Martha Wells stops by for another installment of The Author's Shelf. Together, she and Craig discuss The Tiger's Daughter, the 2017 novel by K. Arsenault Rivera.
Check out Martha Wells' new projects: https://www.marthawells.com/
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Author Katie Hallahan drops by for a conversation with Craig about her experience going from game designer to author. What does she value in fiction and storytelling, and how did that impact both areas of her professional life?
Visit Katie and check out her books here: https://www.katiehal.com/
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Mangler du episoder?
Ryan, Todd, and Craig reunite for a discussion about Todd's experience with the Wheel of Time. And because they came with a real purpose in mind, of course you know that they won't stick to that at all. Buckle up for Rings of Power, adaptations, Star Wars, and pretty much anything else that crosses their distractible little minds.
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This episode was originally published on June 8, 2020
Craig, Ryan, and Megan reunite for the final part of the Lord of the Rings. Well, except for the appendices, and there will be an episode on that as well, it turns out. Anyway, for this one, they unlock the real meaning behind the Field of Cormallen scene, discuss why Frodo couldn't be the one who destroyed the Ring, and get one more verse recap from Craig.
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MUSIC: "Adventure Time" and "The Seven Seas" courtesy of https://www.philter.no/
Daniel Greene joins Craig and Ryan for this installment of the Author's Shelf series. Daniel selected Mort, the fourth installment in the Discworld series. Why did he select it? Actually, Daniel isn't quite sure, and he and the guys spend an hour trying to figure that out.
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...and buy his book
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This episode was originally released on May 3, 2020
Ryan, Megan, and Professor Craig (whose elbow patches are back from the shop and in better shape than ever) tackle book 5 of The Lord of the Rings. There are battles and ghosts and pirates and dramatic suicides, among many other exciting things, so Craig kicks off the discussion with ... 5 minutes about word order in the hobbits' speech. Riveting stuff, rest assured.
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MUSIC: "Adventure Time" and "The Seven Seas" courtesy of https://www.philter.no/
This episode was originally published on April 14, 2020
Craig, Ryan, and Megan reunite remotely for the next installment of their Lord of the Rings series of podcasts. Up today, Book 4, or the latter half of The Two Towers. In these ten chapters, we follow Frodo, Sam, and Gollum through the Emyn Muil, the Dead Marshes, Ithilien, and Shelob's Lair. The panelists will discuss the split nature of the narrative, Sam's place in the reader's experience, and why Gollum's final betrayal is possibly Tolkien's best writing in all of The Lord of the Rings.
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MUSIC: "Adventure Time" and "The Seven Seas" courtesy of https://www.philter.no/
In this episode, author James Kennedy stops by to chat with Craig about predestination in speculative fiction. He's got four basic categories of determinism, and they walk through each, with a fine-toothed, good-humored comb.
Originally released on August 22, 2022
Check out James Kennedy's website
And his new book, Dare to Know
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Originally published January 11, 2015.
Craig and Ryan tackle their first game of Dungeons and Dragons and they are natural....ly poor at figuring it out at the start. Join the Legendarium crew at HaJoMaJe games for the abbreviated adventure into never winter and the quest for the best 401k option available to adventurers.
Originally released October 31, 2019
Do video game movies always suck? Maybe not. But they're never actually good, either. Why is that? Craig and Kyle are joined by Adam Sherlock from Deep Dive Film School to spend, oh...maybe 5 minutes teasing out the answer to the question at hand, and 45 minutes just laughing about terrible video game movies.
Check out Sherlock's show, Deep Dive Film School, in audio or video form.
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Music: "The Seven Seas" courtesy of https://www.philter.no/
Originally released August 18, 2020
Ryan joins Craig and spins the Wheel of Tangents for the first time ever! They answer over a dozen questions submitted by patrons, including tough-to-visualize elements of books, their favorite love stories, and what they'd be reading if they weren't making a podcast.
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Music: "The Seven Seas" courtesy of https://www.philter.no/
This episode was originally released on March 16, 2020
Craig, Ryan, and Megan (no Kyle today) talk about book 3 of The Lord of the Rings, being the first half of The Two Towers.They take on the entrelacement writing technique Tolkien employs, Aragorn's character arc (yep, he has one!), and the nature of the palantiri. Craig is of course back with his recap poem, but Megan decides to one up him by singing on this episode. Trigger warning.
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MUSIC: "Adventure Time" and "The Seven Seas" courtesy of https://www.philter.no/
Originally released May 25, 2020.
Veronica Roth, bestselling author of the Divergent series and the brand-new, adult-oriented fantasy Chosen Ones, joins Craig and Ryan to discuss her pick for the Author's Shelf podcast series. Veronica had the guys read Dark Lord of Derkholm, a 1998 fantasy parody by Diana Wynne Jones. The trio has a good time picking apart a few of the key characters and themes of the book, and Veronica enlightens the group on the personal connection between Jones and Tolkien.
Visit Veronica's website and check out Chosen Ones
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Music: "Adventure Time" and "The Seven Seas" courtesy of https://www.philter.no/
Originally released April 26, 2020
Craig is joined by author Maram Taibah to discuss the assertion, "Great art has an age floor but no age ceiling." They get into contextual issues, content issues, and what place YA fiction has to play in this discussion. They also talk about Maram's book, Weathernose, and Craig gets an education on "children's steampunk."
Check out Maram's website and Instagram
Buy Weathernose
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Music: "The Seven Seas" courtesy of https://www.philter.no/
This episode was originally released on January 27, 2019
Craig and Ryan welcome a new panelist, Brandon Sanderson (maybe you've heard of him?). The three of them discuss The Truth, the 25th book in Terry Pratchett's Discworld series. Spoiler alert, technically, because we range all over the story, as usual. But as we mention during the show, this isn't the type of book with which you should be overly concerned about spoilers; it's delightful and hilarious regardless of what you know about it. Enjoy the episode!
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MUSIC: "Adventure Time" and "The Seven Seas" courtesy of https://www.philter.no/
What in the h-e-double-hockey-sticks is this book, anyway? Craig brings Drew back for one final discussion on Matthew Stover's Acts of Caine series. They wrap up with book 4, Caine's Law, which is a book about ... something. The guys will try to figure that out.
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This episode was originally released on March 1, 2020
Craig, Ryan, Megan, and Kyle discuss the second book in The Lord of the Rings--or to put it another way, the second half of The Fellowship of the Ring. They get into lots of listener questions, like whether the Rivendell chapters are too long, whether balrogs should have wings, whether the fellowship sufficiently mourns Gandalf, and much, much more. Enjoy!
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MUSIC: "Adventure Time" and "The Seven Seas" courtesy of https://www.philter.no/
This episode was originally released October 27, 2019.
The Ladies of the Legendarium are back! And this time, Stephanie, Megan, and Kate are joined by Sara Hanks to discuss Michael Ende's classic book, The Neverending Story. There's laughing and crying, and a whole lot of love -- old and new -- for this particular book.
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Twitter: https://twitter.com/LegendariumPod
MUSIC: "Adventure Time" and "The Seven Seas" courtesy of https://www.philter.no/
This episode was originally released October 17, 2019.
Weeks Week begins on Monday with the release of The Burning White, but we thought we'd get a jump on it by airing a few minutes of Brent Weeks spinning The Wheel of Tangents. Brent answers eight questions scientifically designed in a lab to help us get to know one of our favorite authors a little bit better. (Narrator: "There was, in fact, no lab.") Enjoy!
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Twitter: https://twitter.com/LegendariumPod
MUSIC: "Adventure Time" and "The Seven Seas" courtesy of https://www.philter.no/
This episode was originally released February 9, 2020. The other episodes in this series are #268, #270, #274, #277, and #281.
The time has come! Six years ago Craig and Ryan kicked off the Legendarium podcast with a read-through of the Lord of the Rings. Now they're back, and they've got Kyle and Megan in tow as well. In this episode they discuss a bit about the hobbits, the pacing, the poetry and the reasons for Gandalf's 17-year absence. If you're hoping to get your fix of Professor Craig, stick around, because that mostly happens toward the end. A note: If you're looking for an in-depth discussion of the minutiae of this book, look elsewhere! But you can enjoy a discussion amongst friends loosely based around the first book of The Lord of the Rings.
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MUSIC: "Adventure Time" and "The Seven Seas" courtesy of https://www.philter.no/
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