laureate Joseph Stiglitz and Prof Carlota Perez from SPRU, University of Sussex, I will delve into the increasingly urgent connection between innovation and societal challenges and how science and policy intersect to address these challenges, in particular at EU level.

    This is also going to be the theme for a working dinner organised by the INESC Brussels HUB later this year, so any reactions or suggestions, please do not hesitate to contact us, as they are most welcome and may indeed help us defining the contours of the discussion to be had.

    Some useful links:

    Joseph Stiglitz, Beyond GDP


    OECD - Mission Oriented Innovation – Mariana Mazzucato


    European Commission – Mission Oriented Research and Innovation – Mariana Mazzucato


  • Welcome back to The Insider. Today we’re focusing on the research assessment reform process that is underway in Europe, driven by the European Commission. This is an issue with major impact in the lives of researchers and research performing organizations alike. The Commission wants to reach an agreement before the summer but there are a lot of open issues still to work on.

    So, to help us identifying the main issues at stake and go deeper in the discussion, we welcome Marta Agostinho, Executive Director of EU-Life (the alliance of independent research institutes in the life sciences) and its representative in the European Commission stakeholder group for the agreement on research assessment reform.

    We’re also giving you a brief rundown of this week’s top headlines from our Morning Brief newsletter, highlighting the European Executive Research Agency’s statement on tackling gender inequalities, the EU Gender Equality Strategy for 2020-2024, the European Commission suspending cooperation with Russia on R&I, INESC’s statement supporting Ukrainian researchers and Ole Petter Ottersen, the President of the Karolinska Institute’s comments on the long-term consequences of European sanctions in Russia.

    Here are some of the events coming up that you should keep an eye out for:

    · The European Regions for Smart Communities Summit 2022 will be the celebration of the success and achievements from cooperation across Smart Communities and an opportunity to mutually commit to share challenges and smart solutions. Click here to find out more about the agenda and how you can register.

    · The 6th International Hybrid Power Systems Workshop will take place in Madeira, Portugal in April, supported by INESC TEC. The main objective of the event is to discuss the challenges that arise with the integration of high shares of renewables into isolated/island power systems/micro-grids in combination with batteries/flywheels and conventional power generators. Find more information here.

    · Taking place 22 and 23 of March, the Copernicus and the Green Deal Online Workshop will present how Copernicus services can contribute to the achievement of the EU Green Deal policy objectives and support in the monitoring of progress. Register here.

    · To foster discussion about a role for science diplomacy in responding to the challenges and opportunities posed by emerging technologies, Science & Diplomacy is organizing a virtual event. Click here for more information.

  • Welcome to The Insider, a podcast about the key issues on Research & Innovation made by the INESC Brussels HUB team. Today we’re discussing the Top 100 Global Innovators 2022 list published by CLARIVATE and the organization itself. Since 2012, CLARIVATE publishes the list of the top 100 global innovators. This year there are only 3 research entities in the list. The remaining 97 are all private companies. It is interesting to note that the list spans across the world but all the 100 institutions are concentrated in 12 countries. What does this mean for R&I?

    We’re also giving you a brief rundown of this week’s top headlines from our Morning Brief newsletter.

    Here are some of the events coming up that you should keep an eye out for:

    · The UT Austin Portugal Program announced their second webinar series under the Strategic Research Project BigHPC: Towards a New Generation of Big Data & HPC Applications. The first webinar, titled "Linking GitOPS towards fast innovation over BigHPC" with happen March 10th. Sign up here.

    · The EU Knowledge Valorization Week is taking place from 29 March to 1 April. Click here for more information and to register.

    · The OLISSIPO Twin Seminar III dedicated to protein driven machine learning and network approaches for precision medicine that took place last month was uploaded on YouTube. Click here to watch it.

    · Eight calls for proposals under the EU4Health 2022 Annual Working Programme have been published. This 10 March, a dedicated session will take place in the morning, for which you can register here.

    · The EU Green Week is coming back in a hybrid format from 30 May to 5 June. Click here for more information.

  • The 9th and last episode in the Deep Tech series features Susana Cardoso Freitas, Director at INESC MN.

    The series is divided in 3 parts (3 podcasts in each part):

    In Part 1 we explored how can Deep tech reshape the future of R&I.

    Part 2 was dedicated to the Green Transition

    Part 3 is dedicated to Digital Transformation.

    The three parts of this deep tech podcasts series are widely disseminated in all the major podcast platforms (Google podcasts, Apple podcasts, Spotify and others) as well through the INESC and Science Business websites, newsletters and social networks.

    Don't hesitate to contact us in case you need any further information on INESC institutes.

  • The 8th episode in the Deep Tech series features Inês de Vega, Head of Quantum Innovations at IQM Quantum Computers.

    This is also the 2nd episode of the third part of the Deep Tech series of podcasts produced by the INESC Brussels HUB in partnership with Science Business.

    The series is divided in 3 parts (3 podcasts in each part):

    In Part 1 we explored how can Deep tech reshape the future of R&I.

    Part 2 is dedicated to the Green Transition

    Part 3 is dedicated to Digital Transformation.

    The three parts of this deep tech podcasts series are widely disseminated in all the major podcast platforms (Google podcasts, Apple podcasts, Spotify and others) as well through the INESC and Science Business websites, newsletters and social networks.

    Don't hesitate to contact us in case you need any further information on INESC institutes.

  • The seventh episode in the Deep Tech series features Ben Glocker, reader in machine learning at Imperial College and working in fascinating areas related to medical technologies, leading the HeartFlow-Imperial Research Team and work as scientific adviser for Kheiron Medical Technologies.

    This is also the first episode of the third part of the Deep Tech series of podcasts produced by the INESC Brussels HUB in partnership with Science Business.

    The series is divided in 3 parts (3 podcasts in each part):

    In Part 1 we explored how can Deep tech reshape the future of R&I.

    Part 2 is dedicated to the Green Transition

    Part 3 is dedicated to Digital Transformation.

    The three parts of this deep tech podcasts series are widely disseminated in all the major podcast platforms (Google podcasts, Apple podcasts, Spotify and others) as well through the INESC and Science Business websites, newsletters and social networks.

    Don't hesitate to contact us in case you need any further information on INESC institutes.

  • In this week’s podcast we are talking about freedom, academic and research freedom more precisely. This is obviously a key issue for R&I since freedom to define our research and innovation pathways is at the heart of the scientific method. But we all know that freedom is relative… freedom is not absolute and is constrained by value systems, meaning sets of cultural dominant and powerful values that define a society or an organization.

    For example, when set in a capitalist, liberal and democratic society, freedom (and many other values) can only be observed when they are universally recognized. Imagine, for example, you share all your research results in an open science paradigm, but your colleagues don’t. The lack of mutual benefit will make you think twice. Or imagine you are dependent on the knowledge or resources of an foreign entity to develop your work, or that you are not allowed to pursue a certain avenue of research by an inescapable governing power? Where is your freedom?

    On the other hand, research and innovation is an inherently borderless and collaborative venture.

    So, how to tackle these and other issues without limiting our freedom to research and innovate?

    In a first attempt to provide research performing organizations with answers, the European Commission published a Staff Working Document on “Tackling R&I foreign interference”, this past week and we sat down for an extremely interesting and engaging conversation with Andreia Passos (Head of the International Relations Service at INESC TEC) and an initial exploration of how a research performing organization such as INESC TEC is already addressing the issue.

  • The fifth episode in the Deep Tech series features Armando Fernandes, a Senior Data Scientist/Researcher at INOV, specialised in plant variety and clone discrimination using hyperspectral data. Armando will showcase a specific deep tech solution that illustrates how deep tech can be applied to solve concrete problems in the agricultural sector.

    This is the sixth episode of the Deep tech series of podcasts produced by the INESC Brussels HUB in partnership with Science Business.

    The series is divided in 3 parts (3 podcasts in each part):

    In Part 1 we explored how can Deep tech reshape the future of R&I.

    Part 2 is dedicated to the Green Transition

    Part 3 will be dedicated to Digital Transformation.

    The three parts of this deep tech podcasts series will be widely disseminated in all the major podcast platforms (Google podcasts, Apple podcasts, Spotify and others) as well through the INESC and Science Business websites, newsletters and social networks.

    Don't hesitate to contact us in case you need any further information on INESC institutes.

  • The fifth episode in the Deep Tech series features Inna Braverman, co-founder and CEO at Eco Wave Power, an innovative and fast-growing Swedish company, founded in Tel Aviv, Israel, in 2011, that has developed a patented, smart and cost-efficient technology for turning ocean and sea waves into green electricity..

    This is the fifth episode of the second part of this podcast series on Deep tech (3 podcasts in each part).

    In Part 1 we explored how can Deep tech reshape the future of R&I. In our second and third parts we are going to be looking at deep tech in application and how it can contribute to Europe’s big strategic goals.

    Part 2 is dedicated to the Green Transition and Part 3 will be dedicated to Digital Transformation.

    The three parts of this deep tech podcasts series will be widely disseminated in all the major podcast platforms (Google podcasts, Apple podcasts, Spotify and others) as well through the INESC and Science Business websites, newsletters and social networks.

    Don't hesitate to contact us in case you need any further information on INESC institutes.

  • The fourth episode in the Deep Tech series features Christophe Beuttler, head of climate policy at Climeworks, a fast-growing Swiss company, to explore how deep tech is helping them to remove historic CO2 emissions from the atmosphere, in a bold play to reverse the course of climate change itself.

    This is the fourth episode of the second part of this podcast series on Deep tech. In Part 1 we explored how can Deep tech reshape the future of R&I, featuring João Claro, CEO of INESC TEC, on the role of RTOs in managing deep tech innovation; Jonathan Wareham, Professor of Information Systems, ESADE Business & Law Schools, on what is deep tech and, last but not least, Stéphane Ouaki, on Deep Tech and Horizon Europe.

    In our second and third parts (3 podcasts in each part) we are going to be looking at deep tech in application and how it can contribute to Europe’s big strategic goals.

    Part 2 is dedicated to the Green Transition and Part 3 will be dedicated to Digital Transformation. We will be publishing 2 podcasts per week on The Insider and the INESC Brussels HUB media page. The three parts of this deep tech podcasts series will be widely disseminated in all the major podcast platforms (Google podcasts, Apple podcasts, Spotify and others) as well through the INESC and Science Business websites, newsletters and social networks.

    Don't hesitate to contact us in case you need any further information on INESC institutes.

  • In this episode of The Insider we go deeper on why is hydrogen considered by many as the rock star of alternative energies and how are research organisations, such as INESC TEC, looking at the future in this promising area. This follows from the participation of INESC TEC in a closed Science Business event entitled: H-factor: Will European R&D catalyse the clean hydrogen era?

  • The third episode in Deep Tech series features Stéphane Ouaki, from the newly established agency that aims to boost EU's competitiveness through more efficient transition of knowledge from academia and RTOs to SMEs and industry, the European Innovation Council (EIC). In this conversation we discuss the reasons for the EC to support Deep Tech through Horizon Europe and how it can support the attainment of the EC's three main priorities: the digital and green transitions and a better health system.

    This is the third episode of a 3 part series. In Part 1 we explored how can Deep tech reshape the future of R&I, featuring João Claro, CEO of INESC TEC, on the role of RTOs in managing deep tech innovation; Jonathan Wareham, Professor of Information Systems, ESADE Business & Law Schools, on what is deep tech and, last but not least, Stéphane Ouaki, on Deep Tech and Horizon Europe.

    In our second and third parts (3 podcasts in each part) we are going to be looking at deep tech in application and how it can contribute to Europe’s big strategic goals. Part 2 will be dedicated to the Green Transition and Part 3 will be dedicated to Digital Transformation. We will be publishing 2 podcasts per week on The Insider and the INESC Brussels HUB media page, as well as on Science Business website. The three parts of this deep tech podcasts series will be widely disseminated in all the major podcast platforms (Google podcasts, Apple podcasts, Spotify and others) as well through the INESC and Science Business websites, newsletters and social networks.

    Don't hesitate to contact us in case you need any further information on INESC institutes.

  • The second episode in Deep Tech series features Jonathan Wareham, from ESADE Business and Law Schools. In this conversation we delve into the concept of Deep Tech itself, what it is and why it matters, how is it possible path towards becoming a mainstream concept and more.

    This is the second episode of a 3 part serie. Part 1 is dedicated to explore how can Deep tech reshape the future of R&I, featuring:

    João Claro, CEO of INESC TEC, on the role of RTOs in managing deep tech innovation

    Jonathan Wareham, Professor of Information Systems, ESADE Business & Law Schools, on what is deep tech


    Stephan Ouaki, Head of Unit at the European Innovation Council, on how the European Commission and the EIC in particular perceive and are promoting deep tech

    In our second and third parts (3 podcasts in each part) we are going to be looking at deep tech in application and how it can contribute to Europe’s big strategic goals. Part 2 will be dedicated to the Green Transition and Part 3 will be dedicated to Digital Transformation. We will be publishing 2 podcasts per week on The Insider and the INESC Brussels HUB media page, as well as on Science Business website. The three parts of this deep tech podcasts series will be widely disseminated in all the major podcast platforms (Google podcasts, Apple podcasts, Spotify and others) as well through the INESC and Science Business websites, newsletters and social networks.

    Don't hesitate to contact us in case you need any further information on INESC institutes.

  • Deep Tech is one of the hottest topics in R&D today, with many believing it has a critical role to play in solving a range of global problems. In this new Science|Business & INESC podcast, we sit down with João Claro, CEO of INESC TEC in Portugal, to learn how his organisation approaches the challenge of managing deep tech innovation.

    This is the first episode of a 3 part serie. Part 1 will be dedicated to explore how can Deep tech reshape the future of R&I, featuring:

    João Claro, CEO of INESC TEC, on the role of RTOs in managing deep tech innovation

    Jonathan Wareham, Professor of Information Systems, ESADE Business & Law Schools, on what is deep tech


    Stephan Ouaki, Head of Unit at the European Innovation Council, on how the European Commission and the EIC in particular perceive and are promoting deep tech

    In our second and third parts (3 podcasts in each part) we are going to be looking at deep tech in application and how it can contribute to Europe’s big strategic goals. Part 2 will be dedicated to the Green Transition and Part 3 will be dedicated to Digital Transformation. We will be publishing 2 podcasts per week on The Insider and the INESC Brussels HUB media page, as well as on Science Business website. The three parts of this deep tech podcasts series will be widely disseminated in all the major podcast platforms (Google podcasts, Apple podcasts, Spotify and others) as well through the INESC and Science Business websites, newsletters and social networks.

    Don't hesitate to contact us in case you need any further information on INESC institutes.

  • Horizon 2020 came to an end. What lessons have we learnt from it? How did it influence the shape and implementation of Horizon Europe?

    This episode is a first exploration of this topic which we will get back at as it raises immense questions about the way Horizon Europe is being implemented today, the research and innovation policies at all levels (from European to national and regional), how research performing institutions have prepared and are designing strategies for success, and our concept of R&I in general.

    Enjoy and don't forget to subscribe to this podcast.

    Tell us your views and share topics of interest be commenting or sending a message in:

    - our twitter account (@HubINESC) and

    - our LinkedIn account

    To know more about INESC visit the INESC Brussels HUB website.