
  • 05/28/2024 Strategy Session Highlights: In this episode, we delve into the profound topic of self-worth. We'll start by asking you to reflect deeply on a crucial question: Do you feel complete just as you are, or do you feel you have shit to prove?

    Understanding and embracing your self-worth is essential for your mental and physical well-being. It influences how you navigate life and pursue your goals. When you acknowledge that you are inherently worthy and lovable, you unlock the potential to live your most authentic life. You'll operate from a place of abundance, creating positive energy in everything you do. Conversely, living with low self-worth can lead to burnout and an unsustainable lifestyle.

    We'll explore practical steps to help you realize that you are already complete. Your worthiness is not determined by external achievements or societal standards but is an intrinsic part of who you are. By truly believing in your worth, you can end unnecessary suffering, establish healthy boundaries, and make decisions that genuinely serve you.

    We'll discuss real-life examples, such as setting personal boundaries and asking for help, to illustrate how knowing your worth can transform your life. Additionally, we'll address common thought errors and how to align your actions with your authentic desires rather than external expectations.

    Actionable Steps:

    Reflect on areas where you feel confident and where you feel the need to prove yourself.Visualize what your most authentic life looks like.Consider joining our weekly Strategy Sessions to further explore and enhance your self-worth.

    Join us every Tuesday at 12pm for our weekly Strategy Session. Patients can find the link in the monthly newsletter. If you're not yet a patient, schedule a consultation to start optimizing your mental and physical health. Visit www.doctorlarocca.com to learn more.

    Tune in to embrace your self-worth and start living your best, most authentic life!

  • 05/21/2024 Strategy Session Highlights: 

    In this episode of "Beyond the Numbers: Unlocking Total Body Composition Mastery," we delve into the intricacies of body composition, moving past the limitations of the traditional scale.

    Join us as we explore how understanding the full spectrum of body composition—from muscle mass and fat distribution to bone density and metabolic health—can transform your approach to fitness and wellness. Our expert guests share insights, practical tips, and the latest scientific findings to help you achieve a balanced and healthy body composition. Whether you're a fitness enthusiast or just beginning your wellness journey, this episode is packed with valuable information to guide you toward a healthier, more informed lifestyle.

    Please visit  our blog for the mentioned links in this podcast.

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  • 04/02/2024 Strategy Session Highlights: Your Lifestyle: Build it How You Will Sustain it

    In this episode, we're exploring the journey of integrating fitness, mindfulness, and self-care into your daily routine, all while embracing flexibility and self-compassion.

    In our fast-paced world, prioritizing our well-being is essential. Dr. LaRocca explores the journey of integrating fitness, mindfulness, and self-care into daily life. From purposeful walks with furry friends to incorporating strength training and stretching into hourly routines, every small effort leads to significant improvements. Balancing workouts with compassion, embracing mindfulness practices, and integrating wellness into daily activities are key components. Remember, sustaining a healthy lifestyle is about consistency and self-compassion. Join us on this journey of holistic well-being, guided by intention and joy.

    Affirmations: We close with a powerful affirmation: "I live a healthy lifestyle. I live a physically active life."

    Plus, don't forget to check out the accompanying Personalized Care Plan. This download will provide additional insights and resources to support your journey towards a sustainable lifestyle.

    Remember, it's not just about building your lifestyle – it's about sustaining it with intention and joy.


  • 03/05/2024 Strategy Session Highlights: The Science of Journaling

    In this episode we delve into the empowering world of journaling! Today, we're exploring the evidence-backed practice of journaling as a therapeutic tool for managing anxiety, depression, and PTSD. Picture this: a serene space where the pages of your journal become a gateway to mindfulness, self-discovery, and healing. Journaling isn't just about putting pen to paper; it's about unleashing the power of your thoughts and emotions in a safe and non-pharmacological manner. We'll explore two primary approaches to journaling in therapy: expressive writing and gratitude journaling. Expressive writing allows you to pour out your innermost thoughts and feelings, while gratitude journaling shifts your focus to the positive aspects of life, fostering a sense of appreciation and joy. Our discussion isn't just based on anecdotes; we're diving deep into the research. A 2022 publication reviewed 20 randomized control trials, shedding light on the impact of journaling on mental health management. While results varied, studies like "The Effect of Expressive Writing on Postpartum Depression and Stress of Mothers with a Preterm Infant in NICU" showcased significant decreases in postnatal depression scales, highlighting the potential of journaling as a therapeutic intervention. But let's not stop there. We're taking journaling beyond the individual practice. In our strategy sessions, we've witnessed the transformative power of communal journaling exercises. Together, we've explored prompts like "What does your ideal life look like?" and unearthed profound insights while debunking thought errors that hinder progress. So, dear listeners, I invite you to embark on this journey of self-discovery and empowerment through journaling. Whether you're grappling with mental health challenges or simply seeking clarity and fulfillment, grab your pen and let your thoughts flow freely. There are no rules, just endless possibilities. Don't forget to check out the links in our show notes for further reading and research. And until next time, embrace the journey of journaling and unlock the secrets to a happier, healthier life. Tune in next week for more insights and inspiration.

  • 2/20/24 Strategy Session Highlights: Injectable Weight Loss Medications

    In this weeks episode, we'll explore how injectables like Zepbound/Mounjaro (tirzepatide) and Wegovy/Ozempic (semaglutide) are reshaping the landscape of healthcare. These medications work by increasing hormones that improve blood sugar processing, suppress hunger in the brain and slowing gut emptying, leading to prolonged feelings of fullness and less fat storage. Additionally, Zepbound/Mounjaro (tirzepatide) offer a dual therapy advantage by incorporating another hormone called GIP, enhancing their effectiveness even further. But beyond the science, we'll also delve into the critical distinction between personal health insight and external opinions. Not every medical professional fully understands the benefits and risks of these medications, especially in the context of treating obesity. Throughout this episode, we'll cover: How injectables work and the hormone therapy advantage. The wide-ranging benefits they offer, from weight loss to diabetes control, insightful studies, safety considerations, potential side effects, costs, and more.

  • 2/13/24 Strategy Session Highlights: Bone Health

    In this episode, we explore the latest insights and strategies to boost your skeletal strength. From uncovering surprising risk factors to discovering powerful nutrition and lifestyle hacks, we've got you covered. Tune in to discover actionable steps for fortifying your bones and maintaining vitality. Don't miss out on this essential guide to optimal bone health! Subscribe now and stay tuned for our upcoming episode.

  • 2/6/24 Strategy Session: Build Muscle in 10 Minutes 

    This episode focuses on the importance of muscle strengthening in physical activity for overall health improvement. Regular physical activity offers numerous benefits, including enhancing metabolic function, increasing muscle and bone strength, reducing the risk of heart disease and stroke, improving cognition and mental health, enhancing lung function, and boosting sexual health. Starting with manageable routines, like 10-minute bodyweight exercises twice a week, is recommended to prevent injury and maintain motivation. Additional resources, such as personal training sessions and online videos, are available for guidance, with a reminder to seek medical clearance if needed.

  • 1/30/24 Strategy Session Highlights. This session dives deep into the power of purposeful thoughts to shape the life you desire.

    We'll explore mindset review, defining priorities, and creating purposeful thoughts for lasting motivation. Discover how purposeful thinking can transform your biggest pain points. Learn from real-life examples in our session, and understand how thoughts directly impact actions and outcomes. Whether you're facing a career challenge or health concerns, I provide practical steps to shift your mindset and drive positive change. Join us every Tuesday from 12 pm-1 pm on Zoom for live strategy sessions, exclusive to LaRocca Medical patients. Stay focused and tune in to this episode for transformative insights. I'm excited to connect with you next week!

  • In this episode, Dr. LaRocca explains the current stigma we have around excess weight and why we need to break it. Excess weight is not formed due to lack of control or lack of discipline. There are physiological reasons while some people gain more weight than others. Excess weight, or obesity, is a disease process just like high blood pressure, high cholesterol, or high blood sugars (diabetes). We should be treating it like that. 

    High blood pressure, diabetes and high cholesterol are all treated carefully with a combination of lifestyle interventions and medications. We don’t bat an eye when someone is on medication for one of these things and many people are on more than one medication.

    Why do we think any differently about weight loss medications?

    Education is key to overcoming stigmas.

    Listen to this episode to learn more.

    Head over to DoctorLaRocca.com to schedule a consult or call the office at 302-468-6220.

  • Here you will learn:

    -          Why you should love yourself first.

    -          How to love yourself truly and deeply. 

    -          Applying self-love to the 4 pillars of health.

    For more information and to schedule a consult with Dr. LaRocca head over to DoctorLaRocca.com. 

  • The goal is not to have a “fast metabolism.” The goal is to use energy in your body efficiently. The best two ways to do that are (1) to stop grazing & snacking through the day and (2)  maximizing your exercise results.

    Visit DoctorLaRocca.com for more information and to schedule a consult to see how you can personalize these techniques for your weight loss journey.

  • In this episode you will learn why it's harder to lose weight once you have developed full-blown Type II Diabetes (DMII), how to screen for DMII  & prediabetes, and what you can do to take back the advantage and lose weight.

    Click HERE to register for the Intermittent Fasting Workshop on September 15th at 4pm ET.

    Click HERE to schedule your complimentary consult.

    Click here to visit the website: www.doctorlarocca.com





  • Click HERE to sign up for an Intensive Weight Loss Workshop with Dr. LaRocca.

    Ways to work with my Personal Fitness Trainer, Lisa Munn:
    - Rise Above Breast Cancer 
    - Anytime Fitness, Hockessin, DE

    National Weight Control Registry (Research Link): http://www.nwcr.ws/Research/default.htm

    Show notes:
    When most people think of exercise, they imagine things like running on a treadmill, aerobics, and weight lifting. Which is correct, yes, those are all examples of exercise. However, exercise is also so much more. If running on a treadmill has you feeling like a hamster on a wheel, there are other options. There are even hidden ways of getting exercise that don’t feel like exercise at all. 

    Exercise is defined as “physical activity to sustain or improve health and fitness.”

    Before we discuss ways of getting your body moving, let’s discuss the many benefits that increased physical activity can have on your life. You may be surprised to find out that it isn’t limited to weight loss. 

    What are the benefits of exercise? 

    Improves mood. 

    Have you ever heard the term “runner’s high?” Ask anyone who has a regular exercise routine, they’ll all tell you how great they feel afterwards. Not only is there a sense of accomplishment, but there's a scientific reason why. When you exercise, you stimulate the natural endorphins in your brain. So you’ll get that “ahhhhhh” happy feeling when you’re done.

    Improves sleep. 

    Chances are you’ve been to a party, barbecue or beach where children are running around, hyper, having the best time. Parents usually make a comment about how well the children will be sleeping tonight. It’s true! Studies have shown that an increase in physical activity can be directly linked to the amount of slow wave sleep you get. Slow wave sleep refers to deep sleep, where the brain and body have a chance to rejuvenate. 

    Decreases pain.

    Maybe you’ve heard the term “A body in motion, stays in motion. A body at rest, stays at rest.” If you suffer from arthritis or some other painful physical ailment, you may equate movement with pain. However, making an effort to continue moving throughout the day can actually decrease your pain. *Please check with your Doctor to see if exercise is a good idea for your particular ailment.

    Improves your cardiovascular health.

    Improving blood sugar and reducing risk of Type II diabetes, or improving DMII for those already diagnosed. A Cochran review comparing 14 randomized controlled trials with 377 participants showed a decrease in HgbA1c of about 0.6% with exerciseReducing blood pressure and triglycerides, decreasing your risk of heart attack and stroke. 

    Improves brain function.

    Exercise improves blood flow to the brain which reduces inflammation, lowers the level of stress hormones and decreases the risk of cognitive impairment from dementia and Alzheimer’s. 

    Decreases fat tissue and increases muscle. 

    The most obvious and well-known reason people exercise, the changes in physical appearance. Think of your body like a furnace. Exercising “ignites the furnace” and uses our stored fat as energy to fuel our physical activity. The more physical activity, the more fat is burned for fuel.

  • We all know stress in some form or another, but did you know that stress can have a major
    impact on not just your psychological health, but your physical health as well?  Stress can even
    lead to fat accumulation and weight gain.

    In this podcast, we’ll go over the physical effects that stress takes on the body and some ways to combat the effects, reduce your overall stress and live a happier, healthier lifestyle.


    Grab your Free Weight Loss Workbook at DoctorLaRocca.com.

    Check out the corresponding blog at DoctorLaRocca.com/blog for more tips to decrease stress and anxiety. 

    *Disclaimer: I am a medical doctor, but I may be not your doctor. So the things I teach about are not to be used as medical advice. You should consult your physician to discuss what is best for you personally. 

  • The US Department of Agriculture (USDA) Dietary Reference Intakes (DRI) for protein is 0.8 to 2.0 g/kg/day depending on your level of physical activity, sex and age. 

    Protein calculator: https://www.nal.usda.gov/fnic/dri-calculator/

    So if you take your weight in pounds and divide it by 2.2 this will give you your weight in kg. Then multiple this by 0.8 and you will have your goal for daily protein intake.

    For example, if you weigh 200lbs, you will divide this by 2.2 which is 90.9. Then multiply by 0.8, which is about 73.  So your daily protein goal will be 73 grams.

    I will put a link in the show notes to the USDA website where you can calculate your protein needs based off of your weight and activity level.

    There are also special situations such as kidney disease, where protein intake may be limited even further so be sure to check with your doctor.

    Protein is important for weight loss because it improves satiety and does not lead to fat gain unless you eat it in excess. 

    Proteins break down to amino acids and are used by our body as building blocks for bone, muscle, skin, brain tissue, and parts of our DNA.

    In times of high energy demand, amino acids can be used as energy by being converted to glucose.  When you overeat protein, the amino acids can be converted to glucose and stored as fat. 

    Too little protein can lead to disease processes so we need balance.

    Plant based protein is best.  

    -       Quinoa is an example of a plant-based protein that contains all 9 essential amino acids, this means the ones that our body cannot make on its own.  It is a seed so it is also packed with healthy fats.  It is rich in vitamins and minerals such as folate and magnesium.  It is quick to make, only taking about 15 minutes.  There are over 120 varieties of quinoa: white, red, and other colored options.  They are all nutritious. 

    -       Nuts are high in protein and packed with healthy fats, all leading to increased satiety

    Other forms of protein are: 

    -       Fish, which can be dense in healthy fats such as DHA and EPA.  

    -       Land meats such as chicken, turkey, beef, and pork

    -       Animal products, such as eggs, cheese and milk

     Food type | Protein (grams) *approximate
     | Quinoa (1/2 cup) | 9g
     | Nuts (1 oz or ÂŒ cup) | 5g
     | Peanut butter (2 tbls) | 7g
     | Vegetables (1/2 cup) | 2g
     | Lentils (1/2 cup)  | 9g
     | Beans (1/2 cup)  | 8g
     | Tofu (6 oz) | 18g
     | Edamame (1/2 cup) | 8g
     | Milk (8 oz) | 8g
     | Yogurt (6 oz) | 5g
     | Greek yogurt (6 oz) | 15g
     | Cheese (1 oz, ~1 slice) | 7g
     | Cottage cheese (1/2 cup) | 14g
     | Egg (1) | 6g
     | Fish (6 oz) | 42g
     | Crab meat (1 oz) | 6g
     | Shrimp (4 pieces) | 18g
     | Lobster (1 oz) | 6g
     | Beef, chicken, turkey, pork (4 oz) | 28g

     Blog posts: https://www.doctorlarocca.com/blog/

  • How much water should you drink per day to lose weight?

    The right answer is that it depends on your health, your weight, and your activity level. 

    There are some medical conditions that affect the heart, liver, and kidneys where physicians will advise to restrict water intake.

    Generally, though, we recommend that healthy people take in about 8 cups per day. This is 64oz or about 2 liters of water.

    You can make this more enjoyable by added fruit such as cucumbers, lemons, or oranges!

    If you are exercising or working hard and sweating you will need more throughout the day.

    If that is the case, take breaks and listen to your thirst.

    Another way to guide your hydration is through your urine. Your urine should be clear or a light-yellow color. If it is dark, you are behind on fluids and dehydrated. 

    Dehydration can lead to weakness, fatigue, low blood pressure, confusion and dizziness & it can happen quick.

    Pay attention to this to stay healthy, increase your energy and help lose weight.

    How exactly does drinking water help us lose weight?

    -       First and fore most it increases our satiety, this is the feeling of being “full” for about 30 minutes 

    -       If your brain is telling you to eat and you don't think that you are physically hungry, drink a glass of water and recheck in with your body

    -       Learn the difference between your brain wanting food for dopamine or comfort and your physiological hunger signals

    -       It aids in digestion, and improves constipation by keeping our bowels regular

    -       It stabilized our gut flora which removes toxins and decreases inflammation


    Other benefits: 

    -       Improves circulation to give oxygen to our brain and organs

    -       Improves immune system so we get sick less or get better quicker if we are sick

    -       Regulates body temperature

    -       Less UTIs and kidney stones

    -       Hydration before exercise improves performance

    -       Hydration after reduces soreness by flushing lactic acid, cushioning the joints and stabilizing electrolytes

    I challenge you to track your water for 30 days and see if there is a difference in the way you feel. Use a water bottle with measurements on it so that you know how much water you are actually drinking throughout the day.

    Free Weight Loss Workbook ---> doctorlarocca.com

  • The key to good nutrition is to eat more, real, whole foods & less processed and packaged foods. This means less flour and sugar.

    Don’t overcomplicate this.

    There are so many weight loss “diets” out there, it is hard to keep track of what you should be doing.

    Just keep it simple and you can’t go wrong.

    The only thing you have to remember is that whole foods nourish your body, which processed foods cause weight gain and disease.

    Head over to DoctorLaRocca.com for more information!

  • Click here to book your FREE one-on-one weight loss coaching session: https://kristinedebodalarocca.as.me/mini

    Click here for more information about the 8-Week Intensive Weight Loss Group starting on June 7th: https://www.doctorlarocca.com/weight-loss-program/


    Have you ever eaten a huge bowl of ice cream, a whole bag of chips, or Ÿ to a whole pizza pie because you were stressed, overwhelmed, sad, depressed, or just plain bored?

    We have all been there. 

    What do all of these foods have in common? They are all refined carbohydrates or sugars.

    What do stress, overwhelm, sadness, depression, and boredom have in common? They are all emotions.

    Many times, we will buffer with food instead of choosing to feel our emotions. 

    Buffering means that you are literally doing anything else than experiencing the emotion. This could be literally scrubbing the floor, watching TV, playing games on your phone, or eating.

    Unconsciously, we want to feel comfort. And honestly, it may work in the moment because we are getting that dopamine surge, the feel-good hormone. But this doesn’t last. Now you’ve eaten all the things and are still left with the initial emotion that you were avoiding.

    Here is an example of an unintentional thought process: 

    Thought: I am overwhelmed because the world has given me too much to do and it’s not fair.

    Feeling: Anxious

    Action: Thought spiral continues, avoid the feeling by eating food.

    Result: Nothing gets accomplished; no work, tasks or self-care & I gain weight, great.

     This seems like a pity-party when we are going over it out loud.

    There is a better way.

    Here is an example of an intentional thought process: 

    Thought: I have plenty of time for the things that I choose to do.

    Feeling: Control

    Action: Plan ahead – child care, self-care, work in my business, taking care of patients, saying no when I don’t want to do something

    Result: I accomplish what I decide I will accomplish, and when. No buffering with food.


    Here is the secret. You have full control right now to change the way you are feeling. Only you have the power to be able to do that. Your thoughts create your feelings. Nothing else external can create a feeling. Only your thought about something in the world. 

     This is amazing because it means that you have direct control over what actions you take and the results you will see in your life. 


    So let’s get you started today:

    1.     I want you to think about a situation where you may be tempted to eat something unhealthy that you really don’t want to eat.

    2.     Then decide what feeling or emotion you need to generate to be able to make the healthy decision.

    3.     Finally, what thought can you have prepared and ready to go next time this situation rears its ugly head?


    *Disclaimer: I am a medical doctor, I am not your doctor.  So the things I teach about are not to be used as medical advice.  You should consult your physician to discuss what is best for you personally. 

  • Register for the FREE Weight Loss Webinar May 21st at 12pm-1pm ET:



    In this episode I give you tips today on how to accel your weight loss with intermittent fasting and give your pathophysiology details, because knowledge is power.


    The more you know the more likely you are to take good care of yourself.


    So, what is intermittent fasting? 


    It is when you give your body a break from food. Plain and simple.


    When we give our body a break from food, we get a break from blood sugar and the levels of insulin decrease. 


    Because as you remember, insulin rises in response to blood sugar to let it into the cells to be used for energy.


    In the absence of excess blood sugar, our body breaks down storage units of blood sugar to use them for energy. 


    Once the blood sugar stores, call glycogen, are used up -- our body generates an enzyme called lipase to break down fatty tissues and use them for energy. 


    This cannot occur when our insulin levels are high because high levels of insulin block lipase.


    SO to recap: when you are not eating food, your body uses your own fat for energy. 


    Why does this matter?


    For a long time we have been taught that eating multiple meals throughout the day boosts our metabolism and helps us to lose weight, but in reality out metabolism only burns about 10-15% 

    of those calories leaving the rest behind to be delt with as storage on the body.

    We can break this cycle.


    You get to decide when you will eat and what you will eat. 


    You do not have to conform to our societal patterns. 


    You do not have to eat 3 meals per day with 2 snacks.


    In fact if you are trying to lose weight, you SHOULD NOT be doing that. 


    However, there are special situations require eating small frequent meals with certain health conditions, such as women who are pregnant and suffering from nausea,

    breastfeeding moms who require additional calories, people who have low blood sugar, or someone who needs to take medication 3 times per day with meals.


    Generally this is tolerated really well and many people experience weight loss, increased energy levels, and are more in tune to their hunger signals. 


    How can you implement this:

    1)    Decide how many meals you will eat per day. 

    2)    Define your eating window, the is the number of hours during the day that you will eat and the number of hours during the day where you will fast.

    3)    Stop snacking.

    You got this!

  • During this episode I am going to teach you some of the the reasons you overeat. 


    To start, food can actually cause addiction.  When you eat foods that you enjoy, dopamine is released in the brain. This is the “pleasure, feel good” hormone. When you eat concentrated foods, such as flour and sugar, too much dopamine is release. Dopamine gives a short-term reward. 

    So the problem is that once we’ve had that surge of dopamine, our brain wants to have that again. But the way we interpret the pleasure gets blunted by our brains. What this means is that we do not get the same level of dopamine released as we did initially so we need to eat more and more concentrated foods – leading to OVEREATING.

    When you stop eating flour and sugar, you will go through withdraw! If you go through withdraw from eating a food---- that speaks to the potency and toxicity of these substances.

    Glucose, Fructose and Insulin:

    We talked about this in episode #2 about sugar, but to recap:

    Eating processed carbs and/or sugar leads to an increase in glucose and fructose which causes insulin to spike. Insulin's job is to open up the cells so our body can use blood sugar for fuel. When we eat concentrated foods we get a huge glucose surge leading to a surge in insulin. This leads to insulin resistance and lets the glucose hang around in the blood stream, causing a vicious cycle. Too much glucose in the blood reeks havoc on the body, but so does too much insulin. Too much insulin blocks an important signal from getting to our brain: the message that we are full and have had enough to eat – leading to OVEREATING.

    Leptin and Ghrelin:

    Leptin is the hormone that produces satiety, the feeling that we are full. Ghrelin is the hormone that tells our brain when we are hungry. Ghrelin "growls." Ghrelin is released when the stomach is empty and shut off when the stomach is stretched. When we eat the highly concentrated foods, they are absorbed rapidly and ghrelin continues to be produced by the stomach. At the same time, our insulin is spiking in response to the glucose and actually blocking the leptin, the satiety hormone, from reaching our brain.

    Eating small frequent meals keeps the stomach less distended and keeps the ghrelin following, leading to hunger throughout most of the day which ultimately – leads to OVEREATING.


    When your body is under stress from lack of sleep or from emotions it can lead to an increase in your cortisol levels. Increased cortisol levels cause an increase in blood glucose in anticipation for the fight or flight response in case your body needs an abundance of energy. But this causes a spike in insulin due to the load of blood sugar, again leading to insulin resistance. Too much cortisol – leads to OVEREATING. 

    So what can you do?

    -       Limit or eliminate flour and sugar

    -       Eat 2-3 meals daily without snacking

    -       Sleep 7-8 hours per night

    -       Keep your stress under control by managing your thoughts and managing your situations 

    You are going to have thoughts holding you back from doing these things, these are called limiting beliefs.

    Ask yourself:

    What limiting beliefs are holding you back from getting the results that you want?What change can you make today towards progress?

    You got this, I’m here supporting you and rooting for you!

    If you haven't yet, jump over to DoctorLaRocca.com and download the free Weight Loss Workbook. 

    If you are feeling generous, leave a review for this Podcast so more people will see it or share it with a friend who will benefit.

    Dr. Kristine LaRocca