
  • Hi everyone 👋

    Welcome back to this weeks episode of TLBC. Today we’re talking sleep chronotypes.

    Deanna is sharing all the details on sleep chronotypes, and all the good insights about sleep. We all know sleep is important to us. But beyond getting 8 hours a night, how can we really reap the benefits of our sleep and ensure we get quality sleep? It’s not as simple as going to bed early and rising early. Sleep is subjective to each individual and everyone has a unique sleep pattern they gain most from. Our discussion consists of how our chronotypes compare and what sleep looks like and feels like for us. We also talk about how important sleep is to our health and what benefits we can gain from keeping good sleep hygiene. Take a listen and share with us your sleep chronotypes and how you compare with us!

    Happy listening!

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • On today's episode of the TLBC we are playing You're Getting Old. While we are very aware that we are not senior citizens, we're definitely feeling the heat of not being able to keep up with todays generation, trends and more. This was a fun game that we picked up to see just how long we can hold on to our youth 😅 To play, we read each OLD prompt and see if we can answer them. If we can, we can save ourselves by answering our REDEEM prompt. If we can't, then we move up on our PATH card. The first one to top loses. Please remember that we are playing differently in a way that we can both play at the same time! This is really fun and allowed us to talk about our experiences growing up and . Come play with us and let us know if you can keep up with today's trends. Happy listening!

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  • Hi and welcome to another episode of TLBC! Today we are talking about growing up. We talk about the areas we grew up in, family relationships, and how our lives have manifested to what it is today. Between us, we have vastly different experiences growing up. White suburbia vs small town rural. Sibling vs only-child. Married parents vs divorced parents. Let's also not forget cultural differences. Regardless, two worlds meet and become best friends :) We talk about hardships and the differences we faced in two very different settings growing up, how our home setting affected our lives positively and negatively. We are both grateful to have had these experiences growing up and recognize how it affects our adult life and how to want to shape our adult lives; how many kids to have, do we want to get married, how to care for aging parents, and what roles we expect from our partners in mature relationships. Lets remember that we are still growing up. We are still reaching the age where we are looking into buying homes, seeing friends get married and start families, and settling into our careers. We are reaching 30 and STILL figuring all this out! I can remember younger me thinking 30 was old and I would have it figured out. Boy, were we wrong! It's incredible how generations change right before our eyes, and how the expectations differ from, say, our parents vs us today.

    Don't forget that life is all about learning and continuously growing!

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Happy new year everyone! Hope you are all enjoying the new year and have hopes for a better 2024! We sure are. Join us on this fun episode where we play a game called Don’t Get Me Started. A game where we HAVE TO get annoying and be angry over ANYTHING your partner gives you. There are two types of people in this world, take a listen and hear the dichotomy 😂

    We also touch base on our icks - things we are passionately annoyed about and don’t hesitate to rant on. You can tell it was quite therapeutic 😅

    Happy listening! 

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • That's a wrap, guys! We have wrapped up our first season of The Last Brain Cell for 2023. Join us in this last episode of the year where we talk about life updates, holidays, traditions, and what to anticipate for the new year! Oh, and if you're watching, we're sharing our Christmas gift exchange with you! Thank you so much for supporting us this year, and hanging in there with us as we figured out how to podcast, edit, and work the camera episode by episode. It has been an absolutely wonderful experience and has brought us all closer together. This experience has proven that it truly takes a village. We are so excited to come back in the new year with a fresh mindset and new ideas for you guys. Please share with us anything you'd like to see as we prepare for the next season of The Last Brain Cell. See you all in 2024! Hope you all have a wonderful holiday season and wishing you all the best in the new year!

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Hi everyone! Welcome to The Last Brain Cell. Today we are taking a deep dive into a few topics of psychology. We discuss clinical, cognitive, behavior, and biopsychology. Psychology is such a broad umbrella term for many parts of life. We think of therapy, counselors, conditioning, and the biological wiring of our minds. We are talking about color psychology and dreams. Colors can have a big impact on our moods. Think of the colors we select we paint our homes, what colors do we gravitate to. Studies have shown that colors correlate to different moods and emotions. Some colors are calming, some colors are romantic, some colors are somnolent. We learn the importance of color in our lives and how it can affect our psyche.

    On a different but related topic, we dig into the meaning behind dreams. Some people may analyze their dreams to a deeper meaning, some people don't. Regardless, it's fun to see how people perceive their dreams and what emotions trigger certain types. Studies have also shown that many people have similar dreams such as dreams of teeth falling out or dreams of falling. Personally I've found that my dreams differ now versus pre-antidepressants. I've also found that the depth my dreams differ when I take supplements such as magnesium. It's interesting to see how dreams are analyzed and what deeper meaning we can find in our subconscious.

    Share with us your thoughts on color psychology and dream psychology.

    Links to articles:





    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • On todays episode of The Last Brain Cell, we are talking survival. In the world we live in it’s no longer really about survival of the fittest. We have so much modern medicine and so many minders technologies to get us through life pretty easy. Of course, life happens and life becomes difficult in other ways. We face a different kind of survival. Sometimes we are forced off the grid and sometimes we go off the grid by choice such as tiny home/van life. 

    We are talking true survival mode today. Have you ever thought about how to survive out in the wild? Or how you’d fare in an apocalyptic world? What survival tools you would need? We pull a lot of media such as survival based reality shows and other TV shows such as Lost.

    Who do you think would do better in a survival situation?

    …It’s DeAnna for sure 😅

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • On todays episode of TLBC, we are having some fun with a spelling bee! Have you even tried to spell ‘tourniquet’ or ‘chrysanthemum’?

    There’s something about being put on the spot where the last brain cell stops working 😅

    Between me and DeAnna, we haven’t taken a spelling test since grade school. We surprised ourselves with how we did. It was an absolute blast filming this together. Play along and see if you can get these right with us!

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • On todays episode of The Last Brain Cell, we’re playing a game called Are You Smarter Than A Fifth Grader - a game you may all be familiar with. A game where we ask each other fifth grade level questions and see if we can CORRECTLY answer. Join us for this wild game of fifth grade trivia. We might not be smarter than a child after all 🤷🏻‍♀️

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Hi everyone! On todays episode of TLBC we’re talking high school. Listen in as we talk about our different high school experiences. We compare rural small town to suburbia. We talk about sports and extracurriculars, as well as reunions and keeping up with old friends. We also go into a little bit about the struggles of finding who we are as individuals at such an unfair time in life. Let us know what your high school experience was like - was it a positive one? What sports or music did you play? Would you go back and change anything?

    We had a great time reminiscing on our teenage years and we hope you enjoyed listening to todays episode! 

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Hi everyone! On todays episode of TLBC we’ve got girl talk. We are taking a deep dive into the struggles of being a girl. We discuss double standards, safety, hormones, birth control, and much more. Being a woman is no easy feat. Listen in as we complain about all the things we struggle with as women. There’s sure to be something you can relate to this episode! Happy listening!

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Welcome to another episode of The Last Brain Cell! Today we are doing another segment of Am I The A**Hole? Join us as we go through r/AITAH to determine if users are in fact the a**hole or not. AITAH has been such a fun segment on the podcast and we hope you enjoy the episode as much as we enjoyed making it!

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • On today’s episode of The Last Brain Cell we are talking organization. Many people find journaling, planners, and apps to be helpful in staying organized. We talk about the ways we stay organized and track our habits. You’ll come to find we are quite different in terms of organization…or lack there of. How do you maintain habit tracking or stay organized? Share with us your tips and tricks to organizing! 

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • On todays episode of The Last Brain Cell, we’re talking adult friendships. As DeAnna and I have entered our late 20s, we noticed how difficult it is to find and maintain new adult friendships. Friends come and go, and we’ve lost touch with many friends as we’ve gotten older. We learned that not all friendships look the same. We have friends where we go months without a word but understand that friendship is still there, while some other friendships may require some more maintenance. As for us, we are two best friends who found each other in our mid 20s and have thankfully been able to maintain it. Listen as we talk about how we’ve been able to stay friends amidst this crazy thing called life. Share with us your experiences with adult friendships!

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • On todays episode of The Last Brain Cell, we are joined by a special guest-Ben Delgado!!

    Ben has been very active in the fitness community, specifically in powerlifting!

    Join us as we discuss our experiences with health and fitness. How Ben has dabbled in the world of fitness from a young age and how to came to find a love for powerlifting. We’ll discuss how to navigate and feel confident in the gym. I express my fears with the gym and ask questions to debunk common beliefs of gym go-ers. We will also be discussing topics such as diet and supplementation. We had plenty of fun making this episode and I hope you feel a little better about the gym and lessen your fears surrounding it. Stay healthy and happy listening!

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • On today’s episode of The Last Brain Cell, we’re talking body positivity. Body positivity has been an awesome movement in recent time. We love seeing people love themselves for who they are in their own skin. To us, it means that everyone deserves to be loved and cherished for who they are no matter what color, shape, size, or orientation. It’s hard not to compare yourself to social norms and beauty standards when everyone tells you what you need to be beautiful and accepted. Trust when we tell you, it really doesn’t matter. You are beautiful. You are enough. Please love yourself. Above all, make the choice for you. We aren’t saying it’s easy. By no means is it easy. We have good days and bad days with our body image especially as our bodies have changed throughout adulthood. Join us as we talk about those changes, how we’ve struggled with it, and what we are doing to love ourselves. You might find we have a thing or two in common.

    Please share your experience and thoughts on the body positivity movement. What does it mean for you? How has your body changed? How do you love yourself?

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Have you ever come across a scenario with someone where you are asking yourself "am I the asshole?" On today's episode of The Last Brain Cell, we go through the AmITheAsshole subreddit where we read several stories where people are asking the public. Together we determine if they are, in fact, the asshole or not. While not our typical episode, we thought it would be fun to read some crazy stories and share our input. We work to see if there’s a way we can see both sides of the situation or not. It was such a refreshing change of pace to do this segment! We had a blast making this episode and we hope you enjoy! Happy listening!

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Many of us have deep rooted fears - rational or not - that we live with day-to-day. Are you afraid of heights? Maybe scared of spiders? How about public speaking? Afraid of the outdoors? These are just a few of the fears that many individuals live with. We are no different. On today's episode of The Last Brain Cell, we take a deeper look into our greatest fears. We're talking fears of getting old, open waters, needles, and storms. Listen as we talk about how we cope (or don't) with our fears. We also bring in our own thoughts on the recent catastrophic Titan submersible implosion. We also briefly talk about conspiracy theories and strange philosophical thoughts. Laugh with us as we use our last brain cell to piece together our thoughts on fears, recent events, and figuring out the deeper meaning of what it means to exist. Happy Listening!

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • On this episode of The Last Brain Cell, our conversation revolves around the 5 Love Languages:

    Acts of serviceReceiving giftsQuality timeWords of affirmationPhysical touch

    Many of us have heard of the 5 love languages and recognize where we lean on the love language map. Join us as we talk about our own love languages, what that looks like for us, as well as how it compares to our partners'. We are firm believers that understanding our love languages is crucial to successful relationships. Don't get us wrong - we are still navigating love languages but we have seen the difference that understanding love languages makes as we both progress in our long-term relationships.

    Share with us your love language and how it compares your partner's love language? What makes you feel loved? We'd love to hear from you!

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • On this episode of The Last Brain Cell, we discuss ✨therapy✨

    More and more individuals have been receiving therapy and counseling services in recent years in lieu of the COVID-19 pandemic and the growing support in mental health awareness. Join us as we talk about our healing journey, the hardships we faced and the lessons learned in this ongoing healing process.

    This episode only brushes the surface of our therapy experiences. We are excited to continue this conversation and we hope that each episode you listen to brings you a little bit of comfort in knowing that you are never alone. Let’s continue to learn and heal together 😊

    On a brighter note, we end this episode with some corny dad jokes in light of father’s day! Hope you have a good laugh with us!

    Happy listening!

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.