We're number 1! Or, at least, the issue this episode is about is #1!
Show Notes:
Run Time: 1:29:29
Hey! It's time to introduce a character who has been around for a long time but we've barely talked about! No, not Ra. We've said so much about him. Instead, we finally talk about Calypso! (And just in time for the upcoming Bugbear episode...)
But before that, join us next week for a live show! Are you on The Patreon? You should be! Join us!
Vampires! In March? I guess so!
Show Notes:
Run Time: 1:38:25
We get to do a bunch of storytelling things in this story that we've wanted to attempt for some time and haven't really had the opportunity to do so. Does this episode mark the beginning of a new era of The Letters Page? Well, I wouldn't go THAT far. But we did have a lot of fun, and we hope you enjoy the story!
Join us next week for a Writers' Room episode about Calpyso and Ra!
Mangler du episoder?
More Scions?! Sounds like a bad idea...
Show Notes:
Run Time: 1:57:01
We have a few ideas, but we're also creating mostly blind, which is often how we like it! We make up some Scions (and hint at others) and then answer a bunch of questions! That's how these things go!
Join us next week when we kick off March with a Prime Wardens story... with vampires!
We're back and we're live and we're gonna say a bunch of things!
Show Notes:
Run Time: 2:05:00
We haven't talked much this month about love and/or romance, but that ends now! We're making this happen! Or, at least, we're gonna take a swing at it!
Here's what we'll be talking about next month!
Tuesday, March 4th: Episode #311 - Writers' Room: Prime Wardens vs the Court of Blood
Tuesday, March 11th: Episode #312 - Writers' Room: Calypso vs. Ra
Tuesday, March 18th: Editor’s Note #89
Tuesday, March 25th: Episode #313 - Writers' Room: A Bugbear Story
Love, meta things, meta-meta things, and more! In just over two hours! What more could you ask for?
A couple of papers about a programming language with Sentinels references? Deal! Look here and here!
Join us next week for a Scionic Creative Process!
What bizarre vision have we crafted this time?!
Show Notes:
Run Time: 1:30:08
Man, the story on this one came together QUICK! Especially for something that we knew so little about at the start. Pretty cool! And good thing, too, as there were a BUNCH of follow-up questions from a recent episode about a particular future...
Join us this coming Friday for a live show! Want to watch live and even join in the live chat? Consider joining our Patreon!
K.N.Y.F.E.! No Punch!
Show Notes:
Run Time: 1:49:09
We may have bit off more than we can chew with this one... but we'll do our best!
Actually, it turned out really well, in our opinion, making us stretch as creators and also making Paige Huntly stretch as a character. Success!
We're into February now, so 2025 is well under way, and we've got a lot we want to do this year! Bear with us! (pls help)
Join us next week for a Disparation Writers' Room about a modern hero reimagined to fit the Golden Age! Who? How? WHY?!
Who can say?
Time will tell.
Catch you next time!
Come and hear tell of our PROPHES1ES!
Show Notes:
Run Time: 2:44:12
This one ran pretty long AND I tried to skip the banter at the beginning (entirely unsuccessfully) AND we didn't even cover every little bit of what we wanted (which we get into in the episode) AND we tried to speed up in the second half (with only marginal successful) but it's a big topic, and we've been percolating on parts of this one for a long time. I'm very happy with the stuff we came up with, and it's fertile creative soil for more, certainly!
We're recording next week's episode — Episode #308 - Writers' Room: K.N.Y.F.E. can’t just punch her way out of a situation — TOMORROW, on January 29th, as I'll be out of town on Friday, our normal recording time. So get your K.N.Y.F.E. questions in now NOW NOW!
We were live for the first time this year!
Show Notes:
Run Time: 1:32:51
Lots of goofs, silliness, mistakes, apologies, answers, justifications, and ridiculous listener interactions (encompassing interactions that are ridiculous AND listeners who are ridiculous — you know who you are), all of which means: it's another Editor's Note! Thank you all for being a part of this.
We also announced the upcoming schedule:
Tuesday, February 4th: Episode #308 - Writers' Room: K.N.Y.F.E. can’t just punch her way out of a situation
Tuesday, February 11th: Episode #309 - Writers' Room: Disparation: a modern hero in the Golden Age
Tuesday, February 18th: Editor’s Note #88
Tuesday, February 25th: Episode #310 - Creative Process: Other Scions of OblivAeon
Also, we had another installment of the Yarniverse from our industrious listener Kyrie Wynne! Featuring...
Craft-ain Cosmic!
The Darn-gent Adept!
and Weave!
We love them.
Join us next week for yet another Creative Process episode! About a distant future limited series? What could that possibly mean?! You'll just have to listen to find out!
These two need to calm down.
Show Notes:
Run Time: 1:38:04
We come out the gates swinging with this one, telling a tale we didn't necessarily expect, including characters we hadn't planned for! And then we also read your letters! Woo!
Join us this coming Friday for a live show, that is, if you're on the Letters Page Patreon!
It's snowy and cold, but it wasn't when we recorded this! The passage of time is astounding!
Show Notes:
Run Time: 1:44:00
We make up a few villains, as is our way, each of a different sphere of Tempest's interest and influence. The first is one we've apparently talked about before, though folks forgot, including us as well! Anyway, we talked more about her than ever before, so I'm happy with that. The other two? Entirely new stuff out of various fields which you may or may not expect. Hopefully it's a good listen! We certainly enjoyed it.
Join us next week for another episode, this one a more typical Writers' Room sort of thing! What about? Why, Bloodless Wraith and Haunted Fanatic, of course! Just normal cheerful January stuff! See you then!
Welcome to 2025, everyone!
Did you think you would get a mini-sode on Tuesday, even after we expressly told you we would NOT be posting such a thing?
Well, so did we! Unfortunately, The Fates had other plans, and Trevor was laid low by the throat of strep! Thus, you get this lil snippet a couple days later. But it still counts! Instead of a very end of 2024 mini-sode, enjoy this very beginning of 2025 mini-sode!
And even while sick, Trevor managed to outdo himself on the audio on this one. Wild. That guy. He's gotta take a break at some point! That's what we want!
Anyway, we shall get back to normal episodes next week. Until then, keep running. We'll catch you... WE'LL CATCH YOU!
Is The Scholar simply having a wonderful Christmastime? It doesn't look like it...
Show Notes:
Run Time: 1:23:27
A Christmas tale on this Christmas Eve, but unlike the standard fare! We did a lot of prework on this episode so we could just get right into the telling, given the challenge of a holiday tale of a... less cheery sort. So, far from the longest episode this year, but also far from the shortest!
Happy holidays, everyone! See you all next year!
The last live show of the year!
Show Notes:
Run Time: 1:26:04
Here at the end of the year, we cover so many different topics! Certainly a wide variety of things, and not a singular focus...
Anyway, here's what we're talking about at the start of next year!
Tuesday, January 7th: Episode #305 - Creative Process: Tempest Foes
Tuesday, January 14th: Episode #306 - Writers’ Room: Bloodless Wraith and Haunted Fanatic
Tuesday, January 21st: Editor’s Note #87
Tuesday, January 28th: Episode #307 - Creative Process: Distant Future Limited Series
Join us next week for an episode about Santa Scholar! What could that even be?! Who can say? With time, you will know.
Necrosis is gross! Can Akash'Thriya do anthing about it?!
Show Notes:
Run Time: 1:10:34
The shortest episode we've recorded in a long time! But not because we short-change the story or anything; it just turned out that way.
This coming Friday is our last show of 2024! Come join us for an end-of-year Editor's Note! Everyone on our Patreon can watch, and Contributors can join in the live chat. We hope to see you there!
Let's get STICKY!
Show Notes:
Run Time: 1:42:56
Will this be the final moment of Setback?! How can he survive such a defeat?!?! You'll just have to listen to find out!
We've already recorded next week's episode about Akash'Thriya and Necrosis, but the following week will be the last Editor's Note of the year, followed by a Santa Scholar holiday episode!
If you're at PAX Unplugged this weekend, come by and say hi! We've got a booth with Flat River Group, and Paul and Matt Kroll and I will be running a COMPILE tournment all day Sunday! We hope to see some of you there!
Wait, this is a Creative Process? But then why does it have this cover...?
Show Notes:
Run Time: 2:37:13
Yup, another 2+ hour episode, and you'll hear why once you start listening! We definitely set out to make a Writers' Room, but it ended up being a bunch of lightning round Writers' Rooms! Whoops? Sorry? (Not really sorry.)
Do we answer the question of "Who is Deathfiend?" Yes! And no. But also yes? Listen and learn more!
Get your questions about Setback and The Adhesivist, and also Akash'Thriya and Necrosis! Those episodes are coming up in the recording schedule SO VERY SOON!
Good morning, everyone!
Show Notes:
Run Time: 1:53:03
A long Editor's Note! What is happening?! And it's not just because of the frankly-not-good-radio unboxing at the end of the recording! But first, the upcoming schedule:
Tuesday, December 3rd: Episode #302 - Writers’ Room: Setback vs The Adhesivist
Tuesday, December 10th: Episode #303 - Writers’ Room: Akash’Thriya vs Necrosis
Tuesday, December 17th: Editor’s Note #86
Tuesday, December 24th: Episode #304 - Writers’ Room: Santa Scholar
Tuesday, December 31st: No Episode! End of year break!
And that'll bring us right up to 2025! Thrilling!
We'll be recording both Episodes #302 & #303 Wednesday of next week as a result of holiday times, so get your questions about Setback, The Adhesivist, Akash'Thriya, and Necrosis all in ASAP! Please!
Join us next time as we ask the age-old question: just who IS Deathfiend?
A long episode for our three-hundredth!
Show Notes:
Run Time: 2:38:08
A big episode, indeed! We come in with a hint of a plan, tell a couple stories, and then go to the Letters section, where we tell even more stories!
If you're on the Letters Page Patreon, you can join us this coming Friday for a live show! And if you're not on the Patreon... consider joining? It's a great time! Check it out!
Let's get Rambly!
Show Notes:
Run Time: 1:52:13
This one is a DOOZY! Rambler, Biomancer, even GloomWeaver?! And we come into it cold and do it all live?! Spooky month, indeed! We hope you enjoy it — we certainly did!
Next week is a live show, so consider joining our Patreon at any level so you can join us live! Contributors can be in the chat with comments, questions, and more!
And, most importantly, don't forget to VOTE!
The Delusional Comedy!
Show Notes:
Run Time: 1:47:16
Guise is back! And he's extra ridiculous! As per usual!
We find our hero in unexpected realms accompanied by a mysterious guide and dealing with Guise's worst nemeses: the consequences of his own actions. How horrible!
With this episode, we wrap up the spooky month of October... and move into the even spookier month of November! Send us questions for next week's Episode #299 - Writers’ Room: Rambler vs Biomancer!
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