On today's show, I am revisiting one of my favorite topics: Trees and Energy. My host, Ms. Laural Roaldson will be my guest as we discuss and explore the intersection of proper landscaping and energy efficiency strategies. Laural is a #1 Best Selling Author on Amazon of her book: "Choosing the Perfect Tree: Tips from a Landscape Designer." Trees also play a critical role in naturally cooling the planet, which is why utility programs are promoting Shade Tree and Urban Heat Island projects. Join The KJ Show at 11 a.m. Eastern Wednesday (https://boldbravetv.com/11am-the-kj-show/). Share your thoughts by calling 866-451-1451 or sending your comments to [email protected] sign up for Dr. KJ's Energy Rx, a free weekly newsletter exploring these energy topics in depth.
The Internet is a hidden energy hog. On today’s show, our host, Dr. Katherine Johnson, will explain how the effects of Internet users' digital consumption result in the emission of 229 kilograms of carbon dioxide per year. Moreover, estimates project that internet use will account for 1.7 billion tons of greenhouse gases per year.But that is just part of the story. While data centers appeal to some jurisdictions, others are pushing back due to their high land requirements and intense energy usage. Join The KJ Show at 11 a.m. Eastern Wednesday (https://boldbravetv.com/11am-the-kj-show/). Share your thoughts by calling 866-451-1451 or sending your comments to [email protected]. Please sign up for Dr. KJ's Energy Rx, a free weekly newsletter exploring these energy topics in depth.
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Common sense is rare these days, especially in government. This week's show highlights how energy policy must balance traditional and renewable energy technologies. However, the best common-sense approach is to embrace energy efficiency first. American voters also want a common-sense approach to energy policy. However, energy pundits on both sides are still debating whether "All of the Above" includes fossil fuels or natural gas. This discussion is likely to get more heated as we head into 2025. Join The KJ Show at 11 a.m. Eastern Wednesday (https://boldbravetv.com/11am-the-kj-show/). Share your thoughts by calling 866-451-1451 or sending your comments to [email protected] sign up for Dr. KJ's Energy Rx, a free weekly newsletter exploring these energy topics in depth. #energyefficiency; #medicalbenefits; #renewableenergy; #fossilfuels; #alloftheabove; #Obama; #daylightsavingstime
The election is over, and the results have sent shockwaves across the country, with 50% pleased and 50% devastated. Energy pundits disagree about how the next Trump administration will affect current energy policies. Even though Trump appears to have a mandate to govern, it may not be easy to unwind some of Biden's energy policies, like the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA).On today's show, Dr. Katherine Johnson will provide a balanced view of how the election results are likely to affect energy policy in the next four years. And while it will be interesting to watch, the long-term effects of many renewable energy policies will probably be a slowdown, but not a complete shutdown.Join The KJ Show at 11 a.m. Eastern Wednesday (https://boldbravetv.com/11am-the-kj-show/). Share your thoughts by calling 866-451-1451 or sending your comments to [email protected] sign up for Dr. KJ's Energy Rx, a free weekly newsletter exploring these energy topics in depth.
Net-zero-energy homes are becoming more popular worldwide. It's estimated that by 2028, Europe will have around 2.4 million net-zero-carbon buildings. While the public sector and real estate developers are leading the way, this doesn't mean private owners should lose out. These homes are also generating customer interest, as one net zero home community in Florida survived the two most recent hurricanes due to their storm protection and resiliency features. Today's episode explores the pros and cons that net zero homes offer residents. Join The KJ Show at 11 a.m. Eastern Wednesday (Watch More on Youtube). Share your thoughts by calling 866-451-1451 or sending your comments to [email protected] sign up for Dr. KJ's Energy Rx, a free weekly newsletter exploring these energy topics in depth. Sneak peak alert:Check out my new book launching on November 11.US https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0DLYFBNPClick on this link to buy an e-book for just $.99!
On today's show, our host, Dr. Katherine Johnson, will share her recent electrifying experiences with France's transit system, including metro trains, electric-powered tourist boats, and many EVs and hybrid taxis.This week's episode examines some of the impressive advances in electric-powered transport. It includes a discussion of some promising electric boat advances and an update on the continuing challenges facing electric vehicles.Join The KJ Show at 11 a.m. Eastern Wednesday (Watch More on Youtube). Share your thoughts by calling 866-451-1451 or sending your comments to [email protected] sign up for Dr. KJ's Energy Rx, a free weekly newsletter exploring these energy topics in depth.#EVs;#solartrains; #evboats; #France; #Paris; #metro; #climateart; #Louvre
Renewable energy technologies, such as wind and solar power, have become mainstream. But these arenât the only applications that rely on renewable energy sources. Todayâs show highlights some of the innovative ways researchers are exploring how best to incorporate these technologies into everyday life.This show will highlight advances such as:Comparing the benefits of using Solar PV for power generation vs. rooftop agriculture;Exploring the concept of harnessing âgeothermal powerâ anywhere;Developing new ways to cool ourselves and our buildings; andUsing carbon dioxide to power our cell phones.Join The KJ Show at 11 a.m. Eastern Wednesday (Watch More on Youtube). Share your thoughts by calling 866-451-1451 or sending your comments to [email protected] sign up for Dr. KJ's Energy Rx, a free weekly newsletter exploring these energy topics in depth. #RE #SolarPV #RooftopPV #Agriculture; #SolarTrains; #CoolBuildings; #GeothermalPower; #CarbonDioxide; #CoolFabrics;
Approximately 8.4 million Americans live in manufactured housing units , but 44% face high energy costs. These are also the most vulnerable residents, as most live at or below the poverty line. Since these customers are also considered "low-income," many lack the financial ability to make energy improvements on their own.On today's show, our guest, Nathan Baer, Vice President and CEO of I3 Energy, will share his insights and experiences in working in the Manufactured Home Segment. Nathan will also share how energy efficiency improvement programs sponsored by utilities positively impact Manufactured Home residents.Join The KJ Show at 11 a.m. Eastern Wednesday (https://boldbravetv.com/11am-the-kj-show/). Share your thoughts by calling 866-451-1451 or sending your comments to [email protected] sign up for Dr. KJ's Energy Rx, a free weekly newsletter exploring these energy topics in depth.
Coal plants may be the missing link to powering a nuclear energy future. The Department of Energy recently identified hundreds of coal power plants that could increase nuclear capacity in the U.S. to more than 250 gigawatts (GW). The existing fleet has a combined capacity of 95 GW and supplies half of the nation's emissions-free electricity.The transition would also bring tangible benefits to energy communities with additional jobs, new economic activities, and improved environmental conditions.Join The KJ Show at 11 a.m. Eastern Wednesday (https://boldbravetv.com/11am-the-kj-show/). Share your thoughts by calling 866-451-1451 or sending your comments to [email protected] sign up for Dr. KJ's Energy Rx, a free weekly newsletter exploring these energy topics in depth.Hashtags: #nuclearpower; #coal; #energytransition; #economicbenefits; #energyefficiency; #electrification; #disadvantagedcommunities
Wind and solar are the ideal renewable energy sources, but they have one big problem: reliability. However, the sun doesn't always shine, and the wind doesn't always blow. Therefore, renewable energy needs batteries to store the excess energy generated by wind and solar energy for dark and stormy days and nights.Battery storage technology is on the cusp of becoming practical, but it's not quite there yet. T. On today's show, our host, Dr. Katherine Johnson, will discuss the role of batteries in clean energy and whether there is an Energizer Bunny on the horizon for renewable energy technologies.Join The KJ Show at 11 a.m. Eastern Wednesday (https://boldbravetv.com/11am-the-kj-show/). Share your thoughts by calling 866-451-1451 or sending your comments to [email protected] sign up for Dr. KJ's Energy Rx, a free weekly newsletter exploring these energy topics in depth.
Concerns about climate change have created a new psychological issue: climate anxiety. Eco-anxiety, also known as climate anxiety, is a chronic fear and distress about environmental issues and climate change. It can cause a range of symptoms, including depression. In 2018, surveys conducted in the United States found that between 21% and 29% of Americans said they were "very" worried about the climate. This trend has led to a rise of "good grief" therapy groups and eco-chaplains. Our host, Dr. Katherine Johnson, will discuss how climate anxiety is overblown as climate information is often misleading or just wrong. Join The KJ Show at 11 a.m. Eastern Wednesday (https://boldbravetv.com/11am-the-kj-show/). Share your thoughts by calling 866-451-1451 or sending your comments to [email protected] sign up for Dr. KJ's Energy Rx, a free weekly newsletter exploring these energy topics in depth.
Since the Paris Climate Accords, energy advocates have been pushing governments to agree to aggressive climate goals.Although significant progress has been made in developing and deploying some of these technologies, deployment of all these technologies is still not happening as fast as needed to reach 2030 targets. In addition, the technologies risk facing raw material and labor shortages and lengthy permitting procedures.On today's show, our host, Dr. Katherine Johnson, will discuss how the energy transition is falling behind as only a few climate policies have led to reduced emissions.Join The KJ Show at 11 a.m. Eastern Wednesday (https://boldbravetv.com/11am-the-kj-show/). Share your thoughts by calling 866-451-1451 or sending your comments to [email protected] sign up for Dr. KJ's Energy Rx, a free weekly newsletter exploring these energy topics in depth.#energytransition; #climatechange; #netenergy; #ParisClimateAccords; #carbonemissionreductions; #EVs; #heatpumps; #Vienna
The truth is slowly coming out as more environmental activists realize the grave damage caused by renewable energies. Our host, Dr. Katherine Johnson, will discuss some surprising stories that didn't make the news in today's show.For example, Green Party members in Australia now oppose wind turbines. In contrast, others support nuclear power as a clean, renewable energy technology.Furthermore, according to a group of climate scientists, global warming rates are lower than expected, which contradicts the gloomy predictions of an imminent catastrophe. Join The KJ Show at 11 a.m. Eastern Wednesday (https://boldbravetv.com/11am-the-kj-show/). Share your thoughts by calling 866-451-1451 or sending your comments to [email protected] sign up for Dr. KJ's Energy Rx, a free weekly newsletter exploring these energy topics in depth.
Today's show marks the 100th episode of The KJ Show, which has explored how energy affects our everyday lives. It has featured experts in the energy industry who shared their insights regarding the intersection of energy, climate, and government policies.Our host, Dr. Katherine Johnson, will revisit and update some of her favorite energy stories on today's show, including a shout-out to her favorite climate warriors: beavers! This show will also feature some crazy energy trends (climate speed dating) and the controversy associated with carbon offsets.Join The KJ Show at 11 a.m. Eastern Wednesday (https://boldbravetv.com/11am-the-kj-show/). Share your thoughts by calling 866-451-1451 or sending your comments to [email protected] sign up for Dr. KJ's Energy Rx, a free weekly newsletter exploring these energy topics in depth.
Trees have been described as the "lungs" of the Earth. Besides shading us on hot days, trees store carbon, create diverse habitats, and beautify our Earth. However, while carbon offsets to plant trees are going in popularity, recent studies suggest that we don't have the right kind of trees or enough of them to meet these lofty goals.On today's show, our host, Dr. Katherine Johnson, will discuss how trees are helping utilities reduce energy usage, but the best approach is to leave trees alone. Please join The KJ Show at 11 a.m. Eastern Wednesday (https://boldbravetv.com/11am-the-kj-show/). Share your thoughts by calling 866-451-1451 or sending your comments to [email protected] sure to sign up for Dr. KJ's Energy Rx, a free newsletter.
More than 200 companies are failing to meet their net-zero pledges because these pledges are unrealistic and unattainable. Air New Zealand was one of the most recent companies to admit that it can't meet these goals because "there are so many levers outside of our control."But the real issue is there is no agreed upon definition of "net zero." How is "net" calculated, and are those estimates accurate or simply aspirational?On today's show, our host, Dr. Katherine Johnson, will discuss the confusion and surroundingg "net zero" pledges. Please join The KJ Show at 11 a.m. Eastern Wednesday (https://boldbravetv.com/11am-the-kj-show/). Share your thoughts by calling 866-451-1451 or sending your comments to [email protected] sure to sign up for Dr. KJ's Energy Rx, a free weekly newsletter that explores these energy topics in more depth.
Solar ovens have been touted as one of the most important advances to help Africans reduce their reliance on charcoal and wood. But, recent case studies have determined that people using solar ovens simply donât like them and therefore are likely never to live up to its promise.On todayâs show, our host, Dr. Katherine Johnson, will discuss the promise and pitfalls of solar ovens. Please join the discussion with our host, Dr. Katherine Johnson, on The KJ Show at 11 a.m. Eastern Wednesday (https://boldbravetv.com/11am-the-kj-show/). Share your thoughts by calling 866-451-1451 or send your comments to [email protected] sure to sign up for Dr. KJ's Energy Rx, a free weekly newsletter that explores these energy topics in more depth.
The European Union (EU) presents itself as a decarbonization pioneer. Its ambitious policies want to transform Europe into the first climate-neutral continent by 2050. But the recent elections, combined with the growing âgreen backlash,â may now squash many of those plans. Are the European election results a harbinger of pushback in the US? The tides are already turning with the Supreme Courtâs recent ruling against the Chevon Defense, which allowed the EPA to intervene in state policies. What will the November 5 election results mean to electrification policies across the US?Join the discussion with our host, Dr. Katherine Johnson, on The KJ Show at 11 a.m. Eastern Wednesday (https://boldbravetv.com/11am-the-kj-show/). Share your thoughts by calling 866-451-1451 or send your comments to [email protected] sure to sign up for Dr. KJ's Energy Rx, a free weekly newsletter that explores these energy topics in more depth.
Indoor agriculture, another name for marijuana cultivation, is a booming business. While electric utilities are promoting the use of indoor grow lights, growing pots also creates a surge in CO2 emissions.The US Department of Energy, US Environmental Protection Agency and industry data all determined that growing cannabis indoors leads to higher greenhouse gas emissions in the Mountain West, Midwest, Alaska and Hawaii compared to the Pacific and Atlantic coasts. Moreover, researchers found that one serving of cannabis contributes more greenhouse gas emissions than a serving of beer, wine, spirits, cigarettes, or coffee. Although environmentalists advocate a no-meat diet because cows have levels of GHG emissions they don't hold the cannabis industry to the same standards. Join the discussion with our host, Dr. Katherine Johnson, on The KJ Show at 11 a.m. Eastern Wednesday (https://boldbravetv.com/11am-the-kj-show/). Share your thoughts by calling 866-451-1451 or send your comments to [email protected] sure to sign up for Dr. KJ's Energy Rx, a free weekly newsletter that explores these energy topics in more depth.
When does science become settled? Truthfully, science is never settled, but that is not what the schools, colleges and universities are teaching about climate change. Climate science is viewed as an undisputable fact, and the educational community stifles any debate to the contrary.Has climate education become a propaganda tool, or is it a scientific fact? On today's show, our host, Dr. Katherine Johnson, will discuss how climate science is being taught at American schoolsâand how this deviates from established teaching paradigms such as the "scientific method." Join the discussion today on The KJ Show at 11 a.m. Eastern Wednesday (https://boldbravetv.com/11am-the-kj-show/). Share your thoughts by calling 866-451-1451 or send your comments to [email protected] up for Dr. KJ's Energy Rx, a free weekly newsletter that explores these energy topics in more depth.
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